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2024 Little Stars Graduation

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Graduation Class of 2024Way to go, Mars! You're ready to spread your wings and fly!Keep exploring, learning, and having fun!

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Contents01 C H A P T E RS T E P P I N G I N T OS C H O O L02 C H A P T E R03 C H A P T E RE X P L O R I N G E V E R YC O R N E R O F T H E W O R L DE X P R E S S I N G E V E R Y O N E ' SU N I Q U E N E S S0 0 30 4 10 7 9

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05 C H A P T E RT R E A S U R E E V E R YM O M E N T04 C H A P T E RE X P E R I E N C I N G E V E R YH O L I D A Y1 3 31 9 9

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0101 C H A P T E RStepping into SchoolStepping into SchoolAs you started your journey inschool, you became a memberof the Mars class. Even though everything seemedunfamiliar and sometimes youmissed Mom and Dad, you fellin love with learning.

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You all bravelyembraced everynew beginning.

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Tiny hands, tapping on instruments, beautiful melodies bornfrom each gentle touch.

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With each tap and thump, we made a symphony of loveand happiness.Little MusiciansLittle Musicians

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3 years old10

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113 years old

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123 years old

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You delicately chose colors, sponged with care, and craftedunique masterpieces with your own special strokes.133 years oldIn my colorful world

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143 years old

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163 years oldArt Time!

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183 years oldBaking Time!

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193 years oldWith careful attention to each ingredient,from kneading and slicing to filling, everyaction showed your dedication.

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203 years old

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213 years oldWith practice after practice,you made progress bit by bit,with a focused and confident look in your eyes.

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223 years oldEach dish was a masterpiece, made possible by your teamworkand curiosity.

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233 years oldLittle chefs explored and created, crafting delicious treats with care.

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On the yoga mat,we stretched and felt relaxed,discovering how our bodies moved.

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263 years old

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273 years oldIt was wonderful to see the effort,and the joy that followed success.Yoga Time!

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283 years old

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293 years old

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323 years old

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333 years old

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343 years old

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353 years oldOutdoor Time!

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373 years old

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403 years old

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0202C H A P T E RExploring everycorner of the worldAt four years old, curiosity sparked everything.Let that curiosity guide youthrough each day of your life.

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As you grew a year older,you weren't alone anymore.You made a group of friendsto learn with.

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You held the book steady for me,and I turned the pages for you.We read the same book togetherand talked about what was inside.Such special memories.464 years old

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The classroom was also your playground.Every pile of toys showed your imagination.

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484 years old

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504 years old

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We grew together,learning and working side by side.514 years old

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524 years old

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Your concentrationhelped you makeyummy treats oneafter another!

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544 years oldImagine & Create

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564 years old

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574 years oldThroughout the year, you added brightcolors, making each season special!THE SEASONS IN MY EYES

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584 years old

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594 years oldYou opened your little arms and kept your balance. Everymoment of focus, every little movement, was aimed at masteringcontrol of the soccer ball with your feet. And you all did it!

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604 years old

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As you grew older, you started to understand how to take careof yourselves. You brushed your teeth together and practicedhanging up your jackets together. The confidence shining inyour eyes showed that you were ready for anything.

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634 years oldJackie and Ann had amazing adventures, and so did you! Weloved following your journey every step of the way. Yourexcitement and joy made every moment special.

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644 years old

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Your patience andkindness made a bigdifference. You werewonderful role models!

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Using your hands to create brings so much happiness. Everydough kneaded and shaped filled the room with joy. Keepmaking and spreading smiles!5 years old84

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Your eagerness to help and answer questions showedyour caring hearts. Every time you lent a hand or sharedyour knowledge, you made a difference. Keep beingwonderfully helpful!

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5 years old86

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875 years old

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885 years old

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Each of you brought your ownspecial beat to the drums. Together,you made beautiful music, showinghow teamwork and being yourselfcan make something wonderful.895 years old

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925 years old

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955 years oldWe learn together!

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965 years old

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975 years oldFriendships made our days brighter and filled with joy. Wecreated so many wonderful memories together. Being withyou all made every moment special.

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985 years oldBe Creative!

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995 years oldEvery effort you put in and every preparation before steppingon stage showed your growing confidence and courage. Youare ready to face the challenges ahead. Keep shining brightly!

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1015 years oldYour smiles and laughter made learning so much fun.Your positive attitude made every moment joyful and fullof discovery!

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1025 years old

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You used your imagination tocreate wonderful adventures.You learned important socialskills while having fun together.Every moment was a chance togrow and explore!

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1045 years old

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1055 years old

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1065 years old

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1075 years old

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1085 years old

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1095 years old

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1105 years old

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1115 years oldWe are loving, kind, happy, and grateful!

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1125 years old

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1135 years old

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1145 years old

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1165 years old

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1195 years oldOn an adventure!

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1205 years old

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1115 years oldWe take care of our environment!

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1185 years oldWe help each other!

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5 years old127We are responsible!

