MARCH 2024
2IPC News | endeavours and the unwavering support she gives our students. As many of you know, the last few years have been really busy for our courses and not only we have seen 2800 people graduate since the pandemic started, but we’ve also adapted the FIPC course to become an international oering, and developed new courses such as the Blood Borne Viruses Testing Course and the Aged Care Short Course. I also want to thank the many members that responded to the call a couple of years ago and facilitated courses for Aged Care IPC leads. The graduation of Pacific Island students is one of our first steps supporting the IPC community in the Pacific Islands. Board members Margaret Leong and Dr Peta-Anne Zimmerman have been busy looking at an engagement strategy with the Pacific community and I will share more on that in the coming months.This month also saw the launch of the College’s new Aged Care Community of Practice, a space providing support and opportunities for learning in a safe, sector-focussed and resourced environment. I hope those of you working in Aged Care will drop in to Aged Care Connexion forum, catch one of the upcoming free online webinars, or simply dip into the great resources that are available on our Aged Care webpage.Alongside our educational activities we are planning the 2024 annual conference program. The conference committee, chaired by Marija Juraja has been busy setting the theme and planning keynotes addresses. We will keep you updated on the program, and I believe abstract submissions will open very soon. I am excited for this year’s conference (17-20 November), maybe more than other years as it is Melbourne’s turn to shine. Please continue to get in touch with me, I really enjoy reading these emails, and we value your input on how we can further enhance ACIPC.Thank you for your continued support of ACIPC, and until next month, keep the IPC fight going!ACIPC President 2IPC News |éphane Bouchoucha Welcome to the March 2024 Edition of IPC News. First of all, thanks for supporting the position statement that the College published last month on the Current and continuing impact of COVID-19. It was an important statement for us, and it’s been great see it shared widely on social media platforms. The board continues to engage with the issues of airborne transmission and the role that ventilation plays in the spread of airborne pathogens. Dr Sally Havers (ACIPC President-Elect) and I represented ACIPC at the Clean Indoor Air Forum organised by the Burnet Institute at the ANU. It was an opportunity to hear about research to reduce the spread of air pollutants and hear the actions that some advocacy groups are taking to decrease respiratory disease. We were able to share the ACIPC position on airborne pathogens and our plans for advocacy. In the evening Sally and I attended the Science of Clean Indoor Air event at Parliament House. Convened by the Australian Academy of Science, the CSIRO and the Burnet Institute, we heard from leading researchers from Australia and other countries on advances towards making indoor air safer. We heard some great initiatives, for example how all 132 public schools in Boston, USA have implemented improvements in indoor air monitoring and quality, leading to decrease in pupil sickness rates. France has issued a new environmental code for daycares, elementary schools, middle schools and high schools (a global first), and direct readings of CO2 concentrations are mandated to assess the quality of their fresh air. They plan to extend this code in 2025 in all residential aged care homes. I look forward to seeing the eects these new measure may have on population health. These two events represented a fantastic working opportunity for ACIPC, being visibly recognised as IPC experts provides potential for collaboration that will benefit the IPC communityAnother first for the College this month took place, as we congratulated the new graduates of the Foundations of IPC course from the Pacific Islands. My heartfelt thanks go to our education manager Jackie Miley for her leadership of the College’s
