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2024 Resurrection Brochure

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The Memorial Wall is located in the Resurrection Garden,just outside the angel stained glass windows. Ribbons, 6x1inch plaques, may be purchased to remember deceasedpersons, especially those who may be buried elsewhere.WHOSE NAME MAY BE INCLUDED ON THEMEMORIAL WALL?The name of any deceased loved one may be included.WHAT IS THE COST OF A RIBBON?Each ribbon costs $250. It is engraved with the individual’sname and dates of birth and death. HOW MANY NAMES CAN BE INSCRIBED ON EACHRIBBON?Only one name can be engraved on each ribbon.MAY I SELECT ANY SPOT I CHOOSE ON THE WALL?Ribbons will be installed in vertical columns in the orderthat orders are received. Married couples whose ribbonsare ordered at the same time will be placed one below theother. For a married couple, another ribbon space can bepurchased below the deceased’ ribbon for future use.The top row of the Memorial Wall is reserved for pastorsand deacons of Saints Francis & Clare of Assisi parish.HOW DO I ORDER A RIBBON FOR THE MEMORIALWALL?Print and complete the order form and return it to SaintsFrancis & Clare of Assisi parish along with payment. Theorder form can also be completed online, but ribbons willnot be ordered until payment has been received.ColumbariumMORE INFORMATIONJoy Burianek, Resurrection 317.859.4673 ext. 119The Lord is my Shepard;I shall not want.-Psalm 23:1RESURRECTIONGARDENThe Resurrection Garden at Saints Francis & Clare ofAssisi is a columbarium collection of niches designed tohouse urns containing cremated human remains(cremains). Inscribed with the person’s name anddates of birth and death, columbaria are constructedto serve as permanent structures in churchyards orwithin churches themselves.The Resurrection Garden at Saints Francis & Clare ofAssisi is consecrated ground. The site provides areverential place of interment of cremated remains ina garden setting for visitation, remembrance, andprayer for the deceased. The entrance to theResurrection Garden is by the church Bell Tower.The Resurrection Garden is self-funded, using incomederived from the sale of niches for construction andmaintenance.MAY CATHOLICS BE CREMATED?Yes. In May 1963, the Vatican lifted the prohibitionforbidding Catholics to choose cremation. Thispermission was incorporated into the revised Code ofCanon Law of 1983 (Canon#1176), as well as into theOrder of Christian Funerals. It then became possible tocelebrate the funeral liturgies with the body and thentake the body to a crematorium.MEMORIAL WALLSaints Francis & Clare of Assisi5901 Olive Branch RoadGreenwood, IN 46143317.859.4673 ss-fc.orgC A T H O L I C C H U R C HScan forOnline Order Form

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WHAT IS THE COST OF A NICHE?Pricing varies depending on the wall chosen. ฀A niche in the Chapel or San Damiano Wall is $4,750฀A niche in one of the Stations of the Cross is $5,500. Full payment may be made at time of purchase, or a 23-month payment option is available.WHOSE REMAINS MAY BE INURNED IN THERESURRECTION GARDEN?The columbarium is for the use of members of theSaints Francis & Clare of Assisi parish and theirfamilies, as well as present and former registeredmembers of any Catholic parish of the Archdiocese ofIndianapolis. Only married couples may be placedtogether in the same niche. Additional niche walls willbe installed as needed, so the number of nichesavailable at any one time may be limited.Only human remains may be inurned in the columbarium.HOW WILL THE NICHES BE MARKED?Each niche will provide the person’s legal name anddates of birth and death. Inscriptions will be of auniform size on the faceplate of the niche. Militaryemblems for veterans may be included on thefaceplate if desired.No engraving will be done until payments are complete.MAY I SELECT THE NICHE I WANT?Yes, applicants may select from any of the availableniches and the selected niche will be reserved uponthe completion of the application. Rights to the niche chosen become permanent uponcompletion of payments.FREQUENTLY ASKEDQUESTIONSBENEFITS OF A COLUMBARIUMSpiritual Site for Final Resting – Our ResurrectionGarden is a sacred place of beauty and dignitywhere loved ones can visit and meditate at anytime.Simplicity of Planning – The purchase of acolumbarium niche eliminates the need forchoosing a burial