16THEATRICS: What arethe limits?John M. M A R I C O P A L I F E S T Y L E M A G A Z I N E P A G E 2 .MLM Congratulates Councilmember HenryWade on his appointment as Vice-Mayor.0406Greetings fromPublisher/OwnerChrystal Allen-O’Jon08Threads of TraditionThe Artistry and Legacy ofTiffany Yazzie09111512Home-BitesGayle RandolphMaricopa’s Cutting-EdgeCrafters ClubDeb Jay and Peg ChapadosKeeping you informed Joan KoczorTax TipsMoshe Klein AI Note TakerChrystal Allen-O’Jon
M A R I C O P A L I F E S T Y L E M A G A Z I N E P A G E 3 .Chrystal Allen-O'Jon,Owner/PublisherKent O'Jon, Director of FinanceG A Y L E R A N D O L P HG A Y L E R A N D O L P HH U D C E R T I F I E D H O U S I N GH U D C E R T I F I E D H O U S I N GC O U N S E L O RC O U N S E L O R J O A N K O C Z O RJ O A N K O C Z O R P R E S I D E N T O F B O T H T H E A G E - F R I E N D L YP R E S I D E N T O F B O T H T H E A G E - F R I E N D L YM A R I C O P A C O M M I T T E E & T H E B O A R D O FM A R I C O P A C O M M I T T E E & T H E B O A R D O FD I R E C T O R S F O R T H E P I N A L - G I L AD I R E C T O R S F O R T H E P I N A L - G I L AC O U N C I L F O R S E N I O R C I T I Z E N S – A R E A 5C O U N C I L F O R S E N I O R C I T I Z E N S – A R E A 5D E B J A Y A N D P E G C H A P A D O SD E B J A Y A N D P E G C H A P A D O SM A R I C O P A ’ S C U T T I N G - E D G EM A R I C O P A ’ S C U T T I N G - E D G EC R A F T E R S C L U BC R A F T E R S C L U BM O S H E K L E I NM O S H E K L E I NT A X U P D A T E ST A X U P D A T E SM I C H A E L R U F FM I C H A E L R U F F
Dear Maricopa LifestyleMagazine Readers,As we embrace the rich tapestryof our city’s history, I want topay tribute to the deep andenduring connection Maricopashares with Native Americanculture, particularly with theAkimel O'odham (Pima) andTohono O'odham (Papago)tribes. These tribes are part ofthe greater O'odham people,whose ancestral lands spanacross much of what we nowknow as southern and centralArizona.A Legacy of Heritage andStrengthLong before settlers arrived,Maricopa’s lands were home tothese resilient communities forthousands of years. TheO'odham people, cultivatingcorn, beans, and squash,created a thriving agriculturallifestyle along the Gila and SaltRivers. Their profound bondwith the land nurtured a way oflife that included farming,hunting, and trading—a legacythat still inspires us today.Our City’s NamesakeThe very name "Maricopa"honors the Maricopa people,also known as the Piipaash, whomigrated into this region andformed a powerful alliance withthe Pima tribe. Together, theystood strong, building acommunity resilient in the faceof external challenges—a spiritthat continues to influence ourcity’s character.The Journey Through ChangeWith the arrival of Spanishexplorers in the 16th century,Maricopa’s landscape saw theintroduction of new customs,such as Catholicism andEuropean agricultural practices.However, the native cultureheld steadfast. By the 19thcentury, as the United Statesexpanded and the railroadarrived, Maricopa became a stop along the Southern PacificRailroad, a symbol of growthand progress, though notwithout hardship for Nativecommunities. Despite thesechanges, the O'odham peopleendured, holding onto theirheritage even as they adaptedto new landscapes.A Proud PartnershipToday, the Ak-Chin IndianCommunity, located just southof Maricopa, is a cornerstone ofour local economy and culturalidentity. Through enterprises likeHarrah’s Ak-Chin Casino andtheir thriving agriculturalventures, the Ak-Chin peopleexemplify the blend oftradition and modernity,keeping their heritage alive andcontributing to the vibrancy ofour shared community.Honoring Our HeritageTogetherIn today’s Maricopa, theinfluence of the O'odham andMaricopa tribes continues toshape our local culture, names,and traditions. Throughcelebrations like NativeAmerican Heritage Month andpartnerships with nearby tribalcommunities, we honor thepast while building a futurethat respects and celebratesthe invaluable contributions ofNative Americans in our area.Thank you for joining us inreflecting on this history thathas shaped who we all are as acommunity. May we eachcontinue to embrace andcelebrate this heritage withhonor and respect in all we do.With gratitude,Owner/PublisherMaricopa’s Rich History Connection to Native American CultureM A R I C O P A L I F E S T Y L E M A G A Z I N E P A G E 4 .
