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2024 Annual Report

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We are thrilled to unveil our 2024 UME-Garrett County Program Highlights. Our diverse array ofeducational initiatives empowers individuals to revolutionize agricultural practices and foodsystems, cultivate leadership among our youth, and support the growth of 4-H and MasterGardener volunteers. We are dedicated to enhancing health and wellness, promoting financialliteracy, and much more. Our programs tackle the most pressing challenges of our time through trusted, research-basededucation accessible to all. This mission is supported by our dedicated 4-H and Master Gardenervolunteers, who continue to be the invaluable backbone of our efforts. We appreciate our robustpartnerships with the UMD College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, USDA, and GarrettCounty Government, whose unwavering support has been instrumental in our success.As we look forward to 2025, we are eager to deliver another year of groundbreaking programsaimed at enriching lives. UME is embarking on a comprehensive strategic planning process todevelop its next roadmap for the future. Involving you is a priority, as we seek to ensure that ourprograms and services reflect the needs of our communities. Please reach out with any insightsor suggestions on how we might enhance our efforts. In addition, feel free to contact me if youwould like to learn more about our Garrett County Extension Advisory Committee. Dr. Jennifer BentlejewskiArea Extension Director- Western Marylandjthorn@umd.eduJennifer Bentlejewski

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4-H YOUTH DEVELOPMENTPROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS4-H BY THENUMBERS1,432total contacts withparticipants359youth enrolled incommunity clubs119volunteers trained19 Garrett County 4-H community clubs, led by trainedvolunteers who plan and deliver hands-on, interactivelearning experiences and engage with youth and clovermembers.129 youth attended 4-H Camp Algawa during the summerto learn valuable leadership skills, teamwork, belonging,independence, and communication with the support of adedicated team of volunteers. 4-H educators and volunteers coordinated events,contests, and activities throughout the year. Many eventshappen during the Garrett County Fair, which offersopportunities for 4-H youth to display their hard work andparticipate in friendly competitions.UME was proud to join the long-standing College and Meprogram for 5th-grade Garrett County Public Schoolstudents. Reaching 150 students, Educators from 4-H andMaster Gardeners co-taught this year’s lesson plan,Exploring Plant Science through 3-D Printing.Partnerships within the community extend the reach of4-H experiences thanks to 15 in-school, after-school, andlibrary contacts withschools andcommunities743Garrett County 4-H helps young people explore intereststhrough hands-on projects in agriculture, science, technology,and the arts. This builds essential life skills like leadership andteamwork. Members gain valuable experiences that preparethem for academic and personal success.Lacie AshbyKaren Wood

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ENVIRONMENTAL, NATURALRESOURCES AND SEA GRANT(ENRSG)PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTSENRSG BY THENUMBERSAshley Bodkins15 Master Gardener volunteers provided 677 volunteerhours valued at $22,673 in volunteer time, reached 500contacts, and gave away 250 free tomato plants.Wrote 7 new Blogs for Maryland Grows that received6,616 views.Assisted 80 clients answer questions related to homehorticulture, entomology, plant pathology, native plants,soil sampling, and soil amendment recommendationsthrough phone calls, office visits, or emails.Created a new pollinator/native plant garden at theGarrett County Extension office by removing all priorplants that were 85% invasive species.Provided 45 families with a free Geobin compostingsystem valued at $1,545, which means that thesefamilies had to invest $0 to start a new way of reducingwaste and were also educated on the proper way tocompost.Garrett County ENRSG provides leadership and coordinationfor the Maryland Master Gardener program, education forresidential horticulture with a focus on promoting nativeplants, vegetable gardening, and preserving natural resourcesand ecosystems.55ENRSG Programs1,949total contacts withparticipants including995adults 954youth

