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2024 JFK

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About the Contest The John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Essay Contest is!a competition that challenges students to write original essays that demonstrate their understanding of political courage!"The contest is based on President John F. Kennedy's 1957 Pulitzer Prize-winning book, Profiles in Courage, which tells the stories of eight U.S. senators who risked their careers to take unpopular positions for the greater good.!These leaders demonstrated political courage by taking a stand for the public good in spite of pressure by interest groups, their political party, or even their constituents.

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What is Political Courage?Focus on what is meant by courage as it relates to politics and write about an elected official who has followed his/her conscience to the possible detriment of his/her career.!"An act of political courage involves three elements: 1) an elected official who takes a stand based on his or her beliefs; 2) the actions of the official serve the public interest or benefit the greater good, and 3) the official’s stand is at odds with his/her constituents, or with interest groups instrumental to his/her success."The best way to deepen your understanding of political courage is to read!Profiles in Courage by John F. Kennedy

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Eligibility and Requirements•The contest is open to United States high school students in grades nine through twelve "•Essays can be no more than 1,000 words but must be a minimum of 700 words% "•Essays must have a minimum of five sources such as government documents, letters, newspaper articles, books, and/or personal interviews"•All students must list the name of their nominating teacher on the registration form "•The role of a nominating teacher is to provide students with support and advice during the writing of their essay. Nominating teachers are also asked to read students' essays to make suggestions for improvement before they are submitted to the essay contest."•Nominating teachers can be former or current teachers, but must still be teaching at the same high school as the essay participant.

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Recognition and Awards•The winner receives a!$10,000!cash award"•If the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation holds the 2025!Profile in Courage Award event in person, the!winner and family will be invited to travel to!Boston to accept the award!in May 2025"•Second-place winner receives!$3,000 •Five finalists receive!$1,000!each"•Ten semifinalists receive!$100!each"•Eight students receive honorable mentions"•All participants receive a Certificate of Participation

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Contest Topic Describe and analyze an act of political courage by a U.S. elected official who served during or after!1917, the year John F. Kennedy was born. Include an analysis of the obstacles, risks, and consequences associated with the act. The essay may concern an issue at the local, state, national, or international level."Since originality is one of the criteria for judging, we strongly encourage students to profile an official in their town, state or region, or a leader who has addressed an issue of great concern to them. We advise students to avoid selecting a common essay subject. To assist in determining common essay subjects, please see the list below."

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2024 Winning Essay by Ruby McIntee

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Judging CriteriaContent (55%) •Demonstrated understanding of political courage"•Demonstrated an understanding of political courage as described by John F. Kennedy in!Profiles in Courage •Identified an act of political courage by a U.S. elected official who served during or after 1917."•Proved that the elected official risked his or her career to address an issue at the local, state, national, or international level"•Explained why the official's course of action best serves or has served the larger public interest"•Outlined the obstacles, dangers, and pressures the elected official is encountering or has encountered"•Originality "•Thoughtful, original choice of a U.S. elected official"•Story is not widely known, or a well-known story is portrayed in a unique way"•Essay subject is not on the!list of most written about essay subjects."•Supporting Evidence"•Well-researched"•Convincing arguments supported with specific examples"•Critical analysis of acts of political courage"•Source Material"•Bibliography of five or more varied sources"•Includes primary source material"•Thoughtfully selected, reliable!!

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Judging CriteriaPresentation (45%) •Quality of writing"•Style, clarity, flow, vocabulary"•Organization"•Structure, paragraphing, introduction and conclusion"•Conventions"•Syntax, grammar, spelling, and punctuation

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Elements of a Strong EssayA strong essay:"•demonstrates an understanding of political courage described by John F. Kennedy in!Profiles in Courage.!"•tells a story about an elected official that has not yet been told.!"•It is recommended to choose an original subject. It is not recommended to write about Presidents,!past Profile in Courage recipients, or subjects of past winning essays. "•outlines the obstacles, dangers, and pressures the elected official encountered as a result of his or her positions and actions.!"•cites at least five varied, reliable sources."•Citations and bibliographies are carefully reviewed by judges. They determine whether students have selected reliable sources and how they have used them. Strong essays include critical analysis of secondary and primary source material.%"•is interesting to read, well organized, and has correct grammar, syntax and spelling.

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Deadline•January 17, 2025

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