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2024 IJO Sponsorship Proposal

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High School ScholarshipEducation SeminarsCommunity AppreciationSmall Businesses & More!CELEBRATINGCREATIVITY AND CULTUREEDUCATIONON THEHISTORY OFJUNETEENTHFOR FUTUREGENERATIONSTO COME. YOUR SUPPORT BENEFITS:VISIT OUR WEBSITEwww.iowajuneteenth.orgCONTACT US515-508-9688iowajuenteenth@gmail.comFOLLOW US: @iowajuneteenth2024SPONSORSHIPPACKAGES

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TABLE OFCONTENTSAbout Us & Meet Our Team 03Mission and Vision 04Core Values 05Goals 06Media Engagement 07This Is Not My Show 09Education 10IJO Shop 11Nominations & Contests 12Sponsorship Options 15 - 22Sponsorship Add-On’s23 - 242023 Sponsor List 27 - 28

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AboutIOWA JUNETEENTH OBSERVANCEMeet our teamDWANA BRADLEYGENERALCHAIRPERSONIowa Urban MediaJuneteenth is the oldest known celebration that commemoratesthe June 19th, 1865 announcement of the abolition of slavery in theUnited States of America. The Iowa Juneteenth Observance has been in existence for 30years, and was founded by Gary Lawson (Founder & General ChairEmeritus of IJO) in 1990. On April 11, 2002 Governor Tom Vilsacksigned into law recognizing Iowa Juneteenth as an official holiday inthe state of Iowa to be celebrated on the third Saturday in June.KOURTNEY PERRY PROJECTMANAGERPrivacy, LLCCLAUDIA YOUNG-HEADBANQUET COMMITTEECHAIR Des Moines Public SchoolsROBERT JOHNSONGOSPEL COMMITTEECHAIRWellmarkMARY WELLSPARADE COMMITTEECHAIRIowa Treasurer MADISON SCONIERS VOLUNTEERCOMMITTEESconiers ConsultingCORY PATTONCHARITY GOLFCOMMITTEE CHAIRPHILLIP LITTLEENTERTAINMENTCOMMITTEEAll Voices DSMNIKKI GOLDMANGRAPHIC DESIGNERLosRos GraphixTRACY BRADLEYNOMINATION COMMITTEECHAIRIowa Dept ofTransportationNAKIA EWINGESSAY COMMITTEECHAIRBrokersInternational TREVONTE DIGGSPHOTOGRAPHER/VIDEOGRAPHERIImani InnovativeConsultingBERT MOODYPHOTOGRAPHER Images PhotoStudio3TIFFANY BRAXTONVICE CHAIRDes MoinesPublic Schools

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MISSIONVISIONWe provide education in African American culture and history,collaborating with like-minded organizations to cultivate awarenessand appreciation of our contributions.Empowering Iowa through Juneteenth: Our vision is to cultivate acommunity where the profound history and vibrant culture ofJuneteenth are not only acknowledged but celebrated as essentialpillars of our shared identity. We envision an Iowa that embracesdiversity, equity, and inclusion by fostering an understanding ofJuneteenth's significance. Through dynamic educational initiatives,impactful events, and collaborative partnerships, our organizationaspires to spark a transformative cultural shift, leaving an indeliblemark on the hearts and minds of all Iowans. We strive for a futurewhere the lessons and values of Juneteenth contribute to a morejust, compassionate, and unified society for generations to come.4

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We Foster awareness andunderstanding of Juneteenth,we strive to create a lastingimpact on the cultural fabric ofIowa aim to impact onindividuals, communities, andsociety at large. By staying true to our mission, vision, and core values, weaspire to make a significant contribution to the culturalfabric of our society and create a lasting legacy ofcreativity, inspiration, and cultural enrichment.ImpactCORE VALUESThrough education, celebration,and community-buildinginitiatives, we aim to empowerpeople to embrace history, takepride in their heritage, andactively contribute to positivesocial change.EmpowermentWe work together withcommunity partners, localorganizations, and stakeholders,enables us to pool resources,share ideas, and createinclusive events that resonatewith a diverse audience.CollaborationWe prioritize activeinvolvement and connectionwith the communities we serveto encourage participation,dialogue, and sharedexperiences that valuesdiversity and history.Community EngagementWhether through artisticexpressions, interactiveexhibits, or uniqueprogramming, we believecreativity enhances the impactand resonance of ourinitiatives.CreativityInclusivity is non-negotiable ineverything we do. We arededicated to creating spacesand events that welcomeindividuals from allbackgrounds, cultures, andidentities. Inclusivity5

