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2024 Premium Book

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Memies in the Making

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2 2023 Columbiana County Fair Board Officers & Directors Front2: Katie McCoy. Amanda Moore, Sally Hays, Michelle Crawford, Chelsea Lease, John Wolf, Sharen Cope Back: Tom Moore, Elmer Zimmerman, Scott Stear, Jim Morris, Rich Boyd, Dennis Flugan, Paul Lease Not Pictured: Keith Hawk, Ashley Wallace 2023 Royal Court As pictured L to R: Alexis Timmons Kaitlyn Black Jaylie Berresford Sara Bailey (4-H Queen) Timothy Brandon (4-H King) Marissa Stewart (2022 4-H Queen) Kate Slutz Elizabeth Wilson 2023 OFMA Outstanding Fair Supporter ~ Tom Moore~ Thank you for all of your contributions throughout the years!

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General Information…………...….….….…. ..…………..4 Office Hours……………………...……..…….…….……..5 Fair Board Directors/Departments….………….…...…....6 Junior Fair …………………………….…....………….......7 Ticket Prices & Information………….……………….…..8 Daily Schedule of Events……………………………..…...9 OSU Extension Information………………………..……10 Agricultural Hall of Fame………..……..………...……….11 Truck and Tractor Pulls .….……..….……......….…....12 –14 Campgrounds………………….…………….….….…….20 Antique Machinery Display………....…..………..…...….21 ODA Livestock Health/Tampering Exhibition Rules….22-24 Horse & Pony Pull ….…………....……………..….....…..25 Bike Night…...……....…………………….………....…....26 Bale Toss.. ……….…….……………………….…..……..26 Combine Demo Derby ……..…..….……….…..…...…...26 Auto Demo Derby .……..…..………………...……...…...26 Dept. 1 - Speed/Harness Racing …......….….….….……...27 Dept 2 - Horses & Ponies ...…...…..…..…......…….....28 - 32 Dept 3 - Dairy Cattle …………….………..….…..….33 –34 Dept 4 - Beef Cattle …..…..……….…..….….…...…...…35 Dept 5 - Sheep ……..…..………….…..….……...….…...36 Dept 6 - Goats .…….………………...…….……....…37 - 38 Dept 7 - Farm Products…………....…...….….………39 - 40 Dept 8 - Vegetables, Fruit ..………………..……..….41– 42 Dept 9 - Horticulture ...….………..………..…..….…43 - 46 Youth Division Only Guide…………….…......… …..…...47 Entry Forms & Online Entry How to Guide……..… 48 – 61 Dept 10 - Dept 13 Instructions….……………….………..62 Dept 10 - Culinary….……………………...….….....…63 - 67 Dept 11 -Textile … ……………...…........……. ……..68 - 71 Dept 12 - Arts & Crafts ....……….….…..……….…....72 - 73 Dept 13 - Photography…...…….…..….…...….….………74 Dept 14 - Granges & Education..…….…….….…..………75 2022 Sponsors, Donors & Auction Buyers….....….…….. 76 Financial Information…...……………………..……..….. 77 Fair Rules and Regulations ………….……...…..……78 - 80 Constitution of the Agricultural Society …...…...…...81—83 Fair History ………………………………………….…….84 Fair Dates - Ohio County Fairs…………….…….……85 - 86 Grandstand Schedule …………………….………..……..87 Quilts by Cope………………….………………...66 Regional EMS…………………………………….17 Roger’s Mill…...………………..….……….…….34 Sandy & Beaver Ins…………….…………………18 Simmons Grain Company……….…….…….…....13 Tapco…………………………………….…..…....16 THANK YOU TO OUR ADVERTISERS! Advertisers in the 2024 Premium Book are helping us to promote our fair and make this publication possible. Please support them and let them know you saw their ad in our book. Alleycat Spay & Neuter………………..………..….…19 Berger Electric …………………………………….….13 Columbiana County Port Authority……………….....18 Fair Housing Contact Services………………………..15 Holloway Insurance…………………………………..21 Pondi's…………………………………………………15 TABLE OF CONTENTS

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4 Annual Exhibitor & Membership Meeting Wednesday, November 20, 2024 7:00 pm at the Fair Administration Bldg. All members of the society and exhibitors are welcome to attend. NOTICE OF ELECTION Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024 Fair Administration Bldg. 11 am - 7 pm Election of Fair Board Directors *Must be a member of the Columbiana County Agricultural Society to vote. *Members must be resident of Columbiana County and age 18 or over. *Sale of membership tickets end at the close of the fair, August 4th, 2024. To become a member of the Society, you must purchase a ticket for $1 .00 at the fair oce ONLY. Tickets WILL NOT be sold outside of the oce. ** Mailing Address: PO Box 356, Lisbon, OH 44432 ** E-mail Address : ** Website: ** OSU Extension Oce: 330-424-7291 SPEED & HARNESS RACING, CONCESSION & TICKET OFFICE These oces are located by the historic archway on Lee Ave at the Gate A entrance. The Speed & Harness Racing Oce will be open the Sunday prior to fair week until Tuesday post race. Phone: 330-424-5159 FAIR ADMINISTRATION BUILDING The oces of the Secretary, Treasurer, and Junior Fair, as well as the Meeting Room are all located in the Fair Administration Building at the back of the fairgrounds next to the Beef Complex. The Administration Oce opens 3 weeks prior to fair week (check calendar for specic days and times) O season by appointment. Phone: 330-424-5531 Fax: 330-424-1308 FAIRBOARD MEETINGS The Columbiana County Fair Board meets the THIRD Wednesday of every month at 7:00 pm at the Fair Administration Building, unless otherwise noted. May and June meetings are held the First and Third Wednesday of the month; and in July the meetings are held every Wednesday. Any changes in the time and place will be posted on our website and FaceBook. GENERAL INFORMATION

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5 HOW TO ENTER: Entries can be made online via our website: Or print entry form from our website, bring completed entry form to the Main Fair Oce, located in the Administration Building, along with the proper entry fees, or mail to: Columbiana County Fair, PO Box 356, Lisbon OH 44432 Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Closed 1 Closed 2 Closed 3 Closed 4 Closed 5 Closed 6 Closed 7 Closed 8 9 am - 6 pm OFFICES OPEN 9 9 am - 6 pm 10 9 am - 6 pm 11 9 am - 6 pm 12 9 am - 6 pm 13 9 am – 3 pm ENTRY DEADLINE **ALL** OPEN CLASS 14 Closed 15 10 am - 4 pm 16 10 am - 4 pm 17 10 am - 4 pm 18 10 am - 4 pm 19 10 am - 4 pm 20 9 am - Noon 21 Closed 22 10 am - 4 pm 23 10 am - 4 pm 24 10 am - 4 pm 25 10 am - 4 pm 26 10 am - 4 pm 27 9 am - Noon Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat 28 11 am - 3 pm 29 FAIR 8 am - 9 pm Entry Day Gates Open 3 pm 30 FAIR 8 am - 9 pm 31 FAIR 8 am - 9 pm 1 FAIR 8 am - 9 pm 2 FAIR 8 am - 9 pm 3 FAIR 8 am - 9 pm 4 FAIR 8 am - 9 pm 5 10 am - 1 pm 6 10 am - 1 pm 7 10 am - 1 pm 8 10 am - 1 pm 9 10 am - 1 pm 10 CLOSED FOR SEASON AUGUST OFFICE HOURS & DEADLINES ADMINISTRATION/MAIN OFFICE ** Phone 330-424-5531 CONCESSION OFFICE ** Phone 330-424-5159 JULY *After Hours Appointments can be made by calling the oce *

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6 Sally Hays, Treasurer 330-429-0325 Term Expires November, 2025 Jim Morris ~ Faireld Township Paul Lease ~ Butler Township Chelsea Lease ~ Butler Township John Wolf ~ Center Township Term Expires November, 2026 Rich Boyd - Salem Township Dale Cusick - Unity Township Amanda Moore ~ Franklin Township Mark Rudebock—Salem Township Term Expires November, 2024 Sharen Cope ~ Butler Township Katie McCoy ~ Liverpool Township Scott Stear ~ Unity Township *Appointed Term Expires November, 2024 * Ray Bell * Josh Gaston * Troy Lindesmith * Owen Unkefer Admin. Asst……………………………………………………….Owen Unkefer Antique & Garden Tractor Pulls………………………………….…...Paul Lease Antique Tractors……………………………………………..…Troy Lindesmith Arts & Crafts……………………………….Sharen Cope, Chelsea Lease (Asst.) Bale Toss……….………………………………………………..Mark Rudebock Beef Dept………………………………………………………………Rich Boyd Bike Night…………………………………………………......Amanda C. Moore Bleacher/Grandstand Seating…………….………...……...…….Owen Unkefer Campground…………………………………….……...…………..Katie McCoy Church Service………………………………………….…………...Sharen Cope Combine Derby………………………………….…………..………...Paul Lease Comm. Service………………………………….....Mark Rudebock, Dale Cusick Concessions………………………...…………...Josh Gastn, John Wolf (Asst.) Dairy Dept…………………………………………………….…...Chelsea Lease Draft Horse & Pony……..........................................Sharen Cope, Chelsea Lease Dumpsters/Night Cleanup………………………..…………….…….Jim Morris Electrical…..…………………………………….Josh Gaston, John Wolf (Asst.) Emergency Management……………………………..……..Amanda C. Moore Entertainment…………………………………………….…………..Paul Lease Fire Depts………………………………………………………..……….Ray Bell First Aid/Ambulance…………………………………….……………….Ray Bell Flag Plaza………………………………………………….....Don Humphrey, Jr. Flowers & Vegetables………………..……Sharen Cope, Chelsea Lease (Asst.) Goat Dept………………………………………………………....Owen Unkefer Golf Carts…………………...………....Josh Gaston, Elmer Zimmerman (Asst.) Govt./Ed./Granges…………………………………………..………..John Wolf Grounds…..Owen Unkefer (Assts. Don Humphrey, Jr., Paul Boyd, Dennis Flugan) Haul-In/Out Coordinator………………………………………………Rich Boyd Hay & Grain……………………………...…Sharen Cope, Chelsea Lease (Asst.) Horse Pull…………………………………………………….…Mark Rudebock Ineld/Pits………………………………..……...Paul Lease, Scott Stear (Asst.) Insurance……………………………………………………………..Scott Stear Jr. Fair………………………………………………….…Rich Boyd, Scott Stear Jr. Fair Sales……………………………………………...……...…….John Wolf Jr. Fair – PAC………………………………………...………………...John Wolf Jr. Fair Youth Day…………………………………………………...Katie McCoy Manure Removal…………………………………………..……Troy Lindesmith Midway Stage…………………………………………….……..Troy Lindesmith O Season Rentals……………………………………..……………..John Wolf Parking ……………...……………………………………..………...Dale Cusick Porta johns……………………………………………….…………...Jim Morris Radios……………………………………………………………….Katie McCoy Restrooms…….……………....Amanda C. Moore, Ray Bell, Tom Moore (Asst.) Security………………………………………………...………...Mark Rudebock Sheep Dept…………………………………………………..………..Jim Morris Shuttles (Parking/Senior)……………………..Dale Cusick, Katie McCoy (Asst.) Signs……………………………………………………………...…...Jim Morris Sound……………………………………………………………….....John Wolf Speed/Harness Racing Dept…….……………………………...…….Paul Lease Tickets and Gates……………………………………………..Amanda C. Moore Truck/Tractor Pulls (F-S)……………………………………..……….Scott Stear Water………………………………………………Ray Bell, Tom Moore (Asst.) Sharen Cope 330-247-8557 Josh Gaston 330-692-2252 Scott Stear, President 330-853-1332 Paul Lease, Vice- President 330-853-5048 John Wolf 330-853-5048 Michelle Crawford, Secretary 330-881-3219 Troy Lindesmith 330-277-7254 Chelsea Lease 330-843-3299 Dale Cusick 330-831-9411 Rich Boyd 330-692-9085 Ray Bell 330-831-4973 Katie McCoy 330-853-1413 Amanda Moore 614-592-1390 Mark Rudebock 330-692-2556 Jim Morris 330-565-8357 Owen Unkefer 330-692-3613 2024 SENIOR FAIR BOARD DIRECTORS & OFFICERS EX-OFFICIO BOARD MEMBERS Paul Boyd Dennis Flugan Don W. Humphrey, Jr. Tom Moore Elmer Zimmerman Audrey Dimmerling - OSU Ext

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7 2024 JR. FAIR BOARD The Jr. Fairboard is a group of young men and women who assist with the various activities of the Jr. Fair. They work under the direction of the Jr. Fair Advisory Committee and in cooperation with the Columbiana County Agricultural Society. The membership is by appointment from within the various youth organizations. This appointment is determined by the Jr. Fair Board Constitution and may serve up to a three year term. THURSDAY, AUGUST 1th ~ @ 5:30 pm ~ Berry Pie ~ @ 6:00 pm ~ Market Steers Dairy Beef Feeders Dairy Promotion Sale SATURDAY, AUGUST 3th ~ @ 9:00 am ~ Sale Order: Market Goats Fudge Baskets Lambs Hogs Poultry Turkeys Rabbits JUNIOR FAIRBOARD COORDINATOR Jamie Stacy JUNIOR FAIRBOARD COORDINATOR ASSISTANTS Rachel & Jon Croft, Kelly Sprouse, Amanda Hoon, & Liz Zimmerman HONORARY JUNIOR FAIRBOARD MEMBERS Austin Mellington & Madison Croft 2024 JR. FAIR BOARD MEMBERS OFFICERS President - Rilee Hoppel Vice President - Sara Bailey Secretary - Elizabeth Siembeda Treasurer - Kade Sprouse Social Media: Jaylie Berresford JUNIOR FAIR Paige Anderson Sara Bailey Jaylie Berresford Addy Blazer Kaitlyn Bondoni Olivia Burkey Kierston Burton Camryn Cody Maggie Cope Skylar Cunningham Kaylee Edgell Ronnie Felger Maddy Foster Taylor Foster Maezie French Bridget Hillard Michael Hoee Rilee Hoppel Allison Irwin Analynn Jaskola Emma Julian Grace Knight Sonja Leverknight Vanessa Leverknight Rileigh Moore Remington Nezbeth Jess Norris Hayden Patrone Emma Prendergast Hailey Reynolds Rachel Rhodes Ryli Bettis Elizabeth Siembida Kade Sprouse Josie Stanley Jayden Stoer Kylie Stoer Alexis Timmons Brennen Wallace Kaylie Wilson

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8 GENERAL ADMISSION: **INCLUDE RIDES TUESDAY - SUNDAY** Monday - Preview Night ………….……………..…$6.00 (Gates open at 3 pm) **(NO RIDES ON MONDAY)** Tuesday - Sunday …….…………………………..…$10.00** PRESALE MULTI-DAY PASSES: **RIDES NOT INCLUDED** (May be purchased through Monday, July 29th at 3 pm) Seven (7 - day pass) Admission Only Tickets ….….…$40.00 Four (4 - day pass) Admission Only Tickets…………..$30.00 GRANDSTAND ADMISSION: Tickets will be on sale at the fair oce beginning July 10th. Truck/Tractor Pull (Mon)……………..………...……...FREE Bike Night (Tues)……………...…………..……...……FREE Horse Pulls (Tues)………………..………...……..........FREE Bull Riding/Rodeo (Wed) ………..…………………...$5.00 bleachers/grandstand reserved seating Derby Pull (Thurs)..……………………………...…….FREE Rough Truck Event (Thurs)……………...……..….…..FREE Truck/Tractor Pull (Fri & Sat) ……...…….……...….....$10.00 bleachers/grandstand reserved seating Combine Derby (Sun)…………….…………..….……..FREE Demo Derby (Sun) ……...………………….…….…....$10.00 bleachers/grandstand reserved seating SPECIAL PROMOTIONS: DAILY - All children 5 years of age & under are admitted FREE. DAILY - Servicemen and women presented in full uniform will be admitted FREE. TUESDAY - ALL DAY ~ Senior Citizens (Age 62 and older) and Veterans (presenting with proper ID) will be admitted FREE. TUESDAY - Bike Night - Free admission for rider; passenger pays gate admission. MEMBERSHIP TICKETS: To become a member of the Columbiana County Agricultural Society and be eligible to vote in the annual election of Directors you must purchase a ticket for $1.00 from the fair oce ONLY. Tickets WILL NOT be sold outside the fair oce. Sale of membership tickets cease at the close of the fair, August 4th, 2024. TICKET PRICES & INFORMATION PRE-SALE PASSES & TICKET SALES - LOCATIONS AND TIMES *Presale 4-Day and 7-Day passes are for admission only. Ride wristbands can be purchased on upper Midway in ride area at an additional fee established by the ride company. *PRE-SALE MULTI-DAY PASSES* Available until July 29th @ 3 pm ~ Presale 4-Day and 7-Day passes can be purchased ONLINE via our WEBSITE or at either oce location during OFFICE HOURS (check calendar for specic days and times) *SINGLE DAY ADMISSION (W/RIDES TUESDAY - SUNDAY)* Available at all Gates daily During Fair Week or Pre-Sale ONLINE via our WEBSITE or QR CODE at Gates *PRE-SALE GRANDSTAND EVENT RESERVED SEAT TICKETS * **ONLINE ONLY UNTIL MIDNIGHT JULY 26** **FAIR WEEK - Grandstand reserve seat tickets sold at the Lee Ave. Concession & Ticket Oce from 10 am - 3 pm **TWO HOURS PRIOR TO EVENT - Grandstand reserve seat tickets sold at the Grandstand Box Oce until SOLD OUT. GRANDSTAND TICKETS PURCHASED ONLINE CAN BE PICKED UP AT THE LEE AVE. CONCESSION & TICKET OFFICE FROM 10 AM - 3 PM DURING FAIR WEEK AND AT THE GRANDSATND TICKET OFFICE DURING GRANDSTAND TICKETED EVENTS ITEMS NOW AVAILABLE INSIDE THE ARTS & CRAFTS BUILDING Visit one of our souvenir shop locations, conveniently located beside the Grandstand or inside the Arts & Crafts Building Grandstand Shop Open During Grandstand Events * Seat Cushions * Baskets * Posters * Mugs * Cutting Boards * Ear Plugs * Notecards, Prints and Mugs * As well as other memorabilia!

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9 8:00 am Jr. Fair Dairy Goat Showmanship, Judging….……....Coliseum Open Dairy Goat Judging (to follow)…....……..Coliseum 8:00 am Jr. Fair Horse Judging…………..……….……4-H Horse Arena 9:00 am Derby Pull….…….………………...…..……....…..Grandstand 10:00 am Jr. Fair Steer Showmanship………….…..……..Beef Complex 10:00 am Jr. Fair Poultry & Waterfowl Judging…..……….…...RTC Barn 11:30 am Best Berry Pie Contest Judging.....................Arts & Crafts Bldg 1:00 pm Clover Bud Presentation…………………......Pocket Pets Barn 1:00 pm Pocket Pets Judging……...…………………..Pocket Pets Barn 5:30 pm Berry Pie Trophy Presentation & Auction…......Beef Complex 6:00 pm Jr. Fair Steer, Dairy Beef Feeder, Dairy Promotion (Cheese) Sales ……………...Beef Complex 6:30 pm Artistic Flower Arrangement Judging……....Arts & Crafts Bldg 7:00 pm Rough Truck Event presented by DerbyDog…….Grandstand 8:00 am Jr. Fair Market Hog Judging ……………..…..….......Coliseum 9:00 am Columbiana County Rabbit Hopping Show …………………...Underneath Grandstand 10:30 am Agriculture Hall of Fame Ceremony….........Arts & Crafts Bldg 12:00 pm Hay & Grain Judging……………………..….Arts & Crafts Bldg 1:00 pm Harness Racing……………..……..…….....…......Grandstand 1:00 pm Jr. Fair Dairy Beef Feeder Judging….…..….......Beef Complex 1:30 pm Fruit & Vegetable Judging ………………...Arts & Crafts Bldg 3:00 pm Jr. Fair Pygmy Goat Showmanship, Judging……......Coliseum Open Pygmy Goat (to follow)……………..….Coliseum 4:00 pm Jr. Fair Alpaca Judging……………………..….... Horse Arena 4:00 pm Open Sheep Judging ……….. …...…..…….…...…...Coliseum 4:00 pm Bike Night begins..…………………………..…….…....Ineld 6:30 pm Bike Night Awards & Games………...…………..….....Ineld 7:00 pm Jr. Fair Market Lamb Judging..……………………...Coliseum 7:30 pm Draft Horse Pull…………………………..............Grandstand 8:30pm Jr Fair Dance/Cornhole ……………………………..Coliseum 12:00 pm Textile, Arts, Photography Judging……..Arts & Crafts Bldg 3:30 pm Junior Fair Booth Judging……………….………Jr. Fair Bldg 5:30 pm Herb/Horticulture/Flower Judging ……....Arts & Crafts Bldg 8:00 am Church Services (Catholic Mass)…..……...Arts & Crafts Bldg 10:00 am Church Service ………………………………...Midway Stage 9:00 am Jr. Fair Super Showmanship………………...............RTC Barn 10:00 am Jr. Fair Super Showmanship……………….......Beef Complex 12:00 am Jr. Fair Super Showmanship………………...............Coliseum Noon Bale Toss Contest …………………….…...……...Grandstand 1:00 pm COMBINE DEMOLITION DERBY.…..……...….…..Grandstand 6:30 pm “DERBY DOG” CAR DEMOLITION DERBY……....Grandstand 8:00 am Jr. Fair Horse Judging......................….….......4-H Horse Arena 9:00 am Open Horse & Pony/Halter Judging .....……….….....Coliseum 9:00 am Jr. Fair Rabbit Judging ……...........….........................RTC Barn 1:00 pm Jr. Fair Beef Breeding/Beef Feeder Judging …..Beef Complex 1:00 pm Jr. Fair Rabbit Showmanship………………….……..RTC Barn 2:30 pm Draft Horse Show………….……………….…......Horse Arena 3:00 pm Open Beef Judging………….……………....….Beef Complex 6:00 pm Dairy Judging Contest………………...…...………...Coliseum 7:00 pm “Smoke & Noise” Truck/Tractor Pull - presented by 9:00 am Jr. Fair Sale……..…………………………....……….Coliseum Order ~ Goat & Fudge Baskets, Lambs, Hogs, Poultry, Turkeys, Rabbits 11:00 am Open Draft Horse Hitch Judging ……….............Horse Arena 7:00 pm “Power Pull” Truck & Tractor Pull - presented by NTPA ……..….. Grandstand 11:00 pm Snipe Hunting………..……………………..…...Campground 2024 Columbiana County Fair Daily Schedule of Events THE ARTS & CRAFTS BUILDING WILL BE CLOSED UNTIL 9:00 A.M. TUESDAY FOR JUDGING 11:00 am Jr. Fair Booth Judging……………………….…...Jr. Fair Bldg 11:30 am Baked Goods/Canned Goods Judging….... Arts & Crafts Bldg 1:00 pm Harness Racing ………….……………...............Grandstand 6:00 pm Egg Judging………………………….….....Arts & Crafts Bldg 6:00 pm OPENING CEREMONIES “4-H King & Queen Crowning” ………..……...Grandstand 7:00 pm TRUCK & TRACTOR PULL EXTRAVAGANZA “Open to the World” (to follow)…………….....Grandstand 7:00 pm Jr. Fair Market Rabbit Judging ……….…............... .RTC Barn *Jr. Fair Market Poultry Judging (to follow)…...RTC Barn 8:00 pm Baked Goods Benet Auction…..……......Arts & Crafts Bldg 9:00 pm Jr Fair Movie Night ………………………..……..Jr Fair Bldg 8:00 am Jr. Fair and Open Class Dairy Cattle Judging ………...Coliseum 8:00 am Mini Dairy Showmanship to follow………...…....…...Coliseum 9:00 am Jr. Fair Turkey Judging.………................................Turkey Barn 10:00 am Goat Costume Class Judging……...….....Goat Barn Roadway Noon Kids’ Pedal Tractor Pull……….......... Underneath Grandstand 1:00 pm Quilting Demonstrations…………….…......Arts & Crafts Bldg 2:00 pm Kids’ Activities (sponsored by Jr. Fair)……….…... Jr Fair Bldg 4:00 pm Jr. Fair Market Goat Judging followed by …..…........Coliseum Showmanship, Jr Fair Boer, Open Boer Judging……...…...Coliseum 6:00 pm Jr. Fair Steer Judging……………………….…...Beef Complex 6:00 pm Mutton Busting…………………………..………..Grandstand 7:00 pm SEBRA Extreme Bull Riding & Barrel Racing….....Grandstand TUESDAY, JULY 30 12-1 pm - Crystalised 4-7 pm - James Popp & Helena Vadino "Real Country" WEDNESDAY, JULY 31 7-10 pm - Cowboy Up Band THURSDAY, AUGUST 1 12-1 pm - Crystalised 5-8 pm - Foolin Ourselves Classic Rock FRIDAY, AUGUST 2 12-1 pm - Crystalised 4-7 pm - Cameron Pierson 8-11 pm - Paige Marie SATURDAY, AUGUST 3 12-1 pm - Crystalised 4-7 pm - Pure Gold 8-11 pm - Tribute Band SUNDAY, AUGUST 4 10 am - Church Service 1-6 pm - Gospel Fest SUNDAY, JULY 28 MONDAY, JULY 29 TUESDAY, JULY 30 WEDNESDAY, JULY 31 THURSDAY, AUGUST 1 FRIDAY, AUGUST 2 SATURDAY, AUGUST 3 SUNDAY, AUGUST 4 MIDWAY STAGE SCHEDULE

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11 COLUMBIANA COUNTY AGRICULTURE HALL OF FAME Columbiana County Fair Board Columbiana County Farm Bureau Columbiana County Historical Association The Columbiana County Agriculture Hall of Fame enshrined it’s rst class in 2000. Every year since there have been numerous individuals inducted into the Hall of Fame, which makes it’s home in the Arts & Crafts Bldg. at the fairgrounds. The contri-butions of these individuals are spotlighted each year in a ceremony held on Tuesday morning during the fair in which the en-shrinees’ families are honored and a framed biographical sketch of each inductee is unveiled. If you know of someone you would like to nominate as a candidate for this prestigious award, please go to our website at to download information and the form. The nominee must have been a member of the agricultural community or contributed signicantly to agriculture. This award recog-nizes deceased members of the agricultural community, and the award is presented posthumously. 2023 Inductees: Joann Garwood & Carl Garwood 1935 - 2021 1933 - 2018 Hazel P. Hahn 1922 - 1990 Columbiana County Historical Association “Items of Yesteryear Museum” Our museum was built in 1989 and is located west of the Grandstand. The porch was added for additional display space and to “sit for a spell” in shade and out of the rain. A large number of items on loan or donated to the association are housed here and availa-ble for viewing during fair week and by special arrangement at other times. Admission is free, but, it is your generous donations that keep this display alive. Neither the Historical Association or the Fair Board will be held responsible for any type of loss or accident in this display. Items on loan may remain until 8pm the last night of fair. Dinner meetings are the fourth Thursday of the month (April thru November). New members and guests are welcome.

