TIMEFRANCISGROUP ACLAREGROUP B8:45AM Access to buildingstarts at 8:45AM Door #108:45-9:10AMARRIVAL9:15-10:00AMMASSDONUTS& BOOKFAIR10:00-10:45AMDONUTS& BOOKFAIRCLASSVISITS10:45-11:30AMCLASSVISITSMASS11:30AMStudents may leave withgrandparents afterchecking out withhomeroom teachers5901 Olive Branch Road, Greenwood, IN 46143ss-fc.org/schoolSAINTS FRANCIS & CLARE OF ASSISI2024SCHEDULEVOLUNTEER AT SSFCOUR MISSIONSAINTS FRANCIS & CLARE OF ASSISI SCHOOLMINISTRY PREPARES CHILDREN TO BE LEADERSIN FAITH, ACADEMICS AND CHARACTER. OUR CATHOLIC IDENTITY, ACADEMICEXCELLENCE AND NURTURING ENVIRONMENTEMPOWERS CHILDREN TO KNOW, LOVE ANDSERVE GOD.“Everybody can be great. Because anybody canserve. You don’t have to have a college degree toserve. You don’t have to make your subject andyour verb agree to serve. You don’t have to knowthe second theory of thermodynamics in physicsto serve. You only need a heart full of grace. Asoul generated by love.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.SCAN QR CODE OR VISITss-fc.org/parents/volunteerYou are in Group:Grade & Teacher Name:DONATESCAN QR CODE OR VISITss-fc.org/support-ssfc/online-donationAt Saints Francis & Clare of Assisi Catholic School,we believe in shaping bright futures built on faith,love, and education. Your generous donationsmake it possible for us to continue nurturing thehearts and minds of our students. Everycontribution, no matter the size, helps us providean enriching environment where children growspiritually and academically. Your support trulymakes a difference—thank you for being a part ofour mission!SCAN TO FIND YOUR GROUP
@SSFCOFASSISIschoolss-fc.org/schooloffice@ss-fc.orgRebecca Stone-Principalrstone@ss-fc.orgMatt Goddard-Assistant Principalmgoddard@ss-fc.orgMatt English-ECM Directormenglish@ss-fc.org3RD GRADEKINDERGARTEN2ND GRADE1ST GRADE4TH GRADE5TH GRADE6TH GRADE7TH GRADE8TH GRADEUPCOMING EVENTSCOOKIE DOUGH SALESNOVEMBER 4-18BAND/CHOIR CHRISTMAS CONCERTFRIDAY, DECEMBER 62PM-CHURCHPRESCHOOL CHRISTMAS PROGRAMMONDAY, DECEMBER 95PM-CHURCHCATHOLIC SCHOOLS WK KICK-OFF MASSSATURDAY, JANUARY 255:30PM-CHURCHCHILI COOK-OFFSATURDAY, JANUARY 256:30PM-SCHOOL CAFETERIA/GYMWELCOMEWelcome to Grandparents' Day at Saints Francis &Clare of Assisi Catholic School! We are thrilled to haveyou here with us today, celebrating the special bondbetween our students and their grandparents andcherished guests. Your presence enriches our schoolcommunity, and we are deeply grateful for the love,wisdom, and guidance you provide to your families.Today is a day to honor and appreciate the incrediblerole you play in the lives of our students. We hope youenjoy the wonderful activities we have planned andfeel the warmth of our Saints Francis & Clare family.Thank you for being part of this special day!CONNECT WITH US5th GRADE ALL SAINTS’ DAY MASSFRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18:30AM-CHURCHSan DamianoLibraryMusicRm 213Science LabRm 2127thCipichRm 2116thEnglishRm 2057thCoppingerRm 2108thLauckRm 2086thKrummRm 2045thMooreRm 2035thWalkerRm 201Spanish/KeyboardRm 2024thBrowningRm 1114thBenderRm 1103rdTowneRm 1093rdShawRm 1081stSearerRm 1071stWrightRm 1062ndSwintzRm 1052ndVincentRm 103KWhiteRm 102KMerritt/LangstonRm 100ArtRm 101ResourceRm 200CounselorRm 207Gubbio AthleticCenterGymnasiumSaint Clare HallCafeteriaMainOffice8thRitoRm 209Stop by the PFO table in the cafeteriato learn all about the fun events theyoffer throughout the school year.To ECM BuildingPreschoolBOOK FAIRADMINISTRATIONENTER
