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2024 NWAC YPD LTI Program

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Theme: Breaking FreeT h u r s d a y , J u n e 2 0 O p e n i n g W o r s h i p S e r v i c eF r i d a y , J u n e 2 1 L T I E n g a g e m e n t D a yS a t u r d a y , J u n e 2 2 L T I F u n D a y S u n d a y , J u n e 2 3 M o r n i n g W o r s h i p S e r v i c eGrant Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church 6931 Division Avenue - Birmingham, AL 35206Holiday Inn Express & Suites- 5911 Valley Road - Trussville, AL 35173 Spare Time Entertainment - 3600 Roosevelt Blvd - Trussville, AL 35235Urban Air Trampoline and Adventure Park - 3695 Roosevelt Blvd, Trussville, AL 35235Jordan Chism, NWAC YPD President -Mrs. LaVarne McReynolds, NWAC YPD DirectorMrs. Thomasine Jackson, NWAC WMS President - Mrs. Sherryl Whiting, Episcopal WMS PresidentReverend Sherita Moon Seawright, Episcopal SupervisorBishop Harry L. Seawright, Presiding PrelateNorthwest Alabama ConferenceYoung People’s & Children’s DivisionYoung People’s & Children’s DivisionYoung People’s & Children’s DivisionLeadership Training InstituteJordan Chism, Worship Leader Opening ServiceAlex Morgan, Presiding - Monique Gonzalez Memorial

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Greetings from the Northwest Alabama Conference YPD DirectorGreetings Northwest Alabama Conference,As Director of the Young People's and Children's Division of the Northwest Alabama Conference in the Ninth Episcopal District, I bring you greetings and warm wishes of God's bountiful blessings. I welcomeyou to the 2024 Northwest Alabama Conference YPD LeadershipTraining Institute. Our goal is to embark on a journey with you andour youth to break free from the obstacles that bind us from acloser walk with God, our family, and our community. We aim tosteer our YPDers in the direction of spiritual leadership, educational,and career success. We are Breaking Free from heart hurts, soulshackles, insecurities, fears and relationships. Let's all work togetherto develop young minds to be confident adults who are willing toserve, learn and worship without restraint. You my brothers were called to be free. But do not use yourfreedom to indulge the sinful nature: Rather, Serve one anotherhumbly in Love.Galatians5:13-14Breaking Free to “Grow, Glow, & Go for Christ.”

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Greetings to the Northwest Alabama Conference,As YPD President of the Northwest Alabama Conference, I am delightedto welcome each of you to our Leadership Training Institute. Our themeis “Breaking Free,” and in John 8:36, we are reminded that if “the Sonsets us free, we will be free indeed.” As we gather in Birmingham, AL, letus embrace the freedom Christ offers, breaking free from fear, doubt, andworldly pressures.This Institute is a time for deepening our faith, encouraging one another,and growing as leaders. Let us open our hearts to God’s transformativepower and step boldly into the purpose He has for us.It is my prayer that all of us are inspired, strengthened, and equipped to lead with passion and integrity, helping others find their freedom inChrist.In Christian Service,Jordan Chrism, NWAC YPD President“Grow, Glow, & Go for Christ.”,Greetings from the Northwest Alabama Conference YPD President

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“Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him”Psalm 127:3Greetings to the Northwest Alabama Conference,Thank you for your attendance and support of the NWAC YPD! We sharesincerest gratitude for the opportunity to work with, train, and helpthese gifts break free to “Grow, Glow, & Go for Christ.” Northwest Alabama Conference Area YPD Directors,Sister Cynthia Harrison, Agnes Cooper Area Sister Tamika Weeks Davis, Carrie Russell Area Sister Beverly Knight, Edith Minor Area Sister DeJourna Perry Evans, Julian Colvin Area Sister Michelle Latham, Lila Barnett Area Sister Lorraine Long, Maxie Hampton Area Sister Rosemary Buffer, Polk-Mustin Area ,Greetings from the Northwest Alabama Conference Area YPD Directors

