Message Otonabee South MonaghanPublic LibraryA n n u a l r e p o r tf o r 2 0 2 4"The heartbeat of your community."The year in your library
Dear Community Members,What an incredible year it has been at OSM Public Library! We are thrilled to share some highlights with you.In 2024, we introduced a variety of programs for all ages, making OSMPL a vibrant and engaging place.From Christmas Craft Time and Read Along with Elfie to LEGO March Break Camp and Summer MinecraftCamps, there was something for everyone.One of my favourite moments this year was during our Summer Minecraft Camp. Seeing the excitement andcreativity of the children as they built their virtual worlds was truly inspiring. It reminded me of the magic thatlibraries bring to our community—sparking imagination and fostering a love for learning.Our community partners are the backbone of our success. Their unwavering support helps us:Enhance Programs: Offer a wider variety of programs and services.Secure Funding: Obtain donations and sponsorships for free or low-cost community programs.Foster Engagement: Reach a broader audience and strengthen community ties.Expand Resources: Access additional resources, expertise, and facilities.Promote Awareness: Raise awareness about our offerings and encourage participation.Overall, community partners help us be “the heartbeat of your community.”Together, we enrich community life by fostering the joy of reading, encouraging lifelong learning, andproviding a welcoming environment. Join us in making the upcoming year even more remarkable!Visit the Library, participate in our programs, and consider volunteering or donating. Your involvement makes all the difference.Ways to Get Involved:Volunteer: Assist with programs, help at the circulation desk, engage in community outreach, or supportfundraising efforts.Donate: Contributions help us expand our programs and services. Donations can be made online, in person,or by mail.Thank you for being a part of our journey. Your support, enthusiasm, and love for the Library make everythingwe do possible. Together, we create a community where everyone can thrive.With heartfelt gratitude,Carolanne Nadeau, CEOGreetings from the CEO
Our BranchesOSMPL’s 2024Statistics206 new library cards were issuedStewart Hall card usage increased by 9.81%Gayle Nelson Keene card usage increased by 1.22%Bailieboro card usage decreased by 29.26%Our public computers were used 124 timesPatron visits 5,610 an increase 9.29%Our CollectionsWe have 41,259 items for you to borrowWe had 15,184 checkouts this yearWe had 1,253 Inter Library Loans (borrowing/lending)We had 8,785 e-books/e-audiobook checkouts an increase of 22.74%Overall circulation 24,612 an increase of 6.58%Digital SpaceWe have 14,706 webpage viewsWe had 5,298 unique visits to our website We had 210k views on our Facebook page and reached 39.6 k Top Ten Most Checked Out Books
Snapshots from our2024 Year!VolunteersAt OSM Public Library, we deeply value our volunteers and the vitalroles they play in fostering a safe, welcoming, and accessible community.Volunteers support OSMPL in numerous ways:Program Assistance: Helping with Minecraft Camps, program setup, andcommunity events.Circulation Desk: Assisting with checkouts and shelving books.Community Outreach: Promoting library services and events tostrengthen community ties.Fundraising: Organizing and participating in activities to secureadditional resources for the library.Their efforts ensure that our library remains a vibrant and essential partof the community. To show our appreciation, the OSMPL Board invitedvolunteers to a Volunteer Appreciation Tea. We are grateful for all thevolunteers who dedicate their time and support, including those from TwoSmall Rooms, The Boutique, Friends of the Library, Library VolunteerClerk, and student volunteers for March Break and Summer Camps.StatisticsNo. of Youth Volunteers: 23 No. of Youth Volunteer hours: 486No. of Volunteers: 84 No. of Volunteer hours: 930@osmpubliclibrary libraryosmpl
Snapshots from our2024 Year!ProgrammingIn 2024, we introduced a diverse range of programs that catered to allages, interests, and purposes. These programs not only increased the varietyof topics but also engaged the community, expanded learning opportunities,boosted library usage, and showcased local talent. As a result, OSMPLbecame a vibrant and dynamic hub for the community. Our teamcollaborated to break down barriers, educate, and connect with ourcommunity. Some program highlights included:Christmas Craft Time at the LibraryRead Along With ElfiePathway to Self HealingLEGO March Break CampSummer Minecraft CampsBook Clubs and Tween Book ClubsReading Between the WinesFire Prevention Story Time VisitEuchre TournamentJigsaw Puzzle CompetitionYogaMineoweenIncome Tax ClinicPaint & SipGnome WorkshopPaint Pour WorkshopBird I.D. WalkTurtle PowerPaws & Pages PartyPuppet WorkshopCricut CreationsSchool VisitsTake Home Craft KitsAuthor VisitNational Touring Museum Bones on Loan@osmpubliclibrary libraryosmpl
