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2024 Company Brochure

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Thomas A. Gockowski

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integrated knowledge sophisticated solutionsproactive problem solvinginnovative approachadaptive to changing needs

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Carroll Engineering provides a broad spectrum of wastewater engineering services to townships, municipal authorities,and private utility owners. The scope of our services ranges from small sanitary sewer extensions serving a singleneighborhood to regional pump stations with capacities up to 60 MGD. Our comprehensive approach to systemplanning and expansion provides a cost-effective means for system owners to provide service to unserved portions oftheir service area while integrating new development construction. Innovative designs such as biological nutrientremoval wastewater treatment processes help reduce capital and operating costs for new and retrofitted treatmentplants.The firm offers comprehensive engineering services for system expansion and major capital improvements coveringconceptual planning and project costing; preparation of drawings and contract documents; bidding services; andconstruction administration and observation.Our services extend beyond traditional engineering to include system operation guidance; infrastructure assetmanagement, budgeting and rates; rules and regulations; municipal finance; and inter-municipal agreements.WASTEWATER ENGINEERING REPRESENTATION FOR MUNICIPALITIES AND AUTHORITIES WASTEWATER COLLECTION, CONVEYANCE AND TREATMENT SYSTEM CONDITION EVALUATION INFLOW AND INFILTRATION (I/I) INVESTIGATIONSSYSTEM REHABILITATION ON-LOT DISPOSAL SYSTEMS ACT 537 PLANS WASTELOAD MANAGEMENT (CHAPTER 94) REPORTSSTATE AND LOCAL PERMITTING SEWAGE MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS ASSET MANAGEMENT AND MAPPING

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With projects ranging from developing new groundwater supply sources to replacement of aging water mains in densely developedcommercial corridors, Carroll Engineering's water facilities engineering experience allows us to provide comprehensive services to ourclientele. CEC provides service to water system owners large and small in Southeast Pennsylvania, the Poconos, and New Jersey. CEChas experience in planning and designing water facilities from source to endpoint. This includes new groundwater supply wells,transmission mains, booster stations, pressure reducing stations, storage tanks, and distribution systems. Our engineers utilizecomputerized system modeling to account for "what-if" scenarios when proposing system improvements for cost-effective systemupgrades and expansion. We also work with our clients' neighboring water suppliers to create interconnected systems that allowsystem owners to buy or sell water as necessary to meet each system’s needs and provide supplemental water sources in times ofemergency. Our broad technical capabilities allow us to provide in house design of treatment and remediation systems to address volatile organiccompounds, heavy metals, dissolved minerals, and PFOA and PFOS. Innovative solutions such as Antenna Corrals allow colocation ofcellular phone infrastructure on water storage tanks permitting complete access for tank maintenance and painting. Our systemoperation and SCADA experience allow for the design of new facilities that are easily integrated into overall system operations. Our services extend beyond traditional engineering which include: system operation guidance; infrastructure asset management;budgeting and rates; rules and regulations; municipal finance; and inter-municipal agreements.WATER ENGINEERING REPRESENTATION FOR AUTHORITIESSYSTEM PLANNING AND PROJECT COSTING FOR MAJOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTSSOURCE OF SUPPLY, TRANSMISSION, STORAGE, AND DISTRIBUTIONELEVATED AND GROUND LEVEL STORAGE TANKSBOOSTER STATIONS AND PRESSURE REDUCING STATIONSPERMITTINGWATER QUALITY ANALYSIS ASSET MANAGEMENT AND MAPPING

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F E A S T E R V I L L E W A T E R T A N KL o w e r S o u t h a m p t o n T o w n s h i p , B u c k s C o u n t y , P A