3March 2024Contents ACIPC President 2ACIPC International Conference - Save the Date 4Meet the Board 6Recently Credentialled and Re-Credentialled Members 7Blood Borne Virus Testing Course 8 Infection Prevention and Control in Aged Care Settings Course 9ACIPC’S New Aged Care Community of Practice 10Relaunch of the Victorian Infection Control Special Interest Group (VICSIG) 12Peer-Led Telehealth Counselling for Nurses and Midwives is Now Active 13IPC Tour 14World Hand Hygiene Day 2024 16ACIPC Representation 16 Fiji Nurses Receive Their Foundations of IPC Certificates 17ACIPC Research Access Scheme 18Career Opportunities 20Infection Control Matters Podcast 22Latest Articles from Infection, Disease & Health 24 Selected Publications of Interest 253March 2024
ACIPC INTERNATIONALCONFERENCESUCCESSION, SUSTAINABILITY,AND THE ADVANCEMENT OF INFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROLDear Colleagues,On behalf of the Board of Directors, we extend a warm invitation toyou to attend the 2024 ACIPC International Conference.The conference will take place from 17 – 20 November at theMelbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre and online.The theme for the conference is “Succession, sustainability, andthe advancement of infection prevention and control”.We invite healthcare professionals,researchers, and industry leaders toexplore the fundamental principlesand innovative strategies essential fornavigating the evolving landscape ofinfection prevention and one health byfostering a culture of continuous learningand exploration.The conference aims to addressemerging challenges, promote innovativeapproaches, and create a collaborativeenvironment where diverse perspectivesare valued. Together, let’s open our eyes,expand our minds, and work towardsadvancing Infection Prevention andControl to shape safer healthcare futures.By attending the conference, you will learnfrom national and international experts,network with likeminded professionals,and meet with Australasia’s largestcollection of IPC industry suppliers.We encourage delegates traveling toMelbourne to extend their trip on eitherside of the conference so you can visit themany wonderful sights and attractions thecity and Victoria have to oer.4IPC News |
ACIPC INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE17–20 NOV 2024MELBOURNE CONVENTION AND EXHIBITION CENTRE, VIC & ONLINEMore information regarding the conference including invited speakers, social events, and engagement initiatives will be released via the conference website as planning proceeds.Registration, the call for abstracts, and sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities will be available shortly.So, save 17 – 20 November in your calendar now and we look forward to seeing you at the conference.President, Australasian College for Infection Prevention and Control5March 2024SAVE THE DATE
6IPC News | is the Manager of Governance Strategy and Clinical Development at Bene Aged Care. Currently her role encompasses the implementation of evidence based, best practice delivery of care and clinical service across the Aged Care Services portfolio. From Infection Prevention Control (IPC) policy development, providing IPC expertise, advice and education, Catherine delivers ongoing support and mentorship to the organisation’s IPC lead nurses. Prior to Catherine’s appointment as an ACIPC Board Director, she was a member of the Practice Guidance Committee. In 2024, she will commence as a member of the Education and Professional Development Committee as the Aged Care Representative, and the Scientific Conference Committee. Catherine is a long standing member of the SA Health Network of Infection Control Teams (SANIT) & incorporating Non-acute Infection Control Special Interest Group (NICSIG). Moreover, she co-authors a quarterly Aged Care Community of Practice IPC report. MEET THE BOARDCATHERINE MCGOVERNDIRECTOR & AGED CARE REPRESENTATIVEAs a registered nurse for more than 30 years and with a passion for IPC and client safety Catherine has extensive experience working in both the acute and aged care sectors. She was recognised in the South Australian State Parliament by the Minister of Health for her work as the Infection Control Outbreak Coordinator which contained the COVID-19 Outbreak at Brompton Aged Care in November 2020. The successful management of the COVID-19 outbreak was derived from the experiences gained from holding senior leadership roles allowing for prospective implementation of clinical governance, risk management and IPC. She also contributed to the In-depth interviews with System Leaders and Experts with adjunct Professor Alan Lilly for the Independent Review of COVID-19 Outbreaks in Australian Residential Aged Care Facilities.
