2024 Sponsorship & Exhibitor Prospectus Supporting Early Childhood Relationships:Learn, Connect, Restore & RejuvenateTo Potential Sponsors and Exhibitors: The impact of COVID, coupled with continual racial and social injustices has fallen heavily on young children and families.This has created a rippling effect on the early childhood professionals who serve them. Therefore, this year, MI-AIMH'supcoming biennial conference theme is Supporting Early Childhood Relationships: Learn, Connect, Restore andRejuvenate. This conference will provide a space in which professionals can learn and reflect on the complexity of thework and how best to support and build resilience in young children and families. The 3-day conference will featurenationally known keynote speakers and a variety of workshops, drawing more than 600 interprofessional practitioners,researchers and early childhood professionals from Michigan and other states. Your support for the conference willhelp early childhood professionals connect with others, develop new skills, feel restored, and deepen their commitmentto supporting infants and young children. to thrive in loving, nurturing, and secure relationships that will prepare themto live healthy, fulfilled lives. Thank you for your interest and willingness to share in this effort to help young childrenand families--when it matters most. Warm Regards,Jennifer Farley, PhD, LMSW, RPT-S, ECMH-E® & Erin Werth, LMSW, IMH-E®Conference Co-ChairsLetter from Co-Chairs
About MI-AIMH and Our Biennial ConferenceSupported professionals who work to ensure that all young children thrive in loving, nurturing, andsecure relationships which matter for health, happiness, learning, and life.Spoken up for children and babies at the family, community, and policy level.Strengthened partnerships and equipped professionals working on behalf of babies and children up tosix years old and their families.Built partnerships with other organizations focused on the healthy development of young children.Click to learn more about MI-AIMH's impact and results: https://mi-aimh.org/about/impact-results/About Michigan Association for Infant Mental HealthSince 1977, MI-AIMH has:We educate and support the world’s largest network of infant mental health professionals,including hundreds of IECMH practitioners who serve pregnant women, infants, youngchildren, and families, through: Competency-based professional development at our biennial conference, training series, and individualworkshopsLearning opportunities for early care and education providers, 0 – 6 home visitors, I-ECMH homevisitors, program administrators, policy advocates and faculty who use I-ECMH principles in working andcaring for infants and their families.We developed the nationally, and internationally, recognized Endorsement for Culturally SensitiveRelationship Focused Practice Promoting Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health® (IECMH-E®), thatrigorously validates a provider’s education, qualifications, practical and reflective experiences promotingI-ECMH interventions.
Conference & Attendee InformationDemographics Our attendees include 650-700 birth to six professionals from the nonprofit sector, government, andprivate businesses. Sponsors can easily reach these attendees with their message, logo, and/or products. 2022 Attendees Included:Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Clinicians (Community Mental Health and Private Practice) Prevention Home Visitors (Parents as Teachers, Healthy Family America etc.) Birth ProfessionalsMedical ProfessionalsChild Care Providers Tribal Health ProfessionalsEarly On/Early InterventionPolicy MakersEarly Childhood Focused Funders Parent PartnersChild WelfareAdministrators Students from a variety of scopes: Public Health, Social Work (Macro and Clinical), Counseling,Pediatrics, Child Development, and more! The Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health (MI-AIMH) Biennial Conference is the premiereprofessional development and networking opportunity for MI-AIMH members and infant and earlychildhood mental health professionals from around the nation. This high-caliber conference is solelydedicated to infant and early childhood mental health best practices, attracting world renowned clinicians,policy makers, and research faculty who present cutting edge information about attachment, earlyrelationship development, and reflective supervision for work with infants, young children and their families. As a field, we recognize the impact of COVID, coupled with continued racial and social injustices that havefallen heavily on young children and their families, and the rippling effect on the early childhoodprofessionals who serve them. This year, MI-AIMH's biennial 3-day conference theme is: Supporting EarlyChildhood Relationships: Learn, Connect, Restore and Rejuvenate. This specific conference will provide aspace in which professionals can learn and reflect on the complexity of the work and how best to supportand build resilience in young children and families. The conference will feature national and internationallyknown keynote speakers and a variety of workshops, drawing more than 600 interprofessional practitioners,researchers and early childhood professionals from Michigan and other states. Your support for theconference will help early childhood professionals connect with others, develop new skills, feel restored,and deepen their commitment to supporting infants and young children to thrive in loving, nurturing, andsecure relationships that will prepare them to live healthy, fulfilled lives. Thank you for sharing in this effort! About the 39th MI-AIMH Biennial Conference
