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2024 Fall Bulletin

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STAFF Shamus Bourdon P: 416.426.7440 Nicole Clarke P: 416.426.7436 Erik Espinola P: 416.426.7438 Jordan Bates P: 416.426.7439 Pat Park P: 416.426.7437 Jim Barbeau P: 613.827.1062 Tim Larry P: 613.848.2855  Brian Poste P: 613.334.9699 brianposte@ofsaa.on.caBOARD OF DIRECTORS Sco Barr, Westdale SS P: 905.522.1387 x 3759 Carolyn Chesney, Guelph CVI P: 519.824.9800 x 307 Maria Morris, St. Paul CSS P: 613.394.4843 Richard Gallacher, St. Mother Teresa CSS. P: 416.393.5538 Mike Rowley, St. Mother Teresa CSS P: 613.823.1663 Stacey Ditcheld, Holy Names SS P: 519.966.2504 x 2616 stacey_ditch  Carolyn Mossey, St. Thomas More CSS P: 905.388.3030 x 3504 Val Hargreaves, Eastview SS P: 705.728.1321 Tim Lowe, ES Algonquin P: 705.472.8240 David Hansen, Hamilton-Wentworth CDSB P: 905.525.2930 x 2181 Bruce Bourget, Rainbow DSB P: 705.674.3171 x 7216 Yves Laliberté, CS public du Nord-Est de l'Ontario P: 705.472.3443 x 10238 TBA Barry Mutrie P: 519.270.4461 abmut01@gmail.comREPRESENTATIVES’ COUNCIL 1Fraser Bertram, Crescent School (CBA Rep) P: 416.449.2556 ertram@crescentschool.orgSharon Jameson, Bishop Strong School P: 416.483.4325 x 5654 Sco Dewar, Bayside SS P: 613.966.2922 x 51137 sdewar@hpedsb.on.caErin Kent, Thomas A. Stewart SS P: 705.761.2457 Je Brubacher, Centre Wellington DHS P: 519.843.2500 x 506 je.brubacher@ugdsb.on.caTanya Byers, Walkerton DCS (Interim CGA Rep) P: 519.881.1780 Pat Childerhose, Fellowes HS P: 613.735.6858 childerhosep@rcdsb.on.caCandice Stephenson, Mackenzie CS P: 613. 584.3361 Val Hargreaves, Maple Ridge SS P: 705.725.9647 vhargreaves@scdsb.on.caStephen Urbach, Innisdale SS P: 705.726.2552 Mark Freeman, St. Francis Xavier CSS P: 905.636.8799 freemanm@hcdsb.orgCarolyn Mossey, St. Thomas More CSS P: 905.388.3030 x 3504 Geo Whent, Sinclair SS P: 905.666.5400 Georey.whent@ddsb.caCarly Harrison, Eastdale CVI P: 905. 723.8157 Mike Rowley, St. Mother Teresa CSS P: 613.823.1663 michael.rowley@ocsb.caCourtney Beaulne, West Carleton SS P: 613.832.2773 Jason Lauzon, ESC cite des Jeunes P: 705.335.6057 Jason.lauzon@cscdgr.educaonNikki Cambridge, Timiskaming DSS P: 705.647.7336 Tim Lowe, ES Algonquin P: 705.472.8240 lowet@franco-nord.caKim Chezzi, Lively District SS P: 705.692.3671 Tyson Grinsell, Fort Frances HS P: 807.274.7747 Tyson.grinsell@rrdsb.comJennifer Huhta, Nipigon-Red Rock DHS P: 807.886.2201 x 221 Andrew Nahirniak, St. Marn CSS P: 905.279.3171 andrew.nahirniak@dcpdsb.orgMichelle Harshman-Beng, John Fraser SS P: 905.858.5910 Jamie Coull, Westlane SS P: 905.356.2401 james.coull@dsbn.orgKrisna Alderdice, Salleet District HS P: 905.573.3000 kris TBAStacey Ditcheld, Holy Names SS P: 519.966.2504 x 2616 Stacey_ditch Richard Gallacher, St. Mother Teresa CSS P:416.393.5538 richard.gallacher@tcdsb.orgEva Roser, St. John Henry Newman P: 647.282.8947 Jacquie Dogge, Weston CI P: 416.394.3250 x 20032 jacqueline.dogge@tdsb.on.caTBA  Tim Clayton, Mother Teresa CSS P: 519.675.4433 tclayton@ldcsb.caPauline Fidler, Medway SS P: 519.660.8418 p. Shawn Morris, Stephen Lewis SS P: 905.326.7994 shawn.morris@yrdsb.caAdrienne Chong, Markville SS P: 905.940.8840 Adrienne.chong@yrdsb.caADVISORS Kevin King Jennifer Fraser jennifer.fraser@ontario.caOntario Federation of School Athletic Associations305 Milner Avenue, Suite 207 Toronto, Ontario M1B 3V4 Website: www.ofsaa.on.caPhone: (416) 426-7391 Publicaons Mail Agreement Number: 400503781CBA Chair

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1www.ofsaa.on.caOFSAA Assistant Director Message ..............................2 Age Classicaons 2024-25 ..........................................3 Transfer Appeal Meeng Dates 2024-25 .....................3 OFSAA Social Spotlight ..................................................3 Annual Meeng News - 2024-25 Policy Changes ......... 4 Welcome to Jordan Bates .............................................5 OFSAA/CIAAA Course Recap for 2024 .........................5 Coaching in Ontario Schools .........................................5 Please Support OFSAA’s School Sport Sponsors ..........7 Code of Conduct for Spectators ...................................8 2024-25 Sanconed Invitaonal High School Events ..10 Regional Events .............................................................11 The OFSAA Experience ..................................................12-13Alumni Scholarship Award WInners ...............................14-16 Brian Maxwell Memorial Scholarship Winners ..............17-19 Pete Beach Award Recipients .........................................19 OFSAA Team Sportsmanship Award Recipients .............20 OFSAA Leadership in School Sport Award Recipients ....21EVENTS2024-25 OFSAA Championship Calendar .......................22-23Boys’ A/AA Lacrosse ........................................................25 Boys’ AAA Lacrosse .........................................................26 Slo Pitch ...........................................................................27 Ulmate ..........................................................................28Badminton.......................................................................29 Boys’ Baseball .................................................................30 Boys’ A/AA Rugby ............................................................31 Boys’ AAA Rugby .............................................................32 Girls’ A/AA Rugby ............................................................33 Girls’ AAA Rugby .............................................................34 Boys’ & Girls’ A Soccer ....................................................35-36 Boys’ AA Soccer ...............................................................37 Boys’ AAA Soccer ............................................................38 Girls’ AA Soccer ...............................................................39 Girls’ AAA Soccer.............................................................40 Tennis ..............................................................................41 Track & Field ....................................................................42-44Front Cover: Student-Athlete Jared Cook of Sir Winston Churchill SS (SOSSA). Photo by Marn Harris.Back Cover: Student-Athlete Emma Meng of St. Robert CHS (YRAA). Photo by Jennifer Beland.ContentsThank you to the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Sport for their generous contributions and support.Ontario Federation of School Athletic Associations305 Milner Avenue, Suite 207 Toronto, Ontario M1B 3V4 Website: www.ofsaa.on.caPhone: (416) 426-7391 Publicaons Mail Agreement Number: 400503782626 2727

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2THE BULLETIN FALL 2024It is my pleasure to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year! We are excited to see the enthusiasm and energy that students, coaches, and families bring to our events, and we look forward to another year of memorable experiences.Reecng on the past school year, OFSAA is proud of the strides made toward enhancing inclusivity within the organizaon. A signicant development is the transion of the Gender Equity Commiee to a standing commiee that will be renamed the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Commiee. This moon was passed at the 2024 OFSAA Annual Meeng and represents OFSAA’s long-term commitment to embedding these values within the fabric of OFSAA.OFSAA’s iniaves and policies connue to reect OFSAA’s ongoing dedicaon to fostering an inclusive atmosphere where every student-athlete feels valued and supported. I extend my hearelt thanks to the members of the Gender Equity Commiee and the Inclusivity Task Force for their invaluable contribuons. Your eorts have been instrumental in driving these posive changes.As we embark on the new school year, I am condent that we will connue to make signicant progress in promong inclusivity within high school sport. Together, we will enrich all individuals in the school community by providing opportunies for overall health, personal growth, and educaon through school sport. Best wishes for a successful and rewarding year ahead. If you have any quesons, or need assistance, do not hesitate to contact me at (416) 426-7436 or Assistant Director MessageBy Nicole Clarke

Page 5 NEWSFor the school year, a Novice will be born in 2010 or later and may only compete at OFSAA in the Novice category for one year in Grade 9. A Junior will be born in 2009 or 2010 and a Senior will be born in 2005 or later.2004 or earlier Ineligible 2005 Senior 2006 Senior 2007 Senior 2008 Senior 2009/10 Junior 2010 NoviceHow old was the student on January 1, 2024?Years of eligibilityCoaches and students are reminded that students are eligible for no more than ve consecuve years from date of entry into Grade 9. There is no appeal to this rule.Age Classifications for the 2024- 25 School Year2024 - 25 Transfer Appeal Meeting Dates  Wed. Sept. 25, 2024 Thurs. Oct. 3, 2024 Wed. Oct. 16, 2024 Thurs. Oct. 31, 2024 Wed. Nov. 27, 2024 Thurs. Dec. 12, 2024 Wed. Feb. 5, 2025 Thurs. Feb. 20, 2025 Wed. April 2, 2025 Thurs. April 17, 2025Thursday, September 19, 2024To appeal to an Associaon decision, please call the OFSAA oce and give the name of the student and school, as well as the name of the principal. Please see the deadline dates posted above.A leer will be sent to the student, c/o the school, stang the date, me and locaon of the appeal hearing. The leer will outline what informaon the student must provide prior to the meeng date. Keep up to date with OFSAA news, photos, videos, championship informaon, scholarships, conferences, and much more, by following OFSAA on Facebook, Twier (X), LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube!OFSAA Social Spotlight/OFSAA @OFSAA /OFSAA@OFSAAGRAMFollow individual championship results with live updates from OFSAA Championship Twier (X) accounts. Updates and pics right from the source!@OFSAASnow @OFSAABadminton @OFSAABaseball @OFSAABasketball@OFSAAXC @CurlingOfsaa @OFSAAGirlsFH @OFSAALacrosse@OFSAAFootball @OFSAAGolf @OFSAABoyHockey @OFSAAGirlHockey@OFSAASloPitch @OFSAABoysSoccer @GirlSoccerOFSAA @RugbyOFSAA@OFSAASwimming @OFSAATennis @OFSAATrack @OFSAAVBall@OFSAAUlmate @OFSAAWrestling@ofsaaofficial

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4THE BULLETIN FALL 2024Annual Meeting News - 2024-25 Policy Changes • Students who have transferred because of a board designated placement (i.e. demied from a program, personal safety, completed expulsion program) and are aending that designated school are eligible to parcipate. Senior Administrators from the board must validate the designaon.• Students who have transferred from an English Language school to a French Language school and have a parent/guardian who is a rights holder or have been admied to a French-Language school pursuant to a school board admissions commiee process are eligible to parcipate.• Refugee students, arriving to Ontario, are not considered transfer students and are eligible for all sports within the rst two years from their date of entry into school.Visit hp://ng-dates/ for the newly adopted secons of the OFSAA Transfer Policy.• OFSAA has adopted an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Standing Commiee to connue its’ progress towards equity and inclusion for all members of the school sport community. The EDI commiee will work to further support member associaons and OFSAA with issues or concerns related to EDI and consistently review the OFSAA governance structure.• Starng in the 2025-26 school year the OFSAA Tennis Championship will be held during the fall season. The dates for the event will be determined by the OFSAA Tennis Sports Advisory Commiee and added to the OFSAA regulaons at the 2025 Annual Meeng.• A new denion of an Open and High School trained student-athlete in Badminton and Swimming were adopted. Be sure to review these new denions within the respecve playing regulaons for each event.The OFSAA Annual Meeng (AM) was held April 18th – 19th with Associaon Representaves across the province in aendance. The assembly voted on several moons, a selecon of which are detailed here.

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5www.ofsaa.on.caOFSAA NEWSOFSAA, in cooperaon with the Canadian Interscholasc Athlec Administrators Associaiton (CIAAA), delivered 3 courses to Ontario Athlec Directors during the 2023-24 school year. In a new iniave to provide Professional Development to current and aspiring AD’s, OFSAA subsidized the registraon fee for 30 Athlec Directors to take the following courses either in person or via the zoom plaorm:- The Basics of Negligence, Liability, and Risk Management (504C); Enhancing School Based Athlec Programs (503C) - Enhanced Legal Topics for the Athlec Administrator (506C)OFSAA will be looking to oer more programming for teachers during the 2024-25 school year so look for more informaon to be published early in the fall via the various communicaon plaorms that OFSAA uses. If you have any quesons or would like to host an in-person course in your associaon, please contact Jim Barbeau, Sport Coordinator, at COURSE RECAP FOR 2024COACHING IN ONTARIO SCHOOLS (CIOS) COURSES CIOS is a program developed by the Coaching Associaon of Canada and the Ontario Federaon of School Athlec Associaons to give teacher-coaches and community volunteers the special skill-set they need to coach eecvely in the school environment. CIOS also provides 3 PD points to maintain NCCP cercaon. Online courses are available in both English and French. Please contact Erik Espinola at or 416-426-7440.Registraon informaon can be found at is excited to welcome to the role of Operaons Coordinator.Jordan is a graduate of the University of Guelph’s Bachelor of Commerce program and she was a passionate OFSAA Track & Field athlete and champion.We look forward to Jordan’s contribuon within the OFSAA team!

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7www.ofsaa.on.caBadmintonYonex• Ofcial racquet of OFSAA:B4000, B6500I, B7000 MDM• Ofcial Nylon shuttlecocks of OFSAA: Mavis 350, Mavis 300, Mavis 10 BaseballMizuno• Ofcial baseball of OFSAA: Mizuno MB380 BasketballMolten• Ofcial basketball of OFSAA: G4500Cross Country and Track and FieldNikeExclusive Supplier of the athletic footwear, apparel, and accessory products of XC and Track & Field.HockeyFranklin Sports Inc.• Ofcial hockey equipment supplier of OFSAASoccerMolten• Ofcial soccer ball of OFSAA: Molten F5A4900 ofcial game ballVolleyballBaden• Ofcial volleyball of OFSAA: Baden VCOR VSS-220AccommodationsInnVest Hotels• Ofcial hotel partner of OFSAAVideo Analysis SolutionHudl• The exclusive Video Solution of OFSAACharacter Athlete AwardBaron• Ofcial ring supplier of OFSAAGeneral SponsorshipUniversity of Guelph-Humber• Proud supporter of OFSAAKeener Jerseys• Proud supporter of OFSAAKruzee Driving School• Proud supporter of OFSAANiagara College• Proud supporter of OFSAAMarlow• Proud supporter of OFSAAOFSAA NEWSPlease Support OFSAA’s School Sport SponsorsOFSAA is fortunate to have several companies supporting school sport in Ontario. Ofcial equipment has been play-tested and endorsed by experienced teacher-coaches. Please support these sponsors by using their products.

