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2024 Co-Op Annual Report

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CO-OP SUMMERENRICHMENT2024 ANNUALREPORTCo-Op is a nationally recognized, award-winning summer program that blends summer fun withlearning to help every child thrive. As the only local program for low-income students in grades 1-8,Co-Op serves over 275 Mamaroneck School District children to prevent summer learning loss andpromote academic success through three programs: Elementary Co-OpRISE Leader-in-Training ProgramMiddle School Co-OpCo-Op delivers what every parent wants: a program that builds confidence, curiosity, and a love oflearning through engaging STEM enrichment. In summer 2024, 91% of campers received free orreduced lunch, and no family was turned away due to inability to pay.Co-Op’s mission is to provide equal access to qualitysummer learning because summer matters!“I will miss Co-Op when Igo back to school. I don'tlike Co-Op — I LOVE it.” — Co-Op Camper

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EXPENSESProgramMaterials29%Insurance &Overhead6%REVENUE“A ‘can’t let go’ momentfor me was when Iwatched a child finallytrust me enough to swimwith me but without abubble. I could see the joyon their face when theywere able to tread waterindependently.”— Co-Op Counselor84%“I made lanyards and friends!” — Co-Op Camperof Educators and Leadership agreed that Co-Op creates program rituals that fostera strong sense of community and the spiritof summerSalaries63%Co-Op offers the only free swim instructionfor low income children in our community.of campers CAN NOTswimSummer fun is also about summer rituals.At Co-Op, we embrace classic camp traditions like making friendshipbracelets, swim time, recreation, and our annual camp-wide Color Wars. S U M M E R F U N & R I T U A L SF I N A N C I A L O V E R V I E W100%StaffDevelopment3%Co-OpContract 43%Tuition12%MUFSDMonies37%Town ofMamaroneck & Village ofMamaroneck6%ContributedRevenue45%S W I Mail to: The STEM Alliance P.O. Box 528, Larchmont, NY 10538Co-Op is only possible thanks to ourcommitted donors. Visit our donation pageto see our 2024 Donor Honor Roll and make agift to support Co-Op 2025. The children andfamilies of Co-Op count on your support.A LOCAL CHALLENGE92%of campers whocan swim arereturning campersTHE CO-OP DIFFERENCE

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95%“I learned leadership,patience, and respectingothers.”— RISE Leader98%of counselors agreed that they took risks —trying new skills, activities and tasksLEADERSHIP AND MENTORINGof our campers tell us that learning STEM is important . . .88%56%think people like them do STEM.. . . but onlySTUDENTSCo-Op isn’t just for the campers: our counselors, our RISE Leaders-in-Trainingand our educators all benefit from mentorship and professional development.“I really noticed that the kidsstarted to apply and talkabout things they werelearning in their STEM majorsduring other activities.”— Co-Op Counselor30 HOURSof hands-on STEM learningto build confidence andstrengthen their identity ascapable STEM learnersAt Co-Op, campers engage in“When I‘m too old for Co-Op, I want to be a RISE kid or acounselor like my amazingcounselor and RISE leaders. I love all of them fromevery year.” — Co-Op 4th Graderof RISE leaders said that the programhelped them develop communicationand listening skills

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“As a classroom teacher, we really do see connections toCo-Op from the students who attend. They often makeconnections to experiences and things they learned overthe summer in the classroom. It's fabulous to see.” — Co-Op Educator/MAS Teacherof educators agree that Co-Opbuilds a sense of community,promotes engagement and helpskids reach state benchmarks inreading and math26%Co-Op students showed 4x higher gains in reading scores fromMay to October compared to a peer control groupT E A C H E R SA C A D E M I C I M P A C TAt Co-Op, our educators, like our students, take bold steps by exploring newcontent areas and experimenting with project-based learning techniques.100%Parents overwhelmingly agree that Co-Op meets their summer goals for theirchildren. District data further proves that Co-Op has strong academic impact.“The Co-Op program is good because my child cancontinue learning during the summer. It keeps mydaughter busy, learning and having fun.” — Co-Op Parent80%of parents indicated that “continued learning” is the primaryreason why they chose Co-Op for their childFormer Co-Op campers were 26% more likely to be enrolled inAP/Honors classes than their high school peer control group