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2024 Art Dash Program

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Let the Dash Begin!Art DashApril 10, 2024A Fundraiser for Serenity Hospice and HomeReady- Set- Gogh...

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We value everyprecious moment oflife and provide carewith the utmostdignity and love.Believing in the dignity of life, Serenity Hospiceand Home offers care to the terminally ill andtheir families. This encompasses the physical,spiritual and emotional needs of the family unitwith emphasis on the desires of the patientand family. Serenity Hospice and Homebelieves that living continues until the momentof death and our focus is on promoting optimalliving through this final journey of life.Our Missionwww.serenityhospiceandhome.orgIn addition to beingdistinguished by ourhigh quality,compassionate care,we have our ownstate-of-the-art Serenity Home, a widearray of holistictherapies, and TheShed, an innovativeworkshop andbereavement center,open to all with freeongoing services aslong as needed. Read our 2023Annual Report &Community Guide

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SCHEDULEArt Preview: 6 – 7 pmWelcome and AnnouncementsArt Dash I Half Time 15-Minute IntermissionArt Dash IIWelcome to our third annual Art Dash fundraiser!Tonight will be a fun-filled evening for both"Dashers" and Spectators! Savor our delicious appetizers and enjoy the fantastic art, made in awide variety of mediums and styles. Many of theartists are with us this evening. Please take aminute to ask them about their work and you willsurely be inspired! "Dashers" will go home with a one-of-a-kind,original piece of art. The logistics of the Dash willbe explained in detail prior to getting started. Weguarantee it will be fun to participate in andwatch! Enjoy!

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Keith & Lynn VirnocheThanks so much to all of our generous sponsors!A special thanks to Merlin & Cindy Hagemannfor generously donatingtheir beautiful venue for the Art Dash!Kerry WicklerAlisa PattersonThe Sky is the Limit Sponsors:Leonardo da Vinci Sponsors:

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Thanks so much to all of our generous sponsors!Nancy & Bill CenskyKaren Virnoche & James BrownSteve Schroeder FamilyByron Lions ClubOregon Lions ClubTom Torres & Chuck ZuehlkeRembrandt Sponsors:

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Community SponsorsBoss RoofingButitta AutoBucciferro Family – McDonald’sCircle G Farms and Feed Lots IncRichard Montavon, Country FinancialCrest FoodsLyrah Austin-Bushnell, Dickerson NiemanRealtyGloria FallonGraphic Arts ExpressHarvard State BankHolcomb BankKaczmarzyk Agency IncMartin and CompanyPolo Family Funeral HomeJean Revord & John RaemerDavid Smith, Smith, Birkholz & Morrow, PCScott Stephens, Stephens Insurance andFinancial SvcSterling Federal BankStillman Bank CorpThe Hunt ClubDonationsSean & Becky AdamsAlfano’sPat & Glen AspWilliam & Kathy ClarkDixon Autobody ClinicFarrell, Holland, Gale Funeral HomeRosanne & Frank FidlerFishers IncKay & Paul FranciscoHollie & Anne GuistJulie & Robert HallMartha Fearer HighsmithCarolyn LeakeMaster GraphicsErin Maloney & Eric KingeryJanet McMillanDeb & John MusselmanOregon Chiropractic ClinicOregon Healthcare Pharmacy Services Orthopedic Rehab Specialist (ORS) PLLCLori PetersonPlum ElectricRebecca Hazzard, RE/MAX RealtyKim & Brad StriteLisa & Craig StearSullivan’s Mt. MorrisKathleen TaylorDan & Patti ThomasMary Virnoche & Josh MeiselHarriet & Carl WashburnMaryann & Bud WymanAnn & Don ZimmerDessert SponsorsCheesekake Ko.From My CornerHazel’sHough’s Maple LaneFarmJen’s Artisan BreadsLiz JurasekLynnie’s KitchenOlivia McCoyThe Noble CakeryThe Village BakeryVicki’s Baked Goods &MoreDoor PrizesJames BrownDos Amigos ByronLaurie FriemuthHough’s Maple LaneFarmLarry LambeLynnie’s KitchenR.I. OriginalsThe Soap ShoppeGrail StormCreative Cards by VickyTim AppenhiemerEagles Nest Art GroupGloria FallonLisa & Tom GaleA heartfelt thank you to all of our sponsors, volunteers, artistsand to our pianist, Mary Pearson!Jen Koertner & Kierra MooreBob LogsdonThe Next Picture ShowMerlin’sDavid & Claudia NelsonMary PearsonRiver’s Edge ExperienceKaren & Bill SikorskiSue WilmarthIn-Kind Sponsors

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MenuSignature BeverageSparkling Sangria Chef’s Susan, Michael, & Bryce MaddoxCrafted for you by: Vegetable Sushi Maki Rolls (cucumber, roasted bell pepper,scallions, daikon radish) with Apricot Dipping Sauce (GF)Smoked Norwegian Salmon, Dill Crème, English Cucumber“Cup” (GF)Gougère Puff with Creamy Spinach & Artichoke FillingPuff Pastry with Shallot, Mushroom, & Romano Cheese DuxelleWisconsin Inspired Crispy Pretzel Croutons with “Beer” Cheese & Dried SausageItalian-Style Meatballs with Rustic San Marzano Tomato, Garlic, & Basil EssenceRumaki: Water Chestnut, & Dried Apricots Wrapped in Bacon(GF)

