Saints Francis & Clare of Assisi Catholic School MinistryParent/Student Handbook2024 – 2025We, the parishioners of Saints Francis & Clare of Assisi Parish, joyfully proclaim theGospel of Jesus Christ to the people in the Center Grove area by living His mission ofmercy, hope and salvation.Saints Francis & Clare of Assisi school ministry prepares children to be leaders in faith,academics, and character.Our Catholic identity, academic excellence and nurturing environment empower childrento know, love, and serve God.School Ministry Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.5901 Olive Branch Road Greenwood, IN 46143www.ss-fc.org/school(317) 859-4673
Asbestos Notification............................................................................................................................................. 4Accreditation.......................................................................................................................................................... 4Attendance.............................................................................................................................................................4Admission Requirements....................................................................................................................................... 6Admissions/Delinquency Policy............................................................................................................................. 8Before/After School Care Programs.................................................................................................................... 10Birthdays & Parties.............................................................................................................................................. 10Bullying.................................................................................................................................................................11Cell Phones/Watches...........................................................................................................................................13Discipline..............................................................................................................................................................13Emergency Drills..................................................................................................................................................14Entering/Leaving School Morning Drop Off/Afternoon Pick Up........................................................................... 15Enrollment............................................................................................................................................................15Faith In Action Activities.......................................................................................................................................16Grades and Reporting..........................................................................................................................................16Health Services....................................................................................................................................................17Homework............................................................................................................................................................20ILEARN& IREAD..................................................................................................................................................21Lunch Program.................................................................................................................................................... 22Notice of Nondiscriminatory Policy as to Students.............................................................................................. 23Non-Custodial Parents.........................................................................................................................................23Parent Expectations, Responsibilities & Communications...................................................................................23Parent/Faculty Organization (PFO)......................................................................................................................24Pesticide Notification............................................................................................................................................24Photo Release..................................................................................................................................................... 25Religious Education............................................................................................................................................. 25School Commission............................................................................................................................................. 25School Day...........................................................................................................................................................25School Jurisdiction............................................................................................................................................... 25Snow (Make-Up) Days.........................................................................................................................................26Sports & Extracurricular Eligibility Policy............................................................................................................. 26Standardized Assessments................................................................................................................................. 26Student Records.................................................................................................................................................. 26Study Trips...........................................................................................................................................................27Support Service Policy.........................................................................................................................................27Teacher Requests & Classroom Assignments.....................................................................................................28Technology...........................................................................................................................................................28Tobacco Policy..................................................................................................................................................... 28Uniform Code.......................................................................................................................................................28Visitors................................................................................................................................................................. 31Weather Closings & Delays................................................................................................................................. 31Wellness Policy....................................................................................................................................................31Withdrawal & Transfer......................................................................................................................................... 31APPENDIX IMission Policy of Archdiocese of Indianapolis..................................................................................................... 353
Asbestos NotificationFollowing the guidelines of the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA): SaintsFrancis & Clare of Assisi School has complied with the procedures required in our report. To thebest of our knowledge, no asbestos containing building materials was specified as a buildingmaterial in any construction document for the building; therefore, our building is certified asasbestos-free.AccreditationSaints Francis & Clare of Assisi Catholic School is fully accredited by the state of Indiana andCognia. Teachers are highly qualified in accordance with the Indiana Department of Educationregulations. Saints Francis & Clare of Assisi Catholic School is dedicated to the success of allstudents.AttendanceDaily attendance at school is essential to the academic growth and well being of every child.Active participation in classroom activities and daily interaction with our staff and other studentsare critical components of your child’s education. Consistent attendance positively affects thechild’s development and helps the child form a strong work ethic.Indiana Code 20.8.1-3-5 requires children seventeen (17) years and younger to attend schoolduring the time it is in session. To ensure that children attend school regularly, parents areasked to schedule appointments after school hours and to avoid family vacations while school isin session.In the event that a child is unable to attend