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2024 Eco Camp FTP Guide

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1 ECO-leaderCamp 2024Teacher’s Guide

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4 We are the World By: Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie We are the world, we are the children We are the ones who make a brighter day so let's start giving There's a choice we're making We're saving our own lives It's true we'll make a better day Just you and me We are the world, we are the children We are the ones who make a brighter day so let's start giving There's a choice we're making We're saving our own lives It's true we'll make a better day Just you and me

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5 The Orienteering Song You! You and me! My favorite sport’s orienteering Strong are my legs I have to run fast if I want to be the best! Snow, sunshine, rain… If you want to be a champion you got to use your strength! Snow, sunshine, rain… If you want to be a champion you got to use your brain!

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7 ECO-leaderCamp 2024Day 1: Monday, January 22 Camp Phrase 1: Never too young to change the world! Camp Phrase 2: “Are you ready?” -> “WE WERE BORN READY!” Camp Phrase 3: C.O.M.B! Repeat these often throughout the camp. 3-Hour FTP Class – Cycle A Jake Marius Gino & Steven Time Eagles & Bears Hawks & Tigers Falcons & Rhinos 12:00 15 min Class bonding activity & Develop Class Cry 12:15 50 min Outdoor Baking: Campfire Lasagna How to Save the World 1: Introduction to Sustainability Living Stratego Song: Hall of Fame 13:05 50 min Living Stratego Outdoor Baking: Campfire Lasagna How to Save the World 1: Introduction to Sustainability Song: Hall of Fame 13:55 50 min How to Save the World 1: Introduction to Sustainability Living Stratego Outdoor Baking: Campfire Lasagna Song: Hall of Fame Extra Knots: Go through basic knots & play Knot Games Card/Boardgames: Go Fish, Checkers, Chess Goodbye Song & Dismiss @ 17:50 3-Hour FTP Class – Cycle B Victor Phil Time Meerkats & Koalas Wolves & Bobcats 12:00 15 min Class bonding activity & Develop Class Cry 12:15 50 min Orienteering Level 1: Compass & Treasure Hunt How to Save the World 1: Introduction to Sustainability 13:05 50 min ECO Uno Cardgame Orienteering Level 1: Compass & Treasure Hunt Song: Hall of Fame 13:55 50 min How to Save the World 1: Introduction to Sustainability ECO Uno Cardgame Song: Hall of Fame Extra Knots: Go through basic knots & play Knot Games Card/Boardgames: Go Fish, Checkers, Chess Goodbye Song & Dismiss @ 17:50 How would you save the world? Brainstorm and review the 17 ways to save the world and let students recite how they will save the world.

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9 How to Save the World #1 The Earth is our home. It gives us air to breathe, water to drink, food to eat and a place to live. But we need to make sure we do not destroy the Earth. So experts came together and thought of 17 ways to save the world. They called them the Sustainable Development Goals. Sustainable development is about finding better ways of doing things. That way we can make everyone’s lives better and protect our world.

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10 How to Save the World #1 Right now, we are doing a lot of things that hurt our world. We create a lot of pollution. When our Earth becomes too sick, we might not be able to survive either. And not everyone has what they need. Some people already do not have clean water or enough food to eat like the poorest people in Kenya.

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11 How to Save the World #1 As ECO-Leaders, you will be thinking about: how we can do things differently, how we can change the lives of everyone, how we can make sure there is a bright future for every one of us. We are never too young to change the world and make it a better place!

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13 Living Stratego 1. Ensure that players use the following sentences when playing: a. Attacking player, “What’s your rank? I’m a Captain.” Defending player, “I’m a Marshal. You are eliminated.” b. Dead player, “Teacher, I was eliminated by Sunny who is a Marshal.” Teacher, “What rank were you?” Dead player, “I was a Captain.” Teacher giving dead player a new card, “You are now a Major.” This is a great opportunity to teach students about the simple past tense. 2. Some students will not have played this game before. Show them or let familiar students introduce the game. 3. Set clear playing field boundaries. 4. Make sure that players know to tag to reveal and not push or pull. 5. Make sure that players understand “Bombs” cannot tag to reveal enemy players. 6. Equipment: Jerseys Living Stratego Cards FOX40 Whistle

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14 Living Stratego Rules Level 1: Eliminate the Opposition 1. Each team has an outpost at their end of the battlefield. 2. A teacher stands at the outpost and hands out one random rank card to each player. 3. When the game starts, players tap each other and reveal the cards to one another. The attacking player says, “What’s your rank? I’m a Captain.” The defending player says, “I’m a Marshal. You are eliminated.” The higher-ranking player wins and takes the losing player’s rank card. 4. The dead player goes back to the outpost and gets a new random rank card. The dead player says, “Teacher, I was eliminated by Sunny who is a Marshal.” The teacher says, “What rank were you?” The dead player says, “I was a Captain.” The teacher says, “You are now a Major.” 5. Eliminate the entire enemy team to win. Level 2: Capture the Flag 1. Follow the above rules 1 to 4. 2. The main objective is to find the enemy team’s flag. 3. Each team hides their flag on the battlefield. It must be visible from at least one angle. Do not bury it. Do not put it higher than 120 centimeters off the ground. 4. The winner is the team that captures the opposing team’s flag by bringing it back to their outpost. 5. If the flag carrier is eliminated, the flag stays at that spot and cannot be moved by its own team.

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15 Stratego Rank elimination order 1x Marshal 10 points Can be eliminated by the Spy 2x General 9 points 2x Colonel 8 points 3x Major 7 points 4x Captain 6 points 4x Lieutenant 5 points 4x Sergeant 4 points 4x Miner 3 points Can defuse Bombs 6x Scout 2 points 2x Spy 1 point Can eliminate the Marshal 4x Bomb 0 points Eliminates everyone but the Miner Cannot tag other players

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16 Baking Speech #12 Campfire Lasagna Greetings Eco-Leaders. My name is ________________. Today I am going to tell you how to make campfire lasagna. First, you put 1 can of diced tomato into a bowl. Second, you put 1 can of tomato sauce into the bowl. Third, you put 2 tablespoons of parmesan cheese powder into the bowl. Fourth, you sprinkle some basil into the bowl. Fifth, you mix everything together. Sixth, you put a layer of lasagna sheets on the bottom of a foil pan. Seventh, you spread a layer of tomato mixture on the lasagna sheets. Eighth, you put a layer of ham on top. Ninth, you sprinkle some cheese on top. Tenth, you repeat the layers twice. Eleventh, you cover the foil pan with aluminum foil. Twelve, you put the foil pan on a grate over a campfire. Thirteenth, the lasagna is ready. Finally, you put out the campfire. Congratulations, you survive another day!

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17 Baking Song #12 Campfire Lasagna Sing to: Mary Had a Little Lamb Campfire lasagna Lasagna Lasagna Campfire lasagna It’s cheesy and delicious WORDS SONG SPEECH

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18 How to Teach Children How to Use a Compass Children can learn the basics of maps and the four cardinal directions as you show them how a compass works. Once they are comfortable with the basics, they can begin to learn how to take a bearing and navigate across terrain with a compass. Avoid advanced concepts, such as declination, and focus on compass basics, including the parts of a compass, how to take a bearing and basic navigation skills. Compass Basics Explain to kids that a map is a bird's-eye view of the world and how navigators use the four cardinal directions. They need to know that the Earth has a magnetic north pole, which is always in the up position on a map, and that the needle of a compass always points toward the north. Let kids practice with a compass by asking them to determine which way is north by looking at the compass. Make sure they can identify the various parts of the compass, including the magnetic needle, orienting arrow, direction of travel arrow, rotating housing and base plate. Set a Bearing Next teach kids how to set a bearing or use a compass to determine which direction they need to walk to reach a given location, even if the terrain dips. Show them how to hold the compass in front of them, completely flat, with the direction of travel arrow pointing in the direction they want to go. Demonstrate how to rotate the housing dial so the orienting arrow matches the direction of the north-pointing magnetic needle. They can use this bearing to determine which way to go to reach their destination, as well as which direction they should travel to get back to their starting point. Make It Practical Let children practice the skills they have learned out in the real world. Challenge them to stand at a given location, choose a destination and take a bearing. Then have them trade locations with a partner and try to figure out the other person's destination based on that bearing. You can also teach them how to take a bearing by lining up their compass with a map and play a similar game involving a map of an outdoor area. Practice Compass Skills Once the children seem comfortable with taking a bearing, challenge them to take a three-leg compass walk. Instruct them to mark off their starting points and set their compasses to 360 degrees, which is north. They should then sight a landmark due north and walk 100 paces. Next, they set their compasses to 120 degrees and walk another 100 paces; then, they set their compasses to 240 degrees and walk another 100 paces. This should take them in a full triangle and they should end up very close to their starting point if they have completed the activity correctly. This activity helps children practice sighting a landmark with their compasses. TL; DR 1. Explain parts of a compass 2. Let children use compass to point north 3. Practice pointing at other directions 4. Set a bearing on the compass or use a landmark 5. Go to the park to play compass games

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19 Using a Compass – Orienteering Speech #1 Greetings ladies and gentlemen. My name is _______________. Today I am going to tell you how to use a compass. First, you hold the compass flat in front of you. Second, you look at the magnetic needle. It points north. Third, you set your bearing with the orienting arrow. Fourth, you pick a landmark and go in that direction. Fifth, you check your compass every now and then. Finally, you know how to use a compass. Go on a treasure hunt with your friends!