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12 “Open to the World” Monday, July 29, 2024 TRACTOR PULLING EXTRAVAGANZA! Event Time Immediately Following Opening Ceremonies Approximately 7:00PM, Registration opens at 4:00PM Spectators: $6 fair admission includes FREE Grandstand seating!!! Guaranteed Purse for ALL classes!! 70/30 Percent Payout Based O Number of Entries Per Class $20 Entry For All Classes 8000 & 8500# Farm Stock, NON-TURBO………………………………..*Pays 5 places * (2700 rpm – 8 MPH limit), Max tire 18.4x38, No Cut Tires 5500 & 6500# Antique “A”, 4 MPH Limit……………………………….*Pays 7 places* (C.C.A.T.A. Rules Apply) Max tire 16.9x38, Top Cuts 5500 & 6500# Antique “B/C”, Hot Antique 7 MPH Limit………………..*Pays 3 places* (C.C.A.T.A. Rules Apply) Max tire 18.4x38, Full Cuts 10,500 & 13,000# Factory Field Stock Turbo, 2700 rpm - 8 mph….……*Pays 3 places* (Eastern Ohio Factory Field Stock Rules Apply) Max tire 24.5x32, No Cut Tires 6000# Open Antique (Unlimited Mph) Max tire 18.4x38……………….*Pays 3 places* (Contact Director for rules) Combination Class 6500—7000# Unlimited Open Farm Tractor………*Pays 3 places* (Unlimited MPH) 6500# max tire 24.5x32, 7000# max tire 18.5x38 (Contact Director for rules) Track Boss Sled provided by: Mike Stimmell Director - in - Charge Paul Lease 330-565-7114 *Absolutely no intoxicating beverages or agents will be permitted on the fairgrounds. *Any driver or crew member under the influence will not be permitted to compete. *MVP Hauling and the Columbiana County Agricultural Society are not responsible for accidents or injury. *All contestants, tractor owners or participants in any manner, enter the contest at their own personal and property liability risk. TRUCK & TRACTOR PULLS

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13 Director - in - Charge Paul Lease 330-565-7114 “Open to the World” Thursday, August 1, 2024 9:00 am ANTIQUE DEAD WIEGHT PULL Weigh-in at 8:00 am Guaranteed Purse for ALL classes!! 70/30 Percent Payout Based O Number of Entries Per Class—PAYS 3 PLACES $10 Hook Fee For All Classes CLASSES: 4500# 5500# 6500# 7500# * Columbiana County Fair Antique Tractor Rules Apply * One Driver per Tractor * 3” Hitch Plate * 20 “ Hitch * No Clevises * Wheelie Bars Mandatory *Absolutely no intoxicating beverages or agents will be permitted on the fairgrounds. *Any driver or crew member under the influence will not be permitted to compete. *MVP Hauling and the Columbiana County Agricultural Society are not responsible for accidents or injury. *All contestants, tractor owners or participants in any manner, enter the contest at their own personal and property liability risk. DERBY PULLS

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14 Friday, August 2, 2024 at 7:00 pm NTPA and The Columbiana County Fair present the “NIGHT OF SMOKE & NOISE” sanctioned by: NPTA Productions “OPEN TO THE WORLD” *NATIONAL ANTHEM - 7:00 pm CLASSES & ORDER OF EVENTS: OPEN TO THE WORLD MEMBERSHIP NOT REQUIRED Classic Super Stocks $2750 Limited Light SS $2750 5.0 Pro Stocks $3500 SS Trucks $2750 TOTAL PURSE ………$11,750 Director –in—charge Scott Stear 330-853-1332 TRUCK & TRACTOR PULLS **Director of competition reserves the right to alter order on the date of the event Saturday, August 3, 2024 at 7:00 pm NTPA and The Columbiana County Fair present the “SATURDAY NIGHT POWER PULLS” sanctioned by: NPTA Productions “OPEN TO THE WORLD” *NATIONAL ANTHEM - 7:00 pm CLASSES & ORDER OF EVENTS: OPEN TO THE WORLD MEMBERSHIP NOT REQUIRED Classic Super Stocks $2750 Limited Light SS $2750 3.0 Diesel 4x4 Trucks $2750 SS Trucks $2750 TOTAL PURSE ………$11,000 For info visit: Track Boss Sled provided by: Mike Stimmell Absolutely no intoxicating beverages or agents will be permitted on the fairgrounds. Any driver or crew member under the inuence will not be permitted to compete.

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17 PO Box 182, Sherrodsville, OH, 44675 330-987-4373

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20 RULES & REGULATIONS • Camping at the Columbiana County Fair is by reservation ONLY. • Assigned camping locations have been issued to previous campers. • Payments must be remitted by June 1 or you will lose your designated location. Any remaining campsites will be lled on a rst come, rst pay basis. NO EXCEPTIONS!! • All Class A campers will be assigned a lot at Rosebud Campground only. • No alcohol or drugs permitted on the fairgrounds, including all campground areas. ANYONE FOUND IN VIOLATION OF THIS RULE, WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE FAIRGROUNDS (INCLUDING YOUR CAMPER/TENT), AND YOU WILL FORFEIT YOUR CAMPSITE FOR THE FOLLOWING YEAR. • There will be a charge of $35.00 for all checks returned for non-sucient funds. • Trailers and trucks must be kept in parking area provided by management (unless written consent is secured) • Each campsite MUST have a responsible adult in charge at all times. • Campsite permit must show all information requested and be in sight at all times. • Permits are required for all trailers and trucks used for supplies or sleeping quarters. • All campground problems will be handled by the campground manager or assistant. • Vehicle stickers MUST be in place on windshield all week. • ANY vehicles parked in campground without sticker will be removed by security personnel or towed at owner’s expense. • Anyone needing their waste-water tanks pumped MUST sign-up at campground oce the night before. • Owner of RV must be present when being pumped. No children. • NO sewage or waste-water may be discharged on lots. • Charges are per RV/tent, not per lot (i.e. if more than one camper/tent on the lot, there will be a charge for each). • Once parked, 5th wheel campers or gooseneck trailers need to attach a bright-colored caution tape to the farthest part of camp-er or gooseneck sticking out towards the roadway. • All hitches will face the nearest driveway for emergency removal, if necessary. • Fire extinguishers (of an approved type) are required in each camper/RV and must be readily available for inspection at arrival. • No bicycles permitted. • In the event of a dispute over a campsite following separation or divorce, campsite custody must be noted in court documents. * No campers are permitted to be moved into the campground before Thursday, July 25 unless arrangements have been made with the Campground Manager, Katie McCoy, 330-853-1413 or* ** No campers are permitted to be removed from the grounds between 4:00 - 10:00 pm on Sunday. Director- in- Charge Katie McCoy 330-853-1413 CAMPGROUNDS

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21 • One (1) free wristband will be issued to each exhibitor (one per household ONLY). • One (1) additional wristband may be purchased for $15. • All exhibits displayed outside. • Only restored tractors & hit and miss engines (in restored or good original running condition) will be eligible for the free wristband. • Garden tractors and smaller antique items, i.e. corn shellers, grinders, etc. are welcome; however, no free wristband will be issued, but (one (1) ONLY) may be purchased for $15 . • Tractors must be 1968 or older. • All entries must be approved by the director-in-charge. • The director-in-charge reserves the right to refuse any tractor or display. • All entries must be painted the original color. • Tractors are to be Farm Stock (OEM). • No unauthorized movement of equipment or passengers without proper seating is permitted. • Drivers must have a valid driver’s license. • Please no “For Sale” signs. • All equipment must run under own power. • Tractors with wheelie bars and weight brackets are not permitted. • No camping is permitted in the Antique Machinery Display Area. • All exhibitors will receive a show plaque. • Pre-registration forms available at the fair oce or on our website at Check-in time will be on Sunday, July 28th from 11:00 am – 6:00 pm. Entrance to the fairgrounds will be at Vista Gate o of SR 45. There will be no one checking in on Monday! No entries are permitted to leave the fairgrounds before 6:00 pm on Sunday evening. If you need to make special arrangements or have any questions, please call Fair Board Director Troy Lindesmith (330) 277-7254 or volunteer Kurt Seachrist (330) 227-9580. Owners of Antique Machinery are invited to exhibit at the Fair. “We know you’re proud of those old tractors & antiques.” SHARE THEM WITH OTHERS AT THE FAIR! ANTIQUE MACHINERY DISPLAY Director in Charge Troy Lindesmith 330-277-7254

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22 2024 Season/Ohio’s Livestock Tampering Rules 901-19-01 Denition As used in Chapter 901-19 of the Administrative Code: "Accessory reproductive tissue" includes but is not limited to epididymis. "Agricultural society" or "society" means a county agricultural society or an independent agricultural society that is organized under the laws of the state of Ohio. "Approved" when used in reference to drugs, means approval by the United States food and drug administration for use in the species indicated on the label. "Breed show or class" means a show or class limited to breeding stock of a specific breed of livestock. "Class" means a division within a show or exhibition as defined by a sponsor. "Department" means the department of agriculture created under section 121.0 of the Revised Code. "Designee" when used in reference to an exhibitor, means a member of the exhibitor's family or household or any other registered or authorized representative of the exhibitor. "Director" means the Ohio director of agriculture appointed pursuant to section 121.0 of the Revised Code. "Drenching" means the act of using an instrument, including a bottle, placed in an animal's mouth to orally administer a liquid, food, or any other substance. "Drug" means drug as defined in division (C) of section 4729.0 of the Revised Code and its metabolites. "Drug use notification form" means the document completed in accordance with rule 901 19-0 of the Administrative Code. "Exhibition drug residue legal" means an animal has not been administered a drug; or if administered a drug the withdrawal period has elapsed at the time the drug use notification form is completed. "Exhibitor" means any person who shows, displays, or exhibits livestock at an exhibition. "Extra label use" means the actual or intended use of a drug in livestock in a manner other than in accordance with the drug label directions. "Fair" means the annual exhibition held by the Ohio expositions commission, pursuant to division (A)(1) of section 991.0 of the Revised Code, or a county agricultural society or independent agricultural society, as reported to the director pursuant to rule 901-5- of the Administrative Code. "Family" means the immediate family of an exhibitor, including but not limited to the exhibitor's parent, step-parent, foster parent, grandparent, step-grandparent, foster grandpar-ent, brother, sister, step-brother, step-sister, half-brother, half-sister, son, daughter, step-son, step- daughter, or guardian. "Grand champion" means the highest placing livestock entry of a show. "Household" means the permanent residence address of the exhibitor. "Immediately" means the time period between the cessation of administration of a drug and the point at which drug residues in the livestock are within tolerance levels or at zero tolerance, unless a safe level has been established by the United States food and drug administration. "Internal rule" means any rule adopted by a sponsor or applicable to the sponsor's exhibition, and includes all mandatory rules and those optional rules from which the sponsor does not exempt itself or its exhibition. (NN) "Tolerance level" means the detectable level of a residue or other substance in livestock, in a livestock test sample, or in food, as that word is dened in division (A)(2) of section 3715.01 of the Revised Code, in a level less than or equal to the maximum level determined to be safe, acceptable or non-violative by the United States food and drug administration. Any drug prohibited by division (E)(1)(b) of section 901.76 of the Revised Code; or A substance which is not normally found in or does not naturally occur in livestock; or A substance which is normally found in or does naturally occur in livestock, but is detected or discerned in an amount or area greater than normal; or Any drug required to be listed, but which is not listed on a drug use notification form; or This is a mandatory rule. The sponsor of an exhibition shall designate each of the shows held at the exhibition as one of the following types: terminal show, partial terminal show, or non-terminal show. All of the following junior livestock shows or classes at a fair must be terminal shows or partial terminal shows unless at least thirty days prior to the opening of the show, the spon-sor has submitted a written request to exempt a show from this provision, and the director has provided written authorization granting this request prior to the start of the fair: Market beef steer; Market hog; Market lamb; Market dairy steer; Veal calf; and Market goat. All livestock which participate in a terminal show shall be consigned to slaughter either at the conclusion of the show or immediately following the exhibition. In a partial terminal show at least the grand champion and the reserve grand champion shall be slaughtered. Prior to the show, the sponsor of the exhibition may require that additional livestock from a partial terminal show shall be slaughtered. The livestock shall be consigned to slaughter either at the conclusion of the show or immediately following the exhibition. All livestock required to be slaughtered under this rule shall be slaughtered at a meat establishment either licensed by the department or granted inspection by the United States department of agriculture. Notwithstanding paragraphs (B), (C) and (D) of this rule, livestock required to be slaughtered under this rule may, at the option of the sponsor of the exhibition, be consigned to a licensed livestock facility for sale provided that: The livestock is consigned either at the conclusion of the show or immediately following the exhibition; and, The livestock is sold only for slaughter. From the beginning of the exhibition until departure for slaughter or consignment to a licensed livestock facility, the exhibitor or the exhibitor's designee shall be responsible for caring for the livestock. Livestock destined for slaughter or consignment to a licensed livestock facility shall not be removed from the exhibition grounds until the livestock is transported to slaughter, to the licensed livestock facility, or until the sponsor approves movement of the livestock to another "Junior livestock show" means a show limited to exhibitors nine years of age or in the third secure area for: grade through nineteen years of age, or as authorized to participate in either 4-H, FFA, or other youth organization. "Label" means the attached label or the accompanying brochure that lists the approved species, dose, route of administration, withdrawal time and any cautionary statement; a prescription label; the requirements of labeling for an extra label use drug as permitted by the United States food and drug administration; and information provided by the food animal residue avoidance databank (FARAD). "Licensed livestock facility" means a livestock facility licensed pursuant to Chapter 943. of the Revised Code or a similar law of another state. "Mandatory rule" means any rule adopted by the director relating to food safety or the health, safety, or welfare of livestock and from which a sponsor may not exempt itself or its exhibition. "Market flock style project" means ownership including an individual junior exhibitor, family of a junior exhibitor or a cooperative made up of junior exhibitors. Through this type of ownership, the junior exhibitor(s) are to care for, groom, and select any and all birds to be used in exhibitions as well as actively participate in any decision making processes for the flock. "Market livestock" means exhibition livestock bred, raised and intended for slaughter for food purposes. (AA) "Market poultry" means birds including, but not limited to, meat chickens, turkeys, geese and ducks. (BB) "Non-terminal show" means a show in which no livestock is required to be slaughtered.

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23 This is a mandatory rule. No person shall: Administer or cause or permit to be administered a prescription drug to livestock either immediately before an exhibition or during an exhibition unless the prescription drug is administered: By or under the supervision and direction of a veterinarian; Only in accordance with label directions; In conjunction with a valid veterinarian-client-patient relationship;For a valid medical purpose; and, A drug use notication form is completed and led in accordance with the applicable requiremen ts of rule 901-19-06 of the Administrative Code. Administer or cause or permit to be administered an over the counter drug to livestock either immediately before an exhibition or during an exhibition unless the over the counter drug is administered: By or under the supervision or direction of the exhibitor, the exhibitor's designee, the owner of the livestock or a veterinarian; Only in accordance with label directions; Only for a valid medical purpose; and, A drug use notication form is completed and led in accordance with the applicable requirements of rule 901-19-06 of the Administrative Code. Administer or cause or permit to be administered either a prescription drug or an over the counter drug other than in accordance with the drug's label directions unless extra label use of the drug is: By or under the supervision and direction of a veterinarian; Only in accordance with the extra label directions provided by the veterinarian; In conjunction with a valid veterinarian-client-patient relationship; For a valid medical purpose; A drug use notication form is completed and led in accordance with the applicable requirements of rule 901-19-06 of the Administrative Code; and, An extended withdrawal time is assigned to the drug by the veterinarian as part of the extra label directions and reported on the drug use notication form. Show, sell, or oer for sale any livestock which contains an unlawful substance or has been subjected to unacceptable practices as outlined in rule 901-19-03 of the Administrative Code. Show any livestock which contains a drug in an amount which exceeds the tolerance level if established or safe level; or, a drug for which the withdrawal period has not elapsed unless administered in accordance with para-graph (A), (B) or (C) of this rule. Sell or oer for sale in an auction at a terminal or partial terminal show an animal that contains a drug in an amount which exceeds the tolerance level if established or safe level; or, a drug for which the withdrawal period has not elapsed unless administered in accordance with paragraph (A), (B) or (C) of this rule. Exhibit an animal which has been tranquilized. Make a false statement on a drug use notication form. Fail to le or update a drug use notication form as required by 901-19-06 of the Administrative Code. Negligently cause an unlawful substance to be present in an animal. Violate any optional rule from which a sponsor or exhibition did not exempt itself . Fail to render assistance as provided by section 901.73 of the Revised Code. This is a mandatory rule. Every sponsor of an exhibition shall appoint a person as its records ocial. The records ocial shall receive and maintain the drug use notication forms led under rule 901-19-06 of the Administrative Code. The records ocial shall reject any drug use notication form that is incomplete, illegible or unsigned. At the close of the exhibition the records ocial shall turn over the drug use notication forms received by him to the sponsor. The sponsor shall maintain all drug use notication forms for a period of one year from the close of an exhibition. The drug use notication forms shall be made available to the department for inspection and copying upon request. Review the submitted drug use notication forms prior to the show for compliance with paragraph (I) of rule 901-19-06 and rule 901-19-07 of the Administrative Code. Review the submitted drug use notication forms for compliance with paragraph (B) of rule 901-19- 38 of the Administrative Code if applicable. The sponsor of an exhibition shall provide information requested by the director on a form Prior to the start of an exhibition, the sponsor shall establish a method of identifying each animal in a terminal, partial terminal, and non-terminal show and maintain a chain of custody for each market livestock animal from the show through consignment to either slaughter or a licensed livestock facility for sale. The sponsor shall maintain a record of the identity of each animal and its chain of custody for a period of one year from the date of the last day of an exhibition. All county and independent agricultural societies and the Ohio expositions commission shall print Chapter 901:1-18 of the Administrative Code (Ohio's livestock health exhibition rules) in their premium book for the current year. The sponsor of a county or independent agricultural society or the Ohio exposition commission shall provide a livestock exhibitor or an adult advisor, upon request, a copy of Chapter 901-19 of the Administrative Code and print in their current premium book the following notice: "Chapter 901-19 of the Administrative Code (Ohio's livestock tampering exhibition rules) will be made available to a livestock exhibitor or an adult advisor, upon request." The sponsor may elect to include the entire text of Chapter 901-19 of the Administrative Code within their premium book. All other exhibitions shall provide to exhibitors, upon request, a copy of Chapters 901:1-18 and 901-19 of the Administrative Code and shall include the following statement in at least one written announcement prior to the beginning of the exhibition: "The exhibition's management will provide, upon request of an exhibitor, a copy of Chapters 901:1-18 (Ohio's livestock health exhibition rules) and 901-19 (Ohio's livestock tampering exhibition rules) of the Administrative Code. This is a mandatory rule. The exhibitor and the owner of an animal are jointly and severally responsible for completing and ling out the drug use notication form in the manner required by this rule. The drug use notication form shall be signed by either the exhibitor or the owner. If the person signing the form is a minor child, the form shall be cosigned by a parent or guardian of the minor child. A drug use notication form shall be completed for every animal from which a test sample is collected at every terminal and partial terminal or non-terminal show, and for every animal that is administered a drug either immediately before or during an exhibition. The director shall require a drug use notication form to be completed for the following livestock exhibited in a junior livestock show: Market steer; Market hog; Market lamb; Veal calf; Market dairy steer; Market goats; Market poultry; Lactating goats. The drug use notication form shall be led with the records ocial prior to the show in which the animal is entered. The director may require a drug use notication form to be completed for livestock exhibited at any type of show including a non-terminal show. If the information on the form regarding drug use changes or if a drug is subsequently administered at any time after the drug use notication form is led, an updated drug use notication form shall immediately be led with the records ocial. No person shall submit an incomplete, illegible or unsigned drug use notication form. When a drug use notication form submitted to a records ocial for livestock is incomplete, illegible, or unsigned neither the exhibitor nor the owner shall, until the defect is corrected: Receive any prizes or awards from shows in which the livestock was exhibited prior to the time the drug use notication form was to be led. This is a mandatory rule. Except as stated in paragraph (B) of this rule, sponsors shall require exhibitors at fairs sponsored by county or independent agricultural societies or the Ohio exposition commission to annually attend or complete a quality assurance program sponsored and conducted cooperatively by the exhibition sponsor, Ohio state university extension, Ohio agricultural education, or agricultural commodity organizations. At the discretion of Ohio state university extension, or Ohio agricultural education, an exhibitor may pass a test based on the appropriate skill level for their age (twelve to fourteen or fteen to eighteen) under the supervision of Ohio state university extension or Ohio agricultural education before exhibiting terminal or partial terminal market livestock, including market poultry, lactating dairy cattle and lactating goats in a junior livestock show. Youth who pass the test will be exempt from annual quality assurance re-certication until they move to the next age bracket or they are no longer a junior exhibitor (nineteen years of age or older on January rst of their last year). Minimum standards for youth food animal quality assurance are as set forth in appendix A to this rule. Exhibitors who fail to attend or complete a quality assurance program or fail to pass the exam as outlined in paragraph (B) of this rule may be subject to the disciplinary actions listed in rule 901-19-21 of the Administrative Code. This is a mandatory rule. A person may, notwithstanding paragraph (E) of rule 901-19-04 of the Administrative Code, show at a non-terminal show an animal which has been administered a drug provided they are in compliance with all of the follow-ing: The drug is administered or used only in accordance with label directions or the prescription; The drug is administered or used only for medical purposes; and, A drug use notication form is completed and led in accordance with the applicable requirements of rule 901-19-06 of the Administrative Code. Milk or other food obtained from livestock which has been administered or treated with a drug and permitted to exhibit pursuant to paragraph (A) of this rule, shall not be used for human consumption. This is a mandatory rule. Urine, blood, tissue and other test samples shall be collected in accordance with the department's protocol for the collection of livestock test samples at exhibitions. Test samples may be collected before, during, or immediately after a show. Deviation from the protocol shall be noted. The director may at his discretion, collect any urine, blood, tissue, or other test samples from exhibition animals at the time of slaughter. This is a mandatory rule. A person shall treat livestock in a humane manner and in accordance with acceptable commercial practices so as to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the livestock. This is a mandatory rule. Adding caeine free soda pop, gelatin, or other sweeteners to drinking water in nominal amounts to encour-age water consumption; Hoof trimming; Cosmetic dehorning in market class livestock;Using collodion as a teat sealant, but for no longer than eighteen hours; Properly administered and approved growth implants; Castration; Dehorning; Tattooing; Hot or freeze branding;

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24 Humane ringing; Tail docking; Ear notching; Ear tagging; Shearing; Drenching of livestock for a medical condition at an exhibition when diagnosed by a licensed veterinarian; Acceptable surgery, including clamps, bands and chemical castration; and Application of ice, ice packs, cold packs, or cold compresses prescribed to relieve heat stress or a medical condition diagnosed by a licensed veteri-narian at an exhibition. This is a mandatory rule. The following practices are detrimental to the health, safety, and welfare of livestock and are prohibited: Applying any electrical, mechanical, or other appliance to livestock repeatedly or for a prolonged time period in violation of 9 C.F.R.313.2(1979) ; Hitting, striking, beating, or otherwise impacting livestock that induces swelling or enhances, transforms or changes the true conformation, conguration, or appearance of the livestock; Applying any electrical, mechanical, or other appliance that enhances, transforms, or changes the true conformation, conguration, or appearance of the livestock, unless prescribed by the exhibition veterinarian; Plugging of teats; Sealing of teats using unapproved substances or for longer than eighteen hours using approved substances; Injecting material into udders or teats for non-medical purposes or otherwise articially modifying the appearance or conformation of the udder or teat; Using ice, ice packs, cold packs, or cold compresses internally or externally other than in accordance with paragraph (S) of rule 901-19-12 of the Administrative Code; Using a stomach tube or pump for any purpose other than for the relief of tympany or gas on the day of exhibiting; Drenching of livestock at an exhibition is prohibited except as permitted under paragraph (Q) of rule 901-19-12 of the Administrative Code. 901-19-19 Absolute liability This is a mandatory rule. Both the exhibitor and the owner of livestock are absolutely liable to discipline under rule 901-19-21 of the Administrative Code for the presence of an unlawful substance in livestock and unacceptable practices done to livestock. If the exhibitor or the owner was a minor child at the time the unlawful substance or unacceptable practice was detected, the parent or guardian of the person shall also be absolutely liable to discipline under rule 901-19-21 of the administrative Code for the presence of an unlawful substance in livestock and unacceptable practices done to livestock. The director or the sponsor when imposing discipline under paragraph (A) of this rule upon a person, may mitigate the discipline imposed based upon one or more of the following facts if established. The person did not introduce the unlawful substance into the animal or do any unacceptable practices to the livestock; The person had no actual or constructive knowledge that the unlawful substance was introduced into the livestock or that unacceptable practices had been done to the livestock; The unlawful substance was not introduced into the livestock and the unacceptable practices were not done to the livestock through the person's negligence. 901-19-21 Disciplinary action This is a mandatory rule. Any person who violates a provision of sections 901.70 to 901.76 of the Revised Code or any provision of this chapter is subject to any of the following disciplinary actions: Disqualication from any exhibition; Disqualication of the exhibition livestock from any exhibition; Continuing education; Written letter of reprimand; Forfeiture or return of awards, prizes, premiums, or proceeds; or Pre-exhibition drug testing. Disqualication may include any or all shows and classes and may be for any number of years. Anyone who violates rule 901-19-07 of the Administrative Code may be given a letter of reprimand for the rst oense. Responsibilities of and assistance to junior fair exhibitors This is an optional rule. A junior livestock show exhibitor shall be responsible for the continuous care, grooming, and preparation of the livestock entered in the junior livestock show. An exhibitor may receive assistance in the care, grooming, and preparation of the livestock entered in the junior live stock show, provided that the assistance shall be limited to explanation or demonstration provided by the following: Family members; Household members; Advisors or adult volunteers of 4-H or FFA in the exhibitor's club or county; Vocational agriculture instructors; County extension agents; Department representatives; Veterinarians; Members of the exhibitor's 4-H club, FFA chapter, or other youth organizations; and Guest speakers of the 4-H, FFA, or other youth organizations. Any person not specied in paragraph (B) of this rule who provides assistance to a junior livestock show exhibitor shall register in writing with the sponsor. The responsibility to register rests with the exhibitor. An assistant may register for more than one exhibitor. Failure to register constitutes grounds for disciplinary action against the exhibitor. Assistance shall be limited to explanation and minimal demonstration. This is an optional rule. Unless otherwise modied by a mandatory rule, the rules of the breed association shall be accepted grooming practices for that particular breed's show or class . This is a mandatory rule. The following grooming practices are prohibited in junior market livestock shows unless those grooming practices are permitted under rule 901-19-32 of the Administrative Code: Using any substance to enhance or change the color of the livestock, including the livestock's hide or hooves; Adding any substance externally to build up, change or alter the shape or conformation of the livestock, including by way of example but not limited to rope, false hair, graphite, hemp, and powders; Pigmented grooming aides or materials; and Slick clipping or body shaving of market hogs except on the ears and tails. This is an optional rule. An exhibition may provide for an outstanding market project competition in one or more classes. The competition may include an evaluation of the livestock, demonstration of the exhibitor's showmanship abilities, or a skillathon or interview judging. The skillathon or interview judging may include demonstration of the exhibitor's knowledge of quality assurance principles, as set forth in an industry publication or in a publication such as the "caring for animals" handout or by viewing the "caring for animals video" available from a county extension oce. This is an optional rule. Disciplinary action by a sponsor against a person for a violation of sections 901.70 to 901.76 of the Revised Code or Chapter 901-19 of the Administrative Code shall be given full faith and credit and shall be honored at all exhibitions. sections 901.70 to 901.76 of the Revised Code shall be prohibited from participating in any exhibition for a minimum period of three years. This is an mandatory rule. The following are unacceptable practices: Castration of livestock for purposes of this rule which exceed the following criteria: Cattle over eight months of age; or (C) of rule 901-19-04 of the Administrative Code when a side eect of the drug conceals, enhances, transforms, or changes the true conformation or condition of the livestock. Any natural occurrence or surgical process which results in testicular tissue remaining in the body of exhibition livestock except rabbits and poultry. paragraph (R) of rule 901-19-01 of the Administrative Code, at which the exhibitor is registered Market steers - one hundred fty days; Market dairy steers - one hundred fty days; Market hogs - sixty days; Market lambs - sixty days; Market poultry - within ve days of hatch including all individual participants in a cooperative. No exhibitor shall register, enter, or exhibit livestock in a junior breeding livestock exhibition unless the household, as dened in paragraph (R) of rule901-19-01 of the Administrative Code, at which the exhibitor is regis-tered at has owned the livestock or has had the livestock registered under the exhibitor's name for at least sixty days. of this rule, the length of time a person shall own livestock before the person may register, enter, A regular meeting of the committee shall be held at least once annually after the fteenth day of October and before the rst day of December. The committee may meet at other times as the chairperson or a majority of the committee members considers appropriate, provided the chairperson gives members written notice of any meeting at least seven days prior to the meeting. Regular meetings: Notice of all of the advisory board's regularly scheduled meetings, including date, starting time and location shall be sent to the committee members by either regular or electronic mail at least seven days prior to the meeting, and will be posted on the department's web and may also be provided to Gongwer or Hannah news service for website at least ten days in advance of all regularly sched-uled meeting. Special meetings: Notice of date, time, place, and purpose of any special meetings shall be placed on the department's website www.agri.ohio.govand may also be provided to Gongwer or Hannah news service, as well as sent to media outlets that requested such information, at least twenty-four hours prior to said meeting. Emergency meetings: Notice of date, time, location and purpose of all emergency meeting shall be given to all news media who requested prior notication, and on the department's web site

