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2024 End of Year Report Glossy V

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2023 - 2024 SCHOOL REPORTCelebrating 75 Years of Grace!

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2Dear OLG Community...“Go Make Disciples”5071 Eden Avenue, Edina MN, MissionOur Lady of Grace Catholic School is a Catholic community of parents, educators, and students whose greatest commitment is to spiritual and academic growth. As members of God’s faith community, we proclaim and celebrate God’s love. As parents, we acknowledge our role as teachers of our children. As educators, we center our teaching on Gospel values, assess the individual needs of each child and encourage the pursuit of academic excellence. As students, we accept the responsibility to learn to our greatest potential and to be life-long learners. This growth occurs within a mutually supportive environment that fosters in each of us a love for God, love for one another and a desire to serve the greater community.OUR LADY OUR LADY  GRACE GRACE  We had another remarkable year as we celebrated our 75th year as a Catholic School, thanks to so many who contributed to our success! As we reect on this monumental year at OLG, we feel blessed to be part of this amazing Parish and School. We extend our deepest appreciation for your steadfast support and involvement in our vibrant community.We are grateful for our exceptional teachers and sta who have excelled at providing an outstanding education and adapting to new ways of teaching and learning. Their unwavering commitment to our students’ well-being and academic success remains truly remarkable.To our parents, we realize that you have a choice when deciding where your children will be educated for their preschool, elementary, and middle school years. Your involvement in your children’s education and our school community has been invaluable. Thank you for choosing to have your children attend Our Lady of Grace Catholic School and making us the largest PreK-8 Catholic School in the state of Minnesota.This year, we continued to challenge our students academically, ensuring that our students are equipped for high school and beyond. And as always, we focused on building the character of our students, framed around our Catholic faith with a zeal for making Jesus Christ known and loved.We are grateful for the outstanding support received from our School Advisory Committee, the Parish, PSO, Men’s Club, our countless volunteers, and the entire OLG community for our amazing School. With God’s guidance, OLG proved to be a school of excellence again in 2023-24. We are condent that our community will continue to our School as we enter our next 75 years of making Jesus Christ known and loved.Together we are, OLG!God Bless,Father Kevin Finnegan Deacon Mike McGinty Pastor Head of School

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3Highlights of the 2023 - 2024 School Year167 days of school 82,176 lunches served 1400 new books added to library 10, 267 books check out at the library 378 dozen donuts eaten 222 new family tours2 school students baptized81 school students received 1st Communion 67 school students received Conrmation35 School Masses celebrated1 ordination to the Diaconate

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4Who We Are130 Preschoolers Enrolled208 Middle School Students Enrolled 525 Elementary Students Enrolled2 Priests76 Teachers and TA’s16 Sta 6 Custodians 5 dierent sports oered8 extracurricular groupsExtracurriculars & Athletics

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5Annual Giving & ServiceWe announced and launched the Our Lady of Grace Annual School Fund this year as we celebrated our 75th Anniversary.The OLG Annual School Fund consists of a variety of events, including the Marathon, Give OLG Days, Annual School Fund, Readathon and Carnival, which support our Preschool through 8th Grade throughout the year.Total OLG School giving, including to school endowments, was over $570,000 in our 2023-2024 scal year.OLG extends our gratitude to our generous donors, including school families, parishioners, alumni, alumni parents and grandparents, and contributors to Catholic School education.$213,152 raised by PSO 4440 volunteer hours 648 shoes donated to Sharing & Caring HandsOver 3500 lbs of food donated to VEAP 27 lunches served at Sharing & Caring Hands 46 boxes packed at Feed My Starving Children226 MS Service Club hours

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6Test Results2024 MAP Test Overall Performance: MathComparative MAP Data The 2021 - 2022 test scores listed below are the most recent reported data for National and MN Averages.OLG students in grades K-8 take the NWEA MAP Growth test every fall and spring (kindergarten in spring only). MAP tests are student-paced and individualized; each question a student receives is based on their answer to the previous one. We choose to use MAP tests because we receive a robust amount of data regarding individual student growth and performance as well as School performance compared to local and national averages. Teachers see the concepts students have mastered to better dierentiate their instruction in the classroom. OLG students as a body consistently perform above the national average in math, reading, and language usage. OLG uses MAP test data to continue to positively push students to reach their full academic potential.National Test Score Percentile High (>80%) High-Average (61-80%) Average (41-60%) Low-Average (21-60%) Low (<21%)020406080100Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8Number of Students150200250OLG 21-22OLG 23-24National Catholic Avg. 21-22National Public & Private Avg. 21-22MN Catholic Avg. 21-22MN Public & Private Avg. 21-22Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8

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72024 MAP Test Overall Performance: Reading2024 MAP Test Overall Performance: Language Usage020406080100Number of StudentsGrade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8020406087Number of StudentsGrade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8National Test Score Percentile High (>80%) High-Average (61-80%) Average (41-60%) Low-Average (21-60%) Low (<21%)

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Considering joining the OLG community? Families considering OLG school for their children are encouraged to take a tour of the school. On the tour, your family will get a feel for the school community. To schedule a tour with our enrollment team, visit God Bless the OLG Class of 2024!