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2024 | IPC News | October

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2IPC News | in the One Health space, recognising the interconnectedness of human, animal and environmental health. It is pleasing to see that we have students from seven countries, really emphasising the need for such a course. IPC week has just concluded, and we are announcing the winners of the competition we ran during IPC week in this issue of the newsletter. We had many entries, all of them of fantastic quality and it was extremely challenging to pick the winner!On 6 November, we are also concluding the first iteration of the ACIPC mentoring program. It has been a big success and keep an eye out for the next program coming soon. We are also extending an invitation to mentors, mentees, and those interested in the 2025 program to participate in a workshop during the conference. You can find out more about this on page 6.The College’s AGM will be held during conference, on Tuesday 19 November from 5.15 – 5.45PM in Plenary 1, and it would be great to see as many members there as possible. Come along and have your voice heard, and hear about the College’s operations and finances. If you are unable to attend in person, the meeting will be streamed on Zoom and the link sent to members to register prior to the meeting. Don’t hesitate to use the President’s email address I am looking forward to reading your emails.Thank you for your continued support of ACIPC, until next month. ACIPC President 2IPC News |éphane Bouchoucha Welcome to the October 2024 Edition of IPC News. A few days ago, the Australian Government COVID-19 Response inquiry’s findings were released in this report. The College issued a press release and response to some of the findings, we call on the government to fully include IPC experts in the upcoming CDC. You can read the full statement here. Well, it is ocial, there are less than 60 sleeps before Christmas and just over 21 sleeps before we all come together at the ACIPC annual conference! I want to thank the organising committee chaired by Marija Juraya for putting together a program that will no doubt appeal to many infection prevention professionals. The program really showcases the breadth of the profession, with sessions from acute care to aged care and veterinary care, there will be something for you whatever your IPC interest is. This year, we have also included a panel session with leaders in IPC from across the world, sharing challenges and highlights in their ‘neck of the woods.’ If you have not registered yet, you can register here. There are day options and online options if you are not able to travel to Melbourne, and the social calendar around the scientific conference is not to be missed. With Melbourne being the home of the Australian Grand Prix, a Grand Prix theme for the dinner has been announced, and someone even shared with me (and apparently this is top secret) that we might have a prize for the best dinner outfit this year!Earlier this month we launched the first Veterinary Foundations of IPC course. I am glad to see that such a course rearms the College’s strategic direction of being a key

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3October 2024Contents ACIPC President 2ACIPC International Conference 4 - Conference Program 5 - Pre-conference workshops 6 - Mentoring Masterclass 7 - ACIPC BOOTH 8 - Social Events 9 - 2024 Pacific Region Conference Scholarship winners 10 - Conference Sponsors 12 - Exhibitors 13Notice of AGM 16Seed Grant Recipiants 17Credentialling 18Aged Care Pre-Conference Workshop 19Australia’s First Standard Of Care For COPD 20IPC Week 21September Lunch & Learn Webinar 26Comparison Of Ipc Aged Care Guidelines 30Bug Of The Month - Escherichia Coli (E. Coli) 35Infection Control Matters Podcast 37Latest Articles from Infection, Disease & Health 40 Selected Publications of Interest 413October 2024

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4IPC News | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCESUCCESSION, SUSTAINABILITY, AND THE ADVANCEMENT OF INFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROLOn behalf of the Board of Directors, it gives us great pleasure to invite you to attend the 2024 ACIPC International Conference. RegistrationThis year’s conference will feature new registration categories designed to make attendance easier for delegates whether joining us in Melbourne or online. These initiatives include:• Onsite Shared Registrations: This option grants access for three individuals to attend, with each person allotted a single-day entry, allowing multiple team members to benefit from the event without separate registrations.• Online Day Registration: Attendees can choose specific conference days aligning with their interests, focusing on sessions most relevant to their professional goals.• Dinner Inclusive Registrations: Delegates can opt to include dinner with their registration, customising their conference experience according to their preferences.An early registration discounted fee will be oered and will be available until the 8th of October 2024.You can find out more about conference registration here.By attending the conference, you will learn from national and international experts, network with likeminded professionals, and meet with Australasia’s largest collection of IPC industry suppliers.The conference is the peak event for infection prevention and control professionals (ICPs) in the region and includes Australasia’s largest trade exhibition dedicated to showcasing IPC industry suppliers. Delegates include nurses, IPC managers, and consultants, aged care workers, scientists, academics, educators, policymakers, medical practitioners, hospital managers, and those responsible for managing and delivering IPC programs in non-healthcare settings. More information regarding the conference including invited speakers, social events, and engagement initiatives can be found on the conference website here.

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ACIPC INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE17–20 NOV 2024MELBOURNE CONVENTION AND EXHIBITION CENTRE, VIC & ONLINESUCCESSION, SUSTAINABILITY, AND THE ADVANCEMENT OF INFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL5October 2024CONFERENCE PROGRAMThe preliminary program for the 2024 ACIPC International Conference is now available.For onsite attendees, the scientific program will be complemented by a comprehensive social program, commencing Sunday evening with pre-conference drinks hosted by College President Stéphane Bouchoucha.For online attendees, all conference-invited speakers and free paper sessions will be live-streamed, with recorded content available for viewing on demand for 3 months following the conference.CLICK HERE FOR THE PRELIMINARY PROGRAM