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25 Class No. Description Premiums: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 1. LIGHT DRAFT HORSES - 3325 lb & under……… 400 350 300 250 200 150 125 100 100 100 2. HEAVY DRAFT HORSES - 3326 lb & over ………. 400 350 300 250 200 150 125 100 100 100 3. LIGHT DRAFT PONIES - 52”……………….……… 400 350 300 250 200 150 125 100 100 100 4. HEAVY DRAFT PONIES - 56”……………….…..… 400 350 300 250 200 150 125 100 100 100 ** Length of Pull - 27 feet Sled furnished by BAKER TOWING • Two contests, light and heavy, open to the world. • Entry fee: $20.00 per team • Drivers will be allowed 2 helpers in hitching. In no case will the helpers be allowed to touch the horses or speak to them. • No profanity will be permitted. • Drivers will not touch or whip horses. Violation of this rule will disqualify the team. Applies to horses anywhere on the grounds. • Boundary will be approximately 15 feet apart. • Drivers must keep their teams in view of the judges at all times. They must be ready to pull, in order ,within the 2 minute limit. • Loss of pull will result from unnecessary delay. • Use of open bridles is prohibited. • Any forward movement of the sled after the drives gives a command to pull will be counted as a pull and measured. • In case of breakage, the team is entitled to another pull. • The 1st and 2nd pull shall be in the direction indicated by the judges. The 3rd pull may be in either direction, but in the order that the team pulled originally. • Failure to hook to the sled after three (3) attempts will constitute a pull. • Teams may unload in center of race track but trucks will need to be removed by 12:00 pm. • According to the Ohio Revised Code 901-5 -14, injecting or administering any drug of any kind or description, or the physical appli-cation of any electrical, mechanical, or other appliance to stimulate any horse which is entered in this contest is illegal and will be cause to forfeit any prize winnings. Entries testing positive will be ineligible for 2024 Pulls at the Columbiana County Fair. CENTRAL OHIO DRAFT PONY PULLING CLUB, LLC RULES AND REGULATIONS can be found on our website on the premium book page ROSETTES WILL BE GIVEN TO MONEY WINNERS. A trophy, or plaque, will be given to 1st Place Teams in all classes. Best Driver Award - sponsored by SOUTH RANGE PERCHERONS Blood samples will be taken at random for drug testing of Light and Heavyweight classes, plus any other at the discretion of the Judges. PREMIUM CHECKS, RIBBONS, AND TROPHIES will be mailed after the results of the tests are received by the Secretary. TUESDAY, JULY 31ND Grandstand at 7:30 PM DRAFT HORSE & DRAFT PONY PULLS SPONSORED BY: Director - in - Charge Mark Rudebock 330-692-2556

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26 1. NO ENTRY FEE 2. Any size of self-propelled combine allowed. 3. Must be grain able with NO hydraulic action. 4. Corn heads allowed no narrower than tires, snouts must be removed. 5. Grain table must be in a xed position at 24” at Combine head. 6. Grain table must be permanently stationary. 7. No reel, glass, cut reel arms o or weld down, or oatation cutting bars. 8. Must remove unloading auger, cab ladders and straw chopper. 9. Fuel tank must be in grain bin. BALE TOSS COMPETITION SUNDAY, AUGUST 4, 2024 12:00 pm (Noon) at Grandstand ENTRY FEE: $1.00 Class No. Description 1. Men’s & Women’s Division……….…. 1st ~ $50 & trophy 2. Junior Division (up to Age 13)……..…1st ~ $25 & trophy COMBINE DEMOLITION DERBY Director - in - Charge Paul Lease 330-565-7114 Free admission for rider; passenger pays gate admission. Riders enter through the Lee Avenue Main Archway Gate and park on ineld Awards & Games: First 50 bikes receive a free t-shirt First 275 bikes in receive a free commemorative pin! Director- in-Charge Amanda Moore 614-592-1390 TUESDAY, JULY 30nd 6:30 pm at Ineld near Memorial Flag Plaza (Motorcycles in at 4:00 PM) Trophies for Winners and Best Decorated Combine 1st - $700 (total) 2nd - $450 (total) All other contestants - $200.00 to show SUNDAY, AUGUST 4, 2024 1:00 pm at Grandstand Director- in- Charge Mark Rudebock 330-692-2556 BIKE NIGHT 10 Best in Show Awards Riders Choice: Stock ~ Sport ~ Custom ~ Cruiser ~ Vintage ~ Trike ~ Trailer ~ Chopper ~ Bobber ~ Best Paint 10. Cab doors must be chained or welded shut. 11. Must have cab or roll cage. 12. Must have seat belt and helmet. 13. Rubber tires only. 14. Judges decision is nal. 15. Must sign personal injury release. 16. Follow all safety practices. 17. Must be 16 years of age or older. 18. Single drive wheels only; no duals. 19. No alcoholic beverages permitted on fairgrounds. AUTO DEMOLITION DERBY SUNDAY, AUGUST 4, 2024 6:30 pm at Grandstand For full details and rules, please visit: Director - in - Charge Paul Lease 330-565-7114 ~ Street Stock Compact $00/$300/$100 ~ ~ Youth Compact $800/$300/$100 ~ ~ Windshield $800/$300/$100 ~ Driver Entry - $50 Pit Pass - $25 ~ POWERWHEELS ~ ~ Pro Stock Full-Size $1500/$500/$100 ~ ~ Street Stock Full-Size $1200/$400/$100 ~ ~ Pro Stock Compact $1000/$400/$100 ~

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27 PHOTO FINISH CHARTED LINES MONDAY, July 29, 2024 - 1:00 pm 2 Year Old Colt Pace - Home Talent …………………………………………………...……….… Added $3,000 3 Year Old Filly Trot - Home Talent…………………………………………….………………... Added $3,000 2 Tear Old Filly Pace - Home Talent ………………………………..…………………………….. Added $3,000 3 Year Old Colt Trot - Home Talent …………………………………………..……...………….. Added $3,000 Trot - Free For All (Columbiana Trot)……………………………………………………………… Est. $1,800 TUESDAY, July 30, 2024 - 1:00 pm 2 Year Old Filly Trot - Home Talent ……………………………………………………………... Added $3,000 2 Year Old Colt Trot - Home Talent ……………………………………………………………... Added $3,000 3 Year Old Colt Pace - Home Talent …………………………………………………………….… Added $3,000 3 Year Old Filly Pace - Home Talent ………………………………………………………….…... Added $3,000 Pace - Free For All …………………………………………………………………………..……… Est. $1,000 3 DAY BOX (see Rule No. 5) SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER (OF OWNER) IS REQUIRED AT DECLARATION (NO NUMBER, NO CHECK) SPEED OFFICE OPENS FRIDAY, JULY 28 - 330-424-5159 CONDITIONS • The USTA Rules to govern with exceptions. • Entrance fees: $100. A. Overnight entry fee is $25 • Five to enter and four to start. Two or more horses from the same stable may start. • Five monies: 45-25-15-10-5 percent. One heat plan. • Entries and starters must be declared by 11:00 am three days preceding race. • Right reserved to postpone, declare o or change program, for any cause. • For races not lled, overnight events substituted to accommodate horses on the grounds. • Association assumes no liability for accidents on the grounds. • If in any race, more entries are received than are able to score in two tiers, we reserve the right to elimination heats without adding. • We score 5 horses with 2 trailers. Races split on 8. No more than 7 horses per eld. • Rules of Home Talent Colt Circuit to govern Stake Races and Survivor Series. • 1st Place monies held until Negative Test is received from State Lab. • Limited Stall Space - be prepared to race out of trailer. • All drivers, trainers and owners are encouraged to be members of the O.H.H.A. SPEED COMMITTEE: Elwood Woolman, Chairman Paul Lease, Speed Supt. Roger Huston, Announcer 8560 Bedell Road David Staats, Presiding Judge Mike Woebkenberg, Starting Gate Berlin Center, Ohio 44401 RACING WITH NO HUB ON AN ALL WEATHER TRACK * HOME TALENT PASSES ACCEPTED * VETERINARIAN ON GROUNDS * FREE GRANDSTAND TRACK RECORDS: Trot: Lady Messenger, ‘97 2:05, B. Duord Pace: Budz Victory, ‘94, 2:00, J. Conger Pari-Mutuel Wagering Services provided by: Racing Technologies, Inc., Cardington, Ohio Director- in- Charge Paul Lease 330-565-7114 DEPARTMENT 1 ~ SPEED ~ HARNESS RACING

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28 • All Horses & Ponies entered in this department, must be stabled on the Fairgrounds and be in place between the hours of 8:00 pm, Tuesday, July 30, and 8:00 am, Wednesday, July 31, and remain there until 7:00 pm the last night of the fair. • Horses & Ponies will not be permitted out of their stalls except for judging, after 9:00 am. Exercising must be nished by 9:00 am. • ONLY wood shavings or sawdust will be accepted for bedding. Bedding WILL NOT be furnished. • Stalls are assigned as entries are received by the Fair Director in charge. Please mark exact number of animals to be stabled. • STALLS MUST BE CLEANED DAILY - NO EXCEPTIONS. Those not abiding by this rule may be subject to premium forfeiture. • No registered Horses or Ponies are permitted in grade classes, except as otherwise specically provided herein. • No change can be made in any class after ling or from those stated below. • The age of Horses & Ponies will be reckoned by January 1 of the year of birth. • In order to protest a class, a protest fee of $50 must be deposited with the Director in charge, or his secretary, within an hour after the protested class has been judged. • The management, with approval of a certied veterinarian, reserves the right to remove any Horse or Pony that has a cough or temperature. • Out of state Horses & Ponies must have evidence of a negative Coggins Test, this does not apply for Ohio-owned Horses & Ponies. • The management reserves the right to cancel any class in which there is less than three entries. • Classes with only one entry will be canceled. • All youth entrants are required by State law to wear a helmet. • Failure to comply with the qualications/requirements for specic classes will result in forfeiture of premiums. ~ ORDER OF EVENTS ~ HALTER CLASSES ~ FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 9:00 AM, IN THE COLISEUM *********** SPECIAL YOUTH & ADULT CLASSES– FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 2:30 PM, IN THE HORSE ARENA ~ These classes are for draft horses stabled on the grounds ~ ************ HITCH CLASSES ~ SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 10:00 AM, IN THE HORSE ARENA ********** **ALL TRUCK-IN AND STABLED EXHIBITORS SHOWING IN THE HORSE ARENA : PLEASE PARK TRAILERS IN THE NORTH END OF INFIELD ** DEPARTMENT 2 ~ DRAFT HORSES & PONIES RULES ALL EXHIBITORS ARE REQUIRED TO WEAR APPROPRIATE SHOW RING ATTIRE! NO TANK TOPS, SPAGHETTI STRAPS, SHORT SKIRTS, TORN OR RIPPED JEANS. THOSE NOT COMPLYING WITH THIS RULE, WILL BE DISQUALIFIED & EXCUSED FROM THE RING FOR THAT CLASS. Handler & Assistant in all halter & performance classes must be suitably dressed. Directors - in - Charge Sharen Cope, Chair 330-247-8557 and Chelsea Lease, Asst. 330-843-3299 ENTRIES CLOSE: July 13 SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 2024 ENTRY FEES: 10% of First Place premium, per entry, per class PREMIUM PAYMENT POLICY All premium monies will be paid out as follows: ** Open Class Livestock & Junior Fair Premiums - Sunday (last day of fair) in the Fair Administration Oce from 2 – 6 pm ** Open Class Departments 7-15 Premiums - in the Arts & Crafts Building during exhibit pick-up times NO CHECKS WILL BE MAILED: ALL PREMIUM MONIES WILL BE ISSUED IN CHECKS. PLEASE CASH ASAP; CHECKS ARE VOID AFTER 90 DAYS. All checks not cashed within the 90-day time period and unclaimed within the designated times listed above will be considered a donation by the payee to the Columbiana County Fair.

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29 LOT 1 - DRAFT HORSE Thursday Show (Youth) JUDGING: Thursday, July 30 Premiums: 1st - $25.00 2nd - $20.00 3rd - $15.00 • All rules and instructions on previous page apply. • No Stallions permitted in showmanship classes. • Youth classes are open to any boy or girl 10-18 years of age as of January 1. • Youth drivers, Age 14 & under, MUST be accompanied by an adult. • All youth entrants are required by State law to wear a helmet. • Any DRAFT HORSE breed may be shown in the classes below. Class No: Description 1. Jr. Showmanship - Exhibitor 10 - 14 years of age Juniors to show horse in hand at discretion of Judge 2. Sr. Showmanship - 15 - 18 years of age Seniors to show horse in hand at discretion of Judge 3. Horse Under Saddle - English or Western Tack Shown at walk & trot only 4. Single Hitch *BEST OF SHOW AWARD * Youth Showmanship Trophy * An award will be given for high points for Junior or Senior Show-manship, Draft Horse Under Saddle (walk & trot only), Single Hitch. Sponsored by the Ohio Valley Draft Horse Club Total points will be decided by placement by the judge. LOT 2 - DRAFT HORSE Thursday Show (Adult) JUDGING: Friday, August 2 Premiums: 1st - $25.00 2nd - $20.00 3rd - $15.00 Class No: Description 1. Single Hitch, Men or Ladies to Drive 2. Team Hitch, Men or Ladies to Drive LOT 3 - REGISTERED PERCHERONS LOT 4 - REGISTERED BELGIANS LOT 5 - REGISTERED CLYDESDALES JUDGING: Friday, August 2 Premiums: 1st - $25.00 2nd - $20.00 3rd - $15.00 • 1st & 2nd place winners must compete in Junior & Senior Champion Classes • Senior & Junior Reserve Champions must compete in Grand Champion Classes Class No: Description 1. Stallion 3 years & over 2. Stallion 1 year & under 3 3. Stallion, Foal under 1 year * Grand Champion & Reserve Stallion ….....Rosette 4. Mare 3 years & over 5. Mare 1 year & under 3 6. Mare, Foal current year * Grand Champion & Reserve Mare ………..Rosette 7. Brood Mare-Nursing Foal 8. Produce of Mare, 2 head any age 9. Best Team (matched pair—1 ownership) 10. Get of Sire, 3 head any age combined ownership permitted 11. Stallion & 2 mares, 1 ownership 12. Gelding any age Championship Classes - all Grand Champion from Lots 3, 4, 5 to compete * Champion Mare, All Breeds ……….…….…...Rosette * Champion Stallion, All Breeds ………………..Rosette LOT 6 - GRADE DRAFT HORSES JUDGING: Friday, August 2 Premiums: 1st - $25.00 2nd - $20.00 3rd - $15.00 Class No: Description 1. Geldings, 4 years & over 2. Mare, 4 years & over 3. Gelding or Mare, 3 years & under 4. Best Team at Halter SPECIAL YOUTH/ADULT CLASSES Friday, August 2, 2024 2:30 pm ~ Horse Arena for Draft Horses stabled on the grounds HALTER CLASSES Friday, August 2, 2024 9:00 am ~ Coliseum DEPARTMENT 2 ~ DRAFT HORSES & PONIES

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30 LOT 7 - MULES OR DONKEY (Any age) JUDGING: Friday, August 2 Premiums: 1st - $20.00 2nd - $13.00 3rd - $9.00 Class No: Description 1. Halter Class, Jack or Gelding 2. Halter Class, Jenny 3. Youth Halter Class, Mule or Donkey (any age any size) 4. Performance - Walk/Trot Cart class (any size- any harness) LOT 8 - DRAFT PONIES JUDGING: Friday, August 2 • First and Second prize ponies must compete for championship classes. • Ponies two years old and over must be entered and shown in one of the hitch classes to be eligible to show in any draft pony halter classes. Failure to comply with the qualications will result in forfeiture of premiums. Premiums: 1st - $20.00 2nd - $13.00 3rd - $9.00 Class No: Description 1. Stallion, over 1 yr. 56” & under 2. Stallion, Foal of current year * Grand & Reserve Champion Stallion…………..Rosette 3. Mare, over 1 yr., 50” & under 4. Mare, over 1 yr., over 50” to 56” 5. Mare, Foal of current year * Grand & Reserve Champion Mare ….………….Rosette 6. Mare & Foal of current year 7. Gelding, Over 1 yr., 56” & under * Grand & Reserve Champion Gelding………....Rosette 8. Best Matched Pair 56” & under Premiums: 1st - $15.00 2nd - $10.00 3rd - $8.00 Class No: Description 9. Pony under saddle, open-walk/trot LOT 9 - GRADE PONIES (50” and under) LOT 10 - GRADE PONIES (over 50” but not over 56”) JUDGING: Friday, August 2 Premiums: 1st - $25.00 2nd - $20.00 3rd - $15.00 • First and second prize ponies must compete for the championship classes, excluding the children’s classes. Class No: Description 1. Stallion 1 yr., & over 2. Stallion, Foal of current year * Grand & Reserve Champion Stallion……….Rosette 3. Gelding, any age * Grand & Reserve Champion Gelding …….....Rosette 4. Mare 1 yr., & over 5. Mare, Foal of current year * Grand & Reserve Champion Mare …..……...Rosette 6. Brood Mare, and her Foal of current year 7. Single Hitch, Pleasure (shown Friday) 8. Pleasure Pony, Western or English (shown Friday) LOT 11 - HAFLINGER PONIES JUDGING: Friday, August 2 Premiums: 1st - $20.00 2nd - $13.00 3rd - $9.00 • All Hainger Ponies in this class must be registered. • First and second prize ponies must compete for Championship classes. • Ponies three years old and over must be entered and shown in one of the hitch classes to be eligible to show in any Hainger Pony Halter Class. Failure to comply with this qualication will be cause to forfeit any premium. Class No: Description 1. Stallion, 3 yr., & over 2. Stallion, 1 yr., & under 3 3. Stallion, Foal under 1 yr. * Grand & Reserve Champion Stallion ………Rosette 4. Mare, 3 yr., & over 5. Mare, 1 yr., & under 3 6. Mare, Foal under 1 yr. * Grand & Reserve Champion Mare …………. Rosette 7. Mare & Foal, each count 50% 8. Produce of Mare, 2 head any age 9. Best Matched Pair 10. Get of Sire, 3 head any age, (comb. ownership permitted) 11. Stallion & 2 Mares (comb. ownership permitted) 12. Gelding, any age * Grand & Reserve Champion Gelding……… Rosette HALTER CLASSES Friday, August 2, 2024 9:00 am ~ Coliseum DEPARTMENT 2 ~ DRAFT HORSES & PONIES

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31 LOT 12 - OPEN CLASS AMERICAN MINI-HORSES (34” and under) JUDGING: Friday, August 2 Premiums: 1st - $15.00 2nd - $10.00 3rd - $8.00 • First and second prize winners must compete for Championship classes. Class No: Description 1. Stallion, 3 yr., & over 2. Stallion, 2 yr., & under 3 3. Stallion, 1 yr., and under 2 4. Stallion, Foal under 1 yr. * Grand & Reserve Champion Stallion …...…Rosette 5. Mare, 3 yr., & over 6. Mare, 2 yr., & under 3 7. Mare, 1 yr & under 2 8. Mare, Foal under 1 * Grand & Reserve Champion Mare……..…Rosette 9. Mare & Foal, each count 50% 10. Produce of Mare, 2 head any age (combined ownership) 11. Best Matched Pair (one ownership) 12. Get of Sire, 3 head any age (combined ownership) 13. Stallion & 2 Mares (one ownership) 14. Gelding, Any age * Grand & Reserve Champion Gelding……...Rosette LOT 13- AMERICAN MINI HORSES, HITCH CLASS JUDGING: Friday, August 2 Class No: Description Premiums: 1st 2nd 3rd 1. Single Hitch, driven by a Gentleman… $15 $10 $8 2. Single Hitch, driven by a Lady ………. $15 $10 $8 3. Tandem Hitch ……………………….. $20 $15 $12 4. Team Hitch ……………….…. ……... $18 $12 $10 5 . Unicorn Hitch ……………………….. $25 $20 $17 6. Four Horse Hitch ……………………. $30 $25 $22 7. Roadster in Harness ……...………….. $15 $10 $8 LOT 14 - SHOWMANSHIP LEAD LINE /COSTUME CLASSES JUDGING: Friday, August 2 Premiums: 1st - $20.00 2nd - $13.00 3rd - $9.00 4th -$7.00 5th - $5.00 • Registered & Grade Ponies are eligible • The same costume WILL NOT be permitted in Classes 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10. (Showmanship animal does not count) Class No: Description 1. Mare or Gelding, under 56” (shown by Youth under 12) 2. Mare or Gelding, under 56” (shown by Youth 13 to 18) 3. Mare or Gelding, under 56” (shown by 18 & over) 4. Leadline, under 50”, Pleasure Pony equipment Rider (must be 6 or under) 5. Leadline, over 50”, Pleasure Pony equipment Rider (must be 6 or under) 6. Leadline Costume, under 56” (shown by Rider 9 & under) 7. Leadline Costume, under 56” (shown by Rider 10 to 14) 8. Leadline Costume, under 56” (shown by Rider 15 to 18) 9. Single or Team Hitch, under 56” costume (shown by Youth 15 & over) 10. Single or Team Hitch, under 56” costume (shown by Youth 14 & under) 11. Walk/Trot Pony, Rider 10 & under **Must have rider and be led by a second individual** HALTER CLASSES Friday, August 2, 2024 9:00 am ~ Coliseum DEPARTMENT 2 ~ DRAFT HORSES & PONIES PREMIUM PAYMENT POLICY All premium monies will be paid out as follows: ** Open Class Livestock & Junior Fair Premiums - Sunday (last day of fair) in the Fair Administration Oce from 2 – 6 pm ** Open Class Departments 7-15 Premiums - in the Arts & Crafts Building during exhibit pick-up times NO CHECKS WILL BE MAILED: ALL PREMIUM MONIES WILL BE ISSUED IN CHECKS. PLEASE CASH ASAP; CHECKS ARE VOID AFTER 90 DAYS. All checks not cashed within the 90-day time period and unclaimed within the designated times listed above will be considered a donation by the payee to the Columbiana County Fair.

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32 LOT 15 - SATURDAY HITCH CLASS $5.00 Exhibitor fee for truck - in exhibitors. Horses & Ponies in Farm Class not eligible in Regular Hitch Class on Saturday ENTRIES FOR HITCH CLASS CAN BE MADE UNTIL 9 AM ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 3rd RULES FOR GOVERNING HITCH CLASSES • Mare, Gelding and Stallion eligible for all hitch classes. • In all hitch classes, horse or horses shall be shown hitched to a suitable vehicle. • Driver and assistant in all hitch classes must wear a coat and tie. • No more than two persons shall be permitted on box or wagon while in the show ring. • All entries shall be ready well in advance of class time to avoid delays. Hitches not ready when class is called, will be disqualied. • The hitch classes will be judged on performance 60%, equipment 20%, and conformation 20%. Class No. Description (Classes 1 - 10) Premiums: 1st - $50.00 / 2nd - $35.00 / 3rd - $25.00 / 4th - $20 00 1. Single Hitch, Horses, Gentlemen 2. Single Hitch, Haingers, Gentlemen (not eligible in Lots 2-8) 3. Single Hitch, Horses, Ladies 4. Single Hitch, Haingers, Ladies (not eligible in Lots 2-8) 5. Single Hitch, Farm Harness (No Show Harness or Show Wagons) 6. Single Hitch, 50” & under, Gentlemen (All Hitches to be shown in Draft Harness with appropriate Rig Hitches) 7. Single Hitch, over 50”, not over 56”, Gentlemen (All Hitches to be shown in Draft Harness with appropriate Rig Hitches) 8. Single Hitch, 50” & under, Ladies (All Hitches to be shown in Draft Harness with appropriate Rig Hitches) 9. Single Hitch, over 50”, not over 56”, Ladies (All Hitches to be shown in Draft Harness with appropriate Rig Hitches) 10. Single Hitch, driven by a Youth, 56’ & under (All Hitches to be shown in Draft Harness with appropriate Rig Hitches) Class No. Description (Class 11) Premiums: 1st - $15.00 / 2nd - $10.00 / 3rd - $8.00 / 4th - $6 00 11. Single Hitch, Farm Harness (Hitch Class for Ponies 56” and under, Registered or Grade) Class No. Description (Class 12) Premiums: 1st - $50.00 / 2nd - $30.00 / 3rd - $20.00 / 4th - $15.00 12. Horse Under Saddle, English or Western (walk/trot) Class No. Description (Classes 13 - 21) Premiums: 1st - $60.00 / 2nd - $40.00 / 3rd - $35.00 / 4th - $30 00 13. Tandem Hitch, Horses 14. Tandem Hitch, Haingers (not eligible in Lots 2-8) 15. Tandem Hitch, 50” & under (All Hitches to be shown in Draft Harness with appropriate Rig Hitches) 16. Tandem Hitch, over 50”, not over 56” (All Hitches to be shown in Draft Harness with appropriate Rig Hitches) 17. Team Hitch, Farm Harness (No Show Harness or Show Wagons) 18. Team Hitch, Horses 19. Team Hitch, Haingers (not eligible in Lots 2-8) 20. Team Hitch, 50” & under (All Hitches to be shown in Draft Harness with appropriate Rig Hitches) 21. Team Hitch, over 50”, not over 56” (All Hitches to be shown in Draft Harness with appropriate Rig Hitches) Class No. Description (Class 22) Premiums: 1st - $20.00 / 2nd - $15.00 / 3rd - 12.00 / 4th - 10 00 22. Team Hitch, Farm Harness (Hitch Class for Ponies 56” and under, Registered or Grade) Class No. Description (Classes 23 - 25 ) Premiums: 1st - $60.00 / 2nd - $50.00 / 3rd - $45.00 / 4th - $40 00 23. Unicorn Hitch, Horses 24. Unicorn Hitch, Haingers (not eligible in Lots 2-8) 25. Unicorn Hitch, 56” & under (All Hitches to be shown in Draft Harness with appropriate Rig Hitches) Class No. Description (Classes 26 - 28) Premiums: 1st - $115.00 / 2nd - $95.00 / 3rd - $85.00 / 4th - $75 00 26. ****Four Horse Hitch (combined ownership permitted) 27. Four Horse Hitch, Haingers (not eligible in Lots 2-8) 28. Four Pony Hitch, 56” & under (All Hitches to be shown in Draft Harness with appropriate Rig Hitches) Class No. Description (Classes 29 - 31) Premiums: 1st - $140.00 / 2nd - $120.00 / 3rd - $105.00 / 4th - $100 00 29. Six Horse Hitch, Horses (combined ownership permitted) 30. Six Horse Hitch, Haingers (not eligible in Lots 2-8) 31. Six Pony Hitch, 56” & under (All Hitches to be shown in Draft Harness with appropriate Rig Hitches) ***Special Award Given by - South Range Percherons SATURDAY HITCH CLASS Saturday, August 3, 2024 ~ 10:00 am Horse Arena DEPARTMENT 2 ~ DRAFT HORSES & PONIES