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8THE BULLETIN FALL 2024Any OFSAA event must aempt to achieve a standard of organizaonal and educaonal excellence which will serve to place it beyond reproach in either area. OFSAA is commied to providing a safe and inclusive environment that is free of discriminaon and harassment. Everyone is welcome and should expect to help promote an environment where people are treated in a courteous, professional, considerate and respecul manner by all spectators, sta and parcipants.The following points address conduct that is inconsistent with OFSAA’s mission, goals and values and detracts from the overall OFSAA experience and is prohibited at all OFSAA events:Code Of Conduct For Spectators For OFSAA Events● Behaviour that is unruly, disrupve, threatening or violent in nature, including verbal or physical harassment of ocials,student-athletes, teacher-coaches, sta or other spectators● Conduct that is illegal● Conduct that results in damage to the facility or other personal property● Displaying signs, symbols, images (including those associated with hate based organizaons), using language or making gestures that are threatening, abusive, or discriminatory, including on the basis of race, ethnicity, naonal origin, religion, gender, gender identy, ability, and/or sexual orientaon● Interfering with the compeon, including; entering the eld of play, throwing objects of any kind, incidents of distracon (e.g. arcial noisemakers, noise during a serve or foul shot, etc.)● Throwing objects of any kind, or entering the eld of play● Failing to follow requests from sta regarding event operaons, policies and emergency response procedures● Consumpon or being under the inuence of any alcoholic beverage or drugs, other than medicaon prescribed by a medical doctor, whether of legal age or not, at any me during an OFSAA event● Any disrupve, harmful or disorderly behaviour or any act which, in the opinion of the convenor or OFSAA representave, presents a risk to the safety of other individuals, interferes with the compeon or otherwise targets other spectators or other spectators enjoyment of the compeon.

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9www.ofsaa.on.caMOLTENUSA.COMTrademarks owned by Molten Corporation or Molten USA, Inc. ©2022 Molten USA, Inc.Molten is the Official Ball of OFSAA

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10THE BULLETIN FALL 20242024-25 Sanctioned Invitational High School EventsLearn more atoned events September 24, 2024 Wesley Clover Parks Convenor: Katherine Hill Oawa For Registraons Informaon please contact Andre Boudreau at: Please note that on all our tournament dates, we are oering divisions for various teams as noted below, thereby enabling schools to save on bus costs by bringing more than one team to any given tournament. With six rinks all under one roof, we can accommodate large numbers of teams as there is more than enough ice me available. Mini Matches - Girls, Senior Boys & Junior Boys November 21, 2024 Holiday Classic - Girls, Senior Boys & Junior Boys December 11 & 12, 2024Mini Matches - Girls, Senior Boys & Junior Boys December 18, 2024 Mini Matches - Girls, Senior Boys & Junior Boys January 8, 2025 All Canadian Classic - Girls, Senior Boys & Junior Boys February 5 & 6, 2025 Mini Matches - Girls, Senior Boys & Junior Boys February 20, 2025 Early March Mini Matches - Girls, Senior Boys & Junior Boys March 5, 2025 Late March Mini Matches - Girls, Senior Boys, Junior Boys & COED March 20, 2025 Spring Classic - Girls & Junior Boys April 9 & 10, 2025  January 7 & 8, 2025 Vale Centre Convenor: Stephen Sim Port Colborne  March 27, 2025 Earl Nichols and Bostwick Arenas Convenor: Mike Pepe London December 12 & 13, 2024 Earl Nichols and Bostwick Arenas Convenor: Mike Pepe London December 10 & 11, 2024 Carling and Stronach Arenas Mike Pepe London  June 10, 2025 Paris DHS Shelley Weaver Paris ON OFSAA INTER-PROVINCIAL/USA SANCTIONED EVENTSSeptember 28, 2024 McQuaid Jesuit HS Todd Stewart Rochester NYApproved School: Sir Winston Churchill (St. Catharines)

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11www.ofsaa.on.caThe Regional Events program returned for its second year and the growth in the program has been remarkable.In the 2023-2024 school year, we approved fourteen events, with over 1,000 students taking part. We had six events from last year return and added nine new events, including Cheerleading, Rugby 7s, Disc Golf, Ringette, Cross Training, Arm Wrestling, Cornhole, and Pickleball!Regional events were introduced to increase and improve opportunities for participation. We aim to build on the success of this initiative! Don’t miss out on the OFSAA Regional Event Honorarium when we relaunch the program in September!More information and the application form can be found on our website. Regional EventsOFSAA NEWSPhilosophy behind Regional Events:● Priority on participation, not competition● Provide student leadership opportunities● Target students who are not currently participating in athletics at the school● Event which introduces a new activity or one currently popular in the region● No eligibility requirements (ex. Transfers)

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12THE BULLETIN FALL 2024The OFSAA ExperienceMy name is Kiana Charest, I am from Timmins, Ontario, and this is my OFSAA experience. I started grade 9 in September 2023, having only heard of OFSAA, yet already being anxious to compete on this big “stage”. As a grade 9 student, I was fortunate enough to compete at three OFSAA championships: cross-country running, nordic skiing, and track and eld. I truly enjoyed compeng at all of these events in 2023-24, and it has given me the desire to compete again next year. Compeng at OFSAA allows me to perform at a higher level with some of the best athletes in the province. The events are bigger than any of the local and regional championships I compete at. My rst year of high school sports has been a very memorable one. My very rst OFSAA compeon of 2023 was for cross-country running. I was a bit nervous going into it. but was also excited to compete with the top runners in Ontario high schools. Our École secondaire catholique Thériault team competed very well, taking home the novice girls team gold medal. Individually, I placed 5th and was le slightly disappointed, as I felt I could have done beer. Regardless, it was an amazing experience that I will forever remember, and I cherish the memory of my teammates and I standing on the podium and holding the OFSAA banner! The slight disappointment in my individual performance drove me to train harder, and I decided to try nordic skiing to support my training through the winter months. This led to the second highlight of my grade 9 OFSAA experience: compeng in nordic skiing in February 2024. Our team competed very well, and we won the girls’ junior team gold medal and sprint relay gold medal! Individually, I also won the junior girls high school division gold medal. I felt very proud that the hard work my team and I had put in had paid o. The success at nordic skiing OFSAA movated me to train even harder, as I wanted to be ready for the upcoming track and eld season. My last and most recent OFSAA compeon was equally memorable, when I competed at OFSAA track and eld in London in June of 2024. I competed in the 1500m, the 800m and the 3000m races, which I knew would be challenging. I ran the qualier for the 1500m on day one and qualied for the nals. On day two, I went on to win the OFSAA gold medal in the 1500m novice girls and achieved a personal best me. It was an incredible feeling of joy and accomplishment. I was excited to receive my rst ever OFSAA track and eld medal. I knew I sll had a lot of work to do, as on day three I had to run an 800m qualier, an 800m nal, and a 3000m med nal. I won a silver medal in the 800m novice girls with another personal best me, which le me red, yet determined. Less than an hour later, I dug deep and ran the 3000m race. I trusted that my training would carry me through, and it did! I won the silver medal. I couldn’t believe that I had done it! I had medaled in three events at OFSAA track and eld. I nished my rst year of high school with seven OFSAA medals: ve gold and two silver. This was absolutely amazing, and the experience and memories are what I value the most. I learned lessons and made friendships that will last a lifeme.As I move forward in my journey, I connue to learn. I have quickly realized that to compete with the best athletes in the province, I have to maintain a high level of commitment. I must maintain a strict training program, all while managing my me to juggle mulple sports, school, family commitments and other responsibilies. This somemes involved priorizing things and sacricing others, such as missing out on some social events.Every athlete has obstacles they must overcome. The biggest obstacle I have had to overcome was when I broke my leg playing hockey. On December 18th, 2022, I crashed into the boards during a drill and broke my le bia/bula. The prognosis was 12 weeks in a cast, followed by rehabilitaon, which meant I was going to miss my hockey season and many other sports. The physical trauma and pain were excruciang, but not nearly as dicult as the mental challenge of not being able to compete, train, and play! Not knowing if I would be able to compete at the same level again was worrisome. With a lot of support from family and friends, I focused on the things that

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13www.ofsaa.on.caUSE CODE OFSAAAND CLAIM YOUR2 FREE SPARE JERSEYSOFSAA NEWSI had control over and would aid in my recovery. I worked really hard to rehabilitate and remained focused on my goals of playing hockey before the end of the season, as well as compeng in my club track and eld season. Once back on the ice, I worked hard and I was able to play at the hockey provincials in April 2023. I also had a very successful rst track and eld season post injury in the spring/summer of 2023.I look forward to many more OFSAA compeons, and hope that I am fortunate enough to connue this amazing journey for years to come. I am grateful for each opportunity and realize that none of this would be possible without the help and support of a whole team of people who are always in my corner. I would like to thank my family, my teammates, my coaches, and my mentors for their unwavering help, support, and faith in me. I don’t know where this journey will take me, but at this point in my young athlec tenure, my goal is to compete for a Division I school. I dream of compeng at Olympic trials and of represenng Canada at the Olympics someday. At this point, this is merely a vision and a dream. But then again, not long ago, so was winning OFSAA gold!

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14THE BULLETIN FALL 2024Gabi Grof is a grade 12 student who plans to study Human Kinecs at the University of Windsor in the fall. During her me at I.E. Weldon in Lindsay, Ontario, Gabi took part in the following sports: cross country, golf, rugby, hockey, soccer, badminton, and track & eld while maintaining a 95% average in her academic courses. She was also the Co-President of the school’s Athlec Union which was responsible for organizing numerous events for students and sta throughout the school year. Gabi was also heavily involved in community organizaons including Care for the Elderly, Lindsay Lynx Girls Hockey Associaon and Fresh FueLL. In her personal statement, Gabi stated that “high school athlecs have allowed me to experience a wider variety of sports at dierent levels of compeon and have increased my social condence signicantly”. One of Gabi’s teacher-coaches said this about her importance to the athlec program at I.E. Weldon: “Gabi was considered one of the leaders on all of these teams, as she played a pivotal role for each and every team that she was a part of. Her posivity lis the team when they need it and the coaches can always rely on her to get the momentum back on their side if need be.”Congratulations 2023-2024 Alumni Scholarship WinnersFive deserving student-athletes from Ontario High Schools have been awarded $550.00 scholarships by the OFSAA Alumni Associaon. Over 45 applicaons were received from the following eligible associaons: COSSA, TDCAA, GHAC, NCSSAA, CISAA & NWOSSAA. This year’s winners are Gabi Grof from I.E. Weldon (COSSA), Anderson Steiner from Nelson (GHAC), Michael Kung of ÉSC Pierre-Savard (NCSSAA), Kaden Busch from St. Patrick (NWOSSAA) and Aya Kinsey from Fr. John Redmond (TDCAA).TORONTO, ONHelping you achieve your goalsOffi cial sponsor of OFSAA.Offi cial sponsor of OFSAA.Offi cial sponsor of OFSAA.

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15www.ofsaa.on.caScholarships & AwardsMichael Kung is a grade 12 student at ÉSC Pierre-Savard in Nepean, Ontario. Michael was involved in numerous sports at the school including volleyball, badminton, ulmate and volleyball while at the same me maintaining an average of over 90%. Michael was also a two-year member of the school’s student council and was President of the Sports Commiee for the past two years. He has helped out in numerous school acvies like the Relay for Life as the Markeng Director as well as being the photographer and editor of the school’s yearbook. His community outreach involvement is highlighted by his involvement as the volunteer coach in various club and elementary school volleyball programs in the Oawa area. Michael believes that his involvement in school sport has allowed him “to become a student leader who has dedicated a lot of me into promong physical health and encouraging people to try new things, in hopes that they will have a good me.” One of Michael’s teachers had this to say about him: “Michael’s leadership capabilies are evident in his current role as a coach for the grade 7 boys’ volleyball team, where he not only imparts his knowledge and experse but also inslls in his players the values of hard work, perseverance, and unity.” In the fall, Michael will be studying Commerce at the University of Oawa.Anderson Steiner is a grade 12 student at Nelson High School in Burlington, Ontario. Another outstanding student-athlete with an average of 90%, Anderson parcipated in six dierent sports during her high school career. Being involved in basketball, volleyball, soccer, football, soccer, ulmate and badminton clearly illustrate how organized and dedicated Anderson was towards both her studies and athlecs. In addion, Anderson was the President of the SAA as well as a member of the school’s Student Council and was the lead organizer in the rst ever Relay for Life at Nelson. Her community involvement was extensive and included volunteering in acvies like Special Olympics, track and eld, and club tennis events. In her leer to the commiee, Anderson emphasized that being a part of sports teams has allowed her to “learn valuable lessons about the genuine meaning of being a leader.” In her leer of recommendaon to the commiee, one of Anderson’s teachers said this about her: “In the realm of athlecs, Anderson is a true standout. She is a phenomenal athlete, demonstrang exceponal skill, discipline, knowledge and sportsmanship.” In the fall, Anderson will be studying Business at either Western or Queens.

