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2024 Conference Booklet

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2024ConferenceTEACHING THETEACHERASSOCIATION OF WOMEN MARTIALARTS INSTRUCTORSApril 12-14, 2024Renaissance Columbus DowntownColumbus, Ohio

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The Association ofWomen Martial ArtsInstructors was foundedto empower advancedwomen martial artists viapaths of learning,training, and ranking. TheAWMAI believes thatpassing on our knowledgefrom teacher to teacheradds to the power of theindividual and the entireworld of martial arts.

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CONTENTSTABLE OF04060812444664WelcomeScheduleBoard of DirectorsInstructors & Classes About AWMAI2024 Hall of FamePartnerrs & Sponsors

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I am so glad you are here. AWMAI is unique in its mission of supporting, recognizing and training martial arts and self-defense instructors and business owners through a variety of programs, including thisexceptional annual event. We offer opportunities to connect year-round, such as our onlineTeachers’ Lounge sessions, but nothing matches the energy and excitement of beingtogether in person. I invite you to take advantage of not only all the wonderful sessions wehave lined up, but also the opportunity to connect in person with so many of yourcolleagues, peers and mentors. This year’s conference is exciting for several reasons: It marks one year of my tenure as executive director, which has been a rewarding andeducational experience, due in large part to the amazing board of directors. We are in a new city at a new time of year, changing up two variables at once. It was arisk, but it worked. We have nearly 60 attendees this year – more than the past two in-personconferences. We were able to award six scholarships due to generous donations to the BarbaraFeldman Scholarship Fund. We have a more diverse teacher roster than in any previous year, including sevenpeople of color. We are celebrating and honoring eight Hall of Fame inductees – double the numberfrom last year.But none of this would be possible without you. So thank you for your commitment and continued support of this organization and eachother. Thank you for investing the time, money and energy to be here this weekend. Thank you for all you do, every day, to lead, teach, encourage, and inspire your studentsand all who might be watching. I look forward to seeing each and every one of you throughout the conference. Jennie Trower AWMAI Executive DirectorJennieWelcome to Teaching the Teacher 2024 04

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Respect YourselfSuggested Guidelines for aPositive Experience Respect Each OtherRespect the InstructorsStay hydrated. Modify activities as needed; if you have an injury or situation that an instructorneeds to understand, let them know. Do your best. Communicate your needs to your training partners. Be gentle and patient with yourself. We celebrate the rich diversity of experience, identities, abilities, ideas andlifestyles among our members and attendees. Treat all participants with respect and understanding, regardless of what art theypractice or their level of experience. Approach others with curiosity rather than judgment. Discover the many ways tolearn, teach, train and live. If someone has indicated that they wish to be referred to by a certain title orpronoun, do your best to honor their request. If you have requested a particular title or pronoun, be patient with others adaptingto your request. Ask before you offer help or corrections to others. Be patient with others. Presume that participants have good intentions. Be on time for classes, ready to train/learn/participate. Plan to stay for the entire class. Don’t walk out without respectfully letting theinstructor know. All participants including teachers and students should support the instructor whois teaching. Do not hold conversations in any room where an instructor isconducting their class. Adapted with permission from Sensei Jaye Spiro of Mejishi Martial Arts

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ScheduleFriday, April 12Please see instructor profiles starting on page 14for class descriptions and materials needed.06

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ScheduleSaturday, April 13Sunday, April 14

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AWMAIBOARD OF DIRECTORSServing on the AWMAI Board of Directors isa rewarding and fulfilling job. Meet and collaborate with your peers.Gain organizational skills at the nationaland even international level.Learn to think and plan nationally andglobally.Provide a service not found anywhereelse in the world.Let us know if you'd like to serve! 08

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Board of DirectorsEXECUTIVE DIRECTORJennie Trower is the executive director of AWMAI, working closely withthe board of directors to provide valuable resources, benefits andevents for our members. Over the past two decades, Jennie has trained in and taught Krav Magaand self-defense; owned and operated three small businesses; worked inadvertising/marketing; expanded her education and experience toinclude emergency management; and served on the disaster action teamfor her local American Red Cross chapter. Jennie lives in Austin, Texas, with one teenage son and one middle-ageddog. She enjoys teaching customized self-defense events and speakingengagements for businesses, organizations and conference audiences oneverything from boundary setting and verbal de-escalation toprofessional presence and resiliency. FINANCIAL DIRECTORSensei Katie Murphy Stevens is head instructor at Makoto Kai MartialArts in Woodland, California. She has been training in Danzan Ryu Jujitsufor more than 30 years and holds the rank of Rokudan (6th degree blackbelt). In addition to her jujitsu studies Sensei Murph has trained in the healingarts of Danzan Ryu, and is a graduate of the Danzan Ryu SeifukujitsuInstitute massage course. She has been active in support of the AmericanJudo &Jujitsu Federation, teaching at regional and national seminars,participating in tournaments, and serving in various administrative roles. Sensei Murph was inducted into the AWMAI Hall of Fame in 2023. She isalso a member of the Hakko Densho Ryu Martial Arts Federation.SenseiMurph began her martial arts practice for some self-defense training andfitness, but she stays for the deep friendships and her love of the art.