Why Sponsor This ConferenceIt is time to reconnect ~ we are back in person for the 2024 MI-AIMH Biennial Conference! Sponsoring the MI-AIMH Conference gives you the opportunity to grow your business, increaseyour awareness and brand recognition with our community.Build awareness of your company or organization among attendees and presenters.Connect with decision-makers throughout the early childhood community.Find candidates for your open positions.Help build a healthier future for infants and young children in Michigan and beyond...MI-AIMH's Biennial Conference is the premiere professional development and networkingopportunity for infant mental health professionals from around the nation. It is solely dedicated to infant mental health best practices, attracting world-renownedclinicians, policy makers, and research faculty who present cutting-edge information aboutattachment, early relationship development, and reflective supervision for work with infants,young children, and their families. Your sponsorship will help challenge the attendees' hearts and minds, deepen theirunderstanding of their work, and re-energize their dedication to promoting and supportingsecure, nurturing relationships early in life.Your sponsorship will support conference scholarships for those who could not otherwiseafford to attend.Your sponsorship will make a difference in the lives of Michigan's most vulnerable babies andchildren.For the 2024 Conference, in addition to our goal of providing stellar professional development,MI-AIMH is also raising additional funds to help us continue offering conference scholarshipsand offset conference costs as well as support MI-AIMH’s work and growth. For information on a customized sponsorshippackage/opportunity, contact Tiffanie Martinez attmartinez@mi-aimh.orgWhy Become a Sponsor
2024 Sponsorship OpportunitiesStrong Relationships$2,500Sponsor BenefitsHappy Baby$5,000Curious Minds $1,000Healthy Lives $500Company description on conferencewebsite with link to a URL of your choice(sponsor section)Onsite Branding - Company logo listed onWelcome & Thank You screen for KeynoteSessionsYour company logo included on aWorkshop SignYour company will have access to registrationemails for a one-time use email blast.*Attendees can opt out during registrationPre-Event marketing - company logo included in conference marketing emails &social mediaComplimentary Full Conference RegistrationPartnership logo designation on MI-AIMH'swebsite for one year.Discounted Registrations - 25% discountCompany logo and description in the mobileevent app or the event programNANANANANANANA2 14NANANANANA
2024 Exclusive Sponsorship OpportunitiesAll Exclusive sponsorships include: section in the conference mobile app for name, website,description, info and document upload; logo included on event marketing & signage.Full$17,500$6,000Full$12,000$6,000$5,500Celebratory Banquet Dinner Sponsor The banquet highlights MI-AIMH Award Winner & offers live music, a plated dinner, dessert & cash bar. Includes: Company name and logo included on printed dinner programSocial media postsVerbal recognition during the banquet8 complimentary tickets - great place to network! Breakfast & Coffee Sponsor ~ only 3 availableHelp provide attendees coffee, tea, juices, and a variety of breakfast goodies for 1 conference day.Includes: Company name & logo featured on signage by the tableCompany name and logo on custom napkinsSocial media posts Networking Event SponsorHelp provide appetizers, beverages and networking space to conference attendees.Includes: Company name & logo featured on signage in Networking areaCompany name and logo on custom napkins2 complimentary tickets - talk with Infant and Early Childhood professionals and leaders!Social media postsReception Sponsor ~ scheduled just prior to the BanquetHelp provide appetizers, beverages and networking space to conference attendees.Includes: Company name & logo featured on signage in Reception areaCompany name and logo on custom napkins2 complimentary tickets - talk with Infant and Early Childhood professionals and leaders!Social media posts$6,000SWAG Bag Sponsor Curated welcome kit for all attendees.Includes: Company logo featured on the welcome kit bagInclude company name and logo on printed messaging provided to attendees Option to add an item to the welcome kit - MI-AIMH approvesSocial media postsCo-Sponsor Option$8,750Co-Sponsor Option$6,000Welcome Reception SponsorHelp provide appetizers, beverages and networking space to conference attendees to launch theconference.Includes: Company name & logo featured on signage in Reception areaCompany name and logo on custom napkins2 complimentary tickets - talk with Infant and Early Childhood professionals and leaders!Social media posts
