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2024 CONTESTANT PACKETSHOWCASE: Friday, May 31st, 2024 - 7:00 PM | Stage Ten SeventeenPAGEANT: Saturday, June 1st, 2024 | Stage Ten SeventeenContestant Check In: 2 PM | Interview: 3 PM | Pageant Start: 7 PMRegistration Deadline: May 1st, 2024

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Thank you for your interest in becoming the next Miss Wisconsin Youth Entertainer - 2024!Pageant Location: Stage Ten Seventeen - 1017 Waube Lane | Ashwaubenon, WIHost Hotel: Information coming soon!2:00 PM Contestant Check In: Contestants, Judges, Parents/Guardians, Formers andBackstage Assistants ONLY!!!Contestant Check In will be your opportunity to submit all needed forms. Please arrive at 2:00PM to fill out and turn in your Application Entry Form and Contestant Information Sheet(provided on site) . If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to Wilma Tootsie Pop(Erick James Gyrion) erick@newellentertainment.comPlease come to registration dressed for the Interview category. Theinterview category will begin shortly after registration. Anyone arriving latewill receive deducted administrative points. The points deductions aredetermined by the Miss Wisconsin Youth Entertainer Promoters.Each Contestant Registration Includes the Following:● One (1) Assistant Backstage Access Badge● One (1) Parent/Guardian Spectator Admission● One (1) Parent/Guardian Backstage Access BadgeThe backstage access badges must be worn around the neck of the contestant’s backstageassistant and parent/guardian. As long as the pass is predominantly displayed, these personswill be allowed to accompany the contestant to any area of the venue normally considered“off-limits” to the general public. The “assistant” badge may be handed off to other individuals,however, there will only be ONE assistant per contestant backstage at any given time during thepageant.CONTESTANT MEETINGThe Contestant Meeting will happen promptly at 2:30 PM the day of the pageant and isMANDATORY FOR ALL CONTESTANTS. Contestants will draw numbers for placement in thepageant. The order of selection will be decided by order of registration; the earliest registrantdraws first.INTERVIEW CATEGORYTHE INTERVIEW CATEGORY WILL BEGIN APPROXIMATELY 15 - 30 MINUTES AFTER THECONTESTANT MEETING.

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MUSIC FILE INFORMATIONRemember to bring your music to the contestant check in via flash drive. Contestants areadvised to make a backup copy and bring it with them to the pageant as a safety precaution.Music may not be turned in on cassette tapes, played off of an iPod or Smartphone, or onYouTube. You should include a crowning number. If you do not provide a crowning number, theDJ will select a song for you as your crowning number. This could be embarrassing for you ifyou don’t know the words to the song that is selected. So, avoid any and all confusion andembarrassment, and be sure to include and label your audio files correctly on your flash drive.ALL MUSIC MUST BE PROVIDED ON A FLASH DRIVE AND LABELED IN THIS FORMAT:DRAG NAME - TALENT.MP3DRAG NAME - CROWNING.MP3PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR FLASH DRIVE & FILES ARE CLEARLYLABELED.All flash drives will be returned to you at the end of the night and be placed in with your finalscoring sheets.INFORMATION ON TALENT CATEGORY & PROPSThere will be an optional time for Talent Category rehearsal directly following your Interview.Props should be brought in during this time. Props should be easily assembled anddisassembled. There will be VERY limited storage for your props. This means you will berequired to make arrangements to have your props at the correct time and place.PROP MAXIMUM HEIGHT: 8’All large props MUST be removed for that stage and the venue immediately after eachcontestant’s talent. Any props remaining on venue property after five (5) business days will bediscarded. Stage Ten Seventeen will provide the DJ for the pageant. Please be respectful if youspeak to the DJ. If you have an issue, please see Wilma Tootsie Pop. The DJ will do their bestto accommodate your lighting cues, but we cannot guarantee all requests may be met.There will not be an opportunity to build, paint, or glue anything at the venue.TALENT VIDEO INFORMATION (optional)Stage Ten Seventeen has a LED video wall screen on stage. Your talent may incorporate avideo throughout or during. If you opt to use the video screen during your talent, please makesure your talent video and audio are synced to one file and submitted on your flash drive in thefollowing format:DRAG NAME - TALENT.MP4