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Board of DirectorsADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTORPOET Parnee began studying Cuong Nhu Martial Arts in 2003 in Anishinaabe Territory(Marquette, Michigan) at Northern Lights Dojo with Sensei Richard "Bud" Place, SenseiShane Robertson, Sensei Tim DeMarte, Sensei Jeffrey Scott and Sensei MichaelHolman. After passing her Cuong Nhu Black Belt test in May 2010, she opened the firstCuong Nhu Wisconsin school, Tara Dojo, in Menominee Territory (Appleton, Wisconsin)in 2011. She teaches self defense and Cuong Nhu Martial Arts classes. Parnee is Tagalog and Kapampangan, born in the arkipelago commonly referred to asthe Philippines and raised in the suburbs of Peoria, Anishinabewaki, Odawa,Mississauga and Sauk Territories (East Lansing, Michigan), where Parnee had friendsfrom all over the world. Anacleto Sawal Paras, Jr., Parnee’s Father, is Kampampanganand graduated from Michigan State University with a PhD in Agricultural Engineering.Parnee’s mother, Florita Enrile Paras, is Tagalog, worked as a nurse and celebrated herkids’ birthdays with memorable parties every year. Parnee lived in the diverse MSU community in Spartan Village. The students’ food andlanguages were celebrated annually with “International Night” at Spartan VillageElementary School. Parnee spent most of her adult years in the Anishinaabe Territory,where she studied English literature, photography, biology, conservation, nursing andmassage therapy. After hand building a structure modeled from traditional wiigwams,of the Anishinaabe in the Gitche Gumee region, she lived in the hybrid “wiigy” and offthe grid for two years, further deepening her appreciation of sustainability and livingwith the earth’s rhythms.EVENTS DIRECTORSijeh Sarah Sponzo began training in martial arts in 1998, studying Tai Chiand Kung Fu. She was a Senior Instructor at the Tat Wong Kung FuAcademy in Middletown, Connecticut, under the leadership of Sifu DanielOstrow. She also trained with Grandmaster Tat Mau Wong and holds a2nd degree Black Belt in Choy Lay Fut. Sarah especially enjoys judgingand coordinating tournaments, both in her own school, and with variousorganizations, including the International Chinese Martial ArtsChampionship (ICMAC), New England International Chinese Martial ArtsChampionships and Disney Martial Arts Festival. She was inducted intothe ICMAC Hall of Fame in 2023. Sarah is a travel advisor and loves to create life-changing, eye-openingtravel adventures for her clients.

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Board of DirectorsCERTIFICATION DIRECTORShihan Melanie Fine began her study of the martial arts in 1976 as agraduate student in need of exercise with friends training in the martialarts who piqued her interest. She studied Tae Know Do, then switched toTang Soo Do, eventually attaining the rank of 3rd Dan and running theColumbus, OH branch of Karate Temple for 7 years, then moved toCorpus Christi, TX and continued teaching there. At an NWMAF Special Training she met Dara Masi Shihan and becameher student in Jujutsu; eventually moving to New York to co-ownSuigetsu Dojo with her. In 2014 she was promoted to Renshi Shihan (6thdegree black belt) in Hakko Densho Ryu Jujutsu. She also studied YangStyle Tai Chi and earned her Teacher Certification from MasterWasentha Young.She is certified in Zheng Gui Tui Na Medical Massage and HDR Shiatsu.Melanie is a lifetime member of JuJitsu America and PAWMA. Sheserved as a Board Member for NWMAF (Treasurer for 5 years, thenChair for 2 years) and was a Board Member of AWMAI during 2004 andassisted the founders during its infancy. She was inducted into theAWMAI Hall of Fame in 2016 recognizing her 40-plus years of martialarts training.INCOMING CERTIFICATION DIRECTORDoctor, Sensei Amelia Jones is a scholar warrior healer. She has actively practiced the martial arts for 35+ years starting in 1983as a student of Shorin Ryu. Under the instruction of Katsuo WatanabeSensei, 8th dan, she has earned the rank of yondan in Tomiki Aikido.Sensei Jones has taught self-defense for schools and community groups. She is a graduate of the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine and boardcertified in acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. She continues tostudy and practice Chinese medicine, Tomiki Aikido, meditation andpainting.

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Instructors & Classes12

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Like our membership itself, our 2024 instructorsrepresent a wide range of martial arts styles,and hold a common desire to share what theyknow for the betterment of all. We hope youenjoy this variety of lecture, discussion, and“moving classroom” experiences, taught bywomen highly skilled in such areas as curriculumdevelopment, business, sales and marketing,pedagogy, and more.Sharing Knowledge

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Shinshii Janet Aalfs, 8th degree black belt in Okinawan Karate andModern Arnis, Branch Chief Instructor of Jian Mei Internal Martial Arts,poet laureate of Northampton, MA (2003-2005), and feminist socialjustice activist, enjoys helping to facilitate “sites for revelation.”Founder and director of Lotus Peace Arts at Heron's Bridge/VWMA inEasthampton, MA, Janet has been sharing her work locally, nationally,and internationally for 45+ years. A widely published writer, and performer of Poemotion©, her third full-length collection of poems, What the Dead Want Me to Know,appeared in 2022. She has received awards for her writing, teaching,and community education work, and has been a presenter/performerat numerous conferences, festivals, and events.Shinshii Janet Aalfs

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We will explore joyful connections among all types of martial artssystems through one central movement that anyone can do, andthat comes from and leads back to the heart. In an encouraging atmosphere that the group creates together,participants will use this central technique to explore patterns withintheir own practice (martial arts has art in it twice), and to share increative exchange with others. Practical applications of variousmovements will span the range from healing energy flow toself/collective protection.Friday, April 12 @ 2:00-3:30 PMMaster WorkoutUniform/workout clothesExecutive RoomConnecting Martial Arts SystemsClass Information

