2024Annual REPORTEnvisionEdgewaterCO.com/Annual-Reports
LETTER FROM THECITY MANAGERIt is with great pleasure that I present the City ofEdgewater's 2024 Annual Report. This documenthighlights key accomplishments and significantinitiatives from the past year. While we would loveto feature everything, we’ve focused on the areasthat best align with our Strategic Plan Priorities.I am incredibly proud of the hard work our teamputs in each year. We are fortunate to have such adedicated group providing outstanding service tothe Edgewater community.In 2024, City staff made significant strides inaligning their work with the City's priorities. Thiseffort will be reflected in the 2025 budget, wherecosts have been carefully allocated to match thepriorities set by City Council. Moving into the nextbudget cycle, we will continue to implement CityCouncil's top priorities, balancing current revenuesand expenses while maintaining healthy reserves.The City of Edgewater remains committed to ourseven established priorities: Diversity, Equity,Equality, and Inclusion; Community Safety andWellbeing; Sustainability and Resilience; BusinessCommunity and Economics; Housing; CommunityExperience; and Plan Alignment. We strive todeliver exceptional service in everything we do.Thank you for taking the time to review our AnnualReport. As always, please feel free to reach outwith any suggestions for improvement.Sincerely,Dan MaplesDANMAPLESCity Manager86%$50K91%of residents are satisfied withtheir quality of life inEdgewater.in housing grants to localnon-profits.of residents are satisfied withthe cleanliness of the city.1
CITY VALUESTo provide exceptional services and programs with a neighborly commitment forall who live, work, and visit Edgewater.We are a resilient and sustainable community that honors its heritage and diversity andprovides support, access, and opportunity for all who live, work, and visit Edgewater.MISSIONVISIONE - Empowering InclusionWelcoming opinions and valuing diversity.D - Displaying Integrity Upholding strong ethical principles, honesty, and transparency.G - Generating ServiceProviding guidance and assistance.E - Engaging CooperationWorking together to achieve positive and equitable results. EDGE PLEDGE12
2024 COMMUNITYSURVEY RESULTSFirst Choice: Increase to the City's3.5% sales taxSecond Choice:Annual servicesimprovement feeThird Choice:Increase to residents'property tax3Why live in Edgewater?58.2% - Location51.7% - Small Town Feel49.5% - Neighborhood Character40.3% - I Feel Safe Here90% of Residents are satisfied withtheir quality of life in Edgewater.Cleanliness of the City85.5% of residents are satisfied with thecleanliness of Edgewater - that is 5.5% higherthan 2023!Raising kids in EdgewaterOf those who had an opinion, 81.5% ofrespondents feel Edgewater is a good placeto raise children.Businesses in the City80.3% of residents rate the quality ofbusinesses in Edgewater positively.Who took the Survey?Gender: 51.1% Male47.7% Female1.8% Non-binary/OtherEthnicity: 39.1% Latino/Hispanic52% White/Caucasian1.5% Black/African American0.9% Asian/Pacific Islander3.6% OtherAge:16.3% 18-2430.8% 25-3422.8% 35-4413.8% 45-547.7% 55-646.8% 65+Accessory Dwelling Units81% support Edgewater allowing ADUs onsingle-family home properties.ADA Infrastructure Needs - Top Choices indicated by ResidentsThe City must comply with the ADA and its Colorado counterpart. Edgewater’s ADA TransitionPlan requires updating streets and sidewalks, costing about $15 million. To fund this, the City mayneed additional revenue sources, with any tax increases needing voter approval.