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Carroll Engineering has a long history of municipal representation in our local communities including Townships, Boroughs, andCounties. Our professional staff provides competent, courteous service to the general public, municipal staff, and public worksdepartments. We provide a broad range of services to meet our municipal clientele’s needs including subdivision/land developmentplan review, zoning, and land use planning, ordinance preparation, capital improvement projects, construction administration, andinspection. We assist municipalities with their annual road paving and reconstruction programs, stormwater compliance goals andrequirements, federal accessibility compliance programs, and Township maintenance programs. We have been very successful inprocuring grants and low-interest loan funding for our clients’ water and wastewater infrastructure needs and stormwater/MS4compliance requirements.We provide fundamental support to municipalities for all capital improvement projects from cost estimating, quantity take-offcalculations, contract and bid document preparation, and bidding services to construction oversight/inspection and contractadministration services. This ensures the township receives competent bids, competitive pricing, and a quality work product thatadheres to State procurement requirements.MUNICIPAL REPRESENTATION PUBLIC AND REGULATORY MEETING ATTENDANCECOMMUNITY RELATIONSGRANT PREPARATION MUNICIPAL REVIEWS SUBDIVISION, LAND DEVELOPMENT, AND ZONING BUILDING AND GRADING PERMITS ROADWAYS PAVING MAINTENANCE PROGRAMSSTORMWATER MANAGEMENT FLOODPLAINSMUNICIPAL SEPARATE STORM SEWER SYSTEMS (MS4)REPORTING AND IMPLEMENTATIONCULVERT DESIGN BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES PARKS AND RECREATION ACTIVE AND PASSIVE RECREATIONAL FACILITIES

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Carroll Engineering provides planning and site design services from initial site investigations, feasibility studies, and conceptualdesign through final record documents and the construction phase. These services include physical site analyses, ordinancereviews, preparation of land development plans and documents, landscape design, stormwater management, grading anderosion control, utility design, permit applications, and construction support. Projects include municipal, residential, commercial,educational, industrial and institutional subdivision site development projects, as well as land development projects. FEASIBILITY STUDIES/YIELD ANALYSIS CONCEPTUAL DESIGN SITE DESIGN GRADING DESIGNEROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DESIGNSUTILITY LAYOUTLANDSCAPE DESIGNOUTDOOR LIGHTING DESIGN (EX: SPORTS LIGHTING)INNOVATIVE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AND INFILTRATION SYSTEMSACTIVE RECREATION (EX: PLAYING FIELDS, RUNNING TRACKS, & STADIUMS)PARKS AND TRAIL DESIGNSSTREETSCAPE DESIGNCONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS

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Carroll Engineering provides comprehensive and innovative multimodal transportation solutions for all of our public and private-sector clients; with each solution strategically designed to be constructible, economical, and sustainable. Our expertiseencompasses all project phases from planning, through design, and ultimately with construction management. Our extensiveknowledge helps us envision the patterns and needs of existing transportation systems, and execute designs that improve andtransform them for maximum efficiency and sustainability. We research and investigate the connection between travelers andthe transportation system and design strategies to enhance the experience of operations throughout the region. Clientsrecognize our capacity for understanding local standards and preferences and consciously integrating them into each design.Our clients include state agencies, municipalities, Fortune 500 firms, as well as residential and commercial developers. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING REPRESENTATION FOR MUNICIPALITIESTRAFFIC SIGNAL DESIGN HIGHWAY OCCUPANCY PERMITS (HOP)TRAFFIC SIGNAL PERMITS (TSP)TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDIES SAFETY STUDIES BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN STUDIES SPEED MANAGEMENT STREETSCAPE DESIGN INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS ROADWAY WIDENING MAINTENANCE AND PROTECTION OF TRAFFICSIGNING AND PAVEMENT MARKING TRAFFIC CALMING ROUNDABOUT DESIGN ADA DESIGN UTILITY RELOCATION LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEWS CONSTRUCTION SERVICES

