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2024 Course Catalog

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[Type here] 614219 COURSE CATALOG 2024 614.219.97 6 7 info@ l ev e rag e h linkedin . c o m/comp a n y /leverage - HR

Page 2 1 Welcome to Leverage HR, where our commitment to excellence extends beyond the pages of our course catalog. While we proudly showcase a diverse range of courses, what truly sets us apart is our dedication to tailoring each training experience to your unique needs and objectives. Unlike one-size-ts-all programs, our expert instructors collaborate closely with you to customize content, ensuring that every session is relevant, impactful, and specically designed to address your challenges. Explore our course catalog as a starting point, knowing that your learning journey with us is a personalized, tailored experience crafted for success. Change Management Description: Changes in the way organizations operate and the systems, processes, policies, and solutions they deliver are occurring at an almost frightening speed. Supervisors and Project Managers play a key role in reducing the anxiety employees feel from these changes and in helping them obtain the knowledge, skills, and commitment to support change. This hands-on course introduces Supervisors and Project Managers to the Why, What and How of eectively supporting employees through change. Learning Objectives: • Deepen insights into the trends causing change and their impact on employees. • Develop skills using tools to evaluate and manage change. • Create change plans for initiatives underway in their area today. Syllabus (Curriculum Outline): Module 1 – Introductions and The Big Picture • Introductions and experiences with change and supporting change. • Introduce Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity and organizational impact. • Deep dive into the neuroscience of change on people (micro-change). • Summarize the causes and impact of change on organizations and people. Module 2 – Evaluating Change • Introduce the Change Continuum (local, continuous improvement, transformation). • Utilize prework to evaluate change portfolios in participant areas. • Discussions on approaches for managing change portfolios (sequencing, building, etc.) • Identication of initial actions for participants change portfolio. Module 3 – Types of Change and Introduction for Leading Change • Strategically Driven versus Inherited Change. • Role of supervisors in all change initiatives. • ADKAR model of change management. • Specic change opportunities for participants' change portfolios. Module 4 – Tool Deep Dive and Peer Coaching • Additional change tools (stakeholder and communication audits, engagement and training techniques, reinforcement tactics) • Peer coaching introduction and coaching pods. • Program summary and additional resources. • Stand & Deliver (personal take-aways and commitments.)

Page 3 2 Coaching Description: Organizations that develop their leaders to be coaches experience higher levels of employee performance and engagement leading to improved business outcomes. Participants will leave equipped to make the shift from outdated command and control to forward thinking leader coaches who are focused on bringing out the best in their teams by guiding them through goals and obstacles. Coaching cultures bring together the elements of how managers, leaders, associates, and other stakeholders engage one another. Learning Objectives: • Explore the fundamentals of coaching, gain knowledge of coaching and situational leadership. • Enhance one on one coaching skills to support performance and development. • Grow capability and condence in utilizing coaching eectively with individuals and teams. Syllabus (Curriculum Outline): Module 1 – Introduction to Coaching • Dening coaching and how it diers from mentoring, managing, and training. • The Skill Will Matrix and understanding when to use coaching. • Personal assessment of coaching skills. Module 2 – Essential Skills for Coaching • Developing Three Level Active Listening. • Dening Empowering Questions and the Power of Question Thinking. • Dening your coach’s stance to create real presence. • Building trust and rapport when coaching. Module 3 – Overview of the Coaching Process • Overview of the coaching process. • Creating the environment, following their lead, closing with accountability and actions. • Tips for implementation with teams. Module 4 – Applications, Feedback, and Next Steps • Overview of roles in triad breakouts. • Rotating practice and feedback session. • Debrief and wrap up. • Stand and Deliver (personal take-aways and commitments.)

Page 4 3 Communication Skills Description: The most successful men and women create their own future through eective communication, by using words and written mediums to own success, obtain recognition for achievements, project condence and gain the buy in of others. However, research shows we have dierent needs and approaches to delivering and receiving information. This session addresses the importance of communication, the dierences in style and approaches, and will increase participants' condence and capability in eectively utilizing communication as a leadership tool. Learning Objectives: • Understand the importance of communication and the importance of it for supervisors. • Evaluate dierent mediums and approaches to clarify what each individual needs. • Improve communication condence and capabilities practicing in a safe learning environment. Syllabus (Curriculum Outline): Module 1 – Why We Communicate and the Role of Supervisor • Overview: Evolution of Communication • Role of supervisors in communication. • Communication assessment and small group discussions. Module 2 – What and How of Communication • Communication Channels overview. • Best and worst use for each channel. • Channel assessment and small group discussions. • Dierences between men and women and communicating condently. Module 3 – Understanding Communication Styles • Dierent styles and introduction to DiSC (based on prework assessment.) • Loves and Bugs of each style. • Evaluating communication mediums using DiSC. Module 4 – Applying Communication Insights • Case Studies: Small groups evaluate situations and approaches. • Peer Coaching: Pairs ask for insights on situations from someone with another prole. • Stand and Deliver (personal take-aways and commitments.)

