2024 Detailed Conference Program
Welcome and Announcements Honoring the 2022 Award WinnersHonoring the 2024 Selma Fraiberg and Betty Tableman AwardWinners9 AM - 5 PMSUNDAY - MAY 19Early Conference Check-In ~ Time is TBDMONDAY - MAY 20Conf. Check-in and Limited Onsite Registration 10 AM - 11 AMNEW - Welcome Reception - Mingle, Chat & Connect! Join us for an unforgettable Welcome Reception - It's open to everyone, no formalities, justgood vibes. Expect a spread of free bites and cold drinks to kick things off. It's all aboutmingling, chatting, and soaking up the connecting in person again. No frills, just fun! Be sure toadd this free event - registration is required.11 AM - 11:50 AM11:50 AM - 12:50 PMNEW - Plenary Session Celebrating and Honoring Ourselves To inaugurate MI-AIMH's 2024 Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Conference, ourPlenary session is a celebration of the remarkable work on behalf of the wellbeing of infantsand young children across the state of Michigan. This session will invite participants to reflect onwhat brings you energy in your work with or on behalf of infants, young children, and families. Itwill also explore how advancing equity and justice within ourselves and our teams through ahuman-centered approach, ultimately contributes to the advancement of equity for Michigan’sfamilies. 12:50 PM - 1:10 PM30-minute BreakLOWER LEVEL, KALAMAZOO ROOMLOWER LEVEL, KALAMAZOO ROOMMAIN LEVEL, BALLROOMMAIN LEVEL, BALLROOM1.0 CE/TRAINING HOUR
MONDAY - MAY 20 CONTINUED2:40 PM - 3:10 PM3:10 PM - 5:10 PMConcurrent Workshops Sessions A ~ schedule will be available soon!7 PM - 8:30 PMCelebrate, Connect, and Rejuvenate: 2023 Celebratory DinnerWe hope you will join us in celebration of our awards recipients and an opportunity to connectwith one another in a relaxed atmosphere. There will be a strolling dinner, cash bar, andmusic. We look forward to offering another way to nurture and build connections withcolleagues.~ Tickets $60Keynote Address - Rx Kids: A Prescription for Health, Hope, and Opportunity In this keynote conversation, Dr. Mona will share the Flint story including the community-partnered and child-centric response. She will share the ongoing need to protect and prioritizeinfants with interventions like the historic launch of the Rx Kids program. Rx Kids is the nation'sfirst citywide maternal and infant cash prescription program intended to promote familyfinancial security, improve health outcomes, and eliminate infant poverty. 1:10 PM - 2:40 PM MAIN LEVEL, BALLROOM KEYNOTE PRESENTER ~ DR. MONA HANNA-ATTISHA1.5 CE/TRAINING HOUR30-minute BreakMAIN LEVEL, BALLROOM2.0 CE/TRAINING HOUR
Keynote Address - Love Your Work Again: A Neurobiological Inspired Approach to Burn Out &Compassion Fatigue Even without the lingering effects of the COVID19 pandemic, sometimes it feels as though justbeing human is traumatic. At the very least, we are all experiencing the impact of toxic stress,not only secondarily through our relationships with our clients but also directly, bothpersonally and professionally. When we’re armed with the neuroscience of trauma and toxicstress, our burn-out and compassion fatigue makes sense, and we can begin to take stepstoward healing. It really is possible to be with our clients in their valid experiences ofoverwhelm, burn-out, helplessness, and hopelessness without succumbing to thoseexperiences ourselves. This keynote address will leave you feeling validated and hopeful.You’ll walk about with practical tips that you’ll be able to implement immediately, beginningan ongoing practice of being with yourself in order to be with your clients.7:30 AM - 5 PMTUESDAY - MAY 21Check-in/Registration 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM8:45 AM - 10:15 AMCoffee and morning snacks availableWelcome and Announcements Honoring the 2024 Hiram Fitzgerald Award WinnerLOWER LEVEL, KALAMAZOO FOYERMAIN LEVEL, BALLROOMMAIN LEVEL, BALLROOMKEYNOTE PRESENTER ~ROBYN GOBBEL, MSW1.5 CE/TRAINING HOUR10:15 AM - 10:45 AM30-minute Break ~ Check out the Exhibitors in Kalamazoo Room ~ snack available7:30 AM - 6:30 PMExhibitors available all day ~ be sure to stop by! In the afternoon and evening, Poster Displayswill be available as well. Poster Authors will be available 5pm - 6:30pm with their postersLOWER LEVEL, KALAMAZOO ROOM
TUESDAY - MAY 21 CONTINUED10:45 AM - 12:45 PM12:45 PM - 2:15 PMLunch break on your own unless attending the Policy Lunch & LearnSession; Posters & Exhibitors AvailableMAIN LEVEL, BALLROOMConcurrent Workshops Sessions B ~ schedule will be available soon!2.0 CE/TRAINING HOUR1:15 PM - 2:15 PMPolicy Lunch and Learn Session - The Power of Collective Voices: Uplifting Stories of Past,Present and Future Infant Mental Health Initiatives in Michigan. The 2024 Policy Lunch andLearn Session is set to be a tribute to Betty Tableman and her decades of being a preventionchampion through advocacy and policy work that have significantly impacted the field ofInfant and Early Childhood Mental Health. Through a panel discussion, Meghan Schmelzer, LMSW, IECMH-E®, Senior Manager in ZERO TOTHREE's IECMH Policy Center, will facilitate the sharing of stories of the ongoing impact ofadvocacy in infant mental health. Attendees will hear the pivotal roles played by individuals inadvancing the field of IMH. Attendees will also hear about future advocacy initiatives and howyou can make a difference in your area by speaking up and advocating for infant/youngchildren and families! ~ Tickets $40
