Ulteig's environmental and cultural resource professionals are at the forefront of environmental and engineering expertise. We surround your project with our collective experience, ensuring proficiency in field surveys, permitting and compliance. Our services span across Lifeline Sectors®, integrating seamlessly with Power, Renewables, Transportation, Water and the many different industries we support. We provide end-to-end services from – field services and permitting to design engineering and construction monitoring – all tailored to ensure timely deliverance of your projects and exceed client expectations. ENVIRONMENTALINTEGRITYBALANCING MODERN INFRASTRUCTURE NEEDS WITHA TEAM YOU CAN RELY ONCONTACT USto learn more about how our experienced team can help navigate environmental hurdles to make your project a success.CORIE ERETH USFWS Permitted Dakota Skipper Surveyorulteig.com | 888.858.3441 | environmental@Ulteig.com
A HOLISTIC APPROACH TO PROJECT SUCCESSCULTURAL RESOURCESOur environmental team blends a big-picture understanding of your project’s goals with the detailed technical and project management expertise necessary to keep it moving forward.With every project, Ulteig’s environmental services team: Builds and utilizes trusted relationships with agencies, stakeholders and clientsCollaborates with design teams and other partnersLeans on both engineering and environmental expertisePrepares and coordinates regulatory fieldwork, documentation, and permitting.Finds expedient solutions to unanticipated problems12345NATURAL RESOURCE FIELD SERVICES▪ Aquatic resource surveys▪ Migratory bird, bat and raptor surveys▪ Threatened, endangered, state listed species and habitat surveysADDITIONAL SERVICES▪ Viewshed analysis▪ Noise analysis, abatement and reporting▪ Construction monitoring▪ Phase I/II environmental site assessment▪ Asbestos inspection▪ Regulatory review, policy and impact study▪ Manuscript and records search▪ Cultural, historical and architectural survey▪ Native American consultation▪ Report of InvestigationENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES AT A GLANCEWe believe in delivering modern infrastructure solutions that foster a sustainable future. Our environmental team, composed of environmental specialists, cultural resource specialists, and engineers works across the Lifeline Sectors® of Power, Renewables,Transportation and Water to support your project from conception through completion. Our diverse team specializes in developing solutions that meet your needs while minimizing environmental impact and complying with local, state and federal regulations. NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT▪ Testing, data recovery, and mitigation▪ Unanticipated Discovery Plan▪ CATEX, EA, EIS▪ Agency coordination, public and stakeholder involvement▪ Administrative record▪ Section 4(f) and 6(f)▪ Section 7 and 106 consultation▪ Mitigation plans▪ Critical Issues Analysis▪ Project routingPERMITTING▪ Federal, state, local▪ Clean Water Act (Section 401, 402, 404, 408)▪ Habitat Conservation Plan – Incidental Take Permit▪ Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan▪ Public utilities/service commission▪ Air quality permitting (Title V, APEN)▪ Zoning/building▪ Sovereign lands▪ SWPPP inspection▪ Biological and botanical surveys
A HOLISTIC APPROACH TO PROJECT SUCCESSCULTURAL RESOURCESOur environmental team blends a big-picture understanding of your project’s goals with the detailed technical and project management expertise necessary to keep it moving forward.With every project, Ulteig’s environmental services team: Builds and utilizes trusted relationships with agencies, stakeholders and clientsCollaborates with design teams and other partnersLeans on both engineering and environmental expertisePrepares and coordinates regulatory fieldwork, documentation, and permitting.Finds expedient solutions to unanticipated problems12345NATURAL RESOURCE FIELD SERVICES▪ Aquatic resource surveys▪ Migratory bird, bat and raptor surveys▪ Threatened, endangered, state listed species and habitat surveysADDITIONAL SERVICES▪ Viewshed analysis▪ Noise analysis, abatement and reporting▪ Construction monitoring▪ Phase I/II environmental site assessment▪ Asbestos inspection▪ Regulatory review, policy and impact study▪ Manuscript and records search▪ Cultural, historical and architectural survey▪ Native American consultation▪ Report of InvestigationENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES AT A GLANCEWe believe in delivering modern infrastructure solutions that foster a sustainable future. Our environmental team, composed of environmental specialists, cultural resource specialists, and engineers works across the Lifeline Sectors® of Power, Renewables,Transportation and Water to support your project from conception through completion. Our diverse team specializes in developing solutions that meet your needs while minimizing environmental impact and complying with local, state and federal regulations. NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT▪ Testing, data recovery, and mitigation▪ Unanticipated Discovery Plan▪ CATEX, EA, EIS▪ Agency coordination, public and stakeholder involvement▪ Administrative record▪ Section 4(f) and 6(f)▪ Section 7 and 106 consultation▪ Mitigation plans▪ Critical Issues Analysis▪ Project routingPERMITTING▪ Federal, state, local▪ Clean Water Act (Section 401, 402, 404, 408)▪ Habitat Conservation Plan – Incidental Take Permit▪ Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan▪ Public utilities/service commission▪ Air quality permitting (Title V, APEN)▪ Zoning/building▪ Sovereign lands▪ SWPPP inspection▪ Biological and botanical surveys
Ulteig's environmental and cultural resource professionals are at the forefront of environmental and engineering expertise. We surround your project with our collective experience, ensuring proficiency in field surveys, permitting and compliance. Our services span across Lifeline Sectors®, integrating seamlessly with Power, Renewables, Transportation, Water and the many different industries we support. We provide end-to-end services from – field services and permitting to design engineering and construction monitoring – all tailored to ensure timely deliverance of your projects and exceed client expectations. ENVIRONMENTALINTEGRITYBALANCING MODERN INFRASTRUCTURE NEEDS WITHA TEAM YOU CAN RELY ONCONTACT USto learn more about how our experienced team can help navigate environmental hurdles to make your project a success.CORIE ERETH USFWS Permitted Dakota Skipper Surveyorulteig.com | 888.858.3441 | environmental@Ulteig.com