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DRESSING ROOMTables/Stations will be set up for contestants to prepare themselves. Attempts will be made tohave ample, full-length mirrors available, but contestants are encouraged to bring their ownlighted makeup mirror(s). There will be limited electrical receptacles for electronic devices. Wewill have areas where clothes, gowns, etc. can hang, but it will be centrally located. The floormay not be carpeted, please wear foot protection.NO BEVERAGES ARE ALLOWED IN THE CONTESTANT DRESSING AREA.Contestants will be allowed full access to the dressing area at the appropriate times along withone (1) assistant and one (1) parent/guardian. The contestant will be issued these badges atregistration. These persons MUST wear the badge at all times. Only one one (1) dresser andone (1) parent/guardian per contestant in the dressing room at one time. If you have onedresser doing your hair and another helping you dress – they will have to alternate. Thedressing room is strictly off-limits to contestants’ family, friends, and significant others that arenot part of their talent or a dresser.BACKUP DANCER INFORMATIONDancer badges are available at contestant check in for $5 and include access to the pageantand backstage access badge. Dancers with dancer passes will be allowed in the dressing areato change only during preparation for talent for the contestant they are dancing with. After theirperformance, dancers will be asked to immediately change and return to the general audience.No dancers will be allowed in the dressing area for any other category other than talent.Dancers will be allowed to enter the dressing area two numbers before their contestant takesthe stage for the talent category.ACCESSThe only other persons allowed in the dressing area during the competition will be:Owner(s), Management & Staff Pageant Directors Entertainers/Formers Contestants, theirdresser, and their parent/guardian No contestant will be allowed into dressing or staging areasprior to or outside of their time to be there. NO EXCEPTIONSSTAGEThe stage space is roughly 10’ deep by 28’ wide. There may be a runway. The stage andrunway will be the only space that the contestant will be allowed to use during the pageant.CONTESTANTS SHOULD ATTEMPT NOT TO TOUCH THE JUDGE'S TABLE. If at any pointthe contestant does have incidental contact with the judges' table, the judges will be instructedNOT to take off administration points unless they feel that it interfered with their ability to fairlyjudge the contest.

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CONTESTANT CATEGORY NOTESPERSONAL INTERVIEW CATEGORY: Each contestant will be interviewed by the judgingpanel. The purpose of the Personal Interview is to allow the judges some insight into thecharacter of the contestant. During the interview, the judges are also afforded the opportunity toevaluate each contestant’s basic qualities, such as general intelligence, ability to communicateclearly and concisely, attitude, composure, etc. The judges may also gather information about acontestant’s life. The basic nature of the interview is intended to be a casual and relaxedconversation between the contestant and the judging panel. The suggested attire for thePersonal Interview phase of the competition is what you would feel comfortable wearing to aprofessional job interview. Contestants will be called to their Personal Interview by theircontestant number. Scores from the Personal Interview will be added to the scores earned bythe contestant in the Gown and Talent categories. Gown and Talent categories are judged infront of a live audience. The personal Interview will be a minimum of seven (7) minutes.EVENING GOWN CATEGORY: Evening Gown may be of any color or style.They MUST,however, be full length. The gown also must fit well. The contestant must be able to model thegown well. All of the elements (hair, make-up, accessories, and shoes) must favorably accentthe gown and come together for a “total package” that makes the contestant look they're verybest. The evening gown competition of the Miss Wisconsin Youth Entertainer Pageant hastraditionally rewarded contestants who bring a unique combination of evening gown, hair,make-up, accessories, modeling, and poise to the stage. Couture gowns are also nowconsidered appropriate for the fashion category. Our judges have been asked to educatethemselves about current fashion trends. The contestant should be mindful that this is not a“creative” fashion category and any evening gown that could be considered a “costume” shouldbe avoided. Evening gowns that are so heavily embellished that the contestant has difficultymodeling them elegantly should also be avoided. Contestants should also be mindful that someevening gowns, while beautiful, can appear to be outdated and thus may not score as high asother gowns in the competition. Finally, a gown with little or no embellishments (beads, stones,etc.) has the potential to score just as high as a fully-embellished gown provided that the overalllook (gown, hair, make-up, accessories, shoes, fit, modeling and poise) make the contestantlook they're very best.TALENT CATEGORY: Talent may be any type of drag entertainment presentation as longas it does not pose a hazard or potentially cause danger or injury to the contestant or anyoneelse in attendance, or cause damage to the venue. This presentation should be a step up fromwhat you may see at any normal drag show. No animals or reptiles may be used in your talent.You may not use fire, glitter, dry chemicals, or any liquids, (including water) in your talent.Administrative point deduction may be considered if the performance area must be cleared ofexcessive debris on the completion of your talent presentation. Talent is limited to seven (7)minutes. Prop set-up and tear-down are limited to five (5) minutes in total. There is no restrictionon the number of people who may be involved in your talent. Contestants are allowed to sharedancers. Items issued to you upon entering the venue (such as wristbands, hand stamps andmarkings on the hands to indicate a minor) must be left intact and will not be considered by the