school, parents are to phone the attendance line317-215-2827 or email jhill@ss-fc.org by 9:00 a.m. to report the absence.Classes begin at 7:50 a.m. If a student enters the building after 7:50 a.m., he/she is considered“tardy” and must report to the school office for a tardy pass.Daily records of attendance are maintained to satisfy state mandates. In the event that a child isnot at school, he/she is recorded absent, regardless of the absence being excused orunexcused; however, students serving as a page for the Indiana General Assembly will not becounted absent when appropriate and timely notice (2 days) is provided to the school office, asprovided by I.C. 20-8.1-3-18. SSFC must report to the state of Indiana each child’s individualattendance record, noting the number of absences per named child.Absences are reported in full and half day increments. A child must be present for 3.5 hours tobe counted present for half of a day of school.Medical appointments: When your child must leave school early for an appointment, pleasenotify the school that morning. The teacher can then have the child ready for the appointmentwhen the parent arrives. Parents must sign the child out for the duration of the appointment inthe “sign-out book” located in the school office atrium. All students are to have a note from thedoctor/dentist or medical professional when returning to school from a medical appointment.4
SSFC School may not release a student at any time of the day, unless escorted by a parent. Inthe event that a parent is unable to pick up the child for early release, written consent from aparent must be provided to the school in order to release the child to another adult. Such adultswill need to show picture identification prior to the child being released.Students who are signed out prior to 3:15 p.m. will not receive perfect attendance at the end ofthe school year. This includes when a teacher allows a parent to take a child home early. Thegoal of SSFC is for children to be present in school every day. We will work with parents of astudent with a chronic health condition to determine an appropriate attendance program for thatchild.Repeated Absences: It is our policy that after a total of ten (10) absences the school mayrequire a doctor’s note for subsequent illness-related absences. In addition, the school is notrequired to issue grades for a quarterly grading period in which ten (10) or more absencesoccur. In the event two grading semesters are incomplete due to absences, the school mayconsider retaining the student at the present grade level for the following year.Consequences for repeated absences are as follows:AbsenceTardy5-9 Absences● A copy of this policy will be placed in thestudent’s file.● Once your child obtains a total of seven (7)absences, a letter may be sent to the JohnsonCounty Juvenile Court and/or Child ProtectiveServices for informational purposes only.● If you have documentation of your child’sabsence(s), please send it to the office and yourchild’s attendance record will be appropriatelyamended.5-9 Tardies/Early Dismissals● A warning letter may be sent to theparent/guardian and a copy placedin the student’s file.10+ Absences● A certified letter may be sent to theparent/guardian, Johnson County JuvenileCourt, and/or Child Protective Services notifyingthem of the student’s truancy.10+ Tardies/Early Dismissals● A letter may be sent to theparent/guardian and a copy placedin the student’s file.5
Admission RequirementsAdmission to Saints Francis & Clare of Assisi Catholic School is based on the followingguidelines:1. Applicants for Kindergarten must be five years old on or before August 1st.2. Applicants for grades 1-8 are accepted into the grade in which their previous schoolpromotes them, provided there is an opening. Admission is probationary and made finalonly upon receipt of proper records from the former school and successful performanceat Saints Francis & Clare of Assisi Catholic School.3. Students who are transferring to Saints Francis & Clare of Assisi Catholic School, alongwith his or her parents, may meet with the principal prior to enrollment. Eligibility forentrance will be based on academic and behavior records and a reference from the mostrecent school attended.4. Students with special needs may be admitted as long as Saints Francis & Clare of AssisiCatholic School can meet the needs listed in the student’s service plan.Admissions/Delinquency Policy1. Purpose. It is the goal of the Saints Francis & Clare School of Assisi Catholic School tooffer a Catholic education to any student who desires to attend. This Admission Policyhas been established in the event that requests for admission exceed the capacity of theSchool Ministry in a particular grade level or levels. Mindful that the School Ministry issupported, financially and otherwise, by the parishioners of Saints Francis & Clare ofAssisi Parish, priority for admission and continued enrollment in the School Ministry willbe given to children of Stewardship Families of Saints Francis & Clare of Assisi Parish.The School Commission and the Pastor have approved this admission policy. Oncerecommended by the School Commission and ratified by the Pastor, revision of thispolicy shall supersede any prior admission policy of the School Ministry.2. Class Size. The School Ministry currently limits its class size as follows:a. Preschool – a total of 20 per class (this number may be made up of full-timestudents or the equivalent number of part-time students who make up onefull-time slot; 1:10 student to teacher ratio);b. Kindergarten through Eighth Grade – a cap of 25 students per class.3. Accommodation of Students with Special Needs. The School Ministry strives toaccommodate students with physical, emotional, social, or learning challenges; however,families must fully disclose the nature and known extent of such challenges at the time ofregistration. The School Ministry has limited resources to meet certain challenges andmay recommend educational alternatives that may better serve the needs of somestudents.4. Definitions.a. Returning Family: A family is considered a Returning Family if the family has astudent currently enrolled at Saints Francis & Clare School of Assisi CatholicSchool (Infant through Eighth Grade) and who has met the responsibility ofpaying school tuition charges for the current year in full and on time as prescribedby the School Ministry. In addition, the re-enrolling student(s) must have a6
satisfactory disciplinary record (according to the standards established by theSchool Ministry).b. New Family: A family is considered a New Family if the family does not have astudent currently enrolled in the School Ministry.c. Stewardship Family: A family is considered a Stewardship Family if the family isa registered family with the parish and meets the criteria for Stewardshipmembership in Saints Francis & Clare of Assisi Church as defined by the Boardof Consultants in conjunction with the Pastor. Because true stewardship involvesthe giving of time, talent, and treasure for the overall good of our parishcommunity, Stewardship membership is defined as follows:(i) Sharing in Eucharist with the parish community through attendance atweekend Mass;(ii) Sharing Time and Talent with the parish community by committing to acertain amount of service hours a year for the overall good of the parish;(iii) Sharing Treasure through the Sunday collection as a measure of givingback to the Lord for the blessings we have received.The Pastor will have the final decision as to whether a family’s stewardship obligationsare current.d. Active Non-Parishioner Family. A family is considered an Active Non-ParishionerFamily if the family is registered in another Catholic parish or church andprovides a letter from the Pastor of the family’s church indicating that the family isin good standing with the church.5. School Registration Process.a. Returning Families. Returning Families must complete the online registrationand submit the enrollment fee by the last day of the current family re-enrollmentperiod in order to ensure priority placement.b. New Families. New Families must complete the online registration and submitthe enrollment fee by the last day of the end of the new family enrollment period.6. Enrollment Prioritization. When requests for admission exceed the capacity of theSchool Ministry, the order of enrollment will be determined by the following prioritizationuntil each applicable classroom is filled:a. Priority One. You are an SSFC employee enrolling a student.b. Priority Two. You are a Returning Family and a Stewardship Family re-enrollingan existing student in infants or higher.c. Priority Three. You are a Returning Family re-enrolling an existing student ininfants or higher.d. Priority Four. You are a Returning Family and a Stewardship Family enrolling asibling of a child presently attending the School Ministry.e. Priority Five. You are a Returning Family enrolling a sibling of a child presentlyattending the School Ministry.f. Priority Six. You are a New Family and a Stewardship Family enrolling a child orchildren for the first time in infants or higher.g. Priority Seven. You are an Active Non-Parishioner Family enrolling a child orchildren for the first time in infants or higher.h. Priority Eight. You are a New Family enrolling a child or children for the first timein infants or higher.7