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20 Treasure Hunt Go to the New World English park. Use a compass and follow the steps below to find the treasure. Write down what you found at the end of the hunt! 1. Stand at the southwest corner of the playground. 2. Take 8 steps south. 3. Take 5 steps west. 4. Take 10 steps south. 5. Take 5 steps east. 6. Take 12 steps south. 7. Take 14 steps east. What did you find? I found ________________________________________.

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21 ECO-leader Camp 2024Day 2: Tuesday, January 23 3-Hour FTP Class – Cycle A Jake Marius Gino & Steven Time Eagles & Bears Hawks & Tigers Falcons & Rhinos 12:00 15 min Class Introduction & Review Song: Hall of Fame 12:15 50 min Orienteering Level 2 @ Thomas Park How to Save the World 2: No Poverty & KIVA Loan ECO Uno Cardgame 13:05 50 min ECO Uno Cardgame Orienteering Level 2 @ Thomas Park How to Save the World 2: No Poverty & KIVA Loan 13:55 50 min How to Save the World 2: No Poverty & KIVA Loan ECO Uno Cardgame Orienteering Level 2 @ Thomas Park Extra Knots: Go through basic knots & play Knot Games Card/Boardgames: Go Fish, Checkers, Chess 14:45 15 min Preview Hiking 1/24 Clean up & Warm up Goodbye Song & Dismiss @ 17:55 3-Hour FTP Class – Cycle B Victor Phil Time Meerkats & Koalas Wolves & Bobcats 12:00 15 min Class Introduction & Review Song: Hall of Fame 12:15 50 min Outdoor Baking: Campfire Lasagna How to Save the World 2: No Poverty & KIVA Loan 13:05 50 min Living Stratego Outdoor Baking: Campfire Lasagna 13:55 50 min How to Save the World 2: No Poverty & KIVA Loan Living Stratego Extra Knots: Go through basic knots & play Knot Games Card/Boardgames: Go Fish, Checkers, Chess 14:45 15 min Preview Hiking 1/24 Clean up & Warm up Goodbye Song & Dismiss @ 17:55 Hiking Meeting @ 18:30 – School A Library

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22 How to Save the World #2 – No Poverty Poverty means not having enough money to buy the things that you need. What are the things that you need? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

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23 How to Save the World #2 – No Poverty People who are very poor may not be able to go to school. If you do not study and learn a lot, it will be hard to get a job. That’s why poor people stay poor. Who is hurt the most by being poor? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

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24 How to Save the World #2 – No Poverty To stop poverty, you can give. Find 4 ways to give to stop poverty below! What else could you do? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

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29 Orienteering 2 1. Set boundaries for students to stay within. (e.g.: stay in the park, do not go on the road) 2. In larger parks, each group should have a teacher accompany them. 3. Students must do the orienteering race in order from #1 to whatever the last number is. 4. Tell students not to touch control points. 5. Make sure you bring your orienteering maps and more than enough pencils/markers. 6. When traveling to a faraway park: a. Bring a first aid kit b. Bring filled water bottles c. Bring jackets/raincoats d. Consider using scooters (Wet pavement may be slippery) e. Use Zello for communication across Qingpu and a larger park. i. When leaving, inform the administrating teacher so they can prepare. 7. The last team to do orienteering on the day needs to collect the control points as the find them. 8. Equipment: Maps Pencils/Markers Control Points

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30 Orienteering Thomas Park __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

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31 Orienteering Thomas Park 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 A B C D E F G H (A,18) (D,14) (G,13) (A,10) (E,9) (B,1) (H,2) (G,5) __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

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32 ECO-leader Camp 2024Day 3: Wednesday, January 24 JunJianYan Cliffs to LiuHuangGu Canyon Distance: About 5.5KM Estimated Time of Activity: 3-4 Hours Description: We will start at YangMing University with long-stair incline towards the top of JunJianYan Cliffs. From this point we can see all over from Taipei to Southern Danshui. This is an area where teachers need to be cautious and protective of students near edges. Any fall will be dangerous. We will have our early lunches in this area, take some pictures and move on along the trail towards LiuHuang Gu Canyon. From here, the middle of the hike is mostly flat, but hard-pack dirt with a few tripping obstacles to watch out for. From there we will do a little bit of climbing and some small trails to transition to the Mt. Wellington area where we pass some houses and a cemetery and come to a 15-20 minute downhill road that we will travel down to LiuHuangGu. Time-permitting, we will arrive at the LiuFengGu Visitor Center for bathroom break and to learn about hot springs. Optionally, we can also go to LiuFengGu to see the fumaroles. From there we will proceed to LiuHuangGu to enjoy the spectacular scenery and be picked up by buses. Warnings: 1. JunJianYan and surrounding areas are dangerous cliffs. Do not allow students to approach edges. 2: The trail systems around these mountains are complicated and easy to allow disoriented individuals to be separated from our group. Keep your students together. 3. There is one active road crossing between LiuFengGu and LiuHaungGu which will need to teachers to control traffic. Bathrooms: 0/5 YangMing University 4/5 LiuFengGu and 5/5 LiuHuangGu Our Hiking Route JunJianYan Hiking Trailhead

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33 8:00 Prepare Materials & Organize Students into Bus Groups 8:45-9:00 Load Buses & Depart NWE (Travel Time 1 Hour) 9:40 Alight Bus and Organize at YangMing National University 10:00 Begin Hiking! 11:00 Break @ JunJianYan Cliffs Lunch & Pictures 12:00 Return to hiking 1:00 Arrive at LiuFengGu Visitor Center, Bathroom Breaks 1:30 OPTIONAL: Do LiFengGu circuit and return to visitor center toward LiuHuangGu 2:15 LiuHuangGu, Pictures and wait for buses to arrive 3:15 Load Buses & Depart LiuHuangGu 4:30 Arrive at NWE NOTES: NO NEED FOR EXTRA CARS: Because this trip starts and ends in a different place and is in the Taipei area, there’s no need for extra personal vehicles. JunJianYan Cliffs LiuFengGu Fumaroles END: LiuHuangGu Canyon

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34 ECO-leader Camp 2024Day 4: Thursday, January 25 3-Hour FTP Class – Cycle A Jake Marius Gino & Steven Time Eagles & Bears Hawks & Tigers Falcons & Rhinos 12:00 15 min Song: Hall of Fame, We Are the World 12:15 50 min Capture the Flag How to Save the World 3: No Hunger & Visit Orphanage Outdoor Baking: S’more Nachos 13:05 50 min Outdoor Baking: S’more Nachos Capture the Flag How to Save the World 3: No Hunger & Visit Orphanage 13:55 50 min How to Save the World 3: No Hunger & Visit Orphanage Outdoor Baking: S’more Nachos Capture the Flag Extra Knots: Go through basic knots & play Knot Games Card/Boardgames: Go Fish, Checkers, Chess 14:45 15 min Clean up & Warm up Goodbye Song & Dismiss @ 17:55 3-Hour FTP Class – Cycle B Victor Phil Time Meerkats & Koalas Wolves & Bobcats 12:00 15 min Song: Hall of Fame, We Are the World 12:15 50 min Orienteering 2 @ NWE Park How to Save the World 4: Clean Water and Sanitation 13:05 50 min Science: Water is Awesome Orienteering 2 @ NWE Park 13:55 50 min How to Save the World 4: Clean Water and Sanitation Science: Water is Awesome Extra Knots: Go through basic knots & play Knot Games Card/Boardgames: Go Fish, Checkers, Chess 14:45 15 min Clean up & Warm up Goodbye Song & Dismiss @ 17:55