site, casket, vault, and monument.In addition, the Funeral Mass or service andinurnment may take place at the same location andtime.Financial Savings – With the columbarium,significant costs may be limited to cremation, theniche, and the funeral home expenses.WHO ADMINISTERS THE RESURRECTIONGARDEN?The Resurrection Garden Columbaria are a ministryof Saints Francis & Clare of Assisi Parish. TheResurrection Garden Committee advises the Pastor,who oversees the operation of the ResurrectionGarden.WHAT DOES THE PURCHASE OF A NICHEINCLUDE?The purchase will include a single or doubleoccupancy niche, an urn for each individual to beinurned, opening and closing, engraving of thefaceplate with up to two names, and perpetual care.WHAT IF I HAVE ALREADY MADE OTHERARRANGEMENTS?Should you prefer inurnment at the ResurrectionGarden instead, you should contact the facility withwhich you made arrangements to learn howthose arrangements can be terminated.WHAT HAPPENS IF I PURCHASE A NICHE ANDDECIDE LATER, FOR ANY REASON, NOT TOUSE IT?Saints Francis & Clare of Assisi Parish can assist youin transferring ownership rights to another Catholicregistered in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. Theniche may not be re-sold or used by anyone otherthan those listed in the original agreement.COLUMBARIUM WALLSStations of the CrossColumbarium Wall with 16 niches.Columbarium Wall with 24 nicheson two sidesColumbarium Wall withwith 12 niches on two sidesand 9 niches on two sidesMemorial Wall with ribbons, 6x1 inch plaquesMEMORIALWALL

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WHAT IS THE COST OF A NICHE?Pricing varies depending on the wall chosen. ฀A niche in the Chapel or San Damiano Wall is $4,750฀A niche in one of the Stations of the Cross is $5,500. Full payment may be made at time of purchase, or a 23-month payment option is available.WHOSE REMAINS MAY BE INURNED IN THERESURRECTION GARDEN?The columbarium is for the use of members of theSaints Francis & Clare of Assisi parish and theirfamilies, as well as present and former registeredmembers of any Catholic parish of the Archdiocese ofIndianapolis. Only married couples may be placedtogether in the same niche. Additional niche walls willbe installed as needed, so the number of nichesavailable at any one time may be limited.Only human remains may be inurned in the columbarium.HOW WILL THE NICHES BE MARKED?Each niche will provide the person’s legal name anddates of birth and death. Inscriptions will be of auniform size on the faceplate of the niche. Militaryemblems for veterans may be included on thefaceplate if desired.No engraving will be done until payments are complete.MAY I SELECT THE NICHE I WANT?Yes, applicants may select from any of the availableniches and the selected niche will be reserved uponthe completion of the application. Rights to the niche chosen become permanent uponcompletion of payments.FREQUENTLY ASKEDQUESTIONSBENEFITS OF A COLUMBARIUMSpiritual Site for Final Resting – Our ResurrectionGarden is a sacred place of beauty and dignitywhere loved ones can visit and meditate at anytime.Simplicity of Planning – The purchase of acolumbarium niche eliminates the need forchoosing a burial site, casket, vault, and monument.In addition, the Funeral Mass or service andinurnment may take place at the same location andtime.Financial Savings – With the columbarium,significant costs may be limited to cremation, theniche, and the funeral home expenses.WHO ADMINISTERS THE RESURRECTIONGARDEN?The Resurrection Garden Columbaria are a ministryof Saints Francis & Clare of Assisi Parish. TheResurrection Garden Committee advises the Pastor,who oversees the operation of the ResurrectionGarden.WHAT DOES THE PURCHASE OF A NICHEINCLUDE?The purchase will include a single or doubleoccupancy niche, an urn for each individual to beinurned, opening and closing, engraving of thefaceplate with up to two names, and perpetual care.WHAT IF I HAVE ALREADY MADE OTHERARRANGEMENTS?Should you prefer inurnment at the ResurrectionGarden instead, you should contact the facility withwhich you made arrangements to learn howthose arrangements can be terminated.WHAT HAPPENS IF I PURCHASE A NICHE ANDDECIDE LATER, FOR ANY REASON, NOT TOUSE IT?Saints Francis & Clare of Assisi Parish can assist youin transferring ownership rights to another Catholicregistered in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. Theniche may not be re-sold or used by anyone otherthan those listed in the original agreement.COLUMBARIUM WALLSStations of the CrossColumbarium Wall with 16 niches.Columbarium Wall with 24 nicheson two sidesColumbarium Wall withwith 12 niches on two sidesand 9 niches on two sidesMemorial Wall with ribbons, 6x1 inch plaquesMEMORIALWALL