Page 5 4 Condent and Assertive Leadership Description: Condence is consistently believing in your own ability. It gives you an edge, elevating your performance, personal eectiveness, and even the quality of your relationships. Being an assertive leader unlocks the ability to express yourself freely while improving the function of your team. Explore the importance of leading with condence through positivity, being authentic and embracing your imperfections, choosing transparency, knowing how to pick your battles, what it means to be an example, and how to lead with integrity. Learn how to balance leadership and emotional intelligence, communicate with tact, and keep all messages clear and concise. Consider tips on how to maintain inuence and integrity without relinquishing authority. Learning Objectives: • Greater condence and courage expressing a point-of-view as well as demonstrating assertiveness, emotional control, and belief in one’s talents. • Exhibiting poise, energy, and optimism. • Elevate the ability to build trust, motivate others, create followership, and create a positive and inclusive work environment. • Understand how to meet goals and address them through professional inuence. Syllabus (Curriculum Outline): Module 1 – Leadership Practices • Leadership Model: • Shaping Organizational Direction • Contributing Through Others • Contributing Independently • Helping & Learning • Why Followers Follow. Module 2 – What Stops Us • Positive Intelligence • Saboteurs: Types of Saboteurs, Moving from Saboteur to Sage Module 3 – Personal Power and Condence • Types of Power • Pairs Discussion on Power • Power Modulation • Stress Management • Self-Perception • EEC Communication Model • Decision Making: Decision Making Exercise • Small Group Discussion Module 4 – Personal Brand • Your Brand: Detecting Your Brand, Crafting Your Brand • Small Group Discussion

Page 6 5 Conict Management and Conict Resolution Description: The way we respond to conict is deeply embedded (has roots in our upbringing and our culture.) Some of us can argue ourselves into exhaustion, and some of us would rather take cover and wait out the storm. To resolve conicts better - we need to nd our default conict response style so we can internationally practice managing conict with dierent styles based on the desired outcome. Learning Objectives: • Need content here Syllabus (Curriculum Outline): Module 1 – Thomas-Killman Conict Model • Introduction to the Thomas-Killman Conict Model • Review personal scores. • Pairs discussion: • What is my default conict management style? • In what situations does this style work for me? • In which situations does this style work against me? • I would like to change the way I respond to conict by… Module 2 – Open-ended Questions • The most important practice in conict resolution is the art of asking open-ended or diagnostic questions. • Practice three-level listening to receive responses to questions and manage conict. Module 3 – Labeling, Mirroring, and Silence • Practice Labeling, Mirroring, and Silence to execute tactical empathy. • Identify an unresolved conict that is impeding your progress. • Practice using new techniques to manage the conict.

Page 7 6 Developing Cultural Competence Description: At no other time in history has our workforce and the individuals we serve been more diverse. Cultural Competence is the ability to participate ethically and eectively in personal and professional intercultural settings. This highly engaging program invites participants to explore how their personal experiences have shaped their views and introduces them to a treasure trove of tools and assessments to increase cultural competency. Through exercises, discussions, assessments, and case studies participants gain a deeper knowledge into this topic and pragmatic ideas for how to continue to develop their personal cultural competence. Learning Objectives: • Dene Cultural Competence and why it’s important. • Deepen understanding of culture and personal experiences that shape participants’ values. • Working knowledge of global culture models and tools. • Assessing, developing, and practicing cultural competence. Syllabus (Curriculum Outline): Module 1 – Introduction to Cultural Competency • Dene Cultural Competency and where it comes into play in your work. • Explore personal experiences with the changing world and research on mega trends. • Explain how Cultural Competency ts into the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion framework. • Begin building cultural competence. Module 2 – Culture and Perceptions • Discuss culture and how we dene and explain it. • Review the Science of Perceptions and explore our personal values and lenses. • Learn about the Cultural Framework and practice applying it to various groups. Module 3 – Assessing Cultural Competency • Complete an organizational assessment of Cultural Competency using the IDC. • Identify opportunities for improving individual Cultural Competency. • Explore trust, empathy and Psychological Safety and their impact on increasing Cultural Competency. Module 4 – Developing Cultural Competency • Learn several tools to enable Cultural Competency. • Apply program tools and learning to various case studies. • Stand & Deliver (personal take-aways and commitments.)

