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2024 Giving Impact Report

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2024 IMPACT REPORT Message

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1DISTINCTLY CHRISTCENTEREDAt Grace Academy, all aspects of educationseek to understand the world in light of theknowledge of God. This biblical world-viewguides our outlook on education, discipleship,and community. 234UNIQUELY CLASSICAL56ACADEMICALLY EXCELLENTDEEPLY INVESTEDTEACHERSENGAGED COMMUNITYFOSTERING INTELLECTUALCURIOSITYClassical education takes advantage of thestudents’ natural tendencies at each stage ofdevelopment—absorbing a wealth of information(grammar), the ability to think and reason (logic)and the ability to communicate winsomely andeffectively (rhetoric).In keeping with the biblical goal to do all thingsheartily, as to the Lord (Colossians 3:23), GraceAcademy encourages excellence in all areas ofeducation. Achieving academic excellence ismore than just making good grades; it’s learningto respond to God’s call. Our dedicated team of teachers care intimatelyabout their students’ educations, but even more,about their souls. This truth is evidenced in therich and meaningful relationships fosteredbetween our teachers and students. Grace Academy is a tight-knit community woventogether with threads of love and service. Weactively seek to care for our neighbors bothinside and outside our school. Grace Academy istruly like a family.We strive to impart a genuine love of learningthat students will carry with them long aftertheir years at Grace. We celebrate the joy foundin overcoming challenges and mastering newsubjects, thus fostering a life-long desire forintellectual curiosity.GRACE MISSION OVERVIEWGrace Academy exists to glorify God by serving parents in providing their children adistinctly Christ-centered, academically excellent, classical education as a foundation forlife-long learning.

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6% 23% 48% 14% 9%2023-2024 GIVINGIMPACT REPORTGIVING SNAPSHOTGRACE GALA BENEFITTING THE GRACE FUND Total Gala Proceeds: $ 276,886.00Tickets SponsorshipsAuctionsRafflesGRACE FUND GIVING Unrestricted Gifts......................$ 331,145.00 DESIGNATED GIVING Capital Campaign......................$ 445,185.00 Campus Security.......................$ 24,550.00 Professional Development..............$ 1,599.00 Bridge Fund.................................$ 30,000.00 Athletics........................................$ 55,250.00 Class of 2024 Donation.........$ 16,000.00 Brick Campaign..........................$ 13,900.00Paddles Up

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Education Support Coordinator’s OfficeTwo Admin OfficesPractice Goals for the FieldProfessional A/V EquipmentIntegrated Stage CurtainConcession Kitchen ItemsScore BoardBleachersLobby SeatingTrophy CasesOutdoor SeatingReduced Debt BurdenTwo Additional Classrooms for 25/26ACCOMPLISHED GOALSGIVING TO GRACEhas made a meaningfulimpact on the lives ofcountless students,educators, and families.Because of you we cancontinue to promote thetimeless principles ofclassical education, inspirenew generations ofeducators and scholars,and help to shape thefuture of education.Your support

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Permanent Monument Sign on 195........~$42,000.00Access-Controlled Entrance Gate..........~$60,000.00Science Lab Expansion................................~$25,000.00Athletic and Field Trip Bus.........................~$70,000.00Faculty Professional Development..........~$20,000.00General Classroom Aesthetics.................~$30,000.00Athletics Investment.....................................~$50,000.00G R A C E GIVI N G D A YT H UR S D A Y , O C T O B E R 2 4IDENTIFIED NEEDS FOR 2024-2025Thank you for giving!

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