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16THE BULLETIN FALL 2024Kaden Busch is a grade 12 student at St. Patrick High School in Thunder Bay. During his me in high school, Kaden parcipated in golf, football, soccer and track and eld. In addion, Kaden was involved in Student Council and Athlec Councils in leadership roles. His community involvement included volunteering as a minor baseball coach, assisng with drama and play producons and oering his services at local cra fairs. In his applicaon, Kaden said this about the role of high school sports in his overall development: “Sports oer the ulmate opportunity to learn about yourself, to conquer your fears, to overcome every obstacle placed in front of you and grow as an individual and to challenge yourself not only physically but also socially, mentally and emoonally.” One of his teachers had this to say about Kaden: “Most importantly, he uses his abilies and personality to advocate for other students and teammates and focuses on making the school community an inclusive one through his kindness, posive atude, and humility.” In September, Kaden is going to study Police Foundaons at Confederaon College.Aya Kinsey is a grade 12 student at Fr. John Redmond CSS in Etobicoke, Ontario. In the fall, Aya is planning on aending Western University to study Economics. While at Redmond, Aya played soccer, soball, basketball, hockey, ulmate and was part of the track and eld team. Aya is also an outstanding student, carrying an overall average of 97%. Aya was also extensively involved in community service in her local church and the City of Toronto sports camps as well as playing hockey on a boys’ team in the GTHL. In her personal essay, Aya reected on her involvement in sport and how it helped to shape her as a person: “As a team player, I learned the importance of respect, dedicaon, and discipline as I balanced academics and extracurriculars. Through encouragement and challenges by coaches and teammates, I learned the importance of perseverance, as I navigated not only team adversies but personal ones.” One of her teacher-coaches had this to say about Aya and the impact that she has had at the school during her me there: “I have not seen many students her age excel as young leaders and driven people early in life, as a person, athlete and student. Aya has single-handedly transformed athlecs at Redmond, where through the use of Instagram to create social media content, highlights and messages she was able to signicantly increase trac in just a few months.”OFSAA would like to congratulate Gabi, Michael, Anderson, Kaden and Aya and wishes them well in all of their future endeavours.For more informaon on the criteria for selecon and applicaon requirements, please go to: hps://on/scholarships/

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17www.ofsaa.on.caScholarships & AwardsCongratulations 2024 Brian Maxwell Memorial Scholarship WinnersOFSAA and the Brian Maxwell Memorial Scholarship Fund were very pleased to announce the student-recipients for 2024. These student-athletes, with a track and eld or cross country pedigree in high school, will connue their post-secondary educaon at a Canadian college or university. The scholar-athletes display qualies of honesty, integrity, compassion and an unwavering quest to accomplish the best academically and athlecally while supporng fellow team members. These were all qualies of Brian Maxwell. Each recipient will receive $5,000.The scholarship fund is in memory of Brian Maxwell, a successful distance runner. Brian competed in track and eld and cross country and achieved success as an OFSAA champion, and a Canadian junior, juvenile and senior champion. In 1980, he was selected to the Canadian Olympic team and later became a successful entrepreneur who, with his wife, Jennifer, co-founded the nutrional supplement PowerBar.Brian was born with a defecve heart valve and in 2004, at only 51 years of age, died of a heart aack.OFSAA is appreciave for the opportunity to partner with the Brian Maxwell Memorial Scholarship Fund each year to support students connuing their educaon in Canada.Please meet the worthy recipients of the 2024 Brian Maxwell Memorial Scholarship:Chantal is heading to the University of Victoria to study Kinesiology and compete for the Vikings in cross country and track & eld. She has an impressive athlec background, having competed in seven OFSAA championships in high school, with highlights including a h-place nish in the 3000m and an eighth place nish in the same event in Grade 10. Chantal is an Ontario Scholar and received an entrance scholarship at UVic for her academic achievements.In addion to her track and eld and cross-country achievements, she was a member of her school’s Nordic ski team, where she won two OFSAA gold medals. She was also involved in her school’s soccer team and environmental club. Beyond school, Chantal has volunteered as a coach with the Collingwood Clippers Swim Club, where she also served as a swim instructor and head lifeguard. She is a compeve swimmer who enjoys hiking, camping, and cooking. Her coaches admire her discipline, perseverance, and leadership, nong how she inspires those around her with her passion for sports.

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18THE BULLETIN FALL 2024Lauren Alexander is a remarkable student-athlete from Glebe Collegiate Instute in Oawa. She has qualied for OFSAA track and eld and cross-country events eight mes, with notable achievements such as a 7th and 14th place nish individually and a silver and 6th place in cross-country over the past two years. In track, she placed 5th in the 800m and 7th in the 1500m as a Grade 10 student. Recently, she nished 16th in the U20 3000m at the Athlecs Canada Championships in Montreal.In addion to her track and eld accomplishments, Lauren is a well-rounded athlete who has represented her school in hockey, touch football, and Nordic skiing. Academically, she is an Ontario Scholar and will be aending Western University, where she plans to study Engineering and Medical Sciences.Lauren’s contribuons extend beyond athlecs and academics. She has served as Co-President of the Glebe Student Council and has been involved in a program that integrates students with developmental delays into sports. Her community involvement includes volunteering at the Caldwell Family Centre, helping with the “Out of the Cold Supper” group, working at summer camps for the Royal City Soccer Club, and assisng with a group that sponsored a refugee family from the Democrac Republic of the Congo.In her spare me, she enjoys baking and outdoor acvies such as hiking, skiing, and biking. Congratulaons, Lauren!A dedicated athlete, he’s a seven-me qualier for OFSAA in cross country and track & eld. His standout moment in cross country was helping his junior team win OFSAA gold in 2021, where he placed 28th individually. In Grades 11 and 12, his school team placed fourth each year, with Nolan nishing 56th and 83rd. On the track, he achieved 17th in the 1500m and 14th in the 800m this past June in London and also qualied for the 1500m in Grades 10 and 11.Nolan’s leadership qualies are well-recognized, with his high school coach describing him as the undisputed leader of the cross-country team, not just through his performances but through his unwavering support for his teammates. He was also named MVP of his school’s hockey and badminton teams and earned both the LEP Male Athlete of the Year and the Colin Hood OFSAA School Sport Award. He’s known as a natural leader—honest, kind, and driven.Beyond his school achievements, Nolan’s compassion shines in his community work, including assisng a neighbor through a challenging health situaon. He’s an avid alpine skier who coaches U-8 and developmental programs at his local club, as well as coaching with his local track and eld club, all while managing the demands of school and sports.Nolan is set to aend Wilfrid Laurier University this fall, where he’ll be enrolled in the Biochemistry and Biotechnology program.Congratulaons, Nolan!Ian McAllister is heading to the University of Victoria this fall to study Kinesiology. He has an exceponal background in cross country and track & eld, having won the OFSAA Cross Country Championship twice in a row (2022 and 2023). His team also achieved signicant success, winning the OFSAA Senior Boys’ tle in 2022 and earning a silver medal in 2023. On the track, Ian placed third in the 1500m in London and third in the 3000m and 11th in the 1500m in 2023. He was also selected to represent Canada at the World Athlecs U20 Cross Country Championship in Serbia this past spring, where he nished as Canada’s top nisher by placing 46th in the world.In addion to his athlec achievements, Ian has been acve in school, parcipang in wrestling, playing in the strings orchestra, and joining various clubs, including house league sports as well as skiing, and shing. He volunteers as a developmental coach at the London Ski Club and with the London-Western Track and Field Club. Ian’s hobbies include skiing, biking, golng, cooking, hiking, shing, and beekeeping, where he produces honey producon for gis and sales. His coaches admire his ability, coachability, and dedicaon to his team.Congratulaons, Ian!

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19www.ofsaa.on.caScholarships & AwardsWith an impressive track record in cross country and track & eld, Iain Thomson has qualied for OFSAA eight mes. In cross country, Iain placed 11th, 26th, and 12th individually over the past three years, leading his school to 11th, 5th, and bronze medal nishes. On the track, he placed eighth in the 3000m and 11th in the 1500m this past June. In Grade 11, he was 16th and 12th in the same events and nished 12th in the 3000m in Grade 10. Recently, he nished 6th in the 3000m at the U20 Athlecs Canada Championships.At school, Iain has been acve as a Valley Advisor, mentoring younger students and contribung to school spirit. He also served on the DVSS Athlec Council and was a Global Connect Leader, a role that taught him valuable skills in responsibility, organizaon, and preparedness. He played school badminton, parcipated in many intramural sports, and was a captain for the cross country and track & eld teams.In his community, Iain volunteered at the Salvaon Army and served as a race marshal through his club. He co-founded the Instagram account @runnercycle with a coach to give away lightly used running are to those in need. Looking forward, Iain is heading to McMaster University’s DeGroote School of Business to study Commerce. He is interested in pursuing a career in business, parcularly in the stock exchange, while maintaining a strong commitment to environmental preservaon. Congratulaon, Iain!Poppy Thomson is a standout student-athlete from Adam Sco Collegiate in Peterborough and a seven-me qualier for OFSAA track & eld and cross country. Her achievements include a sixth-place nish in the 2000m steeplechase this past June, and in Grade 10, she placed h in cross country and 10th in both the 1500m and 3000m. An Ontario Scholar, Poppy is heading to St. Francis Xavier University this fall to study Human Kinecs and compete for the Women’s Cross Country and Track & Field teams.Poppy’s athlec involvement extends beyond track and cross-country, having parcipated in volleyball, badminton, lacrosse, nordic skiing, and hockey teams at her school. She has also been part of the LEAD Sports SHSM program, which focuses on leadership opportunies.In her community, Poppy has contributed by assisng with the Peterborough Pride Parade, working with the Pathway Project (an environmental program for children), and volunteering with the Peterborough Relay for Life organizaon. Outside of school, she enjoys canoeing, camping, biking, swimming, skang, skiing, and cras. Her coaches commend her griy resolve and skill, earning her Athlete of the Year and MVP honors at her school.Poppy is especially proud of her work with the Kate Lynch Scholarship Fund, where she helps raise money to provide educaonal opportunies for Tanzanian girls. She also volunteers at the New Canadian Centre in Peterborough, supporng refugees as they transion to life in Canada.CISAA Brent MacKayCOSSA Leslie CreedenCWOSSA Ray BoehmEOSSAA Pat FarrellGHAC Je CareyLOSSA Teena McNeeNCSSAA Gary MonsourNEOAA Anita AndersonNOSSA Bill GordonNWOSSAA Wayne PimanROPSSAA Natalie CurrahSOSSA Andy CecchiniSWOSSAA Gerald HladyTDCAA Laura TomasicchioTDSSAA Lisa EdwardsWOSSAA Theresa SimpsonYRAA Kevin Julyan2023-24 Pete Beach RecipientsPete Beach was a former Execuve Director of OFSAA whose life was dedicated to sport and helping others, especially young people, achieve their full potenal. These winners exemplify the same dedicaon, spirit and love of sport that made Pete Beach such a success in both his professional and private life.

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20THE BULLETIN FALL 2024Girls’ Field Hockey South Huron D.H.S. WOSSAABoys’ A Volleyball Red Lake D.H.S. NWOSSAABoys’ AA Volleyball Port Perry H.S. LOSSABoys’ AAA Volleyball Upper Canada College CISAAGirls’ A Basketball É.C. Saint-Charles Garnier LOSSAGirls’ AA Basketball É.s.c. Beatrice-Desloges NCSSAAGirls’ AAA Basketball Bishop Allen Academy TDCAABoys’ A Basketball Kenner CVI. COSSABoys’ AA Basketball É.s.c. Theriault NEOAABoys’ AAA Basketball St. Peter C.S.S. COSSAGirls’ A Volleyball The York School CISAAGirls’ AA Volleyball Port Perry H.S. LOSSAGirls’ AAA Volleyball É.s.c. Franco-Cité NCSSAAGirls’ A/AA Hockey St. Mark H.S. NCSSAAGirls’ AAA Hockey Medway H.S. WOSSAABoys’ A/AA Hockey St. Charles College NOSSABoys’ AAA Hockey Stouville District S.S. YRAABoys’ Curling Port Perry H.S. LOSSAGirls’ Curling Cardinal Leger C.S.S. ROPSSAAGirls’ A/AA Rugby Centre Duerin D.H.S. CWOSSAGirls’ AAA Rugby John F. Ross C. & V.I. CWOSSABoys’ A/AA Rugby St. Michael C.S.S. WOSSAABoys’ AAA Rugby Barrie North Collegiate GBSSAGirls’ A Soccer E. S. Algonquin NOSSAGirls’ AA Soccer Anderson C. & V.I LOSSAGirls’ AAA Soccer Korah C. & V.S. NOSSABoys’ A Soccer Toronto District Chrisan HS YRAABoys’ AA Soccer Crestwood SS COSSABoys’ AAA Soccer St. Mary’s H.S. Kitchener CWOSSA2023-2024 OFSAA Team Sportsmanship Award RecipientsThe Team Sportsmanship Award is given out at each Championship to the team that displays outstanding teamwork, posive atude and respect for opponents.Trademarks owned by Molten Corporation or Molten USA, Inc. ©2022 Molten USA, Inc.Molten is the Official Ball of OFSAAMOLTENUSA.COM

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21www.ofsaa.on.caScholarships & AwardsGirls’ Golf Jason BooseBoys’ Golf Gary RankinCross Country Glenn Duncan Rachael SimpsonGirls’ Field Hockey Steve ClarkBoys’ A Volleyball Wayne Harris Boys’ AA Volleyball Mark DewanBoys’ AAA Volleyball Steve BurkeGirls’ A Basketball Tim CoatesGirls’ AA Basketball Coleen DriscollGirls’ AAA Basketball Mario SusiNordic Skiing Aimee VereeckeAlpine Skiing Adele LeMaireWrestling Girls Roberta WoodcroWrestling Boys Mike VarrasoBoys’ A Basketball Eric LabonteBoys’ AA Basketball Michael RowleyBoys’ AAA Basketball Dave OrmerodGirls’ A Volleyball Heather WhienGirls’ AA Volleyball Michelle FraserGirls’ AAA Volleyball Stephen HutchinsonGirls’ A/AA Hockey Chris MckeeGirls’ AAA Hockey Craig NemisBoys’ A/AA Hockey Derrick Rushton Boys’ AAA Hockey Josh FrenchBoys’ Curling Sarah DepewGirls’ Curling Mark DunhamBadminton Mark MartynyshynUlmate Kevin McLeod Boys’ A/AA Field Lacrosse Rob BladonBoys’ AAA Field Lacrosse Timm StephensonGirls’ A/AA Rugby Chris ConwayGirls’ AAA Rugby JoAnne RobinsonBoys’ A/AA Rugby Ean MoatBoys’ AAA Rugby Darrell WrightGirls’ AA Soccer Eric UrsicGirls’ AAA Soccer Sean CulhaneGirls’/Boys’ A Soccer Eric VrielingBoys’ AA Soccer Chris CassidyBoys’ AAA Soccer Chris ThomsonTrack & Field Courtney Bovin Todd MackayBaseball Jesse DynesGirls’ Slo Pitch Rachel Hart2023-2024 OFSAA Leadership in School Sport Award RecipientsThe OFSAA Leadership in School Sport Award is presented at each OFSAA Championship to a teacher-coach who has made a signicant contribuon to their educaonal athlec program. The recipient exemplies the values of fair-play and sportsmanship, while promong enjoyment, personal growth, and educaonal achievement through school sport.