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Evangelist Marcus Tremaine Evans, a dynamic presence fromBirmingham, Alabama, has significantly impacted ministry and thecreative arts. Licensed to preach since the age of 12, Marcus hasdedicated his life to sharing the word of God and capturing life'smoments through his lens. As the owner of M T Evans Photography,Marcus's keen eye for detail and passion for storytelling have defined hiscareer in photography and videography, which spans over four years.His artistic talents have been recognized by prestigious institutions suchas the Birmingham Art Museum, where his work has been displayed. Hehas refined his craft through collaborations with Cre8live Studios andunder the mentorship of the renowned Danny Austin. His role as aCreative Visual Photographer for I-Push Magazine further showcases hisability to blend creativity with professionalism.Marcus's journey, however, is not solely about his commercial success. Adevoted member of Bryant Chapel AME Church, under the leadership ofRev. Littlejohn, Marcus is embarking on a significant transition. He isshifting his career focus from photography to a new path that alsoproclaims the word of God. This transition is a testament to his evolvingvision and commitment. His new vision includes creating resources forsocial media content strategies for churches of all sizes and integratingplatforms like YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook to spread the gospeland connect communities.Evangelist Marcus Tremaine EvansOur Speaker

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His work is characterized by an ability to capture candid and emotionalmoments, emphasizing storytelling and the unique atmosphere of eachevent. His portfolio includes diverse projects, from event photography topersonalized artist packages, with a special interest in marketing andpromotional strategies tailored to his niche.Expanding his business footprint, Marcus is boldly venturing into newterritories, including Georgia, while maintaining a strong presence inBirmingham. This strategic move demonstrates his ambition and growth,as he seeks to broaden his reach and impact. His dedication to his craft ismatched by his commitment to mentoring and teaching others, whetherthrough workshops or online courses.A devoted family man, Marcus balances his professional endeavors withpersonal commitments, cherishing the support of his loving wife,DeJourna Evans, son, Jeremiah Evans, and daughter, Madison Carliyle. Hislove for his city and state fuels his aspirations to grow his ministry andbusiness. His photography and videography enterprise are evolving into acomprehensive marketing and personal branding company, reflecting hismultifaceted talents and vision.With an eye on the future, Marcus continues to innovate and inspire, leveraging his skillsto make a lasting impact both behind the lensand in the pulpit. Whether through his stunningvisuals or heartfelt ministry, Marcus Tremaine Evans is synonymous with excellence, creativity, and faith.

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Leadership Training InstituteAGENDATimeEventLocation4:00 PMProgram Practice(Speaking Parts Only)Zoom (Recurring link)TimeEventLocation4:00 PMProgram ParticipantsIn-person PracticeGrant Chapel AMECThursday, June 20, 2024TimeEventLocation4:45 PMProgram ParticipantsGrant Chapel AMEC5:30 PMProcessional Line-upGrant Hall FellowshipHall6:00 PMOpening WorshipServiceGrant Chapel AMECSanctuaryTuesday, June 18, 2024Wednesday, June 19, 2024TimeEventLocation4:00 PMNWAC YPD LTI SetupGrant Chapel AMECMonday - Thursday, June 17-19 2024

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Leadership Training InstituteAGENDATimeEventLocation9:00 AMMorning DevotionGrant Chapel AMECSanctuary9:10 AMMonique GonzalezMemorialGrant Chapel AMECSanctuary9:30 - 9:50Recognition of Graduates& 8 Year DirectorsGrant Chapel AMECSanctuary9:50 - 10:00 AMYPD Trivia & BreakGrant Chapel AMECSanctuary10:00 - 10:55 AMBreaking Free BreakoutSessions Part 1Classrooms(See page LTI Engagement for locations)10:55 - 11:05 AMBreak11:05 - 12:00 PMBreaking Free BreakoutSessions Part 2Classrooms(See page LTI Engagement for locations)Friday, June 21, 2024

