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2025 New Beginnings Vol1 - Presidents Corner

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As promised, weekly updates on requests, protocols, and informationfor Gusto Bella Vita will be provided. The aim is to ensure thateveryone can confidently request assistance and follow the necessarysteps to have their needs addressed. Here is this week's review.Pool Maintenance:We would like to inform youthat the pool heater iscurrently out of service.Stahlman Pool Companyhas thoroughly inspectedthe equipment andconfirmed that it needs tobe replaced. We will beapproving a new poolheater this week, and oncethe parts arrive, they will beinstalled as quickly aspossible.We apologize for theinconvenience, especiallywith the recent coldweather and theapproaching cold front.Please know that this is atop priority for us, and weare working diligently toresolve the issue. Weappreciate your patienceand understanding duringthis timeCommunity Survey:We encourage everyone to participatein the community survey and trulyappreciate those of you who havealready taken the time to fill it out. Wewill be following up with an additionalsurvey to ensure we identify meetingtimes that work best for the entirecommunity.Three of the most popular times so farare 11 AM to 1 PM, 3pm to 5pm and 5pm to 5:30pm. Depending on thesurvey results, there is a highprobability that all our meetings willbe scheduled at 5 PM or 5:30 PM onFridays. This way, we ensure that weare listening to your viewpoints andacknowledging your importance asowners. We will do whatever themembership wants us to do.Thank you for your patience. Pleaselook out for an additional email with asurvey specific to meeting times. Anychanges the board wants to make willbe preceded by a survey to gatherinput. Based on the majoritypreference, we will make decisionsaccordingly.PoolMaintenanceCommunitySurveyExterior Lightsand SignsGym UpdatesCommunication OngoingMaintenanceTasksHappy New YearIn thisNewsletteryou can expect:New Beginnings Edition, VOL. 1President’sPresident’sCornerCorner

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Exterior Lights and Signs: Bid updates for theexterior lights and signs in front of the units arecurrently pending. Survey results indicate apreference among owners to keep signage infront of buildings rather than on each unit.Multiple bids are being obtained to balance theintroduction of new signs with fiscal responsibilitywithin the overall budget. Further updates will beprovided as the project progresses. Gym Update: Aron from Dean Mitchell hasinstalled a new television in the gym and replacedthe soap dispenser in the men's bathroom.Additionally, we have contracted a PreventativeMaintenance company to assess anymalfunctioning fitness equipment. We anticipatetheir visit within the week and expect the repairsto be completed promptly, contingent upon theavailability of necessary parts.In-Person or Phone: Katelyn, our CommunityAssociation Manager, is available on-site at theclubhouse Monday through Friday from 9am tonoon. Katelyn’s Contact Information: T: (239) 261-3440 x149, Email: kkubasik@swpropmgt.comOfficial Website: Visit our official website and submityour comments or concerns through thedesignated section. Link: GUSTO BELLA VITAWEBSITESeacrest Portal: Use the Seacrest portal to put in awork order. This is the correct platform forsubmitting work orders and ensuring they areaddressed promptly. Please understand that whilewe value your input, posts on Facebook are notmonitored by the BOD and will not result in actionbeing taken. For effective communication andresolution of issues, please use the official channelsmentioned above or use the portal link included.Link: Southwest Online Porter for work orders etc. Communication - Friendly ReminderCommunication - Friendly Reminder

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"It always seems impossible until it’s done."Nelson MandelaHappy New Year: As we welcome 2025, it is an opportune moment toreflect on the challenges we have overcome and theprogress we have made. Our community is poisedfor significant achievements, thanks to thededication of our board members, Seacrest, and allresidents. Over the past year, we have carefullyselected our current vendors, and as we move into2025, we are confident that we will begin to seesubstantial improvements. While the timeframe fornoticing these enhancements may vary, many of youhave already expressed your appreciation for thepositive changes that are becoming evident. We are eagerly looking forward to upcomingdevelopments in our insurance in the next fewmonths, which could lead to significant changes forour community. This is a very exciting possibility thatcould have a major impact! All board members arerequired to complete a four-hour HOA BoardMember Certification class, which will be completedand documented on the website for transparency.We are committed to continuous improvement andwill always consider feedback and constructivecriticism to enhance our community.Wishing everyone a productive 2025 with continueddevelopment and cooperation. Let us work towardsmaking Gusto Bella Vita a notable community inSouthwest Florida.Thank you for your ongoing trust and involvement.Jason FerraraPresident, Gusto Bella Vita CommunityOngoing Maintenance Tasks:We will be addressing the gutters, and Pedro’steam will begin his evaluation and repair itemsbeginning this week… Now that the holidays arebehind us, we can resume the regular progressionof maintenance items on our list. Thank you toeveryone now using the portal for work orders;participation has increased significantly. Reports ofleaking exterior faucets have also been noted, anda plumber will be called to address these issuespromptly.Thank you for reading!Jason Ferrara