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WHAT IS THE COST OF A NICHE?Pricing varies depending on the wall chosen. ฀A niche in the Chapel or San Damiano Wall is $4,750฀A niche in one of the Stations of the Cross is $5,500. Full payment may be made at time of purchase, or a 23-month payment option is available.WHOSE REMAINS MAY BE INURNED IN THERESURRECTION GARDEN?The columbarium is for the use of members of theSaints Francis & Clare of Assisi parish and theirfamilies, as well as present and former registeredmembers of any Catholic parish of the Archdiocese ofIndianapolis. Only married couples may be placedtogether in the same niche. Additional niche walls willbe installed as needed, so the number of nichesavailable at any one time may be limited.Only human remains may be inurned in the columbarium.HOW WILL THE NICHES BE MARKED?Each niche will provide the person’s legal name anddates of birth and death. Inscriptions will be of auniform size on the faceplate of the niche. Militaryemblems for veterans may be included on thefaceplate if desired.No engraving will be done until payments are complete.MAY I SELECT THE NICHE I WANT?Yes, applicants may select from any of the availableniches and the selected niche will be reserved uponthe completion of the application. Rights to the niche chosen become permanent uponcompletion of payments.FREQUENTLY ASKEDQUESTIONSBENEFITS OF A COLUMBARIUMSpiritual Site for Final Resting – Our ResurrectionGarden is a sacred place of beauty and dignitywhere loved ones can visit and meditate at anytime.Simplicity of Planning – The purchase of acolumbarium niche eliminates the need forchoosing a burial site, casket, vault, and monument.In addition, the Funeral Mass or service andinurnment may take place at the same location andtime.Financial Savings – With the columbarium,significant costs may be limited to cremation, theniche, and the funeral home expenses.WHO ADMINISTERS THE RESURRECTIONGARDEN?The Resurrection Garden Columbaria are a ministryof Saints Francis & Clare of Assisi Parish. TheResurrection Garden Committee advises the Pastor,who oversees the operation of the ResurrectionGarden.WHAT DOES THE PURCHASE OF A NICHEINCLUDE?The purchase will include a single or doubleoccupancy niche, an urn for each individual to beinurned, opening and closing, engraving of thefaceplate with up to two names, and perpetual care.WHAT IF I HAVE ALREADY MADE OTHERARRANGEMENTS?Should you prefer inurnment at the ResurrectionGarden instead, you should contact the facility withwhich you made arrangements to learn howthose arrangements can be terminated.WHAT HAPPENS IF I PURCHASE A NICHE ANDDECIDE LATER, FOR ANY REASON, NOT TOUSE IT?Saints Francis & Clare of Assisi Parish can assist youin transferring ownership rights to another Catholicregistered in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. Theniche may not be re-sold or used by anyone otherthan those listed in the original agreement.COLUMBARIUM WALLSStations of the CrossColumbarium Wall with 16 niches.Columbarium Wall with 24 nicheson two sidesColumbarium Wall withwith 12 niches on two sidesand 9 niches on two sidesMemorial Wall with ribbons, 6x1 inch plaquesMEMORIALWALL

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The Memorial Wall is located in the Resurrection Garden,just outside the angel stained glass windows. Ribbons, 6x1inch plaques, may be purchased to remember deceasedpersons, especially those who may be buried elsewhere.WHOSE NAME MAY BE INCLUDED ON THEMEMORIAL WALL?The name of any deceased loved one may be included.WHAT IS THE COST OF A RIBBON?Each ribbon costs $250. It is engraved with the individual’sname and dates of birth and death. HOW MANY NAMES CAN BE INSCRIBED ON EACHRIBBON?Only one name can be engraved on each ribbon.MAY I SELECT ANY SPOT I CHOOSE ON THE WALL?Ribbons will be installed in vertical columns in the orderthat orders are received. Married couples whose ribbonsare ordered at the same time will be placed one below theother. For a married couple, another ribbon space can bepurchased below the deceased’ ribbon for future use.The top row of the Memorial Wall is reserved for pastorsand deacons of Saints Francis & Clare of Assisi parish.HOW DO I ORDER A RIBBON FOR THE MEMORIALWALL?Print and complete the order form and return it to SaintsFrancis & Clare of Assisi parish along with payment. Theorder form can also be completed online, but ribbons willnot be ordered until payment has been received.ColumbariumMORE INFORMATIONJoy Burianek, Resurrection 317.859.4673 ext. 119The Lord is my Shepard;I shall not want.