Page 8 7 Diversity and Unconscious Bias Description: Building diverse teams requires more than respecting and valuing dierences. It requires trust. Successful diversity initiatives are always built on a foundation of trust. Trust creates an environment where each individual feels uninhibited and can show his/her authentic self. This will make each individual stronger, and the team will be more eective and cohesive. This workshop focuses on how managers can build trust that is needed to unleash the power of diversity and will provide a strong foundation for all future diversity initiatives. Learning Objectives: • Dene Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and why it’s important. • Understand and manage unconscious bias. • Working knowledge of Psychological Safety Models and tools to cultivate belonging. • Understand dierences and practice communicating respectfully. Syllabus (Curriculum Outline): Module 1 – Diversity • Develop an understanding of diversity, its importance and value. • Explore US context of diversity (systemic racism, discrimination against marginalized groups, microaggressions, colorism, privilege, etc.) • Develop an understanding of cultural awareness. • Begin building Cultural Competence. Module 2 – Unconscious (Implicit) Bias • Develop an understanding of unconscious bias. • Recognizing our own unconscious bias. • Develop an understanding of how to avoid unconscious bias. • Strategies to overcome bias and practice micro airmations. Module 3 – Equity and Inclusion • Develop an understanding of equity. • Understand how to promote equity. • Develop an understanding of inclusion and its importance. • Understand how to promote inclusion. • Allyship: What it is and how to demonstrate it. Module 4 – Courageous Conversations • How to communicate with respect. • Develop an understanding of the dierent. • Recognizing and understanding the causes of incivility. • Understand the impacts and cost of incivility on co-workers. • Understand how to manage triggers. • Identify ways to give and receive feedback. • Establishing common language (the power of words, role modeling, enhancing listening skills, empathy, and transparency.)

Page 9 8 Exceptional Collaboration Description: Strong collaboration skills are necessary to be an eective supervisor, team member and peer. Research shows that exceptional collaboration drives performance, engagement, and innovation. In this program we will introduce the Five Key Skills of Exceptional Collaboration, explore opportunities to leverage these skills immediately, clarify barriers and how to overcome them, and view new tools and approaches available for collaboration in a virtual working environment. We will additionally look at the research and impact around “collaborative overload” clarifying when we should and should not collaborate. Learning Objectives: • Understand the value and skills of exceptional collaboration. • Clarify the barriers and opportunities for improving collaboration in your area. • Understand how online tools can support collaboration and how to not overuse collaboration. Syllabus (Curriculum Outline): Module 1 – Dening Exceptional Collaboration • Collaboration versus Exceptional Collaboration. • Research on value of exceptional collaboration. • Personal intention for where to apply exceptional collaboration. Module 2 – Exceptional Collaboration • What gets in our way (triggers assessment.) • Green Zone and Red Zone thinking. • Exploring the Five Skills. Module 3 – Applying the Skills • Individual and organizational evaluation. • Discussion for improving the self and organizational collaborative outcomes. • Debrief on personal actions and opportunities. Module 4 – Collaborating in the 21st Century • Technology as a lever for improving collaboration. • Research on the impact of over-collaborating and how to optimize collaboration. • Stand and Deliver (personal take-aways and commitments.)

Page 10 9 Giving and Receiving Feedback Description: While it is often said that “feedback is a gift,” a majority of leaders are uncomfortable delivering and receiving it. In this course we take a fresh look at Motivational and Developmental Feedback, evaluate the emotional impacts on people, introduce the AID Model of Feedback and provide participants the opportunity to practice feedback, leveraging the program learnings. Learning Objectives: • Deepen understanding on why feedback is diicult. • Clarify situational feedback and dene dierent types of feedback. • Learn the AID Model for delivering motivational and developmental feedback. • Obtain hands on experience by practicing feedback styles. Syllabus (Curriculum Outline): Module 1 – Introduction to Feedback • Good and bad experiences with feedback. • Neuroscience of how we respond to feedback. • Importance of approaching feedback situations correctly. Module 2 – Types of Feedback • Developmental versus motivational feedback. • The Skills Will Matrix and clarifying situational feedback. • Value and impact of using the correct approach. Module 3 – Approach to Giving and Receiving Feedback • Overview of the AID Model. • Behaviors versus judgements and the Importance of Language. • Neuroscience of Feedback and how to manage it. Module 4 – Working with the AID Model for Eective Feedback • Triads practice motivational and developmental feedback using the AID Model. • Additional tips for giving and receiving feedback.