Tiffany Yazzie is a talentedNavajo artist known for her masteryin weaving, spinning, dyeing, andcrafting, and her work reflects therich traditions of the NavajoNation. Drawing on her heritage,she creates intricate pieces thathonor the history and culture of theNavajo people. As a skilled weaver,Tiffany uses traditional techniquespassed down through generations,incorporating natural materials andvibrant dyes she often gathersherself. Her art tells a story ofconnection to the land, family, andthe timeless customs of hercommunity. Beyond her artistry,Tiffany’s work emphasizessustainability and respect for theenvironment, often using locallysourced fibers and plant-baseddyes. F O R C H R I S T M A S G I F TI D E A S C H E C K H E RS O C I A L M E D I AF A C E B O O K : T I F F A N Y Y A Z Z I E I N S T G R A M : # T I F F A N Y Y A Z Z I E S T U D I OE M A I L : T I F F A N Y Y A Z Z I E S T U D I O @ G M A I L . C O MM A R I C O P A L I F E S T Y L E M A G A Z I N E P A G E 6 .
. . . C O N T I N U E DCelebrating Seventy Years of ServiceWhy is Rotary Club Membership so important?Becoming a Rotary member connects you with a diverse group of professionals who share your drive togive back. Through regular meetings and events, you'll discuss your community's needs and developcreative ways to meet them. Connect with other leaders who are changing the world.The Rotary Club and MUSD, in partnership with local businesses,offer internships to Maricopa High School Students.44150 W Maricopa Casa Grande Hwy, Maricopa AZ, 85138Contact: MaricopaAZ.RotaryClub@gmail.comINTERNKailani RobertsKailani RobertsKailani Roberts@Maricopa Lifestyle MagazineM A R I C O P A L I F E S T Y L E M A G A Z I N E P A G E 7 .As a maker and gatherer,Tiffany’s process is deeplyconnected to the naturalworld, paying tribute toboth the craftsmanshipand the cultural legacy ofNavajo weaving traditions.
M A R I C O P A L I F E S T Y L E M A G A Z I N E P A G E 8 .Are you looking for a down-payment program tohelp with your NEW HOME purchase?The Arizona Is Home Programoffers down payment assistance tofirst-time home buyers, who aredefined as those who have notowned a home in the last threeyears. Funds are available for downpayments, interest-rate buydowns,and closing costs.Assistance amounts are up to$30,000 for homebuyers at orbelow 80% of the Area MedianIncome (AMI) and up to $20,000for those between 81% and 120%of AMI. This aid is structured as asilent second mortgage, due uponthe sale of the property. A key requirement of the programis completing an 8-hourhomebuyer education workshop.Contact Gayle Randolph, a HUDCertified Housing Counselor, withNID Housing Counseling Agencyfor details atgayler@nidhousing.com.By Gayle RandolphO U R V O I C E , O U R V O T E A R I Z O N A A N DA R I Z O N A C O A L I T I O N F O R C H A N G E A R EI N V E S T I N G I N P I N A L C O U N T Y B E C A U S EO P P O R T U N I T I E S T O E M P O W E R O U RC O M M U N I T Y D O N ’ T G O A W A Y W H E N E L E C T I O NS E A S O N E N D S . W E G E T E X C I T E D K N O W I N GT H A T T H E O P P O R T U N I T I E S A R E S T I L L T H E R E ,A N D T H E M O T I V A T I O N I S T H E R E .M I C H A E LR U F F
M A R I C O P A L I F E S T Y L E M A G A Z I N E P A G E 9 .INTRODUCINGINTRODUCINGINTRODUCINGMARICOPA’S CUTTING-EDGEMARICOPA’S CUTTING-EDGEMARICOPA’S CUTTING-EDGE CRAFTERS CLUBCRAFTERS CLUBCRAFTERS CLUB B Y D E B J A Y A N D P E G C H A P A D O SAs artists, all of us benefit from thesupport of others who share andappreciate our aspirations and talents, like-minded crafters if you will. There are alsocertain challenges to identify, inspire,promote, recognize, and supportMaricopa’s crafters. While much dependson each crafter’s expectations, resources,and efforts, we can start by comingtogether as a group to share commongoals.To that end, we’re excited to announce anew informal club for high-end crafterslaunching in Maricopa on January 27, 2025.The Cutting-Edge Crafters Club will beestablished to build an inclusive yetexclusive community of crafters tocollaborate, inspire and grow together. Aplace to