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Grandmaster Laura Armstrong, has been teaching/training for over30 years in the Filipino Martial Arts. She specializes in impact andedged weapons and hand to hand combat. The traditional culturalFilipino influence in her training keeps her in a beginner mindset as sheis always looking to learn and grow. She teaches traditional FMA inmany styles and systems and keeps connected to the roots of herteachers in the Philippines where she visits and trains with her studentsevery few years. As a three time world champion, leadership & communication coach forhigh performing individuals and organizations she brings her expertiseon all levels; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual to create a holisticand customized approach to creating success for her clients, studentsand instructors in life and in the dojo.Grandmaster Laura Armstrong

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Learn to communicate more effectively with your martial artsstudents/instructors using a values based methodology, it's crucial tounderstand and adapt to their individual personality types. Begin by understanding what's important to you and learn to adapt to"speak their language" to tailor your communication accordingly. Adaptingyour teaching style can significantly enhance your students' learningexperience and strengthen the connections within your martial artsclasses. Recognizing that each student possesses a unique personalitytype is key. By incorporating this skill into your teaching approach, you notonly improve the learning experience for each student but also strengthenthe bonds within your martial arts community. Recognizing and respecting the diversity of personality types ensures thateveryone can thrive and find fulfillment in their martial arts practice,fostering a supportive and inclusive environment where students can growand connect on a deeper level.Masterful CommunicationFriday, April 12 @ 11:00 AM-12:30 PMLecture/DiscussionBring pen & notebookRoom 31Class Information

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Shihan Darlene DeFour, PhD received the 2016 NWMAF Award of Excellenceand has been inducted into the AWMAI Hall of Fame. She holds a 9th degreeblack belt in San Yama Bushi Ryu Ju-Jutsu and a 6th degree black belt inKushinda Ryu Shotokan karate. She co-founded the National Women's MartialArts Federation (NWMAF) Anti-Racism Council. At SDIC starting in 2010, sheintroduced a course on Applied Microaggressions Defense to the martial arts andself-defense instructors communities, designed to address the subtle forms ofracism that often permeate classroom settings. This class as well as the classesthat she has given over the last decade were designed to highlight the need foranti-oppression training as a core competency for all self- defense teachers andother professionals committed to social justice. A social/community psychologist, she is an Associate Professor of Psychology atHunter College. Her research explores violence, racism and sexism and theirimpact on everyday life experiences.Shihan Darlene DeFour, PhD

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Using Sue et al.’s (2019) microintervention and empowerment self-defenseframeworks we will discuss and practice strategies that targets, bystanders,and allies can use to respond to microaggressions. In addition, participantswill also discuss strategies that they already use.Yes, That Was A Microaggression, Now What?Class InformationThey've Fallen! How To Keep Them From Getting Up!After an attacker has been thrown and hits the ground it is usually assumedthat everything is over. This is frequently not the case. Adrenaline can keepthe attacker moving. It is important to know how to control the attacker afterthey are thrown. In this class we will review the ground techniques utilized inSan Yama Bushi Jujutsu’s system of ground controls. This class may be ofinterest to those who do not have locking techniques in their system.Saturday, April 13 @ 2:00-3:30 PMMoving ClassroomUniform/workout clothes Pen & notebookRoom 31Class InformationFriday, April 12 @ 3:45-5:15 PMLecture/DiscussionBring pen & notebookRoom 31Class Information

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Master MyTien Duong holds the rank of 5th Degree Black Belt inMoogong-Ryu (Guardians of Peace) Taekwondo. She currently residesin Canada where she owns and operates Martial Arts 360°. BesidesTaekwondo, she has trained in aikido, judo, iaido, qigong, kung fu,Brazilian jujitsu, and Kajukenbo. She enjoys training with people fromdiverse backgrounds, abilities, and gender expressions. After over 30 years of observing, training, teaching, and learning fromtalented instructors, she looks forward to sharing this knowledge withother trainers.Master MyTien Duong

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As advanced martial arts practitioners, watching another personteach sparks connections to what we already know or how themovement relates to another move. What is your favourite martial arts drill? Let’s share, collaborate and create together different ways toteach basic movements and techniques!Skills SwapSunday, April 14 @ 9:15-10:45 AMMoving ClassroomUniform/workout clothes Pen & notebookExecutive Room Room 31Class Information

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Soke Nahid Farzinzad, is one of a handful of women that passed a 30-man fight as part of her 3rd Dan test, at the IKO Honbu under SosaiMas Oyama on May 22nd, 1993. Of significance to her career in the Kyokushin world, is her role as theco-founder of IKU and her duties as Chief Instructor of the IKU Honbu.Her expertise and exemplary discipline in the Kyokushin Way, haveserved to attract many women to practice and teach traditionalKyokushin Karate.Soke Nahid Farzinzad

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This class focuses on the fundamentals of kyokushin, including basicblocks and variety of basic kicks. One of the highlights of the class is the introduction of the basic 2x2technique. This technique focuses on combinations of strikes. You will also be introduced to basic forms also known as kata.Practicing forms will enhance focus, discipline, and overallunderstanding of Kyokushin.KyokushinSaturday, April 13 @ 11:15 AM-12:45 PMMaster WorkoutUniform/workout clothesExecutive RoomClass Information