7March 2024RECENTLY CREDENTIALLED & RE-CREDENTIALLED MEMBERSThe board of directors would like to congratulate the following members who has received credentialling this month:Primary credentialling: Andrew Ellis Catherine McGovernExpert re-credentialling: Amelia McGuireFor information on how you can become credentialled, visit the ACIPC website:
8IPC News | 20248IPC News | Borne Virus TESTING COURSEIf you have any questions, please email or go to our website for more information The course has been designed for healthcare practitioners involved in undertaking testing in all healthcare settings including midwifery, acute care, community health, women’s health, correctional health, rural and remote health, refugee health, sexual health, and infection prevention and control practitioners.DURING THE COURSE YOU WILL LEARN ABOUT: Epidemiology, transmission, management options and prevention of HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C Dierent tests available to correctly diagnose, testing intervals post exposure and window periods for testing Post incident pre- and post-test discussion for both the recipient and the source following the incident The personal impact and medical consequences of HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C Conducting a risk assessment for HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C Strategies and resources for eective health promotion and prevention education Basic counselling skills including listening, questioning, reflecting and summarising COST: $350MOREINFORMATIONBOOK NOW FOR THE COURSE COMMENCING 19 APRIL 2024LIMITED SPACES LEFT
Blood Borne Virus TESTING COURSEIf you have any questions, please email or go to our website for more information The course has been designed for healthcare practitioners involved in undertaking testing in all healthcare settings including midwifery, acute care, community health, women’s health, correctional health, rural and remote health, refugee health, sexual health, and infection prevention and control practitioners.DURING THE COURSE YOU WILL LEARN ABOUT: Epidemiology, transmission, management options and prevention of HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C Dierent tests available to correctly diagnose, testing intervals post exposure and window periods for testing Post incident pre- and post-test discussion for both the recipient and the source following the incident The personal impact and medical consequences of HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C Conducting a risk assessment for HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C Strategies and resources for eective health promotion and prevention education Basic counselling skills including listening, questioning, reflecting and summarising COST: $350MOREINFORMATIONINFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL IN AGED CARE SETTINGSSHORT COURSEIf you have any questions, please email or go to our website for more information WHAT IS THE COURSE FOR?This course is designed to provide sta with the fundamental principles and concepts of infection prevention and control practice as they apply to various Aged Care settings in particular Residential and Community Aged Care settings. This is a course for RNs and EN/EENs supporting Aged Care IPC Clinical Leads. This course is also suitable for Facility Managers needing up-to-date best-practice IPC knowledge and skills.The modules can be undertaken over a six-to-eight-week period and a certificate of completion will be issued to students who complete the course. MOREINFORMATIONMODULES INCLUDE: Principles of Infection Prevention and Control Management of the environment, resident and sta health Management of invasive devices, hygiene and aseptic techniques Management of outbreaks Organisms of significant AMS Governance and leadershipCOST: $500BOOK NOW FOR THE COURSE COMMENCING 5 APRIL 2024LIMITED SPACES LEFT
10IPC News |’S NEW AGED CARE COMMUNITY OF PRACTICEACIPC is excited to announce the establishment of an Aged Care IPC Community of Practice.The College recognizes the rapid increase in IPC implementation which occurred over the pandemic years and the challenges it has presented in aged care settings. While improving IPC practices in aged care sta training and education is vital, factors besides knowledge/competence need to be taken into account. Organisation readiness to change, social influences, motivation, reinforcement capacity, and environment context have all impacted IPC implementation. To address these more socially associated factors and success in the provision of a successful IPC program, a more collaborative and peer supportive approach is required, in addition to education and training. With this in mind, ACIPC has created a variety of resources to support those working in aged care.Aged Care, this is your space!
11March 2024Our new community of practice will feature: • Resources: a ‘one stop shop’ location for up-to-date, credible IPC information and resources relevant to mandates and recommendations in the aged care sector. • Aged Care Connexion: like the Infexion Connexion forum, but this online forum is directed specifically at the aged care sector. Some recent discussion topics include: RAT testing after April 2024, Infection Alert System in RACFs, and Education for Cleaning Sta in Residential Aged Care.• Webinars: free bi-monthly web-based interactive IPC webinars, targeted to the aged care sector. Our Aged Care IPC Consultant Carrie Spinks will guide you through topics such as how to develop an IPC aged care program, gloving across aged care facilities, managing IPC in environmental services, and more. These sessions will be interactive and informative, and the floor will be open for sharing ideas, input and concerns. ACIPC recognises the benefits of peer collaboration. The ACIPC Aged Care Community of Practice aims to strengthen collaborations and IPC knowledge and practice across the industry. All infection prevention and control (IPC) leads, aged care IPC consultants/specialists, public health, and those involved with IPC in aged care are warmly invited to utilise the resources, link in, join discussions in the members forum, and attend the bi-monthly live interactive webinars. The ACIPC Aged Care Community of Practice supplements our existing range of Aged Care Education: • Online Short Course in IPC in Aged Care Settings • Foundations of IPC For more information about how ACIPC is supporting our members working in Aged Care, visit our dedicated Aged Care page by clicking here.
