Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated ®Eta Nu Omega ChapterBusiness Directory
Table of ContentsPage Welcome3Business Listings4Valiant Vision 5PHP Insurance Agency6Tillman Riverside Mortuary Inc.7Optimal Learning Inc8Powerful, Praying, Wives Inc. 9Eastvale Elite Track Club10The Empowerment Clinic11United Colors of Cancer12Dr. T Tate LLC 13MG Investments, LLC14TH Chiropractic & Herbal Remedies15Happily Ever After Nutrition®, LLC 16Houston Landscaping Landscaping 17Trusted Endorsement Notary Services18Positive Women Meetup19Keona the Empowered Realtor20Pearls Girls Travel21Table ofContents
WelcomeWelcome to the Eta Nu Omega Chapter Small Business Directory. We areexcited to provide this resource directory to provide the opportunity forbusinesses within the chapter to receive support and visibility among themembership. We encourage each member to support our small businessesand use them within our community. The Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Eta Nu Omega Chapter was charteredon October 28, 1961 in Rialto, California to be of service to the cities andcommunities within San Bernardino and Riverside Counties. We are honoredto supervise and support the undergraduate members of Kappa Theta Chapterat the University of California, Riverside and Rho Delta Chapter at CaliforniaState University, San Bernardino. Eta Nu Omega Chapter is radiating in sisterhood, scholarship, community,and service to all mankind.3
2024 Eta Nu Omega ChapterBusiness Listings4
Valiant Vision Consulting &Psychological Services Xzania LeeCEOPsychologist Email: dr.xzania@valiantvision2020.comIG @valiant_vision 5
PHP Insurance AgencyDenise Benton OwnerLife and Health Insurance1255 W Colton Ave #155Redlands, CA 92374(909) 648-9342Email: Dk8benton@gmail.comWebsite: 6
Tillman Riverside Mortuary Inc.La Tanya C Tillman OwnerFuneral, Burial, Cremation, PreNeedInsurance 2874 Tenth Street Riverside Ca 92507951-682-6433Email: tillman.riverside@yahoo.comWebsite: 7
Optimal Learning, Inc.Pamela Robertson Strategic Instruction and DevelopmentDirectorEducation/Math and Reading tutoring forelementary aged scholars341 W. 2nd Street, #6 San Bernardino, CA 92401323-627-2543Email: probertson@optimallearningtutoring.comWebsite: ww.optimallearningtutoring.org8
Powerful, Praying, Wives Inc. Jenise Bush, EdDOwner Non Profit Organization supportingand uplifting the institution ofMarriage. PO BOX 151TBD, CA. 9XXXX909-289-4019Email: powerfulwife@msn.comWebsite: 9
Eastvale Elite Track Club Shonna Bernard-JosephFounderTrack & Field Coach(Hurdles/Sprints/Middle Distance)14048 Parkwood Ave Eastvale, CA 92880562-708-2677Email: eastvaleelitetc@gmail.comWebsite: 10
The Empowerment Clinic Alysha ThomasTherapist & Wellness SpeakerTelehealth for all of CaliforniaPsychotherapy, couples counseling,individual and family therapy. Alsospeaking engagements, workshopsetc on mental health Email: itsdralysha@gmail.comWebsite: 11The Empowerment ClinicWith Dr. Alysha
United Colors of CancerBikira SamuelOwnerBIPOC Cancer AdvocacyPO Box 3925 Riverside CA 92519(443) 554-1183Email: bikira@unitedcolorsofcancer.orgWebsite: 12
Dr. T Tate LLC Tiffanie MooreCEOAuthor, Playwright, RadioPersonality, & SpeakerPO BOX 7058 Riverside CA 92513951-907-1041Email: drtate1908@gmail.comWebsite: 13
MG Investments, LLCClarissa Y. WadeFounder/ CEOReal Estate InvestmentFinancial and Debt Reduction EducationInstructorTrust Account Financial Reconciliation9630 Bruceville Road Suite 106-372Elk Grove, CA 95757916-969-7408Email: MGInvestments@mail.comWebsite: 14
TH Chiropractic & Herbal RemediesTashia HilliardFounderChiropractic/Physiotherapy/Herbalpain salves10601 Civic Center Drive, Suite 160Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730909-313-2122Email: drthilliard@gmail.comWebsite: drthilliard.com15
Happily Ever After Nutrition®, LLC Sitoya Mansell, MPH, MS, RDN, LDN,MCHES, FAND (Registered Dietitian-Nutritionist) Nutrition Counseling, NutritionCoaching, and Nutrition EducationClasses & CoursesP.O. Box 6271 Moreno Valley, CA 92554951-409-0224Email: 16
17Houston’s LandscapingJua-Nita Williams-HoustonLandscaping, Turf and Curbing Phone : (909) 521-1272Address: 29177 Stevens Ave,Moreno Valley, CA 92555Email: info@houstons-landscaping.comWebsite: LIC NO: 1120562
18NEW BUSINESSTrusted Endorsements Notary Services Pamela RobertsonNotary Services323-627-2543Address: 1037 Queenspark Rd, Corona,CA
20Positive Women Meet Up, LLCKeona Henderson, CEOEmail: info@positivewomenmeetup.comWebsite: https://positivewomenmeetup.com909-475-7035967 Kendall Drive A501, San Bernardino, Ca92407Consultant, Keynote Speaker, ProjectDevelopment
19NEW BUSINESSKeona the Empowered Realtor Keona Henderson, CEOEmail:KeonaEmpoweredRealtor@gmail.com909-475-7035Real estate, property management,commercial sale or lease, residentiallistings, first time home buyer specialist
21PEARL GIRLS TRAVELSShalimar Anderson- HorsleyFull Service Travel Agency951-722-0450Address: 15799 Alisa Viejo Ct. Moreno Valley,CA 92555Email: hshalimar@roadrunner.comWebsite:
17SororsYou can add your business hereHNO Chapter