i. Priority Nine. You are enrolling a child who is receiving a state voucher or IQEscholarship for the upcoming school year who does not meet the criteria inPriorities One through Five.The School Commission shall determine the priority classification of a family and recommendedadmission status for all families who submit complete online registration by the above deadlines.In cases where prospective students have identical ranking based upon the priority and thereare insufficient openings in a particular grade to accommodate those families, the determiningfactor will be the date the family joined Saints Francis & Clare of Assisi Parish for StewardshipFamilies, if applicable. If not, the priority will be determined by lottery. This lottery, if needed,would take place during a public meeting to be announced. In the event a particular grade isfilled from the applicants who submitted timely and complete online registration, all remainingprospective students will be placed on a waiting list in order of the priority established under thispolicy.Any online registration that is not complete or not submitted by the above deadlines is notconsidered according to the priority established under this policy but is considered on a firstcome, first-served basis as of the date of submission of the complete online registration. If thereare more complete online registrations submitted on a particular date than there are openings ina particular grade, the remaining openings will be determined by lottery.Saints Francis & Clare of Assisi Catholic School reserves the right to un-enroll a family if at theend of the current school year, has a delinquent balance. This balance includes, but not limitedto tuition, enrichment, cafeteria, or CYO fees.7. Delinquency PolicyThe success of our Catholic school hinges upon the commitment of families to make Catholiceducation a financial priority, be involved in their child’s education, and make their tuition andfees payment(s) on a timely basis.The school relies upon tuition and fee payments to provide an excellent spiritual andeducational program operating on a balanced budget. Therefore, when tuition and fee paymentsbecome delinquent, it can quickly become a serious matter.The school understands that unexpected situations can and do arise and the school strives towork with families. If unforeseen financial circumstances arise, families are responsible forcontacting the school’s Admissions Officer, Matt English menglish@ss-fc.org 317-215-2826. assoon as possible to review the financial hardship and seek a mutually agreeable alternativetuition payment plan.When payments are not made in accordance with the tuition agreement, the following steps willtake place:Tuition Structure:● All tuition payments are set up through Blackbaud Tuition Management and will be billedand collected through Blackbaud Tuition Management.● Tuition payments are due at a predetermined deadline by the parent through theirBlackbaud Tuition Management account. Blackbaud Tuition Management will charge a8
non-refundable, late fee and failed ACH fees for any late payments or missed payments.These fees will continue to accrue until the late fees are paid.60 days past due:● When an account becomes 60 days past due under the established tuition agreement,the financially responsible party will receive written notification by email and letterrequesting that tuition be brought current or that they contact the school AdmissionsOfficer, Matt English menglish@ss-fc.org to create an alternative tuition payment plan.● It is the responsibility of the family and/or financially responsible party to contact theschool Admissions Officer, Matt English menglish@ss-fc.org. to bring the account up todate or to create an alternative tuition payment plan with the school. The admissionsoffice telephone number is (317)215-2826.90 days past due:● When an account becomes 90 days past due, the school’s Admissions Officer will issuethe financially responsible party a written notice by certified letter. The notice willreiterate the terms of the financial commitment and request immediate attention to thematter.● Report cards, progress reports, and student records will be held.● In addition to this notification, families(s) will not be permitted to register for the followingacademic year until the balance is paid in full or an alternative plan has been approved.● Any family leaving the school with an unpaid balance will be subject to their accountbeing turned over to a collection agency.Exclusion Policy:● Non-payment of a prior year’s tuition will result in non-admission for the following schoolyear.● Student(s) will be dismissed at the end of the academic year for non-payment of financialobligations when the financially responsible party has failed to demonstrate sufficientgood faith in attempting to meet these obligations.● Students will be allowed to complete all academic work in progress before terminatingenrollment for non-payment of tuition and/or fees.● During the school year students will not be allowed to make payments for/or participatein before and/or after school care.● Until all financial obligations are met, eighth graders will not be eligible to receive anyscholarship monies awarded through the school-sponsored scholarship awards.8. Transfer Students. Students in good standing from another school will be consideredfor transfer admission after the following has been accomplished:a. Enrollment/Admission forms are completed.b. A conference with the principal, parents, and student may be held to discuss thegoals, religious mission, and expectations of the School Ministry.c. If requested, the parents have provided a written statement indicating theirreasons for seeking enrollment for their child in the School Ministry.d. Previous educational records have been supplied to the School Ministryincluding, if available and applicable: current grade transcript or report card, mostrecent standardized testing results, Individualized Education Plan (IEP), ServicePlan, Section 504 Plan or Individual Catholic Education Plan (ICEP).9
e. If appropriate records are not available or if there are other educational concerns,the principal may require entrance testing of the child and direct consultation withthe previous school to determine appropriate educational placement beforeadmission is granted.f. Updated immunization records have been received.g. Applicants for admission to grades 6, 7, and 8 are generally scrutinized moreclosely than applicants for lower grades as educational preparation anddisciplinary records at this level are of more concern to the school.NOTE: Catholic schools support the disciplinary decisions of other schools. Therefore, a student expelledfrom another private or public school may not be considered for enrollment until one year after theexpulsion date and then only at the discretion of the principal in consultation with the Pastor.The student may be admitted either on a probationary basis or without restriction under the followingconditions: if the principal determines through the above procedures that the family and student havephilosophies, goals, and levels of preparation compatible with the religious mission and educationalprograms offered by the School Ministry, the student is likely to be successful in a Catholic educationalsetting, and an opening exists. Prioritization of placement of transfer applicants will occur in the sameorder and by the same criteria as defined in the Enrollment Prioritization structure defined above.The Pastor will have final authority on admission(s).Before/After School Care ProgramsOur Enrichment Programs provide a safe, structured environment and are open to children ingrades Preschool through 8thgrade.Morning Care. Program hours are from 7:00 a.m. – 7:30 a.m. daily in accordance with theschool calendar. All morning care will be in the cafeteria of the main building, opening at7:00a.m..Afternoon Care. Program hours are from 3:15 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. daily in accordance with theschool calendar.ALL STUDENTS, IN GRADES PS-8, WILL BE PICKED UP AT THE ECM BUILDING FROMAFTERCARE. K-8 STUDENTS WILL BE WALKED TO THE ECM BUILDING WHEN STAFFCALL FOR THEM.Birthdays and PartiesCelebrations are welcomed at Saints Francis & Clare of Assisi Catholic School. If your childwishes to share his/her birthday with classmates, simply notify the classroom teacher so that theappropriate arrangements may be made. Appropriate arrangements include reading your child’sfavorite story to the class, distributing pencils, prayer cards, or appropriate non-food items. Forthe safety of our students, our parish school discourages distribution of snacks, treats or food tocelebrate students’ birthdays, as stated by our Wellness Policy.In the event that additional parties are to be held outside of school time, common courtesydictates that invitations be distributed via mail or off school property unless the entire class isinvited. Students may not distribute invitations at school for outside parties unless everyone isinvited.10