RELAUNCH OF THE VICTORIAN INFECTION CONTROL SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP (VICSIG)Many of the Victorian ACIPC members may remember the regular journal club and networking evenings that were run until the pandemic put everything on hold. We are excited to relaunch VICSIG to establish an ongoing forum through which Victorian ICPs can meet to present critical reviews of the relevant literature, discuss IPC-related topics, state-based IPC issues, or conduct other professional development activities.Please join us for our first meeting for the year. We would also like to use this as an opportunity to discuss a review of a recent publication and follow up by hearing from you to find out what you would like from VICSIG.Details for the breakfast event are as follows:Date: Friday, 3 May 2024Time: 08:00amVenue: Conference Room A, Ground Floor, The Royal Women’s Hospital, cnr Grattan St and Flemington Rd, ParkvilleThe Journal article to be discussed is Thom KA, Rock C, Robinson GL, et al. Alcohol-based decontamination of gloved hands: A randomized controlled trial. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology. Published online 2023 Nov 23:1-7. Information regarding transport and parking can be found here This will be run as a hybrid event (Webex meeting). Details will be provided when you register.TO REGISTER FOR THIS EVENT, CLICK HERE12IPC News |
13March 2024PEER-LED TELEHEALTH COUNSELLING FOR NURSES AND MIDWIVES IS NOW ACTIVENurse Midwife Health Program Australia (NMHPA) is now open for telehealth counselling for nurses, midwives and students of the professions living anywhere in Australia.Free, confidential and independent counselling services and case-managed support is available for any sensitive health-related issue that nurses, midwives and students are experiencing.Whether it is drug, alcohol or gambling, stress and burnout, bullying and harassment at work, or a chronic illness or mental health concern, experienced nurse and midwife counsellors are on hand to help.“NMHPA oers support in a welcoming, compassionate and non-judgemental environment – providing a safe place to connect and heal,” said NMHPA Board Chair and RN Denise Heinjus.Visit the NMHPA website: 1800 001 060 for a confidential one-to-one session with an experienced nurse or midwife. 9-5pm Monday-Friday (EST).The 18 March 2024 service opening marks the first phase in a staged rollout of NMHPA with the national program to be delivered in person and via telehealth through four hubs and regional oces across Australia later in 2024.NMHPA is an Australia-government initiative aimed to help address the increasing rates of fatigue, stress and burnout among nurses and midwives, which have escalated since the start of the pandemic.NMHPA will be ocially launched on 30 April 2024 in Canberra by Assistant Minister for Health and Aged Care the Hon. Ged Kearney MP, NMHPA Board Directors and Implementation team, along with industry stakeholders.For more information visit: Contact: Natalie Dragon:
14IPC News | Wednesday 3rd April 2024, RBWH Education Centre - 8:30-3pmAdelaide: Thursday 4th April 2024, Adelaide Town Hall - 8:30-3pmSydney: Tuesday 9th April 2024, Novotel Sydney Olympic Park - 8:30-3pmMelbourne: Thursday 11th April 2024, Rendezvous Hotel - 8:30-3pmPerth: Tuesday 16th April 2024, Bentley Technology Park - 9-3:30pmIPC Tour ACIPC and GAMA Healthcare invite you to the Infection Prevention & Control Tour.National and international insights include:•Antimicrobial resistance (AMR)• Preparing for winter challenges• Sustainable infection prevention solutions• Material compatibility• Expert panel discussionAn opportunity to discuss local challenges is provided while networking with peers.*Dr Jon Otter is attending Brisbane, Adelaide, Sydney and Melbourne events only.Keynote Speaker*: Dr Jon Otter - Director of Infection Prevention and Control, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London.Register at Eventbrite: | | 03 9769 6600