TUESDAY - MAY 21 CONTINUED2:30 PM - 4:30 PM5:00 PM - 6:30 PMNetworking Event - Connecting through Chapters!Melissa Kaplan-Estrin Student Poster & Program Poster AssemblyExhibitor HallNetworking Event ~ Connecting through Chapters! Join us for great food, conversations, newrelationships, prizes and more!This year's Networking Event will have many opportunities for you and your colleagues toconnect and network with a diverse group of professionals from across the state. We knowthat this event will be a highlight of the MI-AIMH Biennial Conference because we haven’t hadas many opportunities for connection over the last several years. Relationships are thefoundation of the infant and early childhood field in Michigan and we hope you will join us! Thisyear we will highlight MI-AIMH local AIMH chapters who are connecting with professionals intheir area and hosting community engagement events. While you are networking, don't forgetto enjoy the light appetizers, cash bar and prizes! There is no additional cost to attend theNetworking event, however registration is required. LOWER LEVEL, KALAMAZOO ROOMConcurrent Workshops Sessions C ~ schedule will be available soon!2.0 CE/TRAINING HOUR
TUESDAY - MAY 21 CONTINUED6:00 PM - 7:30 PM LOWER LEVEL, KALAMAZOO ROOMBringing our work to life on the pages of a new infant and early childhood mental healthcasebook: Relationship-Based Experiences: Honoring Voices Within Infant and Early ChildhoodMental Health ZERO TO THREE is publishing a new infant and early childhood casebook – co-edited by CarlaBarron and Karol Wilson. The development of this book came from their IECMH experiences,their professional relationships, and their aim to advocate for equity and an anti-racist stancewithin our field. Since the last case studies book edited by Joan Shirilla and DeborahWeatherston and published by ZERO TO THREE over 20 years ago, more attention has beenplaced on centering equity, race, and inclusion within IECMH relationships. This book capturesthe diverse experiences and voices of practitioners and the caregivers they partner with onbehalf of infants and young children. The IECMH professionals who authored the case studiescourageously share their experiences, perspectives and practice settings and bravely sharetheir social location and positionality – how who they are affects the work they do. Join the editors and select authors to discuss the journey of this new casebook. The bookincludes authors from Michigan, Chicago, Arizona, Hawaii, Kansas, and New York. Authors whoare present at the conference will join the discussion, which will include the author'sexperience of writing about their work and the importance of including various disciplines andgeographical regions to honor diverse voices. The process of defining Reflective Supervisionand Consultation and how it is used to support relationships will be discussed, as well as why itfelt important to include social location and positionality within each chapter.There is no cost to attend this event, however registration is required.
Keynote Address - From “Ghosts in the Nursery” to “Ghosts in Society”: “Browning” our GuidingConcepts to Better Support Families Within the field of infant mental health, across numerous service sectors we see disparities inaccess to care, service utilization, and attrition that are linked to aspects of diversityincluding ethnicity, race, and socio-economic status. How do we understand these disparities,and what can we do to better engage and serve diverse populations? During this talk, we willreflect on core concepts that guide our work as infant mental health practitioners andconsider how we might “brown” these concepts. The “browning” metaphor is meant to helpus think about how many of our guiding concepts could benefit from additional “cooking,”from the heat of new discourse, and from the integration of diverse ideas. As new “chefs”have entered the field, we have recognized the need to broaden our lens and ensure that thefoundational theories that guide are work incorporate historical and socio-culturalperspectives.7:30 AM - 5 PMWEDNESDAY - MAY 22Check-in/Registration 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM8:45 AM - 10:15 AMCoffee and morning snacks availableWelcome and Announcements Honoring the 2024 Deborah Weatherston Award WinnerLOWER LEVEL, KALAMAZOO FOYERMAIN LEVEL, BALLROOMMAIN LEVEL, BALLROOMKEYNOTE PRESENTER ~ DR. CHANDRA GHOSH-IPPEN1.5 CE/TRAINING HOUR10:15 AM - 10:45 AM30-minute Break ~ Snacks available10:45 AM - 12:45 AMConcurrent Workshops Sessions D ~ schedule will be available soon!2.0 CE/TRAINING HOUR
WEDNESDAY - MAY 22 CONTINUED2.0 CE/TRAINING HOUR4:30 PM12:45 PM - 2:15 PMLunch Break on your own2:30 PM - 4:30 PMConcurrent Workshops Sessions E ~ schedule will be available soon!End of Conference