@SSFCOFASSISIschoolss-fc.org/schooloffice@ss-fc.orgRebecca Stone-Principalrstone@ss-fc.orgMatt Goddard-Assistant Principalmgoddard@ss-fc.orgMatt English-ECM Directormenglish@ss-fc.org3RD GRADEKINDERGARTEN2ND GRADE1ST GRADE4TH GRADE5TH GRADE6TH GRADE7TH GRADE8TH GRADEUPCOMING EVENTSCOOKIE DOUGH SALESNOVEMBER 4-18BAND/CHOIR CHRISTMAS CONCERTFRIDAY, DECEMBER 62PM-CHURCHPRESCHOOL CHRISTMAS PROGRAMMONDAY, DECEMBER 95PM-CHURCHCATHOLIC SCHOOLS WK KICK-OFF MASSSATURDAY, JANUARY 255:30PM-CHURCHCHILI COOK-OFFSATURDAY, JANUARY 256:30PM-SCHOOL CAFETERIA/GYMWELCOMEWelcome to Grandparents' Day at Saints Francis &Clare of Assisi Catholic School! We are thrilled to haveyou here with us today, celebrating the special bondbetween our students and their grandparents andcherished guests. Your presence enriches our schoolcommunity, and we are deeply grateful for the love,wisdom, and guidance you provide to your families.Today is a day to honor and appreciate the incrediblerole you play in the lives of our students. We hope youenjoy the wonderful activities we have planned andfeel the warmth of our Saints Francis & Clare family.Thank you for being part of this special day!CONNECT WITH US5th GRADE ALL SAINTS’ DAY MASSFRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18:30AM-CHURCHSan DamianoLibraryMusicRm 213Science LabRm 2127thCipichRm 2116thEnglishRm 2057thCoppingerRm 2108thLauckRm 2086thKrummRm 2045thMooreRm 2035thWalkerRm 201Spanish/KeyboardRm 2024thBrowningRm 1114thBenderRm 1103rdTowneRm 1093rdShawRm 1081stSearerRm 1071stWrightRm 1062ndSwintzRm 1052ndVincentRm 103KWhiteRm 102KMerritt/LangstonRm 100ArtRm 101ResourceRm 200CounselorRm 207Gubbio AthleticCenterGymnasiumSaint Clare HallCafeteriaMainOffice8thRitoRm 209Stop by the PFO table in the cafeteriato learn all about the fun events theyoffer throughout the school year.To ECM BuildingPreschoolBOOK FAIRADMINISTRATIONENTER
@SSFCOFASSISIschoolss-fc.org/schooloffice@ss-fc.orgRebecca Stone-Principalrstone@ss-fc.orgMatt Goddard-Assistant Principalmgoddard@ss-fc.orgMatt English-ECM Directormenglish@ss-fc.org3RD GRADEKINDERGARTEN2ND GRADE1ST GRADE4TH GRADE5TH GRADE6TH GRADE7TH GRADE8TH GRADEUPCOMING EVENTSCOOKIE DOUGH SALESNOVEMBER 4-18BAND/CHOIR CHRISTMAS CONCERTFRIDAY, DECEMBER 62PM-CHURCHPRESCHOOL CHRISTMAS PROGRAMMONDAY, DECEMBER 95PM-CHURCHCATHOLIC SCHOOLS WK KICK-OFF MASSSATURDAY, JANUARY 255:30PM-CHURCHCHILI COOK-OFFSATURDAY, JANUARY 256:30PM-SCHOOL CAFETERIA/GYMWELCOMEWelcome to Grandparents' Day at Saints Francis &Clare of Assisi Catholic School! We are thrilled to haveyou here with us today, celebrating the special bondbetween our students and their grandparents andcherished guests. Your presence enriches our schoolcommunity, and we are deeply grateful for the love,wisdom, and guidance you provide to your families.Today is a day to honor and appreciate the incrediblerole you play in the lives of our students. We hope youenjoy the wonderful activities we have planned andfeel the warmth of our Saints Francis & Clare family.Thank you for being part of this special day!CONNECT WITH US5th GRADE ALL SAINTS’ DAY MASSFRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18:30AM-CHURCHSan DamianoLibraryMusicRm 213Science LabRm 2127thCipichRm 2116thEnglishRm 2057thCoppingerRm 2108thLauckRm 2086thKrummRm 2045thMooreRm 2035thWalkerRm 201Spanish/KeyboardRm 2024thBrowningRm 1114thBenderRm 1103rdTowneRm 1093rdShawRm 1081stSearerRm 1071stWrightRm 1062ndSwintzRm 1052ndVincentRm 103KWhiteRm 102KMerritt/LangstonRm 100ArtRm 101ResourceRm 200CounselorRm 207Gubbio AthleticCenterGymnasiumSaint Clare HallCafeteriaMainOffice8thRitoRm 209Stop by the PFO table in the cafeteriato learn all about the fun events theyoffer throughout the school year.To ECM BuildingPreschoolBOOK FAIRADMINISTRATIONENTER