BullyingBullying in Indiana Code 20-33-8 is defined as “overt (intentional), repeated acts or gestures,including verbal or written communications transmitted, physical acts committed and/or anyother behaviors committed by a student or group of students against another student with theintent to harass, ridicule, humiliate, or harm the other student.” Saints Francis & Clare of AssisiCatholic School does not tolerate bullying in any form at any time, whether during the schoolday, or at a school event, or disrupting the school environment. Such acts include thosesubmitted online or after school hours if they negatively influence the school’s climate and/ordisrupt relationships among students while at school.All staff in conjunction with The Threat Assessment Team are responsible for the followingbeliefs, guidelines, and procedures related to reports of bullying:At Saints Francis & Clare of Assisi Catholic School we believe that all people have dignitybecause they are created in God’s image and are of infinite value. We further believe that as aCatholic Christian community we are called to reflect the values of Jesus in His regard andrespect for all people. In this way, we build up the Body of Christ within our school communityand provide a physically and emotionally safe environment for all members.Any form of bullying directed toward any member of our school community by another memberof the community is contrary to these Christian values and is not acceptable at any time.We define bullying as an act which:1. Repeatedly hurts another individual either-a. Physically (such as pushing, hitting, kicking, spitting, or any other use ofviolence, taking items from, forcing to do something, unwillingly), etc.b. Verbally (such as teasing, name-calling, sarcasm, threatening, spreadingrumors), etc.c. Indirectly (such as excluding, being mean, tormenting, using hurtful gestures,making hurtful written comments), etc.d. Through the use of technology (such as cyber bullying - using technology tohurt others through any communication device such as email, cell phone,camera, chat rooms, text messaging, or websites), etc.2. Is deliberate and sustained3. Is intended to isolate, hurt, or humiliate another individual4. Is unprovoked The goal of Saints Francis & Clare of Assisi Catholic School's anti-bullying policy is to ensurethat all students experience a safe, Christian environment that is conducive to learning. Thefollowing steps will be taken when dealing with bullying incidents: Roles and ResponsibilitiesSaints Francis & Clare of Assisi Catholic School students have a responsibility to:● Promote a positive environment by respectfully treating each other as they wouldlike to be treated● Refuse to bully others or to be a bystander to acts of bullying● Actively participate in schoolwide and classroom anti-bullying initiatives and socialskills programs11
● Report all acts of bullying they may encounter or observe to appropriate schoolpersonnelThe bullied are expected to:● Honestly and accurately report bullying behaviors to staff in a timely manner● Learn and apply appropriate strategies to counter bullying behaviorsBystanders are expected to:● Honestly and accurately report bullying incidents● Support the bullied in positive ways such as saying stop and going with them toreport incidentsStaff Members are expected to :● Provide leadership that models the gospel values and promotes positiverelationships between students, staff, and parents● Implement the school’s anti-bullying initiatives and reinforce the school’s code ofconduct● Investigate and document reports of bullying, apply interventions, and follow-up● Encourage and teach students to report incidents of bullying and to understandthe difference between bullying and conflict● Communicate with parents about bullying incidents● Assist the bullied after an incident is reportedParents/guardians, parish, and community members are encouraged to● Inform the school if bullying is suspected and document behavior● Work with the school to resolve and prevent further incidents of bullying● Familiarize themselves with the definition and consequences of bullying● Be active contributors to our school community while we strive to create a safe,caring, and respectful school environment.1. Isolated or initial incidents which do not constitute bullying will be handled by theteacher in charge at the time of the incident. Depending on the severity of theincident, the principal and/or parents may be notified. Disciplinary guidelines setforth in the school handbook will be followed. 2. Whenever possible, any incidents that may constitute bullying should be reportedimmediately to the teacher in charge at the time of the incident. The teacher incharge at the time of the incident will immediately deal with those involved in theincident. 3. In some cases, students may choose to report the incident to a different adult in thebuilding, such as their homeroom teacher, a secretary, or the principal. If so, studentsare encouraged to report as soon as possible following the incident(s). 4. The principal or teacher in charge should be made aware of any bullyingincidents. Students engaging in bullying behavior will be disciplined according to theschool discipline policy. Parents will be notified. 12
Cell Phones/Smart Watches/Gizmos/Personal DevicesStudents may carry cell phones to school. Phones must be turned completely off during the dayand remain in the student’s locker or book bag until after school. Smart watches/Gizmos thatcan receive or distribute communication are NOT allowed. Watches that only tell time areallowed. Personal electronic devices are not permitted. If this rule is violated,phones/watches/devices will be confiscated in the school office. Parents may pick the device upfrom the principal or school office staff. Repeated offenses may require a conference with theparents and teacher/principal.DisciplineDisciplinary Actions1) Teachers are in charge of their respective classrooms and will set, explain, and enforceclassroom procedures that encourage discipline that is consistent with our mission,guidelines, and family handbook.2) Upon weighing the circumstances, results of the conduct, and the severity of the incident,the teacher and school administration will determine the appropriate consequences listedbelow.a) Warningsb) In-class consequencesc) Parent notificationd) Behavior plane) Detention or after school community servicef) Conferences with all concernedg) Suspensions1) In-school suspension is defined as 1 to 2 days served in the office doingclassroom work.2) Out-of-school suspension is defined as 1-5 days served off school premisesdoing classroom work. It is the parent’s responsibility to arrange for properadult supervision on these days.h) Expulsions1) Expulsion is defined as dismissal from school for the duration of theschool year with conditional re-entry for the following year.2) In most cases, the parents will be contacted for a conference prior to anexpulsion. The student may not return to school while a conference is beingscheduled.3) The school administration will confiscate any unauthorized items, weaponsand/or substances and notify the necessary authorities (police and/or parents).4) If a suspicion arises that a student has any unauthorized items, weaponsand/or substances, the school administration may search the student’sbelongings or clothing.Offenses Warranting Disciplinary Action1) Recognizing that it is impossible to list all types of misconduct, any comparableoffenses will be resolved by the teachers and/or administration in a mannerconsistent with the behavior guidelines.2) Offenses inappropriate to the learning environment:a) Disrespect to others through language or actionsb) Failure to follow school procedures13
c) Disruptions to the classd) Lack of preparation for school or class3) Offenses that may warrant suspensiona) Bullying or threatening another child physically or emotionallyb) Fighting or causing harm to another student or teacherc) Stealingd) Cheatinge) Lying or dishonest behaviorf) Foul languageg) Vandalism of parish property or another student’s propertyh) Leaving school grounds without the permission of school administrationi) Being under the influence, possessing, using or passing any unauthorizedsubstance at school or school-sponsored eventsj) Any incident deemed serious in nature by the school principal4) Offenses that may warrant expulsion and notification of authoritiesa) Having a gun, knife, or any other weapon on parish property or at schoolfunctionsb) Possessing, passing, using or being under the influence of drugs, alcoholand/or tobacco products on parish property or school functionsc) Physical action or threats with malicious intent toward a student, staff member,or any other person at schoold) Repeated offenses or any incident deemed serious in nature by the schoolprincipalConflict ResolutionIn the event that a parent does not agree with a disciplinary action, he/she is asked to adhere tothe following procedure:1) The parent is to set an appointment to speak with the faculty member who enforcedthe disciplinary action.2) If this session does not result in mutual agreement, parents may request anappointment with the school administration. If appropriate, both the parents and theteacher will be present to discuss the concern.3) If no resolution is made at this session, the parents may request a meeting with thepastor, whose decision is binding.Emergency DrillsFire, tornado, and other emergency drills are required exercises as precautions to inclementweather or emergency situations. Drills will be practiced throughout the school year. To promotesafety, studentsare to move quietly and orderly to designated areas as directed by their teachers. Any person inthe building during the time of a drill is to participate in the drill. It is imperative that theseprocedures are followed for the safety of our students. Please adhere to these procedures toensure safety.14