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35 ECO-leader Camp 2024Day 5: Friday, January 26 3-Hour FTP Class – Cycle A Jake Marius Gino & Steven Time Eagles & Bears Hawks & Tigers Falcons & Rhinos 12:00 15 min Song: Hall of Fame, We Are the World 12:15 50 min Orienteering 2 @ NWE Park How to Save the World 4: Clean Water and Sanitation Science: Water is Awesome 13:05 50 min Science: Water is Awesome Orienteering 2 @ NWE Park How to Save the World 4: Clean Water and Sanitation 13:55 50 min How to Save the World 4: Clean Water and Sanitation Science: Water is Awesome Orienteering 2 @ NWE Park Extra Knots: Go through basic knots & play Knot Games Card/Boardgames: Go Fish, Checkers, Chess 14:45 15 min Clean up & Warm up Goodbye Song & Dismiss @ 17:55 3-Hour FTP Class – Cycle B Victor Phil Time Meerkats & Koalas Wolves & Bobcats 12:00 15 min Song: Hall of Fame, We Are the World 12:15 50 min Capture the Flag How to Save the World 3: No Hunger & Distribute Cookies 13:05 50 min Outdoor Baking: S’more Nachos Capture the Flag 13:55 50 min How to Save the World 3: No Hunger & Distribute Cookies Outdoor Baking: S’more Nachos Extra Knots: Go through basic knots & play Knot Games Card/Boardgames: Go Fish, Checkers, Chess 14:45 15 min Clean up & Warm up Goodbye Song & Dismiss @ 17:55

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36 How to Save the World #3 – Zero Hunger Hunger is not feeling hungry. It is when you cannot get enough food and your body becomes weak and tired and sick. Poverty is only one of the reasons for hunger. Fighting, bad weather and eating too much meat cause hunger, too.

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37 How to Save the World #3 – Zero Hunger If one in nine people do not get enough food and there are 7.8 billion people in the world, how many people go hungry? _________________________________________________________________

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38 How to Save the World #3 – Zero Hunger To stop hunger, you can prepare. Talk about different ways you can help at home with your family.

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40 Visit Orphanage Plan Zero Hunger Awareness Campaign Raise awareness for the goal of zero hunger by distributing cookies to people near Gloria Outlets or other locations in QingPu. Explain what is written on the package to inform people of reducing food waste with 3 examples. PICTURE OF PACKAGING

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41 Capture the Flag 1. Set up the field with cones according to the speech. Use a jersey as the flag. 2. Go over the rules with the students: a. Tag opponents. Do not push, pull, kick or bite! b. You can only tag opponents on your side of the field. c. If you are tagged with flag in hand, return the flag to the opposing team. 3. Equipment: Jerseys Flat Cones FOX40 Whistle

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42 Capture the Flag - Speech Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen. My name is _________________. Today I am going to tell you how to play capture the flag. First, you divide the playing area into two sides with cones. Second, you make a small circle with cones at the far end of each side. Third, you put the flags in the small circle. Fourth, you make two teams. Fifth, you wear differently colored jerseys. Sixth, you follow the rules: • You can tag the opponent when they are on your side only. • You are safe inside the other side’s small circle. • If you are tagged, you must give the flag back to the other team. • If you are tagged, you go to your teacher to answer a question. Seventh, you win when you capture the flag and bring it to your side. Finally, you have a great time with your friends.

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43 Capture the Flag – Song Sing to: This is the Way Let’s go play capture the flag Capture the flag Capture the flag Let’s go play capture the flag It’s time to play right now

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44 Baking Speech #11 S’mores Nachos Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen. My name is ________________. Today I am going to tell you how to make s’mores nachos. First, you break up some tortilla chips into a foil pan. Second, you put some mini marshmallows into the foil pan. Third, you put some chocolate chips into the foil pan. Fourth, you repeat with another layer of the three ingredients. Fifth, you cover the pan with some aluminum foil. Sixth, you put the foil pan on a grate over a campfire. Seventh, you cook the s’mores nachos until the chocolate has melted. Eighth, the s’mores nachos are ready. Finally, you put out the campfire. Congratulations, you survive another day!

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45 Baking Song #11 S’mores Nachos Sing to: We Wish You a Merry Christmas S’mores nachos S’mores nachos S’mores nachos They’re easy to make S’mores nachos S’mores nachos S’mores nachos They’re yummy to eat WORDS SONG SPEECH

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46 How to Save the World #4 – Clean Water & Sanitation People need water. Animals need water. Plants need water. We all need water but, more importantly, we need clean water. What happens if you have to drink dirty water because there is no clean water near your home? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

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47 How to Save the World #4 – Clean Water & Sanitation Dirty water is caused by pollution. Is there any water pollution in the ponds and rivers of QingPu? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

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48 How to Save the World #4 – Clean Water & Sanitation You can help keep water clean if you conserve. That means to use just enough water. Think about how you can help conserve water at home and at school.

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50 Water Water is one of the most important substances on planet Earth. All life needs water to live. Water is always moving about the Earth through the water cycle. What is water? Like all "stuff", water is made up of molecules. Maybe you have heard water called H2O? This is the chemical formula for the molecule that makes up water. The H stands for hydrogen atoms and the O for oxygen atoms. Each water molecule is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. Water Molecule States of Water We know that water isn't always "wet", sometimes it's frozen into ice or snow. Depending on the temperature, water can exist in three states: • Ice - Ice is the solid form of water. When water gets below 0 degrees C it will freeze and become ice. • Liquid - This is the wet stuff we drink and swim around in. • Vapor - When water evaporates or gets above 100 degrees C and starts boiling, water turns into its gas state called vapor. H H O

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51 Water Surface Tension Experiments – Eco Camp 2021 1. Fill a glass to the top with water. Add coins one at a time, letting the surface settle down between coins. A dome will start to form over the top level of the glass. This is surface tension holding the water together. See Sci Guys Water Surface Tension Video. Summary: water is attracted to itself. At the water-air barrier the water is attracted downward to the water under it, but not upward towards the air. This “cohesive force” results in the water being able to rise above the rim of the glass. 2. How many drops on a penny? Take some 1-dollar coins. Have students use pipettes to drop water onto the coin. Predict first, how many drops will fit before it spills over? Do it and count. Record the numbers on the whiteboard. Calculate the average. Is this more or less than you predicted? Why might it be more? Surface tension. Now add a few drops of soap to the water. Make a prediction and try again. Record and calculate the average. Was it more or less? Why? Soap breaks up surface tension by not allowing the water molecules to attract to each other so closely. It makes water “wetter”. This is also why it is so important to use soap when washing your hands. 3. Disappearing pepper flakes. Put some water on a white plate. Add some water to fill the bottom of the plate. Ask students to shake some pepper flakes onto the water. The pepper flakes should float on the surface. Dip a finger into some soap and touch the center of the plate. The pepper flakes will quickly move to the outside of the plate as the surface tension of the water is disrupted from the inside outward. 4. Magic Milk. Take a black baking pan and fill the bottom with whole fat milk. Let students add drops of food coloring into the milk. The color should stay where it lands in the milk. You can add multiple colors at many places. Why doesn’t the color mix? The fat in the milk also has cohesion and does not let the food coloring mix freely. Use a pipette with soapy water to add some drops to the baking pan. The colors will begin to mix and swirl as the soap breaks up the fat and allows the colors to move. 5. Floating paper clip. Take a glass of water and drop a paper clip into the water. It should sink. Now try again by using a piece of tissue paper to slowly lower it in a flat position on the surface. It may take a few tries for this to work. The paperclip should float on the surface of the water. Now add the tiniest drop of soap and it will sink. The surface tension is strong enough to support the weight of a paperclip. 6. Magic boat. Fill a small white box with water. Cut a piece of plastic or foam paper into the shape of a small triangle. Cut a notch out of the back of the triangle. Place it carefully on the water keeping the top dry. Nothing happens. Place a drop of soap inside the notch of the “boat.” As the surface tension is disrupted the boat will appear to move around on its own.