Page 11 10 Getting More Done with Less Time Description: Want to accomplish more with the time that you have? Do you ever feel lost in the constant ow of information, responsibilities, and expectations? Take control of your time and boost productivity by focusing on results, eliminating time zappers, and establish healthy, long-term, productive habits that help you make the most of your time every day. Participants will understand and apply results from the DiSC Time Mastery Prole, learn to design eective goals around identied values, develop schedules to manage daily and weekly tasks (based on best practices from Getting Things Done), identify what is more important and put aside things that are not (based on best practices from Eat that Frog), and learn how to prioritize, triage, deconstruct and delegate. Learning Objectives: • Understand your Time Mastery Prole and be able to apply eective time management strategies at work and home. • Set eective goals, and design goals around identied values. • Identify what is most important, put aside what is not important. • Align action with performance goals and Big 5 Goals. • Learn when and how to delegate. • Identify best practices for managing your time. Syllabus (Curriculum Outline): Module 1 – Understanding Your Time Mastery Prole • Time Management Basics: Benets of eective time management. • Time Mastery Prole reporting. • Managing time at work. Module 2 – Values and Goal Setting • Productivity Pyramid • Values exercise. • Truths about goals. • Backwards planning. Module 3 – Prioritizing • Time Zapper review. • Planning & Prioritizing overview. • Pareto Principle • Prioritizing process. • Covey Quadrants • Urgent vs important. Module 4 – Delegation • Benets of productive delegation. • Obstacles to delegation, levels of delegation, and productive delegation. • Creating a habit.

Page 12 11 Interpersonal Skills Development Description: You may not realize it, but interpersonal skills, or people skills, are something you already have. After all, you've been learning how to get along with others since the day you were born! But positive daily interactions don't always "just happen," whether in business or in our personal lives. Getting the results that you need can be diicult when you don't "click" with people, or if you don't know how to act or what to say. That's why strong interpersonal skills are as important in the workplace as "hard" technical skills or formal qualications, regardless of the position you hold. They can help you to create good working relationships, manage conict, motivate your team, increase productivity, solve problems, network eectively, and increase happiness and engagement at work. Communicating eectively is at the heart of interpersonal skills. Communicating eectively isn't an innate talent that some people have and others don't—it's something that anyone can learn and practice. Learn how to clearly convey information and ideas in an engaging manner. Explore how to build trust, communicate eectively, and be heard in all parts of your organization. Learn important interpersonal communication skills and strategies for igniting curiosity, attention, trust, and respect Learning Objectives: • Determine the most appropriate form of communication in a business situation. • Identify instances in which one mode of communication is preferable to another mode. • Explain the process involved in interpreting nonverbal cues. • Identify techniques for key stakeholder management. • Garner sponsorship to drive projects or agendas forward. Syllabus (Curriculum Outline): Module 1 – • Module 2 – • Module 3 – • Module 4 – •

Page 13 12 Professional and Leadership Development Description: Leadership requires robust thinking, connection with others and the courage to act when faced with poor or ambiguous options. Today’s leaders are challenged to: • Provide clear direction to their teams, even when the future seems unclear at best. • Speak up when their gut tells them it’s important to leave their lane. • Be the leader they aspire to be, faced with limited capacity and time. This is the perfect time to take a step back and consider how to leverage Head, Heart, and Guts Leadership as the demand for courageous leadership grows. Learning Objectives: • Learn the HHG Courageous Leader Model and assess where you are. • Evaluate why and when courageous leadership is needed. • Leverage the HHG Courageous Leader Model to inuence others and inuence decisions. • Develop cross functional relationships. • Step into courageous actions and questions to increase decision velocity and accountability. Syllabus (Curriculum Outline): Module 1 – name • Drivers for courageous leadership. • The Head, Heart, and Gut Model • Improving Head Leadership with futures thinking and critical thinking. Module 2 – name • Improving Head Leadership (cont.) by enabling strategy through purpose and alignment. • Improving Heart Leadership through self-awareness, developing empathy through perspective shifting, and cultivating trust through empowerment. Module 3 – name • What prevents us from following our gut? • Hold courageous conversations: • To share feedback. • To manage conict. • To advocate for what you need. • Application of the HHG Leadership Model and tools to a real-life scenario.