GHA240041Brisbane: Wednesday 3rdApril 2024, RBWH Education Centre - 8:30-3pmAdelaide: Thursday 4th April 2024, Adelaide Town Hall - 8:30-3pmSydney: Tuesday 9th April 2024, Novotel Sydney Olympic Park - 8:30-3pmMelbourne: Thursday 11th April 2024, Rendezvous Hotel - 8:30-3pmPerth: Tuesday 16th April 2024, Bentley Technology Park - 9-3:30pmIPC TourACIPC and GAMA Healthcare invite you tothe Infection Prevention & Control Tour.National and international insights include:•Antimicrobial resistance (AMR)• Preparing for winter challenges• Sustainable infection prevention solutions• Material compatibility• Expert panel discussionAn opportunity to discuss local challenges is provided while networking with peers.*Dr Jon Otter is attending Brisbane, Adelaide, Sydney and Melbourne events only.Keynote Speaker*: Dr Jon Otter - Director of Infection Prevention and Control,Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London.Register at Eventbrite:|| 03 9769 6600Click on a location to be directed to the registration | | 03 9769 6600Join us for our networking afternoon tea. Refreshments provided. 3pm in BAS&M. 3:30pm in Perth.GHA240031IPC in Aged Care Workshop:A hands-on approach for facility IPC LeadsSpend time with colleagues networking and gaining insight to support your IPC knowledge with topics and workshops covering:• Emerging pathogens in Aged Care• Create your own Train-the-Trainer IPC programme• Hands-on auditing practices• Disinfectants and antimicrobial resistance• Where does IAD fit in infection preventionWorkshopBrisbaneWednesday 3rd April 2024 RBWH Education CentreAdelaideThursday 4th April 2024 Adelaide Town HallSydneyTuesday 9th April 2024 Novotel Sydney Olympic Park MelbourneThursday 11th April 2024 Rendezvous Hotel PerthThursday 16th April 2024 Bentley Technology ParkBrisbane3:30-6:30pmSydney3:30-6:30pmMelbourne 3:30-6:30pmAdelaide3:30-6:30pmPerth 4:00-7:00pmTimesPAID ADVERT
16IPC News | ADVERTWORLD HAND HYGIENE DAY 2024World Hand Hygiene Day will be celebrated on 5 May 2024. This year’s theme is:Resources coming soon!Promoting knowledge and capacity building of health and care workers through innovative and impactful training and education, on infection prevention and control, including hand hygiene. We have some great new resources coming for you to use in your workplace or organisation to help share the knowledge about the importance of hand hygiene.Our Hand Hygiene resources will be available on our website on 9 April 2024 so check back with us soon, and don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter/X, Linkedin and Instagram.ACIPC REPRESENTATIONThe College provides expert infection prevention and control advice and contributes to a wider health agenda through representation with external organisations, committees, and working groups.During March, President Stephane Bouchoucha and President-Elect Sally Havers participated in the Burnett Institute’s Clean Indoor Events. IPC Consultant Carrie Spinks represented the College at the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (provision of aged care resources discussion), the Companion Animal Network Australia, The IPC Guide for Aged Care reference group, and the North Eastern Public Health Unit Diversity of IPC presentation.