WELCOME TO NEW FULLTIME EMPLOYEESLINDSEY VANDER-FERTGUSParks and GroundsSupervisor4MEGHANMURPHYMental HealthCoordinatorSHAIMA SHAHBAZSustainabilityCoordinator / PlannerKIIRSIOUELLETTE Customer ServiceTechnicianOn October 1st, 2024, Gina Hickman was sworn in as the newpresiding judge of the Edgewater Municipal Court. Judge Hickman’scareer highlights her commitment to justice. Admitted to the Colorado bar in 2005, she served as a DeputyDistrict Attorney in the Eighteenth Judicial District for seven years,prosecuting traffic, misdemeanor, and felony cases. She laterfocused on juvenile law, earning the “Standing Up for Kids” award in2019. She also launched her own law practice in 2016 and became arelief judge for the City of Aurora in 2023. She has served as aBoard Member and President of the Cherry Creek School District’sCriminal Justice and Law Advisory Board and is a member of theIrving P. Andrews Inn of Court. As presiding judge, Judge Hickman will oversee cases involvingcity ordinance violations, including traffic offenses andmisdemeanors. Her leadership will ensure fairness and justice forthe Edgewater community.JUDGE GINA HICKMAN
2025 BUDGETPLANNINGCreating a Priority Based BudgetInventory City Programs: Each department identified and listed their services, groupingthem into City-wide programs. These programs were then consolidated across alldepartments.Allocate Program Costs: Departments assigned staff time and expenses to each programduring the budget planning process. These allocations reflect the costs incurred by eachdepartment to deliver their services.Assign Programs to Priorities: Staff used a scoring system to determine the priority eachprogram most closely aligns with. While some programs may align with multiple priorities,the focus was on direct alignment.In the next pages, you will find the Strategic Priorities and how 2024 city projects reflect these initiatives. PRIORITY BASED BUDGETINGIn 2024, the City of Edgewater implemented a priority-basedbudgeting (PBB) program as we prepared for the 2025 budgetprocess. PBB is a budgeting approach that focuses on communitypriorities and available resources, rather than simply allocatingfunds based on departments or past expenditures. This methodensures that the most essential programs and services receive thenecessary funding and support.Learn more at EnvisionEdgewaterCo.com/Annual-Budgets5
FOCUS AREASInternal City Policies and Procedures Community Engagement and EventsAccess to ServicesPublic ParticipationDIVERSITY,EQUITY, EQUALITY,AND INCLUSIONProvide programs, services, and events that are representative of, and accessible to, ourdiverse community and create an atmosphere where diversity is celebrated, encouraged,and supported.6ADOPTED ADA TRANSITION PLANThe City partnered with Mile High Accessibilityto conduct a "Self-Evaluation" and develop anADA Transition Plan. This plan focuses oninfrastructure, the Civic Center, and programs,reaffirming the City's commitment to upholdingaccessible policies, programs, and facilitiesthroughout Edgewater.DIGITAL ACCESSIBILITY PLANBoth a manual and automated audit ofEdgewaterCO.gov were conducted to assessoverall site accessibility and produce anAccessibility Impact (AIM) score. A score of 10represents excellent accessibility, while a scoreof 5 is considered average.Automated Score: 7.7 out of 10Manual Score: 8.2 out of 10Web AIM Score: 7.9 out of 10AWARDED THE SIPAACCESSIBILITY GRANT This program enhances accessibilitycompliance by providing CommonLook Suitelicenses and training for PDF remediation andcreation of accessible documents.CITY WIDECOMMUNICATIONSThe Town Cryer reached 1,938 individualcommunity members. Combined with the Parksand Recreation outreach, the City now connectswith 4,115 subscribers. The City's Facebook pageengaged 45,114 accounts and gained 1,401followers. Additionally, 2024 marked the launchof the City's Instagram account.RECRUITMENT ANDONBOARDINGA full-cycle recruiting process was implemented,hiring 32 new employees from a pool of 705candidates. This resulted in an 8.4% growth rate.Equitable and compliant interview questionswere developed for key positions. To enhanceonboarding, staff revised forms, streamlinedPaylocity instructions, and introduced new staffwelcome processes.HR POLICY DEVELOPMENTKey policies were implemented and revised,including phone stipends, paid volunteer days,bilingual bonuses, tuition reimbursement, paybonuses, and hybrid work options. Ongoingefforts are focused on optimizing HR processesfor the Police Department.