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52 Capillary Action of Water Capillary action is the ability of a liquid to flow in narrow spaces without the assistance of, or even in opposition to, external forces like gravity. The effect can be seen in the drawing up of liquids between the hairs of a paintbrush, in a thin tube, in porous materials such as paper and plaster. It occurs because of intermolecular forces between the liquid and surrounding solid surfaces. If the diameter of the tube is sufficiently small, then the combination of surface tension (which is caused by cohesion within the liquid) and adhesive forces between the liquid and container wall act to propel the liquid. The first recorded observation of capillary action was by Leonardo da Vinci. Walking water: Get 5 glass cups. Arrange them in a line. Fill the 1st, 3rd, and 5th, up ¾ full with tap water. Add 5 drops of red food coloring to the 1st glass. Add 5 drops of yellow food coloring to the 2nd glass. Add 5 drops of blue food coloring to the 5th glass. Keep the 2nd and 4th glass empty. Take 4 paper towels and fold them lengthwise until they are about 3-4 cm wide. Fold the paper towels in the middle and place them between 2 glasses. The fold should sit where the 2 glasses touch. This experiment can take up to 48 hours, so make sure they are placed somewhere that won’t be disturbed or used. The capillary action of the paper towels will soak up the water over the rim of the glass into the empty glass. The colors will mix in this process producing a rainbow of colors in the glasses and in the paper towels. Chromatography: Cut a paper towel in half lengthwise. Tape one end to a chopstick. This will be the top. About 3 cm from the bottom draw a line with a pencil and make a large dot with a water-soluble black marker (must be specific kind to work) use 2 large glass jars from baking ingredients to support the chopstick and let the paper towel hang below. Place a white plate at the bottom of the towel. It should be just touching the plate. Add some water to the plate enough to contact the paper towel, but not high enough to touch the black dot. The capillary action of the paper towel will move the water upwards. As it contacts the ink, it will transport it according to the polarity of the different colors in the ink. More polar (+/- charged) the further it will move. In the end, you should see the black ink is separated into multiple colors. Which ones can you see?

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53 ECO-leader Camp 2024Day 6: Monday, January 29 3-Hour FTP Class – Cycle A Jake Marius Gino & Steven Time Eagles & Bears Hawks & Tigers Falcons & Rhinos 12:00 15 min Song: Hall of Fame, We Are the World 12:15 50 min Outdoor Baking: Hot Dogs How to Save the World 5: Climate Action How to Save the World 5: Climate Action 13:05 50 min How to Save the World 5: Climate Action Outdoor Baking: Hot Dogs Science: Pollution 13:55 50 min Science: Pollution Science: Pollution Outdoor Baking: Hot Dogs Extra Knots: Go through basic knots & play Knot Games Card/Boardgames: Go Fish, Checkers, Chess 14:45 15 min Clean up & Warm up Goodbye Song & Dismiss @ 17:55 3-Hour FTP Class – Cycle B Victor Phil Time Meerkats & Koalas Wolves & Bobcats 12:00 15 min Song: Hall of Fame, We Are the World 12:15 50 min How to Save the World 6: Responsible Consumption & Production Living Stratego 13:05 50 min Recycling Game How to Save the World 6: Responsible Consumption & Production 13:55 50 min Living Stratego Recycling Game Extra Knots: Go through basic knots & play Knot Games Card/Boardgames: Go Fish, Checkers, Chess 14:45 15 min Clean up & Warm up Goodbye Song & Dismiss @ 17:55

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54 ECO-leader Camp 2024Day 7: Tuesday, January 30 3-Hour FTP Class – Cycle A Jake Marius Gino & Steven Time Eagles & Bears Hawks & Tigers Falcons & Rhinos 12:00 15 min Song: Hall of Fame, We Are the World 12:15 50 min How to Save the World 6: Responsible Consumption & Production Living Stratego Recycling Game 13:05 50 min Recycling Game How to Save the World 6: Responsible Consumption & Production Living Stratego 13:55 50 min Living Stratego Recycling Game How to Save the World 6: Responsible Consumption & Production Extra Knots: Go through basic knots & play Knot Games Card/Boardgames: Go Fish, Checkers, Chess 14:45 15 min Clean up & Warm up Goodbye Song & Dismiss @ 17:55 3-Hour FTP Class – Cycle B Victor Phil Time Meerkats & Koalas Wolves & Bobcats 12:00 15 min Song: Hall of Fame, We Are the World 12:15 50 min Outdoor Baking: Hot Dogs How to Save the World 5: Climate Action 13:05 50 min How to Save the World 5: Climate Action Outdoor Baking: Hot Dogs 13:55 50 min Science: Pollution Science: Pollution Extra Knots: Go through basic knots & play Knot Games Card/Boardgames: Go Fish, Checkers, Chess 14:45 15 min Clean up & Warm up Goodbye Song & Dismiss @ 17:55

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55 How to Save the World #5 – Climate Action The Earth’s atmosphere keeps the planet warm as it zooms around the Sun in the cold of space. However, it is getting warmer and warmer. What is making it warmer? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

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56 How to Save the World #5 – Climate Action If the temperature goes up too much, many eco-systems will get hurt and animals and plants may not survive.

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57 How to Save the World #5 – Climate Action To stop climate change, we need to change. We need to change what we do and what we use and even what we eat. What do you think you can do right away? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

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59 Air Pollution Catcher - Science Speech #79 Greetings Eco-Scientists. My name is _______________. Today I am going to tell you how to make an air pollution catcher. First, you get a paper plate, some yarn, and some petroleum jelly. Second, you put 2 holes in the paper plate close to the edge. Third, you put a piece of yarn through the holes. Fourth, you tie the ends of the yarn together to make a loop. Fifth, you use markers to write or draw on the back of the paper plate. Sixth, you get some petroleum jelly out of the jar with your fingers. Seventh, you smear the petroleum jelly all over the front of the plate. Eighth, you wash your hands. Ninth, you hang you air pollution catcher in a place you want to test. Tenth, you wait for 1-2 days while the air pollution sticks the petroleum jelly. Eleventh, you carefully collect your air pollution catchers. Twelfth, you use a magnifying glass to look for air pollution stuck to the petroleum jelly. Thirteenth, you compare the differences in pollution between catchers from different locations. Finally, you make a hypothesis about why the catchers look the same or different.

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60 Air Pollution Catcher - Science Song #79 Sing to: Three Blind Mice Air pollution Air pollution It’s not good It’s not good It’s small and hard to see it It’s in the air, we breathe it It’s not good It’s not good

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61 Baking Speech #4 Hot Dogs Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen. My name is ________________. Today I am going to tell you how to make hot dogs outside. First, you build a fire. Second, you get some skewers. Third, you skewer the hot dogs. Fourth, you hold the skewered hot dogs above the fire. Fifth, you rotate the skewered hot dogs to cook all sides. Sixth, the hot dogs are ready. Add ketchup or mustard if you can find some. Finally, you put out the fire. Congratulations, you survive another day!

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62 Baking Song #4 Hot Dogs Sing to: You Raise Me Up Hot dogs I eat you with some ketchup Hot dogs I eat you with mustard Hot dogs I can eat all of you Hot dogs You are amazing WORDS SONG SPEECH

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63 How to Save the World #6 Responsible Consumption and Production You might not know but all our clothes, toys, telephones, computers, videogames and more come out of the ground.