unite, creating an invitingenvironment of support, encouragement,and wisdom. We will discuss strategies,innovation, resources, and opportunities.You may ask, “What’s a high-end crafter?”Simply put, it’s an adult of any age whodoes a craft to sell, to gift, or just forpersonal fulfillment. It encompasseselevated endeavors that might not alwaysbe called “fine arts”, but rather things likefabric or yarn arts, jewelry-making, wood-working, sewing, knitting, weaving,scrapbooking, paper arts, etc. If you are intrigued by this new dynamicgroup to share, inspire, and refine yourskills, we invite you to join us and discussthe potential: Monday, January 27th, at1:00 pm in the Palo Verde Room at theMaricopa Library & Cultural Center, 18160N. Maya Angelou Drive. We look forward tothe conversation and crafting somethinggreat together. For more information, contact: Deb Jay (aka Djay) simplydjay@gmail.com, orPeg Chapados pjchoa@msn.comPlease RSVP to Djay or Peg by 1/22/25
maricopafriendsofthearts.comlearnwithaloha.com@MaricopaMusicCircle@maricopa_chorusmaricopacommunitytheatre.orgsimplydjay@gmail.com, or pjchoa@msn.com M A R I C O P A L I F E S T Y L E M A G A Z I N E P A G E 1 0 .
M A R I C O P A L I F E S T Y L E M A G A Z I N E P A G E 1 1 .Here it is December.Christmas is only a few weeksaway. Is your Christmas WishList done and sent to Santa?Not sure where this yearwent. Rememberingsomething my Mother wouldsay-’as you get older timemoves faster” She may havehad something there.Only a few weeks away. Thistime of year can mean manythings to many people. Ajoyous time with family andfriends. Sharing good times.The family traditions. Holidaydecorations throughout thehouse. And, of course thefood. Almost every family hasa specific recipe or two thatembody Christmas. Keepingspecial recipes for the holidayseason means that everyonelooks forward to them all yearlong.Many of you may have yourChristmas tree up and housedecorated. A way of saying itis time to put all theunpleasantness, all the upsetto our daily lives, the loss ofloved ones and friends, thesadness and uncertainty wehave lived through for far toolong. But we are here. Wehave survived. A little lengthy -but may be ofinterest--To bolster the security of themonetary system, the Bureau ofEngraving, the Secret Service,and the Advanced CounterfeitDeterrence (ACD) SteeringCommittee have implementedan initiative to stop U.S.retailers, banks, and ATMs fromaccepting specific banknotes.damaged edges, ordiscoloration. This policyapplies to stores andsupermarkets such as Target,Walmart, Dollar Tree, Costco,and others. Currently, theFederal Reserve issues dollarbills in seven denominations: $1,$2, $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100.While $500, $1,000, and$10,000 bills are no longerproduced, they remain incirculation. However, thesehigh-denomination notes can berejected if they meet the“mutilated” criteria, just like anyother bill.How can you tell if your dollarbill is “mutilated”? Banknotestypically become mutilated dueto factors like “fire, misuse, oreven deterioration from buryingmoney,” according to theFederal Reserve. Bills with cuts,damaged edges, or discolorationfall into this category.How can you tell if your dollarbill is “mutilated”? Banknotestypically become mutilated dueto factors like “fire, misuse, oreven deterioration from buryingmoney,” according to theFederal Reserve. Bills with cuts,damaged edges, ordiscoloration fall into thiscategory.National Wreaths AcrossAmerica Day will be held onSaturday, December 14, 2024. Afree event open to all, and theorganization encouragescommunity members toparticipate by volunteeringlocally or sponsoring a wreathfor an American hero.Join the more than two millionvolunteers and supporters whowill gather to Remember, Honorand Teach at more than 4,600participating locations in all 50states, at sea and abroad. Formore information or how tovolunteer go to: Home -Wreaths Across AmericaThe theme for 2024: Live WithPurposeWreaths Across Americaensures that once a year,veterans who have passed awayare honored with a wreath ontheir headstones.