DIVERSITY,EQUITY, EQUALITY,AND INCLUSIONCONTINUEDProvide programs, services, and events that are representative of, and accessible to, ourdiverse community and create an atmosphere where diversity is celebrated, encouraged,and supported.7ENVISION EDGEWATEREnvision Edgewater saw unprecedentedcommunity engagement! We had 7,300 totalvisits, 2,240 document downloads, and 149surveys taken. The most visited projects wereMinimum Wage, Edgewater 2040, and 25th AveStreetscape project.The project that received themost engagement was Edgewater 2040.COMMUNICATIONS INENGLISH AND SPANISHThe City’s internal bilingual program enablesmore efficient translation of materials fromEnglish to Spanish, helping us reach a broaderrange of community members. ProvidingSpanish translation at events, engagementefforts, and meetings has increased communityparticipation.CITY WEBSITE ACHIEVEMENTSIn 2024, the website had 52,000 new users. Themost visited page (other than the home page)was the Fitness Center with 12,000 visits. Theaverage engagement time is 44 seconds.CITY OFFICES FRONT DESKThe City Offices Front Desk expanded its hoursto include Fridays, providing greater access forcommunity members. With this change, a full-time Customer Service Technician was hired.
COMMUNITYSAFETY ANDWELL-BEINGFOCUS AREASCommunity PolicingMental HealthNeighborhood ComplianceSenior Support/CaregivingInclusive/Accessible CommunityPrioritize holistic, diverse, and preventative measures to ensure that the entire cityis, and feels, safe, secure, and well-cared for.8SENIOR PROGRAMMINGMore 55+ programming is being offered thanever before! A total of 22 senior events and tripswere offered, along with 5 new senior-focusedfitness classes. Coffee and Conversationcontinues to thrive, and our collaboration withthe Edgewater Library has expanded to providefree and low-cost programs, including ChairYoga and the Active Minds Lecture Series.MENTAL HEALTHCOORDINATORThe Mental Health Coordinator has beenproviding co-responder services to police andcourt staff for mental health, substance use, andresource support. They have also developed arange of campaigns, events, and educationalopportunities to promote behavioral health andwellness for both the community and staff.NARCAN DISTRIBUTIONAND AWARENESSThe Edgewater Police Department enhancedawareness around Narcan and increased itsavailability to the community. This includedhosting a Narcan train-the-trainer course,distributing Narcan to residents at the policestation and local events, and partnering with theCounty Coroner's office to provide free Narcanto local businesses.BICYCLE PATROLThe Edgewater Police Department purchasedelectronic bicycles ("E-Bikes") for officers toconduct bike patrols throughout the city.Edgewater is uniquely situated to be a perfectplace for bike patrol and it allows our officersto interact with residents in a new and excitingway.
COMMUNITYSAFETY ANDWELL-BEINGPrioritize holistic, diverse, and preventative measures to ensure that the entire cityis, and feels, safe, secure, and well-cared for.9NEIGHBORHOODCOMPLIANCE ASSISTANTAs the Community Development team expands,Neighborhood Compliance hired an assistant tohelp with management of code operations.NEIGHBORHOODACCESSIBILITY COMPLIANCEStaff distributed door hangers and flyerscitywide to educate residents about ADArequirements. Collaboration with CSUextension personnel provided training on treeand bush trimming for residents. From June toDecember 2024, there were 75 obstructions(95% resolved with Friendly Reminders, 5%escalated to warning letters).CLIP IT, CLEAR IT, CLEAN ITCAMPAIGNThe "Clip It, Clear It, Clean It" campaign waslaunched in conjunction with the ADA campaign,with flyers distributed throughout the city. Thisinitiative educates residents on EdgewaterMunicipal Code requirements regarding foliageobstructions, including flower gardens,shrubbery, lawns, nuisance weeds, and treebranch height on their property.55+ SOCIAL CLUB LAUNCHEDA new program for 55+ community, Social Clubis held every 2nd Tuesday of the month andoffers time for socialization and comradery.Average monthly attendance is 15 participants.CONTINUED
SUSTAINABILITYAND RESILIENCE FOCUS AREASEnvironmental Adaptability Clean EnergyCommunity Vibrancy Multimodal Transportation NetworkProactively work to manage resources responsibly and mitigate risks to ensure theneeds of today and tomorrow can be met. 10HEALTHY TREE CANOPYPROGRAM AND TREE PLOTTERSOFTWARE IMPLEMENTEDA total of $6,500 in rebates were issued to 55residents, supporting the goals of the UrbanForestry Master Plan. In addition, a new treeinventory software (Tree Plotter) wasimplemented. COST RECOVERY INPARKS AND RECREATION Cost Recovery enhances financial sustainabilityand equity in service delivery. With theintroduction of Cost Recovery and the CREATEFinancial Aid Program, revenue increased by 26%compared to 2023. Parks and Recreation staff willcontinue to focus on revenue generation andcost-saving initiatives.BUILDING STATISTICSBuilding valuation (new construction): $7.9MBuilding permits issued: 463Building inspections performed: 1,598Average days to permit issuance: 12PRIORITY BASED BUDGETINGThe City initiated its first Priority-Based Budget,linking expenditures to City Council priorities.This approach ensures that the most essentialprograms and services are preserved whilealigning the budget with the community's directneeds and desires.STREET MAINTENANCE PLAN By applying pavement preservation treatmentsto City streets, their lifespan is significantlyextended, while minimizing damage frommoisture and UV rays.
