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2025 New Beginnings Vol1 - Presidents Corner

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As promised, weekly updates on requests, protocols, and information for Gusto BellaVita will be provided. The aim is to ensure that everyone can confidently requestassistance and follow the necessary steps to have their needs addressed. Here is thisweek's review.ANNUAL MEETING:The Annual Meeting willtake place on Friday,February 21, 2025, at5pm. At our annualmeeting, we will beinducting all directors toserve for the year 2025.We are pleased towelcome back DeannaCarlo, who will be joiningas the fifth member of theboard of directors onFebruary 21, 2025. Webelieve that diversity andequity are essentialcomponents of success.With five directors, thecommunity will benefitfrom diverse perspectivesand a more balanceddistribution ofresponsibilities. MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT:We recently experienced a significant incident withinour community. On January 17, an individualunlawfully entered our premises, engaged in analtercation with a resident, and subsequentlycommitted a carjacking. This situation had thepotential to escalate further, posing risks toadditional residents and their properties.The board of directors has decided to take proactivemeasures to enhance our community's security. Thefirst step taken was contacting the Collier CountySheriff's Department to request heightened patrolsin our community. As a result, there will be anincreased presence of police officers patrolling ourneighborhood at no additional cost. Secondly, we aim to ensure that the community isinformed and involved in our efforts. Therefore, webelieve it is essential for you, as an owner, to have asay in this matter. We will create a survey to gatheryour input. Based on your responses, we willdetermine the appropriate next course of action, ifany, beyond what has already been accomplished.This approach shows our commitment tomaintaining the safety and well-being of ourcommunity.Annual MeetingMotor Vehicle Theft Community FeedbackGoverningDocumentsCommunication LINKSOngoingMaintenance TasksFinal ThoughtsIn this Newsletteryou can expect:President’s CornerPresident’s Corner

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COMMUNITY FEEDBACK: SPEED LIMIT: We kindly ask you to observe the 15-mile-per-hour speedlimit within our community. There are many children in the area, andeven a moment of inattention could lead to an accident. For theirsafety, and the safety of all those in the community, please go thespeed limit.ILLEGAL PARKING: Additionally, parking on the streets is notpermissible. The board of directors acknowledges that parking is anissue, but it is essential to follow the rules and regulations. If your cargets towed, it will cost $500 to retrieve it. To avoid this inconvenience,you can park at the clubhouse for free during the day. We haveincreased patrols with the tow company due to non-compliance withparking rules, so please be respectful so you can avoid any penalty fees.PET WASTE: Concerning pet-related matters, we kindly request that allpet owners clean up after their dogs. Doggy waste stations have beenstrategically placed throughout the community for your convenience.Should you believe additional stations are required, please inform us.GOVERNING DOCUMENTS:Over the next year, the board will deliberateon the potential revision of our governingdocuments. The aim is to rewrite andconsolidate these documents for enhancedorganization and readability, based on thefeedback we have received from Seacrest.This initiative is scheduled for consideration in2025.We will only proceed with rewriting thegoverning documents if a majority BOD votesin favor, as this process involves an additionalexpense of $4,000. However, it may bedeemed necessary. Further information willbe provided in due course. In-Person or Phone: Katelyn, our CommunityAssociation Manager, is available on-site at theclubhouse Monday through Friday from 9am to noon.Katelyn’s Contact Information: T: (239) 261-3440x149, Email: kkubasik@swpropmgt.comOfficial Website: Visit our official website and submityour comments or concerns through the designatedsection. Link: GUSTO BELLA VITA WEBSITESeacrest Portal: Use the Seacrest portal to put in awork order. This is the correct platform forsubmitting work orders and ensuring they areaddressed promptly. For effective communicationand resolution of issues, please use the officialchannels mentioned above or use the portal linkincluded. Link: Southwest Online Portal for workorders etc.

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GUTTER CLEANING:Gutter cleaning is currently in progress. Several homes arebeing addressed, and this will continue through the week.If you have any specific issues, please submit a work order.FOUNTAIN REPLACEMENT: We are pleased to inform you that the fountain has beenordered and is scheduled to be installed within the nexttwo weeks. We appreciate your patience during this periodand apologize for any delays. Thank you once again foryour understanding and support.LANDSCAPING: As noted in the previous report, the landscaping willrequire extensive work due to prolonged neglect. Someunits will need more attention than others. if you canplease submit a work order for your specific unit andinclude a photograph, if possible, for clarification with thelandscaping company. This will allow us to address eachissue individually and provide necessary assistance.I am very optimistic about 2025, primarilydue to the dedicated efforts of our entireteam, including vendors. As previously notedin our newsletters, forming an effective teamrequires time, as does identifying reliablevendors who provide services at reasonablerates. We have been investing in repairinglong-neglected aspects of our community.These necessary improvements, includinglandscaping, roof repairs, pool heater, andfountain maintenance, are examples ofongoing essential community projects.The Board of Directors believes that living inGusto Bella Vita entails maintaining certainstandards. I am confident that with ourteam's support, we will be able to continuallyadvance and implement positive changes,particularly with your valuable input. I am very eager to see the outcome of theinsurance claim, which may significantlybenefit our community. I am also confidentour team is prepared to embracing thischallenge, and we request your assistance aswe embark on this journey togetherregardless of the outcome.PresidentGusto Bella Vita CommunityJason FerraraFINAL THOUGHTSONGOING MAINTENANCE TASKS