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Grandmaster Sunny Graff has trained self-defense and martial arts for over 50years, is a Senior Grandmaster in Taekwondo and Lapunti Arnis, aposture/alignment specialist, produced more than 360 feminist anti-racist self-defense instructors, 200 Black belts and authored self-defense books in Englishand German. She co-founded NWMAF, served on the first steering committee,Self-defense Certification Board, AWMAI Rank Committee. Sunny Graff was a Gold medalist in the World Games and Pan-American Gamesand a 4x National Taekwondo Champion with a Lifetime Achievement Awardfrom the Taekwondo Hall of Fame. In 1984 she founded Women in Movement inFrankfurt, which has won multiple awards for the protection of children.Grandmaster Sunny teaches all levels, ages, abilities and ethnicities, in multiplearts and weapons in her school and at national and international conferences. Sheis eternally grateful for the training and guidance of many wonderfulGrandmasters and Masters worldwide. Her home is in the women’s martial artscommunity which has been a constant source of support and inspiration.Grandmaster Sunny Graff

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There is no better way to make new friends than to move and laughtogether. Laughter breaks down barriers and overcomes hesitation and fear.In this class, we explore new ways to get to know each other, learn eachother’s names, be assertive, enhance reactions, train our minds as well asbodies, be successful coaches, work with a partner, build team spirit,develop group mind and have great fun while doing it all. Start Off Right With "Move and Smile!"Class InformationFlowing Footwork In StickfightingLapunti Arnis de Abanico stands out among the thousands of Philippine stickfighting systems not only for its flowing abanico striking combinations, butespecially for its unique integration of Kung Fu footwork. In comparison toessentially static styles like modern arnis, Lapunti makes use of flowingfootwork to gain maximum advantage in a street fight. Using distance, angleand pressure, the Lapunti fighter positions herself optimally to block or parryan attack, monitor the second hand and deliver a flow of counter attacks. Inthis class we will pair striking and abanicos with kung fu cross-leg footwork tocreate dynamic, flowing striking patterns for defense and counter attacks. Wewill work in two ranges: Lapunti long range Streetfighting and Lapunti Middlerange streetfighting. The Kung Fu footwork enables us to move quickly fromone range to the next. Grab a stick and get ready to move!Friday, April 12 @ 3:45-5:15 PMMaster WorkoutUniform/workout clothesExecutive RoomClass InformationFriday, April 12 @ 10:00-10:45 AMOpening SessionMaster WorkoutExecutive Room Class Information

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Shifu/Sensei Koré Grate, Executive Director and Head Instructor ofFEMA-Five Element Martial Arts & Healing Center (formerly FeministEclectic Martial Arts) founded in 1989 in Minneapolis, MN. Koré is afounding PAWMA Board Member, past Vice President, and creator ofthe Elder Council. Koré was honored as PAWMA’s 2005 Martial Artistof the Year, received PAWMA’s esteemed Lifetime AchievementAward in 2011. She served as Chair of NWMAF and was a a foundingmember of A.R.C. (Anti-Racism, All Races Count, Active- Respectful-Communication). She was AWMAI’s Executive Director from 2013-2023, and wasinducted into the 50 year Hall of Fame February 2022. “I support whatI believe in-I love teaching and learning!”Shifu/Sensei Koré Grate

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Teaching young folk, about the deeper principles of our martial arts issomething Shifu/Sensei Koré Grate has been developing for a decade. Withspecific drills and games, they learn the deeper principles of:MIND: How to go from excited to calm and focused.BODY: How to work out safely, where all their organs live, the connections,the colors, and the animal movements to help support and heal using FiveElement Principles.SPIRIT: How to develop leadership qualities and learn to create challengesthat help us grow stronger.Black Belt Principles For KidsClass InformationLiangongEach Liangong Section of 18 moves has a specific focus: Series One is forbigger muscle groups, Series Two for deeper connections, tendons andconnective tissues, Series Three for Internal energies. It takes a bit of time tolearn all 54 movements. Shifu/Sensei Koré Grate will share a selection of herfavorites for a taste of each section.Sunday, April 14 @ 8:00-9:15 AMMaster WorkoutUniform/workout clothesExecutive Room Class InformationSaturday, April 13 @ 2:00-3:30 PMMoving ClassroomUniform/workout clothes Pen & notebookExecutive Room Class Information

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Instrutora Schelsea Jones, the director and head instructor of the CapoeiraDetroit academy, has been training Capoeira for over 16 years and teaching for12 years. Sabiá started her journey with Capoeira Detroit in 2007 and in 2013, shetook over leadership of her academy. In 2019, she was promoted to the rank ofInstrutora. Capoeira is a mirror to life and the roda is the self-reflection. It has allowed me togrow as a human being and an energetic presence. Capoeira helps one to learnand know self. It teaches awareness beyond what our 5 senses can share with usand is a path to our internal (ancestral) knowledge. Capoeira is direct connectionto our ancestors. Her classes emphasize the significant throughway of music tomovement to the history of capoeira; recognizing that there is no separation ofthe three. Sabiá leads workshops at martial arts events and hosts master classesat universities. She also works with community organizations and outreachprograms to teach movement and music seminars for children and adults acrossthe country.Instrutora Schelsea Jones

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Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian martial art that combines movementand music to create an exhilarating experience. Students will learn basic capoeira movements, simple attacks andescapes, and a little bit of music as well. At the end, we will put it alltogether for an exciting roda, the circle where we test our skills!Introduction to CapoeiraSaturday, April 13 @ 7:45-9:15 AMMaster WorkoutUniform/workout clothesExecutive RoomClass Information