Entering/Leaving School - Morning Drop Off/Afternoon Pick UpMorning Drop Off● The Olive Branch Road entrance will be an entrance only between 7:30–7:50 a.m.● All traffic will exit past the Early Childhood Ministry building onto Goldenfield Drive exit.● Students can exit cars in the drop off zone- approximately the church sidewalk to the endof the gym. Staff members will assist in directing traffic patterns.● For the safety of our staff and students, parents are encouraged to drop their studentsoff outside in the car line and not walk their students in the School or ECM buildings. Weunderstand there are specific circumstances that require parents to walk their child intoschool. In the rare event that you need to walk with your child into the building, pleasepark in the spaces east of the gymnasium and be cautious of the morning traffic.● The cafeteria entrance is a student entrance only from 7:30-7:50 a.m. Parents mayenter the building during this time, but need to enter through the main office.Dismissal/Pick-Up Procedures:● Cars turn in from Olive Branch Road and proceed to the parking lot on the EAST side ofthe building.● All vehicles must be in park, and drivers are encouraged to have their engines off prior tothe dismissal of the students.● We will begin dismissal starting at 3:10 p.m. for K-8. All students will be out of thebuilding by 3:15 p.m.. Students are to find their vehicle in their grade’s row. Familiespark according to the youngest child’s grade- kindergarten families parking in the rowclosest to the gym.● Once all students are safely loaded, teachers will dismiss cars by row – beginning withthe row closest to Calvert Farms which will exit via Olive Branch Road and the rownearest the gym which will exit via Goldenfield Drive.● For the safety and timeliness of the pickup procedure, students will go directly to theirvehicle and are to remain in the vehicle.Late Line: When classes are proceeding to the carline at 3:10 p.m., all late cars will be directedto the northside of the gym, turn right, facing west near the flagpole. Do not pull into the firelane. The line begins behind the fire lane. Late line students will be walked to the front of thebuilding after cars are dismissed from the parking lot.Preschool Afternoon ProcedurePreschool students are dismissed at 3:00 p.m. Preschool parents are asked to line up in frontof the ECM in two lines if only picking up a preschool child. Teachers have a designated spotfor each class, and parents are asked to pick up from that teacher’s area. Once all studentshave been released to their parents, the line will exit. Parents with older siblings will bereleased to the pick up line for the school dismissal at 3:15 p.m. Parents with only preschoolstudents will exit the parking lot.EnrollmentRegistration is an important process for the school that enables us to determine requirementsfor the following school year. Therefore the following steps must be taken:1. Parents of students previously enrolled at Saints Francis & Clare Saints Francis &Clare of Assisi Catholic School are to enroll for the following year on a specified date15
via an online registration form.2. Parents of transfer students must fill out the appropriate online forms and may meetwith the principal before enrollment may ensue.3. Incoming new students will be registered following the current family enrollment periodwith the online registration form.Please note that birth certificates, baptismal certificates (if applicable), and immunizationrecords must be presented at the time of registration if they are not already on file, along withthe required non-refundable enrollment fee.Faith In Action ActivitiesSeveral outreach and Faith in Action activities occur in our parish and school. Our goal inproviding such activities is to teach the students the value of service, just as Jesus provided andmodeled. We encourage you to participate as a family as you can in the various activities,emphasizing our call as Christians to serve one another.Grades and ReportingAssessment of student performance is continually monitored by the teaching staff of SaintsFrancis & Clare of Assisi Catholic School and reported to parents several times throughout theyear.The purpose of the report card is to communicate with parents and students about the achievement ofspecific learning goals. It identifies students’ levels of performance with regard to those goals, areas ofstrength, and areas where time and effort are needed. - Guskey & Bailey, 2010, p. 36For kindergarten through 8thgrade, parents have access to PowerSchool, our online parentgrade portal. User-name and passwords are issued to new families at the start of each schoolyear. If, at any time, you have a concern about your child’s performance, please contact theteacher directly.Grade Scale Grades K-3rd Grade Scale 4-8thE-ExemplaryDemonstrates a deep and meaningfulunderstanding of key concepts and consistentlyapplies them at grade level.A100-93M-MasteryDemonstrates an understanding of key conceptsand consistently applies them at grade level.B92-86P - Partial MasteryDemonstrates a partial understanding of keyconcepts and/or inconsistently applies them atgrade level.C85-76N- Non-masteryDemonstrates little understanding of keyconcepts and/or rarely applies them at gradelevel without support.D75-70X-Standard is not assessed.F69-016
Health ServicesRequired FormsThe following are the health forms due for the current school year. Indiana code and/or SaintsFrancis & Clare of Assisi Catholic School requires that all of these forms be on file in theschool office prior to the first day of school.● Birth Certificate● Student Immunization Health Record● Baptismal Record (if applicable) If a student was baptized at SSFC Church, the record is onfile and not needed.● Emergency FormAs needed forms:● PERMISSION FOR PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION Any student that requiresprescription medication during school day● PERMISSION FOR NON-PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION All students that requirenon-prescription medication during the school year.● ACTION PLANS AND CARD Any students with any condition (allergy, asthma, etc.) thatrequires/may require medication or treatment during the school day.It is recommended that each child have an annual medical physical, dental check-up, as well asa regular eye exam conducted by a professional.Medication Policy● No medication shall be administered to a student without the written and dated consentof the student’s parent/guardian. The consent of the parent/guardian shall be valid onlyfor the period specified on the consent form and in no case longer than the currentschool year.● Only a nurse, another employee, or substitute nurse who will be designated by theprincipal will administer any oral or topical medication.● Only a nurse, substitute nurses or the student’s parents may interpret blood sugars andcalculate or administer insulin dosages. Exceptions to this are made only on anindividual basis and only with the full cooperation of the student’s physician.● Any unused medication which is unclaimed by the parent will be destroyed by schoolpersonnel when a prescription or non-prescription medication is no longer to beadministered or at the end of the school year.● The school must be notified if a student is taking any medication or if there is any changein the medications the student has been prescribed. This information is vital inemergency situations.● Parents may come to the school office to give their child the needed medication if theydo not want the staff to administer it. Please inform the office beforehand.Non-Prescription Medication· All medication must be brought to the school in its original container with the student’sname printed on the label and within the current expiration date. Expired medicine will notbe accepted or administered.· All medication will be administered according to the manufacturer’s instructions. If anamount is needed that is not age/weight appropriate (i.e. not a safe dose as indicated onthe label), a doctor’s order is required.· Parents may come to the school office to give their child the needed medication. Pleaseinform the office beforehand.17