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22THE BULLETIN FALL 2024FOR COMPLETE CHAMPIONSHIP DETAILS VISIT www.ofsaa.on.caChampionship ResultsOct. 16-17, 2024, TimminsColin Sullivan, Timmins High and Vocaonal School(705) 360-1411Oct. 16-17, 2024, TecumsehChance Conrad, Tecumseh Vista Academy(519) 739-2189Nov. 4, 2024, OawaKirk Dillabaugh, Glebe Collegiate (613)Nov. 7-9, 2024, St. CatharinesCourtney Smith, Ridley College(905) Nov. 21-23, 2024, Chatham Sharon Smith, Chatham Chrisan School (519) 352-4980sharonsmith@chathamchrisNov. 21-23, 2024, St. Catharines Tammy Short, Sir Winston Churchill(905)Nov. 21-23, 2024, KingstonDavid Loken, Kingston SS(613)Nov. 21-23, 2024, Kitchener Kae Plaisier, Woodland Chrisan HS (519)Nov. 21-23, 2024, North BaySam Levac, West Ferris SS(705)Nov. 21-23, 2024, BramptonDouglas McAnally / Sean Forrest, Castlebrooke SS(905)Nov. 25-27, 2024, Windsor James Clarke, John McGregor SS(519)Feb. 20-21, 2025, SudburyKerry Abols, Lockerby Composite(705)Feb. 24-25, 2025, CollingwoodMelissa Wheatcro, Our Lady of the Bay(705) 445-2043mwheatcroFeb. 26, 2025, DuntroonAdrienne Chong, MarkvilleMarch. 4-5, 2025, Toronto Tim White, Trinity College School905-373-9656March 4-5, 2025, KitchenerStephen Gross, Resurrecon CSS (519) March 3-5, 2025, WoodstockEric Molinaro, Woodstock Collegiate Instute (519)March 3-5, 2025, North BaySam Levac, West Ferris SS(705)March 3-5, 2025, KingstonDuncan Cowan, FrontenacMarch 3-5, 2025, TorontoGarry Kollins, University of Toronto Schools (416)March 3-5, 2025, North Bay Sara Pickles, Chippewa SS(705)March 3-5, 2025, BurlingtonMike Skeoch / Krista Caron, Dr. Frank J. Hayden SS(905) /March 18-20, 2025, SudburyDarren Michelu / Kristy Hebert, St. Charles College705-566-9605darren.michelu /March 18-20, 2025, AuroraKate Treacy / Joe Gaudio, St Maximilian Kolbe CHS(905) 727-5652 / March 18-20, 2025, SudburyDarren Michelu / Kristy Hebert, St. Charles College705-566-9605darren.michelu /March 18-20, 2025, WindsorSteve Burke / Ben Dubois / Mahew Vezina, St. Anne CHS519-727-8908 2024-2025 OFSAA CHAMPIONSHIP CALENDAR2024-2025 OFSAA CHAMPIONSHIP CALENDAR

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23www.ofsaa.on.caFOR COMPLETE CHAMPIONSHIP DETAILS VISIT www.ofsaa.on.ca2024-2025 OFSAA CHAMPIONSHIP CALENDAR2024-2025 OFSAA CHAMPIONSHIP CALENDARMarch 19-22, 2025, SarniaKelly Boston, Northern Collegiate(519)May 1-3, 2025, BurlingtonVirginia Houston, Acton District(519)May 29-30, 2025, BarrieCarla Morrison, St. Peter’s CHS 705-734-0168 June 2-3, 2025, St. Catharines Wade Pychel / Billy Mclaren / Mahew Vinc, Denis Morris CHS(905), ma,June 2-4, 2025, TorontoLarry Laughlin, Marc GarneauJune 2-4, 2025, CobourgGreg Conway, St Mary CSS(905)June 2-4, 2025, AuroraFrank Ienna, St Maximilian Kolbe CHS(905)June 4-5, 2025, WhitbyGeo Whent, Sinclair SS(905) 666-5400 geoJune 4-5, 2025, LakeshoreSteve Burke, St. Anne CHS519-727-8908June 4-5, 2025, Owen Sound Owen Ferguson, Owen Sound DSS(519)June 5-7, 2025, BellevilleKyle Ripley / Pete Hercus, Centennial SSJune 5-7, 2025, Aurora Frank Ienna, St Maximilian Kolbe(905)June 5-7, 2025, Welland Jason Duthie/Glen Beauregard, ÉSC Saint Jean de Brébeuf(905) /June 5-7, 2025, KingstonKrisn Lawlor, Lasalle SS(613)June 5-7, 2025, OakvillePeter Bonglio, Holy Trinity CSS(905) 257-3534BonJune 5-7, 2025, Welland Jason Duthie/ Glen Beauregard, ÉSC Saint Jean de Brébeuf(905) /June 5-7, 2025, OawaCarl Marneau, ESP Gisele Lalonde (613) 833-0018carl.marJune 5-7, 2025, KingstonDavid Loken, Kingston SS (613)June 5-7, 2025June 9-10, 2025, WindsorJim Kil, FJ Brennan(519) 945-2351jim_kiJune 10, 2025 (TBD)Brian Poste,

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24THE BULLETIN FALL 2024 A single destination for your entire fanbase.Contact your Hudl rep or visit for more information. Enter your schedules and rosters in Hudl. Fans can then access everything they need to stay connected on gameday and beyond through your school’s dedicated prole, available online or through the Hudl app. • Schedules to nd your games.• Digital tickets to attend.• Livestreams to watch from anywhere.• Stats and rosters to stay informed.• Highlights to share and build excitement. Keep it simple with a single platform.Easy access for all.A more efcient way to fundraise. Give your fans a better way to follow the journeys of their favorite teams and athletes. A way to build a tighter bond with your program and the community they call home. Meet the new Fan Engagement Suite.Integration with your Hudl tools allows you to host everything in one place, making it easy to manage and for your fans to nd.Fans can stay connected anywhere and anytime with livestreams, scores, highlights, tickets, stats and rosters in a single location.With several ways to earn money through livestreaming and connected capabilities like digital ticketing, your fundraising lives in a single hub. Ready to transform your fan experience?How it works:

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25www.ofsaa.on.caOFSAA Boys’ A/AA Field Lacrosse Festival Georgina June 3-4, 2024The A/AA Boys Lacrosse Fesval was hosted by Keswick High School (YRAA) & Suon District High School (YRAA) with the teams traveling to the beauful Town of Georgina. Convenors Ian Black and Andy Hagerman commitment to excellence was evident in every detail, from the seamless organizaon to the warm hospitality extended to all guests. It was a truly remarkable gathering that exemplied the best of sportsmanship and unity.The night before the compeon, parcipants gathered at Keswick High School for a banquet where they enjoyed a delicious meal, watched inspiring video messages, and received several giveaways. The highlight of the evening was the presentaon of the Leadership in School Sport Award to Robert Bladon, recognizing his dedicaon to lacrosse at Aurora High School and the York Region Athlec Associaon for over 25 years!The compeon was held at the Georgina Civic Centre Athlec Fields, where athletes demonstrated their exceponal skills. The matches were closely contested, and as the nals approached, Governor Simcoe SS (SOSSA) made it to their third consecuve nal, aiming for back-to-back golds. Their opponents - McKinnon Park S.S. (CWOSSA) - had dierent plans. In a hard-fought nal, McKinnon Park secured the win, claiming gold for the rst me since 2018!Congratulaons to Mackinnon Park student-athletes: Rhys Doolile, Lucas Ecker, Rakawineh Elijah, Owen Fess, Braedy Francis, Cameron Hill, Aason Hill, Shayne Holloway, Jacob Hozjan, Jozey Jacobs, Dayton Jamieson, Cole Jennings, Aubri John, Ryder Johnson Benjamin Love, Layton MacDonald, Dayton Marn, Cadence Marn, Jason Montour-Cayuga, Liam Porter, Kalem Powless, Ryker Powless, Jacob Skye, Grayson Skye, Joe Squire, Owen Vyse and coaches Jason Johnson, Brad McPherson, Delby Powless, Andrew Young. Crestwood Preparatory College CISAAHoly Cross C.S.S. COSSAMcKinnon Park S.S. CWOSSAPatrick Fogarty C.S.S. GBSSAHuntsville H.S. GBSSAKing’s Chrisan Collegiate GHACHoly Trinity S.S. LOSSASt. Mark H.S. NCSSAAE.L. Crossley S.S. SOSSAGovernor Simcoe S.S. SOSSAKeswick H.S. YRAAAurora H.S. YRAAGovernor Simcoe def. Holy Cross C.S.S. 9-3 McKinnon Park S.S def. Patrick Fogarty 7-6Patrick Fogarty def. Holy Cross C.S.S. 6-4McKinnon Park S.S def. Governor Simcoe 10-7

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26THE BULLETIN FALL 2024St. Peter S.S. COSSAAssumpon College School CWOSSASt. Joseph’s C.H.S. GBSSAChrist the King C.S.S. GHACMilton District H.S. GHACBrooklin H.S. LOSSASacred Heart H.S. NCSSAAMayeld S.S. ROPSSAADenis Morris H.S. SOSSANeil McNeil H.S. TDCAAHumberside C.I. TDSSAABill Crothers S.S. YRAASt. Peter S.S. def. Christ The King 10-9 Brooklin H.S. def. Denis Morris H.S. 14-4Denis Morris H.S. def. Christ The King 7-6Brooklin H.S. def. St. Peter S.S. 11-5OFSAA Boys’ AAA Field Lacrosse Festival Georgetown June 5-6, 2024Christ the King Catholic Secondary School (GHAC) in Georgetown hosted this year’s Boys’ AAA Field Lacrosse Fesval. A strong organizing commiee led by experienced convenor Timm Stephenson welcomed schools from across the province to showcase their skills. With 12 teams compeng ercely for the tle, this year’s fesval showcased remarkable skill and spirit. Each game highlighted the dedicaon and hard work that these young athletes have put in throughout the seasonFollowing the games on Day 1, parcipants enjoyed a BBQ picnic, which oered a chance for teams to bond and enjoy each other’s company outside of the compeon. During the picnic, the Leadership in School Sport Award was presented to convenor Timm Stephenson in recognion of his outstanding commitment to school sport in the province. Timm’s dedicaon and hard work have made a signicant impact on the community, and everyone joined in congratulang Timm on this well-deserved honor. Congratulaons, Timm!The championship culminated in a highly-ancipated nal match between Brooklin HS (LOSSA) and St. Peter SS (COSSA) with Brooklin HS emerging victorious by a score of 11-5. Congratulaons to student-athletes: Xavier Beae, Ma Bradica, Brayden Brown, Emerson Cudmore, Jack Dean, Mahew Elsenaar, Ethen Fines, Layne Gallacher, Jusn Handsor, Caleb Hills, Rhys Huinink, Jackson Irvine, Carson MacNeal, Lucas Marshall, Benne McLean, Marcus Mori, Aaron Mulford, Shadrach Nzopfabarushe, Chase Parnell, Will Serviss, Broden Shea, Zachary Shepard, Ryan Slapkauskas, Ryan Tavares, Vann Williamson, Josh Yoshida and coaches David Brown and Ma Par.

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27www.ofsaa.on.caOFSAA Girls’ Slo-Pitch Festival Hamilton June 10-11Charley Giudice and his organizing commiee at St. Mary Catholic Secondary School (GHAC) welcomed sixteen teams to Turner Park in Hamilton for the second annual OFSAA Girls’ Slo-Pitch Fesval. This new fesval has showcased amazing talent while providing excing games on the ball diamond. OFSAA thanks convenor Charley Giudice and the team of volunteers for their outstanding work in delivering an excellent event!On the evening of day one, the organizing commiee held a banquet at the host school, St. Mary C.S.S., where teams socialized, took pictures at the photo booth and enjoyed a nice meal. At the banquet, Rachel Hart, the athlec director of the host school, was presented with the Leadership in School Sport Award for her ongoing dedicaon and support of high school athlecs. Congratulaons, Rachel!The games observed throughout the fesval were excing to watch, showcasing good compeon and sportsmanship among all of the teams. The gold medal game saw a rematch of the SWOSSAA Final as Sandwich Secondary School defeated Kingsville 7-1 to take home the OFSAA banner. Congratulaons to the winning team members: Braelyn Banks, Breslyn Banks, Gwen Bissonnee, Averie Blanchard, Caitlin Brayford, Emily Crosby, Claire Findlay, Samantha Garant, Serena Ga, Mycahyla Hinton-Taylor, Olivia Koszegi, Mately MacNeill, Kylie Parent, Kyra Smith, Brook Ward and coaches Sydney Booth, Michael MacNeill and Michael Trudell. Congratulaons to all parcipants for qualifying for the 2024 OFSAA Girls’ Slo-Pitch Fesval!Bayside S.S. COSSASt. Mary’s H.S. CWOSSANorwell D.S.S. CWOSSASt. Peter’s C.S.S. GBSSAOrillia S.S. GBSSABishop P.F. Reding C.S.S. GHACSt. Mary C.S.S. GHACBishop Alexander Carter C.S.S. NOSSASt. Marn C.S.S. ROPSSAAA.N. Myer S.S. SOSSAKingsville D.H.S. SWOSSAASandwich S.S. SWOSSAAMichael Power/St. Joseph TDCAARiverdale C.I. TDSSAASouth Huron D.H.S. WOSSAAFather Bressani C.H.S. YRAASandwich def. South Huron 13-0Kingsville def. Bishop Reding 5-4Bishop Reding def. South Huron 6-5Sandwich def. Kingsville 7-1Festival Results

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28THE BULLETIN FALL 2024Crescent School & Havergal College CISAALakeeld College School CISAAAdam Sco C.V.I. COSSACobourg C.I. COSSABranord C.I.V.S. CWOSSAVankleek Hill C.I. EOSSAASt. Joan of Arc C.H.S. GBSSAGeorgetown D.H.S. GHACBowmanville H.S. LOSSAClarkson S.S. ROPSSAASir Winston Churchill S.S. SOSSAKingsville D.H.S. SWOSSAAMarshall McLuhan C.S.S. TDCAAEtobicoke C.I. TDSSAASt. Marys D.C.V.I. WOSSAAMarkville S.S. YRAAHavergal/Crescent def. Adam Sco CVI 10-8Sir Winston Churchill SS def. Markville SS 11-3Bowmanville HS def. Cobourg CI 12-2Clarkson SS def. Etobicoke CI 10-3Sir Winston Churchill SS def. Havergal/Crescent 7-6Bowmanville HS def. Clarkson SS 15-2 Havergal/Crescent def. Clarkson SS 12-6Bowmanville HS def. Sir Winston Churchill SS 15-0The OFSAA Ulmate Fesval connues to demonstrate the sport’s growth and it provides athletes, coaches, and spectators with unforgeable memories of intense compeon through remarkable sportsmanship. Hosted by Lakeeld College School (CISAA), this year’s event surpassed all expectaons.The success of this year’s event would not have been possible without the unwavering support and dedicaon of convenors Todd Melville and Chris Burns along with their hosng commiee. A huge thank you to the organizing commiee for their meculous planning and seamless execuon of the event.Aer round-robin games, parcipants enjoyed a BBQ with a campre theme, with the lake providing a lovely backdrop for the fesvies. Congratulaons to Kevin McLeod who received the Leadership in School Sport Award for his eorts within the sport of ulmate. Throughout the fesval, spectators watched highly-compeve ulmate games during both pool play and the playo rounds. In the gold medal match, Bowmanville H.S. (LOSSA) defeated Sir Winston Churchill S.S. (SOSSA) and in the bronze medal match Havergal College/Crescent School (CISAA) defeated Clarkson S.S. (ROPSSAA). Congratulaons to Bowmanville High School student-athletes: Grady Avarell, Mara Avarell, Elliot Blouin, Ausn Bradley, Lexie Brown, Morgan Campbell, Liam Crawford, Drew Crawford, Vijuut Giritharan, Chad Hardy, Mylee Jackson, Troy Jamieson, Noam Kassirer, Nicholas Kentner, Samantha Lee, Abby Redlarski, Olivia Robinson, Sophia Santos, Kaleb Schakelaar, Luke Schakelaar, Meredith Short, Kacie Stolarek, Holden Watson, Cedar Watson, Alden Whitman, Anna Wright, Isabelle Wunderlich and coaches Kevin MacLeod, Chris Beay. Bowmanville HS was recognized with the Team Spirit Award for seng a posive example, both on and o the eld, as noced by all parcipants.We thank everyone who contributed to making this championship a success and extend our congratulaons to all the teams for their hard work and achievements. Congratulaons!OFSAA Ultimate Festival Lakeeld   May30-31,2024