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You worked hard on difficulttasks and never gave up. Eachchallenge made you strongerand more confident!5 years old129

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Kindness is like magic;share it wherever you go. Your kind actions makethe world a happier place.

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5 years old132

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0404C H A P T E RExperiencing EveryHolidayEach holiday is a reminderto appreciate the people welove and the time we havetogether.

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Experiencing Every HolidayTrick-or-treat, smell my feetGive me something good to eatGhosts and witches, goblins, too,are waiting in the dark for you135

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Experiencing Every Holiday147We are Ocean Helpers!

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Experiencing Every Holiday152Happy Birthday To You!

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A flower at a time, a stroke at a time, you created beautifulmemories for you and Mom. Your love and care made thesemoments special.Experiencing Every Holiday159

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Thank you, Mom, for your endless love, support, and patience. Experiencing Every Holiday161

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171Experiencing Every HolidayEvery field trip revealed your brave andresilient hearts. You confidently tackledeach challenge with determination andenthusiasm.

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Your curiosity and kindness shone as you interacted withthe animals. You made new furry friends with care and joy.Experiencing Every Holiday178

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You all showed your kind hearts and curious minds. Youwere so brave and careful when you met the big animals.

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Even though sometimes you wereafraid, you didn't let that stopyou from trying. Experiencing Every Holiday183

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You are loving, kind,happy, and grateful. Carry these traits withyou as you enjoy everyjourney in life!Satisfied

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Your bright eyes and happy smilesmake each journey unforgettable.Enjoy every moment and createlasting memories!Experiencing Every Holiday189

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A friend is one of the nicest things you can have andone of the best things you can be.Experiencing Every Holiday191

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Experiencing Every Holiday192We are happy everyday!

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Good TimesGood Times With parentsWith parents

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With the gentle voices of Mom and Dad,we entered the magical worlds withinthe pages.Experiencing Every Holiday194

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Experiencing Every Holiday197You are the joy of your mom and dad,but in this moment, Mom and Dadbecome your heroes.

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Experiencing Every Holiday198Thank you, Mom and Dad, for weaving your time into ourstory time. Your warmth madeour stories even more magical.

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0505C H A P T E RTreasure Every MomentFrom the first day ofclass to this moment ofgraduation, we've beenon a journey of learning,exploring, and growing.

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Aston, you are an amazing kid! You are sooptimistic. We hope you can always stay positiveno matter what adversity happens to you. Liveand enjoy every moment of your life.Blue,恭喜你要上小學了,將會碰到新的同學與老師,接觸許多新的事物,期待上小學的你每天也都快快樂樂,開開心心。爸爸與媽媽永遠愛你。親愛的Anton, 從你3 小朋友的時候去新世界美語上課到現在已經是6歲的小哥哥了。媽咪還記得你剛上學的幾天後突然抱著媽咪哭哭,因爲那是你第一次離開媽咪,突然到新的環境你會害怕,但是過幾天後你就變的超級勇敢的去上課,開始學會跟同學相處、學了好多規矩、獨立,開始每天進步到現在要畢業了。 你是我跟爸爸還有全家人最親愛的寶貝,全家人都愛你,希望你平安健康快樂的長大,但是媽咪也希望你學會感恩知足,要記得謝謝每天陪伴著你的teacher帶著你長大、學習,要變得更懂事聽話哦! 恭喜你已經長大囉! Happy graduation! Love you!AntonAntonAstonAstonBlueBlue歲

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Treasure Every Moment202May you embark on this new journey with curiosity andcourage. Remember, you're unique and full of endlesspossibilities. Wishing you laughter and warmth as yougrow. The future is bright, keep shining!Don’t be afraid to fail. Be afraid not to try. Everytime you try one, it makes you that much stronger.Dear sweet Elissa, May you always stay hungry for knowledge and stayfoolish enough to explore beyond the limits. Embracecuriosity, learn from every experience, and never loseyour sense of wonder. Wishing you a fantastic journey inthe first grade!ElliotElliotElissaElissaEganEgan

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203Treasure Every Moment我們的寶貝杰希,幼稚園這段旅程即將告一段落,爸爸媽媽祝福你下一階段小學,乃至未來的求學成長路上,可以交到很棒的朋友,持續保有對生命的熱情與好奇。這世界或多或少會給你一些打擊,相信你會勇敢的面對成長,別忘記Daddyand Mommy will always be by your side. We love you!My child, you have grown up and we are proud of you.We will always be by your side, cheering you on andencouraging you. I wish you good luck, happiness andgood health in your future life.彷彿昨天還是你入學的第一天,我們站在校門口深深地凝望著你瘦小的背影進入教室。而轉眼今天卻要跟你一起迎來人生的第一場畢業典禮!感謝新世界美語所有老師們,給了你一個開心的快樂童年。我相信被愛灌 長大的孩子,也會用善良毫無保留地去愛這個世界!祝你畢業快樂,也願你永保童真!JesseJesseRyanRyanEvyEvy󴘸