M A R I C O P A L I F E S T Y L E M A G A Z I N E P A G E 1 2 .It’s almost tax time again. The very first tax projectfor small business owners will be issuing 1099’s tovendors and filing those forms with the IRS. Thiscoming year, they will be due no later thanJanuary 31, 2025.If you are unsure if you are obligated to issue1099 NEC forms to a vendor, you can review theguidance that the IRS has provided or contact ouroffice directly for more information.According to the IRS, if you pay independentcontractors, you may have to file Form 1099-NEC,to report payments for services performed foryour trade or business. If the following fourconditions are met, you must generally report apayment as non-employee compensation.1. You made the payment to someone who is notyour employee2. You made the payment for services during yourtrade or business3. You made the payment to an individual,partnership, estate, or in some cases, acorporation4. You made payment to the payee of at least$600 during the yearOnce again, Moshe Klein and Associates, Ltd. Ispleased to offer our 1099 service at discountedrates for those clients who sign up for the serviceearly.Here are some important dates that you should beaware of:• December 24, 2024:Last date for clients to inform MK&A that theywould like the 1099 service• December 31, 2024:Clients must provide all 1099 information to MK&Aby this date (This information is usually gatheredon Form W-9 from your vendors.)• January 15, 2025:Last date for a client to approve 1099 informationso that it can be mailed to contractors/vendors by1/31/2025.If you would like for Moshe Klein & Associates, Ltd.to prepare 1099 NEC forms on behalf of yoursmall business, please visit our website and go tothe section called SERVICES & PRICING, then clickon the service square called TAX SERVICES. The1099 engagement agreement can be found in thesection entitled REQUIRED FORMS. Here is a linkfor your convenience: https://mkabusiness.com/form-1099-nec-service-agreement/Since 1982, Moshe Klein & Associates, Ltd. hasbeen providing AFFORDABLE tax and bookkeepingservices to small business owners and individualsin all 50 states. For a FREE & CONFIDENTIALconsultation, visit our websitewww.mkabusiness.com or call 888-432-8187.1099 NEC Non-EmployeeCompensationTax TipsBy Moshe Klein
Ocean Kent is a world-class coach anddeveloper with over 25 years of experiencecultivating top talent in Fortune 500companies. Known for driving bottom-linegrowth and exceptional employee retention,she has a unique gift for developing highperformers. With an educational foundationin communication and certifications as aDEI and life care practitioner, she bringstransformative value to organizationscommitted to these principles.Beyond corporate work, Ocean’s dedicationto philanthropy and wellness has deepenedher insights into diversity, equity, andresilience. She created programs like ‘AWave of Inspiration’ and ‘A Wave of DEI,’empowering individuals and teams to excel.As a #1 bestselling author, philanthropist,and Board member for CHARA and theBridge Builder’s Alliance Group, Oceaninspires meaningful change. Ocean’s voice resonates across diversestages, inspiring both men and women toreach new heights. From transformativeengagements at Perryville CorrectionalFacilities to boardrooms and conference halls,her impact leaves a lasting legacy. A powerfulally and sought-after mentor, Ocean doesn’tjust motivate—she unlocks potential, drivingindividuals and organizations alike towardremarkable success.Contact Oceans Industries today for your freeconsultation at 480-619-3225 or email us at Oceansindustriesllc.com. Greatness is yourReach out and grab it!480-619-3225 M A R I C O P A L I F E S T Y L E M A G A Z I N E P A G E 1 3 .
DR. TYEASA JONESDHA, PMHNP-BCHoliday Back Pain?tjonesnp@thewaywellness-phoenix.comDr. Tyeasa R. Jones DHA PMHNP-BCThe Way Wellness41704 W. Smith Enke Rd Suite 100Maricopa AZ 85138Tyeasa Jones is a highly qualified Psychiatric Nurse Practitionerwith a diverse educational background. She earned herAssociate Degree in Nursing from Coastal Community Collegein 1996, followed by a Bachelor of Science in Nursing fromGrand Canyon University in 2010. In 2011, she completed herMaster’s in Nursing Leadership from Grand Canyon University. In2019, Tyeasa achieved her Psychiatry Nurse PractitionerCertification from National University in San Diego. Additionally,she holds a Doctorate in Business Administration and is boardcertified in Psychiatry by the American Nursing CredentialingCenter.What sets Dr. Jones apart is her non-biased approach towardsproviding care to all individuals, regardless of their background.She believes in treating all patients with compassion andutilizing patient-centered diagnosing techniques.
