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2024 Annual Report

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Welcome to the 2025 Chamber MembershipDirectory and Resource Guide! I encourageyou to browse through this resource thatshowcases more than 720 dedicated memberswho are actively investing in their businessesand supporting the Chamber.The Chamber is a member-driven organizationthat relies on the support of its businessmembers to foster and to enhance the localbusiness community. Within these pages, you will find details about our significant initiatives in areassuch as economic advocacy, workforce development, networking opportunities, annual events,education, tourism, and other programs designed to benefit our member businesses. As we continueto manage the ever-changing and evolving business community, we recognize this creates opportunity.Working together locally, we can respond to opportunities to keep our businesses vibrant and ourcommunity prosperous.Over this next year, we look to several major milestones: 25 years of Leadership Chippewa Falls, 55years of Farmer Appreciation/June Dairy Days Dinner, 40 years of Excellence in Education, 115 yearsthat the Chamber has been incorporated, and ten years in our current location. It is because of ourstrong membership support that we can celebrate these milestones.FROM OURBOARDCHAIRDAVE LEMANSKIChippewa River Industries, Inc.Table of Contents3 - Letter from Board Chair3 - Mission, Vision, & Values4 - Meet the Team5 - Annual Report12 - Members Alphabetically26 - Members by Category65 - Who’s WhoOUR VISIONTo be an essential partner and leader for the business community.Inspiring success, advancing opportunities and fostering fun andprofessional collaboration.OUR MISSIONRepresenting our members by supporting and encouraging a vibrantand prosperous business community.OUR VALUESLeadership | Integrity | Connection | Advancement | CollaborationAn Ocial Publication of theChippewa Falls Area Chamber of Commerce1 N Bridge Street, Chippewa Falls, WI 54729 | 715-723-0331 | chippewachamber.orgThis Membership Directory is printed annually by the Chippewa Falls Area Chamber of Commerce.Every eort to ensure accuracy has been made, however, the publisher cannot be responsible for errors. ©2025. All rights reserved.The Chamber is a non-profit 501 (c) (6) organization funded by membership dues as well as non-dues items such as events, programs, 2024 ANNUAL REPORT

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OUR TEAMAllyson WisniewskiPresidentAngela KappMembership DirectorSue LeonardTourism DirectorMandy NunesWorkforce DevelopmentDirectorEllie PeabodyCommunication & MarketingManagerDora WoodAdministrative AssistantCHAMBER STAFFDave Lemanski, ChairChippewa River Industries, Inc.Greg Field, Chair-ElectW.S. Darley & Co.Andrew Daniels, First Vice ChairMiron Construction Co., Inc.Mike Stoffel, TreasurerThe Christmas Tree Farm LLCCourtney Berg, Immediate Past ChairCCFBankEXECUTIVE COMMITTEEStephanie ButlerHampton Inn & SuitesMike FarrowNorthwestern BankJason FormanBlain’s Farm & FleetSunem Beaton-GarciaChippewa Valley Technical CollegeJennifer LindstromMason Companies, Inc.John MonarskiEx-Ocio | City of Chippewa FallsTimm SandstromRoyal Credit UnionKarin SchulerPremium Waters, Inc.Heidi SherveyCobblestone Hotel & SuitesScott SmithNordson Extrusion Dies Industries, LLCCayci YoungDove Healthcare - Regional Vent CenterBOARD OF DIRECTORSAMBASSADORSChair: Tyler SperryMower Sperry Insurance Inc.Trina BanksB & G Liquor WarehouseJosh BeaudetteOakwood BankHannah CowanTrust Point Inc.Mike CrawfordAccess Security, Inc.Mike FarrowNorthwestern BankSarah GordeeHookd PromotionsAmber KarnSIM Pediatric DentistryCarrie NielsenRoyal Construction, Inc.Jackie SadlerChippewa CountyZach SchimmelFries Financial GroupTom SeaholmWNB FinancialTami SeversonSpectrum BusinessMike StoffelThe Christmas Tree Farm LLCTiffany ThompsonLeinenkugel’s Leinie LodgeJustin TroyanCCFBankTony WillkomRoyal Credit Union2024 ANNUAL REPORTChippewa Falls Area Chamber

