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2024 Membership Minutes

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Sioux Falls Corvette Club General Membership Meeting September 25, 2024 | 5 Oaks Event Venue MINUTES FROM MEETING - 7:00 PM meeting called to order by John Pesicka. - John Pesicka explained to the club about the board member VP, President Re-organization voted by the board. - Pledge of allegiance was recited to start the meeting. - Owner Jerry of Jerry’s automotive spoke to the Club and thanked the Club for the ongoing partnership with the Club. Informed Club of a new program and car deal with the Club members. - Dave Rowe introduced new members, members with birthdays, anniversaries. - Denny Robinson gave a report on the Bowling Green trip. Also gave report on last Drive N Dine at Lake Madison. - Elaine Robinson gave treasurers report. Reminded club of checks due for holding spots for the annual banquet and 2025 membership checks are due. - Denny informed club that Glenn and Mick will be stepping down from Spring Rally and announced new members taking over the event. - Denny informed the club of upcoming events and request for Corvettes for Augustana parade OCT 5/USD Parade OCT 12. October 12th will be the lamb cook out at Abdullah’s. - Dusty informed the club that the highway cleanup is set for OCT 5 and asked for help if they do not do the Augustana Parade. - Mike Hardy let the club know that everything for the Club’s schedule, meetings and events are on the Club’s webpage. Mike encouraged members to follow the Club on Facebook where we have nearly 1,100 followers. - Barry Konken spoke about the Ice Cream Cruse in Omaha on 9/28 and 9/29. Barry, on behalf of the Club, will be coordinating a Quick 60 competition at the event. - 50/50 drawing - Paul Dyke updated club about Christmas at the Capitol in Pierre and how the SFCC was selected to participate in the event. Paul asked if members would provide him with digital photos of their cars and he will make ornaments out of them to hang on the tree. - Meeting ended 7:58 PM Respectfully submitted, Jeff Gifford, Secretary

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Sioux Falls Corvette Club General Membership Meeting June 26, 2024 | 5 Oaks Event Venue | 6:30 PM MINUTES FROM MEETING - 7:00 PM meeting called to order by President Denny Robinson - Mike Gilbride announced free shirts for club - President asked for 2 more volunteers to park cars at Hot Summer Nights - VP Haley introduced new members to the club, birthdays, anniversaries. - VP Haley informed club for Poker Run benefit in July. - President Denny gave turn out results from Drive N Dine in June. - Doc gave update on rescheduled event for National Music Museum on Aug 10th after previous event was canceled. - Dave Rowe informed club updates and requests for Corvette Classic. American Legion will be present during Hot Summer Nights to volunteer at the gates. Gave update and guidance on registration for classic and hot summer nights. Spoke about Clear Lake 40th anniversary car show. - President Denny spoke about possible change of route for Clear Lake event. - President Denny spoke about the summer pick nick event at Falls Park Aug 14th. Spoke about the Dakota Day Parade October 14th. - Mike Hardy asked if anyone was not getting emails and issues with the Facebook page and CHIPS email. - Cheri informed club the hours for registration for the classic at Jerry’s. Informed club of the waiver process in order to attend the classic. - Paul asked club if anyone has picture to turn in for club history to send them to him. - Ryan and Jen updated club on online purchases for classic shirts and timelines for the online store opening and closing. - Jeff Gifford informed club that 605 voices against cancer, Make a Wish and SD Pageant winners want to partner up with the club and ask for rides for charity events. - 50/50 drawing winners announced and gift card winners. Respectfully submitted, Jeff Gifford, Secretary