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Secure sustainable fundingto support ongoing IowaJuneteenth initiatives andevents throughout the yearthrough the development ofa comprehensive fundraisingplan that includes grants,donations, and partnerships.With an emphasis onestablishing corporatesponsorships withorganizations that align withour mission.Collaborate with localcommunity groups andorganizations to expand thevolunteer network.Develop and implementeducational programs fororganizations, schools,community centers, businesses,and online platforms. Createand distribute educationalmaterials, including pamphlets,videos, and online resources.Partner with educationalinstitutions to integrateJuneteenth into curriculum.Ensure inclusivity andrepresentation in IowaJuneteenth celebrations byconducting outreachprograms to engage diversecommunities anddemographics. Along withcollaborating with culturalorganizations to createinclusive events.GOALS FORTHE 2024 - 202601. visibility and mediacoverage for IowaJuneteenth events and theorganization's mission. Byimplementing a strategicmedia plan that includespress releases, social mediacampaigns, and partnershipswith influencers.6

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May - JuneMarch - AprilJan - FebMay - June71.2%March - April18.2%Jan - Feb10.6%MEDIA ENGAGEMENTThe 2023 media engagementand relations seen a high level ofcoverage. Our goal was to raisemore awareness on thesignificance of the holiday, howindividuals could participate, andwhere events were happening.We accomplished this taskthrough media releases, newscoverage, and social media. Dueto this outreach of coverage wewere able to see a 60% increasein attendance. @IOWAJUNETEENTH9.7k Followers80%increase inviews63%increase inimpressions30%increase infollowers7

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EducationON-SITE SEMINARSDo you have an organization thatwould like a speaker to comeprovide information aboutJuneteenth? We are offering an educationseminar that will explain the history,culture, and more. The seminar isstructured according to the WITH DMPLWe partner with the Des MoinesPublic Library to offer a story readingto different age groups and smallclasses for adults. All targeting theimportance of education on theJuneteenth federal holiday. Comewith your questions, we have theanswers. LUNCH & LEARNSchedule an engaging Lunch andLearn session to explore thesignificance of Juneteenth. In thisinformative session, we will delveinto the history, cultural importance,and contemporary relevance ofJuneteenth.Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your cultural competence andcontribute to a workplace that values diversity and inclusion. 10

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NOMINATIONS & CONTESTSKING & QUEEN NominationCouples from across Iowa may be nominated. The King & Queen will serve atwo-year term and represent the Iowa Juneteenth Observance by makingseveral public appearances during their reign.The following criteria must be met in order to be considered: Must be married to one another for a minimum of 20 consecutive years1.Must have contributed to the betterment of their community2.Must complete all questions on this nomination form.3.WINNERS RECEIVE:The essay contest is statewide andopen to “all students” enrolled ingrades 9 through 11. We encourageessayists to enlist the guidance of ateacher or other adult whencompleting the essay. The essaycontest serves as an inspirationalvehicle for youth to strengthenappreciation for: Scholarship1.Cultural diversity2.Enhancement of communityrelations. 3.We are inviting all creative individualsto submit their designs for the official t-shirt of the 2023 Iowa Juneteenthobservance celebration. The winningdesign will be featured on the t-shirtsworn by attendees, volunteers, andstaff.T-Shirt Design ContestStudent Essay Contest1st Place - $1,0002nd Place: $5003rd Place - $250Appreciation AwardsAll recipients of these awards will bepresented at the 2023 Iowa JuneteenthCommunity Builders Banquet.James Durham Health Practitionerof The Year Award1.Iowa Citizen of The Year Award2.Mary McLeod Bethune EducationAward3.Gospel Legacy Award 4.Jesse F. Taylor Advocacy Award5.Del “Saxman” Jones Blues LegacyAward 6.Liberty Award 7.12