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720TOTALMEMBERSHIPOur vibrant Chamber of Commerceproudly boasts a diversemembership of 720 businesses,fostering collaboration and growthwithin our community.72NEWMEMBERSWe welcomed 72 new membersinto our Chamber family this year,each bringing unique talents andperspectives that enhance oureconomic vitality.18,000+EMPLOYEESREPRESENTEDTogether, our members representa workforce of more than18,000 dedicated employees,driving innovation and economicprosperity in our communities.47RIBBON CUTTINGS &GROUND BREAKINGSThis year, we celebrated 47exciting ribbon cuttings and groundbreakings, marking new beginningsand the entrepreneurial spiritflourishing in our area.5,000 Chamber Buck$ checks are purchased annually and are accepted atmore than 250 member businesses. Thisis a small but mighty way to support ourlocal economy and chamber members.These are great gifts for staff, teachers,family and friends!NEARLY$105,000in Chamber Buck$ SoldWHO WEREPRESENT83% of the businesses thatthe Chamberrepresents have20 or feweremployees.MEMBERSHIP SNAPSHOT91%Average MemberRetention RateBy the Numbers2024 ANNUAL REPORTCHAMBER AMBASSADORSYou’ll often spot our Chamber Ambassadorsat networking and annual events. Thisdedicated group communicates our missionto members and encourages engagement.As the friendly faces in red, they bridge thegap between Chamber staff and members.Let’s thank them for their invaluablevolunteer service throughout the year! 2024 ANNUAL REPORT

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In 2024, our campaign attracted skilled workers to ChippewaFalls, generating 1.5 million impressions and 29,000 website visits. Subscribers receive updates showcasing the benets of living and working in our community.WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENTLEADERSHIPCHIPPEWA FALLSLeadership Chippewa Falls isan educational program whereprofessionals learn about life andbusiness in the Chippewa Fallsarea, deepen their understandingof community issues, and preparefor leadership roles. The 22 graduates of the class of 2024 will be able to leverage theirexperience and expertise tobenefit their community and localcommunity-based organizations.A record number of attendees, 120 to be exact, attended this annualevent organized by the ChippewaValley Chamber Alliance, comprisedof the Chippewa Falls, Eau Claireand Menomonie Chambers.Business and community leaderstraveled to Madison to meet withstate legislators to educate andadvocate for our region.ChippewaValley RallyECONOMICADVOCACYECONOMIC PERSPECTIVENeel Kashkari - FederalReserve Bank of MinneapolisWe were honored to host a townhall with President Kashkari andboard members of the FederalReserve Bank of Minneapolis togather insights on local businessconditions, inflation, and laborissues. The more than 130 people who attended shared their perspectives, which providedvaluable feedback.21EXCELLENCEIN EDUCATIONSTUDENTS RECOGNIZED185SCHOOLS 2SKILLS™TOURSATTENDEESAs we work to grow ourworkforce and fill the talentpipeline for our members, theChamber is fostering connectionsbetween students and businessesthrough our Schools2Skills™ program. This initiative allows students, parents, and educatorsto explore career opportunitiesin local industries. By invitingstudents into these workplaces,we help demystify the largebuildings they pass daily,transforming them into familiarenvironments where they canenvision their future careers.HEAVY METAL SHOWCASEIn October, the Chamber assisted with the first Heavy MetalShowcase in partnership with CESA 10, CVTC, and fourmanufacturing members. Nordson Extrusion Dies Industries,Cadrex, Wisconsin Metal Fab, and W.S. Darley & Co. opened theirdoors to students, parents, and teachers, showcasing local careeropportunities in manufacturing.2024 ANNUAL REPORTChippewa Falls Area Chamber