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64 How to Save the World #6 Responsible Consumption and Production How many planets would we need to have enough natural resources to take care of 10 billion people? ______________________________________________________

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65 How to Save the World #6 Responsible Consumption and Production How will you help to save our world today? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

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67 Recycling Sorting Game The game consists of 6 waste sorting bins and 60 cards with pictures of items that we often find ourselves disposing of. The aim of the game is to determine whether they can be recycled or not. Play it as a sorting game. Each player picks up a card and attempts to determine which bin it should be placed in. If the answer is correct, the player scores a point. At the end of the game, the player with the most points wins. Simple Variant Play with only two bins – household waste and recyclables. Advanced Variant Instead of one recycling bin, use all bins. Also, players should announce that they have cleaned the recyclable if it was an empty food container, toothpaste tube, oil bottle, milk carton, etc., before placing them in the correct bin. Notes A general answer key is included although different municipalities may have different recycling rules. List of items in the game Aerosol Can: If empty, it can be recycled with metal. If not, it should be disposed of at a special location. Alkaline Battery: Recycle at special locations. Apple Core: Recycled with compost. Baby Powder Bottle: Recycled with plastic. Banana Peel: Recycled with compost. Bone: Recycled with compost. Bottle with Poison: Recycle at special locations. Branch: Recycled with compost. Broken CD: Recycled at special locations. Broken Glass Bottle: Household waste. Broken Glass Plate: Household waste. Broken Pan: Household waste. Broken Phone: Recycled at special locations. Broken Shovel: Household waste. Brown Paper Bag: Recycled with paper. Candy Wrap: Recycled with paper. Cans: Recycled with metal. Cardboard Box: Recycled with paper. CD Case: Recycled with plastic. Coconut Shell: Recycled with compost. Corn Cob: Recycled with compost. Cream Tubes: Recycled with plastic. Diaper: Household waste. Dry Leaf: Recycled with compost. Egg Shell: Recycled with compost. Empty Tin: Recycled with metal. Envelope: Recycled with paper. Expired Medicine: Recycled at special locations. Fluorescent Bulbs: Recycled at special locations. Gift Box: Recycled with paper. Glasses: Household waste. Glass Oil Bottle: Recycled with glass. Incandescent Bulbs: Household waste. Jar: Recycled with glass. Metal Bottle Cap: Recycled with metal. Milk Carton: Recycled with plastic. Newspaper: Recycled with paper. Nut Shell: Recycled with compost. Old Magazines: Recycled with paper. Old Toy: Household waste if cannot be donated. Paper Egg Carton: Recycled with paper. Paper Gift Bag: Recycled with paper. Peanut Butter Jar: Recycled with plastic. Pizza Box: Household waste. Cannot be recycled because of grease. Plastic Bottle: Recycled with plastic. Plastic Cup: Recycled with plastic. Plastic Hangers: Household waste. Plastic Shrink Wrap: Recycled with plastic. Sketchbook: Recycled with paper. Scrap of Paper: Recycled with paper. Shopping Bag: Recycled with plastic. Soda Can: Recycled with metal. Soiled Tissue: Household waste Soiled Paper Towel: Household waste Spoiled Food: Recycled with compost. Stained Old Clothes: Recycled at special locations. Styrofoam Contained: Household waste. Styrofoam Egg Contained: Household waste. Torn Ball: Household waste. Toothpaste Tube: Recycled with plastic

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68 Recycling Recycling our garbage is important. Fill in the blanks below to find out why.

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69 Possible Answer Key good keep healthy garbage throw full paper plastic metal buildings put bins buys pollution world

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70 ECO-leader Camp 2024Day 8: Wednesday, January 31 3-Hour FTP Class – Cycle A Jake Marius Gino & Steven Time Eagles & Bears Hawks & Tigers Falcons & Rhinos 12:00 15 min Review 17 Ways to Save the World. What have we learned so far? 12:15 50 min Orienteering 2 @ Beautiful Park How to Save the World 7: Affordable & Clean Energy How to Save the World 7: Affordable & Clean Energy 13:05 50 min How to Save the World 7: Affordable & Clean Energy Orienteering 2 @ Beautiful Park Science: Electricity 13:55 50 min Science: Electricity Science: Electricity Orienteering 2 @ Beautiful Park Extra Knots: Go through basic knots & play Knot Games Card/Boardgames: Go Fish, Checkers, Chess 14:45 15 min Clean up & Warm up Goodbye Song & Dismiss @ 17:55 3-Hour FTP Class – Cycle B Victor Phil Time Meerkats & Koalas Wolves & Bobcats 12:00 15 min Review Camp so far. 12:15 100 min Garbage Collection: Go around QingPu and collect garbage. Try to sort garbage accordingly! 13:55 50 min Flag Tag Extra Knots: Go through basic knots & play Knot Games Card/Boardgames: Go Fish, Checkers, Chess 14:45 15 min Clean up & Warm up Goodbye Song & Dismiss @ 17:55

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71 How to Save the World #7 – Affordable and Clean Energy Electricity has changed our lives. But still some people do not have it. We need to make more electricity, but we need to make it in a sustainable way.

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72 How to Save the World #8 – Affordable and Clean Energy We can make electricity by burning coal, natural gas and oil. Doing so pollutes the air and causes climate change which warms up the atmosphere.

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73 How to Save the World #8 – Affordable and Clean Energy Clean energy is electricity made by using the power of the sun, the wind and water. This way there is no pollution and there are no greenhouse gases. You can help, too! Just save. What can you do at home and at school right now? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

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75 Lemon Battery - Science Speech #31 Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen. My name is _______________. Today I am going to tell you how to make a lemon battery. First, you get a lemon, a zinc metal strip, and a copper metal strip. Second, you roll the lemon on a table to release the lemon juice inside. Third, you sand the sides of the zinc and copper metal strips. Fourth, you insert one end of the copper metal strip into the lemon. Fifth, you insert one end of the zinc metal strip into the lemon. Sixth, you make sure that copper and zinc metal strips don’t touch inside the lemon. Seventh, you connect a red alligator clip (positive +) to the copper metal strip. Eighth, you connect a black alligator clip (negative -) to the zinc metal strip. Ninth, you test the voltage of your battery using a voltmeter. Tenth, you might need to connect 2 or more lemons in series to get the voltage needed to power your electrical circuit. Eleventh, you connect the red and black alligator clips to your circuit. Finally, you watch as your lemon battery powers your electrical circuit!

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76 Lemon Battery - Science Speech #31 Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen. My name is _______________. Today I am going to tell you how to make a lemon battery. First, you get a lemon, a zinc metal strip, and a copper metal strip. Second, you roll the lemon on a table to release the lemon juice inside. Third, you sand the sides of the zinc and copper metal strips. Fourth, you insert one end of the copper metal strip into the lemon. Fifth, you insert one end of the zinc metal strip into the lemon. Sixth, you make sure that copper and zinc metal strips don’t touch inside the lemon. Seventh, you connect a red alligator clip (positive +) to the copper metal strip. Eighth, you connect a black alligator clip (negative -) to the zinc metal strip. Ninth, you test the voltage of your battery using a voltmeter. Tenth, you might need to connect 2 or more lemons in series to get the voltage needed to power your electrical circuit. Eleventh, you connect the red and black alligator clips to your circuit. Finally, you watch as your lemon battery powers your electrical circuit!

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77 Collect Garbage around QingPu Go around QingPu with a planned route and pick up garbage along the way. Take pictures with your phone along the way of what the street or area looked before and after. CAUTION DO NOT LET STUDENTS ENTER EMPTY LOTS. THERE IS BARBED WIRE AND POSSIBLY SNAKES. Items to bring: cart, garbage bags, gloves, water bottles, Sort Garbage Return to school and sort the garbage into different garbage bags. Label the garbage bags with their contents. You can turn this into a game where groups race to sort the garbage into the correct bags or bins. Make sure students wear gloves. Document: Before & After Let students draw a before and after picture of the place they cleaned up. Project your before and after pictures taken when collecting garbage on the whiteboard. (LINE the picture to our chat group and then run LINE on your PC to access the picture.)

