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REGAL ROOFING CO EST 1995 123 456 7890 REGALROOFING COM LUXE MARBLE TILE SERVING OUR COMMUNITY FOR 30 YEARS 123 456 7890 LUXEMARBLE COM jacksonservices com FISCHER LIGHTING GALLERY 123 456 7890 FISHERLIGHTING COM Jackson 123 456 7890 Old Naples Real Time Market Reports Knowing what is available on the market is vitally important to understanding an ever changing real estate marketplace Not just what has sold what s on the market now Combining them both is important so you can get an accurate picture of your equity today Go to OldNaplesRealEstate com Click on your area and see what s sold and what s for sale for free If you would like a more in depth analysis of your home fill in the short form and I ll prepare a customized net equity report for you ON OLD NAPLES For Questions Contact Tony Spano 239 249 2884 Tony TonySpano com If your home is currently listed with another broker please disregard this advertisement as it is in no way a solicitation of that listing Mr MrsM Srm ithMrs Smith or CurrentorRCesuidrreenntt Resident 123 Longb1o2a3t LLoannegboat Lane AnywhereA FnLyw12h3e4re5 FL 12345 PRSRT STD UP SR SPROTSTSTADGE PAID U S PONSTAAPGLEESP AFILD NPAERPMLEIST FNLO 177 PERMIT NO 177 Home Products Services Directory Please contact these fine companies when you need professional products and serivces for your home JONES AND FRANKLIN REAL ESTATE LAW TITLE INSURANCE Call us at 123 450 7890 for a free consultation jonesandfranklin com PROTECT WHAT S YOURS 123 456 7890 www homesecurity com OCEAN PARK DECOR FURNITURE DECOR ACCESSORIES LIGHTING OCEANPARKDECOR COM 123 456 7890 Each company advertises in our Home Products Services Directory independently and is in no way connected to one another nor should this be considered an endoresement or recommendation by any company shown in the Home Products Services Directory for another

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ABC PAINTING INC residential commercial abcpainting com LICENCED BONDED INSURED SERVICES INSTALLATION SECURITY MONITORING FOR A FREE CO N S U LTATI O N V I SI T S M A RT H O M E C O M SUTTER Bath Design Seaside Patio Furniture 123 456 7890 sutterbath com 2040 East Park Dr seasidepatio com 123 456 7890 GULFSIDE CUSTOM HOMES Luxury Excellence Quality W W W G U L F S I D E C O M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 MODERN CONCEPTS design planning 123 456 7890 238 West First Street www modernconcepts com Island Flooring Co Providing the Highest Quality Since 1993 123 456 7890 1388 Blossom Drive www islandflooring com STRAUSS KITCHEN CABINETRY FAMILY OWNED OPERATED FOR 34 YEARS STRAUSSKITCHEN COM 123 456 7890 WILSON CUSTOM POOLS WILSONPOOLS COM 123 456 7890 ACME MORTGAGE Full Service Lender Low Monthly Payments Home Loans Equity Lines Improvement Loans 123 456 7890 acmemortgage com EASTON LANDSCAPING MOWING LANDSCAPING HARDSCAPES WATER FEATURES GARDEN BEDS 123 456 7890 EASTONLANDSCAPING COM Your Home Cleaning Specialists Family Owned and Operated FIRST CLEANING FREE 123 456 7890 homecleanpro com HomeClean Pro

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