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Leadership Training InstituteAGENDATimeEventLocation12:00 PMReconveneGrant Chapel AMECSanctuary12:05 - 12:15 PMBreaking Free RecapGrant Chapel AMECSanctuary12:15 - 12:30 PMNWAC YPD Vision Board2024-2025 Grant Chapel AMECSanctuary12:30 - 12:45 PMCredentials Report &RemarksGrant Chapel AMECSanctuary12:45 PMChautauqua & Blessing of the FoodGrant Chapel AMECSanctuary12:45 - 4:00 PMFun, Food, & FellowshipGrant Chapel AMECFellowship Hall &Church Grounds5:00 PMHoliday Inn Express &SuitesTrussville, AL5911 Valley Road, 35Friday, June 21, 2024

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Leadership Training InstituteAGENDATimeEventLocation8:00 AMBreakfast9:00 AMFree TimeHotel11:45 AMPrepare to leave for lunchHotel Lobby12:00 PMLunchTBD1:15 - 5:00 PMSpare TimeEntertainment3600 Roosevelt Blvd,352355:15 PMPrepare to departSpare TimeEntertainment Lobby5:30 - 9:00 PMUrban Air Trampoline &Adventure Park3695 Roosevelt Blvd,352359:00Prepare to departUrban Air Trampoline& Adventure ParkLobby9:15 - 12:00 AMFree TimeHotelSaturday, June 22, 2024

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Leadership Training InstituteAGENDASee you at Annual Conference September 21 for WMS/YPD Day! TimeEventLocation8:00 AMBreakfast9:00 AMHotel check-outHotel Lobby10:30 AMArrive to Grant Chapel forSunday Morning Worship6931 Division Avenue,3520611:00 AMSunday Morning WorshipGrant Chapel AMEC12:30 PMDeparture from NWAC YPD LTI“Grow, Glow, & Go forChrist.”Sunday, June 23, 2024

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Theme: Breaking FreeOpening Worship ServiceGrant Chapel African Methodist Episcopal ChurchThursday, June 20, 20246:00 PMJordan Chism, Worship LeaderNorthwest Alabama Conference YPD PresidentProcessional NWAC YPDBishop Harry L. Seawright, Presiding PrelateRev. Sherita Moon Seawright, Ninth Episcopal District SupervisorSister Sherryl Whiting, Episcopal WMS PresidentSister Debra Weatherspoon, Episcopal YPD DirectorJoshua Williams, YPD PresidentSister Thomasine Jackson, NWAC WMS PresidentSister LaVarne McReynolds, NWAC YPD DirectorJordan Chism, NWAC YPD President Agnes Cooper Area YPD - Carrie Russell Area YPD Edith Minor Area YPD - Julian Colvin Area YPD Lila Barnett Area YPD - Maxie Hampton Area YPD Polk-Mustin Area YPD Doxology Praise God from whom all blessing flow; Praise Him all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.The Call to Worship Aerik McKelveyMinister: I was glad when they said to me, "Let us go to the house of the Lord!" Our feethave been standing within your gates, O Jerusalem!People: For a day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. I would rather be adoorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness.Minister: O Lord, I love the habitation of your house, and the place where your glorydwells.People: But the Lord is in his holy temple, let all the earth keep silence before him.Minister: Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable inyour sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.People: O sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things! I will sing ofloyalty and of justice; to you, O Lord, I will sing.

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Hymn of Praise Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone)Amazing grace how sweet the soundThat saved a wretch like meI once was lost, but now I'm foundWas blind, but now I see'Twas grace that taught my heart to fearAnd grace my fears relievedHow precious did that grace appearThe hour I first believedRefrain:My chains are gone, I've been set freeMy God, my Savior has ransomed meAnd like a flood His mercy reignsUnending love, Amazing graceThe Lord has promised good to meHis word my hope securesHe will my shield and portion beAs long as life enduresRefrainThe earth shall soon dissolve like snowThe sun forbear to shineBut God, who called me here belowWill be forever mine.Refrain 2XInvocation Prayer for Safety Lyndon Kinds Prayer for Healing Breunna Carter Prayer for Deliverance Peyton Irving Prayer for Salvation Bailey Carter Prayer for Self-Denial Karrington KindsChoral ResponseLet the church say, “A-men.” Let the church say, “A-men.”God has spoken, Let the church say, “A-men.”