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Let’s rein in blood stream infection from vascular catheters!Sunday, 10:00AM – 5:00PM This pre-conferenceworkshop will delve into infection prevention strategies,focussing on bloodstream infections caused by vascular catheters.OrganisersAVATAR/AVAS, with support from SolventumSolventum guest speaker:Dr Evan Alexandrou Evan Alexandrou is a Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Wollongong and a Clinical Nurse Consultant in the ICU at Liverpool Hospital, where he heads therenowned Central Venous Access Service.Fellow presentersAndrew Stewardson, Claire Rickard, Diana Egerton-Warburton, Gillian Ray-Barruel,Jessica Schults, Rebecca McCann, Josie Lovegrove, Sam Matthias.Aged CareSunday, 10:00AM – 5:00PM The 2024 ACIPC Aged Care Workshop aims to immerse in-person and online delegates in an interactive experience.This year’s workshop will feature a total focus on engagement, hands-on learning, collaboration and feedback, rather than presentation only.The day will include three dierent workshop sessions: • Navigating surveillance in aged care • AMS implementation in aged care • Animals in health care.The Aged Care Workshop is targeted to those involved in, responsible for, or interested in aged care IPC. All graduates of the ACIPC Foundation of Infection Prevention and Control course receive ACIPC educational membership, and will once again receive free registration to the workshop (online). Delegates attending in-person and online must register. We look forward to welcoming all delegates and collaborating on this interactive learning experience6IPC News | ACIPC INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCESUCCESSION, SUSTAINABILITY, AND THE ADVANCEMENT OF INFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROLPRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS, SUNDAY 17TH NOVEMBER.Leadership & mentoringSunday, 10:00AM – 5:00PM This workshop will feature presentations to empower IPC professionals to maintainresilience, explore emotional intelligence, leads high-performing teams, and becomemore eective leaders.

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Mentoring MasterclassWednesday, 11:15AM – 2:35PM Don't miss this exclusive in-person Masterclass at the ACIPC Conference. This session is open to those who participated in the 2024 mentoring program, and those interested in the 2025 program. Please note you must be a registered conference attendee. About the Session Led by Gina Meibusch, Chief Research and Development Ocer at Art of Mentoring, this Masterclass is a rare opportunity to deepen your mentoring skills. With over 12 years of experience and multiple accreditations from the European Mentoring and Coaching Council, ACIPC INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE17–20 NOV 2024MELBOURNE CONVENTION AND EXHIBITION CENTRE, VIC & ONLINESUCCESSION, SUSTAINABILITY, AND THE ADVANCEMENT OF INFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL7October 2024LIMITED SPOTS AVAILABLE! Register NowGina brings a wealth of knowledge to help you create impactful mentoring relationships. The session will begin with a 20-minute refresher for participants who haven’t mentored this year, followed by advanced discussions and practical exercises. Key topics include: • Exploring the latest theories and techniques for eective mentoring • Sharing practical tools and solutions for real-world mentoring challenges • Developing a personalised growth plan as a mentor.Please note that this event will not be available online and will not be recorded. Ensure you’re registered for the ACIPC conference.Chaired by Marija Juraja and Carol O’Sullivan, we will be hearing from presenters:John Dare, Angela Giacomos, Kathy Dempsey, Liam Caswell, Sue Hawes, Anthony McGillion and David Stanley.About the SessionsSessions will cover the link between emotional intelligence and healthcareperformance, challenges of being a leader in times of turmoil, self-regulationpractices to enhance personal wellbeing and better team and patient outcomes, therole of eective leadership and clinical governance in risk mitigation, and how to become a congruent leader.

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8IPC News | ACIPC INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCESUCCESSION, SUSTAINABILITY, AND THE ADVANCEMENT OF INFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROLCome and say hello to the ACIPC team at booth 25-26! We’re in the back right hand corner next to the Juice Cart.Chat with our team and committee members. Learn more about our wide range of education options and how they can help you further your IPC career.ACIPC BOOTHYou'll also have the opportunity to have Coee with Carrie!*Come along and meet Carrie Spinks, ACIPC IPC Consultant and our aged care guru. *please BYO your beverage of choice!

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9October 2024 ACIPC INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE17–20 NOV 2024MELBOURNE CONVENTION AND EXHIBITION CENTRE, VIC & ONLINESUCCESSION, SUSTAINABILITY, AND THE ADVANCEMENT OF INFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROLDon’t miss the chance to unwind, network and have fun with industry colleagues. Be quick, events are filling fast!Pre-conference drinks, hosted by ACIPC President Stéphane BouchouchaDate Sunday 17 NovemberTime 17:00 – 18:30Venue Level 3, Melbourne Room FoyerCost Inclusive for delegatesNetworking breakfastDate Monday 18 NovemberTime 08:00 – 08:45Venue Exhibition & Poster Viewing, Melbourne RoomCost Inclusive for delegatesWelcome reception, sponsored by Rhima AustraliaDate Monday 18 NovemberTime 16:55 – 18:30Venue Exhibition & Poster Viewing, Melbourne RoomACIPC Gala Dinner and Awards Presentation NightDate Tuesday 19 NovemberTime 19:00 – 23:59Venue Sovereign Room, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition CentreSOCIAL EVENTSSome of the conference guest speakers will also be stopping by to chat with members:Jessica DanglesFrancette Geraghty-DusanProfessor Breet Mitchell AMCarrie SpinksFollow us on social media for more about dates and times speakers will be available.CLICK HERETO REGISTER

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10IPC News | ACIPC INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCESUCCESSION, SUSTAINABILITY, AND THE ADVANCEMENT OF INFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROLKatie DesobryMy name is Katie Desobry. I was recently hired as the Director of Infection Prevention at LBJ Tropical Medical Center in American Samoa. I have a strong background in the US healthcare system and have worked in Infection Prevention for the past decade, but this new position challenges me to address the unique infection prevention needs of a South Pacific Island healthcare system. I lead the Environmental Services, Laundry, and Infection Prevention departments, all working together to strengthen our 150-bed hospital's infection prevention eorts and build local capacity. To me, attending the ACIPC conference is an invaluable opportunity to network and gain region-specific insights and solutions 2024 PACIFIC REGION CONFERENCE SCHOLARSHIP WINNERSto infection prevention challenges that I am facing. My primary hope in attending the conference is to enhance my understanding of local infection prevention issues and learn about successful strategies from other island healthcare systems. I am particularly interested in improving our real-time surveillance and outbreak detection at LBJ Tropical Medical Center. By gaining new perspectives and building connections with other infection prevention professionals, I really hope I can refine and advance our infection control practices, ultimately leading to better patient safety and outcomes in American Samoa.