SUSTAINABILITYAND RESILIENCE Proactively work to manage resources responsibly and mitigate risks to ensure theneeds of today and tomorrow can be met. 11SUSTAINABILITY:WASTE DIVERSIONOver 231 tons of recycling and 85 tons of organicwaste were diverted from the landfill. 227households participated in the Scraps Compostingprogram. Zero waste services provided by Scrapsat the Hometown Fest diverted 128 pounds ofcompost and 42 pounds of recycling.SUSTAINABILITY:WATER EFFICIENCYAND LANDSCAPEThe first Urban Forest Master Plan was adopted toguide tree policy, management, and preservationin the coming years. A Resource Central grant wasawarded to convert 2,500 square feet of Citizen’sPark into a xeriscaped garden in the Spring of 2025.Approximately 1,840 square feet of high water useturf grass was converted with the LawnReplacement Program, saving an estimated20,000 gallons of water annually. 44 low-watergarden discounts were distributed to residentsthrough the Garden In A Box program. SUSTAINABILITY: SOCIAL VIBRANCY9 Sustainability Seminars were hosted for thepublic, covering topics such as home tree care,heat pumps, xeriscaping, and rain barrel making.Multiple community stakeholder meetings werehosted to kick off an update to the SustainabilityPlan. SUSTAINABILITY: RENEWABLE ENERGYThe 400-panel, 194 kW rooftop solar system atthe Edgewater Civic Center supplied 46% of thebuilding’s electricity needs. Over 100 LED homelight bulb kits were distributed at HometownFest, and the City also joined Driving CleanColorado’s Charging Smart Program.CONTINUED
BUSINESSCOMMUNITYECONOMICSFOCUS AREASEconomic VitalityDiversity of RevenueBusiness RelationshipsFoster a cycle of mutual support between the city and the community, includingresidents and businesses, where we invest in each other.12SMALL BUSINESS GRANTS10 Edgewater Businesses were awarded thesmall business reimbursement grant foreducation and training, additional businessexpansion, chamber memberships, and more.LAUNCH OF SHOP EDGEWATERShop Edgewater, a city-wide rewards program tobenefit consumers when they shop at small,local restaurants and retail stores in Edgewater,distributed $700 in cashback rewards andconnected with 235 users.BUSINESS WELCOME PROGRAMThe City welcomed 11 new small businessesthrough the welcome program! We celebratedwith ribbon cuttings, featured introductions inthe Neighborhood Gazette, and held one-on-onemeetings with staff.BUSINESS-EVENT SPONSORSA big thank you to the local businesses thatsponsored events in 2024! VeterinaryEmergency Group, Judy Ahart, Sloan’s Bar andGrille, Edgewater Beer Garden, and manydonations from Edgewater Public Market.
13HOUSING GRANTSAWARDED!Provided $50,000 of housing grants to non-profits focusing on rent stabilization. $3,500 - Action Center Grant (1)$23,500 - Action Center Grant (2)$22,500 - Brother’s RedevelopmentHOUSINGFOCUS AREASHousing StabilityHousing AccessHomelessness SupportCultivate pathways that support the full spectrum of affordable and attainablehousing needs within our community and empower people to access and/or remainin their homes for as long as they choose.HOMELESS NAVIGATORUPDATES15 housing placements in 2024. Continuingpartnership with Police Department, outreachbags with basic and winter supplies wererecently provided for the officers to hand outwhen needed.SEVERE WEATHERSHELTER NETWORKThe Severe Weather Shelter Network, which hasbeen operating for 10 years providing shelterduring cold weather events will not be operatingthis winter. Local cities, counties, andnonprofits have been filling the gap. JEFFERSON COUNTYMOBILE SHELTERSWith onsite staffing, these mobile shelter unitswill be centrally placed during severe weatherand other extreme events that may displaceJefferson County residents.