17March 2024FIJI NURSES RECEIVE THEIR FOUNDATIONS OF IPC CERTIFICATESIn a historic first, six Fijian nurses recently graduated from ACIPC’s Foundations of IPC - International course. They were part of a group of 30 international students enrolled and were the first in Fiji to complete a certification in infection prevention and control.Alvina Monisha Lata, Ashley Datt, Sisilia Assisi Genaro, Savneel Shivam Kumar, Ilisapeci Nabose, and Lydia Andrews were presented with their certificates by the Minister for Health and Medical Services, Dr. Atonio Lalabalavu, at a ceremony in Suva on 16 March. The ceremony was also attended by the Australian High Commissioner to Fiji, Ewen McDonald.The College extends warm congratulations to all of the graduates. Well DoneWell Done!!CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT ACIPC’S FOUNDATIONS OF IPC – INTERNATIONAL
ACIPC RESEARCH ACCESS SCHEMEThe ACIPC Research Access Scheme assists researchers who wish to contact our members to recruit participants for research projects.The research, grants and scholarships committee will:• review the research proposal and accompanying ethics applications;• ensure member details are secure;• ensure the proposed research aligns with the College’s purpose and aims.RECRUITING PARTICIPANTSGenerally, the College will notify members of a research proposal by:• posting a message on the College’s discussion forum, Infexion Connexion;• creating a news item on the College’s website;• featuring the request in College’s newsletter, IPC News;• emailing members; and/or• social media posts.SUBMITTING A PROPOSALAll requests need to be emailed to Please submit proposals as a single PDF.18IPC News |
INFORMATION TO BE INCLUDEDYour request should include the following information:• An introductory letter including the title of the study and the investigators names, aliations and qualifications.• Evidence that the research has received Human Research Ethics Committee approval. This is a requirement before any access to ACIPC members will be facilitated.• An outline of the study (no more than 1000 words) including: • Research aim and objectives • How the research will benefit infection prevention and control • How the research will benefit ACIPC members • Funding source(s), if any • Expected completion date• A description of the commitment, including time, expected from the participants.• Any other supporting information the researchers believe will inform the review process.• Recruitment information that lists the purpose of the research, what is required of participants, the chief investigator’s name and contact details, information on how to participate (e.g. web links and email addresses) and other relevant information for potential participants. This recruitment information should be no longer than 500 words.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTThe researchers agree to include appropriate acknowledgement of the College in any publications or presentations generated from the research.OTHER RESEARCH PROPOSALSIn the event that researchers wish to approach the College for other research purposes, (e.g. partnerships), a formal letter outlining details of the proposal should be emailed to the research, grants and scholarships committee for consideration on a case-by-case basis.DISCLAIMERApproval to use this scheme does not mean the College endorses or is a formal partner in your research.19March 2024
20IPC News | OPPORTUNITIESOUTBREAK RESPONSE COORDINATORPermanent OpportunityChermside, Brisbane Location Be part of a story you’ll love to tell...People with passion, connected by hope for a more compassionate, just and inclusive society is our story – what’s yours? Everyone has a story. And here at Wesley Mission Queensland, we feel privileged to stand alongside the families, children, couples and seniors that we support each year. We’re an innovative and responsive not-for-profit community service provider, helping people across Queensland build stronger and more inclusive communities since 1907. ABOUT THE ROLE:The Coordinator - Outbreak Response supports the Senior Clinical Advisor – Infection Prevention and Control in facilitating the coordination of outbreak responses across services and programs within Wesley Mission Queensland.The role will be responsible for coordinating the response to any outbreaks across services/programs including support and guidance, policies and procedures, supporting documentation, resource and training requirements to meet legislative, National and State health directions, and WMQ’s policies.• Analyse and regularly report progress in relation to outbreaks as required by WMQ and external agencies.• Assist services/programs to respond to unannounced/announced accreditation or Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission COVID preparedness checks.• Assist Senior Clinical Advisor with conducting IPC and environmental audits.• Assist services/programs in the identification, recording and monitoring of risks related to outbreak management and infections under the Risk Management Framework.• Support and assist scenario testing for outbreak management. • Work collaboratively with key stakeholders within WMQ to ensure appropriate resources (e.g., waste, personal protective equipment, etc.) are available during outbreaks. • Develop and review training and education materials to ensure they meet outbreak management and IPC requirements• Assist Senior Clinical Advisor-IPC with coordination of the Food Safety Program.