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NWAC YPD Choir Welcome Alana MorrowGreetings Scriptures Old Testament Thomas EdwardsPsalm 119:45-49 Epistle Jewel EdwardsRomans 8:1-4 Gospel Tamia FosterJohn 8:31-36Hymn #69"From all that dwell below the skies, Let thy Creator's praise arise; Let thy Redeemer's name be sung, Through every land by every tongue."Decalogue Summary Ryan Atkins and Koman Jones Leader: Hear what Christ our Savior saith, Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it; Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments, hang all the law and the prophets. Gloria PatriGlory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen.OfferingOffertory ResponseAll things come of thee O Lord, and of thine own have we given thee. Amen.

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NWAC YPD ChoirBreaking Free Litany Joaquin Malachi McKelveyLeader: May we strive to remove negative influences from our lives, turning awayfrom those who lead us astray from God’s path and surrounding ourselves withthose who uplift and encourage us in our faith.People: May we continually seek God’s guidance and strength as we strive toremove negative influences from our lives and grow closer to God each day.Leader: May we strive to remove dishonesty from our hearts and tongues, choosinginstead to speak truthfully and act with integrity in all aspects of our lives.People: May we continually seek God’s guidance and strength as we strive toremove dishonesty from our lives and grow closer to God each day.Leader: May we strive to remove impure thoughts and actions from our lives,seeking to honor God with our bodies, minds, and spirits, and to live in a way thatreflects His love and holiness.People: May we continually seek God’s guidance and strength as we strive toremove impure thoughts from our lives and grow closer to God each day.Leader: May we strive to remove selfishness from our attitudes and actions,choosing instead to serve others with humility and compassion, following theexample of Christ who came not to be served, but to serve.People: May we continually seek God’s guidance and strength as we strive toremove selfishness from our lives and grow closer to God each day.Leader: May we strive to remove fear from our hearts, trusting in God’s promisesand His presence in our lives, knowing that He has not given us a spirit of fear, but ofpower, love, and a sound mind.People: May we continually seek God’s guidance and strength as we strive toremove fear and all these obstacles from our lives and grow closer to God each day.Amen.NWAC YPD Praise DancersIntroduction of Speaker Joelle Daniel

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NWAC YPD Choir Speaker Evangelist Marcus Tremaine Evans Invitation to Christian Discipleship Rev. Dr. T. Eric NathanRemarks Sis. LaVarne McReynolds, NWAC YPD Director Sis. Thomasine Jackson, NWAC WMS President Sister Evelyn Beasely for President Sheryl Whiting Rev. Sherita Moon Seawright, Episcopal Supervisor Bishop Harry L. Seawright, Presiding PrelateMissionary Benediction In the name of the Truine God, may the spirit of Christian missionsenter every heart, this we ask in Jesus name.A-men.[rA Special thanks toMr. Jayland James for agreeing to be the musician for ourOpening Worship Service & the Connectional YPD for this year’s Self-Denial Program whichthe NWAC YPD LTI adopted. Jordan Chisolm, NWAC YPD PresidentSis. LaVarne McReynolds, NWAC YPD Director Sis. Thomasine Jackson, NWAC WMS PresidentJoshua Williams, Episcopal YPD President Sis. Debra Weatherspoon, Episcopal YPD DirectorSis. Sheryl Whiting, Episcopal WMS PresidentRev. Sherita Moon Seawright, Episcopal SupervisorRt. Reverend Harry L. Seawright, Presiding Prelate

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Theme: Breaking FreeLTI Engagement DayFriday, June 21, 20249:00 AMAlex Morgan, Presiding Devotion Song Prayer & Scripture Trinity Latham Thought for the Day Carter HallThe Monique Gonzalez Memorial The Call to Remembrance Alex Morgan Invocation Kaleb Jones Scripture Tae’ves Peterson John 11:25-26NWAC YPD Memorial Roll Call Agnes Cooper Area YPD Carrie Russell Area YPD Edith Minor Area YPD Julian Colvin Area YPD Lila Barnett Are YPD Maxie Hampton Area YPD Polk-Mustin Area YPD Lighting of the Memorial Candles The Candle of Remembrance Sydney Davis The Candle of Love Jordyn Hines The Candle of Hope Kaitlin Weatherby Memorial Poem Alex Morgan“Remember Me”Recognition of Graduates & 8-Year DirectorsAgnes Cooper Area YPD Carrie Russell Area YPDEdith Minor Area YPDJulian Colvin Area YPDLila Barnett Are YPDMaxie Hampton Area YPDPolk-Mustin Area YPD YPD Trivia