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Carroll Engineering's broad structural engineering capabilities extend to the design and analysis of both existing and proposedstructures including bridges, culverts, buildings, industrial plants, parking facilities, and other infrastructures.Our bridge design expertise ranges from multiple-span steel or concrete bridges on state and local highways to bridges onprivate property, to single-span pedestrian bridges. CEC's Structural Department also performs National Bridge InspectionStandards (NBIS) structural inspections and load ratings of bridges and culverts. In addition to NBIS inspections, we have extensive experience in performing damage assessments and detailing emergencyrepairs. We are highly skilled with the ability to design single-story and multi-story buildings and both underground and above-ground water and wastewater facilities. Our experience includes all major areas of construction: structural steel, reinforcedconcrete, prestressed concrete, masonry, and timber. We perform condition assessments and floor live-load ratings of existingbuildings. Our roofing expertise includes assessing existing roofs and detailing and specifying new roofs for Built-Up Roofing(BUR), Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM), and shingles.BRIDGE DESIGN AND REHABILITATIONDEEP FOUNDATIONSRETAINING WALLSPARKING GARAGESBUILDING AND ROOFING DESIGN AND RENOVATIONSBRIDGE AND BUILDING CONDITION ASSESSMENTSPUMP STATION, TREATMENT PLANT, AND STORAGE TANK DESIGNRECREATIONAL AND PARK STRUCTURES

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Whether evaluating planned improvements, designing new facilities, or rehabilitating or maintaining existing ones, CarrollEngineering's environmental experts apply experience and technology with a sensitivity to complying with regulatoryrequirements while protecting the environment in a cost-effective and practical manner. From planning through remediation,Carroll Engineering works with clients to manage environmental risk and respond appropriately to the concerns of the public,private, and regulatory sectors. Our environmental experience includes designing and managing property demolitions; asbestosand lead-based paint management or abatement; hazardous waste management and cleanup; spill response management, andregulated storage tank design, closure, and remediation. Related services include environmental site assessments and funding-related project due diligence; new well development, well maintenance and wellhead protection; water allocation permitting; soiland groundwater investigation and remediation; facility permits and permit compliance monitoring; facility emergency responseand preparedness, prevention and contingency plan development; wetlands and natural diversity inventory investigations. COMMUNITY AND NONCOMMUNITY WATER SYSTEMSSANITARY SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEMS, TREATMENT PLANTS, AND ON-LOT DISPOSAL GEOLOGICAL, HYDROGEOLOGICAL, GEOTECHNICAL AND SOILSREAL ESTATE DUE DILIGENCE SITE INVESTIGATION, REMEDIAL DESIGN, AND REMEDIAL ACTION ADMINISTRATION

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Carroll Engineering provides construction administration and observation services for the wide variety of engineering projectswe design, including but not limited to: bridges, sanitary sewer, water main, and municipal projects of diverse scope andcomplexity. Our field representatives maintain various certifications such as NECEPT (bituminous concrete paving), NICET, ACI(concrete testing), and NASSCO (sanitary sewer pipeline, manhole, and lateral assessment) and maintain comprehensive projectdocumentation for Local and State projects.CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATIONCONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTATIONSUBMITTAL DATA REVIEWPROGRESS REPORTINGPAYMENT APPLICATION REVIEWPROJECT SCHEDULE REVIEWPROJECT CLOSEOUTAS-CONSTRUCTED DRAWING REVIEW

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Carroll Engineering’s Surveying Department provides an array of professional surveying services including topographic andboundary surveys, ALTA/NSPS (American Land Title Association/National Society of Professional Surveyors) land title surveys,construction stakeout including site improvements; utilities, curb, basins; as well as house-line items such as to permit plans,foundation, and final as-constructed plans. Our services also include site improvement as-built surveys such as utility and basinas-constructed plans, and easement and right-of-way acquisition plans. Consisting of licensed surveyors and experienced fieldcrew technicians, the department utilizes state-of-the-art equipment that includes total station robotic equipment, globalpositioning systems, 3D Laser Scanning, and an unmanned aerial vehicle (drone) to complete surveying projects with precision.TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYSBOUNDARY SURVEYSALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEYSCONSTRUCTION STAKEOUTRIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION PLANSCONSTRUCTION LAYOUT3D LASER SCANNER SURVEYINGUTILITY SURVEYSROUTE SURVEYSSUBDIVISION & LOT CONSOLIDATION PLANSFEMA ELEVATION CERTIFICATES WETLAND SURVEYSAS-BUILT SURVEYSADA COMPLIANCE SURVEYSUAV/DRONE SURVEYINGAERIAL PHOTOGRAMMETRY