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Rules • All dairy cattle entered in this department must be stabled on the fairgrounds and in place by 6:00 pm, Monday, July 29, and remain there until 8:00 pm the last night of the fair. • The Board reserves the right to reject all entries after all stalls have been lled. • No exhibitor shall make more than two entries in any one class. • No change can be made in any class after ling or from stated below. • All animals entered in this department must be registered, and exhibitors must furnish registration certicates that will be checked by the Superintendent in charge. The judge will not consider, or pass upon, any which have not been registered. • The date of computing ages of dairy breeds of cattle is xed as March 1, June 1, September 1, and December 1, except as stated in premium lists. Registration papers must be available for checking prior to show. • All cattle to be shown must comply with the Health Requirements stated in the Exhibitor Rules on the following pages of this book. • Anyone putting milk from treated animals in bulk tank will be held responsible for all costs. • Sawdust will be allowed - 6 inch maximum depth. • Exhibitors are responsible for being ringside for the class. The announcer will make every eort to keep the barn informed of show progress. However, committee members are NOT responsible if you miss a class. LOT 1 - DAIRY CATTLE Class No: Description (Classes 1 - 7) Premiums: 1st - $25.00 / 2nd - $20.00 / 3rd - $18.00 / 4th - $15.00 / 5th - $13.00 1. Spring Calf - Jr. Heifer Calf, born 3/1/24 over 4 months of age 2. Winter Calf - Intermediate Heifer Calf, born 12/1/23 thru 2/28/24 3. Fall Calf - Sr. Heifer Calf, born 9/1/23 thru 11/30/23 4. Summer Yearling Heifer, born 6/1/23 thru 8/31/23 5. Spring Yearling Heifer, born 3/1/23 thru 5/31/23 6. Winter Yearling Heifer, born 12/1/22 thru 2/28/23 7. Fall Yearling Heifer, born 9/1/22 thru 11/30/22 (Sr. Yearling Heifer that has freshened will show in the 2 year old class.) *Junior Champion & Reserve Junior Champion ……...Rosette Class No. Description (Class 8) Premiums: 1st - $20.00 / 2nd - $17.00 / 3rd - $14.00 / 4th - $12.00 / 5th - $10.00 8. Jr. Get-of-Sire, Three animals under 2 yrs. of age from same sire. Get need not be owned by exhibitor Class No. Description (Classes 9 - 17) Premiums: 1st - $25.00 / 2nd - $20.00 / 3rd - $16.00 / 4th - $14.00 / 5th - $12.00 9. Jr. Best Three Females under 2 yrs of age none of which have freshened. All bred and at least one owned by exhibitor. 10. Junior 2 yr old cow, born 3/1/22 thru 8/31/22 11. Senior 2 yr old cow, born 9/1/21 thru 2/28/22 12. 3 yr old cow. born 9/1/20 thru 8/31/21 13. 4 yr old cow, born 9/1/19 thru 8/31/20 14. 5 yr old cow, born 9/1/18 thru 8/31/19 15. Aged Cow, 6 yrs and over, born before 8/31/18 16. 100,000 lb Cow 17. Dry Cow * Senior & Reserve Champion ……………………….Rosette *Grand & Reserve Champion …………………….….Rosette Class No. Description (Classes 18 - 22) Premiums: 1st - $25.00 / 2nd - $20.00 / 3rd - $16.00 18. Senior Get-of-Sire, 3 animals, over 2 yrs from same sire. Get need not be owned by exhibitor . 19. Produce-of-Dam, 2 animals any age having same Dam 20. Dam and Daughter, must be 2 animals per entry 21. Best 3 Females, owned and bred by exhibitor 22. Dairy Herd, 4 cows that have freshened. All must be owned by exhibitor. (To aid in recording the correct placement, please have exhibitor number visible.) ** ENTRY FORM FOR DAIRY - YOU MUST SPECIFY BREED WHEN ENTERING ** A - JERSEY / B - GUERNSEY / C - HOLSTEIN / D - AYRSHIRE / E - MILKING SHORTHORN / F - BROWN SWISS Director - in - Charge Chelsea Lease 330-843-3299 DEPARTMENT 3 ~ DAIRY CATTLE 28 ENTRY DEADLINE: Saturday, July 13, 2024 ENTRY FEES: 10% of 1st Place Premium per Entry, per Class JUDGING: Wednesday, July 31, 2024 8am

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34 MINI DAIRY SHOWMANSHIP Wed, July 31, 2024, immediately following Dairy Show. Sign-up: Wed, 12:00 pm, noon, at the Ice Cream Barn Person showing must be under 4-H showing age and must show dairy animal. Awards presented & sponsored by the Columbiana County Buckeye Dairy Boosters The purpose is to encourage younger members of the dairy industry to participate in future dairy shows by having a fun and educational experience through showing their dairy animal. No placing will be made by judges. There will be gifts for all participants. DAIRY AWARDS: Junior Champion of Champions (banner & rosette) Russell Kiko Family Senior Champion of Champions (banner & rosette) Sponsored by R & P Kiko Family Farms Supreme Champion of Champions (plaque & rosette) Winner of Junior and Senior Champion of All Champions Sponsored by Farm Equipment HOLSTEIN TROPHIES: Grand Champion Holstein Female Trophy sponsored by Col-Mahoning Holstein Club Class 20 - Dam & Daughter Trophy sponsored by Whiteleather Family, in memory of L.L. (Wig) Whiteleather Milk collected in our Milking Parlor during Fair week is: Processed by ~ Minerva Dairy ~ THANK YOU!! DEPARTMENT 3 ~ DAIRY CATTLE

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35 • Late entries approved by Director will be charged a $10.00 administrative fee. • Due to space limitations NO FULL SIZE PICNIC TABLES/COUCHES. • Your Tack area is included in the space provided. • All beef cattle entered in this department, must be stabled on the fairgrounds and in place by 8:00 pm, Monday, July 29, and remain there until 8:00 pm the last night of the fair. • The Board reserves the right to reject all entries after all stalls have been lled. • No exhibitor shall make more than two entries in any one class. • The date of computing ages of beef cattle is xed as Sept. 1, except as stated in premium lists. • No change can be made in any class after ling or from those stated below. • All cattle entered in Purebred Classes must be registered in their respective breed organization and copies of registration papers will be checked by Director. The judge will not consider any which are not registered. • All beef cattle to be shown must comply with the Health Requirements stated in the Exhibitor Rules on the pages of this book. • All possessions must be removed at the end of the fair or the exhibitor will be ned if anything is hauled away. • No mulch will be provided by the fair board. Preferred bedding is mulch but sawdust will be allowed - 6-inch maximum depth. Director - in - Charge Rich Boyd 330-692-9085 DEPARTMENT 4 ~ BEEF Class No: Description 18. Two Bulls, bred & owned by exhibitor 19. Produce of Dam - 2 animals either sex, must have been shown in previous individual classes and owned by one exhibitor. 20. Pair of Yearlings (one Jr., Spring or Summer Yearling Bull) 21. Pair of Calves (one Sr., Winter of Jr., Bull Calf and one Sr., Winter or Jr., Heifer Calf) 22. Cow with Calf, born on or after 1/1/21 23. Pair of Heifers, owned & bred by exhibitor 24. Get-of-Sire (3 animals, both sexes, represented, all sired by one bull, all owned by one exhibitor. All animals must be shown in Individual classes to be eligible. Competition in the Polled Hereford Association Show is open to any animal registered in The American Polled Hereford Assoc. and/or The American Hereford Assoc. registries or any other registry recognized by the World Hereford Council. * ENTRY FORM FOR BEEF BREEDING MUST SPECIFY BREED * LOT 11 - BEEF FEEDER CALF ALL BREEDS SHOW TOGETHER Steers only, BORN AFTER January 1, 2024 Premiums: 1st - $75.00 2nd - $50.00 3rd - $25.00 4th - $15.00 5th - $10.00 Class No. Description 1. Beef Feeder Calf ~ SUPREME CHAMPIONS ~ Champions of each breed will show for Supreme & Reserve Supreme Championship JUDGING: Friday, August 1, at 3:00 pm Premiums: 1st - $25.00 2nd - $15.00 3rd - $10.00 4th - $5.00 5th - $4.00 Class No. Description 1. Jr. Heifer Calf, born on or after 1/1/24 2. Winter Heifer Calf, born 11/1/23 thru 12/31/23 3. Sr. Heifer Calf, born 9/1/23 thru 10/31/23 * Champion & Reserve Champion Calf (from 1-3) …………..Rosette 4. Late Summer Yearling Heifer, born 7/1/23 thru 8/31/23 5. Early Summer Yearling Heifer, born 5/1/23 thru 6/30/23 6. Spring Yearling Heifer, born 3/1/23 thru 4/30/23 * Champion Junior & Reserve Champion Heifer (from 4-6)...Rosette 7. Jr. Yearling Heifers, born 1/1/23 thru 2/29/23 8. Sr. Yearling Heifer, born 9/1/22 thru 12/31/22 * Champion Senior & Reserve Champion Female (from 7-8) Rosette * Grand Champion & Reserve Champion Female…….…...…Rosette 9. Jr. Bull Calf, born on or after 1/1/24 10. Winter Bull Calf, born 11/1/23 thru 12/31/23 11. Sr. Bull Calf, born 9/1/23 thru 10/31/23 *Champion & Reserve Champion Bull Calf (from 9-11)….…..Rosette 12. Late Summer Yearling Bull, born 7/1/23 thru 8/31/23 13. Early Summer Yearling Bull, born 5/1/23 thru 6/30/23 14. Spring Yearling Bull, born 3/1/23 thru 4/30/23 *Champion Junior & Reserve Champion Bull (from 12-14)…Rosette 15. Jr. Yearling Bull, born 1/1/23 thru 2/29/23 16. Sr. Yearling Bull, born9/1/22 thru 12/31/22 17. Two year old Bull, born 1/1/21 thru 8/31/21 * Champion Senior & Reserve Champion Bull (from 15-17)...Rosette * Grand & Reserve Champion Bull ….………………...…...Rosette LOT 8 - CHAROLAIS LOT 9 - ANY PUREBRED NOT LISTED (please specify) LOT 10 - CROSSBREEDS LOT 1 - SHORTHORNS LOT 2 - ANGUS LOT 3 - HEREFORD LOT 4 - LIMOUSIN ENTRY DEADLINE: Saturday, July 13, 2024 *Or prior when stalls are full * Director reserves the right to close entries* ENTRY FEES: $2.50 per Entry JUDGING: Friday, August 1, 2024 3 pm LOT 5 - MAINE ANJOU LOT 6- SIMMENTAL LOT 7 - MAINTAINER

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36 Rules • All Sheep entries must be in place by 8:00 pm, Monday, July 29, and remain there until 8:00 pm the last night of the fair. • No change can be made in any class after ling or from those stated below. No animal will be shown out of its class. • All Sheep entered must be shown at the time of judging in the show ring to collect Premium money and ribbons. Any accommodations to this rule must be approved by the Director before the show. • All animals entered in this department must be registered or eligible to register, except natural colored wool breeds, and exhibitors must furnish registration certicates that will be checked by the Director in charge. The judge will not consider or pass upon them otherwise. • All sheep to be shown must comply with the Health Requirements as stated in the Exhibitor Rules in this book. • You must include your Federal Premise number or Scrapies Number on the entry form to be eligible to exhibit. • ONLY straw will be accepted as bedding (NO sawdust allowed). Straw WILL NOT be furnished. Anyone using sawdust will forfeit their premiums. Specications of groups and classes: • Entries limited to 6 breeds per exhibitor. • Entries limited to 2 in each single class & 1 in each group class. • Pen of Lambs - 2 Rams & 2 Ewe lambs. • Exhibitor’s Flock - 1 yearling ram or ram lamb, 2 yearling ewes, & 2 ewe lambs. • Yearlings must be 1 year old and less than 2 yrs. Lambs must be less than 1 year old. LOT 17 - MARKET LAMB Premiums: 1st - $15.00 2nd - $10.00 3rd - $5.00 • For Ewe or Wether lambs not shown in Breeding Classes. • Need not be purebred. Entries not to exceed two. Class No: Description 1. Market Lamb Premiums: 1st - $15.00 2nd - $10.00 3rd - $5.00 Class No. Description 1. Yearling Ram 2. Ram Lamb 3. Pair Ram Lambs 4. Yearling Ewe 5. Pair Yearling Ewes DEPARTMENT 5 ~ SHEEP Director - in - Charge Jim Morris 330-565-8357 LOT 1 - CHEVIOT LOT 2 - COLUMBIA LOT 3 - CORRIEDALE LOT 4 - DORSET LOT 5 - HAMPSHIRE LOT 6 - MERINO LOT 7 - NATURAL COLORED WOOL SHEEP LOT 8 - OXFORD LOT 9 - RAMBOUILLET LOT 10 - SHROPSHIRE LOT 11 - SOUTHDOWN LOT 12 - SUFFOLK LOT 13 - TUNIS LOT 14 - KATAHDIN HAIR SHEEEP LOT 15 - ANY PUREBRED NOT LISTED (please specify) LOT 16 - CROSSBREEDS 6. Ewe Lamb 7. Pair Ewe Lambs 8. Pen of 4 Lambs ( 2 Rams & 2 Ewes) 9. Exhibitor’s Flock * Champion & Reserve Champion Ram ………..Rosette * Champion & Reserve Champion Ewe ……...…Rosette ENTRY DEADLINE: Saturday, July 13, 2024 ENTRY FEES: $1.50 per Entry, Per Class JUDGING: Tuesday, July 30, 2024 4pm PREMIUM PAYMENT POLICY All premium monies will be paid out as follows: ** Open Class Livestock & Junior Fair Premiums - Sunday (last day of fair) in the Fair Administration Oce from 2 – 6 pm ** Open Class Departments 7-15 Premiums - in the Arts & Crafts Building during exhibit pick-up times NO CHECKS WILL BE MAILED: ALL PREMIUM MONIES WILL BE ISSUED IN CHECKS. PLEASE CASH ASAP; CHECKS ARE VOID AFTER 90 DAYS. All checks not cashed within the 90-day time period and unclaimed within the designated times listed above will be considered a donation by the payee to the Columbiana County Fair.

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37 Rules • All entries in this department must be in place by 8:00 pm, Monday, July 29, and remain until 8:00 pm the last night of the fair. • In order to maximize exhibit space, ENTRIES SHALL NOT EXCEED 10 GOATS (Pygmy, Boer, Dairy cumulatively per family or farm) as determined by the Board. • The Board reserves the right to reject all entries after all stalls have been lled. Please specify number of pens required. • The exhibitor must be the owner of the animal that he exhibits. • All entries MUST be tattooed or tagged. • All entries must be dehorned, except Boers. • No altercations or displays of temper will be tolerated. • No change can be made in any class after ling or from stated below. • In classes where there is no competition, the judge will place the animal according to merit. • All goats to be shown must comply with the Health Requirements as stated in the Exhibitor Rules included in this book. • An exhibitor is limited to two entries in single classes and one entry in the group . • ONLY straw will be accepted as bedding (NO sawdust allowed). Straw WILL NOT be furnished. • Boers must be at least 75%. • All registered goats must have papers with them the week of the fair. LOT 1 - DAIRY GOATS JUDGING: Thursday, August 1, 8:00 am in the Coliseum Premiums: 1st - $8.00 2nd - $6.00 3rd - $4.00 • The base date for computing the age of animals is August 1, the date the animal is to be judged. Class No: Description 1. Junior Kids born April 1 and May 31 of current year 2. Intermediate Kids born between March 1 - March 31 3. Senior Kids born between January 1 - February 28 4. Yearling dry doe born before January 1 and under 2 yrs old * Grand & Reserve Junior Champion Jr. Dairy Doe……Rosette 5. Does 1 year old and under 2 years old, in milk 6. Does 2 years old and under 3 years old, in milk 7. Does 3 years old and under 4 years old, in milk 8. Does 4 years old and under 5 years old, in milk 9. Does 5 years old and older * Grand & Reserve Champion Senior Dairy Doe… Rosette * Best Overall Dairy Goat ………….Best of Show Award 10. Mother & Daughter - any age 11. Dairy Herd - 3 does (any age/at least 2 in-milk) owned by family 12. Wethers DEPARTMENT 6 ~ GOATS Director - in - Charge Owen Unkefer 330-692-3613 ENTRY DEADLINE: Saturday, July 13, 2024 ENTRY FEES: $1.00 per Entry, Per Class JUDGING: Days & Times Vary PREMIUM PAYMENT POLICY All premium monies will be paid out as follows: ** Open Class Livestock & Junior Fair Premiums - Sunday (last day of fair) in the Fair Administration Oce from 2 – 6 pm ** Open Class Departments 7-15 Premiums - in the Arts & Crafts Building during exhibit pick-up times NO CHECKS WILL BE MAILED: ALL PREMIUM MONIES WILL BE ISSUED IN CHECKS. PLEASE CASH ASAP; CHECKS ARE VOID AFTER 90 DAYS. All checks not cashed within the 90-day time period and unclaimed within the designated times listed above will be considered a donation by the payee to the Columbiana County Fair.

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38 LOT 2 - PYGMY JUDGING: Tuesday, July 30 3:00 pm in the Coliseum Premiums: 1st - $8.00 2nd - $6.00 3rd - $4.00 Class No: Description 1. Jr. Doe Kids - born since May 1 of current year 2. Intermediate Doe Kids - born Feb 1 to April 30 3. Senior Doe Kids - born between Aug 1, last year and Jan 31 4. Yearling Doe - 1 yr and under 2 yrs * Grand & Reserve Junior Champion Doe …….Rosette 5. Does - 2 yrs to under 3 yrs 6. Does - 3 yrs to under 4 yrs 7. Does - 4 yrs to under 6 yrs 8. Does - 6 yrs and over 9. Milking Doe * Grand & Reserve Senior Champion Doe……..…Rosette 10. Dam & Daughter - any age 11. Pygmy Herd - 3 goats any age, owned by exhibitor 12. Wethers/Bucks - born since May 1, current year 13. Wethers - born Feb 1 thru April 30, current year 14. Wethers - born Nov 1, last year to Jan 31, current year 15. Wethers - Aug 1 to Oct 31, last year * Grand & Reserve Junior Champion Wether ……Rosette 16. Wethers - 1 yr to under 3 yrs 17. Wethers - 3 yrs to under 5 yrs 18. Wethers - 5 yrs and over * Grand & Reserve Senior Champion Wether …..Rosette * Best of Pygmy Breed……………….Best of Show Award LOT 3 - COSTUME CLASS JUDGING: Wednesday, July 31 10:00 a.m. Goat Barn Roadway Premiums: 1st - $8.00 2nd - $6.00 3rd - $4.00 • All goats shown in this class must also be shown in another Lot/Class. • All winners will receive a trophy & a ribbon. Class No: Description 1. Costume Class, Dairy Goat, any division 2. Costume Class, Pygmy Goat, any division 3. Costume Class Boer Goats, any division **Trophies will be awarded to the winners of each costume class. LOT 4 - BOER GOATS JUDGING: Wednesday, July 31 4:00 pm in the Coliseum Premiums: 1st - $8.00 2nd - $6.00 3rd - $4.00 Class No: Description 1. Doe kids, May 1 to fair 2. Doe kids, Feb 1 to April 30 3. Doe kids, Nov 1 to Jan 31 4. Doe kids, Aug 1 to Oct 31 last year 5. Yearling does, 1 year and under 2 * Grand & Reserve Junior Doe……………Rosette 6. Mature Doe, 2 years old and under 3 7. Aged Doe, 3 years and over * Grand & Reserve Senior Doe…………..Rosette * Grand Champion Boer……..Best of Show Award 8. Dam & Daughter, any age 9. Product of Dam, 2 Does of same Dam 10. Get-of-Sire, 3 Does from same sire, 2 dierent Dams 11. Boer Herd, 3 Does, any age, owned by family 12. Boer Wether, under 1 year old 13. Boer Wether, over 1 year old * Grand & Reserve Junior Wether…….….Rosette * Grand & Reserve Senior Wether………..Rosette OPEN GOAT SHOW Tuesday, July 30 3:00 p.m. Coliseum OPEN GOAT SHOW Wednesday, July 31 10:00 a.m. ~ Goat Barn Roadway 4:00 p.m. ~ Coliseum DEPARTMENT 6 ~ GOATS

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39 Directors - in - Charge Sharen Cope, Chair 330-247-8557 and Chelsea Lease, Asst. 330-843-3299 LOT 1 - GRAIN, SEEDS & CORN JUDGING: Wednesday, July 31, 2:00 pm Premiums: 1st - $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2 .00 • All oats and wheat must be labeled and named true to variety and grown in 2024. • Ear corn may be grown from 2023 harvest . *Grains & Seeds *Corn Class No: Description Class No: Description 1. Any Variety Wheat, 1 qt. 2. Any Variety Oats, 1 qt 3. Any Variety Barley, 1 qt. 4. Any Variety Rye, 1 qt. 5. Any Variety Soybeans, 1 qt 6. Any Variety Hayseed, 1 qt. *Grand Champion Corn (all varieties) ……….. Plaque SPECIAL HOMEGROWN CATEGORY (Open to Columbiana County Residents Only) LOT 2 - JUNIOR DIVISION –(age 8 & under) LOT 3 - JUNIOR DIVISION –(ages 9-13) LOT 4 - JUNIOR DIVISION –(ages 14-17) LOT 5 - SENIOR DIVISION – (18 & over) Premiums: 1st - $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2 .00 Class No: Description 1. Tallest Stalk of Corn in 2024 2. Longest Ear of Corn grown in 2024 3. Largest Pumpkin or Squash grown in 2024 4. Largest Potato grown in 2024 5. Largest Watermelon grown in 2024 6. Largest Muskmelon grown in 2024 7. Largest Honeydew Melon grown in 2024 8. Tallest Sunower grown in 2024 9. Sunowers with most blooms grown in 2024 10. Largest Sunower Head grown in 2024 11. The Bigger the Better, Unusually Large Produce * BEST OF SHOW: ……...Rosette & Award DEPARTMENT 7 ~ FARM PRODUCTS 7. 10 ears, Any Variety Field Corn 8. 5 Ears Any Variety Popcorn 9. 5 Ears Decorative Corn 10. Shelled Corn, 1 qt. 11. 10 Ears Yellow Sweet Corn 12. 10 Ears White Sweet Corn 13. 10 Ears Bi-Color Sweet Corn 14. Any Other Not Listed **All hay entries MUST be delivered through the rear door of building** THE ARTS & CRAFTS BUILDING WILL BE CLOSED UNTIL 9 AM TUESDAY FOR JUDGING ENTRY TAGS MAY BE PICKED UP IN THE ARTS & CRAFTS BUILDING ON SATURDAY, JULY 20 OR SUNDAY, JULY 21 FROM 10 AM TO 5 PM • No changes can be made in any class after ling or from those stated below. • All entries in this department must be received by 11:00 am Mon July 29 , and remain there through the last night of the fair. • Entries may be removed Monday, Aug 5, between 10:00 am and 5:00 pm. Administration will not be responsible for items remaining after that time. YOU MUST have claim tags to remove entries. HAY AND SILAGE JUDGING: Wednesday, July 31, 2:00 pm • An exhibitor’s limited to one entry per class of hay in the Baled Hay Show. • Show samples must be selected from 2024 crop. • U.S. Department of Agriculture Hay Standards will be used to grade baled hay. LOT 6- BALED HAY Premiums: 1st - $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2 .00 • ONE FULL BALE of MACHINE BALED and TIED hay (approximately 50#) will constitute an entry. Class No: Description 1. 90% or more alfalfa, 1st cut 2. 90% or more alfalfa, 2nd or 3rd cut 3. 90% or more clover, 1st cut 4. 90% or more, clover, 2nd cut 5. Mixed Hay 50% legumes, 1st cut 6. Mixed Hay 50% legumes, 2nd or 3rd cut 7. Grass Hay (90% or more grass) any cutting * Grand Champion Hay ……………………….Plaque * Grand Champion Hay for Lisbon and Caneld Fair * Trophy and $25.00 cash award LOT 7 - SILAGE Premiums: 1st - $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2 .00 • Use Clean Glass Jugs Class No: Description 1. Grass Haylage, one gallon 2. Corn Silage, one gallon 3. Ground Ear Corn, one gallon * BEST OF SHOW: ……...Rosette & Award LOT 8 - BALEAGE Premiums: 1st - $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2 .00 • Use Clean Glass Jugs Class No: Description 1. Grass Haylage, one gallon ENTRY DEADLINE: Saturday, July 13, 2024 ENTRY FEES: .50₵ per entry Junior Divisions - NO ENTRY FEE ENTRY DAYS: Sun. July 28, 10:00 AM - 5:00 pm Mon. July 29, 8:00 am - 11:00am JUDGING: Monday, July 29, 3:00 pm

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40 EGGS • Eggs must be labeled as to what kind of fowl they are from and must be shown in an egg carton. • Eggs are judged on uniformity of dozen, age of egg, and if entered in the correct class. LOT 11 - CHICKEN EGGS Premiums: 1st - $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2 .00 Class No. Description 1. 1 Doz Small White Eggs (1.5 - 1.75 oz) 2. 1 Doz Medium White Eggs (1.75 - 2 oz) 3. 1 Doz Large White Eggs (2 - 2.25 oz) 4. 1 Doz Xtra Lg White Eggs (2.25 - 2.5 oz) 5. 1 Doz Jumbo White Eggs (Over 2.5 oz) 6. 1 Doz Small Brown Eggs (1.5 - 1.75 oz) 7. 1 Doz Medium Brown Eggs (1.75 - 2 oz) 8. 1 Doz Large Brown Eggs (2 - 2.25 oz) 9. 1 Doz Xtra Large Brown Eggs (2.25 - 2.5 oz) 10. 1 Doz Jumbo Brown Eggs (Over 2.5 oz) 11. Any Other Colored 1 Dz Chicken Eggs * BEST OF SHOW ………….. Rosette & Award LOT 12 - UNUSUAL EGGS (Poultry Other Than Chickens) Premiums: 1st - $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2 .00 Class No. Description 1. 6 Turkey Eggs 2. 6 Duck Eggs 3. 6 Goose Eggs 4. 6 Quail Eggs 5. Any other, specify * BEST OF SHOW ………….. Rosette & Award LOT 9 - WOOL Premiums: 1st - $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2 .00 • Fleece to be baled. • Full eece tied with paper twine. • Clean wool only. • Each member may enter up to (2) eece. • All eece to have 1 year growth. • No lambs, no second cuts. • No matted wool or manure. Class No: Description 1. Fine Wool 2. Medium Wool 3. Colored Wool * BEST OF SHOW ………….. Rosette & Award LOT 10 - BEE AND HONEY PRODUCTS Premiums: 1st - $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2 .00 Class No. Description 1. White Honey, 3 - 1# Jars 2. Light Amber, 3 - 1# Jars 3. Amber, 3 - 1# Jars 4. Dark Amber, 3 - 1# Jars 5. Chunk Honey, 3 - 1# Jars 6. Round Section in Plastic, 3 - 8 oz sections 7. Square Section, in wood, 3 - 12oz sections 8. Cut comb Honey, 3 - 4” x 4” sections 9. Deep Frame of Honey 10. Shallow or Medium Frame of Honey 11. Beeswax Block, minimum 1# 12. Fancy Molded Beeswax, Minimum 4 oz * BEST OF SHOW ………….. Rosette & Award Directors - in - Charge Sharen Cope, Chair 330-247-8557 and Chelsea Lease, Asst. 330-843-3299 DEPARTMENT 7 ~ FARM PRODUCTS ENTRY DEADLINE: Saturday, July 13, 2024 ENTRY FEES: .50₵ per entry ENTRY DAYS: Sun. July 28, 10:00 AM - 5:00 pm Mon. July 29, 8:00 am - 11:00am JUDGING: Monday, July 29, 3:00 pm PREMIUM PAYMENT POLICY All premium monies will be paid out as follows: ** Open Class Livestock & Junior Fair Premiums - Sunday (last day of fair) in the Fair Administration Oce from 2 – 6 pm ** Open Class Departments 7-15 Premiums - in the Arts & Crafts Building during exhibit pick-up times NO CHECKS WILL BE MAILED: ALL PREMIUM MONIES WILL BE ISSUED IN CHECKS. PLEASE CASH ASAP; CHECKS ARE VOID AFTER 90 DAYS. All checks not cashed within the 90-day time period and unclaimed within the designated times listed above will be considered a donation by the payee to the Columbiana County Fair.