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29www.ofsaa.on.caOFSAA Badminton ChampionshipBarrie   May2-4,2024Innisdale Secondary School (GBSSA) hosted the 2024 OFSAA Badminton Championship in Barrie, Ontario. Under the guidance of convenor Mark Martynyshyn, the organizing commiee truly provided a memorable experience for all players, coaches, and spectators involved. Special thanks are extended to them for their outstanding eorts in preparing for the event.Aer compleng Day 1 of the compeon, parcipants gathered for the customary banquet at Innisdale S.S. The host commiee decorated the venue beaufully, and the aendees enjoyed a fantasc meal. The Leadership in School Sport Award was presented to convenor Mark Martynyshyn for his dedicaon to the sport. Congratulaons and thank you for your commitment to school sports, Mark! The tournament featured intense and closely-contested matches that kept spectators on the edge of their seats. The venues were excellently equipped, providing ample space for mulple badminton courts, allowing the tournament to run smoothly and eciently. Addionally, the venues oered all the necessary amenies for players and ocials, contribung to a seamless and enjoyable experience for all involved.OFSAA would like to thank Yonex Canada for their support of this year’s championships. Well done to all the players and coaches for represenng your school with respect and sportsmanship throughout the compeon!1. Kaylee Wang (O) CISAA 2. Emma Meng (O) YRAA3. Karen Ki (O) TDCAA 4. Brindha Raja (O) ROPSSAA 1. Nishtha Dubey (O) GHAC2. Celine Karavally (O) NCSSAA3. Maddie Martynyshyn (HS) GBSSA 4. Sanvika Wadhwa (HS) ROPSSAA 1. Nina Anderson (HS) NEOAA 2. Nadine Buchanan (HS) NCSSAA3. Georgia Baldwin (HS) YRAA4. Chloe Ye (HS) YRAA1. Vedant Sardeshpande (O) NCSSAA2. Ethan Zhang (O) YRAA3. Hlib Derevianko (O) YRAA 4. Ferdinand Zhang (O) TDSSAA1. James Zhang (HS) CISAA 2. Vidun Nanayakkara (HS) NCSSAA 3. Julius Guan (O) TDCAA 4. Kevin Liang (HS) YRAA1. Brayden Neville (HS) GHAC 2. Kayo Lake (HS) NWOSSAA3. Brad Hu (HS) GBSSA 4. Hardy Kurz (HS) NEOAA1. Paula Guo / Michael Ji YRAA2. Sydney Yeung / Oliver Chen CISAA3. Jasmine Shi / Chenyi Tao YRAA4. Reath Roth / Jessica Jian NCSSAA1. Jiayi Peng / Kaiwen Feng GHAC2. Frank Shen / Claire Shi SOSSA3. Roy Mei / Isabelle Mei LOSSA4. Ella Koch / Mark Barton WOSSAA1. Vanessa Eng / Charlie Shi WOSSAA2. Ashley Zhong / Gabriel Yu GHAC3. Jack Countryman / Sam Louzon SWOSSAA4. Annie Liang / Nathan Chau CISAA1. Lyric Su / Cindy Zhao YRAA2. Kae Lau / Catherine Pang YRAA3. Jolin Zhang / Joyce Zhong GHAC4. Chloe Lee / Maya Leung TDSSAA1. Tina Tian / Alicia Wang GHAC2. Anika Guo / Joanna Wang WOSSAA3. Marina Sobotka / Vera Sobotka SOSSA4. Carlie Popp / Rory Corbeil NOSSA1. LJay De Guzman / Liyenne Valdez TDCAA2. Monica Xue / Emma Yu CWOSSA3. Ava Martynyshyn / EJ Cudmore GBSSA4. Piper Stephenson / Jorja Stephenson EOSSAA1. Rayce Su / Mahew Yu YRAA2. Kousihan Balachandran / Asher Bedi YRAA 3. Bosco Lai / Rishi Subramani TDSSAA4. Michael Li / William Zhang GHAC1. Dennis Lu / Alex Chen CISAA2. Chrisfusion Adiwanata / Cruz Adiwanata CWOSSA3. Bismaad Kalral / Abhijay Singh ROPSSAA4. Michael Qu / Kevin Chang NCSSAA1. Teague Chan-Carusone / Will Zhang GHAC2. Zachary Ng / Ethan Luo NCSSAA3. Arnav Papreja / Vincent Xie WOSSAA4. Andi Tse / Terrence Zhu YRAAChampionship Results

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30THE BULLETIN FALL 2024Another fantasc few days of baseball occurred again this year at the Regionals and the Finals. Although the weather didn’t cooperate during the regionals with games being postponed in Windsor aer the skies opened up and then delayed in Oshawa with overnight rain, the Regionals were both completed on me. Congratulaons to Steve Burke (St. Anne Secondary School - SWOSSAA) and Geo Whent (Sinclair Secondary School - LOSSA) for running outstanding Regional Championships! When the skies opened up during a game in Windsor, the true spirit of OFSAA came through when Ethan Charron and Nathan Maj from Notre Dame CSS in GHAC le the protecon of the dugout and helped the grounds crew nish tarping the eld in order to preserve the playing surface for the next day. At the conclusion of the Regionals, the following teams qualied for the nals: St. Anne SS (SWOSSA) and St. Marn Catholic Secondary School (ROPSSAA) from Windsor along with Donald A. Wilson Secondary School (LOSSA) and Bishop Allen Academy (TDCAA) from Oshawa. The sun came back for the Finals in London hosted by Taylor Jones from Clarke Road Secondary School. Aer the semi-nal games, it was a rematch from the Oshawa Regional with Bishop Allen Academy coming out on top. Congratulaons to Paul Rebelo and the Bishop Allen Academy Cardinals on their rst OFSAA Baseball Championship! The Leadership in School Sport Award was given to Jesse Dynes from Anderson CVI (LOSSA). Jesse has been an important part of LOSSA baseball for many years and he is a deserving candidate. Congratulaons to the Bishop Allen Cardinals players Lucas Aucoin, Gavin Baraniuk, Joshua Bullock, Aidan Chanderbhan, George Di Maeo, Petar Dunn, Julian Fabizio, Jayden Gallo, Leo Hjartarson, Kai Howard, Adam Kim, Aaron Krautner, Zach Mair, Daniel Marquez, Jack Mullin, Andrew Pacheco, William Paz, Kristopher Pedrosa, Mahew Rebelo, Jackson Rose, Sco Smith, Steven Trkulja, Luke Van Hezewyk, Lucas Vukovic, Nolan Walsh, Noah Yim and coaches Paul Rebelo and Steven Minicheillo.OFSAA Boys’ Baseball Championship WhitbyandLakeshore  June5-6,2024 London     June11,2024PARTICIPATING TEAMS – WEST REGIONAL (9)Simcoe Composite School CWOSSABradford District H.S. GBSSANotre Dame C.S.S. GHACSt. Charles College NOSSASt. Marn C.S.S. ROPSSAAAncaster H.S. SOSSASt. Thomas of Villanova SS SWOSSAASt. Anne S.S. SWOSSAAMitchell District H.S. WOSSAAPARTICIPATING TEAMS – EAST REGIONAL (9)St. Michael’s College School CISAACobourg C.I. COSSAFrontenac S.S. EOSSAARS McLaughlin C.V.I. LOSSADonald A. Wilson S.S. LOSSASt. Joseph’s H.S. NCSSAABishop Allen Academy TDCAAHumberside C.I. TDSSAASt. Maximilian Kolbe C.H.S. YRAASEMI-FINALSBishop Allen def. St. Anne 15-1Donald A. Wilson def. St. Marn 5-1 BRONZE MEDAL GAMESt. Marn def. St. Anne 17-4 GOLD MEDAL GAMEBishop Allen def. Donald A. Wilson 10-0

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31www.ofsaa.on.caThe 2024 Boys’ A/AA Rugby Championship was hosted by F.E. Madill Secondary School in Wingham but matches took place in Straord at the Straord Educaon Recreaon Centre elds and the Army Navy Field. Convenor Pat Donnelly and his organizing commiee put on an excellent event that will be remembered by parcipants for years to come. The banquet was held at the Straord Rotary Complex. Will Kelly, the head coach of the McMaster Marauders men’s rugby program and former naonal and professional level rugby player, spoke about the value of athlec parcipaon in high school, the lifelong friendships made playing rugby and what we can learn from the ups and downs experienced in sport. The championship exhibited exceponal skill and sportsmanship, shining a spotlight on the remarkable talents of the parcipang teams. The 2024 OFSAA Boys’ A/AA Rugby Champions banner was awarded to LaSalle Secondary School (EOSSAA) who defeated Appleby College (CISAA) in the gold medal match. Congratulaons to the gold medal-winning LaSalle student-athletes: Jordan Askew-Kirkland, Rahman Abdel Atrach, Kaden Byne, Kieran Cardinal, Jeremy Castellarin, Joshua Coathup, Andrew Correia Snider, Ethan Cox, Aaron Curs, Josh Dixon, Carter Ebrahim, Hayden Fern, Kole Glover, Brayden Gosse, Grady Irwin, Joe Kaufman, Ryan Lavigne, Nick Manuel, Bram Morton, Philip Pero, Levi Ruan, Cohen Sands, Tristan Savard, Kallen Serson, Keaghan Spellman, Sam Stu, Carter Swim, Ryker Vanspriel, Dylan Webster, Avery Woodman. Coaches Reuben Brunel, David Cameron and Romulo Severino navigated the team to victory.At the championship, St. Michael Catholic Secondary School (WOSSAA) was selected to receive the OFSAA Team Sportsmanship Award for their demonstraon of sportsmanship and OFSAA values on and o the pitch. At the banquet, the Leadership in School Sport Award for the Boys’ A/AA Rugby Championship was presented to Ean Moat. Ean, a teacher at F.E. Madill S.S., has coached for all 19 years that he has taught at the school. He has coached soccer, basketball, volleyball, slo-pitch and hockey. His teams have been well represented at OFSAA championships with gold and bronze medal nishes in hockey. He is the current convenor for girls’ hockey at the WOSSAA level and is an excellent leader in the greater school sport community. Congratulaons, Ean! OFSAA Boys’ A/AA Rugby ChampionshipStratford   June6-8,2024PARTICIPATING TEAMS (16)Trinity College School CISAAAppleby College CISAAHoly Cross C.S.S. COSSA Centennial S.S. COSSAHoly Trinity C.H.S. CWOSSALaSalle S.S. EOSSAAT.A. Blakelock H.S. GHACHenry Street H.S. LOSSAEastdale C.& V.I. LOSSAAshbury College NCSSAACairine Wilson S.S. NCSSAAStreetsville S.S. ROPSSAASt. John Henry Newman C.H.S. TDCAAParkside C.I. WOSSAAF.E. Madill S.S. WOSSAASt. Michael C.S.S. WOSSAASEMI-FINALS LaSalle def. Trinity College 26-0 Appleby College def. Holy Cross 26-14CONSOLATION FINAL Holy Trinity def. Cairine Wilson 31-14 BRONZE MEDAL GAME Trinity College def. Holy Cross 19-19 (K) GOLD MEDAL GAME LaSalle def. Appleby College 15-8Championship Results

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32THE BULLETIN FALL 2024The 2024 OFSAA AAA Boys’ Rugby Championship took place in Peterborough Ontario, under the leadership of convenor Sandy Keay. His organizing commiee dedicated countless hours to creang an exceponal experience for all parcipants. Adam Sco CVI and Nicholes Oval Park served as excellent venues for the compeon, providing an outstanding environment that elevated the overall experience for players, spectators, and organizers alike. The acon-packed rst day of compeon wrapped up with the championship banquet at the Healthy Planet Arena, where the sta provided excellent food. At the banquet, Darrell Wright received the Leadership in School Sport Award, recognizing his years of coaching and the posive inuence he had on student-athletes. The championship provided many excing games and in the gold medal game between Kitchener Waterloo C. & V. S. (CWOSSA) and the host school Adam Sco C. & V. I. (COSSA), neither team could gain the upper hand, resulng in a draw. This led to penalty kicks to decide the outcome. In the end, Kitchener Waterloo C. & V. S. claimed victory.Congratulaons to: Ma Ball, Sean Beckermann, Solomon Chung, Luc de Visser, Owen Diplock, Cole Dwyer, Rayyen Elsai, Bryce Gray, Jude Hawthorn, Jacob Hinschberger, Sakuma Kano, Adeel Kara, Ryan Kropf, Mahew MacLeod, Wya Mellow, Mahew Montgomery-Hintz, Daniel Muzaliwa, Anthony Nguyen, Ian Nykamp, Cole O’Donnell, Easton Oberholtzer, Joel Park, Filip Radulovic, Calum Roberts, Dryden Runstedler, Owen Secord, Jimmy Stuart, Robbie Thorman, Logan Tomlinson, Branden Wenderoth, Owen Wilbur, Brodin Young and coaches Cody Roberts, Kevin Horn, and Adam Smit.The Team Sportsmanship Award was awarded to Barrie North Collegiate (GBSSA), whose success can be aributed to their behaviour both on and o the pitch. Congratulaons on a great season!OFSAA Boys’ AAA Rugby ChampionshipPeterborough   June6-8,2024PARTICIPATING TEAMS (16) Crescent School CISAABayside S.S. COSSAAdam Sco C. & V. I. COSSAKitchener Waterloo C. & V. S. CWOSSAKingston S.S. EOSSAABarrie North C.I. GBSSAOakville Trafalgar H.S. GHACUxbridge S.S. LOSSASacred Heart H.S. NCSSAALorne Park S.S. ROPSSAAA.N. Myer S.S. SOSSASt. Patrick’s H.S. SWOSSAANeil McNeil H.S. TDCAANorthern S.S. TDSSAAMedway H.S. WOSSAASt. Theresa of Lisieux C.H.S. YRAAQUARTER-FINALSCrescent School def. Northern S.S. 12-3 Kitchener Waterloo C. & V. S. def. Lorne Park S.S. 15-7 Adam Sco C. & V. I. def. Barrie North C.I. 26-0 Oakville Trafalgar H.S. def. Medway H.S. 29-17SEMI-FINALSKitchener Waterloo C. & V. S. def. Crescent School 17-7 Adam Sco C. & V. I. def. Oakville Trafalgar H.S. 8-0BRONZE MEDAL GAMEOakville Trafalgar H.S.def. Crescent School 21-12GOLD MEDAL GAMEKitchener Waterloo C. & V. S. def. Adam Sco C. & V. I. 17-17 (2-1 PK)