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Breakout Sessions Mother Sunbeams (ages 2-6) Facilitator: Sis. Shantez Carter Topic: Free Your Heart - Scripture: Psalm 50:10 Location: Classroom #1 Allen Stars (ages 7-12) Facilitator: Sis. Yvette Kinds Topic: Free Insecurities - Scripture: Psalm 139:14 Location: Classroom #2 Youth Auxiliary (ages 13-17) Facilitator: Sis. Khadidr Jones Topic: Free from Fear Location: Classroom #3 Young Adult (ages 18-26) Facilitators: Sis. LaToya Moreland & Christian Lamb Topic: Frearless You: Breaking Barriers & Embracing Freedom Location: Classroom #4 Missionaries, Parents, Guests Facilitators: Sis. Beverly Knight, Rosemary Buffer, & Tamika Davis Topic: Breaking Free from Isolation: Understanding Family Dynamics Location: Sanctuary* * * R E C O N V E N E * * * Breaking Free Breakout Recap Mother Sunbeams Allen Stars Youth Auxiliary Young Adults Missionaries, Parents, GuestsN W A C Y P D C h e e r l e a d e r s NWAC YPD Vision Board for 2024-2025 Recruit Retain Reclaim NWAC YPD Credentials ReportAgnes Cooper Area YPD Carrie Russel Area YPD Edith Minor Area YPD Julian Colvin Area YPD Lila Barnette Area YPD Maxie Hampton Area YPD Polk-Mustin Area YPD

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Remarks Sister LaVarne McReynolds YPD Chautauqua (Clap 8-8-4-4-1)We shall be strong, be brave, be trueWe shall be strong, be brave, be trueWe shall be strong, We shall be brave, true!A-M-E!We shall be strong, be brave, be trueWe shall be strong, be brave, be true We shall be strong,We shall be brave, true!W-M-S!We shall be strong, be brave, be trueWe shall be strong, be brave, be trueWe shall be strong, We shall be brave, true!Y-P-D!Blessing of the Food Bailey CarterFun, Food, & FellowshipCheck-in to Hotel @ 5:00 PMHoliday Inn Express & Suites- 5911 Valley Road - Trussville, AL 35173Curfew: 12:00 AM

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Monique Gonzalez Memorial YPDer Christopher DeWayne WilliamsSunrise: July 23, 1998Sunset: June 7, 20238 Year DirectorsCarrie Russell AreaSis. Michelle LathamLila Barnett AreaYPD DirectorSis. Tamika Weeks DavisCarrie Russell Area YPD Director

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Theme: Breaking FreeLTI Fun DaySaturday, June 22, 20248:00 AM Breakfast9:00 AM Free Time 11:45 AM Prepare to leave for lunch12:00 PM Lunch (TBD)1:15 PM Spare Time Entertainment 5:15 PM Meet in the lobby of Spare Time Entertainment to leave for next activity.5:30 PM Urban Air Trampoline & Adventure Park 9:00 AM Meet in the Lobby of Urban Air Trampoline & Adventure Park to return to the hotelTheme: Breaking FreeSunday Morning WorshipSunday, June 23, 202411:00 AM8:00 AM Breakfast9:00 AM Hotel Check-out10:30 AM Arrive for Sunday Morning Worship11:00 AM Sunday Morning Worship12:30 PM DepartureJordan Chisolm, NWAC YPD PresidentSis. LaVarne McReynolds, NWAC YPD Director - Sis. Thomasine Jackson, NWAC WMS PresidentJoshua Williams, Episcopal YPD President - Sis. Debra Weatherspoon, Episcopal YPD DirectorSis. Sheryl Whiting, Episcopal WMS PresidentRev. Sherita Moon Seawright, Episcopal SupervisorRt. Reverend Harry L. Seawright, Presiding Prelate

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Breaking Free Playlist