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AGRICULTURE & FOOD SYSTEMS(AgFS)PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTSAgFS BY THENUMBERSWilliam LantzGarrett County AgFS plays a crucial role in enhancing theagricultural sector by focusing on increasing profitability andresource conservation. Educational programs equip farmerswith the necessary skills to adopt sustainable practices.8AgFS Programs157received pesticiderecertification creditsCollaborated with Nourishing Neighbors and Mt. LaurelMedical Center to secure a grant from the MarylandDepartment of Agriculture to provide over 2,000 localproduce food boxes to food-insecure populations inGarrett and Allegany County, MD and Preston County, WV. Assisted with Maryland Healthy Soil Competitive FundGrant to Garrett Growers Cooperative which included afield day at a producer’s farm.Conducted 4-H Engineering and Robotics Contests at thecounty and state level for over 100 4-H members.Chaired the newly formed Appalachian Farm and FoodAlliance, a federal 501c3 non-profit promoting agriculturein Western Maryland and the surrounding area. Led the Western Maryland Food Council which assistedcommunity school specialists with providing 155 bags offood for the Christmas holiday break at a value of over$6, contacts26589received nutrientmanagement credits

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NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT (NM)PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTSNM BY THENUMBERSAndrea Uphold110plans16,364total acreage65manure plans50multi-year plansThe Garrett County Agricultural Nutrient ManagementProgram provides farmers with annual plans to balancenutrient inputs with crop requirements while optimizingcrop production, increasing profitability, and minimizingnutrient losses to the environment.Maryland law requires agricultural producers grossingat least $2,500 or farmers with more than 8,000 lbs oflivestock to follow nutrient management plans whenapplying nutrients.University of Maryland Extension nutrient managementplans are written by certified nutrient managementconsultants using specialized software. Plans include map and field information, soil analysis,manure analysis for on-farm/imported nutrient sources,animal information, nutrient recommendations fororganic and commercial sources, nutrient applicationrequirements, record-keeping templates, principles ofnutrient management, and a guide to farming with yournutrient management plan. Updated analysis from 618 soil and 50 manure samplesdirectly influenced nutrient managementrecommendations in 2024. Soil samples remain validfor three years and manure samples for up to two years.

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FAMILY & CONSUMER SCIENCES(FCS)PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTSFCS BY THENUMBERS72 Programs1,395total contacts withparticipants, including1,079 316 youthWestern Maryland Financial Wellness programs strive toensure that all residents are economically successful atevery stage of life through education, research, andoutreach programs.The Health Insurance Literacy Initiative seeks to reduceconfusion and increase confidence in selecting and usinghealth insurance. The educator taught 15 workshopsreaching 122 participants.Farm Stress, Resiliency, and Mental Health programsseek to support our rural partners with programs thatpromote mental health and stress reduction. Theeducator taught 10 programs reaching 116 participants.Understanding Credit and Credit Reports is an importantelement of creating financial stability. The educatoroffered 11 workshops reaching 511 participants.The Personal Finance Seminar for Professionals providedrelevant and timely financial information forprofessionals in financial counseling and education. Theseminar had 114 participants with a potential reach of162,000 individuals.College students seek financial literacy and education asthey move into adulthood. The educator offered 5workshops reaching 55 college-age students.Jesse Kettermanadults

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FAMILY & CONSUMER SCIENCES(FCS)PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTSFCS BY THENUMBERSLisa McCoyPrograms758total contacts withparticipants,including408adults 350youthPrograms included Dining with Diabetes, StressManagement, DASH Plus for hypertension management,food canning, and healthy eating.Partners included Garrett County Head Start, AlleganyCounty Senior Center, Bishop Walsh School, FrostburgHeights Senior Apartments, Zion Baptist Church, FortRitchie Community Center, Washington County SeniorCenter, Meritus Health, and HUB labels.Other outreach included monthly radio programs, newsarticles, magazine features, and social media posts. Western Maryland’s Nutrition, Health, and WellnessPrograms focus on reducing health risk factors andpromoting wellness, which results in a long-term impact onthe community.49