2024 Exclusive Sponsorship OpportunitiesAll Exclusive sponsorships include: section in the conference mobile app for name, website,description, info and document upload; logo included on event marketing & signage.$5,000$3,000$5,000$2,000 $1,500 Poster Sponsor This sponsor helps conference support and provide space and requirements needed to display college/university student and IECMH professional posters.Includes: Company name and logo featured on signage in the student poster sectionSocial media posts Policy Session SponsorHelp provide policy & social action focused session and lunch to an intimate group.Includes: Company name & logo featured on signage in policy sessionCompany name and logo on lunch2 complimentary tickets - talk with Infant and Early Childhood professionals and policyfocused leaders!Social media postsKeynote Session Sponsor ~ only 3 availableAssists in bringing relevant and exciting keynote presenters to share their time and expertise with our community Includes: Verbal acknowledgement during Keynote introductionPremiere logo placement on welcome slide for Keynote SessionCompany name and logo included on marketing emails and social media posts$5,000Nurture Professional Sponsor Work with MI-AIMH to offer nurturing to 0-6 Professionals during conference, such as massage chair. Includes: Company name and logo featured on signage Social media posts Pic Sponsor - On-site photographer available to take event and attendee photos.Includes: Company name and logo featured on signage Social media posts Wheel SponsorCustomize our best-selling Socio-Emotional Wheel with your logo ~ putting one in attendees's hands to work withfamilies.Includes: Logo added to our wheels - choose from Baby Stages; Pre-School; Fatherhood & PregnancySocial media posts Mobile App Sponsor This sponsor helps provide attendees the ability to stay up to date, track their CEU's, connect withspeakers and colleagues. Get your name and brand in front of all attendees!Includes: Spotlighted within Mobile AppLogo included in emails and communications to attendees about using the mobile appSocial media posts $3,000
2024 Additional Sponsorship OpportunitiesCompany Logo on Conference promotional item, i.e. notebookSponsor logo will be included on an item all conference attendees receive!Banner Ad in mobile appSponsor will have the opportunity to design a banner ad that will be available in the conferencemobile app. Welcome SponsorIncludes company logo on-screen during Morning Welcome all three days & acknowledgementduring morning announcements. The morning welcome occurs prior to the Keynote Address, theonly scheduled time that all conference attendees are together in one space.$4,500Email Sponsor Included in post-conference email to attendees: Your company logo & name near top of email, upto 100 word company description; products/services with approval from MI-AIMH & hyperlink towebsite.Social Media SponsorIncludes a Facebook and Instagram post (over 3,000 followers). Organization creates the copy and image to be used in post with approval from MI-AIMH.Workshop SponsorIncludes logo placement on workshop signage and the mobile app for workshop sessionPre-Conference Highlight An email for conference marketing (list includes over 4,000 emails) to include your company logo,linked to your website. Also, your logo prominently featured with links to your content during eventregistration.Spotlight videosVideo "elevator pitch", up to 2-3 minutes. Video to be produced & edited by sponsor with MI-AIMH approval. Video would be available on MI-AIMH website & linked within conference app$1,500$500$1,000$750$500$500$300All Additional sponsorships include: section in the conference mobile app for name, website,description, info and document upload; logo included on event marketing & signage.Scholarship Program MI-AIMH offers a Conference Scholarship Program to provide financial assistance to prospective attendees.There is an application process and committee that approves awarded scholarships and amounts. Available Scholarships:~ $425 to cover the full registration cost for an Infant and Early Childhood Professional~ $150 to cover the full registration cost for a Current College or University StudentLive Entertainment - up to 3 opportunitiesAssist with providing Live Entertainment (musical, performance, etc.) during the WelcomeReception, Celebratory Banquet or NextGen Networking Event. Your logo and branding will behighlighted at the corresponding event.$1,000