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judges for any point deduction. Music must be on a clearly marked Flash Drive. Contestants areadvised to make a backup copy and bring it with them to the competition as a safety precaution.Music CAN NOT be on cassette tape or CD. Music cannot be played off of iPods, SmartPhones, tablets or YouTube.RULES AND REGULATIONS1. Contestants must be between the ages of 15 and 20 years of age at the time ofcompetition.2. Miss Wisconsin Youth does have residency requirement(s). Entrants MUST reside withinthe Wisconsin State border.3. The contestant that wins the title of Miss Wisconsin Youth Entertainer 2024 isREQUIRED to participate in the 2025 pageant.4. The winner and final placement of contestants will be determined on a total pointaccumulated system. Official score sheets will be provided by Miss Wisconsin YouthEntertainer. A tie will be broken in favor of the contestant with the highest Talent score. Ifa tie still occurs, then will be determined by Personal Interview, then Evening Gown.5. Each contestant’s Talent presentation will be played in its entirety prior to the completionof the Interview Category. The purpose of this is to make sure the music plays correctlyon the venue’s system and to time the presentation of the Talent. You may use this timeas an on stage rehearsal. Talent presentation is limited to seven (7) minutes.Contestants with Talent Presentation over seven (7) minutes in length are subject toadministrative deduction.6. Any type of Talent presentation is acceptable except those that pose a hazard orpotential danger to the contestant or any person in attendance, or potentially causedamage to the venue. The use of animals, reptiles, fire, glitter, dry chemicals, or liquids,(including water) is strictly prohibited. The talent should be “family friendly” and notcontain vulgar language or imagery.7. The use or dispensing of any illegal drugs or marijuana will not be tolerated during MissWisconsin Youth Entertainer event(s), whether it is on behalf of the contestant or anyonewho is affiliated with a contestant who is competing. Immediate disqualification andremoval from the venue will result in those who break this rule.8. Any contestant who is not at the appropriate place at the appropriate time could result ina loss of administrative points.9. Any contestant who is caught in the act of tampering with another person’s property willbe disqualified from the pageant and immediately removed from the venue.10. Any contestant who is caught in the act of stealing or damaging another person’sproperty will be disqualified from the contest, removed from the venue, and detainedoutside by venue security until they can be turned over to the Police Department.11. Any contestant’s dancer or helper(s) caught in the act of tampering with another person’sproperty will be immediately removed from the venue and detained outside by venuesecurity until they can be turned over to the Police Department.12. The use of hormones will not be considered by any judge scoring the contestants in anydivision(s).

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13. Nudity, nude illusion and the use of pasties will not be allowed by anyone (contestant,dancer, former titleholder, special entertainer, etc.) in any portion of the Miss WisconsinYouth Entertainer Pageant.14. The Miss Wisconsin Youth Entertainer promoters, along with Stage Ten Seventeen staffhave the right to refuse entry to anyone.GENERAL CODE OF CONDUCTPlease note that the actions of any contestant's parent/guardian, assistant, backup dancer orother may result in the disqualification of the contestant.MISS WISCONSIN YOUTH ENTERTAINER | CODE OF CONDUCTThe Miss Wisconsin Youth Entertainer was born out of love and acceptance. It was created togive drag entertainers ages 15-20 a safe, loving, and supporting space to perform, compete andmake new connections.● Contestants and contestants’ supporters, guests, parents/guardians, dressers,backup dancers, makeup artists, and/or visitors will conduct themselvesrespectfully and professionally during the pageant and future events. Lousyspor tsmanship is NOT tolerated and will be grounds for removal of thecontestant and supporting parties from the pageant without a refund. We havethe right to refuse and/or remove anyone and will do so to protect the integrityand environment of all involved.● Be kind. Spread love. Show support. Yes, this is a competition, but we want toensure we always follow those simple rules.● The contestant and those directly affiliated with the contestant are not to slanderthe Miss Wisconsin Youth Pageant, its directors, peers, contestants, hosts,judges, volunteers, or anyone affiliated with The Miss Wisconsin YouthEnter tainer Pageant. Negative comments or alterations may result in removalfrom the pageant grounds, pageant system, and future opportunities with theMiss Wisconsin Youth Entertainer system.● The use or dispensing of any illegal drugs will not be tolerated during the MissWisconsin Youth Entertainer event(s), whether on behalf of the contestant oranyone affiliated with a contestant competing. Immediate disqualification andremoval from the venue will result in those who break this rule.● Nudity and the use of pasties will not be allowed by anyone (contestant, dancer,former titleholder, special entertainer, etc.) in any portion of the Miss WisconsinYouth Enter tainer Pageant or performances after the pageant should you win.The winner of Miss Wisconsin Youth Entertainer 2024 should always conductthemselves cleanly, professionally, and presentably.● Contestants should avoid any unnecessary ‘drama’ associated with theperformers, pageant directors, judges, and beyond. If you have an issue with any