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33www.ofsaa.on.caThe 2024 OFSAA Girls’ A/AA Rugby Championship was hosted by Cource Secondary School (LOSSA) and was marked by high compeon and excitement. Convenors David Chaen and Kaela Stewart, along with their enre organizing commiee, deserve praise for organizing a smoothly-run and successful event.The teams demonstrated exceponal skill and perseverance throughout the championship. Games were excing and showcased amazing talent! In the championship match, Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School (COSSA) defeated Centre Duerin District High School (CWOSSA) to take home the 2024 Girls’ A/AA OFSAA Championship. Congratulaons to Holy Cross C.S.S. student athletes: Kae Belk, Lilli Bidgood, Annie Briand, Kassidy Buo, Marielle Collins, Grace Conner, Olivia Cote-Wawryszyn, Olivia Desautel, Shannon Elliot, Arrisa Fowler, Avery Gaebel, Olivia Gaebel, Harlow Gallagher-Ahern, Macy Harper, Logan Jolley, Victoria Lyons, Myah McCormack, Chloe McMahon, Lily Pascoe, Hannah Patching, Jodyn Sco, Bridget Shannon, Jacey StoneIzabela Sutherland, Isabelle Urie, Charley Wade, Kyrsten White, Jenna Whynot, Jadyn Whynot, Morgan Yeomans and coaches Jake Fowler, Leah Davis, Brian Greer and Erin Preston. The Team Sportsmanship Award was presented to Centre Duerin District High School (CWOSSA) who demonstrated the aributes of sportsmanship and fair play on and o the eld.Chris Conway of Eastdale Collegiate & Vocaonal Instute (LOSSA) in Oshawa was recognized with the Girls A/AA Rugby Leadership in School Sport Award. Chris is acvely involved in the school sport community by coaching rugby, golf, tennis and soccer. Addionally, Chris runs an annual girls’ rugby tournament that focuses on development. Chris works relessly behind the scenes to ensure there is funding and equipment to support successful rugby programs within the DDSB. His teams are always disciplined and hardworking which is a true testament to his leadership and coaching style. Congratulaons, Chris! OFSAA Girls’ A/AA Rugby ChampionshipCourtice June 3-5, 2024 PARTICIPATING TEAMS (16)Holy Cross C.S.S. COSSACentennial S.S. COSSACentre Duerin D.H.S. CWOSSAHoly Trinity C.H.S. CWOSSANapanee D.S.S. EOSSAAGeorgian Bay D.S.S. GBSSAT.A. Blakelock GHACEastdale C.&V.I. LOSSAClarington Central S.S. LOSSAAshbury College NCSSAAStreetsville S.S. ROPSSAALakeshore C.H.S. SOSSALambton Central C.&V.I. SWOSSAASt. John Henry Newman TDCAAUrsula Franklin Academy TDSSAAParkside C.I. WOSSAASEMI-FINALS Holy Cross def. Centennial 21-12 Centre Duerin def. Napanee 17-15CONSOLATION FINAL Newman def. Parkside 15-10 BRONZE MEDAL GAME Centennial def. Napanee 17-5 GOLD MEDAL GAME Holy Cross def. Centre Duerin 24-15Championship Results

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34THE BULLETIN FALL 2024The 2024 OFSAA Girls’ AAA Rugby Championship was hosted by Thomas A. Stewart Secondary School (COSSA) and led by convenor Dave Donald. Dave and his organizing commiee did an exceponal job and should be recognized for their eorts. The banquet was held the morning of the rst day at the Duoro Community Centre where Barbara Mervin and Bri Benn, two naonal level players, shared how their high school rugby experience led them to new opportunies and helped shape them into the individuals they are today.Thomas. A. Stewart and Nicholls Oval Park in Peterborough were the sites for the rugby matches across all three days. The matches throughout the championship were highly-compeve and highlighted the growth of high school girls’ rugby in Ontario. The host school, Thomas A. Stewart fought their way to the gold medal match and faced John F. Ross Collegiate & Vocaonal Instute (CWOSSA). Ulmately, in an excing championship match, John F. Ross C.V.I. defeated the host school to take home the 2024 OFSAA Girls’ AAA Rugby Championship. Congratulaons to the winning student-athletes: Syanna Abouchacra, Rahyssa Aquino Soares, Abby Blashuk, Alex Blashuk, Kaleigh Bruce, Noelle Corbe, Heidi Cowbrough, Alanna Day, Annabelle Docksteader, Kalia Drury, Adison Evans, Abby Granger, Maeve Hagarty, Ashlyn Hebert, Bella Hillen, Charlie Hunt, Jada Jackman, Madisyn Lecompte, Cecilia Lee, Aime MacNeil, Mackenzie Marn, Allie Mcllwraith, Ella Parisoo, Brooke Pembleton, Sydney Petrik, Amanda Sarabura, Brynn Schaefer, Klay Van Lankveld, Julia Weber, Sydney Young. The team was led by coaches Mark Yanchus, Iain Braithwaite, Nick Key and Lacey Sco.The Team Sportsmanship Award was awarded to the gold medalists and OFSAA champions, John F. Ross C.V.I. for their outstanding display of sportsmanship throughout the enre championship. Teams commended them for their posive atudes and described them as “deserving champions”.The Girls AAA Rugby Leadership in School Sport Award was presented to JoAnne Robinson of Bayside Secondary School (COSSA). JoAnne has been involved in high school sport since she began her teaching career. She coaches volleyball, rugby and wrestling and has convened or been a commiee member of many OFSAA rugby championships and local tournaments. She serves on the COSSA execuve and dedicates her me to ensuring student-athletes have opportunies to be involved in high school sport. Congratulaons, JoAnne!OFSAA Girls’ AAA Rugby ChampionshipPeterborough June 3-5, 2024 PARTICIPATING TEAMS (16) Bayside S.S. COSSA Thomas A. Stewart S.S. COSSAJohn F. Ross C.V.I. CWOSSAKingston S.S. EOSSAANantyr Shores S.S. GBSSAOakville Trafalgar H.S. GHACAjax H.S. LOSSAUxbridge S.S. LOSSAGlebe C.I. NCSSAAMayeld S.S. ROPSSAARobert F. Hall C.S.S. ROPSSAAEden H.S. SOSSAUrsuline College SWOSSAANorthern S.S. TDSSAASir Wilfrid Laurier S.S. WOSSAASt. Maximilian Kolbe C.H.S. YRAASEMI-FINALS Thomas A. Stewart def. Glebe 17-0 John F. Ross def. Bayside 26-5CONSOLATION FINAL Nantyr Shores def. Northern 23-20BRONZE MEDAL GAME Bayside def. Glebe 22-7GOLD MEDAL GAME John F. Ross def. Thomas A. Stewart 33-17

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36THE BULLETIN FALL 2024De La Salle College CISAANicholson Catholic College COSSAWoodland Chrisan H.S. CWOSSAÉ.S. La Citadelle EOSSAAÉ.S. Roméo-Dallaire GBSSAÉSAC Mère-Teresa (ACMT) GHACÉ.S.C. Sainte-Trinité GHACÉ.C. Saint-Charles Garnier LOSSAKirkland Lake D.C.S. NEOAASt. Benedict C.S.S. NOSSASt. Thomas Aquinas H.S. NWOSSAAOlive Grove H.S. ROPSSAAHamilton District C.H.S. SOSSAHeritage C.S. SOSSALambton Kent Composite School SWOSSAAWestview Freedom Academy SWOSSAACollège Français TDCAAUrsula Franklin Academy TDSSAAHoly Cross H.S. WOSSAAToronto District C.H.S. YRAAHamilton DCHS def. Saint-Charles Garnier 2-0É.S.C. Sainte-Trinité def. St. Benedict Catholic S.S. 2-0 Westview Freedom Academy def. College Francais 3-1Holy Cross H.S. def. É.S. La Citadelle 1-0 (PK)Hamilton DCHS def. Westview Freedom Academy 3-1E.S.C. Sainte-Trinité def Holy Cross H.S. 3-2Holy Cross H.S. def Westview Freedom Academy 4-0É.S.C. Sainte-Trinité def. Hamilton DCHS 4-3 (ET)Congratulaons to: Karim Asaad, Lucas Borg, Luca DelFrate, Chris Ishak, Paul Yvan Kadio, Alex Kinnear, Omar Kushtoban, Isaac Molouba, Fady Morgan, Aidan Robichaud, Victor Rouleau, Antoine Rouleau, John Simpson, Kyle Staresinic, Hamza Sultan, Alain Tcheuyap, Christ Freddy Noumsi, Maurice Wilhelm and coaches Mamadou Diaby, Aka Ebipe, and Alessia Marzilli.OFSAA would like to thank Gatorade Canada for providing products and displays at this year’s championship. Special thank you to OFSAA sponsor, Molten, for providing equipment and nancial support for the championships.É. S. Algonquin and Toronto District Chrisan HS were awarded the Team Sportsmanship Awards at this year’s championships. They represented their schools and associaons with great class and dignity and delivered spirited performances in every game. Congratulaons and thank you to both teams!

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38THE BULLETIN FALL 2024Vincent Massey Secondary School (SWOSSAA) in Windsor was the proud host of this year’s Boys’ AAA Soccer Championship. Under the leadership of J.J. Dowhan, a dedicated organizing commiee welcomed schools from across the province to showcase their remarkable skills.The Serbian Centre hosted a delighul banquet where parcipants enjoyed a fantasc meal. The evening was highlighted by an inspiring address from Anthony Capotosto, the current Academy Director of Toronto FC, who shared the academy’s core values with the aendees. A highlight of the evening was the presentaon of the Leadership in School Sport Award, which was deservedly given to Chris Thomson, a teacher at Vincent Massey SS who emphasized the importance of giving back to the community through coaching. Congratulations, Chris! OFSAA extends its gratude to Gatorade Canada for providing products and displays at this year’s championship. A special thank you to OFSAA sponsor Molten for their generous support in providing equipment and nancial backing for the championships.The Team Sportsmanship Banner was awarded to St. Mary’s High School in Kitchener (CWOSSA) in recognion of their exemplary sportsmanship throughout the tournament, serving as outstanding role models for all competors.In a highly-contested gold medal match, St Marn CSS (ROPSSAA) defeated St John Henry Newman C.S.S. (GHAC) 2-1 and captured the gold medal. In a thrilling bronze medal game, East York CI (TDSSAA) defeated St. Ignaus HS (NWOSSAA) also by the score of 2-1. Congratulaons to St. Marn CSS student-athletes: Karma Bhagentsang, Joel Christo, Joey Coppola, Yashvir Yuvi Dewan, Chrisan Dewsbury, Isaiah Garcia, Faris Ibraheem, Noah Johnson, Jarvis Lecky, Adrian Mahoney, Tyler Marns, William Monteith, Nikola Neskovic, Michael Pais, Ilija Radovic, Piotr Rapczynski, Jayden Villamar Erazo, Marcus Vital, Sebasan Witko and coaches Anto Cosic and Chris Daigle.Congratulaons to all players and coaches for represenng your school with respect and fairness!OFSAA Boys’ AAA Soccer ChampionshipWindsor   June6-8,2024PARTICIPATING TEAMS (20) St. Mary’s H.S. Kitchener CWOSSAKingston S.S. EOSSAABradford District H.S. GBSSASt John Henry Newman C.S.S. GHACSt. Ignaus of Loyola S.S. GHACSt. Mary C.S.S. LOSSASt. Mother Teresa H.S. NCSSAASt. Mary’s College NOSSASt. Ignaus H.S. NWOSSAASt. Marn C.S.S ROPSSAASt. Edmund Campion C.S.S. ROPSSAABlessed Trinity H.S. SOSSASt. Anne S.S. SWOSSAAVincent Massey S.S. SWOSSAASt. Basil The Great TDCAANeil McNeil H.S. TDCAAEast York C.I. TDSSAAMother Teresa C.S.S. WOSSAACardinal Carter C.H.S. YRAASacred Heart C.H.S. YRAASt. Ignaus HS def. St. Mary’s H.S. Kitchener 2-1 St John Henry Newman def. Mother Teresa CSS 1-0 East York CI def. Cardinal Carter CHS 1-0 St Marn CSS def. St Ignaus of Loyola 2-1 (PK)St Marn CSS def. St. Ignaus HS 2-1 St John Henry Newman def. East York CI 3-2East York CI def. St. Ignaus HS 2-1St Marn CSS def. St John Henry Newman C.S.S. 2-1

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40THE BULLETIN FALL 2024The 2024 OFSAA Girls’ AAA Soccer Championship was held in Windsor, where outstanding skills and strong teamwork were on full display. Thanks to the exceponal organizaon by convenor Stacey Ditcheld and her dedicated team of volunteers from Holy Names Catholic High School (SWOSSAA), the championship was a resounding success. The teams gathered on the evening of a hard-fought day one where Kat Campana, a former Holy Names student-athlete and current member of the University of Windsor Women’s Soccer Team, spoke to the competors at the championship banquet. All teams demonstrated exceponal sportsmanship throughout the championship and should be proud of their performance on the OFSAA stage! The gold medal match was held at St. Clair College’s Acumen Stadium where the host school, Holy Names C.H.S. faced St. Thomas Aquinas S.S. (WOSSAA) in hopes of defending the Girls’ AAA Soccer Championship. In a hard-fought match, Holy Names C.H.S. went back-to-back by capturing the gold medal for a second year in a row, making local sports history. Congratulaons to Holy Names players and coaches: Maysa Arabi, Gabriella Barile, Angelina Bulmer-Talerico, Isabella Bulmer-Talerico, Alessia Fenella, Mia Gugliea, Yasmine Kadri, Julia Lucic, Lyla Mascaro, Mya Mascaro, Angelina Mawalany, Evanna Piasenn, Danijela Plesa, Anna Pozzi, Jane Pozzi, Alyssa Reale, Emily Renaud, Morgan Rocheleau, Alessia Venosa, Marissa Vespa, Soa Vilardi and coaches Stacey Ditcheld and Marc Leonardi.This year, the OFSAA Team Sportsmanship Award was presented to Korah Collegiate & Vocaonal School (NOSSA) for their exemplary character and their inspiring example to all other schools in aendance.The Leadership in School Sport Award was presented to Sean Culhane, a teacher at Holy Names C.H.S. Sean has been involved in high school sport for over 25 years coaching both basketball and soccer and being a key member in the organizaon of OFSAA championships. He is an individual who is passionate about leadership and is an excellent role model for student-athletes. Congratulaons, Sean!OFSAA Girls’ AAA Soccer ChampionshipWindsor    June6-8,2024PARTICIPATING TEAMS (20) Havergal College CISAA St. Peter C.S.S. COSSAResurrecon C.S.S. CWOSSAFrontenac S.S. EOSSAABradford District H.S. GBSSASt. Ignaus of Loyola S.S. GHACHoly Trinity C.H.S. GHACPickering H.S. LOSSASt. Mother Teresa H.S. NCSSAAEarl of March S.S. NCSSAAKorah C.& V.I. NOSSASt. Patrick H.S. NWOSSAASt. Marn C.S.S. ROPSSAABlessed Trinity C.H.S. SOSSAHoly Names C.H.S. SWOSSAASt. Thomas of Villanova C.S.S. SWOSSAABishop Allen Academy C.S.S. TDCAALawrence Park C.I. TDSSAASt. Thomas Aquinas S.S. WOSSAACardinal Carter C.H.S. YRAAHoly Names def. Cardinal Carter 2-1St. Thomas Aquinas def. St. Ignaus 1-0Holy Trinity def. Korah 2-0Resurrecon def. St. Peter 4-0St. Thomas Aquinas def. Holy Trinity 2-1Holy Names def. Resurrecon 2-0Holy Trinity def. Resurrecon 3-1Holy Names def. St. Thomas Aquinas 2-0

