Principal: Daron Pitts, XL Benefits Insurance Services Direct / Main 916.512.8340 | Main DPitts@XLBenefits.com10471 Grant Line Road, Suite 100, Elk Grove, CA, 95624 XLBenefits.comPrincipal: Ben Clark, Leaders’ Choice InsuranceDirect 916.253.1892 | Main 866.211.2123BClark@LeadersChoiceIns.com 700 E. Street, Sacramento, CA, 95814 LeadersChoiceInsurance.comPrincipal: Tom O'Kane, O'Kane & Tegay Ins. Brokers Direct 415.661.2540 | Main 415.242.8777TOKane@OKaneIns.com2145 19th Street, Suite 3, San Francisco, CA, 94116 OKaneInsurance.com Principal: Jeff Erickson, Sander Jacobs Cassayre Ins. Svcs. Direct 707.254.4103 | Main 707.252.8822JErickson@SanderJacobs.com300 Villa Lane, Napa, CA, 94558SanderJacobs.comPrincipal: Carl Canaparo, Pinnacle Brokers Ins. Solutions Direct 925.876.8884 | Main 925.952.8680 CCanaparo@PinnBrokers.com2125 Ygnacio Valley Road, S-200, Walnut Creek, CA, 94598 PinnBrokers.com2
Company PageXL Benets 4,5Leader’s Choice 6,7 O’Kane & Tegay 8,9Sander, Jacob, Cassayre 10,11Pinnacle Brokers 12,13Welcome Foundaon Risk Partners Board of DirectorswwCharlie LydeckerCEO/Chairman, Foundaon Risk PartnersKathleen ShanahanCo-CEO Turtle Hughes, Inc.Dan AmbrosiaSenior Investment Leader, Partners GroupBill BloomEVP, The Harord (Ret.)Michael DimitriefPrincipal, Warburg Pincus, NYJoel SchwartzPartner, Partners GroupBruce CrawfordLt. General, US Army (Ret.)Jorge DominicisCo-Chairman, Board of Managers, WellpathXLB2024 FY REVENUE $5.6MLCIS2024 FYREVENUE $4.3M OTIB2024 FY REVENUE $3.0MSJC2024 FYREVENUE $6.0MPB2024 FY REVENUE $17.5M3
Agency ProleSales ResultsFY Goal: $900K YTD (Q1 2024): $614K Key DifferentiatorsTop New Business Wins1. We work with more than 30 Stop Loss carriers.2.We are able to work with brokers inside and outside of the FRP family.1. In 2023, we helped build a self-funded programfor Fairview/Eagle Rock - two FRP agencies in theNE. This allowed them to pick up six new publicenty clients in the Cies of Newark, Trenton andAtlanc City; and helped them pick up another$2M in revenue while adding an addional $500Kto our revenue.2.On January 1, 2024, we picked up WesternGrowers Agricultural Trust (WGAT), one of thelargest benet trusts in CA that targets theagricultural industry. We now insure the top-twoagricultural trusts in CA (United Ag and WesternGrowers). The addion of WGAT added $240K toour revenue for 2024.LocationELK GROVE,CALIFORNIAJoined FRPMARCH 2020Area of ExpertiseEMPLOYEE BENEFITSSTOP LOSS FORSELF-FUNDED PLANSSize$5.6MTeam 6 EMPLOYEES2 IN TOP 1004
Revenue GrowthXL Benets Insurance ServicesOpportunitiesChallenges1. Connue to grow our footprint withinthe FRP benets plaorm. We’ve madeconnecons with many of the oces,producers and account execuves. Thegoal is to connue to earn their trust andto provide our experse and relaonshipsto enhance their oerings.2. In May 2023, we hired a new sales managerin North Carolina who has helped us to expandour business presence on the East Coast.3.The popularity of self-funding connues torise with the largest growth segment in thearea of 100 to 300 lives; there are a great dealmore of employers in this space.4.We recently wrote our rst group ulizinga stop loss capve and we see a lot ofopportunity of growth in this segment –especially in 100 to 300 life space.1. Many of the brokers we are calling on arebeing acquired and are being encouraged touse their own internal stop loss team/centersof excellence.2.For internal team members, many of themhave long- standing relaonships they trustfor their stop loss needs. Since we don’t forceteam members to use XL Benets, somemesit is hard to get an opportunity to workwith them.52020$2M*2021$2.7M2022$3.2M2023$4.6M2024 FY$5.6M* Acquired March 2020