21March 2024ABOUT YOU:• Degree qualification in Nursing and registration with APHRA • Experience in the field of infection prevention and control • Proven experience and knowledge of outbreak management • Demonstrated ability to develop, implement and evaluate policies and procedures, and infection control data • Thorough understanding and commitment to the principles of continuous quality improvement in a large, diverse service-based organisation • Excellent organisational skills, including the ability to work eectively in cross-functional team environments, complete work within deadlines and under limited supervision • Highly developed interpersonal, verbal and written communication skills, including networking and influencing skills with the ability to eectively manage diverse internal and external stakeholder requirements • Demonstrated eective technical skills including MS Oce, Quality Management/audit systems and related applications (including reporting). WHY WMQ?Wesley Mission We value diversity, strive for inclusion, and come together to walk alongside those in need to provide hope and compassion. We are committed to working collaboratively to help you grow, support your wellbeing, and enable you to be your true self each day aligned to our mission and values. Along the journey, we will encourage you to find your story. We oer our team members:• Support from our Employee Wellbeing Program – we are recognised as an Advanced Mental Health First Aid Skilled Workplace!• Access to salary packaging benefits that enable you to increase your take-home pay • Discounted allied health services such as nutrition, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and remedial massage• Access to discounts on private health insurance, gym memberships and travel WMQ’s vision for reconciliation is for all people to stand unified in an equal and inclusive future. We commit to enhancing opportunities for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander People and celebrating diversity. As part of our commitment to Reconciliation we encourage applications from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. Please note: You will be asked for evidence of your COVID-19 vaccination status as part of your application process as required by Legislation, Health Directives and WMQ Policy.CLICK HERE TO APPLY
22IPC News | News | CONTROL MATTERS PODCASTWhat do C. dicile and HAP have in common – toilet plume??In this episode, after an interesting discovery when searching Youtube, Brett and Martin mull over whether toilet plume is a risk factor for hospital-acquired pneumonia and C. dicile infections. The papers we discuss are listed below.• Goforth MP, Boone SA, Clark J, Valenzuela PB, McKinney J, Ijaz MK, et al. Impacts of lid closure during toilet flushing and of toilet bowl cleaning on viral contamination of surfaces in United States restrooms. Am J Infect Control 2023.• Best EL, Sandoe JA, Wilcox MH. Potential for aerosolization of Clostridium dicile after flushing toilets: the role of toilet lids in reducing environmental contamination risk. J Hosp Infect 2012;80(1):1-5.• Lai ACK, Tan TF, Li WS, Ip DKM. Emission strength of airborne pathogens during toilet flushing. Indoor Air 2018;28(1):73-9. TO LISTEN OR DOWNLOAD CLICK HEREC. dicile in England is on the rise, but why?In this episode, Martin Talks to Dr Mark Wilcox OBE, Professor of Microbiology at the University of Leeds, Head of Microbiology Research & Development at Leeds University Hospitals NHS Trust and National Clinical Director for Infection Prevention and Control at NHS England. We mull over the possible reasons for the increase in hospital-onset cases in England, including ribotypes and antibiotic use. Given that the NHS is under great stress, we discuss the damage potential from a new ribotype (955) which shares some genetic characteristics with the 027 ribotype that caused so many problems in the UK and worldwide in the early 2000s. One thing that we agree on is that reductions targets (with teeth) have been very successful in the past and should we venture in that direction again? Information on data collection, hospital and national typing reports for England can be found here:
