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2024 Master Graduation

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Graduation of 2024Graduation of 2024WoodstockAcesNew WorldNew World EnglishEnglish

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ContentsContentsPrefacePreface Page 1~5Page 1~5Graduation PhotosGraduation Photos Page 6~47Page 6~47Those YearsThose Years Page 48~59Page 48~59NowadaysNowadays Page 60~86Page 60~86

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恆毅力是一種對長遠目標的熱情與堅持,恆毅力是擁有無比的耐力。恆毅力是堅持你所確信的未來,日復一日,不僅僅是這週、這個月,而是年復一年,非常認真地去實現堅信的那個未來。恆毅力更是將生活視為一場馬拉松,而非短跑。Grit is passion and perseverance for very long-term goals.Grit is having stamina. Grit is sticking with your future, day-in, day-out.Not just for the week, not just for the month, but for years.And working really hard to make that future a reality. Grit is living life like it's a marathon, not a sprint.G R I TG R I T1

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I am loving, kind, happy and gratefulI am polite and friendlyI respect my friends and teachers, tooI am responsible I am honest and smartI love to speak EnglishI follow the rulesI have gritI can do it by myself Every day when I come to school,I choose my attitudeGood behavior, bad behavior,I choose my attitudeChoose My AttitudeNew World English Song2

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Teacher ScottNew World English FounderDear students,You have faced many challenges and made so much progressin the past year. Always remember to choose your attitude.Each day you can ask yourself, “Am I being loving, kind,happy and grateful?” I hope you will always share your joywith others. Be the song. Be the light.I love you,Teacher Scott親愛的同學們:在過去的一年中,你勇敢地面對許多挑戰並且有很大進步。 永遠記得選擇你的態度, 每天問自己:“我是否充滿愛心、善良、快樂和感恩?” 我希望你能和別人分享你的快樂。 成為歌曲。 成為光。我愛你們,Teacher Scott3

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Teacher ThomasDearest students,You have finished this chapter of your life. Now look backand use its summary to set yourselves up for greatness inthe next chapter. Approach the unknown with the best ofyour abilities and with your friends. Never be afraid to askfor help and serve those that need your help. Together you are stronger!One for all, all for one!Teacher Thomas我最親愛的學生們,你們已經完成了人生的這一章。現在回顧過去,利用其經驗,為下一章的成功鋪路。以你們的最佳狀態,和朋友們一起面對未知的挑戰。永遠不要害怕尋求幫助,並服務那些需要你們幫助的人。團結力量大!我為人人,人人為我!Teacher ThomasTeaching Director4

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Teacher AlexHome Room teacherDear lovely students,Congratulations, Masters 2 graduates! Your journey to thismoment has been marked by dedication, perseverance, andintellectual growth. As you step into the next chapter ofyour lives, carry with you the knowledge, skills, and passionyou've cultivated. Embrace challenges as opportunities, continueto learn and evolve, and let your accomplishments be atestament to your commitment to excellence. The worldawaits your contributions. Well done!Teacher Alex親愛的同學們:恭喜,大師班的畢業生們!你們到達這一刻的旅程充滿了奉獻、毅力和智慧的成長。當你們踏入生命的下一章時,帶著你們培養的知識、技能和熱情。將挑戰視為機遇,持續學習和成長,讓你們的成就成為對卓越的見證。世界正在期待著你們的貢獻。做得好!Teacher Alex5

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Austin Pan6

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Alice Chiu7

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Ariel Sun8

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Audrey Lin9

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Brian Qiu10

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Chelsea Huang11

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Chuck Zhu12

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Claire Ma13

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Cristina Ma14

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Danny Jian15

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Emily Chao16

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Emily Ye17

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Isa Chen18

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Ivy Chang19

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Jamie Weng20

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Kailor Chen21

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Lionel Yeh22

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Michael Ma23

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Ware Wu24

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Wilson Lin25

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Wilson Chang 26

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Winnie Chen27

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Anna Chen28

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Charlie Wang29

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Dino Chuang 30

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Doris Chiang31

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Dora Lin32

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Eden Huang33

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Emily Duo34

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Frank Song35

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Holly Chou36

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Jacko Chiang37

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James Chuang38

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Jeremy Hsu39

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Justin Li40

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Natasha Boertien41

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Peggy Chuang42

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Sean Yang43

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Titania Sun44

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William Hong45

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Yoyo Bai46

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David Wu47

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I love baking!50

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My brothersand sisters...63

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love laughlearnWe..66

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Believe you can andyou're halfway there.67

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The future belongs to those whobelieve in the beauty of their dreams.68

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We enjoy the class.We enjoy the class. 69

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Creative 71

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Together, we can achieve greatness.73

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We are the young leaders.79

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Our memories will last a lifetime.82

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Forever in our hearts, always in our memories.84

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Happy GraduationHappy GraduationThe journey doesn't end here. It’s just the beginning of new adventures.86

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20242024Congratulations!Congratulations! You have become leaders.You have become leaders.