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Sponsorship Packages13

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VISIT OUR WEBSITEwww.iowajuneteenth.orgCONTACT US515-508-9688iowajuenteenth@gmail.comFOLLOW US: @iajuneteenth@iajuneteenth@iowa-juneteenth-observance@iowajuneteenth1699

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IOWA JUNETEENTHCHARITY GOLF OUTINGTee up for a cause at ourJuneteenth Charity Golf Outing!Join us on the greens for a day ofcamaraderie, fun, andphilanthropy as we celebrateJuneteenth and supportinitiatives dedicated to equalityand empowerment.Your sponsorship dollars for this eventwill go toward entertainment, foodand beverages, awards plaques,memorabilia, decor, and venue fees. Platinum Sponsor $5,000Gold Sponsor$2,500Half page ad in May Urban Experience MagazineLogo on all flyers, social media, billboardsLogo on Iowa Juneteenth websiteSignage at Golf event with company logo on (2) concourse holeSilver Sponsor$1,000Quarter page ad in May Urban Experience MagazineLogo on all flyers and social mediaLogo on Iowa Juneteenth websiteSignage at Golf event with company logo on (1) concourseholeFull page ad in May Urban Experience MagazineFeature segment on podcast This is not my Show in May Logo on all flyers, social media, and billboardsLogo on Iowa Juneteenth websiteOpening comments at sponsored event (2 minutes)Company logo on the first hole and last hole Company provided merch in gift bags(1) table for Iowa Juneteenth 2024 Community Builders Banquet Bronze Sponsor$500Business size ad in May Urban ExperienceLogo on Iowa Juneteenth websiteSingage at Golf event with company logo on 3 holes Company provided merchandise in gift bags15

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IOWA JUNETEENTHCHARITY GOLF OUTINGTechnology Sponsor$90016Leverage your sponsorship with these add-on’s. Turn your game into a WIN!GolfStatus has teamed up with our giving partners at Dormie Network, anational network of private destination golf clubs, to help charity golftournaments raise even more money for their cause.The Technology Sponsor is anopportunity to showcase twosponsor prominently via ourelectronic platform. The sponsor'slogo would be showcased on thefront page of the website and at thetop of the live leaderboard duringscoring.$10,000 Hole in One $600Introductory $10,000 cash prizecontest package. If someone wonthe contest with this offering, theywould also receive a Stay and Playfrom Dormie Network.$20,000 Hole in One $1,000Bundled $20,000 cash contestpackage! You can split the $20,000up on 2-4 contest holes to givepeople more chances to win withthis package. In addition, Dormiedonates a one year membershipthat you can tie to one of your prizeholes. This membership would giveany winner full access to all 6Dormie Network properties for ayear. They would enjoy all memberbenefits as well!Pin Hole Flags: $850A set of 18 matching custom-branded pin flags. Includes sponsorlogos or messaging on the front andback of high quality, dye-sublimated pin flags.

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NEIGHBOR’S DAYCELEBRATIONIowa Juneteenth’s greatest andlargest celebration is NeighborsDay. Join us as we celebrateculture, history, and family. Therewill be music, food, and vendorssharing the story of Juneteenthand the impact it has made ontheir lives. Neighbors Day is brought to you by Your organization’s name.Logo on Stage top bannerOpening welcome commentsLogo on all flyers, social media, and billboardsLogo on Iowa Juneteenth website Full page ad in June edition of Urban Experience MagazineFeature segment on podcast This is not my Show June editionAppear on local media with General ChairpersonVendor table fee waived2 tables to Community Builders Appreciation Banquet(1) Presenting - $50,000 or (2) Co-Presenting Sponsor - $25,000Platinum Sponsor$20,000Logo on stage bannerLogo on all flyers, social media, and billboardsLogo on Iowa Juneteenth websiteFull page ad in June edition of Urban Experience MagazineWelcome comments from stageSegment on podcast This is not my Show June editionVendor table fee waived (1) table to Community Builders BanquetGold Sponsor$10,000Logo on stage bannerLogo on all flyers, social media, and billboardsLogo on Iowa Juneteenth websiteHalf page ad in June edition of Urban Experience MagazineWelcome comments from stageVendor table fee waived Your sponsorship dollars for this eventwill go toward entertainment, beverages,award plaques, memorabilia, decor,venue fees, licenses, permits, supplies,and materials 17