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Shihan Nancy Lanoue began teaching Empowerment Self-Defense (ESD) in 1979when she co-founded a storefront ESD training center called the Safety andFitness Exchange (SAFE) in NYC. In 1985 she moved to Chicago and founded theWomen’s Gym, the Midwest’s first feminist fitness center, which in 1990 becameThousand Waves, offering ongoing training in Seido Karate as well as ESDworkshops and courses. With her spouse, Sarah Ludden, she co-directedThousand Waves’ martial arts and self- defense programs for 33 years. At this time, she teaches karate at her dojo just once a week; serves on theCouncil of Senior Leaders, a volunteer advisory body. She is also part ofThousand Waves’ ESD Teacher Corps, with a focus on training the nextgeneration of ESD teachers. Her ranks and certifications include 7th dan in SeidoKarate, 2nd dan in Kajukenbo and ESD Teacher Certifications from theAssociation of ESD Professionals and the National Women’s Martial ArtsAssociation.Shihan Nancy Lanoue

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Changes in leadership are hard on everyone including those teachers moving onor stepping up, and those members directly affected by the changes. In this workshop, we will discuss issues that must be considered when planning fora major transition and options for what to do if it doesn't go at all as planned.Challenges And Opportunities Before, During And After Major Leadership ChangesClass InformationFor-Profit vs Non-Profit School Building, Sustaining, and the Pros and ConsFor those who aim to open or reconfigure a martial arts or self-defense school, onekey decision is what kind of legal organization structure will best support yourprogram(s) and allow your business to grow and thrive. Is it being a socialentrepreneur and starting a for-profit company or would you benefit more bycreating a 501c3 organization which can receive gifts that are tax-deductible fordonors but which you don’t actually own and have much less control over? Master Wasentha Young and Shihan Nancy Lanoue faced these questionsmany years ago in the early days of their careers as professional martial artsteachers. In this workshop, they will share why they chose the path they did andwhat their perspectives are now about the pros and cons of each type oforganizational structure.Friday, April 12 @ 2:00-3:30 PMLecture/DiscussionBring pen & notebookRoom 31Class InformationSaturday, April 13 @ 11:15 AM-12:45 PMLecture/DiscussionBring pen & notebookRoom 31Class Information

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Clara Porter, MSW, has nearly 30 years of experience in the field ofviolence prevention. She is the founder of Prevention. Action. Change(PAC). PAC in Portland, Maine working to counter harassment, assault, andabuse through safety strategies, verbal and physical skills, increasedconfidence and awareness, and promotion of healing and growth. Porter holds a Masters of Social Work, is certified in Empowerment SelfDefense with both the National Women’s Martial Arts Federation and Centerfor Antiviolence Education, as well as in Advanced Trauma First Aide. Porterhas extensive experience working with organizations and people of all ageswith a focus on work with survivors of sexual violence. In recent yearsPorter has been engaged in translating ESD approaches to the workenvironment, engaging organizations in identifying the barriers that exist toa safe and fulfilling workplace and crafting health-promoting solutions.Clara Porter, MSW

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All our students, whether survivors of gender-based violence or not, needa level of emotional safety to be able to learn. In this skill-building, scenario-based workshop, you’ll learn:How we as teachers can create a safer classroom that facilitateslearning.What you can do to help students – and yourself – stay present andgrounded.How to spot when student behavior is coming from a traumaticexperience, and what you can do to help students who are upset ortriggered.How to weave trauma education into your classes.Creating A Trauma-Competent ClassroomSaturday, April 13 @ 9:30-11:00 AMLecture/DiscussionBring pen & notebookRoom 31Class Information

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Dr. Cheryl Rock is an Author, Musician, Martial Artist, Metaphysician andProfessor as well as a Food Scientist who specializes in Nutritional Biochemistry.Her areas of emphasis are the studies of Ethnomedicine and Phytonutrients andtheir effects on non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease, ColonCancer and Type 2 Diabetes. Additionally, she specializes in martial science; anintegration of internal Martial Arts from a dietary approach, with principles ofFood Science, Martial Arts philosophy as well as Bagua Metaphysics. Specifically,she utilizes the Bagua Energy Map and the Five-Element Theory as a frameworkto educate people of how Eastern (i.e., Bagua) and Western (i.e., Food Science –Nutritional Biochemistry) concepts intersect through diet. Her philosophy of life isto help others experience holistic health and wellness practices in their daily livesthrough transformation and self-mastery. She seeks to help others achieve thisgoal as a result of her own personal experiences and principles as a practitionerof Korean Martial Arts (Hapkido) (1st Dan Black Belt) as well as Brazilian Jujitsu.Dr. Cheryl Rock

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Analogous to the Martial Arts, the journey of health and wellness is anongoing practice that requires dedication, perseverance and focus.Additionally, our senses guide our choices and habits in life. Therefore, participants will learn about how their 5 senses can play therole in fostering the focus and dedication to their health and wellnessjourney by doing the following: 1. Exploring the use of guided meditation to engage all 5 senses throughsensory evaluation of a functional food (i.e., Dark Chocolate as anexample) 2. Reflecting on the benefits of the chocolate meditation andexamining on how it enhances the practice of awareness and focusthrough the 5 senses. 3. Applying practices of awareness and focus duringmeditative eating using the 5 senses as an on-going practice, to bringbalance to the body.A Sensory Journey To Health And Wellness As A Martial Art Sunday, April 14 @ 9:15-10:45 AMLecture/DiscussionBring pen & notebookRoom 31Class Information