Agency ProleSales ResultsFY Goal: $635K YTD (Q1 2024): $137K Key DifferentiatorsTop New Business Wins1. We have 15 years of industry experse targeng the construcon sector.2. Our direct mail campaigns have been highly eecve, and protable, delivering proven results.1.Michael Saperstein (Property): $25K2.Sullivan Construcon (Bond): $22K3.Pine Ridge Pool Care (All Lines): $15K4.Michael Saperstein (Property): $12K5. Heartwood Professional Tree Management:$10K (GL and Auto) and $9K (WC)6.RT Western (Bond): $9K7. Golden Haven Spa (WC): $7KLocationSACRAMENTO,CALIFORNIAJoined FRPSEPTEMBER 2022Area of ExpertiseCONSTRUCTION CL, CONSTRUCTION SURETY, HOME HEALTHCARE, MANUFACTURING, RESTAURANTS, TREE TRIMMERS, COMMERCIAL PROPERTYSize$4.3MTeam17 EMPLOYEES6 IN TOP 1006
Revenue GrowthLeaders’ Choice InsuranceOpportunitiesChallenges1. We have tradionally operated as a smallproperty and casualty business, focusing onhigh-volume, fast-paced transacons. Currently,we’re upskilling our producers to target highermarket segments, which is already yieldingresults. We have secured signicant wins in theLarge Commercial Property market in California andare aggressively pursuing addional opportunies.2.We’ve made strong inroads into the LargeConstrucon Surety market with notable successes.3. The commercial property market in Californiais facing considerable challenges. By employingtargeted mail and phone outreach, we’ve achievedsuccess in the mid-to-large Total Insurable Value(TIV) property segment. Our eorts connue tofocus on expanding into the larger TIV market.1.Declining rates in one our main areas of focus- California’s Workers’ Compensaon market.During the past few years, we’ve managed tooutpace the overall market contracon,although there’s been a signicant headwind.72024 FY$4.3M2023$4.3M2022$1.2M** Acquired September 2022
Agency ProleSales Results FY Goal: $200K YTD (Q1 2024): $38K Key Differentiators1. Our relaonships with property managers in the Bay Area.2.The reputaon and relaonships we hold with property managers has,historically, enabled our agency to grow through referral business.1. SF Garage (Workers Comp): $18K2. The Watermark Homeowners Associaon (Commercial): $13K3. Broadacre Holdings LLC (Commercial): $9K4. 109 Stevenson LLC (Commercial): $7KLocationSAN FRANCISCO,CALIFORNIAJoined FRPJULY 2022Area of ExpertiseCOMMERCIAL AND PERSONAL HABITATIONAL,PROPERTY MANAGERS, LANDLORDS, HOA’S, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENTS, CONTRACTORS, SMALL AND MEDIUM SIZED BUSINESSESSize$3.0MTeam13 FT EMPLOYEES2 PT EMPLOYEESTop New Business Wins8
Revenue GrowthO’Kane & Tegay Insurance BrokersOpportunities Challenges1. Working with the team atPinnacle Brokers for ourcommercial clients.2. State Farm, Farmers,Allstate and other markets haveretreated from California andour oce has seen a largeupck in referral business.1.Being a California Property& Casualty Agency.2. Carriers are seekingsubstanal rate increasesand remarkeng an excessiveamount of non-renewals.2024 FY$3.0M2023$2.9M92022$1.4M** Acquired July 2022
Agency ProleSales ResultsFY Goal: $730K YTD (Q1 2024): $35K Key DifferentiatorsTop New Business Wins1. Our experse in Surety and Benets VIP.2. Our locaon in Napa.1.Auto Pride Work Comp (WC) - $40K2. Sonoma County Vintners Co-op (EB) - $16.5KLocationNAPA,CALIFORNIAJoined FRPNOVEMBER 2020Area of ExpertiseCONSTRUCTION INSURANCE, SURETY,WINERY INSURANCE, HOSPITALITY, EMPLOYEE BENEFITSSize$6.0MTeam22 EMPLOYEES4 TOP PRODUCERS10