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11October 2024 ACIPC INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE17–20 NOV 2024MELBOURNE CONVENTION AND EXHIBITION CENTRE, VIC & ONLINESUCCESSION, SUSTAINABILITY, AND THE ADVANCEMENT OF INFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROLSavneel Shivam KumarMy name is Savneel Shivam Kumar, and I am currently the Team Leader Infection Prevention and Control Department at the Colonial War Memorial Hospital, Fiji’s largest and main referral hospital. I have a Bachelor's in Nursing and a Foundations in Infection Prevention and Control attained through the Australasian College for Infection Prevention and Control. I have 12 years of nursing experience including medical/stress management, surgical pre and post operative nursing, bed/admission management and the Infection Prevention and Control Department where I lead the IPC team to ensure patient safety and quality care by advocating infection prevention and control standards while striving to reduce healthcare-associated infections in the hospital. One of the major objectives of my abstract submitted to the ACIPC conference 2024 includes establishing the best and most practical solutions to surveillance, prevention and control methodologies on Carbapenem-resistant organisms in Colonial War Memorial Hospital. These methodologies will assist other middle and low-income countries to adopt and overcome common impacting attributes.I am eager to attend the ACIPC Conference 2024 to gain valuable insights into the latest advancements and best practices in infection prevention and control. I hope to learn about emerging trends, innovative strategies, and evidence-based approaches to combatting antimicrobial resistance and healthcare-associated infections. Additionally, I am keen to network with other IPC professionals, share experiences, and learn from their expertise. By attending this conference, I aim to enhance my knowledge and skills, ultimately contributing to improving patient safety and outcomes within my organization in Fiji.

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NOTICE OF AGMNotice of Annual General MeetingAustralasian College for Infection Prevention and Control Ltd (ACIPC)ABN 61 154 341 03616IPC News | Member, Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Australasian College for Infection Prevention and Control Ltd will be held on Tuesday 19 November commencing at 5:15 pm (AEDT) at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. The meeting will be streamed on Zoom and Members will be sent registration details prior to the meeting. On the website you can read:• the agenda • the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting• the proxy appointment formClick here to go to the website At the AGM members will have the opportunity to:• find out about the College’s operations and finances• ask questions about the College’s operations and finances• speak about any items on the agenda• vote on any resolutions proposed At the meeting members will be asked to vote on resolutions to:• accept the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting• accept the annual report• accept the auditor’s report and annual financial statements• appoint an auditor• appoint DirectorsAppointment of DirectorsEligible members were invited to nominate for the Board by the 30 September 2024. Regards,Stéphane Bouchoucha President, ACIPC Ltd

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A Complete and Innovative Surgical Rub, Scrub and Medicated Wash oerCarefully developed for frequent surgical and clinical useby healthcare professionals.PLEASE SPEAK TO YOUR HEALTHCARE MANAGER ON 0800 425 529 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ECOLAB HEALTHCARE ANZ2 Drake Avenue, Macquarie Park, NSW 2113T: 1300 425 529 HEALTHCARE ANZ4B Pukekiwiriki Place, East Tamaki, Auckland 2013, New Zealand T: 0800 425 529 SURGICAL RUBS  Skinman Soft Protect and Skinman 90 have 90 and 120 second protocols with improved clinical outcomes  Skinman Soft Protect contains skin care and nourishing ingredients that protect hands and skin  Skinman Soft Protect and Skinman 90 are registered in the ARTG; Skinman Soft Protect AUST R 371740, Skinman 90 AUST R 195543SURGICAL AND MEDICATED WASH  Microguard 475 and Microguard 404 are 3 minute antiseptic surgical scrub solutions which are gentle on hands for improved compliance  Microguard 402 is a clinical hand and body wash  Microguard 475. Microguard 404 and Microguard 402 are registered in the ARTG; Microguard 475 AUST R 203573, Microguard 404 202697, Microguard 402 220663Paid Advert17October 20241717SEED GRANT RECIPIENTSDr Amanda Corley A key strategy focus of the College is to enable members to identify areas for research that will lead to improved knowledge, evidence-based education and practice, and improved outcomes. In alignment with this strategy, the College provides opportunities for our members to undertake research with the assistance of research grants.We are excited to announce the recipient of the Seed Research Grant for 2024/25, Dr Amanda Corley. Grith University and Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital.“Invasive medical device utility and harm: a point prevalence study"

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18IPC News | CARE PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOPFor more information visit scan the QR codeThe 2024 ACIPC Aged Care Workshop aims to immerse in-person and online delegates in an interactive experience. This year’s workshop will feature a total focus on engagement, hands-on learning, collaboration and feedback, rather than presentation only. The day will include three dierent workshop sessions, targeting topics that are on the forefront of IPC change in aged care. 1. Navigating surveillance in aged care will kick o the first workshop. Delegates will review aged care surveillance and current research outcomes, undertaking collaborative activities and discussions to enhance surveillance understanding and knowledge.2. A team from the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission will facilitate the second workshop, AMS implementation in aged care. Discussions will focus on AMS SAT, working with various AMS tools, and exploring strategies to achieve sustained improvements.3. The final workshop is Animals in health care, which connects with the principles of ‘person-centred care.’ Using the guide Safe Animal Friendly Environments (University of South Australia), the audience will be on an interactive journey to embrace, enable, and manage animals in aged care.The Aged Care Workshop is targeted to those involved in, responsible for, or interested in aged care IPC. All graduates of the ACIPC Foundation of Infection Prevention and Control course receive ACIPC educational membership, and will once again receive free registration to the workshop (online). Delegates attending in-person and online must register.ACIPC INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 2024Sunday 17 November 10.00am – 5.00pmThe workshop will be opened by ACIPC President A/Prof Stéphane Bouchoucha, followed by a brief overview of the ACIPC Aged Care Strategy. We look forward to welcoming all delegates and collaborating on this interactive learning experience. AGED CARE IN THE MAIN CONFERENCEIn addition to the aged care workshop, aged care has three dedicated sessions. Session topics include: • Aged care governance: advancing IPC in aged care• Sustaining the IPC in aged care community and facility care• Antimicrobial stewardship There is further a plenary session with presenter Prof Lisa Hall:• Succession, sustainability, and advancement of IPC in aged careCREDENTIALLINGRenee Strotton The board of directors would like to congratulate the following members who have received credentialling this month:Advanced Re-Credentialling; Renee StrottonFor information on how you can become credentialled, visit the ACIPC website.FOR MORE INFORMATION CLICK HERE