Page 14 13 Psychological Safety in the Workplace Description: Psychological safety — the belief that one can speak up without risk of punishment or humiliation — has been well established as a critical driver of high-quality decision making, healthy group dynamics and interpersonal relationships, greater innovation, and more eective execution in organizations. This course teaches leaders how to eectively promote psychological safety in their workplace. Learning Objectives: • Learners will be able to foster Inclusion Safety and Learner Safety among varying workplace relationships. • Learners will be able to contribute to an inclusive workplace culture for diverse teams to express ideas, collaborate, and follow curiosity together. • Learners will be able to nurture creativity and innovation by taking risks, admitting mistakes, and having a team-centric attitude. • Learners will be able to support team members wellbeing by creating an environment with courageous conversations and meaningful feedback. Syllabus (Curriculum Outline): Module 1 – Trust and Psychological Safety • What is the relationship between Trust and Psychological Safety? • How to build trust. • Repairing relationships with fractured trust. • Explore the relationship between Psychological Safety and creating inclusion. Module 2 – Framework • History of Psychological Safety. • Neuroscience of Psychological Safety. • Why we need Psychological Safety. Module 3 – Application • Project Aristotle • Four Level Model (Respect & Permission) • Breakout discussions. Module 4 –Psychological Safety Accelerators • Increasing empathy. • 3-level Listening • Probing questions.

Page 15 14 Strategic Thinking Description: What is Strategy, and how can you employ it more eectively in your daily life? It’s often the case that we get so caught up in our day-to-day tasks that we focus on being tactical—concentrating on completing a certain thing without ever learning the purpose behind it—instead of being strategic. Being strategic means understanding if you are moving the needle and creating impact with what you are doing, seeing the bigger picture, learning the reasons behind certain processes and tasks, and working smart. Make strategic thinking a daily habit, so that you can make the best use of your time, energy, and eort at work. Learning Objectives: • Analyze the uses of tactical and strategic thinking. • Develop a strategic mindset to achieve long-term personal and professional goals. • Use a strategic framework to organize thinking and make decisions. • Apply best practices of strategic thinking and communication to maximize your impact within the organization. Syllabus (Curriculum Outline): Module 1 – Strategic Thinking Overview • Dening tactical and strategic thinking. • Strategic thinking and setting goals. Module 2 – Shifting to a Strategic Mindset • Characteristics of strategic thinkers. • The inuences on our thinking. • Developing a strategic mentality. Module 3 – A Framework for Strategic Thinking • Identifying work processes and structures. • Exploring team and organizational capacity. • Developing a customer focus. • Building strategic relationships. Module 4 –Maintaining Momentum for Strategic Thinking • Translating strategic thinking into action. • Communicating strategically. • Purpose driven alignment. • Strategy driven alignment.

Page 16 15 Team Building Description: Work together, win together. High-performing teams are critical to maintaining an organization's competitive advantage. These teams consistently show high levels of collaboration and innovation and outperform their peers. Learn about the Five Behaviors of a High-Performing Team, and the techniques necessary to set direction, gather and deploy the right resources, prioritize work, motivate employees, and help team members develop their individual strengths. Learning Objectives: • Increase collaboration. • Overcome obstacles. • Strengthen motivation. • Encourage eective communication. • Reduce conict. Syllabus (Curriculum Outline): Module 1 – Dening Exceptional Collaboration • Collaboration versus exceptional collaboration. • Research the value of exceptional collaboration. • Personal intention for where to apply exceptional collaboration. Module 2 – Exceptional Collaboration • What gets in our way? (triggers assessment) • Green Zone and Red Zone thinking. • Exploring the Five Skills. Module 3 – Applying the Skills • Individual and organizational evaluation. • Discussion for improving the self and organizational collaborative outcomes. • Debrief on personal actions and opportunities. Module 4 –Collaborating in the 21st Century • Technology as a lever for improving collaboration. • Research on the impact of over-collaborating and how to optimize collaboration. • Stand and Deliver (personal take-aways and commitments.)