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Sensei Jaye Spiro has been recognized as a 10th degree black belt. She was a founding member and first chair of the National Women's Martial ArtsFederation. In the early 1970s, she was one of the first women Karate-ka in thiscountry. She has won numerous awards, including the Member of the Year Awardfrom NWMAF, the NWMAF Founders Award, and induction into the MichiganKarate Hall of Fame, the Modern Arnis Halls of Fame, the Association of WomenMartial Arts Instructors’ Hall of Fame, and the Midwest Women’s Hall of Fame. Mejishi Martial Arts was founded by Sensei Jaye in 1979 as Mejishi Karate Dojo. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, recognizing the need for self-defenseinstruction for non-martial artists as well as self-defense instruction that works onthe street for women, Jaye developed a self-defense program that is part of theMejishi Martial Arts curriculum as well as being a standalone self-defense class. Sensei Jaye Spiro

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When confronted with an action, we can attempt to stop the attack, orwe can skillfully slip to the side and blend our response with thedirectional energy of the movement. In Modern Arnis, this type ofresponse is called "the flow." We will explore a simple drill that we learned originally from Grandmaster Remy Presas. (but universally studied by many physical artists).Spending time working with partners and flowing with the actions theymake will result in a fun exploration of slipping and locking and evenoff-balancing and throwing.Filipino Flow Drills And CreationsClass InformationSaturday, April 13 @ 9:30-11:00 AMMaster WorkoutUniform/workout clothesExecutive Room

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Sensei Nicole Welsh has been studying martial arts since 2002. She isvery passionate about her studies from kickboxing, Kempo Karate &Brazilian Jujitsu, in the early years to I Liq Chuan, Ngo cho Kun andmost recently FMA. In 2018 she opened her school alongside Justin Bolton, sharing the loveof Kempo Karate with students from the very young to those in their60's. In 2006 She created the Ladies Fan Team to connect the womenin the dojo. This team has evolved into a stand alone program for bothchildren and adults. Nicole has been working with young children forover 35 years.Sensei Nicole Welsh

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This session will open up a discussion of how to engage the youngest to theoldest children in your programs. Sensei Nicole will share how she runs childrens programs instilling a love oflearning through martial arts activities and practise.When YOU Are Having Fun, They Are Having Fun!Saturday, April 13 @ 7:45-9:15 AMLecture/DiscussionBring pen & notebookRoom 31Class Information

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Helen Yee has been studying martial arts since 1978. Her training in theexternal and internal martial arts led her to becoming a licensedmassage therapist, and was inspired to pass on her skills by opening aholistic school in Columbus Ohio. She is the Co-founder and Co-owner of the American Institute ofAlternative Medicine. Helen has taught Tai Chi and Chi Gong toacupuncture and martial arts students as well as those who have beeninterested in holistic and alternative approaches to health. She hasstudied various systems of internal martial arts in China as well as theUnited States, and incorporated much of her knowledge in teaching tostudents in the various holistic programs at The American Institute ofAlternative Medicine (AIAM), martial arts camps and seminarsnationally and abroad.Helen H. Yee, BA, LMT

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Come and learn how to cultivate, circulate, and store the life force energy,to strengthen your immune system, increase vitality, balance andrejuvenate the energies of the body!Chi Gong Where The Mind Goes The Chi FlowsSunday, April 14 @ 8:00-9:15 AMMoving ClassroomUniform/workout clothes Pen & notebookRoom 31Class Information

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Master Wasentha Young, a practitioner since 1968, Master Younglectures and educates in Ann Arbor, MI and nationally on Tai Chi,Qigong, Meditation, and self-care practices as it relates to the humanemotional, spiritual, and physical well-being. She is a founding board member of the Association of Women MartialArts Instructors and has taught at such places as: Omega Institute,Institute for Transpersonal Psychology, CA., National QigongAssociation, National Institute for the Clinical Application of BehavioralMedicine, University of Michigan, UAW, Kaiser Wellness Foundation,CA., and the National Women’s Martial Artists Federation.Master Wasentha Young

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Martial art movement, in any style, is a direct transmission of an image into aphysical shape, the speed of which at times can be mind-boggling. As in ahandshake a movement has gone from understanding the shape and meaning to adirect response and recognizable posture. During this session, Master Young willuse Tai Chi Chuan movements to lead participants into exploring the intersectionsof using imagery and body mechanics within; the place where you feel/see theimage and move it into the substrate of movement patterns.Invoking Imagery Into Your Teaching Of MovementClass InformationFor-Profit vs Non-Profit School Building, Sustaining, and the Pros and ConsFor those who aim to open or reconfigure a martial arts or self-defense school, onekey decision is what kind of legal organization structure will best support yourprogram(s) and allow your business to grow and thrive. Is it being a socialentrepreneur and starting a for-profit company or would you benefit more bycreating a 501c3 organization which can receive gifts that are tax-deductible fordonors but which you don’t actually own and have much less control over? Master Wasentha Young and Shihan Nancy Lanoue faced these questionsmany years ago in the early days of their careers as professional martial artsteachers. In this workshop, they will share why they chose the path they did andwhat their perspectives are now about the pros and cons of each type oforganizational structure.Friday, April 12 @ 2:00-3:30 PMLecture/DiscussionBring pen & notebookRoom 31Class InformationFriday, April 12 @ 11:00AM -12:30 PMMoving ClassroomUniform/workout clothes Pen & notebookExecutive Room Class Information

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Our Motto: Teaching the TeacherWe provide high-qualityeducation, training, andsupport, as well asopportunities fornetworking, advancement,and professional recognition,to women instructors andbusiness owners in the fieldsof martial arts and self-defense.Our Mission:We strive to be leaders inthe communities we serve;to be partners in helpingeach other achieverecognition andexcellence in ourrespective pursuits; andto take pride in elevatingthe performance andreputation of all ourmembers’ schools andclasses.Our Vision:The Association of Women Martial Arts Instructors welcomes femalemartial arts instructors, assistant instructors, and aspiring instructorsof all martial arts styles hard and soft. As a Member you have theopportunity to meet and collaborate with other women who have trail-blazed the path you are now pursuing. Our Organization44