M A R I C O P A L I F E S T Y L E M A G A Z I N E P A G E 1 5 .OtterPilot is an AI-powered transcription and meetingassistant tool (that I now use) designed to streamlinenote-taking and collaboration in virtual meetings. I triedit out during a meeting and it took notes based on agroup discussion I was having at an online Zoommeeting. When you're in a Google Meet or Zoommeeting, OtterPilot automatically joins the call as aparticipant, uses AI to listen to the conversation,transcribe everything that's said in real-time, andgenerate notes by capturing key points andsummarizing discussions, effectively acting as a livenote-taker throughout the meeting; it can also captureshared slides and insert them into the notes for context As always, there are some pros and cons (here are afew):Pros of OtterPilot:Real-time Transcription: OtterPilot provides livetranscription during meetings, helping users followconversations and capture key points instantly.1.Searchable Notes: Transcribed notes aresearchable, allowing users to quickly find importantdiscussions or details from previous meetings.2.Collaborative Features: Users can share notes,highlight important sections, and assign actionitems to team members.3.Speaker Identification: It can distinguish betweendifferent speakers, which is useful for trackingconversations in multi-person meetings.4.Integration with Popular Platforms: OtterPilotintegrates with tools like Zoom, Google Meet, andMicrosoft Teams, making it easy to sync withexisting workflows.5.Automatic Summary: The tool can generateautomatic meeting summaries and key highlights,reducing the need for manual note-taking.Time-Saving: It saves time for users by automatingthe note-taking process and freeing them to focuson the meeting itself.Cons of OtterPilot:Accuracy Limitations: While the transcription isusually good, background noise, accents, ortechnical jargon can sometimes lead toinaccuracies.Privacy Concerns: Storing conversations andtranscripts in the cloud may raise privacy concernsfor sensitive or confidential meetings.Limited Customization: Some users may find thesummarization features too basic and prefer morecustomized or detailed outputs.Cost for Advanced Features: The free version haslimitations, and advanced features like longerrecording durations and higher transcription limitsrequire a paid subscription.Learning Curve: New users may need time tofamiliarize themselves with all features andintegrations. Website: https://get.otter.aiC H R Y S T A L A L L E N - O ’ J O NMaricopa Pantry is a non-profit organizationproviding food bankservices to the City ofMaricopa & surroundingareas. All are welcome!50881 W Papago Rd,Maricopa, AZ, (520) 709-3076Jim@maricopapantry.orgmaricopapantry.org
THEATRICS: What are the limits?THEATRICS: What are the limits?THEATRICS: What are the limits? Previously I’ve written aboutrehearsals, overcomingstagefright, and patter. Allimportant elements of“Performance.” For this final, year-end articleI’m going to discuss the funpart; Theatrics.It seems theatrics are alwaysgetting more extreme.Dacades ago, it was theBeatles and their hair. Unheardof before then. The Whosmashed their equipmentonstage and people wereshocked. Today such anticsseem almost tame. Now wehave artists dangling upsidedown over the audience whilesinging, or being shot out ofcannons, trapeze acts – itseems nothing is out ofbounds. If it’s legal, andnobody gets hurt, it’s ok.Right? Perhaps. But I say thereare still some things toconsider besides legality andsafety. I believe that no matter whatyour theatrics are, they shouldbe connected in some way tothe music. The theatrics andthe music should havesomething to do with eachother. Ideally each shouldcompliment the other. I sawCher sing once with trapezeartists swinging and flyingoverhead. Entertaining?Definitely! But what’s thepoint? She wasn’t singing abouttrapeze, or even flying, orfalling. Even the energy of the 2things was completelydifferent. In the Pink Floyd tour, “TheWall,” with the elaborateconstruction and demolition ofa huge wall – there was aconnection. Also, just as with the songs,what do you want yourtheatrics to say to people. Doyou want to convey anger?Danger? Humor? Sex? All are ok– but think about itbeforehand. Finally, your theatrics, whatever they areshould represent you. Who are you? Whatdo you want people to know about the“real you?” What don’t you want them toknow? Your theatrics tell people thingsabout you. Make sure they’re saying whatyou want them to. By John M M A R I C O P A L I F E S T Y L E M A G A Z I N E P A G E 1 6 .W R I T I N G G R O U PH A N N A G H A B H A I NS E R V I C E S :An award-winning journalist and editor with more than a decade of experiencewriting acclaimed human interest and investigative stories that have resonated withreaders around the world.Journalism, memoirs, copy writing, copy editing, and writing coaching.www.ravenwritinggroup.com ~ ravenwritinggroup@gmail.com
