EMPLOYMENTMANUAL105 North Main Streetmainstreetroasters.com
W e l c o m e t o t h et h e T e a mDear Team Member,If you're holding this manual, it's because you'vejoined the team here at Main Street. Since 2003,we've been working towards building acommunity of team members who learn to growand develop as we serve our community.Debra and I have learned a lot through the yearsand have gained wisdom on how to have clearstructure and systems within our company. The structure has changed over the years, butour values have not. Our mission to serve ourcommunity, to value people over profit, and tomaintain a reputation of honesty, integrity, andsafety as employers, and as a "place" in thecommunity continues to be our guiding purposefor doing what we do. As you work here, we hope Main Street Roasterswill become more than just another job, but be afamily you can be a part of, and a place whereyou know you matter and belong. Thank you forsharing your gifts and talents with us. We're excited to work together. Marcus MillerMarcus MillerFounder, Main Street Roasters
W h a t M a t t e r s M o s tCommit to the LORD whatever you do,and he will establish your plans. Proverbs 16:3 What We Expect From YouJust as the verse states, we are confident that God has been part ofthe Main Street Roasters story from the beginning, and we're just hereto serve, work together, and be a place for the local community to dolife each day. We know that we’re here for a purpose, and that makesworking in the service industry rewarding. We expect you to catch thevision, learn to serve with joy andgratefulness - and be happy tocome to work each day. We recognize that some days areharder than others, and someseasons are busier, or morestressful. We're confident that you'llfind your purpose if you focus onserving others and meeting theirneeds every day. We're so gladyou're part of the team.
C o r e V a l u e sExcellence in All We Do01To create enthusiastically satisfied customers by providing excellencein quality of product, service, atmosphere, and cleanliness. Good Stewards02To ensure profitability for the business as is necessary for continuedgrowth and success. To find ways to share what we are blessed withby partnering with our neighbors. Quality Experience03To offer all patrons a total “quality without compromise” experience,offering exceptional service whether visiting in person or online. Toprovide a customer-centric environment where every guest feels likethey are truly valued.
C o r e V a l u e sWelcoming Space04To provide a wholesome, Christian environment that is encouragingand inviting to everyone. To create a quiet, peaceful, relaxing, andhospitable environment for people of all ages and demographics,providing a comfortable third space. Our People Matter05To provide our employees with proper training, a pleasant workenvironment, and the opportunity to develop creatively, personally,and professionally. Community Matters06Honoring our “Local Coffee, Local People” tagline by focusing onbuilding trusted and long standing relationships in both our businessrelations and customer interactions.
Information01Group MessagingTelegram is the mobile application for companywide updates, changes in procedure, weatherrelated announcements, or other updates. Pleasedownload the free app, and join the group wheninvited by management. QUICK TIPS UPON HIREScheduling App7Shifts is the mobile application used for allscheduling. Please download this free appupon hire to receive your schedule and anyshift notifications. 03AppearanceThe dress code in this manual is very detailed.You are given three (3) branded shirts uponhire. Aprons are washed on site. You must weareither a branded shirt or branded apron oneach shift. Please familiarize yourself with all ofthe standards in the guidelines. 02
Information04Parking forEmployeesPlease park in the north lot. This lot is locatedacross the street from the Nappanee PublicLibrary. The library parking lot, side streets,and any other parking is reserved for officepersonnel or customers. QUICK TIPS UPON HIREMobile Phone Use Phone use on shift is strictly prohibited. Planon having phone, smart watches, headphones,and communication methods unavailableduring shift. Personal phone use is permittedduring break. 06Employee DiscountWorking at Main Street guarantees eachemployee a 20% discount on purchases. Eachemployee is granted one free drink per shift.Each employee is granted a discount at oursister company. 05
History of Main Street RoastersOne of our dreams for Nappanee was to offer a local space where community couldhappen, where friends, young and old, could connect and new friendships could bemade. In 2003, our dream became a reality. We were privileged to open Main StreetCoffee House at the location of the iconic B&B restaurant in the heart of downtownNappanee. In 2005, we began to plan for a full remodel and an expansion into the building nextdoor. These plans included a larger baking facility and more seating area for ourguests. The most important part of this expansion was the addition of a coffeeroasting facility. By adding our own in-house coffee roasting, we were able to offera better product and increase quality control. Marcus loved the art of coffeeroasting and began training and exploring different methods. In 2008, he started working full-time in coffee roasting and managing the coffeehouse. This allowed us to start roasting coffee for more than just our in-houseusage, and we began to form wholesale connections with nearby businesses. In 2017, we entered the next phase of expansion when we moved our roastingfacilities into a separate building just a few doors down from the coffee house. Atthe same time, we upgraded to a larger coffee roaster. The added space in theroastery has given us the ability to operate more efficiently with increased space forcoffee storage and order processing. After the coffee roasting facilities moved outof the coffee house, we began the final phase of our expansion project. Thisinvolved opening up the old roasting space for more retail and seating space. Since 2018, we’ve experienced substantial growth in our coffee house, roasting, andonline business. We continue to look for ways to create better systems, streamlineour processes, and serve our customers in the best way possible. We credit God forhis continued faithfulness in our lives and for giving us the ability to work and serve.Although a lot has changed over the years, our goal and vision for our businessremain the same.Thank you for being part of a team that is making a difference in ourcommunity - we're so glad you've decided to join us! Employee HandbookAcknowledgmentI acknowledge that I have received a copy of the Main StreetRoasters Employment Policies, and I do commit to read and followthese policies. I am aware that if, at any time, I have questions regarding Main StreetRoasters company policies I should direct them to AdministrativeManagement for clarification. I know that Main Street Roasters company policies and other relateddocuments do not form a contract of employment and are not aguarantee by Main Street Roasters of the conditions and benefitsthat are described within them. Nevertheless, the provisions of suchMain Street Roasters company policies are incorporated into theacknowledgment, and I agree that I shall abide by its provisions. I also am aware that Main Street Roasters, at any time, may onreasonable notice, change, add to, or delete from the provisions ofthe company policies.Signature of EmployeePositionPrint Name of EmployeeDate
Welcome to Main Street Roasters. We are pleased to have you as a newmember of our organization.This document has been developed in order to familiarize employees withMain Street Roasters (“MSR”) and provide information about companypolicies, operations & procedures, and benefits affecting employment at MainStreet Roasters. The content of this manual is not and should not be considered anemployment contract or a promise of employment between Main StreetRoasters and any of its employees. No oral statement or promise by any StaffMember, Manager or Administrative Management may be interpreted as achange in policy nor will it constitute an agreement with an employee.Main Street Roasters, at its option, may change, delete, suspend, ordiscontinue parts or the policy in its entirety, at any time without prior notice.Any such action shall apply to existing as well as future employees withcontinued employment being the consideration between MSR and employee. Should any provision in this Employment Manual be found to beunenforceable and invalid, such finding does not invalidate the entireEmployment Manual, but only the subject provision.a b o u t t h i s m a n u a l
C o m p a n y C u l t u r em i s s i o n s t a t e m e n tMain Street Roasters exists to serve our community. We put our heart into every part ofour business and endeavor to providea quality product and experience.