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18 - 2425 - 3435 - 4445 - 5455+20%35%25%10%10%African CaucasianAsianHispanic/Latino45%30%10%15%5,000Guests100Vendors50Volunteers46Sponsors12Entertainment ActsNEIGHBOR’S DAYCELEBRATIONSilver Sponsor$5,000Logo on stage bannerLogo on all flyers and social mediaLogo on Iowa Juneteenth websiteQuarter page ad in June edition of Urban Experience MagazineVendor table fee waived EVENT DEMOGRAPHICSAgeRaceESTIMATEDECONOMICIMPACT$500KNeighbor's Day had the BEST hospitalityof any event we've tabled at. Wellorganized with clearly defined andcommunicated priority events. Veryeasy to work with the committee andits leadership. - - Sponsor Feedback18

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Community Builders Appreciation Banquet is brought to you byYour organization’s name.Logo on photo backdropLogo on Stage top bannerPresent an award winnerOpening welcome commentsLogo on all flyers, social media, and billboardsLogo on Iowa Juneteenth website Full page ad in June edition of Urban Experience MagazineFeature segment on podcast This is not my Show June edition2 tables to Community Builders Appreciation BanquetCOMMUNITY BUILDERSAPPRECIATION BANQUETYour sponsorship dollars for this eventwill go toward speakers fees,entertainment, food and beverages,high school scholarship, awardsplaques, memorabilia, decor, and venuefees. Presenting Sponsor$20,000Platinum Sponsor$10,000Logo on Photo backdropPresent an award winner Logo on all flyers, social media, and billboardsLogo on Iowa Juneteenth website Full page ad in June edition of Urban Experience MagazineFeature segment on podcast This is not my Show June edition2 tables to Community Builders Appreciation BanquetJoin us as we gather to expressappreciation for the strength,resilience, and diversity thatdefine our community. Thisbanquet is a heartfelt tribute tothe shared heritage that unitesus and an opportunity torecognize the individuals whomake our community vibrant.

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COMMUNITY BUILDERSAPPRECIATION BANQUETYour sponsorship dollars for this eventwill go toward speakers fees,entertainment, food and beverages,high school scholarship, awardsplaques, memorabilia, decor, and venuefees. Silver Sponsor$2,500Bronze Sponsor$1,000Gold Sponsor$5,000Logo on photo backdropPresent an award winnerLogo on all flyers, social media, and billboardsLogo on Iowa Juneteenth website Half page ad in June edition of Urban Experience Magazine Segment on podcast This is not my Show June edition(4) tickets to banquetLogo on photo backdropOpening welcome commentsLogo on all flyers, social mediaLogo on Iowa Juneteenth website Quarter page ad in June edition of Urban Experience Magazine(2) tickets to banquetLogo on all flyers, social media, and billboardsLogo on Iowa Juneteenth website Business card size page ad in June edition of Urban ExperienceMagazine(2) tickets to banquet400Guests8Awards$1,750ScholarshipsThe banquet has grown everyyear and is a joy to see thecommunity come together. It isa great opportunity for us to beinvolved to help students gainaccess to additional educationalfunding. - - Sponsor Feedback

