church missions coaching | mission agency coaching | great commission resources 20th anniversary 2004 2024-
Since 2004, God has used 16:15 to mobilize churches nationwide to bring the Gospel to the ends of theearth. While much has changed in 20 years, our purpose remains: 16:15 mobilizes the Church to glorifyGod, that all nations may worship Jesus for his mercy. We are passionate about empowering the local church – the bride of Christ – as the primary way tofulfill the Great Commission. By equipping, pastors, lay leaders, missions mobilizers, churches andagencies, we ensure they have the tools to advance God's kingdom, bringing the message of Jesus toevery nation, tribe and tongue. church missions coachingmissions agency coachinggreat commission resources God has used 16:15, along with partners like you, to reach countless unreached people with the Gospel! The following pages highlight the impact of 16:15, showcasing the global impact of churches we’veserved. As we celebrate 20 years in 2024, we look ahead with fresh vision and passion, eager to see what Godwill accomplish in the next 20.CELEBRATING 20 YEARS OF OF OUTFITTING THE CHURCH FOR THE GREAT COMMISSIONThrough our three primary ministries:
,At the end of Acts 14, we read that the church in Antioch gathered together. Paul and Barnabas had returnedhome from their first missionary journey to encourage the church that had sent them out and to declare allthat God had done. I imagine that they were bursting at the seams to recount how God was using them tobring salvation to the nations! These stories would not have been possible without the support of the churchin Antioch.As we look to the next 20 years, we’re going back to our roots. Our vision has always focused on outfittingchurches with the resources and expertise they need to do cross-cultural ministry strategically andintentionally. By God’s grace, our fruit has produced a movement of mobilized churches and agencies forGospel multiplication. We are asking God for partners like you, like the Antioch church, who want toparticipate on the front row of God’s redemptive plan for the nations! Would you invest in reachingeven more unreached peoples by partnering with 16:15 today?By the grace of God, we’re only getting started...Matthew EllisonA NOTE FROM OUR PRESIDENT“And when they arrived and gathered the church together, they declared all that God had done withthem, and how He had opened a door of faith to the nations.” Acts 14:27
20162014200720042001Milestones of God’s Goodness— OUR STORY—2001 200220042016Vic Jury and Matthewdraw the initialconcept for 16:15 on apaper tablecloth atIndia Palace16:15 is launched. Church Zero, Desert SpringsChurch, begins the coaching processMatthew begins to receive requests fromchurches desiring to domissions more proactivelyGreat CommissionResources begin,focusing initially onwebinarsMissie 1:8, 16:15’s Dutch Affiliate,begins coaching churchesin HollandCalvary Church inAlbuquerque, NM,serves as theincubator for thevision of 16:15 16:15 heads up Finishing the Taskand Matthewbecomes a memberof Table 71The MobilizedChurch workshopis bornThe Mission Agency Consultation is born. “When Everything is Missions” is published“Conversations on When Everything is Missions” is publishedWe celebrate 20 yrs. of mobilizing God’s people into His mission16:15 has coachedhundreds of churchesin 46 of the 50 U.S.states20072011201420172019 202020242000The future is as bright as the Promises of god
God is using 16:15 to catalyze churches in rewriting their story andreshaping the future of missions, unleashing a movement of radicalcompassion and sacrificial generosity.This is the vision 16:15 has worked tirelessly to cultivate – realizing amovement of mobilized churches and agencies, captivated by themission of God, fulfilling their unique role in making Christ knownamong every nation, tribe, people, and language.Church Zero: Desert Springs Church (DSC) in Albuquerque, New Mexico,the very first church coached by 16:15, served as the incubator where thecoaching process was born. 20162004200520072010 201220152019A churchestablished inNorth AfricaAchi OldTestament iscompleted andentire Achi Bibleis printed2024201620142020202216:15 helps DSCdevelop a strategy formissions; they adoptthe Rabinal Achi ofGuatemalaDSC raises $26,000 tofund the translation andrecording of the AchiNew TestamentShort-term medical and dental teams begin serving the Achi peopleRabinal Achi NewTestament is printedand audio recordingsdistributedSurvey trips for North Africa, whole church beginsfundraising to deploymissionariesFirst family is deployed to North Africa Second family is deployed to North Africa Second Albuquerque church plant islaunched Hosts 16:15’s firstMobilized Church Workshop Translation oftheologicalresources intoNorth Africandialectchurch zero Where it all began:
All of their 50+ small groups adopt a missions partnerto pray for each week.Started coaching process in 2015 First Family Church committed toplant a church and/or sendmissionaries annually.As hard as it will be this January to say goodbye, it has been a tremendous gift in ministry to actually live out what you’ve been preaching for 10 years.”We preached and labored for God to raise up those who’d go to the harvest. I’ll never forget the day that our twodaughters said, “we feel like we should go.” I could not have earned the credibility that I received fromtwo of our kids going to the field, obeying the call. It was like, “you mean what you say now.” They have planted 7 churches, seen 2 granddaughter churches birthed, and sent 7missionary families out (with 5 more in pipeline).F R O M A S U P P O R T I N G C H U R C H T O A S E N D I N G C H U R C HFirst Family Church – Ankeny Iowa,Two of Pastor Todd’sdaughters and theirhusbands (with 7 grandkids)will be deployed to twounreached areas in January 2025.80% of their missionsfunds and missionaries goto least reached areas.- Lead Pastor, Todd Stiles
Missions giving has grown 3x’s since finishing the 16:15coaching processIn November 2022, the first survey team went toTurkey to begin developingpartnershipsIn February 2023, Community Christian Fellowshipraised $30,000 for earthquakerelief efforts in TurkeyIn May 2022, Pastor Brian spent the whole month preaching a new missions vision forCommunity Christian FellowshipCommunity Christian Fellowship started the coaching process- Sr. Pastor, Brian BooneCommunity Christian Fellowship – Edmonds WashingtonF R O M S T A G N A N T T O I N T E N T I O N A L M I S S I O N S“I thought 16:15 did a fantastic job of convening some of theimportant stakeholders of the church. They helped us through a process of realizing where we were, identify our values, and understand what we felt like God wanted us to become. And then help us come together collectively to implement our new vision.”Decided to emphasize five ways to reach their neighborsand nations,
East– West ministries internationalWes raised the issue of how East-West wasengaging churches at the executive levelThey began meeting regularly to implement what they had learned about honoring and engaging localchurches wellChelsea, the Director of Recruitment, attendedseveral 16:15 webinarsIn May 2024, East-West’s entire home office participatedin the Mission Agency Consultation for two days to learnhow to better love and serve the local churchChelsea and a few co-workers attended the MissionAgency Consultation in 2023Kristen Shuler, the new President, invited 16:15 to presentthe Mission Agency Consultation for East-West HQChelsea invited Wes, one of the VPs, into theconversation so it could be implemented throughoutdifferent teamsL E A R N I N G T O L O V E T H E B R I D E O F C H R I S T
Christ Church of theValley in Arizona, as aresult of reading our book,“When Everything is Missions”, and participating in missionscoaching shifted from $500,000in annual giving to the unreachedto over $2.2 million, amplifyingtheir impact worldwide. 20132014201520162017201820192020202120222023M I S S I O N S G I V I N G M U L T I P L I E DRediscoveredmissions$1.2k$1k$800$1.4k$1.6k$600$400$200$1.8k$0$2.0k$2.2kThousands2024
,SINCE 2004Yet, God has still blessed 16:15 and its partners with tremendous fruit toovercome those barriers! As we look to the future, we are praying forpartners like you to join us in bearing even more fruit. But this journey is challenging! Geographic, cultural, and languagebarriers keep entire people groups unreached. Many believers areunaware of the urgent need and churches often lack the resources,training, and know-how to reach the nations effectively. 16:15 has equipped churches across the nation to spread the Gospelworldwide. Through God’s grace and your support, countless churchesand agencies have mobilized to share Jesus with those who have neverheard His name....
,$300k$250k$200k$150k$100k$50k$0we seek $300,000 to further our mission. With over$150,000 already committed, we’re well on our way! Imagine the impact of your partnership in bringing salvation to thenations! Just as the church in Antioch supported Paul and Barnabas,you can play a crucial role in God’s redemptive plan for the world. Will you partner with us today to reachmore unreached people? By God’s grace and with your generosity, we’re just getting started. Join us, and let’s see what God will do in the next 20 years! AS WE CELEBRATE 20 YEARS OF GODFAITHFULNESSA growing movement of believersdedicated to global worship of Jesus.Coaching for pastors and missionteams to reach the nations.Resources for local churches to crosscultural barriers with the Gospel.Mission agencies recruiting resourcesand workers for unreached peoples.YOUR INVESTMENT WILL EMPOWER:...Virgil Dugan, President of the Tijeras Foundation/Alb, N.M.“16:15 just may be one of the most important Great Commission ministries of our day. The Great Commission’s fulfillment is on the horizon and through the ministry of 16:15, this climactic work of the Church is being leveraged for God’s glory. If you’re looking for an opportunity to givea gift to world missions that will be multiplied over and over, this is it.”ChurchMissionsGreatCommission Resources40%40%20%ChurchAgency CoachingGIVE HERE :1615OUTFITTERSORG/DONATE.S,Coaching
church missions coaching | mission agency coaching | great commission resources info@1615outfitters.orgPO Box 7 / Lewisville, TX 75067 469-333-1615