Prescription Medication· All prescription medication to be administered to a student must be accompanied by aphysician’s order and signed by the student’s parents/guardians.· All medication must be brought to the school nurse in the pharmacy bottle that is labeledwith student name, date, exp. date, medication, dose, and frequency to be given. Expiredmedication will not be accepted or administered.If the medication is to be terminated, the written order of the parents is required and will be kepton file. If the medication is to be changed, the written order of the physician and of the parents isrequired and will be kept on file.Student Possession and Self-Administration of Medication in SchoolIn accordance with IC 20-8.1-5.1-0.5, a student with a chronic disease or medical condition maypossess and self-administer medication for the chronic disease or medical condition IF thefollowing conditions are met:(1) The student’s parent has filed an authorization with the student’s principal and trained stafffor the student to possess and self-administer the medication. The authorization must includethe statement described in subdivision (2)(2) A physician states in writing that:(A) The student has an acute or chronic disease or medical condition for which thephysicianhas prescribed medication.(B) The student has been instructed in how to self-administer the medication; and(C) The nature of the disease or medical condition requires EMERGENCYadministration ofthe medication.The authorization and statement described in subsection (2) must be filed with the student’sprincipal and school nurse annually.Transportation of MedicationIn accordance with IC 20-8.1-7-22, medication that is possessed by a school for administrationduring school hours for a student in grades infant through grade 8 may be released and signedout only to the student’s parents/guardians, or an individual who is:(A) At least 18 years of age and(B) Designated in writing by the student’s parent to receive the medication.In addition to the above guidelines set forth for the release of medications, all medication bothprescription and non-prescription must be transported and signed into the nurse’s office by aparent or guardian, or an adult appointed by the parent or guardian.Student Medical Information Email ConsentUpon signing the Parent/Student Handbook, you the parents/guardians, agree to the following:I give Saints Francis & Clare of Assisi Catholic School staff permission to send my child’smedical information to me through electronic mail (email) or text as a valid, simple convenientmechanism for communication and can aid in the healthcare delivery process. The email usedwill be provided by parents on registration/emergency forms. The types of information that canbe communicated via email or text to the parents include, but are not limited to, health care planupdates, medication clarifications or updates, answers to parent medical questions, and anupdate or status report concerning a child’s medical condition. Parents will be called using all18
numbers listed on the Emergency Health Sheet during an emergency or urgent care situation. Ifphone contact fails, then email could be used in an attempt to contact parents.Transmitting student information by email has a number of risks that are to be consideredincluding email can be circulated, forwarded, or stored. Email senders can type in the wrongemail address. Email can be intercepted, altered, forwarded or used without authorizationthrough their systems. Email can introduce viruses into the computer system. Email can be usedas evidence in court. Security measures are taken at Saints Francis & Clare of Assisi CatholicSchool through a secured server and regular security updates to prevent viruses and/orinterception of electronic communications. Staff/parent emails would only be shared with staffmembers on a “ need to know” basis as student medical information would be kept confidential.ImmunizationsWhen a student enrolls in school, the student's parent/guardian must provide proof that thestudent has been immunized. The parent/guardian must provide the school with completeimmunization records prior to the beginning of the school year. (Reference is made to IndianaCode 20-8.1-7.) Any student who is not fully immunized must have a medical or religiousexemption form on file completed annually. Parents must also sign an acknowledgment ofexclusion should an outbreak occur.Immunization State Registry PermissionThe Indiana State Department of Health maintains an immunization registry entitled Childrenand Hoosiers Immunization Registry Program (CHIRP). CHIRP allows all health care providerswithin the state of Indiana to enter immunization data as a method of electronic documentation.CHIRP ensures that the most up-to-date record of immunizations is available to all health careproviders. The Indiana Department of Education mandated that all schools within the state ofIndiana utilize CHIRP to document annual immunization reports. Schools are required to submitthese immunization reports to maintain the school’s accreditation. Parents/guardians within ourdiocese are being notified of this change in immunization reporting, and your permission isrequested to submit the immunization status of your child in this new format.Upon signing the Parent/Student Handbook, you the parents/guardians, agree to the following:I give Saints Francis & Clare of Assisi school staff, permission to release the followinginformation concerning my child to the Indiana State Department of Health’s Children andHoosiers Immunization Registry Program (CHIRP):Child and parent’s name, address, phone number, immunization dates, date of birth, informationas required by the Indiana Department of Health listed on the child’s immunization record.I understand that the information in the registry may be used to verify my child’s immunizationstatus or that an immunization is due according to recommended immunization schedules.I understand that my child’s information may be available to the immunization data registry ofanother state, a healthcare provider or a provider’s designee, a local health department, anelementary from the Indiana State Department of Health.19
ScreeningsThe following health services are provided to students as required by Indiana state mandates:● Vision Screenings—grades 1, 3, 5, 8 and any teacher or parent referral (far acuity)● Hearing Screenings—grades 1, 4 and 7IllnessThe Indiana Department of Health policy states that students may be excluded from school forthe following reasons:● A temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher- the temperature should be below thislevel for 24 hours (without the aid of medication) before returning to school.● Conjunctivitis (pink eye)- if considered contagious● Impetigo- until treatment has begun● Scabies- until treated● Vomiting or Diarrhea- with or without fever● Ringworm- until treatment has begun● Undiagnosed rash- if fever is present● Chicken Pox- until all vesicles have scabbed● A positive culture for Streptococcal throat infection, until has been on antibiotics for 24hours.● Head Lice- until treatment is started.If a child is sent home during the school day, he/she will not be permitted to return to school thatsame day, nor may they participate in school extracurricular events that day or evening. If theparent or guardian cannot be contacted and there is serious injury or illness requiring theexclusion of the student, the school will send the child home with the person whom the parentshave indicated previously in writing, or the school will secure emergency medical services totransport the child to the hospital.The school office must be informed of children who have special health problems that mayrequire special attention when an injury or illness occurs (allergies, asthma, diabetes, epilepsy,hemophilia).InjuryIn the event of a serious accident during the school hours, the school will attempt to notify theparents before medical care is given. The student will be transported by ambulance, ifnecessary. If such an accident was to occur while on a study trip, the student will be transportedto the nearest medical facility. At any time a student must be transported to a hospital viaambulance, a staff member will accompany him/her. Additionally, the school will attempt tocontact parents via phone in the event of injury to the head (bumps, hits, falls, etc.) and/or if astudent faints at school.HomeworkHomework is one component of the learning process as it provides additional practice andreinforces what is taught in school. All homework should be completed independently by thestudent it has been assigned.Homework should provide:● An extension of classroom activities;20
