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2024 annual report

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www.epiphanycov.orgAnnual Report2024 Message

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A Word From Our PastorEpiphany Covenant Church Annual Report 2024Greetings Epiphany Family and Friends,Another year has come and gone andthrough it all we were once again blessedto experience the Lord’s unfailingfaithfulness and amazing grace! Epiphany is now 6 years old and I havebeen so incredibly blessed to partner with adiverse group of individuals and families aswe strive to live out our missional priorities.In the following pages you’ll see a smallsampling of the good fruit we were able tosee in 2024. In no way will the testimoniesand numbers tell the full story of all thatGod has done, but my hope is that you willget a small glimpse of the joy weexperienced by loving God and servingpeople.On behalf of our staff, volunteers and ElderBoard, thank you for helping us grow moredeeply into a multiplying, multiethnic, Christ-centered movement!Founding and Lead

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Make and deepen disciplesPlant healthy, multi-ethnic,missional churchesIdentify and develop servantleadersA multi-ethnic,multiplying, Christ-centered movementOUR CORE VALUESMission,Vision & ValuesEpiphany Covenant Church Annual Report 2024OUR VISIONOUR MISSIONIAL

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The prayer sessions have deepened myintimacy with God, drawing me nearer to Himand His purpose for my life. They have shownme to depend on Him for everything and notmy understanding. JOHN G.We gather every Sunday to worship God with joyand reverence. We express our praise andgratitude to God through singing and prayingtogether, hearing the preached word, sharingcommunion and our testimonies, and offeringour financial gifts. Knowing that God desires anintimate relationship with us, we are committedto a lifestyle of worship characterized by bothindividual and corporate expressions ofdevotion. Our daily worship practices empowerus for living an obedient, abundant and joy-filledlife in Christ.Strategic Focus AreasEpiphany Covenant Church Annual Report 2024Within the framework of our mission, vision, and values, we seek to invest ourtime, talent and treasure into five Strategic Focus Areas: Worship, Discipleship,Welcome & Care, Leadership Development, and Local & Global Missions

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171 people worshiped at Epiphany regularly Enhanced our 3 Seasonal Sabbath Rhythms toinclude: Congregational Prayer Service, SabbathSunday, and State of the Church/Communion ServiceCo-hosted a Maundy Thursday Worship service withHope Academy Celebrated new life with 4 baptismsEpiphany Covenant Church Annual Report 2024The beauty of being in a Prayer Ministry is that Iget to see the hand of God working. So manytimes, we pray for healing, and God does not letus down. God is helping me to understand thathe is sovereign, and that I can put my faith andrest in Him. GARY

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2. DiscipleshipEpiphany Covenant Church Annual Report 2024We are committed to helping people develop alife transforming walk with Jesus, lived out inChrist-honoring relationships that fosterpersonal and communal growth. We see thistransformation take place as people read andstudy the Scriptures together, pray, serve andfellowship together, and support each other inauthentic relationships across ethnic, socio-economic and generational lines. Ultimately, wewant to boldly give witness to the Good News ofJesus Christ and serve others in His name.MITCHELL O. Witnessing the growth inour youth that comes fromconsistent gatherings andauthentic time togetherhas encouraged me to bemore intentional with myrelationships and the wayI spend time with others atwork, church, and

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57 people participating in our midweek Bible study,DEEPER45 infants through 5th graders participated in nurseryand children’s church 50 sixth through 12th graders participated in our youthministry9 children and youth went to camps at Covenant Pines20 middle & high school students attended our 1st everEpiphany youth retreatEpiphany Covenant Church Annual Report 2024At the end of children’s church, the Littleswere excited to show their parents thework they had created that showedgratitude and helped them remember topray. It was a gentle reminder that Godwants to touch everyone’s life, includingthe Littles.”EVA

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3. Welcome & CareEpiphany Covenant Church Annual Report 2024We strive to create a culture ofhospitality, kindness, and dignity foreveryone who walks through our doors.We also care for the physical,emotional, and spiritual needs of ourmembers and guests through pastoralcounseling, ministries of prayer andbenevolence, and other forms ofassistance.JULIA V.“Throughout Advent, wehighlighted 5 Kingdom Mosaicstories where congregantsshared the values, traditionsand foods that shape theirholiday season. After theservice, we shared some ofthese foods in the FellowshipCafe: lefse, sweet potato pie,peach cobbler, Mochi soup,and fry bread. This series wasa great way to enagage, learnand build community.