Scan to order and receive an exclusive 25% discount!** 25% discount offer exclusivelyfor ACIPC members. ACIPC members will receive the 25% discount code via email.The first Australian text to address the challenges posed by infectious diseases and healthcare-associated infections for all members of the multidisciplinary healthcare team.Drawing on the expertise of a wide author team, and based on current research, this important and comprehensive text provides a clear pathway for the reader to increase their knowledge and understanding of IPC. The text is designed for both students and practising clinicians, and is presented in two sections - Principles and Practice - for ease of use. With IPC principles and guidelines now embedded into all health-related curricula, and mandated by standards and guidelines across all areas of healthcare, this is a book no health professional should miss.1st Edition By Ramon Z. Shaban, Brett G. Mitchell, Philip L. Russo & Deborough Macbeth ISBN 9780729543644Healthcare-Associated Infections in AustraliaPrinciples and Practice of Infection Prevention and ControlEndorsed byAUSTRALASIANSOCIETY INFECTIOUSDISEASESFORElsevier Australia Customer Service: 1800 263 951 / Email:* Special 25% discount and free delivery offer available at all ACIPC members. ACIPCmembers will receive the 25% discount codeseparately via email from ACIPC. Use promo code at checkout stage for25%off the RRP of ISBN 9780729543644. Offer ends 31/12/2024. Valid for deliveryto Australia and New Zealandonly.Prices are subject to change without notice.PAID ADVERT
24IPC News | articles from Infection, Disease & HealthCatheter-associated urinary tract infections in Africa: Systematic meta-analysis Zelalem Asmare, Mulat Erkihun, Wagaw Abebe, Agenagnew Ashagre, Tadesse Misganaw, Sefineh Fenta Feleke Catheter-associated urinary tract infections in Africa: Systematic review and meta-analysis - Infection, Disease & Health ( machine designation for patients with chronic Hepatitis B virus: A practice and attitudes survey of Australian renal healthcare workers Sarah Russo, Jill Telfer, Carla Silva, Eliza Daly, Sarah Browning Haemodialysis machine designation for patients with chronic Hepatitis B virus: A practice and attitudes survey of Australian renal healthcare workers - Infection, Disease & Health ( implementation quarantine recommendations that support preparedness: A systematic review and quarantine implementation capability framework. Matiu Bush, Catherine M. Bennett, Ana Hutchinson, Stéphane L. Bouchoucha Post implementation quarantine recommendations that support preparedness: A systematic review and quarantine implementation capability framework - Infection, Disease & Health ( and attitudes towards infectious diseases among teachers and administrators: Evaluation of health-related school program and practices. Kaan Aksun, Veysel Alcan Awareness and attitudes towards infectious diseases among teachers and administrators: Evaluation of health-related school program and practices - Infection, Disease & Health ( knowledge and capacity building on infection prevention and control, including hand hygiene, among health and care workers. Promoting knowledge and capacity building on infection prevention and control, including hand hygiene, among health and care workers - Infection, Disease & Health ( ecacy of latex gloves in preventing viral infections during needlestick injuries: An in vitro mixed-methods study. Marinila Buzanelo Machado, Viviane de Cássia Oliveira, Pedro Castania Amadio Domingues, Lucas Lazarini Bim, Denise de Andrade, Evandro Watanabe Unveiling the ecacy of latex gloves in preventing viral infections during needlestick injuries: An in vitro mixed-methods study - Infection, Disease & Health ( self-testing: Handle with care. Giuseppe Lippi SARS-CoV-2 self-testing: Handle with care - Infection, Disease & Health (
25March 2024Selected publications of interest Pfizer’s Abrysvo Shows Strong Ecacy Against RSV in Adults: Key Insights for Infection Control Personnel Pfizer’s Abrysvo Shows Strong Ecacy Against RSV in Adults: Key Insights for Infection Control Personnel ( at Risk: The Impact of Antimicrobial Resistance From a Global to Local Health Perspective Health at Risk: The Impact of Antimicrobial Resistance From a Global to Local Health Perspective ( discovery and vaccines Rotavirus: discovery and vaccines | NHMRCInaugural meeting of Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network partners from Australia Inaugural meeting of Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network partners from Australia | Western Pacific Surveillance and Response ( of an intervention to reduce urine dipstick testing in aged care homes: a qualitative study of enablers and barriers, and strategies to enhance delivery Implementation of an intervention to reduce urine dipstick testing in aged care homes: a qualitative study of enablers and barriers, and strategies to enhance delivery | BMJ OpenFeasibility of a nurse-led intervention to reduce urine dipstick testing in long-term residential aged care homes Feasibility of a Nurse-Led Intervention to Reduce Urine Dipstick Testing in Long-Term Residential Aged Care Homes - ScienceDirect
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