● A positive learning experience that emphasizes quality as opposed to quantity.Typically, an average day’s homework will not exceed these guidelines:Grade K and 1 20-30 minutesGrades 2 and 3 30-45 minutesGrades 4 and 5 45-60 minutesGrades 6, 7 and 8 60-90 minutesIf your child frequently takes longer than the above indicated times, please speak with theclassroom teacher.The following expectations ensure a good learning experience for our students:Teachers will:1. Provide assignments that are relevant to class work.2. Evaluate or use assigned homework in some manner.3. Consider the age and capabilities of students when preparing assignments.4. Consider the time required to complete assignments and be aware of other demandsof the students’ time.5. Provide clear instruction and be sure the students clearly understand the expectationsof theassignment. Timely academic feedback will be provided for the student.Parents will:1. Provide adequate time and a suitable place for the student to complete homework.2. Be available for questions, but realize that the assignment is the child’s responsibility.3. Communicate with the teacher when a child is consistently having difficulty completingthe assignments.Students will:1. Clarify homework instructions with the teacher.2. Take home the appropriate materials essential to complete the assignment.ILEARN AND IREADStudents in grades 3 through 8 participate in the ILEARN test given each year. Results of thistest assist the school in program evaluation and aid the teacher in planning for the students.Reports of student performance are shared with parents as quickly as possible.The Indiana Reading Evaluation and Determination (IREAD-3) is a grade three readingassessment developed in accordance with state legislation. IREAD-3 is designed to measurefoundational reading skills based on Indiana Academic Standards through grade three. Allgrade three students enrolled in accredited Indiana schools must participate in and attain apassing score on IREAD-3. A summer retest opportunity is available for students who did notpass IREAD-3 during the spring administration who do not have a probable cause exemption orISP.According to the Indiana Board of Education, students falling below the Indiana AcademicStandard likely require remedial assistance to be successful in the child’s current grade level.21
Lunch ProgramSaints Francis and Clare of Assisi School Ministry provides lunch and breakfast in accordancewith the National School Lunch and Breakfast programs. A student may also bring lunch andpurchase milk separately. Students have several choices for lunch. The hot lunch menu isposted on the website. Lunch counts are taken daily in the morning. Students may bring theirown lunch and drink. The school does not provide microwaves or refrigeration.Each student is given a student ID and must accompany them to lunch if they are purchasinglunch. An online lunch payment account may be set-up prior to the start of each school year forpurchases in addition to the free meal offered. Parents may add money to their child’s accountanytime. Once the child goes through the lunch line, the account is deducted the appropriatecharge for the day’s purchase. Any child that has a negative balance exceeding $10 will not beallowed to purchase additional food items.If you choose not to use the online system to purchase lunch, you may send in a check or cashin an envelope for your child. Please have your child give it to his/her teacher during lunchcount in the morning. Checks should be made out to Saints Francis & Clare School of Assisi.One check may be written for multiple siblings. Please mark each envelope with the followinginformation: Student’s name, grade, and teacher.If your child has a food allergy, a diet prescription from your doctor must be provided to theschool and cafeteria. The cafeteria manager tracks and accommodates these special needsonce a doctor’s form is provided from your doctor’s office.Please understand that students will not be able to trade lunch with another student or sharefood for sanitation and nutritional reasons. We also want to ensure students are eating the lunchthat parents intended. Lastly, we ask parents who pack lunches for students do not pack sodasfor your child’s lunch; such drinks will be replaced with a more appropriate substitute for school.These drinks become disruptive and lack nutritional value.Procedure for Student Lunch/Meal AccountsThe National School Lunch Program (NSLP) requires school food authorities to establish writtenadministrative guidelines and procedures for meal charges. Saints Francis and Clare of AssisiSchool will adhere to the following meal charge procedure.● All cafeteria purchases are to be prepaid before meal service begins.● Students may put money on accounts by bringing a check or money directly to the cafémanager, school office or depositing in My School Bucks.● Elementary K-8: Students can give their payment to their teacher. Payments can also begiven to the cashier in the lunch line.● The food service manager or other school personnel will coordinate communicationswith the parent(s)/guardian(s) to resolve the matter of unpaid charges.● If food services staff suspects that a student may be abusing this policy, written noticewill be provided to the parent(s)/guardian(s) that if he/she continues to abuse this policy,the privilege of charging meals will be refused.● Students who graduate or withdraw from the corporation and have $5.00 or more left intheir lunch/meal food service account will be notified by mail by food services and giventhe option to transfer the funds to another student or to receive a refund. If no responseis received within 5 days the student’s lunch/meal account will close and the funds will22
no longer be available. Unclaimed remaining balances will be transferred to the GeneralFund.● Any family having negative balances at the start of a new school year, will not receivetheir opening packets until the balance is resolved. Students that withdraw with anegative balance will not have their records forwarded to other schools until the balanceis resolved.Notice of Nondiscriminatory Policy as to StudentsAll schools operated by schools and parishes under the guidance of the Roman CatholicArchdiocese of Indianapolis admit students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to allthe rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to studentsat the school. The schools do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnicorigin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loanprograms, and athletic and other school-administered programs.Non-Custodial ParentsOccasionally non-custodial parents or other relatives request permission to take a child fromschool or obtain academic information. The legal guardian must provide Saints Francis & Clareof Assisi Catholic School written permission before such information will be revealed. A copy ofthe legal custody arrangements must be on file at school. If the school has not been given thelegal forms required, the school will assume each parent has equal custodial rights.Parent Expectations, Responsibilities and CommunicationsA child’s best hope of reaching his/her potential is when parents and educators work aspartners for success. Below is a list of expectations of all school parents.As parents, you are the primary educators of your children . . .• Families will attend Sunday church services and be active in our faith as an examplefor their children.• Families will be involved in school and parish events as well as service opportunitiesin the community.Families will stay informed of school and church events through The Wolf Report,teacher newsletters, and the parish bulletin.• Families will provide the school with all medical, dental, psychological, and otherpertinent information teachers need to help their children function successfullyboth academically and socially.• Families agree to support Saints Francis & Clare of Assisi Catholic School throughprayer, positive relationships, and the giving of their time, talent, and treasure. Theywill pay their tuition in accordance with timelines established by the school.• Families will do their best to plan medical appointments and family vacationsaround the school calendar in order to avoid missing any instruction.• Families will avoid gossip and be supportive of the school, teachers, and principal infront of their children and parish community.• Families will contact their child’s teacher to schedule a conference as soon as theyfeel a problem exists. They will withhold judgment until speaking with the teacher,whom they will always contact first before the principal.• Families will regularly review school‐provided devices to ensure appropriate and safe23