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Carroll Engineering's Geographic Information System department provides services for a wide range of spatial applications.Geographic cartography creation, database management, custom application development, and data analysis all support betterplanning by providing the knowledge necessary to make more informed decisions. GIS, with its interactive mapping and databases,also lends itself to enhanced data storage for improved asset management. As an ESRI Business Partner, Carroll Engineering canimplement many solutions to help solve problems, manage data, fulfill citizen requests, and analyze complex scenarios within yourorganization.With Information Technology at the foundation of almost every organization today, Carroll Engineering recognizes how critical it isthat these systems operate efficiently and effectively in order to gain the most from their IT investment. Carroll Engineering's ITprofessionals maintain and manage clients’ entire IT infrastructure, from servers to printers, to ensure that systems are secure andoperating at peak efficiency.GIS SERVICESFIELD DATA COLLECTIONDATA CONVERSION/BASE MAPPINGDATA ANALYSIS/CUSTOM CARTOGRAPHYNEEDS ANALYSIS/IMPLEMENTATION PLANNINGSOFTWARE TRAINING AND SUPPORT SERVICESASSET MANAGEMENT SERVICESCUSTOM PRODUCT DEVELOPMENTESRI SOLUTION IMPLEMENTATIONIT SERVICESNETWORK AND SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATIONSECURITY EVALUATIONS AND UPGRADESPERFORMANCE TUNINGAPPLICATION DEVELOPMENTNETWORK DESIGN AND DEPLOYMENTREQUIREMENTS ANALYSISPC/HELP DESK SUPPORT

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We have been utilizing the drone’s ability to capture aerial views of clients’ projects from start to finish, pre-planning initiatives,site mapping and offer real-time video captures for hard to see areas using accuracy and speed. Our licensed drone pilots usetheir experience to remotely navigate the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), as it collects aerial data through its pivotal imagerysensors. For instance, when used in a drone survey, a client can request measurements at certain distances and in otherspecified volumetric distances. Project managers can inherently benefit from utilizing the drone information for day-to-dayproject updates and staying informed to make quicker reaction times to any project delays that can arise. Here are applications benefiting from the accuracy and detail of our Drone Technology:SITE RECONNAISSANCEROADWAY ASSESSMENTCULVERT/BRIDGE INSPECTIONSSTREAMBANK/STEEP SLOPE ACCESSPARK AND OPEN SPACE AERIAL IMAGERY WATER TANK/STANDPIPE INSPECTIONBUILDING/ROOF INSPECTION TREATMENT PLANTS ORTHOPHOTOGRAPHYTERRAIN MODELING 3D MAPPING

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Carroll Engineering has bridged the gap between conventional survey methodology and the future, by utilizing 3D HighDefinition Laser Scanning. The ScanStation and compatible software tools offer some of the highest precision to our experttechnicians when collecting geospatial data, to ensure we deliver outstanding range, speed, accuracy, and quality ofinformation collected on each project. Clients are able to use the renderings to capture real-time data to assess existingconditions, construction verification, conduct off-site visualization, and support estimates for upcoming projects. Here are applications benefiting from the accuracy and detail of our 3D Laser Scanning Technology:UTILITY SUBSTATION AS-BUILT SURVEYSROADWAY MAPPINGROAD INTERSECTIONS OVERHEAD WIRE CLEARANCES STRUCTURE MONITORING BRIDGE LOCATIONS AND CLEARANCESSTORMWATER /WASTEWATER MANAGEMENTBUILDING FACADES/INTERIORS ADA COMPLIANCE SURVEYS