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AGED CARE PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOPFor more information visit scan the QR codeThe 2024 ACIPC Aged Care Workshop aims to immerse in-person and online delegates in an interactive experience. This year’s workshop will feature a total focus on engagement, hands-on learning, collaboration and feedback, rather than presentation only. The day will include three dierent workshop sessions, targeting topics that are on the forefront of IPC change in aged care. 1. Navigating surveillance in aged care will kick o the first workshop. Delegates will review aged care surveillance and current research outcomes, undertaking collaborative activities and discussions to enhance surveillance understanding and knowledge.2. A team from the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission will facilitate the second workshop, AMS implementation in aged care. Discussions will focus on AMS SAT, working with various AMS tools, and exploring strategies to achieve sustained improvements.3. The final workshop is Animals in health care, which connects with the principles of ‘person-centred care.’ Using the guide Safe Animal Friendly Environments (University of South Australia), the audience will be on an interactive journey to embrace, enable, and manage animals in aged care.The Aged Care Workshop is targeted to those involved in, responsible for, or interested in aged care IPC. All graduates of the ACIPC Foundation of Infection Prevention and Control course receive ACIPC educational membership, and will once again receive free registration to the workshop (online). Delegates attending in-person and online must register.ACIPC INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 2024Sunday 17 November 10.00am – 5.00pmThe workshop will be opened by ACIPC President A/Prof Stéphane Bouchoucha, followed by a brief overview of the ACIPC Aged Care Strategy. We look forward to welcoming all delegates and collaborating on this interactive learning experience. AGED CARE IN THE MAIN CONFERENCEIn addition to the aged care workshop, aged care has three dedicated sessions. Session topics include: • Aged care governance: advancing IPC in aged care• Sustaining the IPC in aged care community and facility care• Antimicrobial stewardship There is further a plenary session with presenter Prof Lisa Hall:• Succession, sustainability, and advancement of IPC in aged care19October 20241919

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20IPC News | News |’S FIRST STANDARD OF CAREFOR COPDThe Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care have released the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Clinical Care Standard.Released on 17th October 2024, the standard aims to address the gaps around COPD care in Australia. The standard provides a framework for best practice care in community and acute settings, that focuses on accurate diagnosis, optimised therapy and reduced hospitalisation rates, as well as increased considerations of palliative care needs for people with COPD.Endorsed by 20 peak health bodies, including ACIPC, the Thoracic Society and Lung Foundation Australia, the standard aligns with best practice guidelines to provide healthcare services with 10 quality statements and a set of indicators to support the implementation of the standard, and to provide high quality care to patients,By implementing this standard, the Commission hopes to reduce the burden of COPD, prevent hospitalisations and improve outcomes for people with COPD.View the Standard HERE

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21October 2024IPC Week in October is a great opportunity to shine a light on infection prevention and control, and the crucial role IPC professionals play in keeping the public safe and healthy. This year’s theme was ‘Moving the Needle on Infection Prevention,’ and ACIPC co-branded with the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) to outline five areas of focus:• Professional development• Healthcare worker safety• Patient safety• Public health preparedness• IPC in al settingsWe hope you enjoyed the resources we produced, and it was great to see the photos of people celebrating IPC Week across the country and worldwide.Our IPC Week winner were Lismore Base Hospital, who celebrated in style with a special visit from Sterri-Matt’s IPAC-themed mascot, Percy PPE, making his debut appearance in Australia! Congratulations to the team at Lismore Base Hospital, who received a a copy of Healthcare-Associated Infections in Australia.INFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL WEEK13-19 OCTOBER 2024

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22IPC News | a look at how our competition entrants celebrated IPC Week 2024. Lismore Base Hospital (winners)Birmingham Healthcare Trust, Moseley Hall Hospital, EnglandCatholic Healthcare

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23October 2024Central Queensland Hospital and Health ServiceCentral Gippsland HealthCorowa Health ServiceMacquarie Hospital Campus

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24IPC News | Health Drug and AlcoholRural Northwest HealthNorthern Beaches Community Mental Health ServicesNorthern Sydney Local Health District:Hornsby Ky-ring-hai Hospital Brookvale Safe Haven

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25October 2024Royal North Shore Hospital St John of God Berwick HospitalRacecourse and Peninsula Grange MorningtonSouth West HealthcareWorrabina Hospital

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26IPC News | month we learned about indoor air quality with Distinguished Professor Lidia Morawska.Here is a summary of the webinar, which members can view on our website.OCTOBER LUNCH & LEARN WEBINARIndoor air: sources, pollutants and impactsIndoor air is a dynamic mix of pollutants, with complex physical, chemical and microbiological properties.Indoor quality is aected by sources we operate or introduce, conditions we create for biological agents, pollution from outside, and directly from ourselves.Factors aecting concentrations of indoor pollutants include: • Meteorological conditions• Outdoor pollution• Building characteristics• Ventilation rates• Indoor air sources• Air mixing• Indoor pollutant sinks• Air cleanersWe ourselves are a source of respiratory particles, we have respiratory fluids, and from the fluid particles are formed during all our respiratory activities, and emitted through the mouth and nose. Particles from respiratory activity travel in the air through flow dynamics. The majority of particles are smaller than 1 micrometre and the vast majority are smaller than 10 micrometres. Such small particles are light and can stay suspended in the air for a long time and travel long distances. All respiratory activities (including breathing) generate particles, but vocalisation generates higher emissions than other activities.Virus in the particles:• Overall, smaller particles contain higher loads of virus• Smaller particles are generally from deeper parts of the respiratory tract• Larger particles tend to contain less virus, as they originate from the mouth• Therefore, breathing and speaking are the main source of small, virus-laden particles.Dierent pollutants can have health impacts on every area of our bodies, including:• Allergy and other eects on the immune system• Cancer and eects on reproduction\respiratory eects• Irritable eects on skin and mucous membranes oy eyes, nose and throat• Sensory eects on nervous system• Eects on cardiovascular system.