WHO WE AREDreams Can Live is a non-profit organization thatserves as a safe place of stability, wisdom andgrowth, by teaching and implementing programsto instill life skills, problem solving strategies andthe development of dreams and goals. Our visionis to encourage youth and young adults ages 12-24and remind them of the power they have deepinside them to defy odds, achieve the impossibleand bring their dreams into fruition. Get Involved!We are always looking for volunteers tohelp us make our vision a reality. We'll helpyou find a way to volunteer that best suitsyou. PROGRAM GOALSTo develop ongoing relationships withyouth in an effort to guide them intoadulthoodTo provide resources and skills relevantto the needs of the youthTo encourage youth to dream big andignite fires to active pursue and achievegoals.To build and develop partnerships withlocal businesses to provide resourcesand opportunities for youth viainternships, employment experiencesMISSIONSTATEMENTDreams Can Live Incorporated is ayouth outreach to help nurture andcultivate the leaders of tomorrow byproviding educational opportunities,mentoring. interactive and immersiveexperiences. Dreams Can Live strives tobe a driving factor in developing asense of accountability, responsibility,and diversity appreciation in our youth,while ensuring the needs of the wholechild is met. M E E T T H E V I S I O N A R YAs a little girl, homegrown on the east side ofDetroit- I always knew there was more to lifethan what I had in front of me. I was not themost popular girl, I did not have a great dealof friends, but I did have a dream. A dream toone day get out of the hood, become anentrepreneur, and make a difference in thelives of others. This dream of course did notcome with out hurdles. I fell into the typicalteenage traps of wanting to be in arelationship, experimenting, some minor legalissues and eventually teen pregnancy. Thoughmy dreams were placed on hold a bit, theywere never forgotten. The dream continued tobe a work in progress, as I worked a full-timejob and attended community college. It took10 years to achieve a two year degree, but Idid it. I continued on to secure my bachelorsdegree and finally a Masters Levelcertification in Life Coaching. As a middleschool educator. I desire to be more of aresource and beacon of light for youth whichbirthed Dreams Can Live, Incorporated. dreamscanlive.orgT A M A R A W A S H I N G T O N M A R I C O P A L I F E S T Y L E M A G A Z I N E P A G E 1 7 .
M A R I C O P A L I F E S T Y L E M A G A Z I N E P A G E 1 8 .
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M A R I C O P A L I F E S T Y L E M A G A Z I N E P A G E 2 1 .
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M A R I C O P A L I F E S T Y L E M A G A Z I N E P A G E 2 3 .Sheila Reed, LASAC,TIC, CI, IMH, Therapist This holiday season, embrace theart of repurposing by giving newlife to the spaces and items youalready have! Use your dining tableas a festive craft station, turn a barcart into a holiday drink corner, oreven transform old jewelry intounique decorations. Get creativetoday with the help of KnoxOrganizing! Call for a freeorganizing consultation at (424)888-3037. Ask for Janae.Holiday Organizing Tips
Mark Berry 602 430 9028(Marky B's Food Service/Catering/Mesa-Apache Junction) M A R I C O P A L I F E S T Y L E M A G A Z I N E P A G E 2 4 .
M A R I C O P A L I F E S T Y L E M A G A Z I N E P A G E 2 7 .44977 W. Hathaway Ave.,44977 W. Hathaway Ave., churchoffice@gccmaricopa.orgchurchoffice@gccmaricopa.orgOur Lady of Grace CatholicOur Lady of Grace CatholicChurchChurch Bishop Edward JBishop Edward JWeisenburgerWeisenburger18700 N. St. Gabriel Way,18700 N. St. Gabriel Way,MaricopaMaricopaConstance HunsbergerJackson, PresidentInvites All Voices To Be HeardPinal County NAACP Branch#1012-B naacppinalco@gmail.comChurch ofCelebration Maricopa Arizona(520) 494-7714office@churchofcelebration.comchurchofcelebration.comblazeministries12@gmail.cominfo@ganapati.org1 9 2 7 5 N G U N S M O K E R D . P O B O X 5 4 1 , M A R I C O P A , A Z 8 5 1 3 85 2 0 - 2 0 8 - 5 4 9 1M T M A M E . O R GFaith DirectoryCommunity SpotlightCommunityActivism/Support
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