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41 LOT 1 - PLATE OF POTATOES (5) Premiums: 1st - $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2 .00 Class No. Description 1. Yukon 2. Russet 3. Early Ohio 4. Superior 5. Katahdin 6. Kennebeck 7. Pontiac 8. Any Other Red Variety 9. Any Other White Variety 10. Any Other Potato - Not listed * Grand Champion Plate of Potatoes….. Plaque Class No: Description 27. One Head of Cauliower 28. One Head of Cabbage 29. One Muskmelon 30. One Honeydew Melon 31. One Crenshaw Melon 32. One Watermelon 33. Plate of 3 Cucumbers 34. One Eggplant 35. Rhubarb, 5 Stalks 36. Celery, 2 Bunches 37. Best Display, 15 dierent items from 1 farm in a container 38.Vegetables Oddities, quirks of nature, unusual growth, specify 39. Unusual plants grown in Columbiana County, specify 40. Any other vegetable not listed above, specify VEGETABLES CONTINUED…… Class No: Description 11. Plate of 5 White Onions 12. Place of 5 Yellow Onions 13. Plate of 5 Red Onions 14. Plate of Pickling Onions 15. Plate of Green String Beans 16. Plate of 20 Yellow String Beans 17. 1 cup of Shelled Lima Beans 18. 1 cup of Shelled Butter Beans 19. One Hubbard Squash 20. One Crook Necked Squash 21. One Zucchini Squash 22. One Acorn Squash 23. One Butternut Squash 24. Three Squash Any Type 25. One Field Pumpkin 26. Best Gourd Display, Basket, Box * Grand Champion Vegetable ……….. Plaque LOT 6 - ORCHARD FRUITS Premiums: 1st - $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2 .00 Class No. Description 1. Plate of 5 Apples, Any Variety 2. Plate of 5 Pears, Any Variety 3. Plate of 5 Peaches, Any Variety 4. Plate of 5 Plums, Any Variety *BEST OF SHOW: ...Rosette & Award VEGETABLES LOT 2 - JUNIOR DIVISION –(age 8 & under) LOT 3 - JUNIOR DIVISION –(ages 9-13) LOT 4 - JUNIOR DIVISION –(ages 14-17) LOT 5 - SENIOR DIVISION – (18 & over) Premiums: 1st - $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2 .00 • All vegetables must be grown by the exhibitor in 2024. • Entries limited to one per class per exhibitor. Class No: Description 1. Plate of 3 Sweet Potatoes 2. Plate of 5 Hungarian Long Hot Peppers 3. Plate of 5 Red Sweet Peppers 4. Plate of 5 Green Peppers 5. Plate of 5 Other Hot Peppers 6. Plate of 6 Carrots 7. Plate of 5 Parsnips 8. Plate of 5 Red Tomatoes 9. Plate of 5 Yellow Tomatoes 10. Plate of 5 Table Beets DEPARTMENT 8 ~ VEGETABLES & FRUITS THE ARTS & CRAFTS BUILDING WILL BE CLOSED UNTIL 9 AM TUESDAY FOR JUDGING ENTRY TAGS MAY BE PICKED UP IN THE ARTS & CRAFTS BUILDING ON SATURDAY, JULY 20 OR SUNDAY, JULY 21 FROM 10 AM TO 5 PM • No changes can be made in any class after ling or from those stated below. • All entries in this department must be received by 11:00 am Mon July 29 , and remain there through the last night of the fair. • Entries may be removed Monday, Aug 5, between 10:00 am and 5:00 pm. Administration will not be responsible for items re-maining after that time. YOU MUST have claim tags to remove entries. • No awards will be made on any entry showing insect/disease /injury. • Single entry in any class does not automatically place entry in 1st place. • Entry must be worthy of blue ribbon award. Directors - in - Charge Sharen Cope, Chair 330-247-8557 and Chelsea Lease, Asst. 330-843-3299 ENTRY DEADLINE: Saturday, July 13, 2024 ENTRY FEES: .50₵ per entry Junior Divisions - NO ENTRY FEE ENTRY DAYS: Sun. July 28, 10:00 AM - 5:00 pm Mon. July 29, 8:00 am - 11:00am JUDGING: Monday, July 29, 3:00 pm

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42 LOT 7 - PLATE OF GRAPES Premiums: 1st - $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2 .00 Class No. Description 1. White, 3 bunches 2. Blue, 3 bunches 3. Red, 3 bunches *BEST OF SHOW: ...Rosette & Award LOT 8 - BERRIES Premiums: 1st - $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2 .00 Class No. Description 1. 1 Cup Blueberries 2. 1 Cup Any Other Berries *BEST OF SHOW: ...Rosette & Award LOT 9 - VEGETABLE CRITTERS Premiums: 1st - $4.00 2nd - $3.00 3rd -$2.00 Using a vegetable as a base (no pumpkins) create a critter. Small amounts of non-vegetable material may be used for accent on your critter. (Nothing oensive, please!) Class No. Description 1. Junior Division –(age 8 & under) 2. Junior Division –(ages 9-13) 3. Junior Division –(ages 14-17) 4. Sr Division – (18 & over) *BEST OF SHOW: ...Rosette & Award (Sr. & Jr. Division) LOT 10 - POTATO HEAD Premiums: 1st - $4.00 2nd - $3.00 3rd -$2.00 • Create Mr. Potato Head using vegetables, fruits and owers of your choice. • Not to exceed 8 x 8 inches. Class No. Description 1. Junior Division – (age 8 & under) 2. Junior Division – (ages 9-13) 3. Junior Division – (ages 14-17) 4. Sr Division – (18 & over) *BEST OF SHOW: ...Rosette & Award (Sr. & Jr. Division) THE BIGGER THE BETTER LOT 11 - JUNIOR DIVISION –(age 8 & under) LOT 12 - JUNIOR DIVISION –(ages 9-13) LOT 13 - JUNIOR DIVISION –(ages 14-17) LOT 14 - SENIOR DIVISION – (18 & over) (no entry fee for Junior Divisions) Premiums: 1st - $4.00 2nd - $3.00 3rd -$2.00 This category is for unusually large fruits/vegetables. Each of the following MUST have the variety name on tag: Class No. Description 1. Cabbage (Head Only, trimmed) 2. Onion (Unpeeled) 3. Pepper (Stem Showing) 4. Potato 5. Tomato—Stem Showing *BEST OF SHOW: …..Rosette & Award (Sr. & Jr. Division) DEPARTMENT 8 ~ VEGETABLES & FRUITS THE ARTS & CRAFTS BUILDING WILL BE CLOSED UNTIL 9:00 A.M. TUESDAY FOR JUDGING ENTRY TAGS MAY BE PICKED UP IN THE ARTS & CRAFTS BUILDING ON SATURDAY, JULY 20 OR SUNDAY, JULY 21 FROM 10 AM TO 5 PM ENTRY DEADLINE: Saturday, July 13, 2024 ENTRY FEES: .50₵ per entry Junior Divisions - NO ENTRY FEE ENTRY DAYS: Sun. July 28, 10:00 AM - 5:00 pm Mon. July 29, 8:00 am - 11:00am PREMIUM PAYMENT POLICY All premium monies will be paid out as follows: ** Open Class Livestock & Junior Fair Premiums - Sunday (last day of fair) in the Fair Administration Oce from 2 – 6 pm ** Open Class Departments 7-15 Premiums - in the Arts & Crafts Building during exhibit pick-up times NO CHECKS WILL BE MAILED: ALL PREMIUM MONIES WILL BE ISSUED IN CHECKS. PLEASE CASH ASAP; CHECKS ARE VOID AFTER 90 DAYS. All checks not cashed within the 90-day time period and unclaimed within the designated times listed above will be considered a donation by the payee to the Columbiana County Fair. Class No. Description 6. Gourd (Stem Showing) 7. Muskmelon 8. Watermelon 9. Zucchini (stem showing)

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43 LOT 1 - HERBS Premiums: 1st - $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 • All herbs MUST BE FRESH. Herbs should be cut in the early morning or late evening and seasoned in cool water in a cool place. • No herbs are to exceed 14 inches in height. • All entries must have at least 2 leaves except Gladiolas. • Herbs that can be sub-grouped, such as mint, oregano, thyme, basil, etc. MUST be labeled on the exhibitor’s tag as to the specic type. This allows the judge to know the type of herb being displayed and that the exhibitor knows what he/she is growing. • One of the criteria that the judge will use in judging the herbs is by noting the quality of the leaves or petals. Picking o dam-aged leaves or petals improves the quality of the specimens. • Herb Wreath - with exception of the base, the entire wreath or swag should consist of fresh or dried herbs. The wreath or swag. MUST be equipped to hang. • Herb Vinegar is to be displayed in a CLEAR glass bottle, not less than 12 oz. Exhibitor’s tag and any decorative tag must have the kind of vinegar listed on it. Bring a small sample in small glass jar for judge to taste. • All Herbs must be labeled to identify the specic type in order to be JUDGED. • Garlic bulb to be shown on a paper plate, to be cleaned, trim top and roots to one inch. • ALL ENTRIES ARE TO BE SHOWN IN CONTAINERS PROVIDED BY THE FAIR, EXCEPT VINEGAR. • Herbs, with the exception of Lavender, Garlic Cloves, Chives, Tansy and Monarda are not grown for their owers. All other herbs should be one stem without owers present. • No leaf shine or oil permitted. The purpose of a ower show is to educate the public. Name & variety further this purpose. Class No: Description Class No: Description Class No: Description *BEST OF SHOW…….....Rosette & Award 1. Sweet Basil 2. Purple Basil 3. Lemon Basil 4. Any other Basil not listed 5. Sage 6. Lavender 7. Mint, specify type 8. Rosemary 9. Tansy 10. Yarrow DEPARTMENT 9 ~ HORTICULTURE THE ARTS & CRAFTS BUILDING WILL BE CLOSED UNTIL 9:00 A.M. TUESDAY FOR JUDGING ENTRY TAGS MAY BE PICKED UP IN THE ARTS & CRAFTS BUILDING ON SATURDAY, JULY 20 OR SUNDAY, JULY 21 FROM 10 AM TO 5 PM • No changes can be made in any class after ling or from those stated below. • All entries in this department must be received by 11:00am Mon July 29 , and remain there through the last night of the fair. • Entries may be removed Monday, Aug 5, between 10:00 am and 5:00 pm. Administration will not be responsible for items re-maining after that time. YOU MUST have claim tags to remove entries. • No awards will be made on any entry showing insect/disease /injury. • Single entry in any class does not automatically place entry in 1st place. • Entry must be worthy of blue ribbon award. Directors - in - Charge Sharen Cope, Chair 330-247-8557 and Chelsea Lease, Asst. 330-843-3299 ENTRY DEADLINE: Saturday, July 13, 2024 ENTRY FEES: .50₵ per entry Junior Divisions - NO ENTRY FEE ENTRY DAYS: Sun. July 28, 10:00 AM - 5:00 pm Mon. July 29, 8:00 am - 11:00am 11. Thyme, specify type 12. Lemon Balm 13. Parsley, Italian Flat Leaf 14. Parsley, Curled Leaf 15. Cilantro 16. Catnip 17. Dill Head 18. Dill Weed 19. Chives, 4 stems, 1 of which is owering 20. Garlic Chives, 4 stems, 1 of which is owering 21. Garlic Bulb 22. Oregano 23. Monarda (beebalm) 24. Pennyroyal 25. Any other herb not listed 26. Herb Vinegar 27. Herbal Oils, specify type 28. Herb Arrangement, all Herbs 29. Herb Potpourri - judged on appearance and fragrance 30. All Herb Wreath or Swag

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44 Rules • This division is open to all amateur gardeners, including Garden Club Members except where noted “Professional” • Exhibitor may make more than one entry in each class, with a limit of 3. • Variety and color of each entry must be dierent. • Exhibitors may replace blooms that have wilted, Thursday 6-9 pm and on Friday 9 am - 12 pm. These blooms will not be judged. • ALL ENTRIES ARE TO BE SHOWN IN CONTAINERS PROVIDED BY THE FAIR. SUGGESTED ADVICE FOR EXHIBITORS • All blooms should be cut after sundown before exhibition day and seasoned in cool water in a cool place with no drafts. • All blooms should be cut with stems long enough to put the bloom from 2 - 6 inches above the container according to size of bloom. A little foliage showing often enhances the exhibit. • BE SURE TO KEEP FOLIAGE OUT OF THE WATER. • FLOWER FOOD ADDED TO THE WATER WILL PROLONG FRESHNESS OF CUT FLOWERS. • DON’T CROWD THE BLOOM, BETTER TO USE A LARGER CONTAINER. • Matched bloom in size and color always counts, except in arrangements. • When schedule calls for a certain number of bloom, be sure you use that EXACT NUMBER! • Remove all pollen on leaves. • Wedging is encouraged. DAISIES Class No. Description 1. Shasta - 3 bloom, same color 2. Glorisia - 3 bloom, same color 3. Any other Daisy - 3 bloom, same color DAHLIA (to be shown with a set of leaves) Class No. Description 4. Ball form, 3 bloom, same color 5. One bloom over 10 inches 6. One bloom 8 to 10 inches 7. One bloom 6 to 8 inches 8. One bloom 4 to 6 inches 9. Dahlia 2 to 4 inches, 3 bloom, same color 10. Pom Pom - 3 bloom, same color 11. Single - 3 bloom, same color 12. Cactus type 6 to 8 inches, one bloom 13. Cactus type 4 to 6 inches, one bloom 14. Cactus type 2 to 4 inches, 3 bloom, same color GLADIOLAS Class No. Description 15. 1 Miniature, under 2 1/2 inches 16. 1 Florets, 2 1/2 to 4 1/2 inches 17. 1 Florets, 4 1/2 inches and over 18. Vase of 3, same color DEPARTMENT 9 ~ HORTICULTURE THE ARTS & CRAFTS BUILDING WILL BE CLOSED UNTIL 9:00 A.M. TUESDAY FOR JUDGING ENTRY TAGS MAY BE PICKED UP IN THE ARTS & CRAFTS BUILDING ON SATURDAY, JULY 20 OR SUNDAY, JULY 21 FROM 10 AM TO 5 PM • No changes can be made in any class after ling or from those stated below. • All entries in this department must be received by 11:00 Mon July 29 , and remain there through the last night of the fair. • Entries may be removed Monday, Aug 5, between 10:00 am and 5:00 pm. Administration will not be responsible for items re-maining after that time. YOU MUST have claim tags to remove entries. ENTRY DEADLINE: Saturday, July 13, 2024 ENTRY FEES: .50₵ per entry Junior Divisions - NO ENTRY FEE ENTRY DAYS: Sun. July 28, 10:00 AM - 5:00 pm Mon. July 29, 8:00 am - 11:00am JUDGING: Monday, July 29, 3:00 pm FLOWERS LOT 2 - JUNIOR DIVISION – (age 8 & under) LOT 3 - JUNIOR DIVISION – ages 9-13) LOT 4 - JUNIOR DIVISION – (ages 14-17) LOT 5 - SENIOR DIVISION – (18 & over) Premiums: 1st - $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00

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45 SUNFLOWERS Class No: Description 49. One bloom, solid color, under 4 inches 50. One bloom, multi color, under 4 inches 51. One bloom, solid color, 4 to 6 inches 52. One bloom, multi, colored 4 to 6 inches 53. One bloom, solid color over 6 inches 54. One bloom, multi colored over 6 inches EVERLASTING Class No: Description 55. Straw Flowers, 5 stems, mixed color 56. Straw Flowers, 5 stems, same color 57. Statice, 5 stems, mixed color 58. Statice, 5 stems, same color 59. Globe Amaranth, 5 stems (clover owers) mixed color 60. Globe Amaranth, 5 stems (clover owers) same color HOSTAS Class No: Description 61. Small - 1 leaf up to 3” across 62. Medium - 1 leaf, 3-6” across 63. Large - 1 leaf, 8” and up CANNA Class No: Description 64. Include ower, one stalk, limit 16” COSMOS Class No: Description 65. (Single ower) - 3 stems 66. Double ower) - 3 stems COLEUS Class No: Description 67. (No owers) - 1 stem HOUSE PLANTS Class No: Description 68. Plant exhibited for foliage 69. Plant exhibited for owers 70. Any other ower not listed in classes 1 to 69 71. Wreath or Swag, home grown materials, no tinting or dyeing BASKETS & GARDENS Class No: Description 72. Flowered Hanging Basket 73. Foliage Hanging Basket 74. Flowering Buttery Garden 75. Greenery Buttery Garden 76. Any Other Buttery Garden * BEST OF SHOW (Classes 1 to 76)………....Plaque DEPARTMENT 9 ~ HORTICULTURE THE ARTS & CRAFTS BUILDING WILL BE CLOSED UNTIL 9:00 A.M. TUESDAY FOR JUDGING ENTRY TAGS MAY BE PICKED UP IN THE ARTS & CRAFTS BUILDING ON SATURDAY, JULY 20 OR SUNDAY, JULY 21 FROM 10:00 AM TO 5:00 PM ENTRY DEADLINE: Saturday, July 13, 2024 ENTRY FEES: .50₵ per entry ENTRY DAYS: Sun. July 28, 10:00 AM - 5:00 pm Mon. July 29, 8:00 am - 11:00am JUDGING: Monday, July 29, 3:00 pm MARIGOLDS Class No. Description 19. Orange over 2 1/2 inches, one bloom 20. Gold over 2 1/2 inches, one bloom 21. Yellow over 2 1/2 inches, one bloom 22. White over 2 1/2 inches, one bloom 23. Any color not listed over 2 1/2 inches, 1 bloom 24. French Dwarf, double owered, 1 spray 25. French Single, Flowered broad petal, 1 spray PETUNIAS Class No. Description 26. Single bloom, 1 spray, same color 27. Double bloom, 1 spray, same color ROSES Class No. Description 28. Hybrid Tea, Red, one bloom 29. Hybrid Tea, Red Blend, one bloom 30. Hybrid Tea, Yellow, one bloom 31. Hybrid Tea, Yellow Blend, one bloom 32. Hybrid Tea, White, one bloom 33. Hybrid Tea, Pink, one bloom 34. Hybrid Tea, any color, one bloom 35. Floribunda, 1 spray 36. Polyantha, 1 spray 37. Grandiora, 1 spray 38. Miniature, 1 spray 39. Miniature, 1 bloom SNAPDRAGONS Class No: Description 40. Common Garden variety, 3 spikes, same color ZINNIAS Class No: Description 41. One Cactus, Flowered 3 to 4 1/2 inches 42. One Dahlia , Flowered 3 to 4 1/2 inches 43. Dwarf, Flowered 2 to 3 inches, 3 bloom, same color 44. Dwarf, Flowered 1 to 2 inches, 3 bloom, same color 45. Button, Flowered 1 inch & under, 3 bloom, same color 46. Multi-colored bloom, 1 bloom, any size, 2 or more colors COCKS COMB (remove secondary plumes & feathers) Class No: Description 47. Plume, one stem 48. Crested, one bloom showing 2 or more colors

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46 LOT 6 - ARTISTIC DESIGNS (Amateurs - No Professionals) Premiums: 1st $10.00 2nd - $7.00 3rd - $5.00 • All entries in this lot must be checked in between 2:00 - 6:00 pm, Thursday, August 1, and remain there until 8:00 pm, the last night of the fair, unless prior arrangements are made with the director. • This class is open to all amateur gardeners, including Gar-den Club Members. • Exhibitor may make more than one entry in each class. • All designs must be made by the exhibitor. • No ARTIFICIAL owers or foliage will be allowed. • NO tinting of owers or foliage will be allowed. • Use of accessories will be noted under class. THEMES Class No. 1. The Ocean – Water Showing 2. Green Grasslands – All green, including container 3. Stately Forests – Using wood in the design 4. Scenic Roads & Views – All roadside plant material 5. Friends & Family - Using an animal gure in the design 6. Home & Family - Swag Wreath—Must have a hanger * BEST OF SHOW………..Rosette & Award LOT 7 - FLOWER BOXES ENTRY FEE: None Premiums: 1st - $4.00 2nd - $3.00 3rd - $2.00 • All classes MUST have live plants or owers- • Nothing articial permitted Class No. Description 1. Decorated window box – not to exceed 16” 2. Patio Pot or Container – not to exceed 12” 3. Strawberry Pot with live plants – not to exceed 12” *BEST OF SHOW…….Rosette & Award LOT 8 - FAIRY GARDEN Premiums: 1st- 4-00 2nd - $3.00 3rd - $2.00 • Container not to exceed 18 inches. • Must have 3 or more plants. • Must list plant material on a card to be placed with exhib-it. • Figurines are permitted maximum size of 18”. Class No. Description 1. Fairy Garden *BEST OF SHOW……..Rosette & Award LOT 9 - SPECIAL CATEGORY FOR PROFESSIONALS ENTRY FEE: None No Placings - No Premiums Paid • Exhibitor must have or operate a business in the tri-county area. • Small sign for advertising may be included. • Arrangements will be voted on by sta members. Class No. Description 1. Wheel On Down *Best of Show………….Rosette & Award DEPARTMENT 9 ~ HORTICULTURE THE ARTS & CRAFTS BUILDING WILL BE CLOSED UNTIL 9:00 A.M. TUESDAY FOR JUDGING ENTRY TAGS MAY BE PICKED UP IN THE ARTS & CRAFTS BUILDING ON SATURDAY, JULY 20 OR SUNDAY, JULY 21 FROM 10:00 AM TO 5:00 PM ENTRY DEADLINE: Saturday, July 13, 2024 ENTRY FEES: .50₵ per entry ENTRY DAYS: Sun. July 28, 10:00 AM - 5:00 pm Mon. July 29, 8:00 am - 11:00am JUDGING: Monday, July 29, 3:00 pm

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47 ART WORK LOT 1 - JUNIOR DIVISION (Ages 8 & under) LOT 2 - JUNIOR DIVISION (Ages 9 - 13) LOT 3 - JUNIOR DIVISION (Ages 14 - 17) CRAFTS & HOBBY WORK LOT 5 - JUNIOR DIVISION (Ages 8 & under) LOT 6 - ART - JUNIOR DIVISION (Ages 9 - 13) LOT 7 - ART - JUNIOR DIVISION (Ages 14 - 17) “PLAY IT AGAIN SAM” LOT 1 4 - JUNIOR DIVISION (Ages 8 & under) LOT 15 - JUNIOR DIVISION (Ages 9 - 13) LOT 16 - JUNIOR DIVISION (Ages 14 - 17) OPPORTUNITIES FOR THOSE WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES LOT 17 - JUNIOR DIVISION (Ages 17 & Under) LOT 11 - JULIE’S PATRIOT TREE LOT 6 - JUNIOR DIVISION (Ages 8 & under) LOT 7 - JUNIOR DIVISION (Ages 9-13) LOT 8 - JUNIOR DIVISION (Ages 14-17) LOT 9 - SPECIAL JUNIOR DIVISION LOT 10 - BEST BERRY PIE CONTEST CANNED GOODS LOT 15 - JUNIOR DIVISION DEPARTMENT 9 ~ HORTICULTURE DEPARTMENT 11 ~ TEXTILE LOT 11 - JUNIOR DIVISION (Ages 8 & under) LOT 12 - JUNIOR DIVISION (Ages 9-13) LOT 13 - JUNIOR DIVISION (Ages 14-17) LOT 14 - JR DIVISION VETERAN’S QUILT LOT 16 - BLANKETS FOR BABIES DEPARTMENT 12 ~ ARTS & CRAFTS DEPARTMENT 13 ~ PHOTOGRAPHY (Open to Juniors 17 and under - No Entry Fee) PLEASE TAKE NOTE: Although all of the Open Class entries are open to juniors, all of the following lots have classes exclusively for youth . This page is meant to be a guide, please check the corresponding department pages for class numbers and details. VEGETABLES LOT 2 - JUNIOR DIVISION (Ages 8 & under) LOT 3 - JUNIOR DIVISION (Ages 9-13) LOT 4- - JUNIOR DIVISION (Ages 14-17) LOT 9 - VEGETABLE CRITTERS LOT 10 - POTATO HEAD THE BIGGER THE BETTER LOT 11 - JUNIOR DIVISION (Ages 8 & under) LOT 12 - JUNIOR DIVISION (Ages 9-13) LOT 13- - JUNIOR DIVISION (Ages 14-17) DEPARTMENT 8 ~ VEGETABLES & FRUITS DEPARTMENT 7 ~ FARM PRODUCTS SPECIAL HOMEGROWN CATEGORY LOT 2 - JUNIOR DIVISION (Ages 8 & under) LOT 3 - JUNIOR DIVISION (Ages 9-13) LOT 4- - JUNIOR DIVISION (Ages 14-17) DEPARTMENT 10 ~ CULINARY FLOWERS LOT 2 - JUNIOR DIVISION (Ages 8 & under) LOT 3 - JUNIOR DIVISION (Ages 9-13) LOT 4 - JUNIOR DIVISION (Ages 14-17) LOT 2 - JUNIOR DIVISION (8 years & under) LOT 3 - JUNIOR DIVISION (9 to 13 Years) LOT 4 - JUNIOR DIVISION (14 to 17 Years) “WHAT I LOVE BEST ABOUT THE FAIR” LOT 6 - JUNIOR DIVISION (8 years & under) LOT 7 - JUNIOR DIVISION (9 to 13 Years) LOT 8 - JUNIOR DIVISION (14 to 17 Years) “BEAUTIFUL SUNSETS” LOT 11 - JUNIOR DIVISION (8 years & under) LOT 12 - JUNIOR DIVISION (9 to 13 Years) LOT 13 - JUNIOR DIVISION (14 to 17 Years)

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49 DRAFT HORSES & PONIES OPEN CLASS COLUMBIANA COUNTY FAIR ENTRY FORM Entry Deadline: Saturday, July 13th Exhibitor’s Name___________________________________________________________________Phone: ___________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street/Road City State ZIP County___________________ Township___________________ Age: (Jr/ Sr Citizen only)________ Email__________________________________ Please record the following entries subject to rules & regulations printed in each department of the Premium Book. Each blank must be lled in completely, using the numbers as shown in the Premium Book. ONLY ONE ENTRY PER LINE LOT CLASS BREED BIRTHDATE MM/DD/YY JR FAIR Y/N ANIMAL NAME/DESCRIPTION IN PREMIUM BOOK FEES * Livestock Exhibitor’s Pass (7 tickets) $15.00 *Additional Presale Tickets ($40.00 for 7 tickets) *Additional Presale Tickets ($30.00 for 4 tickets) Columbiana County Agricultural Society Membership Ticket ($1.00 each**) ONE (1) additional membership may be purchased for spouse in SAME HOUSEHOLD, write name and phone number below: Name____________________________________________________________ Phone______________________ ($1.00) **Agricultural Society Membership Tickets cannot be picked up until signed for at the fair oce.** TOTAL *Presale tickets are for admission only. Ride wristbands can be purchased on upper Midway in ride area at an additional fee. Total animals entered _________ Stalls or pens needed _________ I agree that, to the fullest extent permitted by law, the Columbiana County Agricultural Society along with the individual board members, employees and/or volunteers assumes no responsibility and the exhibitor agrees to hold the Society, its’ appointed ocials, employees and volunteers or all others working in behalf of the Society, harmless for any claim, liability or demand of any kind for or on account of any personal injury/death or damage of any kind sustained by any person and/or to any property as a result of this entry. I certify that having fully read and understand all the rules and Regulations set forth by the Columbiana County Agricultural Society and the Ohio Department of Agriculture, the axed signature on this entry form constitutes acceptance of same. Signature_________________________________________________________________________________________Date__________________________ PLEASE MAIL PAPER ENTRIES TO: Columbiana County Fair, PO Box 356, Lisbon, OH 44432 ~ Phone: 330-424-5531 EXHIBITOR’S NO. DEPARTMENT. NO 2

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51 DAIRY CATTLE OPEN CLASS COLUMBIANA COUNTY FAIR ENTRY FORM Entry Deadline: Saturday, July 13th Exhibitor’s Name___________________________________________________________________Phone: ___________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street/Road City State ZIP County___________________ Township___________________ Age: (Jr/ Sr Citizen only)________ Email__________________________________ Please record the following entries subject to rules & regulations printed in each department of the Premium Book. Each blank must be lled in completely, using the numbers as shown in the Premium Book. ONLY ONE ENTRY PER LINE LOT CLASS BREED BIRTHDATE MM/DD/YY JR FAIR Y/N ANIMAL NAME/DESCRIPTION IN PREMIUM BOOK FEES * Livestock Exhibitor’s Pass (7 tickets) $15.00 *Additional Presale Tickets ($40.00 for 7 tickets) *Additional Presale Tickets ($30.00 for 4 tickets) Columbiana County Agricultural Society Membership Ticket ($1.00 each**) ONE (1) additional membership may be purchased for spouse in SAME HOUSEHOLD, write name and phone number below: Name____________________________________________________________ Phone______________________ ($1.00) **Agricultural Society Membership Tickets cannot be picked up until signed for at the fair oce.** TOTAL *Presale tickets are for admission only. Ride wristbands can be purchased on upper Midway in ride area at an additional fee. Total animals entered _________ Stalls or pens needed _________ I agree that, to the fullest extent permitted by law, the Columbiana County Agricultural Society along with the individual board members, employees and/or volunteers assumes no responsibility and the exhibitor agrees to hold the Society, its’ appointed ocials, employees and volunteers or all others working in behalf of the Society, harmless for any claim, liability or demand of any kind for or on account of any personal injury/death or damage of any kind sustained by any person and/or to any property as a result of this entry. I certify that having fully read and understand all the rules and Regulations set forth by the Columbiana County Agricultural Society and the Ohio Department of Agriculture, the axed signature on this entry form constitutes acceptance of same. Signature_________________________________________________________________________________________Date__________________________ PLEASE MAIL ENTRIES TO: Columbiana County Fair, PO Box 356, Lisbon, OH 44432 ~ Phone: 330-424-5531 EXHIBITOR’S NO. DEPARTMENT. NO 3