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Shelita JacksonDIGITAL LITERACY PROJECTPROGRAM HIGHLIGHTSThe Digital Literacy Project is an initiative that aims to bridgethe digital divide throughout Maryland. Our mission is toprovide resources and education to help guide communitiesthrough the process of increased digital literacy.DIGITAL LITERACYBY THE NUMBERS9Digital Literacy classesempowering3,962Western Marylanderswithfree Chromebooks inWestern Maryland atOur Western Maryland team partnered with countygovernment, county libraries, and the State Office ofBroadband to distribute over 10,000 free Chromebooksin Garrett, Allegany, and Washington Counties through astate-funded grant.Free tech support was offered to each Chromebookrecipient through a combination of in-person, virtual, andover-the-phone call center support.Partner organizations included Garrett CountyGovernment, Garrett County Public Library, WesternMaryland Consortium, Allegany County Government,Allegany Public Library, Washington County Government,Washinton County Free Public Library, Community ActionCouncil of Washington County, America’s Hauling forHope, Refugee Network of Washington County,Hagerstown Housing Authority, and Girls Inc. ofWashington County.10,000+40device distributionlocations

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MARYLAND SUPPLEMENTALNUTRITION ASSISTANCEPROGRAM EDUCATION(SNAP-ED)Garrett County SNAP-ED empowers low-income familiesto adopt healthier lifestyles. It offers programs thatimprove food access, nutrition quality, and physicalactivity through workshops, cooking demonstrations, and community events. By collaborating with localorganizations and schools, SNAP-ED effectively reachesthose in need, promoting wellness and health equity.SNAP-ED in Garrett County worked with 7 localpartners. Partners included Broadford, Friendsville,Grantsville, and Crellin Elementary Schools, GarrettCounty Head Start, Garrett County Judy Center, andRuth Enlow Library of Garrett County. An example of a collaborative program was with the300 youth at the Yough Glades Elementary SchoolYogurt Parfait Event..SNAP-Ed ProgramsMARYLANDSNAP-EDBY THE NUMBERS42981128total contactsincludingadults and853youthPROGRAM HIGHLIGHTSMary Helbig

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Our StaffDr. Jennifer BentlejewskiArea Extension DirectorWestern Maryland Cluster jthorn@umd.eduLacie Ashby4-H Youth DevelopmentPrincipal Agentlashby@umd.eduKaren Wood4-H Youth DevelopmentSenior Agent Associatekwood125@umd.eduWiliam LantzAgriculture & Food SystemsPrincipal Agentwlantz@umd.eduAndrea UpholdNutrient Management ProgramCoordinatorauphold@umd.eduAshley Bachtel-BodkinsEnvironmental, Natural Resources andSea GrantMaster Gardener CoordinatorSenior Agent Associateabachtel@umd.eduDr. Lisa McCoyFamily & Consumer SciencesSenior Agentlmccoy@umd.eduDr. Jesse KettermanFamily & Consumer SciencesSenior Agentjketterman@umd.eduShelita JacksonDigital LiteracyTech Extension Educatorsjack111@umd.eduRoberta CvetnickProgram Management Specialistrcvetnic@umd.eduJessica McClurgBusiness Service Specialistjmcclurg@umd.eduMary HelbigMaryland SNAP EdProgram Assistantmhelbig@umd.eduUniversity programs, activities, and facilities are available to all without regard to race, color,sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, marital status, age, national origin,political affiliation, physical or mental disability, religion, protected veteran status, genetic information, personal appearance, or any other legally protected class.Our Extension Advisory Committee is a diverse group of professionals, community leaders, andstakeholders dedicated to informing program development, assisting with outreach efforts, andidentifying community needs by helping the UME faculty with overall advisory services to supportprogram determination and issues. These members represent various partnerships and institutions,bringing their expertise, resources, and perspectives to support UME's mission. Their contributionsensure that programs and strategies are inclusive, relevant, and impactful. Our current Garrett County EAC comprises individuals from these organizations, partnerships, and backgrounds: Garrett County Public SchoolsGarrett County Community Action4-H RepresentativesSmall Business Owners Garrett County Master Gardener VolunteersCommunity Members/Stakeholders with agricultural background and experience Community Members/Stakeholders with social services background and experience