-Psalm 23:1RESURRECTIONGARDENThe Resurrection Garden at Saints Francis & Clare ofAssisi is a columbarium collection of niches designed tohouse urns containing cremated human remains(cremains). Inscribed with the person’s name anddates of birth and death, columbaria are constructedto serve as permanent structures in churchyards orwithin churches themselves.The Resurrection Garden at Saints Francis & Clare ofAssisi is consecrated ground. The site provides areverential place of interment of cremated remains ina garden setting for visitation, remembrance, andprayer for the deceased. The entrance to theResurrection Garden is by the church Bell Tower.The Resurrection Garden is self-funded, using incomederived from the sale of niches for construction andmaintenance.MAY CATHOLICS BE CREMATED?Yes. In May 1963, the Vatican lifted the prohibitionforbidding Catholics to choose cremation. Thispermission was incorporated into the revised Code ofCanon Law of 1983 (Canon#1176), as well as into theOrder of Christian Funerals. It then became possible tocelebrate the funeral liturgies with the body and thentake the body to a crematorium.MEMORIAL WALLSaints Francis & Clare of Assisi5901 Olive Branch RoadGreenwood, IN 46143317.859.4673 ss-fc.orgC A T H O L I C C H U R C HScan forOnline Order Form

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The Memorial Wall is located in the Resurrection Garden,just outside the angel stained glass windows. Ribbons, 6x1inch plaques, may be purchased to remember deceasedpersons, especially those who may be buried elsewhere.WHOSE NAME MAY BE INCLUDED ON THEMEMORIAL WALL?The name of any deceased loved one may be included.WHAT IS THE COST OF A RIBBON?Each ribbon costs $250. It is engraved with the individual’sname and dates of birth and death. HOW MANY NAMES CAN BE INSCRIBED ON EACHRIBBON?Only one name can be engraved on each ribbon.MAY I SELECT ANY SPOT I CHOOSE ON THE WALL?Ribbons will be installed in vertical columns in the orderthat orders are received. Married couples whose ribbonsare ordered at the same time will be placed one below theother. For a married couple, another ribbon space can bepurchased below the deceased’ ribbon for future use.The top row of the Memorial Wall is reserved for pastorsand deacons of Saints Francis & Clare of Assisi parish.HOW DO I ORDER A RIBBON FOR THE MEMORIALWALL?Print and complete the order form and return it to SaintsFrancis & Clare of Assisi parish along with payment. Theorder form can also be completed online, but ribbons willnot be ordered until payment has been received.ColumbariumMORE INFORMATIONJoy Burianek, Resurrection 317.859.4673 ext. 119The Lord is my Shepard;I shall not want.-Psalm 23:1RESURRECTIONGARDENThe Resurrection Garden at Saints Francis & Clare ofAssisi is a columbarium collection of niches designed tohouse urns containing cremated human remains(cremains). Inscribed with the person’s name anddates of birth and death, columbaria are constructedto serve as permanent structures in churchyards orwithin churches themselves.The Resurrection Garden at Saints Francis & Clare ofAssisi is consecrated ground. The site provides areverential place of interment of cremated remains ina garden setting for visitation, remembrance, andprayer for the deceased. The entrance to theResurrection Garden is by the church Bell Tower.The Resurrection Garden is self-funded, using incomederived from the sale of niches for construction andmaintenance.MAY CATHOLICS BE CREMATED?Yes. In May 1963, the Vatican lifted the prohibitionforbidding Catholics to choose cremation. Thispermission was incorporated into the revised Code ofCanon Law of 1983 (Canon#1176), as well as into theOrder of Christian Funerals. It then became possible tocelebrate the funeral liturgies with the body and thentake the body to a crematorium.MEMORIAL WALLSaints Francis & Clare of Assisi5901 Olive Branch RoadGreenwood, IN 46143317.859.4673 ss-fc.orgC A T H O L I C C H U R C HScan forOnline Order Form