Revenue GrowthSander, Jacobs, Cassayre Insurance ServicesOpportunitiesChallenges1. We are working on mulplelarge benet cases, includingone jumbo case.1.Property insurers inCalifornia are looking forevery possible way to declinenew business and non-renewexisng accounts.112020$654K*2021$5.0M2022$5.4M2023$5.7M2024 FY$6.0M* Acquired November 2020
Agency ProleSales ResultsFY Goal: $1.6M YTD (Q1 2024): $171K Key DifferentiatorsTop New Business Wins1. Our experse in Managed Care Stop Loss Vercal.2.Working with Stop Loss for Hospital Systems, IPA’s, MSO’s and other Large Groups.3.Our experse working with Medicare, Medicaid andRegular Commercial/Exchange Members not covered by Employer Groups.1.Becoming Independent & St Ignaus, we took BOR’s on - $100K2.Legale Properes - $50KLocationWALNUT CREEK,CALIFORNIAJoined FRPSEPTEMBER 2018 Area of ExpertiseBENEFITS, COMMERCIAL,MANAGED STOP LOSSSize$17.5MTeam48 EMPLOYEES4 IN TOP 10012
Revenue GrowthPinnacle Brokers Insurance SolutionsOpportunitiesChallenges1. Jumbo Stop Loss opportunity with Wellpath (Nashville, TN) for 385,000 prison inmates across 15 states. Will provide a potenal revenue of $500K.1. California property market, increase of premium pricing clients out of insurance and into self-insured or no insurance pool.132018$2.3M*2019$8.1M2020$9.8M2021$13.4M2022$14.3M2023$16.8M2024 FY$17.5M* Acquired September 2018
XL BenetsWe were the last agency purchased before COVID ocially hit (mid-March); that transion was fun!Our rst hire nine years ago, Joe Landziak, was made aer seeing how well he played board games.Agency Fun FactsWe started in 2011 with a book of $500K. We grew 100% organically to $4.2M before being acquired by FRP, achiev-ing this without any acquisi-ons. Many of us are related or have been friends since seventh grade or earlier, and have collaborated professionally for close to 20 years.We have a longstanding sales tradion New Business $100K Club, which has taken us on celebratory trips to Cabo, Las Vegas, Reno and Napa.In the past, we may have closed the oce early on St. Patrick’s Day by compleng a broker pyramid. Allegedly.Leaders’ Choice14
Carl Canaparo & Lynee Canaparo are professional level ballroom dance competors. They only recently rered from compeng. Pinnacle was the rst Califor-nia acquision to FRP. And since then, Pinnacle Managed care business has grown from 1.8M in revenue to 7.2M (March 2024).Pinnacle BrokersTom had a successful amateur golf career growing up and playing alongside with his friend Johnny Miller. We are a family-run agency. Phill, Natalie, three of our aunts and Mike got into insurance because of Tom. In the current insurance market, we wish we never listened to him.O’Kane & TegaySander, Jacobs and Cassayre ranked as one of FRP’s top-ranked agencies for Renewal Retenon in 2022and 2023.Primary founder, Bernard Jacobs, was a WWII B17 Bomber pilot who used his GI Bill assistance to open the insurance agency.Sander JacobsAgency Fun Facts15
wwFOUNDATION RISK PARTNERSFOUNDATION RISK PARTNERSEmployee Benefits | Property & Casualty | Personal Lines | Life | Surety | Specialty Programs780 W. Granada Blvd., Ormond Beach, FL 32174 | 386.999.0001 | FoundationRP.comThis document is proprietary and confidential, and is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a legal document. © 2024 Foundation Risk Partners.CLIENT-FOCUSED. DATA-DRIVEN. PROVEN EXCELLENCE.A BETTER INSURANCE EXPERIENCE