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78 1Alla Liao 1 Amber Jian 1 Adam Lin 1 Apple Chuang 1 Angela Cheng 1 Albert Pan 1 Aki Yi 1 Aiden Chiang 1 Anna Zhuang 1 Anan Yen2Charlie 2 Capri Chen 2 Alan Lu 2 Aurora 2 Eason Wang 2 Cindy Fan 2 Amber Tsou 2 Amelie Lin 2 Ariel Liu 2 Austin Liu3Eden Huang3 Curry Ku 3 Albert Lai 3 Channie Liao 3 Emily Liu 3 Connie Yang 3 Brad Lai 3 Bella Cheng 3 Bradley Lin 3 Bob Chen4Emily Chao 4 Eason Hsu 4 Davidson Tsai 4 Chloe Chiu 4 Emma Pan 4 Elisa Chen 4 Chloe Yeh 4 Chuck Hsieh 4 Chloe Huang 4 Esther Chen5Genferry Yeh5Effie Lu 5 Haru Yi 5 Emma Yeh 5 Henry Chou 5 Emilio Chen 5 Ethan Yu 5 Daniel Chu 5 Eason Luo 5 Ewan Liao Becky6Holly Chou 6 Emily Zhuang 6 Jarvis Huang 6 Enzo Boertien 6 Lala Gao 6 Hans Liao 6 Ginny Tsai 6 Eddie Chen 6 Ethan Chiu 6 Genie Tsai Debby7Jemmy Liao 7 Faye Chen 7 Jeremy Luo 7 Johnny Yen 7 Lucas Lu 7 Jason Chen 7 Hanson Wang 7 Emma Liu 7 Harrick Sung 7 Jon Lu Lisa8Kailor Chen 8 Genie Lai 8 Kai Yeh 8 Meimi Chou 8 Mucha Wu 8 Jasper Yao 8 Osborn Lu 8 Henry Chang 8 Henry Yang 8 Kylie Chin Vicki9Kuma 9Jack Lin 9 Lionel Wu 9 Ollie Hsu 9 Owen Hsu 9 Kitty Wang 9 Pin-An Tseng 9 Howard Pan 9 Jasper Lai 9 Peter Wu10Lionel Yeh 10 Jaden Hsieh 10 Megan Cheng 10 Ryan Lai 10 Ray Lai 10 Patty Hsieh 10 Porter Lai 10 Ian Tsai 10Jiang 10 Riley Chin11Nana Chen 11 Jessica Wu 11 Rex Lin 11 Sean Lin 11 Rex Peng 11 Rayna Tsou 11 Remy Chen 11 Jaden Mai 11 Rex Liu 1112Natasha Boertien12Sylvia Chang 12 Sherry Fan 12 Tim Chen 12 Rich Fu 12 Roy Huang 12 Ryan Hsiao 12 Jamie Yang 12 Scott Hsu 1213Rex Yu 13 Terry Ning 13 Wayne Luo 13 Yi-Jie Chang 13 Sophie Hsieh 13 Teddy Hsiung 13 Rylie Lo 13 Kane Wu 13 Stella Yang 1314Sean 14 Zoe Zhuang 14 14 14 Tim Zhong 14 Vivi Lai 14 Samuel Tsai 14 Meissen Tseng 14 Summer Lu 1415Sean Yang 15 15 15 15 Tisha Yen 15 Woody Wu 15 Tessa Lin 15 Rebecca Li 15Sunny Fan 1516Stella Huang1616 16 16 Wox Lan 16 Zoe Huang 16 Thor Chen 16 Sky Chang 16 Will Chiang 1617Winnie Chen1717 17 17 17 17 Wilson Wu 17 Zayn Huang 17 Winnie Yao 1718 1818 18 18 18 18 18 Petra Lu 18 18FITP Gigi FITP Jim WuFITP Nathan HsiehFITPJoanne FanFITPToby FanFITPEmily Wu FITP Alan LuoFITPCindy LuFITPJerry LiFITP Jeremy ChenFITPRay Chang FITP Leo LiuFITPJerry Fan: 5: 43FITPs3FITPs3FITPs2FITPs2FITPs30Adult TeachersAdult Teacher / Student Ratio1StudentsTeacher + FITP / Student Ratio115113FITPs194Total Number35Kids27Kids31Kids26Kids32KidsKoalasWolvesBobcatsCar0Stay at NWEEaglesBearsHawksTigersFalconsRhinosMeerkats44Bus TOTAL36Bus TOTAL40Bus TOTAL32Bus TOTAL42Bus TOTAL6Teacher6Teacher6Teacher4Teacher8TeacherThomasLukeStevenEchoAjayNancyJingWilly2024 Eco-Leader Camp - 2 Day TripBus 1Bus 2Bus 3Bus 4Bus 5JakeBellaGiniMariusLeonAlexJeanPaulaJenniferGinoVictorRimaSkyAlastairRubyKenKarenNicoPhilTravisYlsieElyse

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79 1 2Jake NancyEden Huang Nana ChenLionel Yeh Emily ChaoKailor Chen Winnie ChenSean Huang Holly ChouKuma Hsiung Genferry YehSean Yang Stella Huang3 4 5Thomas Luke GiniEnzo Boertien Jack Lin Amber JianRex Yu Jaden Hsieh Faye ChenCharlie Gao Capri Chen Jessica WuEason Luo Curry Ku Sylvia ChangJasper Lai Eason Hsu Emily ZhuangFITP JIM Terry Ning Genie LaiJeremy Chen6 7 8 9Marius Leon Steven JeanAdam Lin Haru Yi Ollie Hsu Emma YehAlbert Lai Lionel Wu Johnny Yen Aurora HuangJarvis Huang Jeremy Luo Ryan Lai Meimi ChouRex Lin Wayne Luo Sean Lin Channie LiaoKai Yeh Davidson Tsai Tim Chen Megan ChengAlan LuNathan Toby Sherry Fan10 11 12 13Alex Gino Paula RimaHenry Chou Tim Chung Angela Cheng Emma PanMucha Wu Rich Fu Sophie Hsieh Emily LiuRex Peng Owen Hsu Tisha Yen Lala GaoLucas Lu Jasper Yao Chloe Chiu Zoe HuangAlbert Pan Hans Liao Yi-Jie Chang Rayna TsouRoy Huang Emilio Chen Apple Chuang Connie YangWillyJerry Fan Joanne Emily

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80 14 15Jennifer AlastairKitty Wang Wox LanPatty Hsieh Ray LaiElisa Chen Eason WangCindy Fan Jason ChenVivi Lai Teddy HsiungEsther Chen Woody WuJing1617 18 19Victor Ken SkyAjayOsborn Lu Ryan Hsiao Wilson Wu Ethan YuAki Yi Pin-An Tseng Hanson Wang Porter LaiBrad Lai Thor Chen Samuel Tsai Eddie ChenZayn Huang Chuck Hsieh Jamie Yang Kane WuJaden Mai Daniel Chu Howard Pan Aiden ChiangMeissen Tseng Ian Tsai Sky Chang Henry ChangRay Leo LiuTravisAlan20 21Ylsie RubyRemy Chen Chloe YehRylie Lo Ginny TsaiTessa LinAmber TsouBella Cheng Rebecca LiEmma Liu Amelie LinNatasha BoertienPetra Lu22 23 24 25 26ElyseKarenPhil BellaEchoAriel Liu Stella Yang Harrick Sung Bradley Lin Alla LiaoSummer Lu Chloe Huang Rex Liu Will Chiang Jemmy LiaoJiang Fanchiang Genie Tsai Ethan Chiu Henry Yang Effie LuWinnie Yao Riley Chin Peter Wu Scott Hsu Zoe ZhuangAnna Zhuang Anan Yen Austin Liu Bob Chen Cindy FITPSunny Fan Jiang Kylie Chin Jon Lu Ewan LiaoGigi Nico Jerry Li Momo

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81 Every student can only bring up to 300 dollarsCan't buy for othersCan't lend other people moneyCan't give other people moneyYou buy it, you keep itLights OutDay 1Day 2BreakfastWrap up the roomsLeave hotelArrive at DongShiPlayTravel back to NWE11:00 - 14:0014:0015:0016:0017:0021:0023:007:30 - 9:009:00 - 10:0010:0011:0019:00$Money Rules$11:1011:301 hr 50 mins1 hr1 hrDonSHi Forest - NWEDonSHi Forest - XiHuXiHu - NWEArrive at LiPao, Put the luggage at the front lobbyStart Playing at LiPaoCome back to the hotel and check inDinner (Need more details)Free TimeGet back to rooms8:30 - 8:408:459:3017:301 hr 30 mins40 mins1 hr 6 mins40 minsETA to Each LocationNWE - Li PaoNWE - HuKo Rest StopHuKo - LiPaoLi Pao - DonSHi ForestLine up for busesDepart from NWEArrive at HuKou Rest Stop for bathroom breakMorning - Give 300/person to the room teachersArrive at XiHu Rest Stop for bathroom breakBack to NWEHawks TigersMeerkats KoalasBreakfastEagles BearsAirportB2AirportA1A2Wolves BobcatsLibraryFalcons RhinosMorning Classroom Arrangement