TIMEFRANCISGROUP ACLAREGROUP B8:45AM Access to buildingstarts at 8:45AM Door #108:45-9:10AMARRIVAL9:15-10:00AMMASSDONUTS& BOOKFAIR10:00-10:45AMDONUTS& BOOKFAIRCLASSVISITS10:45-11:30AMCLASSVISITSMASS11:30AMStudents may leave withgrandparents afterchecking out withhomeroom teachers5901 Olive Branch Road, Greenwood, IN 46143ss-fc.org/schoolSAINTS FRANCIS & CLARE OF ASSISI2024SCHEDULEVOLUNTEER AT SSFCOUR MISSIONSAINTS FRANCIS & CLARE OF ASSISI SCHOOLMINISTRY PREPARES CHILDREN TO BE LEADERSIN FAITH, ACADEMICS AND CHARACTER. OUR CATHOLIC IDENTITY, ACADEMICEXCELLENCE AND NURTURING ENVIRONMENTEMPOWERS CHILDREN TO KNOW, LOVE ANDSERVE GOD.“Everybody can be great. Because anybody canserve. You don’t have to have a college degree toserve. You don’t have to make your subject andyour verb agree to serve. You don’t have to knowthe second theory of thermodynamics in physicsto serve. You only need a heart full of grace. Asoul generated by love.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.SCAN QR CODE OR VISITss-fc.org/parents/volunteerYou are in Group:Grade & Teacher Name:DONATESCAN QR CODE OR VISITss-fc.org/support-ssfc/online-donationAt Saints Francis & Clare of Assisi Catholic School,we believe in shaping bright futures built on faith,love, and education. Your generous donationsmake it possible for us to continue nurturing thehearts and minds of our students. Everycontribution, no matter the size, helps us providean enriching environment where children growspiritually and academically. Your support trulymakes a difference—thank you for being a part ofour mission!SCAN TO FIND YOUR GROUP
TIMEFRANCISGROUP ACLAREGROUP B8:45AM Access to buildingstarts at 8:45AM Door #108:45-9:10AMARRIVAL9:15-10:00AMMASSDONUTS& BOOKFAIR10:00-10:45AMDONUTS& BOOKFAIRCLASSVISITS10:45-11:30AMCLASSVISITSMASS11:30AMStudents may leave withgrandparents afterchecking out withhomeroom teachers5901 Olive Branch Road, Greenwood, IN 46143ss-fc.org/schoolSAINTS FRANCIS & CLARE OF ASSISI2024SCHEDULEVOLUNTEER AT SSFCOUR MISSIONSAINTS FRANCIS & CLARE OF ASSISI SCHOOLMINISTRY PREPARES CHILDREN TO BE LEADERSIN FAITH, ACADEMICS AND CHARACTER. OUR CATHOLIC IDENTITY, ACADEMICEXCELLENCE AND NURTURING ENVIRONMENTEMPOWERS CHILDREN TO KNOW, LOVE ANDSERVE GOD.“Everybody can be great. Because anybody canserve. You don’t have to have a college degree toserve. You don’t have to make your subject andyour verb agree to serve. You don’t have to knowthe second theory of thermodynamics in physicsto serve. You only need a heart full of grace. Asoul generated by love.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.SCAN QR CODE OR VISITss-fc.org/parents/volunteerYou are in Group:Grade & Teacher Name:DONATESCAN QR CODE OR VISITss-fc.org/support-ssfc/online-donationAt Saints Francis & Clare of Assisi Catholic School,we believe in shaping bright futures built on faith,love, and education. Your generous donationsmake it possible for us to continue nurturing thehearts and minds of our students. Everycontribution, no matter the size, helps us providean enriching environment where children growspiritually and academically. Your support trulymakes a difference—thank you for being a part ofour mission!SCAN TO FIND YOUR GROUP