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27October 2024OCTOBER LUNCH & LEARN WEBINARThe impacts of air pollution can also be financial, and even aect a country’s GDP. Particulate matter also accounts for a high rate of DALY (Attributable disability-adjusted life years) in most countries.Indoor air quality guidelines and standards Guidelines:These guidelines importantly refer to both indoor and outdoor air quality. Most countries don’t yet meet the WHO guidelines, but Australia is not far behind. In addition, interim targets serve as benchmarks to support countries as they work towards achieving the WHO air quality guidelines concentration levels.Standards:An air quality standard is a level of air pollution which is promulgated by a regulatory authority and adopted as enforceable. We have air quality standards for outdoor air quality (emission standards for vehicles and industry, and air quality performance standards with monitoring stations across Australia). However for indoor air we have only National Construction Codes, we do not have performance standards or monitoring.In many cases we find that indoor air quality is worse than outdoors. Why can’t we monitor indoor air the same way we monitor outdoor air? 1. Every indoor space is dierent, so monitoring is necessary in every public indoor space.2. We cannot use bulky and expensive compliance monitors for every indoor space.3. The pathogens responsible for the transmission of indoor airborne infections cannot yet be routinely monitored in real-time.CLICK HERETO VIEW GUIDELINESProposed indoor air quality regulationsWe must take the complexity of the indoor environment into consideration, and balance design, operations and energy demands.Following the 2023 Parliamentary inquiry into long COVID, the Standing Committee recommended the Australian Government establish and fund a multidisciplinary advisory body including ventilation experts, architects, aerosol scientists, industry, building code regulators and public health experts to: • Oversee an assessment of the impact of poor indoor air quality and centilation on the economy with particular consideration given to high-risk settings such as hospitals, aged care facilities, childcare and educational settings • Which would lead the development of national indoor air quality standards for use in Australia.

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28IPC News | LUNCH & LEARN WEBINARAlthough this is still yet to happen, we are working towards it, and have developed a blueprint for how to mandate indoor air quality, with the below proposed IAQ standards: For more information and to read the blueprint, click here.

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OCTOBER LUNCH & LEARN WEBINAR29October 2024Our goal is to make clean, healthy indoor air the norm!What can we do (practically) to improve indoor air quality?It’s not as simple as just opening a window!In the short term it is necessary to:• Increase awareness of the consequences of indoor air pollution and the benefits of clean air among all levels of society• Conduct large-scale surveys to understand the scale and magnitude of indoor air pollution• Apply existing science and technologies to improve indoor air quality.In the long term it is necessary to:• Introduce performance regulations to safeguard indoor air quality• Design buildings according to standards that include protection against indoor air pollution from indoor and outdoor sources, in the context of local climates and climate change, while maximising energy eciency.Paid Advert

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IPC News | OF IPC AGED CARE GUIDELINESEarlier this year, the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC) released its Aged Care Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Guide. The Commission developed the Guide to support implementation of the strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards and to supplement the Australian Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Infection in Healthcare for those providing care for older people.ACIPC has received feedback from the industry raising concerns about the dierences between the Aged Care IPC Guide, the Communicable Diseases Network Australia (CDNA) Guidelines and the Australian IPC Guidelines. In response we have compiled a comparison resource to help in understanding the main dierences.Aged Care Infection Prevention & Control Guide (Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care, 2024)Australasian Guidelines for Infection Prevention & Control in Healthcare (NHMRC, 2019)4 transmission-based precautions terms:• Contact precautions • Respiratory precautions • Combined contact & respiratory precautions • Combined contact & respiratory (PFR) precautions5 transmission-based precautions terms:• Contact precautions• Droplet precautions• Contact and Droplet Precautions• Airborne precautions• Contact and Airborne PrecautionsPPE:Contact precautions:• Gown & glovesRespiratory precautions:• Respiratory - surgical mask, eye protection Combined contact & respiratory precautions:• Contact and respiratory: surgical mask, eye protection, gloves & gown• Contact and respiratory with PFR: PFR, eye protection, gloves & gownPFR risk assessed.PPE:Contact precautions:• Gown & glovesDroplet precautions• Surgical mask, eye protection Airborne precautions• N95/P2 mask, eye protectionCombined contact & droplet precautions• Surgical mask, eye protection, gloves & gownCombined contact & airborne precautions• N95/P2 mask, eye protection, gloves & gownPPE signage:Contact precautions:• Contact precaution posterRespiratory precautions:• Droplet precautions posterCombined contact & respiratory precautions:• Contact and droplet precautions posterCombined contact & respiratory (PFR) precautions:• Contact and airborne precautions posterPPE Signage:Contact precautions:• Contact precaution posterDroplet precaution:• Droplet precautions posterContact and droplet precautions:• Contact and droplet precautions posterAirborne precautions:• Airborne precautions posterContact and airborne precautions:• Contact and airborne precautions poster