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82 small backpacklarge travel bag2 sets of clothespersonal medicinegloveschargersspeakers (FTPs)glovesHelmets*120Carts*4First Aid - 2 in total (Alcohol Spray + Tissue + Masks)living stratego cardspowerbankssoccer balls + frisbeejerseyextra socksextra snacks6 x Traffic Vestshot chocolate powderextra masks?sunscreen9. Personal medicinebug repellent!!extra t-shirts8. Extra masksgarbage bags5. Raincoat6. Extra socksgarbage bags7. Extra NWE shirtextra masks?10. small backpack11. large travel bag1.5 of Water (6 bottles per bus)luggage tagsPersonal ( Student )1. Water Bottlea box of bottled waterNWE Jackets 2024.02.01 2-Day Trip (8 a.m.)Personal ( Teacher )BUS (1-5)Extra Box (bus 1)water bottlewhistle2. Small bottled waterextra pants boxpower bank3. Snackalcohol spraysmall bags and zip bagsextra towelsboardgamesraincoatsnacks4. Lunchpaper towelgarbage baglunchtissuetissuemegaphones&batteries

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84 ECO-leader Camp 2024Day 11: Monday, February 5 3-Hour FTP Class – Cycle A Jake Marius Gino & Steven Time Eagles & Bears Hawks & Tigers Falcons & Rhinos 12:00 15 min Review Camp so far. 12:15 100 min Garbage Collection: Go around QingPu and collect garbage. Try to sort garbage accordingly! 13:55 50 min Flag Tag Extra Knots: Go through basic knots & play Knot Games Card/Boardgames: Go Fish, Checkers, Chess 14:45 15 min Clean up & Warm up Goodbye Song & Dismiss @ 17:55 3-Hour FTP Class – Cycle B Victor Phil Time Meerkats & Koalas Wolves & Bobcats 12:00 15 min Review 17 Ways to Save the World. What have we learned so far? 12:15 50 min Orienteering 2 @ Thomas Park How to Save the World 7: Affordable & Clean Energy 13:05 50 min How to Save the World 7: Affordable & Clean Energy Orienteering 2 @ Thomas Park 13:55 50 min Science: Electricity Science: Electricity Extra Knots: Go through basic knots & play Knot Games Card/Boardgames: Go Fish, Checkers, Chess 14:45 15 min Clean up & Warm up Goodbye Song & Dismiss @ 17:55

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85 ECO-leader Camp 2024Day 12: Thursday, February 6 3-Hour FTP Class – Cycle A Jake Marius Gino & Steven Time Eagles & Bears & Hawks Tigers Falcons & Rhinos 12:00 15 min POWER PLANT VISIT 12:15 50 min 13:05 50 min 13:55 50 min Extra Knots: Go through basic knots & play Knot Games Card/Boardgames: Go Fish, Checkers, Chess 14:45 15 min Clean up & Warm up Goodbye Song & Dismiss @ 17:55 3-Hour FTP Class – Cycle B Time Meerkats & Koalas Wolves & Bobcats 12:00 15 min Review 17 Ways to Save the World. What have we learned so far? 12:15 50 min Orienteering 5: Hash Game of your Choice 13:05 50 min Game of your Choice Orienteering 5: Hash 13:55 50 min Review and Catch up Review and Catch up Extra Knots: Go through basic knots & play Knot Games Card/Boardgames: Go Fish, Checkers, Chess 14:45 15 min Clean up & Warm up Goodbye Song & Dismiss @ 17:55

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86 1Rex Yu 1 Amber Jian 1 Eden Huang2Genferry Yeh 2 Capri Chen 2Natasha Boertien3Charlie Gao 3 Curry Ku 3 Sean Yang4Sean Huang 4 Eason Hsu 4 Emily Chao5Kuma Hsiung 5 Effie Lu 5 Winnie Chen6Alla Liao 6 Emily Zhuang 6 Kailor Chen7Jemmy Liao 7 Faye Chen 7 Lionel Yeh8Adam Lin8 Genie Lai 8 Holly Chou9Albert Lai9 Jack Lin 9 Nana Chen10Jarvis 10Jaden Hsieh 10Stella Huang11Haru Yi11 Jessica Wu12Lionel Wu12 Sylvia Chang13Megan 13Terry Ning14Adam 14Wayne Luo15Alan Lu15Davidson Tsai16Sherry Fan16Jeremy Luo17 17Rex Lin18 18Kai YehFITPNathan HsiehFITP Jim Wu FITP GigiFITP Jeremy ChenFITPs4Total Number55AjayJing2024 Eco-Leader Camp - Taiwan Power TripBus 1Bus 2JakeThomasGiniNancyMariusBearsEaglesKids3410FITPs317Students44Teacher52Bus TOTAL4213Adult Teachers

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87 NWE - Taipower 1 hr 5 minsGet ready Taipower - Restaurant 2 minsDepart from NWERestaurant - Beach 4 mins(by walking)Arrive at Taipower Exhibit CenterDingLiao Beach - NWE 1 hr 11 minsExhibit center tour timeA short movie of nuclear powerWatch 3D movie at 2F 1. Depart from NWE at 9FREE TIME AT THE EXHIBIT CENTER AT 2F2. Arrive at TaipowerRegroup and travel to the restaurant!3. Tour guide will start the tour at 10:30Lunch 4. The tour takes around 40 minsRegroup and travel to the beach!5. Please tell kids to line up at around 11:20, 3D movie starts at 11:30Beach cleaning in DingLiao Beach 6. We will take bus to the restaurantTravel back to NWE 7. We book for 5 tables8. White rice is free9. After lunch, we need to walk to the beachIf it rains heavily on the trip day, we will head back to NWE after lunch 10. Echo needs to pay for the lunchHawks TigersMeerkats KoalasA210:1010:30 - 11:3011:30 - 11:5011:50 - 12:3012:30 - 12:4012:40 - 13:3013:30 - 13:3513:35 - 14:3014:30 - 15:45Morning Classroom ArrangementLibraryEagles BearsAirportFalcons RhinosAirportBreakfastB2Wolves BobcatsA1Plan8:45-9:009:00

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89 ECO-leader Camp 2024Day 13: Wednesday, February 7 3-Hour FTP Class – Cycle A Jake Marius Gino & Steven Time Eagles & Bears Hawks & Tigers Falcons & Rhinos 12:00 15 min Song: Hall of Fame, We Are the World 12:15 100 min Science: Wind Powered Car Science: Wind Powered Car Science: Wind Powered Car 13:55 50 min Writing: Community Letter Writing: Community Letter Writing: Community Letter Extra Knots: Go through basic knots & play Knot Games Card/Boardgames: Go Fish, Checkers, Chess 14:45 15 min Clean up & Warm up Goodbye Song & Dismiss @ 17:55 3-Hour FTP Class – Cycle B Victor Phil Time Meerkats & Koalas Wolves & Bobcats 12:00 15 min Song: Hall of Fame, We Are the World 12:15 100 min Science: Wind Powered Car Science: Wind Powered Car 13:55 50 min Writing: Community Letter Writing: Community Letter Extra Knots: Go through basic knots & play Knot Games Card/Boardgames: Go Fish, Checkers, Chess 14:45 15 min Clean up & Warm up Goodbye Song & Dismiss @ 17:55

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90 Writing: Community Letter (Cycle A Classes) In this activity we would like the students to write a letter to a leader in their community. They should list a few concerns they have noticed in their neighborhood. Then they should also think of ways to solve those concerns to make their neighborhood a better and more sustainable place to live. You can think of different issues together with the students in class. Show them how to address someone politely in a letter (Standard US Business Letter) and how to sign. We will forego the address in this activity. Dear Community Leader: <- Greeting MAKE QINGPU A BETTER PLACE <- Subject <main body of your letter> Yours faithfully, <- Closing <name and signature> Writing: Community Letter (Cycle B Classes) Have the students draw a picture with a slogan or call to action on it. For example, a picture of a beautiful park with “KEEP QINGPU BEAUTIFUL” on it.