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Les Allen“Conjunction”, Gelatine Silver Print, photographylesallen.lakelost@gmail.comlesallenphotography.com2.Beth Anderson-Hall “October Cathedral”, acrylic on canvas Tim AppenheimerFrame, various wood pieces Marsha Behrens“Ladies at Tea”, acrylic on 1.David Bingaman“Dessert Spring”, photographydavidbingaman@comcast.net3. 4.5. 6.Rose Ingrassia Belida digital photo pet portrait, willinclude two final pieces custommade-to-order steel panel withmacramé hanger

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8.Carol Bingham“Autumn Gold”, oil on canvascbsycamore1@gmail.com7.Valerie & Clarence ButcherBlack Bowl with Dichroic Glass, Craig Carpenter “As Day is Done”, John Carroll Serving Piece, oak woodjohncarrollsculptor@gmail.comLetha Catalina“Ain’t No Sunshine”, photography on 9. 10.11. 12.Carol Bingham “Sunset at Old State Road”, oil on

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Janet Cederlund“Brown Mill at Dusk”, watercolorcederlundj@yahoo.com13. 14.Janet Cederlund“Blue Sail”, watercolorcederlundj@yahoo.comBob Cholke“Decision”, photographybob@robertcholke.comBob Cholke“Pre-Dawn Tribute NationalMonument”, photographybob@robertcholke.comDick Cholke “Winter Afternoon”, watercolorcholke@mchsi.com15. 16.17. 18.Dick Cholke“Autumn Afternoon”,

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19. 20.Janice Conkrite“Yosemite Runoff”, acrylic on Helen Cooke “Autumn on the River Bank”, watercolorwww.InfoWorks.comSally CooperBaking Set, Laura CroysdaleCharcuterie Board, walnutlcroysdale@wi.rr.comBob Cunningham “Sunrise”, oil on canvasabstractbob@gmail.com21. 22.23. 24.Eileen Considine“Not All Lakes Dare to be anOcean”,

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25. 26.Sharon Dietz“The Enchanted Garden”, oil on canvassharon.dietz1@comcast.netJudy Dixon“The Catfish Pool – Rock River”,watercolorjudyjudy42@comcast.netMichael Ehlbeck “Chertaldo Dark Trees”, etch line and aquatint (intaglio print),mehlbeck14@gmail.comJoann Eland “River in the Rockies”, photography April 6, 1948 - September 2016Hannah Eldred“Change”, pointillismgraceeldred42@gmail.com27.28.29.30.Kevin DeetsTable, walnut and blue epoxy, FB-Deets Hardwoods and Sawmill

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31.32.Joanne Mailhoit Farrey“Peonies”, pastelscreativeonr@yahoo.comPaula Flanagan-Marsh“Quiet Time with the Birches”,mixed media, acrylic and oilpfmarsh53@yahoo.comLaurie Friemuth “Little River Virginia”, oil on linenoshkoi22@gmail.comLaurie Friemuth“Hollyhocks”, oil on Deborah Freerksen“Winterglow”, watercolordebfreerksen@comcast.net33. 34.35. 36.Hannah Eldred “Broken”,

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37.38.Stephen Hart “Windmills”, Diane Haugen, “Rainbow Sunset”, oil on Linda Hinkelmann Four Principle FB-Basket BeginningsLinda HinkelmannChitimacha Style Traybasket_beginnings@yahoo.comFB-Basket Beginnings39.40.41. 42.Linda Fronk“Table for One”, fine art colored Linda HinkelmannDiagonal Platingbasket_beginnings@yahoo.comFB-Basket Beginnings

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43. 44.Becky Hundrieser“Little Visitor”, acrylicblmp_57@yahoo.comDon HysonCarved Ivy Leaves on Bowl,mesquite wooddhyson@frontier.com45. 46.47. 48.Mary Howe“Sun Worshippers”, soft pastel on pastelmat papermhowe@c21affiliated.comBecky Hundrieser“Garden Gate”, acrylicblmp_57@yahoo.comBecky Hundrieser“Stone Cottage”, acrylicblmp_57@yahoo.comBecky Hundrieser“Herefords”,

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49. 50.Ramona Klein Hummingbird Second Flower, oilramona.k@yahoo.comBrad KleindlBowl and Plate, high fire potterybrad417@swbell.netLinnea Koch“Profile of Blackhawk”,photography linnea@lkds1.photosPaula Kuehl “Barn on the Hill”, pastelpaintinpaula@comcast.netLarry LambeCharcuterie Board with 5 GlassBowls, walnut with oaklwlambe@gmail.com51.52.53. 54.Matt Jagitsch “Llama” white pencil on black