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31October 2024Precautions and exclusion/isolation periods by organism comparison:Organism – precautions and isolation periodsAged Care Infection Prevention & Control Guide (Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care, 2024)Australasian Guidelines for Infection Prevention & Control in Healthcare (NHMRC, 2019)National Guideline for the Prevention, Control and Public Health Management of Outbreaks of Acute Respiratory Infection in Residential Aged Care Homes (CDNA, 2024)RSV Precautions: RExclusion: Duration of illnessPrecautions: S+C+DExclusion: Duration of illnessPrecautions: Align with the Australian Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Infection in Healthcare and supplementary resource the Aged Care Infection Prevention and Control GuideExclusion: Once acute symptoms resolved. Rhinovirus Precautions: RExclusion: Duration of illnessPrecautions: S+C+DExclusion: Duration of illnessParainfluenza Precautions: RExclusion: Duration of illnessPrecautions: S+DExclusion: Duration of illnessInfluenza Precautions: C+RExclusion: Until after 72 hours of the older person receiving anti-influenza medication;Precautions: S+C+DExclusion: Until after 72 hours of the patient receiving anti-influenzaPrecautions: Align with the Australian Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Infection in Healthcare and supplementary resource the Aged Care Infection Prevention and Control GuideExclusion: After 5 days from symptom onset, or until acute symptoms resolved, whichever is longer OR 72 hours after antivirals commenced regardless of symptoms. No testing required.Aged Care Infection Prevention & Control Guide (Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care, 2024)Australasian Guidelines for Infection Prevention & Control in Healthcare (NHMRC, 2019)PFR use:• PFRs only required in high-risk situations - aerosol-generating procedure for an older person diagnosed or suspected of a respiratory infection- administration of a nebulised medicine and suctioning.• In unusual and higher risk situations a PFR might be required IF advised by the IPC Lead following completion of a risk assessment.PFR use:• N95/P2 required for all airborne transmission organismsPFR fit testing:• Fit testing and checking are recommended to support the use of PFRs. • Refer to national guidelinesP2 Respirator fit testing• State/territory jurisdictional requirements and risk assessment. Mask terms: • Surgical mask• Particulate filter respirator = PFR (P2 / N95 addressed in relation to PFR)Mask terms:• Surgical mask• P2 / N95 respirators• P2 respirators

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32IPC News | and exclusion/isolation periods by organism comparison cont...Organism – precautions and isolation periodsAged Care Infection Prevention & Control Guide (Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care, 2024)Australasian Guidelines for Infection Prevention & Control in Healthcare (NHMRC, 2019)National Guideline for the Prevention, Control and Public Health Management of Outbreaks of Acute Respiratory Infection in Residential Aged Care Homes (CDNA, 2024)COVID 19 Precautions: C+RorC+R (PFR)In unusual and higher risk situations a PFR might be required IF advised by the IPC Lead following completion of a risk assessment.Exclusion: Duration of illness, and at least 24 hours after resolution of symptoms.Precautions: S+C+AExclusion: Duration of illness, and at least 24 hours after resolution of symptoms.Precautions: Align with the Australian Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Infection in Healthcare and supplementary resource the Aged Care Infection Prevention and Control GuideExclusion: After 5 days since symptom onset (or positive test ifasymptomatic)provided that acute symptoms have resolved and COVID19 RAT is negative OR After day 7 if acute symptoms resolved and no fever for 24 hours. No testing required.TB Precautions: C+R (PFR)Exclusion: Until GP or specialist deems the person if no longer infectious.Precautions: S+AExclusion: ID assessedPertussis Precautions: RExclusion: Duration of illnessPrecautions: S+DExclusion Until at least 5 days after commencement of appropriate antibiotic Pre-employment booster/ vaccination recommended; postexposure prophylaxis for Australian Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Infection in Healthcare (2019) - National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) 284 of 409 Disease or Organism Disease / Organism Type of infection Transmission Route Required precautions Duration of precautions Additional comments therapy, or; for 21 days after the onset of symptoms if not receiving antibiotic treatment, or; for 14 days after the onset of paroxysmal cough (if the onset is known)CDI Precautions: CExclusion: Until 48 hours after symptoms resolve.Precautions: S+CExclusion: Duration of illness.Rotavirus Precautions: RExclusion: Until 48hrs after symptomsPrecautions: S+CExclusion: Duration of illness.

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33October 2024Precautions and exclusion/isolation periods by organism comparison cont...Organism – precautions and isolation periodsAged Care Infection Prevention & Control Guide (Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care, 2024)Australasian Guidelines for Infection Prevention & Control in Healthcare (NHMRC, 2019)National Guideline for the Prevention, Control and Public Health Management of Outbreaks of Acute Respiratory Infection in Residential Aged Care Homes (CDNA, 2024)Norovirus Precautions: C+D (respiratory precautions may be required after a risk assessmentExclusion: For a minimum of 48 hours after the resolution of symptoms or to control institutional outbreaks.Precautions: S+C+DExclusion: For a minimum of 48 hours after the resolution of symptoms or to control institutional outbreaks.Norovirus and suspected viral gastroenteritis – CDNA National Guidelines for Public Health Units 2010Precautions: S+C+DExclusion: The recommended time for isolation of residents and restriction of usual functions of the facility is for 72 hours after symptoms have settled in the last case. Wound infections (bacterial)Precautions: CExclusion: Duration of illness. Precautions: S+CExclusion: Duration of illness.Chickenpox Precautions: C+R (PFRExclusion: Until lesions dry and crusted over.Precautions: S+C+AExclusion: Until lesions dry and crusted over.Herpes zoster Shingles localisedPrecautions: C Exclusion: Until lesions dry/healed Risk assessed precaution Precautions: S+CExclusion: Until lesions dry/healed Risk assessed precautionsMeasles Precautions: C+R (PFR)Exclusion: Until 4 days after rash appears: duration of illness in immune compromised patientsPrecautions: S+C+AExclusion: Until 4 days after rash appears: duration of illness in immune compromised patientsScabies Precautions: S+CExclusion: Until 24 hours after treatment commencedHep B Precautions: SExclusion: NilHep C Precautions: SExclusion: Nil