Page 17 16 Leadership Labs Insert description / explain what Leadership Labs are / how they work etc. Doing More with Less Description: They say change is the only constant. And one change managers feel is the ability to do more things, year after year, with the same or less resources. It’s no surprise that in the latest DDI survey nearly 60% of leaders reported feeling worn out at the end of each day. But harnessed correctly, necessity can be the mother of invention. Learning Objectives: • Explore where we feel under resourced and what impact that is having. • Be introduced to practices for achieving more with less. • Build muscle applying these skills in case study and real-life scenarios. • Enable each participant to create a success plan for doing more with less. Empower to Expand Leadership Capability Description: Have you ever gotten so caught up in your day-to-day tasks that you remain focused on completing a certain thing without ever learning the purpose behind it—instead of being strategic? Explore ways to work smarter by creating a workplace culture of accountability that encourages trust, motivates high standards, and establishes credibility for leaders. Learn positive ways to make team members feel responsible with actionable techniques that promote accountability whether the team is virtual, in-person, or co-located. Learning Objectives: • Explore the impact of not empowering your team. • Explore the consequences when team members don’t feel a sense of accountability. • Define what clear direction, empowerment, and accountability look like as advanced level skills. • Explore these skills through case studies and discussions. • Practice the new skills and prepare to implement them as soon as you are back on the job.

Page 18 17 Inuence for Impact Description: Increasingly our work in organizations is interconnected. A decision in one area has a ripple effect across a number of others. Faced with this complexity, leaders need to be able to influence others. Yet, influence is not fully about getting others to support your need. Rather it is a careful balancing act that seeks to understand others’ needs while helping others to understand your needs. In the end, it is the people and organizations we serve that will suffer if we get it wrong. Learning Objectives: • Simulate the nature of our connected organization. • Introduce new tools for exploring needs together. • Practice using the push pull model of influence. • Collaborate to define principles for evaluating competing priorities to ensure optimum impact. Growth Mindset Description: The average human makes about 35,000 choices per day. When you take out time for sleep, that equals about one decision every two seconds. It’s no surprise that 90% of our decisions are made unconsciously and automatically. It’s no surprise then that our decisions are often based on what we already know, whether those ideas are good, outdated or even relevant. Learning Objectives: • Consider what situations require a growth mindset. • Learn a framework for getting into and managing a growth mindset. • Interrogate real world challenges with Q Storming. • Identify the most needed areas / situations to leverage a growth mindset for us and our teams.

Page 19 18 Other Topics We Have Facilitated 90 Days to Make a First Impression Description: Transitions into new roles or projects are an expected part of your career. In fact, transitions are the moments where the opportunity to learn and the risk of failure are the greatest. How you manage the rst 90 days of a transition has a disproportionately great impact on your long-term success. This session introduces tools to accelerate time to solid performance and reduce risk of failure and participants leave with their 90-day plan. Do You Know Who I Am? Description: Branding isn’t just for large companies like Apple and Coca-Cola. Building your personal brand is how others will know who you are and how they will remember you. Developing and building your personal brand is an important part of deciding how you want to be known in your workplace, industry, and life. This session helps you focus on the four important steps to build your unique brand and what actions to take to ensure that you are communicating your brand eectively. Leading in Times of Change Description: 90% of organizational change happens outside of changes to systems, processes, and tools – it’s all about behavior. This program introduces participants to the neuroscience of adapting to change, introduces the change management framework and readiness assessment, and tools for increasing organizational adoption. Participants will explore building credibility, increasing inuence, and learning how to identify the right approaches based on the change need. Leading With Impact in a Virtual World Description: Managing remote teams is now a common occurrence, research showing that hiring managers expect nearly half of all their workers to be working remotely over the next decade. Working virtually or hybrid oers unique advantages and challenges and managing the work eectively will be key to the success of organizations globally. Explore key elements of a leader's role to build trust, remove roadblocks, nurture connections with team members, and set clear goals to ensure team productivity, engagement, and growth. Resilience: From Survive to Thrive Description: With pressures to do more with less, the disruptive speed of change and employees that have checked out, leaders are nding themselves challenges to rebound and re-engage. This program provides participants with insights into their own resiliency quotient and teaches them the mindset, behaviors, and tools of turning crises and challenges into long term growth. This course also provides them the tools for working with their team members to develop their individual resiliency plans.

Page 20 19 Unlocking Team Performance Description: Motivating and managing others to perform is one of the most diicult responsibilities of a manager. In this session we deconstruct individual motivations and team dynamics and introduce participants to the skills and approaches to jump starting teams. This program is designed to be taken directly from the classroom into the work environment and begin seeing impact immediately.