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53 BEEF CATTLE OPEN CLASS COLUMBIANA COUNTY FAIR ENTRY FORM Entry Deadline: Saturday, July 13th Exhibitor’s Name___________________________________________________________________Phone: ___________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street/Road City State ZIP County___________________ Township___________________ Age: (Jr/ Sr Citizen only)________ Email__________________________________ Please record the following entries subject to rules & regulations printed in each department of the Premium Book. Each blank must be lled in completely, using the numbers as shown in the Premium Book. ONLY ONE ENTRY PER LINE LOT CLASS BREED BIRTHDATE MM/DD/YY JR FAIR Y/N ANIMAL NAME/DESCRIPTION IN PREMIUM BOOK FEES * Livestock Exhibitor’s Pass (7 tickets) $15.00 *Additional Presale Tickets ($40.00 for 7 tickets) *Additional Presale Tickets ($30.00 for 4 tickets) Columbiana County Agricultural Society Membership Ticket ($1.00 each**) ONE (1) additional membership may be purchased for spouse in SAME HOUSEHOLD, write name and phone number below: Name____________________________________________________________ Phone______________________ ($1.00) **Agricultural Society Membership Tickets cannot be picked up until signed for at the fair oce.** TOTAL *Presale tickets are for admission only. Ride wristbands can be purchased on upper Midway in ride area at an additional fee. Total animals entered _________ Stalls or pens needed _________ I agree that, to the fullest extent permitted by law, the Columbiana County Agricultural Society along with the individual board members, employees and/or volunteers assumes no responsibility and the exhibitor agrees to hold the Society, its’ appointed ocials, employees and volunteers or all others working in behalf of the Society, harmless for any claim, liability or demand of any kind for or on account of any personal injury/death or damage of any kind sustained by any person and/or to any property as a result of this entry. I certify that having fully read and understand all the rules and Regulations set forth by the Columbiana County Agricultural Society and the Ohio Department of Agriculture, the axed signature on this entry form constitutes acceptance of same. Signature_________________________________________________________________________________________Date__________________________ PLEASE MAIL ENTRIES TO: Columbiana County Fair, PO Box 356, Lisbon, OH 44432 ~ Phone: 330-424-5531 EXHIBITOR’S NO. DEPARTMENT. NO 4

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55 SHEEP OPEN CLASS COLUMBIANA COUNTY FAIR ENTRY FORM Entry Deadline: Saturday, July 13th Exhibitor’s Name___________________________________________________________________Phone: ___________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street/Road City State ZIP County___________________ Township___________________ Age: (Jr/ Sr Citizen only)________ Email__________________________________ Please record the following entries subject to rules & regulations printed in each department of the Premium Book. Each blank must be lled in completely, using the numbers as shown in the Premium Book. ONLY ONE ENTRY PER LINE LOT CLASS BREED SCRAPIES # JR FAIR Y/N ANIMAL NAME/DESCRIPTION IN PREMIUM BOOK FEES * Livestock Exhibitor’s Pass (7 tickets) $15.00 *Additional Presale Tickets ($40.00 for 7 tickets) *Additional Presale Tickets ($30.00 for 4 tickets) Columbiana County Agricultural Society Membership Ticket ($1.00 each**) ONE (1) additional membership may be purchased for spouse in SAME HOUSEHOLD, write name and phone number below: Name____________________________________________________________ Phone______________________ ($1.00) **Agricultural Society Membership Tickets cannot be picked up until signed for at the fair oce.** TOTAL *Presale tickets are for admission only. Ride wristbands can be purchased on upper Midway in ride area at an additional fee. Total animals entered _________ Stalls or pens needed _________ I agree that, to the fullest extent permitted by law, the Columbiana County Agricultural Society along with the individual board members, employees and/or volunteers assumes no responsibility and the exhibitor agrees to hold the Society, its’ appointed ocials, employees and volunteers or all others working in behalf of the Society, harmless for any claim, liability or demand of any kind for or on account of any personal injury/death or damage of any kind sustained by any person and/or to any property as a result of this entry. I certify that having fully read and understand all the rules and Regulations set forth by the Columbiana County Agricultural Society and the Ohio Department of Agriculture, the axed signature on this entry form constitutes acceptance of same. Signature_________________________________________________________________________________________Date__________________________ PLEASE MAIL ENTRIES TO: Columbiana County Fair, PO Box 356, Lisbon, OH 44432 ~ Phone: 330-424-5531 EXHIBITOR’S NO. DEPARTMENT. NO 5

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57 GOATS OPEN CLASS COLUMBIANA COUNTY FAIR ENTRY FORM Entry Deadline: Saturday, July 13th Exhibitor’s Name___________________________________________________________________Phone: ___________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street/Road City State ZIP County___________________ Township___________________ Age: (Jr/ Sr Citizen only)________ Email__________________________________ Please record the following entries subject to rules & regulations printed in each department of the Premium Book. Each blank must be lled in completely, using the numbers as shown in the Premium Book. ONLY ONE ENTRY PER LINE LOT CLASS BREED SCRAPIES # JR FAIR Y/N ANIMAL NAME/DESCRIPTION IN PREMIUM BOOK FEES * Livestock Exhibitor’s Pass (7 tickets) $15.00 *Additional Presale Tickets ($40.00 for 7 tickets) *Additional Presale Tickets ($30.00 for 4 tickets) Columbiana County Agricultural Society Membership Ticket ($1.00 each**) ONE (1) additional membership may be purchased for spouse in SAME HOUSEHOLD, write name and phone number below: Name____________________________________________________________ Phone______________________ ($1.00) **Agricultural Society Membership Tickets cannot be picked up until signed for at the fair oce.** TOTAL *Presale tickets are for admission only. Ride wristbands can be purchased on upper Midway in ride area at an additional fee. Total animals entered _________ Stalls or pens needed _________ I agree that, to the fullest extent permitted by law, the Columbiana County Agricultural Society along with the individual board members, employees and/or volunteers assumes no responsibility and the exhibitor agrees to hold the Society, its’ appointed ocials, employees and volunteers or all others working in behalf of the Society, harmless for any claim, liability or demand of any kind for or on account of any personal injury/death or damage of any kind sustained by any person and/or to any property as a result of this entry. I certify that having fully read and understand all the rules and Regulations set forth by the Columbiana County Agricultural Society and the Ohio Department of Agriculture, the axed signature on this entry form constitutes acceptance of same. Signature_________________________________________________________________________________________Date__________________________ PLEASE MAIL ENTRIES TO: Columbiana County Fair, PO Box 356, Lisbon, OH 44432 ~ Phone: 330-424-5531 EXHIBITOR’S NO. DEPARTMENT. NO 6

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59 HAY & GRAIN, VEGETABLES & FRUIT, HORTICULTURE ONLY OPEN CLASS COLUMBIANA COUNTY FAIR ENTRY FORM Entry Deadline: Saturday, July 13th Exhibitor’s Name___________________________________________________________________Phone: ___________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street/Road City State ZIP County___________________ Township___________________ Age: (Jr/ Sr Citizen only)________ Email__________________________________ DEPT LOT CLASS DESCRIPTION IN PREMIUM BOOK FEES *Additional Presale Tickets ($40.00 for 7 tickets) *Additional Presale Tickets ($30.00 for 4 tickets) Columbiana County Agricultural Society Membership Ticket ($1.00 each**) ONE (1) additional membership may be purchased for spouse in SAME HOUSEHOLD, write name and phone number below: Name____________________________________________________________ Phone______________________ ($1.00) **Agricultural Society Membership Tickets cannot be picked up until signed for at the fair oce.** TOTAL *Presale tickets are for admission only. Ride wristbands can be purchased on upper Midway in ride area at an additional fee. I agree that, to the fullest extent permitted by law, the Columbiana County Agricultural Society along with the individual board members, employees and/or volunteers assumes no responsibility and the exhibitor agrees to hold the Society, its’ appointed ocials, employees and volunteers or all others working in behalf of the Society, harmless for any claim, liability or demand of any kind for or on account of any personal injury/death or damage of any kind sustained by any person and/or to any property as a result of this entry. I certify that having fully read and understand all the rules and Regulations set forth by the Columbiana County Agricultural Society and the Ohio Department of Agriculture, the axed signature on this entry form constitutes acceptance of same. Signature_________________________________________________________________________________________Date__________________________ PLEASE MAIL ENTRIES TO: Columbiana County Fair, PO Box 356, Lisbon, OH 44432 ~ Phone: 330-424-5531 EXHIBITOR’S NO. DEPARTMENTS 7-8-9

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61 ARTS & CRAFTS, CULINARY, PHOTOGRAPHY, TEXTILE & GRANGES ONLY OPEN CLASS COLUMBIANA COUNTY FAIR ENTRY FORM Entry Deadline: Saturday, July 13th Exhibitor’s Name___________________________________________________________________Phone: ___________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street/Road City State ZIP County___________________ Township___________________ Age: (Jr/ Sr Citizen only)________ Email__________________________________ DEPT LOT CLASS DESCRIPTION IN PREMIUM BOOK FEES *Additional Presale Tickets ($40.00 for 7 tickets) *Additional Presale Tickets ($30.00 for 4 tickets) Columbiana County Agricultural Society Membership Ticket ($1.00 each**) ONE (1) additional membership may be purchased for spouse in SAME HOUSEHOLD, write name and phone number below: Name____________________________________________________________ Phone______________________ ($1.00) **Agricultural Society Membership Tickets cannot be picked up until signed for at the fair oce.** TOTAL *Presale tickets are for admission only. Ride wristbands can be purchased on upper Midway in ride area at an additional fee. I agree that, to the fullest extent permitted by law, the Columbiana County Agricultural Society along with the individual board members, employees and/or volunteers assumes no responsibility and the exhibitor agrees to hold the Society, its’ appointed ocials, employees and volunteers or all others working in behalf of the Society, harmless for any claim, liability or demand of any kind for or on account of any personal injury/death or damage of any kind sustained by any person and/or to any property as a result of this entry. I certify that having fully read and understand all the rules and Regulations set forth by the Columbiana County Agricultural Society and the Ohio Department of Agriculture, the axed signature on this entry form constitutes acceptance of same. Signature_________________________________________________________________________________________Date__________________________ PLEASE MAIL ENTRIES TO: Columbiana County Fair, PO Box 356, Lisbon, OH 44432 ~ Phone: 330-424-5531 EXHIBITOR’S NO. DEPARTMENTS 10-11-12 13-14

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62 • Fill out information requested on entry form. • Entry form must be received in the fair oce accompanied by the entry fee or be submitted online by July 13th. • Upon receipt of your entry tag (s), please review for accuracy. If you nd any discrepancies or omissions, please contact the fair oce at 330-424-5531 as soon as possible so the proper adjustments can be made. • Attach the entry tag (s) to each article BEFORE delivery to the Arts & Crafts Building . • All entries must remain in the building until 8:00 pm the last night of the fair….NO EXCEPTIONS! • Entries may be removed Monday, Aug 5, between 10:00 am and 5:00 pm. Administration will not be responsible for items re-maining after that time. YOU MUST have claim tags to remove entries. Deadlines for all entries, Saturday July 13, will be strictly enforced. Baked Goods Sale Monday, July 29 at 7:00 pm • Arts & Crafts Bldg. All proceeds benet the 4-H programs of Columbiana County. Join us and bid on your favorite “Blue Ribbon” winner! CULINARY, TEXTILE, ARTS & PHOTOGRAPHY THE ARTS & CRAFTS BUILDING WILL BE CLOSED UNTIL 9:00 A.M. TUESDAY FOR JUDGING ENTRY TAGS MAY BE PICKED UP IN THE ARTS & CRAFTS BUILDING ON SATURDAY, JULY 20 OR SUNDAY, JULY 21 FROM 10 AM TO 5 PM ENTRY DEADLINE: Saturday, July 13, 2024 ENTRY FEES: .50₵ per entry Junior Divisions—NO ENTRY FEE ENTRY DAYS: DEPT 10 : Saturday, July 27 - 10:00 am - 5:00 pm (canned goods) Monday, July 29 - 9:00 - 11:00 am (baked goods/candy) Thursday, August 1 - 8:00 am - 10:00 am (Best Berry Pie) DEPT 11 & 12: Saturday, July 20 - 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Sunday, July 21 - 10:00 am - 5:00 pm DEPT 13 : Saturday, July 20 - 10:00 am - 5:00 pm PREMIUM PAYMENT POLICY All premium monies will be paid out as follows: ** Open Class Livestock & Junior Fair Premiums - Sunday (last day of fair) in the Fair Administration Oce from 2 – 6 pm ** Open Class Departments 7-15 Premiums - in the Arts & Crafts Building during exhibit pick-up times NO CHECKS WILL BE MAILED: ALL PREMIUM MONIES WILL BE ISSUED IN CHECKS. PLEASE CASH ASAP; CHECKS ARE VOID AFTER 90 DAYS. All checks not cashed within the 90-day time period and unclaimed within the designated times listed above will be considered a donation by the payee to the Columbiana County Fair.

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63 Rules • All entries must be in a suitable, disposable plastic bag, approved by the Director in Charge, on an 8” Styrofoam or paper plate. • No waxed paper wrapping will be accepted. Items not properly submitted will not be judged. • All items MUST be made from scratch, unless there is specically a box mix class. • All baked goods become the property of the Columbiana County Fair. • Each article shown must be the work of the exhibitor. • Entries limited to three entries per class per exhibitor. • A PROFESSIONAL is a person following an occupation as a means of livelihood or for gain. This department is NOT fo professionals, except where noted. • The Fair will use reasonable care, but will, under NO circumstances, be responsible for any loss or breakage which occurs. • Due to lack of refrigeration, NO cream cheese in lling, icing or as an ingredient will be permitted. No cream pies will be accepted. • In all classes, when submitting an item in “other”, specics must be included. • Articles in the wrong class will not be judged. If there is a class listed for the item entered, the item may not be entered in “other”. • Items entered in “other”, regardless of lot description, must include specics regarding same. • Entry tags must be attached to exhibit BEFORE entry. • For “Dump Cakes” only, a mix may be used. Please provide recipe along with your entry. • If you are submitting an entry in the “other” category, please specify on entry AND include an index card regarding the same information, along with your entry when presenting it for judging. This is required for the judge’s information. Class No: Description 13. Date & Nut Bread 14. Raisin Bread 15. Banana Bread 16. 1/2 doz. Muns - please specify type 17. 1/2 doz. Baking Powder Biscuits 18. Corn Bread 19. Coee Cake 20. Flat Bread 21. Pretzel Buns - 4 on a plate 22. Gluten Free 23. Any Other, please specify LOT 1 - BREADS Premiums: 1st $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 * BEST OF SHOW………Rosette & Award DEPARTMENT 10 ~ CULINARY Directors - in - Charge Sharen Cope, Chair 330-247-8557 and Chelsea Lease, Asst. 330-843-3299 ENTRY DEADLINE: Saturday, July 13, 2024 ENTRY FEES: .50₵ per entry ENTRY DAYS: Saturday, July 27 - 10:00 am - 5:00 pm (canned goods) Monday, July 29 - 8:00 - 10:00 am (baked goods/candy) Thursday, August 1 - 8:00 am - 10:00 am (Best Berry Pie) THE ARTS & CRAFTS BUILDING WILL BE CLOSED UNTIL 9:00 A.M. TUESDAY FOR JUDGING ENTRY TAGS MAY BE PICKED UP IN THE ARTS & CRAFTS BUILDING ON SATURDAY, JULY 20 OR SUNDAY, JULY 21 FROM 10 AM TO 5 PM PREMIUM PAYMENT POLICY All premium monies will be paid out as follows: ** Open Class Livestock & Junior Fair Premiums - Sunday (last day of fair) in the Fair Administration Oce from 2 – 6 pm ** Open Class Departments 7-15 Premiums - in the Arts & Crafts Building during exhibit pick-up times NO CHECKS WILL BE MAILED: ALL PREMIUM MONIES WILL BE ISSUED IN CHECKS. PLEASE CASH ASAP; CHECKS ARE VOID AFTER 90 DAYS. All checks not cashed within the 90-day time period and unclaimed within the designated times listed above will be considered a donation by the payee to the Columbiana County Fair. Class No: Description 1. Sourdough Bread 2. White Bread 3. Brown Bread 4. Multi-Grain Bread - please specify 5. French Bread or Baguette 6. Sweet Bread Ring or Rolls 7. 1/2 doz. Clover Leaf Rolls 8. 1/2 doz. White Rolls 9. 1/2 doz. Cinnamon Rolls 10. 1/2 doz. Rolls, other than white 11. Pumpkin Bread 12. Zucchini Bread

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64 LOT 3 - PIES Premiums 1st - $4.00 2nd - $3.00 3rd - $2.00 • All pies must be baked in an 8” foil pan & covered with a Ziploc bag. • No uncooked fruit, custard, pumpkin, meringue, cream-type pies or cobblers are permitted. Class No: Description 1. Peach 2. Berry 3. Cherry 4. Apple 5. Any Other, specify * BEST OF SHOW …………… Rosette & Award LOT 5 - CANDY (6 pieces per plate) Premiums 1st - $4.00 2nd - $3.00 3rd - $2.00 Class No. Description 1. Fudge, specify variety 2. Nut Brittle 3. Caramels 4. Clusters 5. Any other - specify * BEST OF SHOW……..…Rosette & Award DEPARTMENT 10 ~ CULINARY JUNIOR DIVISION (6 pieces per plate) LOT 6 - JUNIOR DIVISION (Ages 8 & under) LOT 7 - JUNIOR DIVISION (Ages 9-13) LOT 8- - JUNIOR DIVISION (Ages 14-17) Premiums 1st - $4.00 2nd - $3.00 3rd - $2.00 Class No. Description 1. Peanut Butter Cookies 2. Sugar Cookies (plain) 3. Chocolate Chip 4. Butter Cookies (cookie press) 5. Brownies (plain) 6. Cupcakes 7. Candy 8. Bread or Rolls 9. Muns, specify variety 10. Any Other - specify * BEST OF SHOW ……………… Rosette & Award LOT 2 - CAKES Premiums 1st - $4.00 2nd - $3.00 3rd - $2.00 • NO ICING • All sizes of cakes should be uniform: 8” only in foil pan or 8” layer. • No sheet cakes, 9x13’s, etc. • Bundt Cake entered do not need to follow the 8’ pan rule. • For Dump Cakes only, a mix may be used. • The following will be used in judging cakes: General Appearance, Crumb Texture, Lightness, Quality, Flavor Class No. Description 1. Single Layer Cake, Any Variety 2. Angel Food, no icing 3. Dump Cake (please provide recipe) 4. Bundt Cake 5. Cupcakes (6) 6. Any Other - please specify * BEST OF SHOW ……………Rosette & Award Class No. Description 9. Chocolate Chip 10. Pumpkin Cookies 11. Bar Cookie 12. No Bake Cookies 13. Brownies (plain) 14. Holiday Cookies 15. Sandwich Cookies Cookies 16. Gluten Free Cookies 17. Any Other—please specify LOT 4 - COOKIES (6 cookies per plate) Premiums 1st - $4.00 2nd - $3.00 3rd - $2.00 Class No. Description 1. Thumb Print 2. Ethnic Cookies 3. Nut 4. Oatmeal (plain) 5. Oatmeal (with other ingredients) 6. Peanut Butter 7. Sugar (plain) 8. Snickerdoodles * BEST OF SHOW ………Rosette & Award

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65 DEPARTMENT 10 ~ CULINARY CHOCOLATE PEANUT BUTTER KRISPY NO-BAKE COOKIES Please use adult supervision Class No. Description 3. Ages 14-17 yrs. old. LOT 9 - SPECIAL JUNIOR DIVISION Premiums 1st $6.00 2nd $4.00 3rd $2.00 (NO ENTRY FEE) S’MORES RICE KRISPY COOKIE Please use adult supervision Class No. Description 2. Ages 9 - 13 yrs. old Directions: 1. Line two cookie pans with parchment paper and set aside. 2. Place rice cereal and graham crackers in large bowl. 3. In a large microwave safe bowl, melt butter and 3/4 of the marshmallows (save the rest for later) in 20 second intervals, stirring in between, until melted. 4. Add the marshmallow mixture to the rice cereal mixture and stir until everything is well coated. Allow to cool for 10 minutes. 5. Add the remaining marshmallows and the chocolate chips to the mixture. Stir quickly to combine. 6. Use two large spoons to drop clusters onto the parchment paper. 7. Allow cookies to cool before serving and Enjoy! * BEST OF SHOW …………….Rosette & Award Ingredients: 8 oz mini marshmallows, separated 1/4 cup butter 3 1/2 cups Rice Krispies Cereal 2 1/2 cups graham crackers, chopped or broken into bite size pieces 1/2 cup milk choc. chips Directions: 1. Line two cookie pans with parchment paper and set aside. 2. Place rice cereal and mini marshmallows in a large bowl. 3. In a large microwave safe bowl, melt white chocolate chips in 20 second intervals, stirring in between, until melted. 4. Add the peanut butter to the melted white chocolate and stir until combined. Allow to cool slightly. 5. Add the white chocolate and peanut butter mixture to the bowl of rice cereal and marshmallows. Fold together until completely coated. 6. Use two large spoons to drop clusters onto the parchment paper. 7. Place cookies in the fridge until set. About 15 minutes. Remove cookies from tray and Enjoy. * BEST OF SHOW …………...Rosette & Award AVALANCHE COOKIES Please use adult supervision Class No. Description 1. Ages 8 & Under Ingredients: 2 1/2 cups crispy rice cereal 1 1/2 cups mini marshmallows 2 cups white chocolate chips 1/2 cup creamy peanut butter Directions: 1. Line two cookie pans with parchment paper and set aside. 2. In a large microwave safe bowl, melt sugar, corn syrup and peanut butter in 20 second intervals, stirring in between, until melted smooth. 3. Add the rice cereal and stir until combined. 4. Add the chocolate chips and stir until well mixed. Wait 2 - 3 minutes and then add the chopped Reese’s Peanut Butter cups, gently folding them in so that you don’t smash them too much. 5. Use two large spoons to drop clusters onto the parchment paper. Let cool and Enjoy! * BEST OF SHOW …………...Rosette & Award Ingredients: 1/2 cups sugar 1/2 cup corn syrup 3/4 cup creamy peanut butter 2 1/2 cups crispy rice cereal 1/2 cup chopped Reese’s Peanut Butter cups 3 tablespoons semi-sweet choc. chips

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66 • All pies must be made with berries/cherries. • Two-crust pie required (includes lattice top). • No purchased, ready-made crusts. • Must be baked in a disposable 8” or 9” aluminum foil pan only (no glass or metal pans). ** REMINDER: Aluminum foil pans require approximately 15 minutes longer cooking time. • Winners will be announced on the PA system. • Pies judged and sold at the judges’ discretion of quality. • All contest winners’ names will be featured in the 2025 Premium Book. • Pie crust and lling MUST be made by exhibitor. • Entries are to be submitted in a resealable zip lock bag appropriate to the size of the pie. • Entries MUST be made ENTIRELY by exhibitor! ENTRY DAY: Thursday, August 1- 8:00 - 10:00 am ENTRY FEES: .50₵ per item LOT 10 - BEST BERRY PIE CONTEST Premiums 1st - $10 2nd - $7 3rd - $5 Class No. Description 1. Women - 24 years old & under 2. Women - 25 years old to 50 years old 3. Women - 51 years old & over 4. Men - 24 years old & under 5. Men - 25 years old to 50 years old 6. Men - 51 years old & over Pie Auction Thursday, August 1st - 5:00 pm Beef Complex All pies will be sold during a public auction immediately prior to the Jr. Fair Livestock Auction. All proceeds to benet improvements to the fairgrounds. AWARDS Prior to the auction, the Grand Champion “Best Berry Pie Baker in Columbiana County” will be presented a special trophy by our sponsors: Quilts by Cope - Women’s Division Halls of Fame Trophies - Men’s Division All other class winners will be presented special ribbons at that time. Congratulations to our 2023 Contest Winners! Women’s Division: Best of Show: Donna Readshaw Men’s Division: Best of Show: Tony Watson 24 yrs & under 1st Taylor Watson 2nd Baylee Mohr 51 yrs & over 1st Donna Readshaw 2nd Mae Reese 3rd Jean Ohlin 25 - 50 yrs old 1st Michelle Smith 3rd Rachel Hays 3rd Anna Lannon 51 yrs & over 1st Jim Powell 25 - 50 yrs old 1st Tony Watson 2nd Christopher Frankovic 24 yrs & under 1st Kenny Watson

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67 LOT 11 - MEN’S DIVISION Premiums 1st $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 • No uncooked fruit, cream cheese, whipped cream, marshmallow cream, cobbler, pizza, cream, custard, cheesecake or meringue. • All quantities as listed. • No box cakes permitted. Class No. Description 1. Quick Breads 2. Candy - 6 on a plate 3. Brownies - 6 on a plate 4. Yeast Bread 5. Cookies - 6 on a plate 6. Pie - fruit only 7. Any Other - specify * BEST OF SHOW …………Rosette & Award LOT 12 - INTERNATIONAL BAKED GOODS Premiums: 1st $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 • No pizza, cobblers, and all quantities as listed. Class No. Description 1. Yeast Bread or Roll 2. Kolachi - Nut 3. Pizzelle 4. Kolachi - Fruit 5. Cookies - 6 on a plate 6. Bak Lava 7. Other - please specify * BEST OF SHOW ……… Rosette & Award LOT 13 - JAMS - JELLIES - BUTTERS Premiums: 1st $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 Class No. Description 1. Apple Jelly 2. Grape Jelly 3. Blackberry Jelly 4. Raspberry Red Jelly 5. Raspberry Black—Jelly 6. Any other jelly * BEST OF SHOW ……… Rosette & Award Class No. Description 7. Cherry Jam 8. Peach Jam 9. Strawberry Jam 10. Blueberry Jam 11. Any Other Jam 12. Apple Butter 13. Any Other Butter — Please specify 19. Fruit Filling 20. Carrots 21. Corn 22. Lima Beans 23. String Beans 24. Tomatoes 25. Mixed Vegetables 26. Potatoes 27. Peppers (Any Variety) 28. Maple Syrup 29. Tomato Juice 30. Tomato Ketchup 31. Chili Sauce 32. Dried Veggie or Fruit 33. Salsa 34. Soup—Specify Please 35. Spaghetti Sauce 36. Any Other - specify LOT 14 - CANNED GOODS Premiums: 1st $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 • No jars sealed with paran. • Entries in Canned Goods should be in standard size jars, un-less otherwise specied, with NEW standard lids. • Remove all labels from jars. • NO CAP OR JAR DECORATIONS. • CLEAR GLASS STANDARD CANNING JARS ONLY (unless otherwise specied) • Jars and lids must be clean and rust-free. • No half gallons. Class No. Description Class No. Description 1. Beef 2. Pork 3. Venison 4. Turkey 5. Dill Pickles 6. Sweet Pickles 7. Mustard Pickles 8. Relish 9. Bread & Butter Pickles 10. End of Garden Pickles 11. Pickled Beets 12. Peaches 13. Cherries, Sweet 14. Cherries, Sour 15. Plums 16. Pears 17. Applesauce 18. Blackberries * BEST OF SHOW ……… Rosette & Award DEPARTMENT 10 ~ CULINARY LOT 15 - JUNIOR DIVISION CANNED GOODS (open to Juniors 14 - 17 - No entry fee) Premiums 1st $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 Class No. Description 1. Pickles 2. Fruit 3. Vegetables * BEST OF SHOW …….. Rosette & Award 4. Jams & Butters 5. Jellies 6. Any other - specify

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68 LOT 1 - QUILTS AND BED COVERINGS Premiums 1st $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 Class No. Description 1. Any Hand Quilted Covering 2. Appliqued Quilt - Machine 3. Embroidered Quilt - Machine 4. Pieced Quilt - Machine 5. Baby Quilt - Machine 6. Wall Hanging Quilt - Machine 7. Quilt by a Group - Machine 8. Knotted Comforter 9. Knotted Baby Comforter 10. Table Runner - Table Cover 11. Christmas Tree Skirt 12. Mini Quilt under 24" square 13. Quilted Garment 14. Any Other - Specify *BEST OF SHOW ………...Rosette & Award Rules • All entries must be at the Arts & Crafts Building between 10:00 am - 5:00 pm, Saturday, July 20 and Sunday July 21 • Entry tags must be attached to exhibit BEFORE delivery to the Arts & Crafts Building. • Place entry tag on right corner of material. • Each article shown must be the work of the exhibitor. • Entries limited to three entries per exhibitor per class. • Any item designed to be hung must be equipped with a wire hanger. No sawtooth hangers. • NO SOILED, WORN OR UNFINISHED ARTICLE, OR ANY ARTICLE THAT HAS BEEN SHOWN PREVIOUSLY WILL BE CONSIDERED. • New work is given preference, and no article considered unworthy by the judge will be given a premium. • Judge’s decision is nal. • This department is NOT for professionals. • NO PROFESSIONALS ALLOWED. A PROFESSIONAL is a person following an occupation as a means of livelihood or for gain. • The Fair will use reasonable care, but will not, under ANY circumstances, be responsible for any loss or breakage which occurs. ENTRY DEADLINE: Saturday, July 13, 2024 ENTRY FEES: .50₵ per entry Junior Division - NO ENTRY FEE ENTRY DAYS: Saturday, July 20 - 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Sunday, July 21 - 10:00 am - 5:00 pm DEPARTMENT 11 ~ TEXTILE LOT 2 - AFGHAN Premiums 1st $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 Class No. Description 1. Crocheted Ripple 2. Crocheted Granny Square 3. Crocheted Shell or any variation 4. Crocheted Afghan Stitch Afghan 5. Crocheted Baby Afghan 6. Crocheted Afghan, any other 7. Knitted Afghan 8. Knitted Baby Afghan 9. Most Unique Use of Left Over Yarn * BEST OF SHOW …….…...Rosette & Award THE ARTS & CRAFTS BUILDING WILL BE CLOSED UNTIL 9:00 A.M. TUESDAY FOR JUDGING ENTRY TAGS MAY BE PICKED UP IN THE ARTS & CRAFTS BUILDING ON SATURDAY, JULY 20 OR SUNDAY, JULY 21 FROM 10 AM TO 5 PM Directors - in - Charge Sharen Cope, Chair 330-247-8557 and Chelsea Lease, Asst. 330-843-3299 PREMIUM PAYMENT POLICY All premium monies will be paid out as follows: ** Open Class Livestock & Junior Fair Premiums - Sunday (last day of fair) in the Fair Administration Oce from 2 – 6 pm ** Open Class Departments 7-15 Premiums - in the Arts & Crafts Building during exhibit pick-up times NO CHECKS WILL BE MAILED: ALL PREMIUM MONIES WILL BE ISSUED IN CHECKS. PLEASE CASH ASAP; CHECKS ARE VOID AFTER 90 DAYS. All checks not cashed within the 90-day time period and unclaimed within the designated times listed above will be considered a donation by the payee to the Columbiana County Fair.