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41www.ofsaa.on.caToronto District Secondary School Athlec Associaon (TDSSAA) was the host of this year’s OFSAA Tennis Championships in the GTA region. Under the seasoned leadership of the Convenor Larry Laughlin, the organizing commiee did a terric job in ensuring that the event was a success for the almost 350 student-athletes who were in aendance. This year four sites were used to host the tournament’s 10 divisions over three days.Kim Farmer, long-me physical educaon teacher-coach from the Toronto District School Board, is this year’s recipient of the Leadership in School Sport Award. As well as being a mul-sport coach at TDSB high schools, Kim has been a valuable member of the organizing commiee over the past few years. She has demonstrated a strong commitment to high school sport and her role as a site convenor guaranteed that this year’s event ran smoothly. Congratulaons Kim and thank you for your connued dedicaon to high school sport in Ontario!OFSAA Tennis ChampionshipToronto June 3-5, 2024GOLD Paul Tudose (WOSSAA) Central SSSILVER Nolan Chow (TDSSAA) Northern SSBRONZE Pranith Sepuri (ROPSSAA) Streetsville SSANTIQUE BRONZE Chinmay Damani (SWOSSAA) Northern Collegiate GOLD Mila Brajkovich (CWOSSA) St. James CSSSILVER Ada Huang (YRAA) St. Robert CSSBRONZE Kendra Osa (SOSSA) Sir Winston Churchill SS ANTIQUE BRONZE Georgia Hurd (LOSSA) Dunbarton HSGOLD Connor Ellio (WOSSAA) A.B. Lucas SS Maja MirilovicSILVER Ryan Hammer (TDSSAA) York Mills CI Mateo SpeirsBRONZE Stefan Chimet (TDSSAA) Marc Garneau CI Michael WenANTIQUE BRONZE Benjamin Reyes Rivadeneria (CWOSSA) Cameron Heights CI Mathias Reyes RivadeneriaGOLD Kira Gu (CISAA) Appleby College Susie SongSILVER Kira Naserewicz (WOSSAA) Central SS Julie PhamBRONZE Carys Wilmot (CISAA) Branksome Hall CJ WilmotANTIQUE BRONZE Lea Durand (TDSSAA) North Toronto CI Chloe Paradine GOLD Seansey Louvrics (SOSSA) A.N. Myer SS Cynthia SzebeniSILVER Eric Knight (TDSSAA) Lawrence Park CI Sloan Heintzman BRONZE Noah Bryan (TDSSAA) Bayview SS Stephanie XuANTIQUE BRONZE Ethan Ironside (LOSSA) St. Mary’s CSS Kae MilesGOLD Katherine Zhang (TDSSAA) Woburn CISILVER Annabelle Ganascu (CWOSSA) Cameron Heights CIBRONZE Theodora Dragan (CWOSSA) ÉSC Pere Rene-de-GalineeANTIQUE BRONZE Amy Mucea (YRAA) Our Lady Queen of the WorldGOLD Lucas Mock (YRAA) Bur Oak SSSILVER Luke Laughlin (YRAA) Richmond Green SS BRONZE Cole Thurgur (NCSSAA) Nepean HSANTIQUE BRONZE Alexandru Filo (TDSSAA) Don Mills CIGOLD Mia Stoula (TDSSAA) Lawrence Park CI Polina TulupnikovaSILVER Emma Akselrod (YRAA) Stephen Lewis SS Amina SagadiyevaBRONZE Alyssa Kucherawy (GBSSA) Innisdale SS Maddie MartynyshynANTIQUE BRONZE Megan Mao (YRAA) Richmond Green SS Michelle ShenGOLD Andrea Caragea (CWOSSA) Cameron Heights CI Sava UncianschiSILVER Ben Whitley (TDSSAA) Sir John A. Macdonald CI Owen WhitleyBRONZE Andrew Li (CISAA) Upper Canada College Pavel OtserovANTIQUE BRONZE Kayan Najarali (YRAA) Bayview SS Morris TangGOLD Michael Gutkowski (TDSSAA) Mowat CI Maya GutkowskiSILVER Lev Sherifali (CWOSSA) Waterloo CI Carla PerezBRONZE Alex Zhang (NCSSAA) Ashbury College Ling Ling ZhuANTIQUE BRONZE Raj Hiun (YRAA) Stephen Lewis SS Selene WooChampionship Results 

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42THE BULLETIN FALL 2024OFSAA Track and Field was held at the beauful Alumni Stadium on the campus of Western University in London. Five hundred and twenty-one schools and 2,470 athletes saw mostly terric weather, interspersed with some rain and clouds, but that did not deter these outstanding athletes from seng many OFSAA and Interschool Track and eld records.Convened by Todd Mackay of London’s Sir Frederick Banng Secondary School, he had a great commiee of high school teachers from the Thames Valley Regional Athlecs Associaon (TVRAA) and they were assisted by the ne folks of the London Western Track & Field Club.OFSAA again thanks our tle sponsors from Nike, with whom support and promoon of this event is championship level!The Leadership in School Sport Awards were presented by John Allan, the convenor of the previous OFSAA Track and Field meet in London. This year’s recipients were Todd Mackay (WOSSAA) and also Courtney Bovin of John McGregor Secondary School (SWOSSAA) in Chatham. Both of these outstanding teacher-coaches have a plethora of qualies that exemplify the criteria of the OFSAA Leadership in School Sport Award. Sandwich Secondary School from Windsor (SWOSSAA) won the girl’s overall tle for the second straight year while James Cardinal McGuigan from (TDCAA) won the boy’s overall tle.The events were extremely compeve. There were close races, some broken by going to the thousandth of a second. Three Canadian Interscholasc records were either broken or ed and numerous OFSAA records were established.Divisional tles were won by:Novice Girls – Oakridge SS (WOSSAA) Novice Boys - Emmanuel Chrisan HS (CWOSSA) Junior Girls - Bill Crothers SS (YRAA) Junior Boys- James Cardinal McGuigan (TDCAA) Senior Girls - Sandwich SS (SWOSSAA) Senior Boys - Sir Frederick Banng SS (WOSSAA)OFSAA Track & Field ChampionshipLondon     June6-8,2024OFSAA Track and Field Results- Top 3Full results available at Windsor Timing Website (see Link below)OFSAA Track and Field - Full Resultshps://www.windsor1 Alexia Jones David Suzuki SS 11.712 Crystal Akerele Appleby College 12.313 Tia Porteous Elsie MacGill Secondary 12.331 Alexia Jones David Suzuki SS 24.312 Arianna Buckland Bill Crothers SS 25.233 Tia Porteous Elsie MacGill Secondary 25.241 Anieu Chan Vincent Massey Secondary 56.072 Ellie McGregor Immaculata - Oawa 58.053 Anyang Tiel Sir Wilfrid Laurier 58.961 Anieu Chan Vincent Massey Secondary 2:08.132 Kiana Charest Theriault - Timmins 2:13.483 Micah Carswell Père-René-De-Galinée 2:15.691 Kiana Charest Theriault - Timmins 4:33.772 Kate Nagy Newmarket - Newmarket 4:36.153 Micah Carswell Père-René-De-Galinée 4:39.371 Kate Nagy Newmarket - Newmarket 10:00.572 Kiana Charest Theriault - Timmins 10:07.373 Alexis Elkins Hilleld-Strathallan 10:11.271 Rhianna Syllion Arnprior - Arnprior 11.712 Josée Regala ES Saint-Jean-de-Brebeuf-Well 11.743 Tahlia Aird-Greaves Gisèle-Lalonde - Oawa 11.751 Makayla Cremers St. Peter - Peterborough 45.632 Isabella Mills St. Michael C S S 45.843 Maeva Scipio ES Franco-Niagara 46.761 St. Edmund Campion 50.802 Notre Dame - Ajax 50.883 Kingston S.S. - Kingston 50.971 Frances Volle St. John’s College 1.65m2 Amairah Gayle St. Catharines Collegiate 1.62m3 Kalyn Crocker Hammarskjold 1.53m1 Alyssa Rizzo Assumpon College School 2.95m2 Taylor Hawrelak Medway H S 2.75m3 Rylen Mount Oakridge S S 2.65m1 Tahlia Aird-Greaves Gisèle-Lalonde 5.41m2 Isabella Mills St. Michael C S S 5.38m3 Avery Marn St Ignaus 5.29m1 Jaida Charles John F. Ross 11.26m2 Saige Burbick Downsview 10.91m3 Addyson Parish Haliburton Highlands 10.86m

Page 451 Jenna Tunks Oakridge S S 13.51m2 Adalee Turland Kincardine District Secondary 11.56m3 Georgia Policicchio Harbord 11.23m1 Jenna Tunks Oakridge S S 47.30m2 Ella Watson Campbellford - Campbellford 29.36m3 Faith Jacobi Centennial - Welland 28.01m1 Mallea McMullin Louis-Riel - Oawa 40.04m2 Abigayle VanBakel St. Michael C S S 38.80m3 Quinn Toll St. Mary - Brockville 34.56m1 Trinity Shadd-Ceres Cameron Heights 11.692 Jaela Bailey Sandwich Secondary 11.773 Jaeden Garraway Bill Crothers SS 11.781 Shadae Thompson All Saints - Whitby 24.042 Ashley Johnson St. Aloysius Gonzaga 24.123 Jaela Bailey Sandwich Secondary 24.151 Kiara Webb St. Roch - Brampton 54.852 Alex Estabrooks Country Day School 55.823 Sasha Salwonchuk St. Mary - Pickering 56.171 Stephanie Bertram Lawrence Park 2:10.152 Cailey Freeze Bill Crothers SS 2:12.823 Morgan Yeomans Leaside 2:14.131 Stephanie Bertram Lawrence Park 4:33.602 Morgan Yeomans Leaside 4:35.453 Ava Moric John Diefenbaker S.S. 4:37.641 Maria Linton Cobourg - Cobourg 10:04.572 Grace Streek Peak Centre Academy 10:05.643 Muriel Lovshin Bayview Glen 10:05.951 Ella Steel-Douglas Sandwich Secondary 13.502 Naomi Byam St. Andre Bessee 13.533 Findlay Weir Carleton Place 13.911 Janae Dawes Pickering - Ajax 1:00.922 Quinn Coughlin Opeongo - Douglas 1:02.243 Sydney Freeman Bracebridge & Muskoka - Braceb 1:02.601 Grace Streek Peak Centre Academy 7:01.612 Nari Hwang Eastview - Barrie 7:05.753 Olivia Downey All Saints - Whitby 7:10.281 All Saints - Whitby 46.08 *2 Sandwich Secondary 49.143 St. Ignaus of Loyola 49.301 St. Marcellinus 3:59.582 Pickering - Ajax 4:00.223 Sandwich Secondary 4:01.081 Laura Van Nes St. Anne’s C S S 1.66m2 Callista Daly Centre Duerin - Shelburne 1.60m3 Michele Horak Greenwood College J1.60m3 Presley Meloche Sandwich Secondary J1.60m1 Sophia Bryenton Oakridge S S 3.80m2 Libby McCurdy St. Joseph’s H S 3.55m3 Balqis Chouikhi Sir Wilfrid Laurier - Oawa J3.55m1 Trinity Shadd-Ceres Cameron Heights 6.14m2 Asia Phillips W.L. MacKenzie 5.94m3 Ella Steel-Douglas Sandwich Secondary 5.66m1 Asia Phillips W.L. MacKenzie 13.48m *2 Shiloh Cross Humberside 12.30m3 Kaiya Hlady L’Essor 11.53m1 Julia Tunks Oakridge S S 14.31m2 Brooke Bentley Chatham-Kent S.S. 12.29m3 Emma Longuay Sandwich Secondary 12.14m1 Julia Tunks Oakridge S S 56.35m2 Lexi Stanat Parkside C I 40.85m3 Coco Van Nynaen West Niagara Secondary 39.09m1 Kaitlyn Pepper Tecumseh Vista Academy 40.08m2 Tatum Mcglynn Sinclair - Whitby 39.98m3 Brook Ward Sandwich Secondary 37.93m1 Victoria Mino St. Marcellinus 11.852 Jordynn Sco Bill Crothers SS 11.883 Sarah L’Heureux Toronto District Chrisan 11.991 Victoria Mino St. Marcellinus 24.602 Elizabeth Tannis Loreo Abbey 24.913 Mariah Williams Father Henry Carr 24.961 Melisa Kekic Salleet District - Hwdsb 55.832 Ciara Costa St. Thomas Aquinas 56.473 Isabel Yeboah Notre Dame Burlington 56.881 Julie DeBoer Emmanuel Chrisan H.S. 2:15.522 Maya Markowska Burlington Central H.S. 2:15.993 Kylie Stapor Bill Crothers SS 2:17.641 Julie DeBoer Emmanuel Chrisan H.S. 4:29.382 Maya Markowska Burlington Central H.S. 4:30.023 Riley Innes Sir William Mulock - Newmarket 4:32.461 Riley Innes Sir William Mulock - Newmarket 9:41.102 Athena Andrecyk Kingston S.S. - Kingston 9:45.113 Kieva Birmingham Northern 10:07.001 Jordynn Sco Bill Crothers SS 11.312 Madison Gravelle St Joseph’s Catholic 11.483 Sarah Jaquith A.B. Lucas S S 11.681 Ciara Costa St. Thomas Aquinas 42.402 Sarah Jaquith A.B. Lucas S S 42.773 Janelle Davis Sandwich Secondary 43.761 Thousand Islands - Brockville 48.972 Father Henry Carr 49.073 St. Mary - Pickering 49.701 Victoria Vaughan Kitchener Waterloo - Kitchener 1.68m2 Breanna Sloetjes Strathroy D C I 1.68m3 Sophia Vanraalte Guido de Bres C.H.S - Hwdsb 1.62m1 Nella Krykorka St Basil The Great 3.55m2 Maya Walker St Anne’s School 3.45m3 Alaya McIntyre Laurel Heights Sec Sch 3.25m1 Jennilee Harris Perth & District CI - Perth 5.33m2 Joanna Wang London Central S S 5.32m3 Deborah Adeleye Ashbury 5.31m1 Divine Oriakhi James Cardinal McGuigan 11.66m2 Nadya Nemes St. Mary’s - Kitchener 11.59m3 Taylor Ysebaert St. Patrick’s Catholic H.S. 11.53m 1 Sydney Johnson Nicholson - Belleville 13.28m2 Rachel Burns St. Patrick’s Catholic H.S. 12.55m3 Emma Negri Ursuline 12.49m1 Emma Negri Ursuline 40.75m2 Emma Culin Scollard Hall - North Bay 35.43m3 Janell Ineh St. Peter’s - Barrie 32.63m1 Savannah Grith Resurrecon - Kitchener 41.06m2 Annie Seagris Sandwich Secondary 38.73m3 Brennan McNeil Guido de Bres C.H.S 35.45m1 Liên Nhân Consorum Centre Jules-Léger 15.812 Abbi-Lynne Dufour L’Essor 27.671 Abbi-Lynne Dufour L’Essor 2.89m1 Nala Beans St. Theresa’s - Midland 15.602 Alicia Davies-Johnston Thousand Islands - Brockville 18.423 Karissa Flemington J. Clarke Richardson - Ajax 20.331 Alexis Asselin Fr. Leo J. Ausn - Whitby 2:32.651 Addisyn Franceschini Hammarskjold 8.57m2 Nala Beans St. Theresa’s - Midland 7.92m3 Jada Alarie Timmins High - Timmins 5.81m1 Zoey Shantz Woodstock C.I. 14.892 Amelia Brown J. Clarke Richardson - Ajax 14.913 Emma Smith North Lambton S.S. 15.261 Lucy Farmer Bayridge - Kingston 3:02.372 Emma Smith North Lambton S.S. 3:17.123 Zoey Shantz Woodstock C.I. 3:19.221 Sierra Carroll Loyalist - Kingston 7.27m2 Khadijah Niles-Brock J. Clarke Richardson - Ajax 7.07m3 Faith Magyar M.M.Robinson 6.86m1 Isaac Chandra Kenner - Peterborough 10.352 Will Batley West Carleton - Oawa 10.353 Tooni Ogunyeye St. Edmund Campion 10.451 Will Batley West Carleton - Oawa 20.95 *2 Isaac Chandra Kenner - Peterborough 21.053 Dakari Milks Leamington D S S 21.221 Zachary Jeggo Louis-Riel - Oawa 47.822 Stephan Balson Lisgar - Oawa 48.273 Emme Charles Sir Frederick Banng S S 48.481 LJ Nelson Brooklin - Brooklin 1:53.452 Safwan El Mansari De La Salle - Oawa 1:54.563 Michael Schmalz Notre Dame Burlington 1:54.821 Liam Smith Regina Mundi College 3:46.882 Travis Ganey St. Mary - Brockville 3:50.073 Ian McAllister London Central S S 3:52.861 Travis Ganey St. Mary - Brockville 8:25.642 Liam Smith Regina Mundi College 8:30.943 Luke Feltham Straord District S S 8:31.911 Nicholas Tozer Forest Heights - Kitchener 13.632 Drezdon Howe Belle River 13.723 Braeden Brouwer West Niagara Secondary 13.741 Zachary Jeggo Louis-Riel - Oawa 53.722 Nicholas Tozer Forest Heights - Kitchener 54.103 Brayden Labonte Belle River 54.411 Derek Strachan Glebe - Oawa 6:00.832 Nolan Buie Brooklin - Brooklin 6:01.753 Daniel Cova Louis-Riel - Oawa 6:06.94Championship Results