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34IPC News | AdvertInfection Prevention and Control Leads. (Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission, 2022)Web resource: Care Infection Prevention & Control Guide (Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care, 2024)RACF/provider requirements of an IPC lead:• Member of the nursing sta, completed an identified IPC course • Employed by and report to the provider • Must work on site and be dedicated to a facility • Is the key infection control contact • May have a broader role in the facility• IPC leads for each RACF to be reported in the My Aged Care Service and Support Portal.• IPC system must be led by an IPC lead or an IPC team• Have an on-site IPC lead• Ongoing sta capability assessment and education • Observes, assesses and reports on IPC of the service • Routine IPC process oversight audit and review • Provides IPC advice within the service• Helps develop procedures• Service-specific outbreak planning, preparation and readiness and on-site outbreak management.• Prevent and respond to infectious diseases, including COVID-19 and influenza.• IPC-related training and education for the workforce and older people• Identifying gaps in IPC-related practice or training and identifying opportunities for continuous quality improvement and learning• Conducting IPC-related monitoring and audits• Providing updates to the workforce and older people on IPC issues and initiatives, as well as on relevant new local and national guidance.• Overseeing antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) and IPC practicesAdditional expectations RACF:• Hazard risk assessment • Consult on irritant contact dermatitis assoc. with HH • Consult on sta failed fit testing • Determine appropriate PPE for aerosol-generating procedure • Risk assesses for PFR requirement • Determine risk-based isolation • Develop a facility outbreak management plan in conjunction with others Home/Community Care:• Residential and centre-based aged care home and community aged care organisations are not required to have a dedicated IPC leadAged Care IPC Leads role requirement comparisons:The requirements of the IPC lead in RACF are very broad, enabling the role to be customised to the needs of the facility. The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission provide information on the role via the Infection Prevention and Control IPC Lead web page and the Aged Care Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Guide. Below is a comparison table between the two resources.

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35October 2024BUG OF THE MONTHEscherichia coli (E. coli)- Carrie SpinksCharacteristics and HabitatE. coli are rod-shaped, gram-negative bacteria that can be found in: • Intestinal tracts of humans and animals • Soil and water • Food products • Healthcare environmentsAs facultative anaerobes, they can survive with or without oxygen. Many strains are motile, using flagella for movement.Role in Human HealthIn the gut microbiome, E. coli aids digestion, produces vitamins, and helps protect against harmful bacteria. It ferments undigested carbohydrates, producing beneficial short-chain fatty acids.Pathogenic StrainsSeveral E. coli strains can cause illness: • Enterotoxigenic (ETEC): Causes traveler's diarrhea • Enterohemorrhagic (EHEC)/Shiga toxin-producing (STEC): Can lead to severe complications like haemolytic uremic syndrome • Enteroinvasive (EIEC): Causes dysentery-like symptoms • Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC): Associated with diarrhea in infants.TransmissionE. coli spreads through: • Contaminated food (especially undercooked ground beef and raw produce) • Contaminated water • Person-to-person contact • Animal contact • Contaminated environmentsEscherichia coli (E. coli) is a gram-negative, rod-shaped bacterium commonly found in the intestines of humans and animals. It was first identified by Theodor Escherich in 1885.While most strains are harmless or even beneficial, some can cause illness ranging from mild to severe. Young children, the elderly, and immunocompromised individuals, are at higher risk for severe E. coli infections

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36IPC News | Mechanisms: E. coli can evade host defences and develop antibiotic resistance. It is the leading cause of uncomplicated UTIs and can result in severe conditions like haemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) due to Shiga toxins, a potentially life-threatening condition aecting the kidneys.SymptomsIntestinal illness: • Diarrhea (watery or bloody), abdominal pain, fever, dehydrationExtraintestinal infections: • UTIs: Urinary frequency, pain, fever • Pneumonia: Cough, fever, shortness of breath • Meningitis (in newborns): Fever, irritability, rapid breathing • Sepsis: Fever, chills, rapid heart rate, confusionDiagnosis Diagnosis involves assessing clinical symptoms and may include culturing blood, urine, or sputum. Treatment Treatment generally focuses on managing symptoms and preventing dehydration. Intestinal Illness: Managed with rehydration; antibiotics are typically avoided due to the risk of resistance. In severe cases, antibiotics may be considered, but not for suspected EHEC/STEC infections to prevent HUS.Extraintestinal Infections: Treatment depends on the site and severity of the infection, with antibiotics prescribed as necessary based on culture results.Antibiotic resistance, particularly with extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) and carbapenemase-producing strains, complicates treatment.PreventionTo reduce E. coli infection risk: • Practice good hygiene, especially handwashing • Cook meats thoroughly • Avoid unpasteurized dairy and juices • Wash produce before eating • Drink treated or boiled water when traveling • Clean/disinfect environmentsReferences• CDC. (n.d.). Information for clinicians/E. coli infection (Escherichia coli). Accessed 20 September 2024:• Government of south Australian Health. (n.d.). Shiga toxin producing Escherichia coli (STEC) and haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS) - symptoms, treatment and prevention. Accessed 20 September 2024:• Health Direct. (n.d.). Escherichia coli. Accessed 20 September 2024:• NHMRC. (2019). Australian Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Infection in Healthcare. Accessed 20 September 2024:• Queensland Government Health. (2014). Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) infection. Accessed 20 September 2024:• World Health Organization. (n. d). E. coli. Accessed 20 September 2024:

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37October 2024Can sensors and AI improve cleaning and patient safety?In this episode, recorded at the 2024 Infection Prevention Society Conference in Birmingham (UK) Brett and Martin talk to Conor McGinn, Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at Trinity College Dublin and CEO of Akara AI, a robotics company spin-o from Trinity. We talk about a presentation that Conor gave, demonstrating how infrared sensors analysed by AI can provode feedback on techniques in the operating room and how they could improve cleaning standards in hospitals.INFECTION CONTROL MATTERS PODCAST Live from the Infection Prevention Society conferenceIn our second live session at a major conference, this episode of Infection Control Matters was recorded live at a plenary session to close day 1 of the Infection Prevention Society conference (Birmingham, UK). Our guest panelists include Dr Berit Muller-Pebody an Epidemiologist from the UK Health Security Agency, Prof Jennie Wilson from the University of West London and Dr Jacqui Prieto from The University of Southampton. The panel also fielded many questions from delegates from the floor.Topics covered include the role of mandatory surveillance, de-implementation, community based IPC, point prevalence studies, the UK PPS, fundamentals of care, urinary tract infection, pneumonia and the direction of IPC.TO LISTEN OR DOWNLOAD CLICK HEREYou can see Conor's talk here.Here's a link to the video we discussed.