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IOWA JUNETEENTH GOSPEL CELEBRATIONGospel music inspires and uplifts.It has been the foundation of theenslaved through early spiritualsand traditional hymns. Yoursponsorship is providing aplatform for gospel music to beshowcased to the community forthe words and sounds to touchthe hearts of all who attend. Your sponsorship dollars for this eventwill go toward speakers fees,entertainment, food and beverages,high school scholarship, awardsplaques, memorabilia, decor, and venuefees. Platinum Sponsor$10,000Logo on all printed advertisementLogo on IJO website Logo on all flyers and social mediaWelcome comments from stageVIP seatingFull page ad Urban Experience Magazine September editionLogo on This is not my show podcast special edition gospelappreciation month(1) table for Iowa Juneteenth 2024 Community Builders Banquet Gold Sponsor$5,000Logo on all printed advertisementLogo on IJO website Logo on all flyers and social mediaHalf page ad Urban Experience Magazine September editionLogo on This is not my show podcast special edition gospelappreciation month Silver Sponsor$2,500Logo on all printed advertisementLogo on IJO website Logo on all flyers and social mediaQuarter page ad Urban Experience Magazine September editionVerbal mention on This is not my show podcast special editiongospel appreciation month21

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IOWA JUNETEENTH GOSPEL CELEBRATIONYour sponsorship dollars for this event willgo toward speakers fees, entertainment,food and beverages, high schoolscholarship, awards plaques,memorabilia, decor, and venue fees. Bronze Sponsor$1,000Logo on all printed advertisementLogo on IJO website Logo on all flyers and social mediaQuarter page ad Urban Experience Magazine September editionVerbal mention on This is not my show podcast special editiongospel appreciation monthEVENT DEMOGRAPHICS250Guests3Entertainment ActsOffering$750This event had us jumping toour feet and singing all nightlong. I have not been to anyother gospel event that hadeveryone standing rejoicing inthe music. - - SponsorFeedback

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MAKEA BIGGER IMPACTDART Iowa Juneteenth Bus$1,500(Only 10 slots available)Logo advertised on the side orback of a DART busName listed in June UrbanExperience MagazineLogo on Iowa Juneteenth website(2) tickets to Community BuildersAppreciation Banquet SPONSORSHIP ADD ON’SEducational Seminars$5001.5 hour of in-depth Juneteenth &Iowa Juneteenth history educationwith Q/A formatLearning materials provided Referrals links for research anddevelopmentsSmall Business Recognition$500Logo in the August edition ofUrban Experience MagazineSocial media recognitionPortion of proceeds go toward thesupport of small businessesparticipating in Iowa JuneteentheventsMovie In The Park$500Logo advertised on HD MoviescreenBusiness card size ad in anymonth with Urban ExperienceMagazineVerbal recognition prior to eventNocturnal Night @The Science Center$500Logo in October edition of UrbanExperience MagazineSocial Media RecognitionAcknowledgement of sponsorshipfrom stage23Lunch & Learn $300On-site platform provided1 hour of Juneteenth & IowaJuneteenth history education withQ/A formatLearning materials provided Teacher Appreciation$500Logo in November edition of UrbanExperience MagazineSocial media recognitionSwag from your business inbaskets

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MAKE A BIGGER IMPACTDART Iowa Juneteenth Bus This is an oppunrtunity for your business to support the IowaJuneteenth mission and vision. While showcasing your businessacross Des Moines and surrounding areas DART travels. SPONSORSHIP ADD ON’S24Educational SeminarsThis is an opportunity for an on-depth presentation discussing ourpast, present, and future on Juneteenth and Iowa Juneteenthhistory, cultural importance, and contemporary relevance. Small Business RecognitionThis is an opportunity to support local Black owned businessesthat make an impact on our community. These businesses will berecognized through grant opportunities, vendor fees, or mediacoverage.Movie In The ParkThis is an opportunity to support the community throughout Iowato provide a family friendly evening of entertainment. This eventhas seen growth each year. Lunch & LearnThis is an opportunity to gain a brief Juneteenth history lesson onhow your organization can implement best practices insupporting your employees and members of the community. Nocturnal Night @ The Science CenterThis is an opportunity to celebrate with family and friends afterhours at the Science Center. Come enjoy a night of history andScience workshops. Teacher AppreciationThis is an opportunity to give back to our teachers in Iowa. We willbe supplying teacher appreciation gift baskets to registeredteachers who attend our Iowa Juneteenth events.

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Thank you to our 2023 Sponsors27

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Thank you to our 2023 Sponsors28

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VISIT OUR WEBSITEwww.iowajuneteenth.orgCONTACT US515-508-9688iowajuenteenth@gmail.comFOLLOW US: @iowajuneteenth