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44THE BULLETIN FALL 20241 Donald A. Wilson - Whitby 42.232 Catholic Central-London 42.653 St. Mother Teresa 42.821 St. Michael’s College 3:20.902 Sir Frederick Banng S S 3:21.603 Neil McNeil High School 3:25.651 Tristan Boateng Bill Crothers SS 2.03m2 Ashvin Balaramana Markham - Markham 2.03m3 Brayden Irhuegbae Cardinal Leger - Brampton 2.00m1 Liam Miller Bishop Reding Css 4.70m2 Mahew Piekny St. Joseph’s H S 4.30m3 Theo Wood Humberview - Bolton 4.20m1 Jayce Hill Nantyr Shores - Innisl 7.18m2 Chairo Ogbebor Christ the King Catholic SS 7.03m3 Shaheer Hussain Sandwich Secondary 6.71m1 Mahew Kathiravelu Kenner - Peterborough 15.01m2 Banujan Kulainthiran Fr. Michael McGivney - Markham 14.99m3 Jaden Stewart W.L. MacKenzie 14.25m1 Owen Robins Port Colborne HS 16.69m2 Sam Pannell Algonquin - North Bay 16.12m3 Liam Davis Opeongo - Douglas 15.63m1 Owen Robins Port Colborne HS 51.38m2 Jack McCauley Bill Crothers SS 51.14m3 Brayden King Mentor College - Mississauga 49.23m1 Tyson Schiele Brooklin - Brooklin 62.50m2 Carson Gauthier St. Michael Catholic Secondary 56.14m3 Dane Thompson Sandwich Secondary 55.29m1 Dennis Iriowen Bear Creek S.S. 10.772 Andre Bell Holy Trinity - Cource 11.083 Samacki Thomas Saint Paul Catholic HS 11.091 Dennis Iriowen Bear Creek S.S. 21.672 Samacki Thomas Saint Paul Catholic HS 22.593 David Tomlin Woodland Chrisan - Breslau 23.021 David Tomlin Woodland Chrisan - Breslau 50.802 Hudson Ryan Nantyr Shores - Innisl 51.643 Liam Carvalho Neil McNeil H.S. 51.781 Noah Hill Newmarket - Newmarket 1:58.092 Brandon Neill All Saints - Whitby 1:58.153 TJ Woods Denis Morris Catholic H.S. 1:58.191 TJ Woods Denis Morris Catholic H.S. 4:06.882 Brandon Neill All Saints - Whitby 4:08.233 Noah Hill Newmarket - Newmarket 4:08.431 William Thomas Riverdale 9:08.872 Jerey Carrique Upper Canada College 9:11.393 Ethan Deveaux Thomas A. Blakelock H.S 9:14.221 Arayus Clunis Brampton Centennial - Brampton 13.692 Daniel Pilkington St. Francis Xavier - Oawa 13.933 Wakan Rainville North Star-Amherstburg 14.241 Arayus Clunis Brampton Centennial - Brampton 42.402 Zenon Groch Mother Teresa C S S 42.913 Chase Larsen West Niagara Secondary 43.601 St. John Paul II 45.662 Lo-Ellen Park S.S. 45.793 St. Thomas Aquinas S S 45.831 Xavier Grith Sir Winston Churchill 1.87m2 Elijah Kpioyo E. L. Crossley - Fonthill 1.81m2 Warren Koelenberg Emmanuel Chrisan H.S. 1.81m1 Chrisan Futo Chaminade College 4.25m2 Ethan Atkinson St. Joseph’s H S 3.30m3 Maxime Chartrand Louis-Riel - Oawa 3.10m1 Leshawn Telfer Resurrecon - Kitchener 6.36m2 Samacki Thomas Saint Paul Catholic HS 6.36m3 Francis Mallory Lo-Ellen Park S.S. 6.11m1 Luqmaan Brewster Kingston S.S. - Kingston 12.77m2 Warren Koelenberg Emmanuel Chrisan H.S. 12.73m3 Noah Hollinger St. John - Perth 12.66m1 Galen Hudel St. David - Waterloo 14.32m2 Cole Vreugdenhil Hamilton District C.H.S. 13.47m3 Colens Désardouin Mer Bleue - Oawa 13.46m1 Raine Bradley Chippewa S.S. 51.22m2 Cole Stevens Oakridge S S 46.55m3 Tyrese Allen St. Marcellinus 43.81m1 Seth Black East Northumberland - Brighton 49.24m2 Parker Pieers Emmanuel Chrisan H.S. 47.95m3 Landon VanBakel St. Michael C S S 47.79m3 Landon VanBakel St. Michael C S S 47.79m1 Jahleel Haley Father Henry Carr 10.712 Ange-Mathis Kramo Paul-Desmarais - Oawa 10.723 Wya Lee Frontenac - Kingston 10.801 Ange-Mathis Kramo Paul-Desmarais - Oawa 21.692 Wya Lee Frontenac - Kingston 21.973 Noah Horspool Resurrecon - Kitchener 22.171 KJ Nembhard Simcoe - Simcoe 48.672 Kerwin Brookes North Albion 49.703 Ausn Adair Resurrecon - Kitchener 49.881 Ryan Georgeson Medway H S 1:57.572 Cecil Jenkins Neil McNeil H.S. 1:57.573 William Scharf Riverdale 1:58.091 Kenneth Champ St. Peter’s - Barrie 3:55.172 Brody Clark Milton District H.S. 3:56.303 Cailan McGregor Frontenac 3:58.731 Kenneth Champ St. Peter’s - Barrie 8:35.212 Brody Clark Milton District H.S. 8:37.083 Cailan McGregor Frontenac - Kingston 8:40.441 Jake Charest Glenview Park - Cambridge 13.402 Taisei Tan Béatrice-Desloges - Oawa 13.523 Seyon Satheesh Milliken Mills - Markham 13.671 Thomas-Daniel Tent Tecumseh Vista Academy 38.752 Kailer Jenney Medway H S 39.403 Taisei Tan Béatrice-Desloges - Oawa 39.451 Neil McNeil H.S. 44.212 Cardinal Leger - Brampton 44.223 Resurrecon - Kitchener 44.321 Birenavan Balaramana Markham - Markham 1.94m2 Harmony Okojie James Cardinal McGuigan 1.91m3 Joshua Spence Maple - Maple 1.85m1 Eli Mordel Sir Robert Borden - Oawa 3.95m2 Ben Leveck Laurel Heights Sec Sch 3.85m3 Adam Freure E. L. Crossley - Fonthill J3.85m1 Jordane Glaves St. Augusne - Brampton 6.52m2 Tristan Braithwaite-Dixon St Marn Css - Mississauga 6.47m3 CJ Roberts Ursuline 6.45m1 Jordane Glaves St. Augusne - Brampton 13.90m2 Harmony Okojie James Cardinal McGuigan 13.28m3 Moses Samuel Donald A. Wilson - Whitby 12.92m1 Noah Mitoraj St. Thomas Aquinas S S 18.31m2 Andrew Urquhart Lord Dorchester S S 17.92m3 Adnal Oladejobi James Cardinal McGuigan 16.65m1 Eghosa Ehigiator James Cardinal McGuigan 59.49m2 Noah Mitoraj St. Thomas Aquinas S S 54.68m3 Mahew Bourgouin Patrick Fogarty - Orillia 51.50m1 Colin Dioe Sandwich Secondary 56.61m2 Duncan Smith Great Lakes S.S. 53.67m3 Jim McLaren GB - Georgian Bay 53.02m1 Jacob Gauthier Consorum Centre Jules-Léger 15.532 Ronin Hansman Parry Sound - Parry Sound 20.631 Ronin Hansman Parry Sound - Parry Sound 4:03.691 Ronin Hansman Parry Sound - Parry Sound 6.77m1 Shay Parreira Notre Dame Burlington 34.932 Joey Graham Waterford District H.S. 47.033 Anthony Galligan Sydenham - Sydenham 52.241 Anthony Galligan Sydenham - Sydenham 2.84m1 Flavien Lavigne Esc Hawkesbury 12.922 Isaiah Smeaton-Katzenberg Lakeshore CI 14.113 Tony Rodriguez Sir Frederick Banng S S 14.581 Flavien Lavigne Esc Hawkesbury 2:25.572 Joshua Flank Ernestown - Odessa 3:05.363 Ausn Gordon St. Benedict - Cambridge 3:14.311 Flavien Lavigne Esc Hawkesbury 9.39m2 Isaiah Smeaton-Katzenberg Lakeshore CI 7..96m3 Maleki McCue Glenview Park - Cambridge 7.29m1 Ezekiel Kerr Clarke Road S S 12.102 Stephan Michael Denis Morris Catholic High Sch 12.423 Eric Koets Norwood - Norwood 12.581 Anthony Cigan St Joseph’s Catholic 2:19.042 Ken Stanborough Collingwood - Collingwood 2:21.893 Eric Koets Norwood - Norwood 2:22.251 Xavier Brown Kingston S.S. - Kingston 11.02m2 Killian Lavoie Georgetown District HS 10.85m3 Nathanial Cardinal Port Hope - Port Hope 10.48m

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THE OFFICIAL OFSAA HOTEL SUPPLIERComfort Inn & Suites BarrieComfort Inn BellevilleFairfield Inn & Suites BellevilleHilton Garden Inn BurlingtonHomewood Suites BurlingtonComfort Inn Cambridge Comfort Inn Cobourg Hampton by Hilton CornwallComfort Inn DrydenComfort Inn Hamilton Comfort Inn Kapuskasing Comfort Inn Kenora Comfort Inn Kingston 401Holiday Inn Kingston Waterfront Delta London Armouries Comfort Inn & Suites NapaneeComfort Inn Newmarket Fairfield Inn & Suites North Bay Holiday Inn Express North Bay705-721-1122613-966-7703 613-962-9211905-631-7000905-631-8300519-658-1100905-372-7007613-932-9399807-223-3893905-560-4500705-335-8583807-468-8845613-546-9500613-549-8400519-679-6111613-900-2100905-895-3355705-256-6784705-476-7700Comfort Inn Orillia Comfort Inn Ottawa EastComfort Inn Ottawa WestHoliday Inn & Suites Ottawa KanataMarriott OttawaLes Suites Hotel Ottawa Comfort Inn Parry Sound Comfort Inn Pembroke Comfort Inn Pickering Hampton by Hilton Port HopeComfort Inn Sault Ste. Marie Comfort Inn SimcoeComfort Inn Sudbury Regent StComfort Inn Sudbury 2nd Ave Comfort Inn Thunder Bay Comfort Inn TimminsHoliday Inn Express Toronto Downtown Kimpton Saint George Toronto705-327-7744613-744-2900613-592-2200613-271-3057613-238-1122613-232-2000705-746-6221613-735-1057905-831-6200905-800-9010705-759-8000519-426-2611705-522-1101705-560-4502807-475-3155705-264-9474416-367-5555416-968-0010 REMEMBER TO ASK FOR THE 'OFSAA RATE AND CONVENOR INCENTIVE' WHEN BOOKING!For reservations, contact thehotel directly or contact: SAVERIO GIOFFRENational Sales Stay at over 80 properties managed by InnVest Hotels, 37 of which are located in Ontario! For a complete hotel listing of all of our properties across Canada, visit Barry Mutrie P: 519.270.4461 Sean Clancy P: 613.824.4411 Maria Morris, St. Paul CSS P: 613.394.4843 TBA Heather Chambers P: 705.474.7681 TBA Hugh Rowland, Sir Oliver Mowat CI P: 416.396.6802 Ian Press P: 613.921.1665 Pay Johnson, Bishop Strachan School P: 416.483.4325 Peter Andras, Lakeeld College P: 705.652.3324 TBA  TBA TBA  TBA  Rob Grepe, RS McLaughlin P: 905.259.3095 Yannick Freve St Francis C.S.S P: 905.646. 2002 Liz Rusch, Merivale HS P: 613.224.1807 Alex Frescura, St. Michaels College P: 416.653.3180 James Clarke, John McGregor SS P: 519.354.1740 x11655 Rachel Spurs, Donald A. Wilson P: 905.664.5057 Ryan Matches, Medway HS P: 519.660.8418 x 23010 Tim Clayton, Mother Teresa CSS P: 519.675.4433 Todd Harris, Lakeeld CSS P: 705.652.3324 Jason Cormier, St. Francis Xavier CSS P: 905.507.6666 Sheila Catling, Bear Creek SS P: 705.725.7712 TBA Tony Fiorino, Chaminade CS P: 416.393.5509 tony. Michelle Harshman-Beg, Mayeld SS P: 905.676.1191  Shawn Morris, Stephen Lewis SS P: 905.363.0289 x153 Dave Gallant, Espanola High School P: 705.862.0074 x 2025 Carla DiFilippo, Havergal College P: 416.483.3843 cdi Tammy Short, Sir Winston Churchill SS P: 905.684.6349 TBA Guy MacDougall, Cairine Wilson SS P: 613.824.4411 guy.macdougall@ocdsb.caOFSAA Committees and Chairs

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