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39October 2024KODAKTMK 2000 7Cleaning shared medical equipment with a disinfectant wipe at least once a day saves lives by reducing infections in hospitals, according to groundbreaking new research.Infection control has always been a critical focus in healthcare, but new world-first research highlights just how impactful even the simplest of measures can be. The CLEEN study, a landmark randomised controlled trial led by Professor Brett Mitchell from Avondale University in Australia, has shown that cleaning shared medical equipment at least once a day has a profound impact on patient outcomes.The study, conducted in a hospital on the Central Coast, involved introducing an enhanced cleaning protocol using Clinell Universal and Sporicidal (PAA) wipes. This intervention included not just additional cleaning, in conjunction with routine cleaning, but also comprehensive education on effective techniques, as well as meticulous audits and feedback on cleanliness standards through the Evaluclean™ auditing system. Importantly, this wasn’t left to already overstretched healthcare workers. Instead, dedicated cleaners were brought in, who committed an extra three hours each day to disinfecting shared equipment, using Clinell Universal on items such as infusion pumps, blood pressure monitor, drip stands, and walking aids and Sporicidal (PAA) wipes on commodes and during outbreaks.These products were specifically chosen for their effectiveness in reducing microbial loads on surfaces. To assess the effectiveness of these efforts, researchers employed the Evaluclean method: placing fluorescent marker gel dots on the surface of the equipment. These dots, invisible to the naked eye once dried, can only be detected under special light and resist removal by anything less than a thorough clean. Before the intervention, thorough cleaning was sporadic, with the hospital removing only about 25% of the fluorescent dots placed on equipment. However, following the implementation of the enhanced cleaning protocols—where cleaners spent an additional three hours daily on this task—this figure jumped to 65%. Most importantly, the study recorded a 34.5% reduction in all healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). This reduction was statistically significant, with the prevalence of HAIs dropping from 14.9% in the control phase to 9.8% during the intervention phase. Moreover, the thoroughness of cleaning improved substantially, with the percentage of cleaned equipment rising from 18.2% to 56.6% during the intervention. The intervention was also Wiping away infections – the CLEEN way! effective in reducing specific infections, with bloodstream infections, urinary tract infections, pneumonias, and surgical site infections decreasing from 6.3% to 4.0%.These findings are particularly significant given the broader context: previous research by Professor Mitchell and his colleagues estimated that 165,000 HAIs occur in Australian hospitals each year.1 The impact of these infections is not just financial but also deeply personal, with lives lost due to complications arising from these infections.Randomised controlled trials in this area are rare, this is largely due to the complexities involved in controlling the numerous variables that can affect study outcomes, as well as the large number of participants needed to produce reliable data. Overcoming these challenges also requires significant investment.Gould et al. have praised the CLEEN study as a significant success, highlighting its robust design and practical implementation. They noted that the trial was well-executed and emphasised the importance of its findings for infection prevention and control (IPC). However, they also pointed out some limitations, such as the study being conducted in a single hospital, which may limit the generalisability of the results. Despite these constraints, the study is seen as a crucial step forward in demonstrating that rigorous IPC research is both achievable and impactful The implications of the CLEEN study are clear: hospitals should be investing more—not less—in cleaning. The CLEEN study demonstrates that with the right tools, training, and commitment, hospitals can make a significant impact on patient safety. This study serves as a powerful reminder that improvements in cleaning protocols lead to substantial health benefits.1. Russo, P. L., Stewardson, A. J., Cheng, A. C., Bucknall, T., & Mitchell, B. G. (2019). The prevalence of healthcare associated infections among adult inpatients at nineteen large Australian acute-care public hospitals: a point prevalence survey. Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Control, 8 (1). GHA240250GAMA Healthcare Australia Pty Ltd., Suite 1, 33-37 Duerdin Street, Notting Hill, Victoria 3168, Australia +61 (03) 9769 6600 | | the QR code to learn more about the CLEEN study.Paid Advert

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40IPC News | articles from Infection, Disease & HealthImprovement in antibacterial use in intensive care units from Argentina: A quality improvement collaborative process evaluation using Normalization Process TheoryJavier Robertia, Juan Pedro Alonso, Natalí Inia, Cecilia Loudet, Wanda Cornistein, Inés Suárez-Anzorena, Marina Guglielmino, Ana Paula Rodríguez, Ezequiel García-Elorrioa, Facundo Jorro-Barón, Viviana M. Rodríguez laden mobile phones from international conference attendees pose potential risks to public health and biosecurityMatthew Olsen, Adrian Goldsworthy, Mark Morgan, John Leggett, Thibaut Demaneuf, Natalia Van Der Bruggen, Gobinddeep Singh, Rose Ghemrawi, Abiola Senok, Reem Almheiri, Simon McKirdy, Rashed Alghafri, Lotti Tajouri

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41October 2024Selected publications of interest A collaborative approach to support people with a disability living in Australian group homes during the COVID-19 pandemic: a case study Environmental Hygiene Self-Assessment Framework (HEHSAF) Defenses: Integrating Infection Control With Antimicrobial Stewardship healthy home: home health factsheet series collaborative approach to support people with a disability living in Australian group homes during the COVID-19 pandemic: a case study

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