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69 Quilts by Cope Sharen M. Cope, Owner 31500 Winona Road Salem, OH. 44460 330-247-8557 LOT 6 - KNITTING Premiums 1st $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 Class No. Description 1. Adult Wearable Item 2. Child's Wearable Item 3. Baby Set 4. Scarf or Accessory 5. Knitted Toys 6. Kitchen Accessories 7. Any other, not listed * BEST OF SHOW ……....Rosette & Award LOT 7 - PILLOWS Premiums 1st $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 Class No. Description 1. Patchwork 2. Holiday 3. Crochet 4. Embroidered 5. Quilted 6. Applique 7. Machine Embroidery 8. Two or More Techniques 9. Any Other - Specify * BEST OF SHOW ……....Rosette & Award LOT 8 - SEWING Premiums 1st $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 Class No. Description 1. Tops, any style 2. Bottoms, any style 3. Dress 4. Jacket 5. Youth Clothing 6. Sleepwear 7. Costume 8. Aprons 9. Pillowcase 10. Any Other - Specify *BEST OF SHOW …………. Rosette & Award DEPARTMENT 11 ~ TEXTILE LOT 3 - NEEDLEWORK Premiums 1st $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 Class No. Description 1. Needlepoint 2. Embroidery 3. Sampler 4. Stamped Cross Stitch 5. Beaded Item 6. Candlewicking 7. Ribbon Embroidery 8. Any Other - Please Specify *BEST OF SHOW ………...Rosette & Award LOT 4 - CROCHET WORK Premiums 1st $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 Class No. Description 1. Doily or Centerpiece 2. Tablecloth 3. Adult Wearable Item 4. Child's Wearable Item 5. Baby Set 6. Scarf or Accessory 7. Toy 8. Animal 9. Doll Clothes 10. Any other, not afghan * BEST OF SHOW ……… Rosette & Award LOT 5 - COUNTED CROSS STITCH Premiums 1st $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 Class No. Description 1. Under 8x10 Picture, 11-14 ct 2. Over 8x10 Picture, 11-14 ct 3. Under 8x10 Picture, 22 ct 4. Over 8x10 Picture, 22 ct 5. Sampler 6. Animal 7. Mini Picture - under 3.5x5 8. Any Other - Specify * BEST OF SHOW ……....Rosette & Award

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70 LOT 9 - TOTE BAGS Premiums 1st $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 • Size is not to exceed 15” x 24” • Embroidery, yarn, etc. can be used to embellish. • Hand constructed bag must be completely built by exhibitor Class No. Description 1. Embellished Tote Bag 2. Hand Constructed Tote Bag 3. Quilted Tote Bag/Purse * BEST OF SHOW ………. Rosette & Award LOT 10 - RUGS Premiums 1st $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 Class No. Description 1. Crocheted 2. Braided - Any Material 3. Loom Woven - Any Material 4. Any Other - Not Listed * BEST OF SHOW ………. Rosette & Award LOT 11 - JUNIOR DIVISION (Ages 8 & under) LOT 12 - JUNIOR DIVISION (Ages 9-13) LOT 13 - JUNIOR DIVISION (Ages 14-17) Premiums 1st $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 Class No. Description 1. Quilt & Bed Covering 2. Needlework 3. Crotchet Work 4. Counted Cross Stch 5. Kning 6. Pillows 7. Sewing 8. Tote Bag 9. Rugs * BEST OF SHOW ………. Rosette & Award “AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL” LOT 14 - JR DIVISION VETERAN’S QUILT Premiums 1st $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 (Open to Juniors 17 and under - No Entry Fee) LOT 15 - SR DIVISION VETERAN’S QUILT Premiums 1st $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 All entries will be judged and premiums awarded as they normally would. After judging, all entries will be displayed hanging from the ceiling of the Arts & Crafts Building at the fair. They will then be presented to county veterans September 8th, 2024 at the ceremony and dinner. Requirements: • Quilts & Afghans must be at least 40” x 60” (lap robe) size but no larger than twin. • Items must be Red, White & Blue in color. • All exhibitors will be required to sign the waiver form that acknowledges their agreement that their item will be gifted to the organizations listed and that they are receiving no compensation for their donation. Please remit the waiver to the fair oce along with your entry form. Class No. Description 1. Any Hand Quilt 2. Appliqued Quilt - Machine 3. Embroidered Quilt - Machine 4. Patchwork Quilt - Machine 5. Knotted Comforter 6. Afghan - Crocheted 7. Afghan - Knitted 8. Cross Stitch 9. No Sew Blankets 10. Any Other - Specify 11. Created by a Group *BEST OF SHOW ……...Rosette & Award DEPARTMENT 11 ~ TEXTILE LOT 16 - BLANKETS FOR BABIES Premiums 1st $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 In 2021 two large boxes of baby blankets were delivered to Akron Children’s Hospital in Boardman. We received a beautiful • “Thank-You” letter from them. In the letter, they also in-formed us that newborn blankets are no longer included with the handmade blankets, but children from one year and over will continue to receive them. • Minimum size 36” x 48” Class No. Description 1. Jr Division (ages 8 & under) 2. Jr Division (ages 9—13) *BEST OF SHOW ……...Rosette & Award Class No. Description 3. Jr Division (ages 14—17) 4. Senior Division

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71 O beautiful for patriot dream That sees beyond the years Thine alabaster cities gleam, Undimmed by human tears! America! America! God shed His grace on thee, And crown thy good with brotherhood From sea to shining sea! O beautiful for spacious skies, For amber waves of grain, For purple mountain majesties Above the fruited plain! America! America! God shed His grace on thee, And crown thy good with brotherhood From sea to shining sea! This patriotic song is one of the most popular of American music. And is it any wonder? It was originally a poem penned in 1893 by Katherine Lee Bates, an English professor at Wellesley College after she had completed a cross country trip by train. It was then composed into hymn tune by Samuel A Ward, an organist and choir director at Grace Church in Newark and quickly became one of the favorites to commemorate events such as our own Recognition Ceremony for Veterans and First Responders. This beautiful song can bring tears of pride to not only those who sing it but also those just hearing it as well. As you no doubt are aware, we continue to pay tribute to those who have been nominated to receive patriotic quilts that have been part of our special category. Our exhibitors make absolutely gorgeous quilts and blankets which they agree are to be gifted to our nominees. Our recognition ceremony is scheduled for Sunday, September 8th at 1 p.m. At the Moving Wall area on upper midway. The event then moves to the Arts & Crafts Building for a catered meal by Mission BBQ of Boardman and then the quilt presentation follows. Anyone wishing to nominate a Veteran or First responder (Police, Fire, EMT) please submit their names and contact information to Sharen M. Cope, Director, at 31500 Winona Rd, Salem OH or to the Fair Oce. We are honored to be able to pay tribute to these great deserving people and thank all of our quilters for their hard work and gracious eorts in this regard. THANK YOU! Sharen Cope, Director, Columbiana County Fair Board CEREMONY OF RECOGNITION & PRESENTATION Sunday, September 8th, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. Our Recognition Ceremony will be held at the Moving Wall area on upper midway. Seating will be provided. We will adjourn to the Arts & Craft building for the dinner and Quilt Presentation which follows. Reservations are desired ~ 330-247-8557 WAIVER FORM I/We understand that by entering the “America the Beautiful!” category in the Arts and Crafts Department of the Columbiana County Fair, my entry will be donated to the charitable organization listed, after the Fair. The sta of Arts and Crafts will see that entries are delivered to the organization; no compensation will be made to me for my gift, although premiums and ribbons will be awarded to the winners. Name/Group:____________________________________________________ Exhibitor Number______________________________ If you know of a Veteran/First Responder that should be nominated, please forward their contact information (Name, mailing address, phone number, if possible) to :Columbiana County Fair P.O. Box 356 Lisbon, Oh. 44432 c/o Sharen M. Cope, Director Katherine Lee Bates

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72 DEPARTMENT 12 ~ ARTS & CRAFTS LOT 1 - ART - JUNIOR DIVISION (Ages 8 & under) LOT 2 - ART - JUNIOR DIVISION (Ages 9 - 13) LOT 3 - ART - JUNIOR DIVISION (Ages 14 - 17) Premiums 1st $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 Class No. Description 1. Pencil Drawings 2. Crayons 3. Opaque Painting 4. Printmaking 5. Calligraphy 6 . Pastels 7. Sculpture 8. Ink-Marker-Watercolor 9. Acrylic Painting 10. Any Other - Specify * BEST OF SHOW ……….. Rosette and Award LOT 4 - ART- SENIOR DIVISION Premiums 1st $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 Class No. Description 1. Oil Painting 2. Acrylic Painting 3. Water Colors 4. Mixed Media 5. Black & White 6. Pastels 7. Sculpture 8. Adult Coloring 9. Pencil Drawing 10. Any Other - specify * BEST OF SHOW ……… Rosette and Award CRAFTS & HOBBY WORK LOT 5 - JUNIOR DIVISION (Ages 8 & under) LOT 6 - JUNIOR DIVISION (Ages 9 - 13) LOT 7 - JUNIOR DIVISION (Ages 14 - 17) Premiums 1st $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 (Open to Juniors 17 and under - No Entry Fee) Class No. Description 1. Scrapbook Page 2. Bookmark 3. Jazzy Jar 4. Special Ornament 5. Duct Tape Creations 6. Barn Quilts 7. Sewing 8. Creative Sweatshirt 9. Decorated Birdhouse 10. Party Favors 11. Gift Wrapping 12. Any other, specify * BEST OF SHOW ……….. Rosette and Award Directors - in - Charge Sharen Cope, Chair 330-247-8557 and Chelsea Lease, Asst. 330-843-3299 ENTRY DEADLINE: Saturday, July 13, 2024 ENTRY FEES: .50₵ per entry Junior Division—NO ENTRY FEE ENTRY DAYS: Saturday, July 20 - 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Sunday, July 21 - 10:00 am - 5:00 pm THE ARTS & CRAFTS BUILDING WILL BE CLOSED UNTIL 9:00 A.M. TUESDAY FOR JUDGING ENTRY TAGS MAY BE PICKED UP IN THE ARTS & CRAFTS BUILDING ON SATURDAY, JULY 20 OR SUNDAY, JULY 21 FROM 10 AM TO 5 PM Rules • All entries must be at the Arts & Crafts Building between NOON - 5:00 pm, Saturday, July 23 and Sunday July 24 • Entry tags must be attached to exhibit BEFORE delivery to the Arts & Crafts Building. • Place entry tag on right corner of material. • Each article shown must be the work of the exhibitor. • Entries limited to three entries per exhibitor per class. • Any item designed to be hung must be equipped with a wire hanger. No sawtooth hangers. • NO SOILED, WORN OR UNFINISHED ARTICLE, OR ANY ARTICLE THAT HAS BEEN SHOWN PREVIOUSLY WILL BE CONSIDERED. • New work is given preference, and no article considered unworthy by the judge will be given a premium. • Judge’s decision is nal. • This department is NOT for professionals. • NO PROFESSIONALS ALLOWED. A PROFESSIONAL is a person following an occupation as a means of livelihood or for gain. PREMIUM PAYMENT POLICY All premium monies will be paid out as follows: ** Open Class Livestock & Junior Fair Premiums - Sunday (last day of fair) in the Fair Administration Oce from 2 – 6 pm ** Open Class Departments 7-15 Premiums - in the Arts & Crafts Building during exhibit pick-up times NO CHECKS WILL BE MAILED: ALL PREMIUM MONIES WILL BE ISSUED IN CHECKS. PLEASE CASH ASAP; CHECKS ARE VOID AFTER 90 DAYS. All checks not cashed within the 90-day time period and unclaimed within the designated times listed above will be considered a donation by the payee to the Columbiana County Fair.

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73 OPPORTUNITIES FOR THOSE WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES LOT 17 - JUNIOR DIVISION (Ages 17 & Under) LOT 18 - SENIOR DIVISION Premiums 1st $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 Class No. Description 1. Sewing and Quilting 2. Artwork 3. Ceramics * BEST OF SHOW …………. Rosette & Award LOT 19 - JULIE’S PATRIOT TREE Premiums: 1st $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 Inspired in 2018 by Julie Morris, who worked in the Fair oce for many years, we have created a spectacular Red, White & Blue Christmas tree – made specially to honor our Veterans. A special invitation to create a patriotic ornament for our tree that will then be presented to a Veteran during our annual quilt presentation in September. All remaining ornaments will then be gifted to VFW Post #892 in Salem to present to Veterans during their annual Veterans Day ceremonies in November. Class No. Description 1. Senior Division 2. Junior Division (ages 17 & under) 3. Group - Club * BEST OF SHOW …………. Rosette & Award DEPARTMENT 12 ~ ARTS & CRAFTS CRAFTS & HOBBY WORK LOT 8 - SENIOR DIVISION Premiums 1st $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 Class No. Description 1. Scrapbook Page 2. Bookmark 3. Decorative Wine Bottle or Mason Jar 4. Special Ornament 5. Barn Quilt 6. Christmas Stockings 7. Ceramics, max 10" 8. Plastic Canvas 9. Stued Animals 10. Stued Dolls 11. Doll Outts 12. Handmade Dolls 13. Handmade Jewelry 14. Gifts for the Kitchen *BEST OF SHOW ………...Rosette & Award LOT 9 - WOODWORKING Premiums 1st $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 Class No. Description 1. Woodworking—Pictures (inlaid) 2. Woodworking—Relief Carving 3. Carved Canes / Walking Sticks 4. Woodburning * BEST OF SHOW ………….Rosette & Award LOT 10 - FIREPLACE MANTLE Premiums 1st $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 The Fair provides a faux replace mantle board (48” x 18”) Entrant will decorate according to theme. No electric provided, entrant may use battery operated illumination ONLY, absolutely NO FLAME (lights, candles or whatever to interpret the theme as if in the home.) Entrant may provide mantle covering if desired. Once placed, nal. Class No. Description 1. ”Christmas Country Style” * BEST OF SHOW …………...Rosette & Award LOT 11 - WREATH Premiums 1st $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 Class No. Description 1. Christmas Wreath 2. Fall Wreath Class No. Description 15. Centerpiece 16. Door Decorations 17. Handmade Christmas Ornament 18. Christmas Tree Skirt 19. Button Craft 20. Tool or Decorative Painting 21. Handwoven Basket 22. Calligraphy 23. Greeting Card, no envelope 24. Gift Wrapping 25. Homemade Wind Chime 26. Kentucky Derby Hat 27. Decorated Sweatshirt 28. Painting on Glass (NEW!) 29. Any other, Specify 5. Hand Carving (Under 12”) 6. Hand Carving (Over 12”) 7. Decorative Original Piece 8. Any Other (specify) Class No. Description 3. Hurray for the Red, White and Blue 4. Other - specify “PLAY IT AGAIN, SAM” LOT 12 - SENIOR DIVISION LOT 13 - SENIOR CITIZENS DIVISION (ages 65 & over) LOT 14 - JUNIOR DIVISION (ages 8 & under) LOT 15 - JUNIOR DIVISION ages 9 - 13) LOT 16 - JUNIOR DIVISION (ages 14 - 17) Premiums 1st $3.00 2nd $2.00 3rd $1.00 Let’s Recycle! Have you made something useful from recyclable material? A quilt from used clothing, a tote bag or purse from old jeans, or a trivet from pop top tabs? Then, this is the category for you. Show your creative side. Items will be judged on creativity, workmanship and usefulness. Class No. Description 1. Fabrics 2. Aluminum Cans 3. Plastic Bottles 4. Paper Products * BEST OF SHOW ……..Rosette & Award (Jr & Sr Divisions) 5. Wood 6. Barbed Wire 7. Glass 8. Miscellaneous/Other (please specify) 4. Woodworking 5. Knitting and Crocheting 6. Any Other, Specify

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74 DEPARTMENT 13 ~ PHOTOGRAPHY LOT 1 - SENIOR DIVISION LOT 2 - JUNIOR DIVISION (8 years & under) LOT 3 - JUNIOR DIVISION (9 to 13 Years) LOT 4 - JUNIOR DIVISION (14 to 17 Years) Premiums 1st $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 * BEST OF SHOW ….…...Rosette & Award * IMPORTANT JR EXHIBITOR INFORMATION * All Junior Entries MUST be an 8” x 10” photograph axed to an 11” x 14” matboard (Provided by Director) Rules • All entries must be at the Arts & Crafts Building between 10:00 am - 5:00 pm, Saturday, July 20 and Sunday July 21 • Entry tags must be attached to exhibit BEFORE delivery to the Arts & Crafts Building and placed on bottom right corner of frame. • Each article shown must be the work of the exhibitor. • Entries limited to three entries per exhibitor per class. • ALL HANGING ENTRIES MUST BE SUITABLY FRAMED . For questions call Sharen Cope, Director • NO sawtooth hangers, string, hooks, clip-style hangers, duct/masking tape, make-shift type frames or frames with exposed glass edges will be accepted. This requirement is to protect all pieces in the show from damage. • Glass or Plexiglas must be used over watercolors, drawings and photographs. • PLEASE ENSURE MATTING & FRAMING IS OF GOOD QUALITY. Many local stores sell nice, inexpensive frames. • Proper presentation is vital and is taken into account when judging. We want you to look good! • A PROFESSIONAL is a person following an occupation as a means of livelihood or for gain. This department is NOT for profession-als, unless otherwise noted. • The dept. reserves the right to exclude any work that doesn’t meet said requirements or is unsuitable for our viewing audience. • Minimum size 5”x7”; Maximum 16”x20” and MUST BE SUITABLY FRAMED. • Any photo that has been shown more than one time previously will not be judged or eligible for awards.; “recent” photos ONLY. “WHAT I LOVE BEST ABOUT THE FAIR” LOT 5 - SR DIVISION LOT 6 - JR DIVISION (8 yrs & under) LOT 7 - JR DIVISION (9 to 13 Yrs) LOT 8 - JR DIVISION (14 to 17 Yrs) LOT 9 - PROFESSIONAL* NO PREMIUM* “BEAUTIFUL SUNSETS” LOT 10 - SR DIVISION LOT 11 - JR DIVISION (8 yrs & under) LOT 12 - JR DIVISION (9 to 13 Yrs) LOT 13 - JR DIVISION (14 to 17 Yrs) LOT 14 - PROFESSIONAL * NO PREMIUM* Premiums 1st $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 • Entries may be manipulated, enhanced, overlaid and creat-ed with the assistance of a computer and photo software. • If multiple images are used, they must be combined into a single presentation and conform to size requirements listed in photography division. Class No. Description  Black & White  Colored  Computer Assisted * BEST OF SHOW …….Rosette & Award Directors - in - Charge Sharen Cope, Chair 330-247-8557 and Chelsea Lease, Asst. 330-843-3299 Class No. Description 11. Black & White 12. Sunsets 13. Summer Scene 14. Spring Scene 15. Fall Scene 16. Winter Scene 17. Architecture 18. Reecons 19. Computer Assisted 20. Any other - Specify Class No. Description 1. Landscape 2. Seascape 3. Human Interest 4. Portrait - Child or Adult 5. Columbiana County Fair 6. Domesc Animal 7. Wild Life 8. Sll Life 9. Acon 10: Ag or Farm Subject ENTRY DEADLINE: Saturday, July 13, 2024 ENTRY FEES: .50₵ per entry Junior Divisions - NO ENTRY FEE ENTRY DAYS: Saturday, July 20 - 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Sunday, July 21 - 10:00 am - 5:00 pm THE ARTS & CRAFTS BUILDING WILL BE CLOSED UNTIL 9:00 A.M. TUESDAY FOR JUDGING ENTRY TAGS MAY BE PICKED UP IN THE ARTS & CRAFTS BUILDING ON SATURDAY, JULY 20 OR SUNDAY, JULY 21 FROM 10 AM TO 5 PM

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75 The Grange Today: Stepping Up to Meet the Challenges of Tomorrow. LOT 1 - JUNIOR DIVISION All Junior Granges who display will receive $50.00 • All entries must be in place by 2:00pm on Monday and remain in place until 8:00 pm the last night of the fair. • Limited to two Junior Granges. • Exhibits conned to the Junior Granges of Columbiana County and may consist of work by the group or individual members. • Exhibit should be neatly displayed and interesting to the fair visitors. Class No. Description 1. Junior Division LOT 2 - LOCAL GRANGE All Local Granges who display will receive $200.00 • $15.00 Exhibitors Pass must be purchased by individual making Grange entry and the tag displayed in booth. • All entries must be in place by 2:00pm on Monday and remain in place until 8:00 pm the last night of the fair. • Grange exhibits should consist of a complete and attractively arranged display including grange activities, projects, con-tests and community service. • Items should be labeled. • Theme must be used. • The Bible and American ag must be displayed. • Limited to three Columbiana County Local Granges. Class No. Description 1. Local Grange LOT 3 - PAMONA GRANGE Pomona Grange will receive $150.00 for a suitable display. Class No. Description 1. Pamona Grange LOT 1 - SCHOOL DISTRICT • The Education display at the Columbiana County Fair is a general, non-competitive display. • The display should represent all phases of the schools curriculum. • Entries should be submitted at the Fair oce. • This department is open to all school districts in the county. • No exhibit in this department can be removed before 8:00 pm the last night of the fair. Class No. Description 1. General Display ENTRY DEADLINE: Saturday, July 13, 2024 ENTRY FEES: None DEPARTMENT 14 ~ GRANGES DEPARTMENT 15 ~ EDUCATION ENTRY TAGS MAY BE PICKED UP IN THE ARTS & CRAFTS BUILDING ON SATURDAY, JULY 20 OR SUNDAY, JULY 21 FROM 10 AM TO 5 PM Director -in -Charge John Wolf 330-853-5048 Director -in -Charge John Wolf 330-853-5048 ENTRY DEADLINE: Saturday, July 13, 2024 ENTRY FEES: None

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76 To the Generous Businesses and Community Members who have Sponsored, Donated and Purchased Auction Items for Our 2023 Fair! 5B Investments LLC A Feel for Life Massotherapy Aaron Ondusko Abby Miller Adam and Natalie Stryeler Adam and Sarah Grubbs and Family All American Scales and Calibration Inc. Alleycat Spay & Neuter Clinic Allicon Energy Service American Legion Post 131 Leetonia, OH Andrew & Danielle Burch Ashley Hahn B and A Wood LLC Baer Auctioneers Reality LLC Baker Cattle Company LLC Baker Towing Baker's Golden Dairy Bardo Trio Custom Harvest Barrick Rentals LLC Ben Johnston- Ag Pro Bennett Trailer Sales Berger Electric Motor Sales & Service Bergman Family in Memory/Kim & Ashley Bergman Beverly Cline Big Truck MD Bob Vincent BOC Water Hydraulics Bolt Construction, Inc Brad McGovern - McGovern Auctioneers Bradley and Jen Burton Brandon Mango, Elite Gas Field Services Brandywine Cattle Brian & Jaime Neville Broken Stone Excavating Bubble Tech Burbarian Enterprises- Transportation Byron Seeds Campbell Brothers Farm Carrollton Farmers Exchange Case Farms Chamberlain Farm and Meat Processing Channel Seed Chelsea Lease Photography LLC Chris Bates Chris Burkey Plumbing Cloudy Acres COBA/Select Sires, Inc Col Co Port Authority Cold Run Jersey Farm Col-Pump Commercial Decal Community Action Agency Connected Technologies Consumer's National Bank Courtney's Lawn and Landscape Craig Bacon Craig Herring McCowin Heating & Cooling CYA Exchange/DBA Carrollton Livestock Auction D and V Trucking D W Dickey and Son Inc. Dairy Farmers of America Dale & Denise Elder Damascus Hardware and Water Conditioning Daniel Hawk Danielle Hahn Darby Elder LMT Darrel Lawson Jr. The Handyman David Blevins- Howard Hanna David Catlett Construction Dawson Chuck Diamond Steel Constuction Co. DP Fuel Dunkin Donuts/Dairy Queen Columbiana County Dustin Casto Dutchcraft Truss Dylon Courtney - Arnott Agency Farm Dept Eichler Auto LLC Eichler Construction Eisel Vision Clinic Encino Energy English Cinema Contractors LLC Envelope One Enviroscapes Eric & Angela Neville Family Eric and Alison Simmons Family Eric McElroy Livestock Eric Smith Eric Stitle Evan Robb Trucking Evan Scheel Faireld Animal Clinic Farm & Dairy Farm Credit Service Farmers Equipment Inc. Farmers National Bank Farmers National Bank Feo Farm Kennels Firestone Test Team Franklin View Farms LLC Diane Brown Friends of Zeb Snyder Frosty Autumn Farms Garwood Cattle Company Gary Eichler General Concrete and Construction Gerber & Sons Global Pak Grace Moulton Graft Electric Inc. Grahamview Farms Grubbs Family Grain Farm LLC Gruber Excavating Hahlen Line Services & CTM Hahn Farms Hard-luck Hollow Harolds Equipment Inc. Heartland Farms Heat Freedom/Crown Royal Outdoor Wood Stoves Dale Henceroth Henderson Family Farms Hephner Lawn Care Heritage Coal and Natural Resources Heritage Cooperative Herk's Flooring & Cabinets LLC Hickey Metal Fabrication Hickory Hollow Farm Hill Family Cattle Hill International Trucks LLC Hillcrest Farms and Excavating Hilltop Lawn & Garden Hippely Fred and Susan HMT Mental Health Services Holloway Insurance Co Horst Packing Horst Sandwich Company Horst Sub & Deli Hull's Super Duper Humpco Cattle Indian Springs Farm Isaiah Chestnut J Green Excavating and Trucking J. D. Mong Enterprises Jack and Jackie Wilson Jackie Mercer Jake & Angela Marshall JDE Food and Fuel Jeremy and Brandy Hahn Jessica and Gary Johnston Jim & Patti Powell John & Abby Johnston John Doss Enterprises LLC John Hively John Rose Excavating Johnny's Excavating LLC John's Outdoor Power Johnston Sheet Metal Judge Carol Robb Judge Dickey Julie Herron Justin and Amanda Medure K & S Millwrights, Inc. Kampfer Lane Farms Kathleen Poynter Kelly Oil Products Kennsington Golf Cub LLC Kensington Dairy Bar Kent and Chris Baker Family Kiko Auctioneers Kiko Meats Inc Kim Davis Insurance Agency/Merry Meadows Farm Kohler Operating LLC Koons Farm Kyle & Mary Fannin L & J Home Maintenance LLC Landview Acre Farm Lanious Leonard Truck & Trailer Inc. Leppo Rents Lisbon Veterinary Clinic Inc Lou's Retirement Properties Luke and Katie Neville Lynch Insurance Group - Nationwide Agribusiness M. Dillard Trucking M. E. Supply MAC Trailer Mfg. Inc Mackenzie Chestnut Photography MAD Trailer Leasing Majestic Mfg Mark Witherow Marty Bonnot Mary's Pizza LLC Matt & Beth Hall Meghan Turon Metal & Wire Products Mike & Mikayla Douglas Mike Fisher Roong Mike Sigler Minerva Dairy Minor Ins State Repsentative Moore Farms Municipal Signs & Sales, Inc Myers Family Insurance NDC Heating and Cooling Neil Zehentbauer Family Neletech Neville Dairy Farm Inc Nicholas & Natalie Lawrence Nulfco, Inc. Ohio Ag Equipment Pancake Autobody Paris/Washington Insurance Parker Farms Parker Insurance Agency LLC Pet Zone Dog Grooming Pondi's Potter's Camp , Inc. QLF R R Paving R&M Fluid Power RAA Data Services Ralph Wince Randall Kiko- Auctioneer and Becky Kiko Ray Lewis and Company Renaissance Nutrition Rettig Family Farm Richard Zehentbauer Richardson Monuments Rick Fryda River's Bend Farm RL Landscape Group Inc ROGER C. CONVERSE Rogers Community Auction Rogers Mill Inc Rohr Farms Saddle Creek Farm Salem Giant Eagle Salem Propane/Superior Plus Propane Salem Septic Salem Tire Pros & Auto Service Salem Veterinary Clinic Sandy and Beaver Insurance Fair Housing Sara's BBQ Sarchione Ford of Waynesburg Sharon Henry Shipley Tractor and Machine Siembida & Boggs Philanthropic Simmons Feed & Supply LLC Simmons Grain Sitler the Printer Smiths Farm Supply Smokin' Marty's (Ciminelli) Spirited Stallion Hopyard Spring Valley Farm Sprouse Valley Farms State Rep Monica Robb Blasdel Stoudt Family Stratton Chevrolet Stryeler Fab & Repair LLC Stryeler Farms LLC Stryeler Trucking LLC Sugarcreek Stockyards Sugardale Foods Sukup Mfg. Superior Garage Door T Morris Trucking Tam Systems Tam Systems Tapco Electric Tate Farms The Grazin' Barn at Tipsy Farmer Winery The Tractor Depot The Way Station The Williams Company Theresa Hahn Thompson Bros Mining Toni Miller Trailstar International Triple C Farm Ufashion Jerseys LLC Valley View Farm Lindesmith Family Vancoy Swine VidUltra, LLC Vince DePasquale Wanda Lee Humphrey Wayne Brock Wayne Savings Community Bank Welsh Farms West Point Paving Whiteleather Grain Wilson's Sandy Creek Farm Witmer Family Farm Yarian Brothers Construction Inc Youngstown Oxygen and Welding Zeller Valley Farms Zeps Pizza