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We maintain the higheststandards of personal andbusiness ethics in all ourinteractions, continuallystrengthening relationshipsthrough honesty,trustworthiness andreliability.IntegrityWe respect the uniquecontributions of everyteacher and student,valuing the diversity oftheir experiences, ideasand initiatives. We ensurethat everyone has theopportunity to learn andcontribute in a way thatenriches their personaldevelopment.RespectWe welcome all women,including individuals who aretransgender, non-binary orself-identify as women andwho believe a space reservedfor women martial artists is ahome.InclusivityOur Values

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An elite group of women martial artistshonored by their colleagues and peers.A great deal of commitment, dedication, and passion isneeded to sustain oneself in a male dominatedprofession. We value and honor women whose exceptionaldedication and longevity in martial arts exemplify thehighest potential of every woman and girl. Our annualHall of Fame Presentation acknowledges andcelebrates these women and gives them therecognition they deserve.If you have 30-plus active years as a martial artist, youare eligible to apply for this honor. We also encourageyou to nominate your instructor, or any colleague whomeets the requirements and deserves recognition forher accomplishments.Hall of Fame46

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In honor of their commitment, dedication, and passion we are pleased to honor this year's inductees...

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Shinshii Janet Aalfs has been an arts activist locally, nationally, andinternationally for 45+ years. She is dedicated to helping create sitesfor revelation, creative understanding, and healing. Poet laureate ofNorthampton, MA (2003-2005), Jian Mei branch chief instructor of TaiChi and Qigong, 8th degree black belt in Shuri-ryu Karate and ModernArnis Filipino Stick Arts, and empowerment self/collective protectioneducator, Janet is founder and director of Lotus Peace Arts at Heron'sBridge/Valley Women's Martial Arts, a non-profit communityschool since 1977.SHINSHII JANET AALFS40+Years

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Janet is a recipient of the Special Lifetime Achievement Award,Connecticut Martial Arts Masters, 2011; the Leadership andAdvocacy in the Arts Award, University of Massachusetts, 2013; theInternational Modern Arnis Black Belt Hall of Fame Pioneer Award,2013; the National Women's Martial Arts Federation FoundersAward, 2016; and prizes for her poetry. Janet's writing has beenwidely published, and she enjoys performing poetic martial artsbased movement pieces that she calls Poemotion©.

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Soke Nahid Farzinzad was born and raised on Tehran, Iran. She begantraining in 1984 with her husband, Kaicho David Farzinzad, the founderof IKU and Kidstrong Foundation. In 1993 she earned a third-degreeblack belt under Masutatsu Oyama, the founder of Kyokushin Karate.She is one of only five women worldwide, and the only from the MiddleEast to hald this degree. To earn this degree, she opted for the 30 mankumite rather than the women’s standard of ten. Soke Farzinzad is co-founder of IKU and serves as Chief Instructor ofthe IKU Honbu.SOKE NAHID FARZINZAD40+Years

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Soke Farzinzad is past Chairwoman of the Iran Kyokushinkai KarateAssociation; served as chief instructor of International KyokushinkaiUnion (IKU) in New York and Hartford, CT; and served on the Boardof Directors for the Kyokushinkai Foundation. She is currently theWorld IKU Women's Committee Chairwoman as well as a member ofthe Autism Move, Inc., Board of Directors.She is also the owner and CEO of Shihan Skin Care where shedeveloped her own all-natural skin care line.

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Wendy began her martial arts journey in 1982 when she and a frienddecided that at age 30 tthat they needed to do something active to keepfit. About a year in, she was shown an ad for something called “SpecialTraining” sponsored by the National Women’s Martial ArtsFederation (NWMAF). Attening that event marked a major turning pointin her life as her eyes were opened to a vast world of arts and skills shehad never known of – and most wonderfully, all taught by women (whowere a rarity in my school). It also marked the start of some of thedeepest friendships and sparked re-focusing of her martial arts lifejourney. SIFU WENDY LATHROP40+Years

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Wendy has been an active member of NWMAF, co-hosting two SpecialTraining camps and serving, over time, as Newsletter Editor and Secretary. She has been honored twice as Member of the Year.Wendy is ranked Sam Dan in T’ang Soo Do, holds a Red sash (Masterranking) in That Son Than Vo Dao (Kung Fu), has studied southern SilLum Pai kung fu and Qin Na , Tien Shen Pai (Northern style Kung Fu)and Yang style Tai Chi

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Lisa has been training in the Martial Arts for over 40 years. She is a 7thDegree Black Belt in Tang Soo Do, 1st Degree Black Belt in AmericanStyle Nunchaku, and she trains in Toyama Ryu, a Samurai swordsystem. Coaching, instructing, and being a lifelong student of themartial arts is her passion. She is the founder and owner of Turn of theTide Martial Arts. She has been running her school in Grosse PointePark, Michigan for 34 years.One of her greatest joys is teaching and training alongside her sonsMarino & Angelo and her daughter Francesca, and their children.INSTRUCTOR LISA SANTI40+Years

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Lisa is a lifetime member of the Association of Women Martial ArtsInstructors and was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2013. She isalso an inductee of the Midwest Women’s Martial Arts Hall of Fame.She has served as the Events Coordinator and Chairperson for theNational Women’s Martial Arts Federation. Lisa credits the love and support of her husband Dave Santi and thementorship of Jaye Spiro for helping her see her potential and to findher way as a teacher and martial artist.