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Treasure Every Moment204Dear Jordan: 恭喜你要幼兒園畢業了!從你呱呱落地、牙牙學語、搖晃學步,到如今順利完成第一階段的學習,爸媽真心替你感到驕傲!親愛的寶貝,期許未來,願你依然保有學習的熱忱,並且擁有一顆善良純真的心,遇到挑戰能有堅持的毅力!記得爸媽永遠支持你,愛你!Never stop seeking knowledge and asking questions,as it is the fuel that powers the engine of innovationand progress. Little Stars! Keep reaching for thestars and shine on! My dear beautiful Isadore, congratulations on your graduation!You have made mommy and daddy the proudest parents inthe world! Today marks the end of one chapter and thebeginning of another. Embrace this new journey withconfidence and courage. We will always be here for you! Mayyour future be as bright as your smile. Love you!IsadoreIsadoreJordanJordanJimJim

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So happy to share in the excitement of your graduation,and so very proud of you, too! With love and pride always.Dear Stella, Congratulations on your special day! It's hard to believe how quickly timehas flown by. It feels like just yesterday we were cradling you in our arms,and now, here you are, a shining star about to embark on new adventures.From your first steps into school to becoming a loving big sister toHannah, you've filled our hearts with immense pride. Your journey gracedus with fun, laughter, love, and unforgettable memories. Thank you forblessing our lives with your joy and wonder. As you continue to grow,never forget to be bold and brave, sprinkle kindness wherever you go andkeep chasing your dreams. Daddy and Mommy adore you more than words can say, and we're excitedto witness the incredible journey that lies ahead. With all our love and endless hugs, Daddy and MommyZoey !爸媽的寶貝 !全家人都好愛好愛你呀!StellaStellaZoeyZoeyJettJett

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親愛的澤,謝謝你來當爸爸媽媽的寶貝,我們有你很幸福,貼心又溫柔、善良又大方,你要記得愛自己。愛自己,才有能力愛別人。 願你的世界充滿善意,惡意來襲時也充滿勇氣與智慧。 當一家人很難得,一起牽手一起加油!Dear Zeke, Mommy and Daddy have really enjoyed being able to watch you growand develop into this life loving, happy, funny, little guy. Being inLittle Stars has allowed you to evolve and explore yourself in waysthat allow you to always be full of energy and take the world head onat 110%. We can't wait to see what first grade has in store for you. Welook forward to the adventure ahead! Mommy, Daddy and Cassie loveyou to the moon and back! Congratulations, Little Stars graduate!Wilson, congrats on your first graduation! Enjoythe moment and you will enjoy more of themdown the road.ZacZacZekeZekeWilsonWilson

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Those are truly happymemories. Let's carrythis joy with us as weembrace the next stageof life.

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Treasure Every Moment222Shared Memories!

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227Blessings from TeachersDear students,You have faced many challenges and made so much progress in thepast year. Always remember to choose your attitude. Each day you canask yourself, “Am I being loving, kind, happy and grateful?” I hopeyou will always share your joy with others. Be the song. Be the light.I love you,Teacher Scott親愛的同學們:在過去的一年中,你勇敢地面對許多挑戰並且有很大進步。 永遠記得選擇你的態度,每天問自己:“我是否充滿愛心、善良、快樂和感恩?” 我希望你能和別人分享你的快樂。 成為歌曲。 成為光。我愛你,Teacher ScottTeacher ScottNew World English FounderTeacher PatrickTeaching DirectorI’m so grateful to have been a small part of your journey.Watching you learn and grow every day has been amazing. Youhave shown incredible determination and grit. Always try, evenif you feel like you can't, and give your best in everything youdo. Remember to stay loving, kind, happy, and grateful!我很感激能成為你們旅程中的一小部分。看到你們學習和成長的點滴,每一天都比昨天更進步。你們展現了令人難以置信的毅力和勇气。對每件事情也願意先給予嘗試,並在每件事上盡最大的努力。记得做個充滿爱心、善良、快樂和感恩的人!

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Blessings from Teachers228Teacher KellyTeacher erinTime is flying, and the years are passing by. Our shining LittleStars have grown so much. Always remember to be kind, bebrave, and be yourself! May your journey ahead be filled withlaughter, friendship, and endless possibilities. The world iswaiting for you to shine!時光飛逝,歲月流逝。我們閃亮的小星星已經長大了。永遠記得要善良、勇敢、做自己。願你未來的旅程充滿歡笑、友誼和無限可能。世界等待你閃耀!Remember the time we spent together in Little Stars, it’s anunforgettable memory. Now it’s time for you to move on tothe next step. I wish you a great future and hope you enjoythe challenges ahead. Keep your enthusiasm and stay loving!ㄧ起在小星星時光是如此美好又難忘的回憶。你們將踏上人生另一段的旅程,祝福你們有個美好的未來,並樂在人生旅途中的挑戰。永保熱情及充滿愛!

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New WorldEnglishThis book holds the bitsand pieces of our threeyears together. Wheneveryou think of it, open it upand take a look at thememories we once shared.