Snapshots from our2024 Year!Community Support - ProgrammingWe extend our heartfelt thanks to Kawartha Credit Union, Walmart Canada,CRA (IncomeTAX Clinic) for their grants which have enabled us to offer freeprogramming to our community. Your support is greatly appreciated!StatisticsNo. of Programs: 59 Program Attendance: 3,600Community PartnersCommunity partners play a crucial role in the success of OSMPL. Their supportand collaboration help us to: Enhance Program Offerings: With the backing of community partners, wecan offer a wider variety of programs and services that cater to the diverseneeds and interests of our patrons.1.Secure Funding: Donations and sponsorships from local businesses andorganizations provide essential financial resources that enable us to offer freeor low-cost programs to the community.2.Foster Community Engagement: Partnerships with local groups andbusinesses help us reach a broader audience and strengthen our ties within thecommunity.3.Expand Resources: Collaborations allow us to access additional resources,expertise, and facilities that enhance the quality and scope of our services.4.Promote Awareness: Working with community partners helps raiseawareness about the library's offerings and encourages more people to takeadvantage of our programs and services.5.Overall, community partners are invaluable in helping us fulfill our mission toenrich community life by fostering the joy and love of reading, encouraginglifelong learning, and providing a welcoming environment.Community partners include: OSM Township, KPR District School Board, NorthShore Public School, Keene Lions, OSM Fire Department, Trent University, SirSanford Fleming College, Kawartha Credit Union, Walmart Canada, LakefieldAnimal Welfare Society, Northumberland Humane Society, Ontario TurtleConservation Centre, Rolling Grape Vineyard, Hiawatha First Nation, KawarthaDairy, Alzheimer Society, Keene Pumpkin Festival, Keene United Church, TrentValley Literacy Association, SKH Events & Catering Co.@osmpubliclibrarylibraryosmpl
Community Outreach@osmpubliclibrarylibraryosmplPumpkin FestivalKeene Santa Claus ParadeHats & Mitts for KidsOSM Food CupboardApple FestivalTrent UniversityVolunteer Expo Focus on Youth"The heartbeat of your community."OSMPL engages with its community in various ways, includingthe Coats and Mitts for Kids program, supporting the OSM FoodCupboard, participating in the Keene Santa Claus Parade, TrentUniversity's Volunteer Expo, the Apple Festival, the KeenePumpkin Festival, Focus on Youth, Fire Prevention Week, andmany other activities.Community SupportWe would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to everyonewho supported OSM Public Library with their financialcontributions and their time. If we have inadvertently missedanyone, please know that we truly appreciate your support!Otonabee - South Monaghan Township, Keene Lions, KawarthaCredit Union, Walmart Canada, Ministry of Culture, The Shish-Kabob Hut Restaurant, Shirley Bun, Delores Chivari, Clarence Barker,Shayne Fertile, Dianne Eickmeier, Cheryle Van LuvenVolunteers: Friends of OSM Public Library, Richard Peachey,Nora Reynolds, Christopher Nadeau-Lavallee, Mike Nadeau,Brooklyn Tarkington, Max Jackson, Alex Tibando,WillHodgkinson, Natalie Williams, Imigin Reid, Easton Greig, JulieNurse, Karen Armour, Sue Livings, Margaret Nelson, KathleenCripps, Sharon Simpkins, Marlene Ross, Marilyn Balsom, LindaStewart, Michael Gillespie, Teresa Wicklum, Louise Bennett,Cathy Chambers
@osmpubliclibrarylibraryosmplCEO - Carolanne NadeauProgram Co-ordinator - Hannah Norris - Rebecca Reynolds (contract) - Nora Reynolds (occasional) Catalogue Clerk - Michelle LemeryInter Library Loan Clerk - Michelle LemeryCommunity Engagement Co-ordinator - Melissa Pulham - Jessica ClementsMinecraft Wizard - Owen JacksonGayle Nelson Keene BranchLibrary Assistant l - Michelle LemeryLibrary Assistant ll - Marie DownCirculation Desk Volunteer - Karen ArmourLibrary Assistant l - Amanda EaglesonLibrary Clerk - Roxanne St. Martin - Louisa VatriChair - Terry HolmesVice Chair - Colleen BolinTreasurer & Secretary - Carolanne Nadeau (CEO)Director - Elaine Trotter (retired)Director - Heather Duncan-ZishclerDirector - Richard PeacheyDirector - Louisa VatriOur TeamDepartmentsStewart Hall BranchBailieboro BranchLibrary Assistant l - Amanda EaglesonLibrary Clerk - Rita Saler - Roxanne St. Martin - Julie Nurse (occasional)OSM Public Library Board
Financials@osmpubliclibrarylibraryosmplIncomeOSM Township - Levy - 79.7%Development Charges - 2.77%Province of Ontario 6.67%Donations & Fundraising 4.02%User Fees 3.70%Reserves 3.22%Grants 2.10%ExpencesSalaries/Professional Development 72.24%Operational Costs 4.62%Program Costs 3.73%Library Collection 7.7%Digital Resources 1.23%Collection Costs 1.6%Inter Library Loan .53%Library Equipment/Shelving .37%Community Outreach/Marketing .47%"The heartbeat of your community."