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“Serving with hospitality has reminded methat church isn't about me, but more soabout a community of people that cometogether to worship and serve God as afamily” JENN F.30 volunteers served in Welcome and CareministriesCelebrated 2 Baby DedicationsProvided roughly $2,000 in Benevolenceassistance.Received and prayed for over 30 prayerrequestsOffered prayer support to Hope Academy staffand families during Parent TeacherConferences, Tuition Conferences andConvocationEpiphany Covenant Church Annual Report

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4. Leadership DevelopmentWe believe God has given everyonevarying levels of leadership potential.Part of our mission is to help nurturethat potential and assist people tobecome biblical servant leaders forGod’s kingdom. We do this byproviding opportunities and resourcesfor people to discover and use theirgifts and talents in various ministriesand roles within and outside thechurch.Epiphany Covenant Church Annual Report

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Epiphany’s first Elder Board was establishedWe co-hosted a leadership training for 30Minnehaha Academy studentsPastor Paulita and Pastor Roger participate in theirlast year of their Masters in Christian FormationCohort at North Park Seminary5 children and youth workers participated inRecharge ConferenceEpiphany Covenant Church Annual Report 202411www.epiphanycov.orgThe journey in the IGNITE North Park Seminarycohort has not only deepened my knowledgebut has also strengthened my personal faith andspiritual discipline. The insights I have gainedhave shaped my leadership, helping me walkalongside others in their faith journeys withwisdom and compassion. Participating in the IGNITENorth Park Seminary cohorthas profoundly shaped myleadership by deepening myspiritual insight andstrengthening my ability tolead with humility andpurpose. Through engagingwith diverse perspectivesand biblical teachings, I’vegained a broaderunderstanding of how toserve others authenticallyand lead with compassion.PASTOR ROGERPASTOR PAULITA

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5. Local & Global Missions12www.epiphanycov.orgEpiphany Covenant Church Annual Report 2024At Epiphany we are committed to the wholemission of the church. We assist in the formationof local business and encourage cooperativeeconomics, we strategically partner withorganizations and ministries that are engaging inGod’s mission across cultures locally and abroad,and we help plant healthy, multi-ethnic missionalchurches in order to reach more people, in moreplaces, among more populations, with the hopeof Christ. We deeply value our partnership withEpiphany Church. The generous support,faithful prayers, and dedicated volunteersgreatly enriched our school community andenable us to better serve our families andstaff!MICHELLE V. Family Ministry CoordinatorHope Academy

Page 13$1,000 donated to the Ethnic Pastors Associations in the Covenant(African American Ministers Association, Covenant Asian PastorsAssociation, Indigenous Ministers Association, Asociación Latina De LaIglesia Del Pacto Evangélico)Served meals to over 120 Hope Academy staff at Parent TeacherConferences Co-hosted Fall and Winter College Info Nights at Hope Academy Awarded $4,000 in college scholarships to HS seniors at Epiphany(Mpls & Turtle Mountain Reservation) and Hope AcademyServed over 70 families at Hope Academy end of school year picnicEpiphany Covenant Church Annual Report 2024

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MISSION CATEGORYEXPENSES Worship$88,450 Discipleship$72,224 Welcome & Care$75,315 Leadership Development$60,573 Local & Global Missions$91,570TOTAL$388,1322024 Financial PictureEpiphany Covenant Church Annual Report 2024Thanks to your generous, sacrificial and joyful giving we we were ablefund our missional priorities and finish the year with a surplus - to Godbe the glory!”Worship23%Discipleship19%Welcome and Care19%LeadershipDevelopment15%Local andGlobalMissions24%TOTAL INCOME: $398,594 ANNUAL SURPLUS: $10, 283CASH BALANCE AS OF12/31/2024: $93,

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