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Lorena Malm “The Fire Inside”, metal artmalmlorena@gmail.comSue Merritt“The Cozy Inn”, photo compositesuemerrittphotography@gmail.comsuemerrittphotography.comChloe Metz “White Wine for Two”, oil and acrylic on canvaspaintedbychloemetz@gmail.comLorena Malm “Under the Influence of Magnolias,metal Lorena Malm “Faded Love”, metal 55. 56.57. 58.59. 60.Bob Logsdon“Tom Heflin’s Studio at Emmert’s Farm ”,photography blogsdon@grics.netRoots and WingsThe Art of Tom Heflin

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Jennifer Newcomer “Sunflowers”, applique quilt hanging jnewcomer@mg-printing.comNancy O’Neill“Heart”, ceramicn1957b@aol.comLisa Paraday-Galka “In the Silence”, oil on panelparaday@yahoo.comNancy OckenSquare Stoneware with OakMotif and Two Acornsnjocken47@gmail.comMichael (Deeze) NelsonCharcuterie Board, burled mapledeezeboards@gmail.com61. 62.63. 64.65. 66.Ellen Mumford“Sunset on River Bank”,

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Betty Predmore “Lilies Watching Over MyGarden”, Robb Robbins“Land’s End”, oilrobbie0211@frontier.comJoe Popp “Yellow, Blue and Green”, oil on Betsy Pool2-piece , ceramicbrpooljr@gmail.com67. 68.69. 70.71.72.Amy Phillip“Change”, colored pencil and on Betsy Pool3-piece ,

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Jayne Rose “Iris Dance”, acrylicjaynerose@gmail.comJimmy Sawyer “Tree 127”, house paint on board Eagles Nest Art GroupPatricia Seifrid “Softly Falling Snow”,bikinwomanpls@yahoo.comDana Russell-BrownWednesday at 1, ceramic Mary Rogers“Deep in the Woods”, oil on canvasemmerogers74@gmail.com73. 74.75. 76.77. 78.Stuart Roddy “Stream Study” , oil on

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Lorraine Straw 3-piece Rosemalingpcstraw@gmail.comTerry TamanauskasTri Corner Bowl, various types of wood Anne Thompson“Poppy”, acrylic on canvas,kitty3@oglecom.comMarian Taylor “Spirit”, acrylic and gold leaf on canvas Grail Storm “Winter Escape”, acrylicgrail.storm@gmail.com79. 80.81. 82.83. 84.Donna Smith “Busy Garden”, oil on

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Karen Tucker “Lavender Farm”, oil on canvaskart7985@gmail.comMary VonTish “Gertrude’s Bouquet”, watercolormaryvontish@yahoo.comLucinda Winterfield “Daffodil Field”, acrylic on Dale Tulk “No Treble”, oil on canvastulksound@gmail.comKaren Tucker “Adventure for Rent”, oil on linenkart7985@gmail.com85. 86.87. 88.89. 90.Anne Thompson“Three Roses”, oil on canvas,

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Julie Young“Deck View River’s EdgeExperience”youngmk1@hotmail.comLucinda Winterfield“Tammy Faye #30”, Plein air watercolor,cwww401@grics.netJulie91. 92.Memorial Butterfly ReleaseSaturday, June 29th 9 amSerenity Hospice & Home1658 S. IL Route 2Oregon, IL 61061 Save The Dates

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S A T U R D A Y , M A Y 1 1 , 2 0 2 4 , 1 1 A ML U N C H A T N O O NS T R O N G H O L D B R U B A K E R C E N T E R1 9 2 2 I L L I N O I S R O U T E 2 N O R T HO R E G O N , I L 6 1 0 6 1Please attend our annual garden luncheon fundraiser and helpsupport our mission of providing the highest qualitycompassionate care to our terminally ill patients and theirfamilies.This year, "Pansies & Polka Dots" is the theme of our event. Pansiesrepresent memories, love, and affection. A true testament to thelove and care Serenity puts into to caring for loved ones andmaking their last memories meaningful. Your support enables usto provide solace and hope to our patients and their familiesduring one of life's darkest times. This elegant event will feature a silent and live auction. Enjoydelicious food, appetizers, and dessert as well as a cash bar. Wehope that you will be able to attend, have an amazing time withfriends, and support an important cause. Buy tickets or donate here: can also donate by texting gardenluncheon2024 to 56651 Pansies &Polka DotsGarden Luncheon Fundraiser

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Proceeds from our Jonathon Knodle Golf Play Day event willgo to support pediatric care. This annual fundraiser honorsthe life of Jonathon Knodle, the son of Lynn and DougKnodle, who died in 1990. He was cared for by SerenityHospice (formerly Ogle County Hospice) in the final monthsof his life. Both Doug and Lynn became passionatevolunteers for Serenity following his death, and Lynn is nowthe CEO. We are hoping to have as many golfers as possible attendto spread awareness of our mission and raise funds tosupport our pediatric patients. On behalf of our staff,patients and families, thank you! June 15, 2024PrairieView Golf Course Byron, IL 8am Shotgun StartLunch IncludedPurchase your tickets or donatehere:

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We really appreciate yoursupport of Serenity Hospiceand our mission ofproviding the highestquality care to ourterminally ill patients andtheir families. We hope thatyou thoroughly enjoyed the Art Dash! Thank you for coming!