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Sifu Helen Yee began her martial arts training in 1979 becoming a topcompetitor in US Tae Kwon Do Union tournaments locally up to theinternational level. She was the national gold medalist in 1986 and 1987.She went on to compete on the US Tae Kwon Do Olympic team, trainingfor and competing in World Cup championships. Helen also studiedvarious other martial arts including kung fu, tai chi, and Chigong (whichshe started studying due to injuries from fighting) and Bando. She has taught at many events, conferences locally, nationally, andabroad.SIFU HELEN YEE40+Years

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Helen is Co-owner, Founder and Chief Financial Officer of theAmerican Institute of Alternative Medicine and Owner of the YeeterCorporation here in Columbus, Ohio.Helen is a lifetime member of NWMAF, has attended many campsand has served on the PAWMA board of Directors as President. Shehas attended AWMAI conferences as well as the ESD Globalconference and has accepted a position on their Board.

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Sunny Graff is a Grandmaster in Taekwondo and Lapunti Arnis, and aposture/alignment specialist. She has trained 360+ feminist anti-racistself-defense instructors, 200 Black belts and authored self-defensebooks in English and German. She co-founded NWMAF, served on thesteering committee, Self-defense Certification Board and AWMAIRank Committee. Sunny was a Gold medalist in the World Games andPan-American Games and a 4-time National Taekwondo Championwith a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Taekwondo Hall of Fame.In 1984 she founded Women in Movement in Frankfurt, which has wonmultiple awards for violence prevention. GRANDMASTER SUNNY GRAFF50+Years

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Sunny has received many awards and honors, has many publicationsto her credit publications and decades of teaching experience.She is a Motion Trainer in Painless Therapy, a Licensed Trainer inPrevention in Sport, Health, Alignment and body mechanics, a Certified Teacher in the Dr. Brügger method of orthopedic exercisefor the spine and a Posture Alignment Specialist, certified by theEgoscue Method University

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Sensei Jaye began studying Karate in 1971 seeking survival skills tohelp her to recover from victimization. Starting her training underShihan Bobby Peeler in Ai Mute Shoto-kan Karate and later underGrandmaster Remy Presas in Modern Arnis and Manong Ted Buot inBalintawak Escrima. An early pioneer in the development of self-defense courses forwomen, she became nationally and internationally known. She traveledthroughout the US and in Europe, Guatemala, and Belize teachingpeople and instructors how to study and teach self-defense. GRANDMASTER JAYE SPIRO50+Years

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Jaye served as chair of NWMAF as well as headed the Self-DefenseTeacher Certification Committee. She has been honored as Memberof the year twice as well was receiving the Award of Excellence. She is a member of the Michigan Karate Hall of Fame, and theAssociation of Women Martial Arts Instructors Hall of Fame. A career high for her was speaking in Washington, DC on the WhiteHouse Summit on the United States of Women. Sensei Jaye founded and has directed Mejishi Martial Arts in Detroit,Michigan for nearly forty-five years.

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Grandmaster Wen Mei Yu began Qigong training in 1953 in Shanghaiwhen at age 17, her bleeding ulcer was not treatable by Eastern orWestern medicines. Her life has since been devoted to studying andteaching the healing methods and practice of Qigong and Taijiquan.She was introduced into the women’s martial arts community in 1992 atthe Olympia, Washington Pacific Association of Women Martial Artistcamp, quickly becoming a favorite and taught for many years at bothPAWMA and NWMAF (National Women’s Martial Arts Federation). GRANDMASTERWEN MEI YU60+Years

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Grandmaster Yu was a Professor at the Jing Wu Athletic College,Shanghai, served as General Secretary, Shanghai Physical CultureAssociation for the Elderly and as a Judge and Coach for manyChinese martial arts championships. She taught at many conferencesand trainings. She won many awards including Top Taijiquan Instructor in China,PAWMA Lifetime Achievement Award, Award of Excellence,National Women’s Martial Arts Federation and both Writer of theYear and Woman of the Year for Inside Kung Fu magazine.

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Our Friends64

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Our Sponsors

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Our Sponsors

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Our Sponsors International Kyokushinkai UnionStamina, Endurance, Strength & Self-Confidence

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Our SponsorsIn Tribute To The AncestorsIn Gratitude To All Of YouIn Loving Memory ofGRANDMASTER WEN MEI YU (6/29/36-10/31/23)& NADIA TELSEY (11/30/46-2/28/24)Follow the naturalFlow, that which comes from within.As the lotus flowering risesAbove the mud of the river pools,Vast, vast, vast is Divine Wisdom.May We Thrive in Peace, Shinshii Janet Aalfs

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Thank You! Oriental Martial Arts College of Columbus for the use of their mats for this weekend and Sunny Graff for coordinatingThe staff of the Renaissance Columbus Downtown Hotel

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The AWMAI is a worldwide networkof accomplished and high-aspiring women, we share a passion for martial arts,and a genuine desire to see each other succeed. Together we can help you: - Bring your martial arts business to a new level- Elevate your teaching skills- Improve your leadership abilities- Open up paths for learning andadvancement- Gain recognition for your rank and achievementsWe welcome all styles andbranches of martial arts and self defense, and all levels ofteaching experience – fromnewcomer, to part-time, toseasoned professional.

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The Association of Women Martial Arts Instructors is a non-profit organization ©2024 All rights reserved.AWMAIPO Box 4309, Davis CA 956172024Conference