All sponsors will complete an online application. If you are interested in being a Sponsor and anExhibitor, you will need to complete both applications.This process will allow you to select your sponsor level(s) and option(s), complete your contactinformation and select if you would like to pay by credit card or check.Once you have completed your sponsor application, you will receive a confirmation email andreceipt. You will also receive a link to your Sponsor Portal. This is where you will be able to uploadyour logo, photo, URL, description and other information. Additionally, you will see tasks anddeadlines in the portal to assist you with uploading items needed to fulfill your conferencesponsorship.Any Individual, Business or Organization may sponsor the conference and MI-AIMH events as long as: Businesses or Organizations must not discriminate based on race, gender, age, sexual orientation,religion, or disability.Businesses or Organizations must not promote any political ideology or religious doctrine.Sponsor Application: https://site.pheedloop.com/event/miaimh2024conference/application Sponsor Application Process
Exhibitor Details Who Should ExhibitIf you have questions about being an exhibitorfor the MI-AIMH Conference, please contact Special D: Recruiters of professionals in the fields of Child Development, Counseling, Early Care and Education, EarlyIntervention, Mental Health , Pediatrics, Psychology and Social WorkManufacturers and distributors of furniture, equipment and toys Producers and suppliers of educational products, services and materials for practitioners and parentsPublishers of books, periodicals and other publications creating or supplying critical information to the infant-family fieldDevelopers and providers of in-service and training materials, computer hardware/software used to manageand administer child care programs, behavioral research and other materials and applications useful to theinfant and early childhood mental health field Vendors with general merchandise, jewelry, clothing, scarfs, candles, etc.Recruiters for University programsStandard Exhibitor Space: • 8'x10' table with linen and two chairs Benefits:• Ability to add your company information in the conference app• Access to more than 600 administrators, educators, Infant and Early Childhood Mental Healthprofessionals, researchers and students Exhibitor Schedule ~ Tuesday, May 21, 2024: 7:00 AM – Exhibitor check in and set up (participants check in beginning at 8:00 AM, Welcome begins at 8:30 AM) 10:15-10:45 AM – Participant break (hoping to have sponsored snacks in Exhibitor space)12:45-2:15 PM – Participant Lunch Break - Lunch is on their own5:00 PM – Melissa Kaplan-Estrin Student Poster Session & Next Gen Networking Event (located in same space as Exhibitor tables)7:00 PM – Exhibitor tear down Working on creating incentives to encourage attendees to spend time in the Exhibitor Area Exhibit Costs Table Rate Additional Tables 2024 Exhibitor OpportunitiesExhibitor Costs For Profit ExhibitorNon-Profit ExhibitorTable Rate: $300Additional Table: $150Table Rate: $200Additional Table: $100Due to space limitations, exhibitors are only available for May 21, 2024. Exhibitor spots are granted based on the discretion of the MI-AIMHconference planning committee. MI-AIMH assumes no responsibility for any loss, injury or damage occurring to an exhibitor or their property
Exhibitor Application ProcessAll exhibitors will complete an online application. If you are interested in being a Sponsor and anExhibitor, you will need to complete both applications.This process will allow you to select the number of tables needed, complete your contactinformation and select if you would like to pay by credit card or check.Once you have completed your exhibitor application, you will receive a confirmation email andreceipt. You will also receive a link to your Exhibitor Portal. This is where you will be able to uploadyour logo, photo, URL, description and other information. Additionally, you will see tasks anddeadlines in the portal to assist you with uploading items needed to fulfill the conference exhibitorneeds.Exhibitor tables are assigned by the conference planning committee based on space needs and theevent space.Any Individual, Business or Organization may exhibit at the conference & MI-AIMH events as long as: Businesses or Organizations must not discriminate based on race, gender, age, sexual orientation,religion, or disability.Businesses or Organizations must not promote any political ideology or religious doctrine.Exhibitor Application: https://site.pheedloop.com/event/miaimh2024conference/application
Previous Conference SponsorsThank you to the 2022 MI-AIMH Biennial Conference Sponsors!Your continued support and collaboration allows us to provide exceptional professionaldevelopment, support and resources to our infant and early childhood mental health community!