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aspect of the pageant or its operations, please immediately contact the pageantdirector.● Should there be an instance where the titleholder is alleged to have breached thisCode of Conduct, the Pageant Director will conduct a preliminary investigation todetermine whether the allegation is well-founded and serious. If the PageantDirector determines that the allegation is well-founded and serious, the PageantDirector will take further action. Anyone in the community or organization is freeto approach the Pageant Director directly with their concerns regarding theconduct of the titleholder.● In the event of a well-founded allegation of a serious or repetitive breach by thetitleholder of The Miss Wisconsin Youth Entertainer Pageant, the pageantdirector reserves the right to strip the titleholder of their title and to cancel allfuture bookings, appearances, and payments associated with The MissWisconsin Youth Entertainer Pageant In such an instance, the title will pass to the1st Alternate, and the former title holder will be expected to return the crown andsash.PARENTS/GUARDIANS OF CONTESTANTS UNDER THE AGE OF 18 ALSO AGREE TOTHE FOLLOWING:1. I will not force my child to participate in this pageant.2. I will inform the promoter of any physical disability or ailment that may affect the safety ofmy child or the safety of others.3. I (and my guests) will be a positive role model for my child and encouragesportsmanship by showing respect and courtesy, and by demonstrating positive supportfor all contestants, staff, and spectators.4. I (and my guests) will not engage in any kind of unsportsmanlike conduct with anycontestants, staff, spectators or parents (including but not limited to) booing andtaunting; or using profane language or gestures.5. I will not encourage any behaviors or practices that would endanger the health and wellbeing of the contestants.6. I will treat promoters, backstage staff, spectators, assistants, dancers,parents/guardians, hosts, and DJ with respect regardless of costumes, makeup, props,race, creed, color, sex, ability or placement within the pageant. I will require that mycontestant do the same.7. I will never ridicule or yell at my contestant or other participants for making a mistake orlosing the competition.8. I will respect the promoters and judges and their authority during the pageant and willnever question, discuss, or confront them with hostility, and will take time to speak withjudges at an agreed upon time after the pageant has concluded.

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MISCELLANEOUSThe Promoter(s) of this pageant reserve the right to provide additional prizes and/or financialbacking over and above what is listed as the “official” prize package to any representative,regardless of their placement at the preliminary.WEEKEND SCHEDULE:FRIDAY, MAY 317:00 PM: Miss Wisconsin Youth Showcase Show!Where: Stage Ten Seventeen - 1017 Waube Lane - Ashwaubenon, WIWhat: Past contestants, hosts, current contestants and former contestants take thestage for a pre-pageant showcase! One (1) admission is included with contestantregistration.Interested in performing in the show? Contact erick@newellentertainment.comNOTE: Current contestants performing in the showcase SHOULD NOT do any numberthey are planning on doing within their pageant package.SATURDAY, JUNE 1 - HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!2:00 PM: Contestant Check In2:30 PM: Contestant MeetingAll contestants are required to be present for the contestant meeting3:00 PM: Interview Category7:00 PM: Miss Wisconsin Youth Entertainer 2024 - Honoring Andi WithaniSUNDAY, JUNE 211:00 AM: Contestant Brunch (optional)*Join us for the contestants brunch buffet at 1951 West!*Additional charge. Each contestant is responsible for their own meal. Please RSVP atcontestant check in to be counted on the reservation.GOOD LUCK & HAVE FUN!