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77 Columbiana County Agricultural Society Operating Receipts Privilege Fees Pari-mutuel Wagering Commission Other Operating Receipts Operating Disbursements Professional Services Other Operating Disbursements Non-Operating Receipts (Disbursements) Investment Income Mortgage Income Net Non-Operating Receipts (Disbursements)

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78 MANAGEMENT The management will consist of a Board of fteen (15) members, who will be elected for a term of three years each; ve to be elected each year. Any member of the Society is eligible to run for election if they have attended at least six (6) regularly scheduled monthly meetings of the Board in the twelve (12) months preceding the election; provided that not more than three members be elected, or serve, from any one township at the same time. The Columbiana County Agricultural Society will not be liable or responsible for any entries in case of water, re, loss or theft. Department entries open Monday, July 1, 2024, and will be received on-line at , at the Fair Administration oce, or mailed to: P.O. Box 356, Lisbon, Oh 44432 until July 13,th, 2024. PREMIUMS All Junior Fair and Open Class premiums will be paid in full on presentation to the Treasurer, provided the receipts for the year are sucient, defraying all necessary expenses to do so; otherwise, the Board reserves the right to distribute the available funds pro rata among the successful exhibitors. ** Junior Fair - Sunday (the last day of the fair) in Coliseum Oce from 2 pm – 6 pm. ** Open Class -Sunday (the last day of the fair) in the Fair Administration Oce from 2 pm – 10 pm ** Open Class Arts & Crafts ~ in Arts & Crafts Building during exhibit pick-up times ** ALL PREMIUM MONIES WILL BE ISSUED IN CHECKS. ** PLEASE CASH ASAP; CHECKS ARE VOID AFTER 90 DAYS. ** NO CHECKS WILL BE MAILED: All checks not cashed within the 90-day time period and unclaimed within the designated times listed above will be considered a donation by the payee to the Columbiana County Fair. NOTICE No entries will be taken after entry deadline given in each department and will remain on exhibit until such time as is designated in each department. No person shall make solicitations of any nature on the Fairgrounds except in contracted concession or commercial rented spaces. No person shall be permitted to post or display signs, distribute hand bills, or advertising material or sell or distribute free, any merchandise, except persons under contract. NO golf carts, gators, ATV’s, etc. permitted on the Fairgrounds, except those used by Fair Board personnel and approved concessionaires. ADMISSION An exhibitor’s ticket entitles exhibitors to enter for exhibition competition any number of animals they may desire, subject to the specic entry fee and rules listed in each livestock department. Exhibitor passes are $15.00 for livestock exhibitors only and entitle holder to daily admission to the Fair. Additional week passes may be purchased for $40.00 for seven (7) tickets or $30.00 for four (4) tickets. SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP Each person, who wishes to become a member of the Society, will be furnished with a membership ticket, upon payment of the annual $1.00 fee. Membership tickets are only available through the Fair Administration Oce. Membership tickets are for county residents only and will give the person whose name is written thereon, the right to vote at all elections held by the Society, provided they are 18 years of age or older. Membership tickets shall be issued in the name of individuals only; not to corporations, organizations, partnerships or rms. Sales of membership tickets terminate with the close of the Fair. DIRECTIONS FOR EXHIBITORS Exhibitors are required to ll out proper entry forms which may be found in this book or online via the website, pay all entry fees, and return these entries to the Secretary’s oce by the proper entry date. Online entries must be submitted and paid in full by entry deadline. Entry fees and entry dates are as stated with each department. All articles or animals you desire to enter, must be registered and all exhibitor’s fees paid by the entry deadline for that department. Signs will be placed on buildings to designate them. Before entering the building, if your exhibitor tag has not been mailed to you, go to the Secretary’s oce to verify that your name and post oce address are complete and all entry fees have been paid. You will then receive an exhibitor’s tag that will correspond with the Secretary’s book. This ticket must be attached to the article or animal you wish to exhibit. The manager of the department to which your article or animal belongs will assist you if needed. Exhibitors, Concessionaires, Trailer Park Patrons ARE NOT permitted to ride bicycles, ATV vehicles, motorcycles, motor scooters, or carts of any kind on fairgrounds or in livestock barns. A minimum charge of $100 will be made for all vehicles used for living quarters during the Fair. An additional charge may be made for excessive use of electrical appliances. Fee must be paid at oce before vehicle is in place. Admission passes will be given for this fee. Trailer parking permits must be displayed for easy view by Trailer Park Ocers. FAIR RULES & REGULATIONS

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79 STALLS Stalls are furnished free to exhibitors of horses, cattle, sheep, goats and swine animals entered for exhibit. No hay or straw provided. RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR JUDGES 1. You will receive your department book upon the assignment of your duties as arranged by the department head. The department book will refer to the number axed on the dierent animals or articles submitted for your examination in which you will make your written report. Please designate on the right hand margin of this book directly opposite the article you award a premium, plainly as possible: 1st premium, 2nd premium, or 3rd premium, if any, Not worthy or Not found. Take care in this respect; perplexing mistakes may be avoided. 2. You will not be permitted to serve on a committee in any class in which you are a competitor. 3. You may recommend, but not award, premiums on articles not included on list. 4. Judges will not award any article or animal premium, unless in their opinion, it is decidedly meritorious, even though there is no competition. Be careful to mark it so. 5. Animals or articles which have no competition may be awarded rst, second or no premium, as you may decide they merit. 6. Pay no attention to articles or animals that do not have a numbered card attached. 7. You may take into consideration the symmetry, early maturing, size, age, feeding and other circumstances connected with the animals you judge, but give no encouragement to over-feeding. All unsound animals will be disqualied from exhibition. 8. Permit no person to interfere with your deliberations. Competitors attempting to interfere with committees will forfeit the right to a premium, and judges will confer a favor by reporting all such actions to the members in charge. 9. You will attach to all stock taking rst premium a blue ribbon, to those taking second premium a red ribbon, and to those taking third a white rib-bon. A champion and reserve champion ribbon will be awarded in each class of livestock. GENERAL RULES Entry blanks, properly ruled for entries, will be found in the center of this premium book. Additional blanks will be furnished on application. Request forms and make your entries early. Exhibitors are required to ll out the entry blanks. 1. Any member of the fair having any article or articles on Exhibition is prohibited from appointing or selecting any person or persons to act as committeemen in any class in which he may be competing for a premium. 2. The Board reserves the right to withhold any premiums given by the judges under false representations, or not in accordance with the list of regulations. They also reserve the right to return entries when exhibits, space, stalls or pens are lled. 3. All livestock exhibitors must purchase an Exhibitor’s pass for $15.00. This payment should be included with your entries. 4. Competition for premiums open to all except when otherwise stated. 5. All animals that are oered for competition for premiums must be owned by, and all domestic manufacturers, needlework, together with fruits, owers, vegetables, etc., must be the production of the exhibitor in order to be entitled to competition. 6. Exhibitors of the Society will be entitled to exhibit any number of articles or animals they desire, but in no case can the same article or animal be entered to compete for more than one premium, except in case of sweepstakes or one of a team. Articles or animals entered in regular list will also be eligible to enter for special premium with extra charge. 7. Entry deadlines are stated on Page 5 of this premium book. The Fair manager is herewith forbidden to disclose to prospective exhibitors any information concerning the number or character of entries in any class or make any entries after that date. Entry blanks will be found in the center part of this premium book. In order to avoid the rush on the last day, please make your entries early by mail or online. All articles or animals entered must be on the grounds and arranged in their proper place by the specic time listed in each department. 8. All stock must be uncovered for inspection and all walks and passageways kept clean and unobstructed between the hours of 9:00 am - 11:30 pm. 9. On entry of articles or animals, cards will be furnished with the number and class as registered on the books, which must be attached to the animals or articles. Otherwise, the judges will pay no attention to them, and no cards will be issued or entries made on articles or animals not named in the regular list. 10. The removal of livestock from the grounds, or of other things or articles exhibited will be subject to the approval of the department head if dierent from date and time listed in the department 11. Stock of all kinds intended for competition, must remain in their stalls until called for by the department head. They must not appear on the avenues unless under the direction of the Board.

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80 12. The Board will take every precaution to avoid accidents, but in no case will the Society be responsible for injury to the person or property of exhibitors or visitors while on the grounds. 13. The Columbiana County Agricultural Society assumes no responsibility for damage to or loss of parked vehicles or personal property con-tained within parked vehicles. 14. Disorderly conduct of any kind is forbidden. Those indulging therein will forfeit the right to remain on the grounds and will be promptly eject-ed. All concessionaires must be clean and of neat appearance to the satisfaction of the concession manager. 15. Intoxicating drinks of all kinds, gambling, games of chance, and all nuisances are strictly prohibited, not only on the Fairgrounds, but on the avenues leading thereto; any person found violating this rule will thereby immediately forfeit all rights to the grounds leased, and will be given thirty minutes notice to move o the fairgrounds and all intoxicating drinks or liquors found on the premises will be destroyed on the spot. No drugs permitted on the grounds. 16. No person will be permitted to engage in any kind of business, trac or exhibition, or oer any article for sale, or distribute, or pass out, or give any article away or solicit orders for anything of value on the fairgrounds without a written permit from the Concessions Manager. If a specic location is assigned to any person, and he moves elsewhere without securing permission from the Concessions Manager, they shall forfeit any fee paid and be subject to immediate removal from the grounds of the Society. 17. As set forth in the State of Ohio Administrative Code 901: 9-2-02, every concessionaire and agent shall work only in front of his own concession and shall not be over four feet from his concession counter while working at a fair. Each concessionaire shall be responsible for the actions of his agent while the agent is working a concession at the Fair. No roving vendor or solicitor, acting for either a prot or non-prot organization or on his own behalf, shall be permitted on the fairgrounds except within the immediate area of the grandstand or coliseum for the purpose of vending food and soft drinks for the benet of patrons attending scheduled events in the grandstand or coliseum. 18. All animals to take age counting from the year in which they were born. 19. Showmen, peddlers, hucksters, and concessionaires must apply to the Concession Manager for terms upon which they can enter on the grounds. The Concession Manager reserves the right to examine and pass upon all articles oered for sale and/or distribution. 20. Trailers and trucks will park in areas specied by Department Superintendents. 21. The Fair Oce will be prepared to accept entries by mail anytime. Note closing date listed in each department. See Page 5 for listing of Fair Oce hours. All entries must be made in writing by the exhibitor and shall state: First: The name of the exhibitor and his/her address. Second: The name and necessary description of the article or animal. Third: The class in which the exhibits are to be placed. Fee must accompany entry, and no change can be made therein after same has been led. Blanks will be found in the center of this premium book which the exhibitor must ll out. 22. If the Department Superintendent deems it necessary, or in case of protest, he can put any exhibitor in his department under oath. And if it should appear that he/she has in any manner violated rules governing exhibitors, his/her premiums shall be declared forfeited. 23. NO GOLF CARTS will be permitted on the midway except by written permission from the Fair Board Directors. 24. Absolutely NO DOGS ALLOWED on the midway. The only exception will be for service animals, clearly marked as such. 25. All upholstered furniture is prohibited in the livestock areas of the fairgrounds. Exhibitor’s entries must be correctly completed, along with the entry fee and brought in to the oce, entered online, dropped o in the box at Administration Building or mailed to the Fair Oce. Your entry tags will be ready for pick-up on July 20th, 2024 Fair Oce address: P.O. Box 356, Lisbon, Ohio 44432

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81 ARTICLE I - Title SECTION 1 The Society shall be known as the Columbiana County Agricultural Society. ARTICLE II - Object SECTION 1 The object of this Society shall be to promote and encourage agriculture, industry, science, art and other interests of Columbiana County which the Board deems and in the best interests of the community. ARTICLE III - Membership SECTION 1 Any resident of Columbiana County may become a member of this Society by paying annually the membership fee xed by the Board of Directors. SECTION 2 No person shall pay for or secure more than one such membership, and that membership shall be for himself. No memberships shall be issued to corporations, organizations, partnerships, or rms. ARTICLE IV - Board of Directors SECTION 1 The management shall consist of a Board of fteen members, who shall be elected for a term of three years and the terms so arranged that the terms of one-third of the members shall expire annually. Not more than three Directors may be elected from one township to serve concurrently. SECTION 2 Any vacancy caused by death, resignation, removal from oce, or other causes may be lled by the Board until the next annual election, when a Director shall be elected for the unexpired term. SECTION 3 When any Board of Directors member is absent the entire week of the Fair, he will relinquish his seat on the Board. The Board of Directors will appoint a successor to ll his remaining term (with the exception to illness or death to immediate family. ARTICLE V - Election SECTION 1 The annual election of the Board of Directors shall be held at a designated building on the fairgrounds on the rst Wednesday of October of each year from 11:00 am to 7:00 pm. SECTION 2 The said election shall be by ballot. Ballots must be marked with an “X” opposite the name of each candidate vot-ed for; otherwise the name will not be counted. SECTION 3 Only persons holding membership certicates at the close of the annual Fair, and residing in Columbiana County, may vote. SECTION 4 Members of the Society must declare their candidacy for the oce of Director of the Society by ling with the Sec-retary of the Society, a petition signed by twelve or more members of the Society who are residents of Columbiana County, at least seven days before the annual election of Directors is held. Only regularly nominated candidates who have met the ling requirement will be eligible for election as a Director. SECTION 5 In order to be eligible for candidacy for the oce of Director of the Society, a member must have attended at least six (6) regularly scheduled monthly meetings of the Board of Directors in the twelve (12) months preceding such election. This section shall not apply to appointments to ll vacancies on the Board of Directors pursuant to Article IV, Section 2. SECTION 6 The term of oce of the retiring Director shall expire and that of the Directors - elect begin on the third Saturday of November of each year, or until their successors are elected and qualied. ARTICLE VI - Annual Meeting of the Membership SECTION 1 The annual meeting of the members of the Society shall be held on or about December 1st of each year at a time and place designated by the Board of Directors, and the membership shall be notied of such meeting. SECTION 2 At this meeting, the ocers and directors of the Society shall make reports to the membership of the Society concerning the past Fair and make recommendations for the betterment of future Fairs. The members shall be given opportuni-ty to make suggestions and recommendations for the improvement of the Society and its Fair. Such other business may be presented as may be prescribed by this Constitution or as may be deemed proper by the Board of Directors. CONSTITUTION OF COLUMBIANA COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY

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82 ARTICLE VII - Organization and Meetings SECTION 1 The Board of Directors shall meet annually on or about the third Saturday of November of each year, and elect a Presi-dent, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Concession Secretary, who shall serve for one year, and until their successors are elected and qualied. SECTION 2 All ocers shall be directors, except the Secretary and Treasurer, who may or may not be directors. SECTION 3 Before election of ocers the newly elected directors shall qualify by taking the following oath (or armation) before a competent authority, designated by law. “I do solemnly swear (or arm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of Ohio, the Laws of Ohio and rules and regulations of the Department of Agriculture of Ohio pertaining to agricultural societies and to the best of my ability per-form the duties of Director of the Columbiana County Agricultural Society, so help me God.” ARTICLE VIII - Amendments SECTION 1 Amendments to the constitution or by-laws may be proposed by: (A) A majority of the Board of Directors at a scheduled meeting voting in favor of placing an amendment on the ballot, (B) Filing a petition with the Secretary of the Society at least 14 days prior to the annual election of the Board of Directors. Said petition must set forth the proposed amendment and be signed by not less than 25 members. SECTION 2 If an amendment is proposed, it shall be submitted to the membership of the Society at the annual election of the Board of Directors. SECTION 3 When more than one amendment shall be submitted at the same time, they shall be so submitted as to enable mem-bers to vote on each amendment separately. SECTION 4 If a two-thirds majority of the membership voting on the proposed amendment shall adopt such amendment, it shall become a part of the constitution or by-laws. ARTICLE IX - Compensation SECTION 1 The compensation of Board members shall be xed by the Board in accordance with the rules of the Ohio Department of Agriculture. SECTION 2 The compensation of the Secretary, Treasurer, Concession Secretary, and Chairman of the Grounds Committee shall each be xed by the Board of Directors. ARTICLE X - Dates SECTION 1 The Board of Directors shall x the dates for the annual exposition of their Society, subject to the approval of the Ohio Director of Agriculture. ARTICLE XI - Quorum SECTION 1 A majority of the members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business of the Society. ARTICLE XII - Meeting SECTION 1 A time and place for regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be determined annually by the Board of Directors. SECTION 2 Special meetings may be held when necessary, at the call of the President or at the call of the Secretary upon written request to the Secretary by not less than three members of the Board of Directors. SECTION 3 Written notice of special meetings of the Board of Directors shall be delivered personally to each director or sent to each director, by mail, telegram, cablegram, or radiogram at least two days before the meeting. Such notice however, may be waived by any director either before or after the meeting. The notice need not specify the purposes of the meeting.

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83 ARTICLE XIII - Order of Business SECTION 1 1. Roll Call 2. Reading and approval of minutes or adoption of minutes 3. Bills and accounts 4. Report of Committees 5. Report of Ocers 6. Unnished Business 7. New Business 8. Appointments 9. Adjournment SECTION 2 The order of business may be temporarily suspended at any meeting upon a majority vote of a quorum present. ARTICLE XIV - Duties of Ocers SECTION 1 It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Board, to appoint committees, countersign all orders for the disbursement of funds, and to perform such other duties as are determined by the Board. SECTION 2 It shall be the duty of the Vice President to assume all duties of the President in the event of his absence or vacan-cy of oce and to perform such other duties as are determined by the Board. SECTION 3 It shall be the duty of the Secretary to: 1. Keep a list of all members of the Society. 2. Keep accurately a record of all proceedings of the Society and the Board. 3. Notify all members of the Board of the time and place of all special meetings. 4. Give the members of the Society notice of time and place of the annual election of the Board of Directors and the annual meeting of the membership. 5. Keep strict account of all monies that may come into his hands and pay the same over to the Treasurer and take his receipts therefor. 6. Keep a correct itemized account of all receipts and expenditures of money. 7. Perform such other duties as are determined by the Board. SECTION 4 It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to: 1. Receive all monies and give a receipt for same as to amount and sources from which it came. 2. Keep an accurate account of all receipts and disbursements. 3. Pay such orders as may be countersigned by the President and Secretary. 4. Perform such other duties as are determined by the Board. 5. Complete & le the Annual Report for the Ohio Department of Agriculture. SECTION 5 It shall be the duty of the Concession Secretary to: 1. Sell space to exhibitors, or concessionaires in buildings, on the midway, or other specied area at a unit price (per foot or per booth) which has been approved by the Board 2. Locate all exhibitors, displayers, or concessionaires, and collect the fees for such space. 3. Keep strict account of all fees collected and pay the same over to the Secretary giving the source from which it came and receive a receipt from said Secretary. 4. After the close of the Fair, make a report to the Board, le a copy of said report with the President, Secretary, and Treasurer showing name, location, space and various fees collected. 5. Perform such other duties as are determined by the Board. ARTICLE XV - Rules SECTION 1 The Board of Directors may enact such Rules and Regulations for conducting the business of the Society which do not conict with the Constitution or By-laws, regulations of the Ohio Department of Agriculture, or laws of the State of Ohio.

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84 In 1845, citizens of Columbiana County met to discuss organizing a county fair. Soon, a constitution and by-laws were adopted and the Columbiana County Agricultural Society was established at what was then known as New Lisbon, Ohio. The purpose of this organization was to promote interest in scientic farming practices. To the best knowledge available, the rst fair location was on vacant land next to the planing mill and across from the Thomas & Sons Pottery along East Washington Street in Lisbon. On March 5, 1851, the Society was reorganized, and in early 1853 the present grounds were purchased from John McClymonds. The plat drawn shows 7.5 acres in the original parcel obtained by the Society and 5 acres and a fraction in the tract acquired from the Jesse Holmes Seminary. A small parcel was also bought from Joseph Strawn. The sale was consummated for $1,800 for the entire tract. In the spring of 1853, plans were commenced for buildings and fences on the new fairgrounds site. Workmen started in April and worked through the summer months completing buildings, making fences at 55 cents per linear foot and getting the 1/2 mile racetrack ready, all in time for the rst edition of the county fair at its handsome new grounds in late September, 1853. There were few winners at the rst fair, and premiums totaled less than $17. Some of the winners were for best one-horse buggy, best set of chairs, top of the list boots, best yoke of oxen, farm implements, outstanding saddle and nest quilts. Premiums were also given for women's riding habits. Unfortunately, that was the rst and only time during this early fair era that lady equestriennes were permitted to compete. A major furor broke out over the idea of handing out prizes to female riders. Finally, ocials knuckled down under pressure and announced that women riders would no longer be able to compete. Women would only be permitted to ride in the ring when nothing else was going on. Obviously, times and attitudes have long since changed. The wagons, most of them outtted with makeshift seats stretched across the beds, were drawn up around the track for the day. Peo-ple coming in from miles away often stopped at the homes of friends to heat up coee and breakfast in the wagons. Horses (and later, cars) were parked in the racetrack ineld. At noonday break mothers were often seen spreading tablecloths and fathers were hoisting wooden tubs lled with food from the wagon beds. By afternoon, the crowd started to thin out so farmers could drive many miles to home and chores. Over the many years since, several tracts of land have been added to the original purchase, bringing the total size of the current fair-grounds property to almost 90 acres. The fairgrounds property was greatly expanded in the latter half of the 20th century with the pur-chase of property north of Saltwell Road, now utilized for parking. The most recent acquisition in 2003 added several acres fronting on Vista Drive, on the westerly side of the fairgrounds, allowing for a major expansion of midway and amusement ride space. Over the last 178 years, structures and improvements at the fairgrounds have continually been added, renovated and even entirely re-placed. In more recent times, these changes and additions have included: a new speed barn, new arts/crafts building, the "Items of Yes-teryear" historical museum, three show stages, a scenic camping area, the 320' x 80' state of the art J. Herbert Thompson beef complex, the beautiful rabbit, turkey and chicken (RTC) complex, and a 2017 addition, the completely renovated dairy barn milking parlor. Many years ago, the fair oce on Lee Ave, an old train station, was moved from downtown Lisbon to its current location at Gate A adjacent to the fair's signature entry arch. The redesigned rides midway, completed in 2010, is another signicant improvement. In 2017, a new fair administration building and board meeting room was built and opened at Gate D. With the aid of a lottery system for the order of naming rights, and the County's Township Trustees Association, all the roadways in the fairgounds were named in honor of the 18 townships that make up Columbiana County. Considerable investment also continues to be made for the hidden infrastructure of the fairgrounds, includ-ing extensive upgrades to electrical service and water lines, resurfacing the midway. On December 14, 2014, the historic wooden grandstand at the fairgrounds, a xture at the fair since the early days and considered to be one of the oldest remaining grandstand structures of its type in Ohio, was torn down due to its deteriorating condition to make way for the construction of a new centerpiece for the fairgrounds: the G. Allen Dickey Family Grandstand, dedicated on July 25, 2014. In 2017, the Fairgrounds became the new home for the historic bow truss steel arch bridge formerly spanning the Little Beaver Creek on South Market Street in Lisbon. This magnicently restored piece of engineering history is now an iconic symbol of the Fairgrounds. In 2018, construction of a new state of the art restroom facility in the vicinity of the new grandstand was completed. During the long history of the Columbiana County Fair, unique entertainment has included ostrich races, combine demolition derbies, auto thrill shows, circuses and John Oliver's famous hot air balloon exhibitions. Harness racing has thrilled fair audiences since the construction of the original race-track in 1853. Rides have included the merry-go-round (which in earlier times was worked by a horse driven around a center pole holding up the canvas), and the ever-present fair favorite, the ferris wheel. The fair has also enjoyed top ight musical entertainers, with such stars as Tanya Tucker, Dolly Parton, Porter Waggoner, Tex Ritter, Lorrie Morgan and Jake Owen who have performed here over the years. Trac-tor and truck pulling contests have been a popular attraction at the fair, and the auto demolition derby has been "packin' them in" for over half a century. In 2007, the lm "Country Crush" was produced by documentary lm maker Molly Merriman telling the entertaining story of one of the fair's most popular and unique attractions: the combine demolition derby. The lm has been shown on PBS television and has been featured at documentary lm festivals across North America and Europe. The fair is rich with history, but the pursuit of progress and improvement never stops. Although much has changed over the years, the Board of Directors of the Columbiana County Agricultural Society strives to continue the proud traditions that have been established, and to create even better fairs and happy memories for future generations. As 2020 approached and our wonderful old fair prepared to celebrate our 175th birthday, we were faced with challenges that were un-imaginable when a global pandemic struck and the fair that everyone had grown to know and love, had been modied to a "Market Pro-ject Junior Fair" only. Thankfully, our Jr Fair youth who had put so much work, dedication and time into their projects were able to partici-pate and the very rst livestream of the market shows and auction was provided by VidUltra, and. Moving forward, we continue to plan for and implement improvements to our buildings and grounds and look forward to hosting you at our fair, so we hope you plan to “Wheel on Down” 

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2024 GRANDSTAND ENTERTAINMENT Sunday, July 28th GARDEN TRACTOR PULL - 1:00 PM Monday, July 29th - Entry Day HARNESS RACING - 1:00 PM OPENING CEREMONIES - 6:00 PM (4-H Queen & King Crowning) TRUCK & TRACTOR PULL EXTRAVAGANZA “Open to the World” - (to follow opening ceremonies) 7:00 PM Tuesday, July 30th- Senior Citizens & Veterans Day HARNESS RACING - 1:00 PM BIKE NIGHT - 4:00 PM HORSE PULL - 7:30 PM Wednesday, July 31st - Youth Day MUTTON BUSTING - 7:00 pm “SEBRA” EXTREME BULL RIDING & BARREL RACING - 8:00 PM Thursday, August 1st DERBY PULL - 9:00 AM ROUGH TRUCK EVENT - 7:00 PM ~ presented to you by ~ DERBY DOG Friday, August 2nd “SMOKE & NOISE” TRUCK & TRACTOR PULL - 7:00 PM ~ presented to you by ~ NTPA Saturday, August 3rd “SATURDAY NIGHT POWER PULL” - 7:00 PM ~ presented to you by ~ NTPA Sunday, August 4th COMBINE DEMOLITION DERBY - 1:00 PM DEMOLITION DERBY - 6:30 PM ~ presented to you by ~ DERBY DOG

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88 Columbiana County Agricultural Society P.O. Box 356 Lisbon, Ohio 44432