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92 Wind Powered Car - Science Speech #77 Greetings Eco-Scientists. My name is _______________. Today I am going to tell you how to make a wind powered car. First, you get some cardboard, straws, bottle caps, and skewers. Second, you cut the cardboard into a rectangle. Third, you tape 2 straws to the bottom of the cardboard. (Make sure they are parallel, so your car goes straight!) Fourth, you put a small hole into the middle of 4 bottle caps. Fifth, you push one end of the skewer into the bottle cap hole. Sixth, you put the long end of the skewer through one of the straws. Seventh, you put another bottle cap on the other end of the skewer. Eighth, you do the same thing to the other straw to make 2 more wheels. Ninth, you put another skewer into the middle of the cardboard. Tenth, you use some tape to hold the skewer up and in place. Eleventh, you make a sail using recycled paper or plastic. Twelfth, you put your sail onto the skewer. Finally, you test your wind powered car and see how far it will go!

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93 Wind Powered Car - Science Song #77 Sing to: Three Blind Mice Wind powered car Wind powered car See how it rolls See how it rolls The sail catches all the air It pushes the car from here to there If you want to win, you must play fair Wind powered car Wind powered car

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94 Knots Whenever you have spare time available or it is raining horribly outside, consider tying some knots! Find the 8 basic knots below. is a great resource.

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102 Not Knot’s Knot Games Blackout Knots All players have a piece of rope. Assign a specific knot. Shut out lights for a specified time and see how adept group is in the darkness. Vary knots called and time lights are out. Blindman's Knot The students are blindfolded. The leader passes down the line, holding a piece of cord knotted in one of the familiar knots. Each student may feel it for ten seconds to discover which knot it is. The students are then provided with a cord. At the word "Go" each blindfolded player makes the knot they consider the right one. The quickest (if correct) wins. Bowline/Sheet-bend Draw Have the students divide into pairs. Each pair lines up across from each other. Each student is given a piece of rope long enough to tie around their waist and leave a couple of extra feet. These ropes should be on the ground by the student’s feet. At the GO signal, each student picks up their rope and ties a bowline around their waist. Then they join the rope with their partners rope using a sheet-bend. They then back up until the ropes become taught, lean back and hold their hands in the air. Chariot Race When you get on to teaching the square lashing a good game is the chariot race. The students are divided into teams (of a fairly small number) and each team is given a chair and two staves. They then have a fixed period (say fifteen minutes) to build a chariot which simply involves square lashing each of the staves to either side of a chair so that they extend equally in front and behind of the chair. Warn students that it is vital that the lashings are very tight. Then set up a race track, if space is limited then you will probably have to have each team running one at a time and time each, however if you can hold the race in a larger space it is possible for all teams to race together. One member of each team sits on the chair and the other team members must carry the chair by the staves only and run around the course. In running with the chair, any bad lashings will be disclosed since they will become undone. A suitable penalty should be imposed for any team that drops their passenger. This game always proves to be most entertaining. Knotting Baseball Same teams as baseball, but no bat or ball. Pitcher and batter each have a piece of rope. Pitcher calls name of knot and throws his rope to anyone in the field. If batter reaches first with knot tied correctly, he is safe. If knot tied (correctly) by fielder, reaches first before batter, he is out. If batter cannot tie knot called, he is out. If fielder cannot tie knot called, batting side scores one run whatever else happens. Fielders can then return ropes to second, third or home to "force" base runners. Make sure pitcher throws rope to all fielders and not too frequently to first base (throw in a counterclockwise fashion starting at first base). Knotting Circle Players sit in circle. One ties a knot in a bit of rope and drops it at the feet of one of another group, who must name the knot correctly and say if it is tied right before the tier has run around the circle. Whichever wins ties the next knot, and so on. Knotting Relays Give all students a chance to compete and practice. Use basic knots tied in a useful way: bowline around the waist, tie a sheet bend using two different thickness of rope, tie a clove hitch around a spar or pole.

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103 Knot Relay (timed variation) Have the students line up in teams behind a starting line. A leader stands opposite each team and has one or two ropes, and a pole (if desired). At the GO signal, each team sends one student forward. The leader gives them a randomly selected knot. The student then must successfully tie that knot before returning to their team. When each student returns to the team, the next student is sent forward. Count the number of knots tied. Keep moving until the game period has nearly expired. The team with the most successfully tied knots wins. By running this relay for a fixed time, there is no need to adjust for different sized groups. Each student should get the opportunity to tie 2 or 3 different knots (at least). Knotty 1) Each student is provided with a thin rope that is a foot and a half long. 2) Two players sit face to face with about 8 feet between them. One player holds his rope in front of him and the other player is the guesser. When the student who is the guesser says Ready!" the other student puts their cord behind them and makes any number of simple, single knots on it, from one to four. The knots are made as fast as possible and when done, the player brings their empty hand out in front of them. Their opponent guesses how many knots there are on the cord. The guesser only has one chance. 3) Immediately upon the guess the rope is held out in front of the player who made the knots, in order to prove the guess right or wrong. The student making the knots tries to fool their opponent by only making one knot, none, or several knots in the time it should take to make one, in order to fool their opponent. Their face can give the expression that their hands are idle when they are actually busy or vice versa. 4) When playing this game as a team competition, each player on each team has a turn at knotting and guessing before the winning side can count coup. A team can have a brief conference before guessing the number of knots made by the opposing team. In team competition it is best to have a referee to keep track of the score made by each team. Knot Relay The game simply involves each member of the team running across the hall, where they are told a knot to tie, and they must tie that before returning to their team and the next person running up to do their knot. Each player will be given a knot in a predetermined sequence and the sequence will be the same for all teams. Therefore, the students know that if they do not pay attention during the learning phase of the evening, they will let their team down during the game phase. This is often enough incentive for them to make every effort to learn. You will need to decide in advance how to handle a competitor who, after making several attempts, still fails to tie the required knot, one possibility is for the next person in the team to come up (after the previous has been there for a set period of time), then the next person must tie the knot that the previous person failed at and one more person must come up at the end of the race so that the required number of knots get tied. Rope Throw One member of a group is seated on a piece of cardboard (2' x 2') 30' - 35' away from their team. Each student in the group has one piece of rope about 6' long. On "Go" each group must join all pieces of rope using a specified knot (square, reef, clove hitch) and throw completed rope close enough to player on cardboard so that they can reach it. The player on the cardboard cannot move and rope must fall within their arms reach. When they catch rope, they must tie a bowline around their waist and be hauled across line where rest of group throws rope from. Works well on most indoor floors. If you haven't enough rope for all your groups, game can be run by groups in turn using best time to declare the winners.

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104 Cats Tails You need 20 - 30 pieces of heavy string, each piece six inches in length. Divide students into four teams. Hide all but three or four pieces of string. Each team chooses a “cat”, who is given one of the extra pieces of string. At a given signal, all players except the “cats” scatter to find the hidden strings. As a player finds one, they take it to their “cat” and ties it with a square knot to the last piece of string the “cat” holds. The team with the longest tail of strings with correctly tied knots wins. Test of Strength You need one rope for each student, about three feet long. Players sit in a circle holding their ropes. Each student ties one end of their rope with a square knot to the rope of the student on their left. When all knots are tied, lift the rope over your heads and down to the middle of your back. At a signal, lean back hard against the rope circle. (If any of the square knots isn’t tied correctly, you’ll fall over backwards). Try this game making the knots behind your back instead in front or tie them with your eyes shut. Simon Says Knots You need one rope for each student about three feet long. Each player holds a rope. Every time “Simon says” to tie a certain knot, each player must do it. If the command doesn’t start with “Simon says”, players do nothing. A player misses if they tie the knot incorrectly, tie the wrong knot, or tie one at the wrong time. After three misses, a player is out. Rings You need one rope for each student, about three feet long. Make several teams. Each student holds their own rope. On signal, each player takes one end of it, and one end of their right-hand neighbor’s rope and ties them together with a square knot, thus making a ring. The first team to put the ring on the floor and step in it wins. Clothes-Line Race You need one rope for each team, at least 10 feet long. Teams in line. A clothes-line is stretched loosely about ten feet in front of each line. On signal, the first student in each line runs to the line and takes up the slack with a sheep-shank. Each following student must untie and then re-tie the knot. The first team to finish wins.