COMMUNITYEXPERIENCEFOCUS AREASHeritage and CultureRecreation/Neighborhood AmenitiesCommunity EventsOffer a diverse range of amenities and activities for residents, businesses andvisitors that honor the city’s history and support the arts, parks/recreation, andneighborly community gatherings.14EDGEWATER "THANK YOU CALLAGAIN" SIGN REPAIRAn initiative led by the History, Arts, Recreation,and Parks (HARP) Board resulted in the repair ofthe iconic Edgewater neon sign at 25th andSheridan.CITIZENS' PARKRENOVATION Renovations to the softball field, north plaza,landscaping, and lighting have been completed,making the facility safer, ADA-compliant, andmore welcoming for the community. This marksthe completion of Phase 1 of the Citizens' ParkMaster Plan, a key priority in the Parks andRecreation Master Plan.THE 25TH AVE.STREETSCAPE PROJECTCOMPLETEDThe Edgewater Redevelopment Authority andCity transformed Historic 25th Avenue into asafer, more inviting corridor by wideningsidewalks, making the one-way permanent, andenhancing landscaping to create a sense ofplace. A separated bike lane and traffic-calmingfeatures benefit cyclists and pedestrians. Theproject also expanded outdoor space forbusinesses and upgraded drainage to reduceflooding, ensuring a vibrant and resilient mainstreet for the community.NATIONAL NIGHT OUTThe Edgewater Police Department partneredwith the City's Summer Concert Series to host"National Night Out" at Citizens' Park in August.The P.D.'s sno-cone machine was a big hit and itallowed for great interaction between ourofficers and the 200+ attendees.PARKS HIGHLIGHTSThe Parks team focused on maintenance andrepairs, completing extensive irrigation fixes,mulching all trees, and upgrading landscaping atoutdoor sites. They ensured restrooms wereopen daily, maintained the softball field fivedays a week, renovated signage, repainted thegazebo, and replaced picnic tables. CommunityGarden participation grew by 45%, withcomposting now added to the program.
COMMUNITYEXPERIENCEOffer a diverse range of amenities and activities for residents, businesses andvisitors that honor the city’s history and support the arts, parks/recreation, andneighborly community gatherings.15COMMUNITY EVENTSIn 2024 the Communications and Events teamhosted annual events including: Winter WarmUp, Ring in Spring, Bike to Work Day, threeConcerts in the Park, Return of the Block,Hometown Fest, Santa Events, and 55+ eventsand trips. Coffee and Conversation is held eachFriday.FITNESS CENTERSERVICESIn 2024, the fitness center focused on offeringmore programs and services that reflect thecommunity's needs, leading to a growth inmemberships. This resulted in 6,246 activememberships, a 5.7% increase from 2023, and38,060 membership check-ins, averaging 108per day. In total, there were 44,485 memberand drop-in visits throughout the year.CONTINUEDEDGEWATER EXCELLENCEEdgewater Excellence awards increased by 50%compared to 2023. With communityinvolvement, neighbors can nominateresidences online via AskEdgewater.Neighborhood Compliance personnel alsoaward standout properties, recognizing the hardwork of Edgewater residents.RECREATION PROGRAMSRecreation programs saw significant growthfrom 2023-2024: Toddler participation increased by 77%Senior participation increased by 286% Youth participation increased by 15% Adult participation increased by 13%
BE IN THE KNOW!TOWN CRYERSubscribe to the City’s WeeklyNewsletter for upcoming events,programs, alerts, and more!EdgewaterCO.gov/TownCryerEnvision Edgewater is acommunity hub for the Edgewatercommunity to share ideas, discussimportant topics, and givefeedback on policies and plans. Check out the projects:EnvisionEdgewaterCO.comENVISION EDGEWATEREdgewaterCO.gov720-763-30001800 N Harlan Street, Edgewater, COStay connected with the City of Edgewater.SOCIAL MEDIAFind us on Facebook, Instagram,and LinkedIn.