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“Your good work has allowed us to maintain both our water and sewer systems in goodworking order, using the most up to date technologies, and always within our limitedconstruction schedules and budgetary constraints. We are pleased to have selectedCarroll Engineering Corporation to serve as our Professional Consulting Engineers, andwe look forward to working with the firm for many years.” ~ Robert C. Bender, Executive Director, North Wales Water Authority“The Borough contracted with Carroll Engineering Corporation in early 2023. We are asmall municipality however, we are treated like Carroll’s highest paying client! Everyonehas been very responsive to every question, project, email, etc. Often, we feel ourquestions need immediate attention, and they are met with just that. What we appreciateis that not only does the engineer answer the question, they provide an explanation forthe answer. CEC provides engineering in a variety of specialties, so they are a one-stopshop. We use them for grants, traffic issues, water and wastewater, and landdevelopment. The Council and staff are quite pleased with the decision to use CarrollEngineering Corporation for all the Borough’s needs.”~ Sharon Norris, Borough Administrator, Borough of Avondale“CEC has consistently been receptive to the County’s needs, with prompt service andexcellent communication throughout each project.”~ Michael Emili, P.E., Director of Public Works, County of Northampton“CEC consistently deliver excellent work in a very cost-effective way and continue toprovide good customer service. We are pleased to be partnering with a talentedcompany in the industry.”~ Michael Wolan, DBIA, Engineering Manager, Project Delivery North, New Jersey American Water“I am writing to express our utmost satisfaction and appreciation for the exceptionalservices provided by Carroll Engineering Corporation (CEC). As the manager ofBrodhead Creek Regional Authority (BCRA), I have had the privilege of witnessingfirsthand the dedication, expertise, and professionalism that CEC brings to the table.Beyond their technical expertise, what truly sets CEC apart is their genuine commitmentto building strong, trusting relationships with their clients. Their team has beenconsistently responsive, transparent, and proactive in their approach, ensuring that weare always informed and involved every step of the way.We at BCRA are proud to have them as our primary Water and Wastewater Engineerand look forward to a long and fruitful partnership. I wholeheartedly recommendCarroll Engineering Corporation to any organization seeking top-notch engineeringservices. Their team’s dedication, expertise, and commitment to client satisfaction aretruly unparalleled.”~ David Horton, P.E., Manager, Brodhead Creek Regional Authority

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C O R P O R A T E  O F F I C E :9 4 9 E a s t o n R o a d W a r r i n g t o n , P A 1 8 9 7 6 P : 2 1 5 . 3 4 3 . 5 7 0 0i n f o @ c a r r o l l e n g i n e e r i n g . c o mw w w . c a r r o l l e n g i n e e r i n g . c o m Experienced. Dedicated. Professional.Leveraging our knowledge, experience, and professionalism, we deliverexceptional results to our clients every time.CEC is one of the largest consulting civil engineering and surveying firms in the GreaterPhiladelphia region and across New Jersey, offering highly regarded professional services to awide range of clients. We pride ourselves on being responsive and reliable while gaining thetrust of our clients in order to develop long-term relationships. We adapt to the changingneeds of our clients and the industry with a focus on exceeding our client's expectations. Ourwide range of services provides our clients with diversity for all projects, from the initialplanning phase to full project completion. As a Carroll Engineering client, you are guaranteed the benefits of working closely with anexperienced staff of experts, and their ability to incorporate the latest technology andtechniques to achieve integrated solutions on every project.

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info@carrollengineering.comMontgomery County Office630 Freedom Business CenterThird FloorKing of Prussia, PA 19406610.572.7093Chester County Office433 Lancaster AvenueSuite 200Malvern, PA 19355610.489.5100Somerset County Office105 Raider Boulevard Suite 206Hillsborough, NJ 08844908.874.7500Northampton County Office101 Larry Holmes DriveSuite 201Easton, PA 18042610.989.4940Corporate Headquarters: Bucks County Office949 Easton Road Warrington, PA 18976