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NETWORKINGEVENTSChamber 101 is a virtual programthat occurs quarterly and isdesigned to help members learnabout and take advantage of ALLthe benefits of their ChamberMembership.CHAMBER 101Young Professionals of theChippewa Valley is a vibrantcommunity of more than 50 young business professionals  dedicated to networking andengaging through volunteeringand professional developmentopportunities, enhancingprofessional growth andcommunity involvement. Thisprogram is in partnership withthe Eau Claire Area Chamber.YOUNGPROFESSIONALSBusiness After Hours events areheld throughout the year to bringmembers together for a casualnetworking experience wheremember businesses are giventhe opportunity to highlight theirbusiness. We had 800 attendees throughout 2024.BUSINESS AFTERHOURSCoffee & Commerce events areheld throughout the year asmorning networking opportunitieswith other business professionalsover fresh coffee. This eventhad 350 attendees in 2024 andgenerally takes place the secondFriday of each month.COFFEE &COMMERCE205SERVICEHOURS350INDIVIDUALMEMBERS110ATTENDEES 2024 ANNUAL REPORT

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OKTOBERFEST CHIPPEWA FALLSThe 21st annual Oktoberfest ChippewaFalls event came alive with captivatingGlockenspiel performances, lively music,and delicious German cuisine! Addingto the festivities, Mike and Lisa Stoffel were honored as the 2024 Festmeisterand Festmeisterin. The atmosphere was filled with joy and camaraderie, making it amemorable celebration for all attendees.ANNUALEVENTSThe Women to WomenLuncheon featured a panel of local female business ownersand leaders who shared theirstories and inspired the 120 attendees to stay positive while navigating their busy lives.The Nonprofit RoundtableDiscussion brings local nonprofit organizations togetherfor a chance to meet each otherand share issues, ideas, andfuture plans. This year we hadhad 46 attendees.Our Annual Golf Outing with144 golfers plus sponsors, ambassadors, and staff enjoyeda beautiful day networking onthe greens. This is one of ourmembers’ favorite networkingevents of the year.The Farmer Appreciation Dinnercelebrates the dedication andefforts of Chippewa Falls’ localagricultural community. Ourgratitude goes out to the farmersin our community. We servedmore than 1,900 meals in 2024.The 2024 Annual Meeting brought together more than350 guests. We celebrated the Chippewa Falls BusinessCommunity with a theme of“Sweet Success” as we reflectedon the accomplishments madeover the past year.The goal of our annual events is tofoster connections, celebrate ourcommunity, and provide educationalopportunities for our members. Thesegatherings also create platformsfor collaboration and professionaldevelopment within our community.2024 ANNUAL REPORTChippewa Falls Area Chamber

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TOURISMDIVISIONGO Chippewa Countyrepresents the Destination Marketing Organization for Chippewa County.Our goal is to attract newand returning visitorsto Chippewa County tosupport our local economy.MORE THAN15,000TRAVEL GUIDESDISTRIBUTEDto state-wide visitorscenters, and at localevents and businesses.MORE THAN18,000FOLLOWERSACROSS PLATFORMSFacebookReach in 2024InstagramReach in 2024500,000+30,000+email newsletterMORE THAN9,000SUBSCRIBERSvisitor centerMORE THAN1,100WALK-INS650VISITORPACKETREQUESTSMAILEDMORE THAN2,500WELCOME BAGSMORE THAN$184 MILLIONIN ECONOMIC IMPACTChippewa County tourismexperienced a record-breaking2023, generating $184 million in economic impact and contributing to Wisconsin tourism’s historic $25 billion economic impact. Tourism in Chippewa County also generated$11 million in local and state taxrevenue. Last year, Chippewa County tourism supported 1,403 part- and full-time jobs across various sectors of the industry.ECONOMIC IMPACTTOP STATES1. WISCONSIN2. ILLINOIS3. MINNESOTA4. TEXASgochippewacounty.com950kPAGE VIEWSIN 202430POCKET-SIZEDADVENTURESDiscover Chippewa County by checking out our Pocket-Sized Adventures Campaignon our Social Pages! There’sso much to explore and theseadventures allow you tocreate the perfect itinerary.We hosted the Upper Midwest HOG Rally and the 2024 WIState Dartball Tournamentbringing more than 2000people into our community! 2024 ANNUAL REPORT