interactions with others.• Families agree that any communication with their child during the school day willalways go through the school office.We value meaningful partnerships with parents and commit to open communication andcooperative interaction with our families.How to contact teachers:1. You may phone the school office and leave a message for any staff member, or youmay opt to leave a voicemail for any staff member.2. Parents may email the teacher at his/her school email address.3. Parents may not disrupt instructional time by going to the classroom unannounced.Instead, phone the teacher to arrange an appropriate meeting time.When volunteering at school:1. Any parent or volunteer working with children must have Safe Parish Training, abackground check, and it must be current.2. All visitors to the school, including parents, must sign in at the school office. This is asafety precaution so that we can identify visitors and so we get accurate counts in theevent of an emergency.3. While visiting the school, all visitors will wear a badge.4. Before leaving the school, please sign out in the school office and return your badge.To resolve an issue or concern:1. Schedule an appointment with the teacher or staff member with whom you need tospeak.2. If this session does not result in mutual agreement, parents may request anappointment with the principal. If appropriate, both the parents and the teacher will bepresent to discuss the concern.3. If no resolution is made at this session, the parents may request a meeting with thepastor, whose decision is binding.Parent/Faculty OrganizationMembership in the PFO is open to all parents and teachers at Saints Francis & Clare of AssisiCatholic School. The PFO supports the mission of Catholic education in many different waysthrough volunteerism and fundraising. The service provided is social and supportive in nature.Various social events are held throughout the year which are published in the school WolfReport.Pesticide NotificationAt least 48 hours prior to a pesticide application at a school, the school corporation must provideplanned pesticide application details to parents, guardians, and staff members requesting to benotified. Parents, guardians and staff must be registered with the school to receive suchadvance notice.24
Photo ReleaseWe reserve the right to use the photographs and likeness of our students engaged in schoolactivities for the marketing of our school and parish unless otherwise advised. Advisement mustbe written and submitted to the school and parish with student name, grade, and signature ofparent/guardian along with a photo of your child.Religious EducationOur Catholic faith is an integral part of our curriculum. Religion classes are taught daily, andstudents in grades kindergarten through 8th also attend Mass weekly. Parents are alwayswelcomed to join the student Mass celebrations. We require students to sit with theirhomerooms during Mass. Full participation (singing, responding and paying attention) isexpected of all students.Because parents are the primary teacher of the faith, traditional prayers, conversation aboutGod, and Christian behavior should be modeled and encouraged at home.Sacramental preparations are also provided through the school and parish. Students receive thesacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion during their second grade yearand Confirmation in the eighth grade.School CommissionThe School Commission provides advice to the pastor and principal regarding policy andprocedures of the school. Meetings are conducted monthly. To facilitate open discussion anddeliberation of matters under consideration, commission meetings are not open forums. Thecommission does however acknowledge the right of non-members to address commissionmembers.School DayOur school day runs from 7:50 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. The general day-to-day schedule is as follows:7:00 a.m. Doors open for Morning Care Enrichment7:30 a.m. Bell rings and students may enter classrooms7:50 a.m. Instruction begins; students should be in their seats ready for class.3:15 p.m. Students are dismissed to home or after school care6:00 p.m. After school care endsTuesday Dismissal will be 2:15 p.m. in order to accommodate teacher Professional LearningCommunities and development of staff.School JurisdictionSaints Francis & Clare of Assisi Catholic School reserves the right to search anything broughton to school property.Should Saints Francis & Clare of Assisi Catholic School administration become aware ofbehaviors that endanger a student’s own physical or emotional health, safety or reputation ofhim/herself or others when the student is not directly under the jurisdiction of the school, theparents will be notified. If there is knowledge of such behavior, not directly under the jurisdiction25
of the school, but having a negative impact on the operation and/or reputation of the school,Saints Francis & Clare of Assisi Catholic School reserves the right to take appropriate action.Snow (Make-Up) DaysSnow make-up days are noted on the school calendar. Snow make-up days are built into thecalendar to be used as make-up days. The decision to utilize a snow day as a regular “school”day or a “no school” day will be made at least one week prior to the scheduled snow day.Please do not schedule snow days as vacation days.Sports and Extracurricular Eligibility PolicyThe principal may, at his/her discretion, ask that a student not participate in a sporting orextracurricular activity due to circumstances with the student. These circumstances are, but notlimited to, grades and/or conduct. The principal will contact the parents and work with theparents to come up with a solution.Standardized Assessments (In Addition to ILEARN)Our additional assessment tools include IREADY and KESA for incoming kindergartenstudents..Student RecordsStudent records are maintained by the faculty and staff at Saints Francis & Clare of AssisiCatholic School and deemed confidential. In accordance with the Family Educational Rights andPrivacy Act of 1974, Section #5513 of Public Law 98-380 we adhere to the following:● The parental rights to examine any student record until the student is 18 years of age;thereafter, only the student himself has the right to examine the record. Requests toexamine should be submitted in writing.● The parental right to examine the student record at a reasonable time arranged withthe principal or secretary.● The parental right to have the record corrected if it is “in-accurate, misleading, or isotherwise in violation of the privacy or other rights of students.”● A record must be kept with each student record showing who examined it, the date itwas examined, and the purpose for the examination. The parent or 18-year-old studentwill sign the record of examination and request for examination.● Certain people may examine student records without a parent’s consent. Theseinclude school officials, counselors, office staff, and teachers who have “legitimateeducational interests,” officials of other school systems where transfers are made andcertain representatives of the Federal Government with various limitations.● Any person may receive the records if the parents specify the records to be released,the reasons for such release, and the person to whom they are to be released. Theparents may also request and receive a copy of the record forwarded to anothersystem with the transfer.● A copy may also be furnished pursuant to a court order or subpoena, but only if theparent is given advance notice. This act became effective November 21, 1974.● Student and health records will be kept for seven years and destroyed according toFERPA and the Indiana Department of Education guidelines.26
Study TripsStudy trips are wonderful opportunities for learning to occur outside the boundaries of ourbuilding and property. Study trips are encouraged as long as they are educational in nature andapproved by the principal. Teachers have the responsibility of communicating the details toparents, who in turn, must provide permission for students to attend. Students who do notattend study trips scheduled on school time are expected to report to school as usual.Students who do not have the written consent of a parent on the school permission slip will notbe released from the building.Additionally, study trips may be denied to students who do not display the expected appropriatebehavior regularly. The principal will make such decisions.Parent drivers must be Safe Parish trained, background check and have a current valid driver’slicense and proof of automotive insurance. A copy must be given to the school office, which willbe kept on file for the school year.Chaperones are frequently required and welcome for study trips. During study trips the studentsrequire the full attention of the chaperone; therefore, siblings may not attend. No exceptions arepermitted.Support Service PolicyStudent support services are in place at Saints Francis & Clare of Assisi Catholic School tosupport the success of every child. Once a concern surfaces, either from a parent or teacher, anindividual assessment will begin and include the school support staff and parents. If services arerequired, then a plan is developed, which outlines services to be implemented and defines eachperson’s responsibility.If the initial strategies and interventions do not yield the intended results, it may be necessary toseek additional outside assessments. Should the school staff arrive at this decision, suchassessments will be recommended to the parents. The following steps are expected by theschool and foster a cooperative working relationship to better meet the child’s needs:1. The school and parents will all testing/assessment reports in their entirety.2. Once the information is shared and reviewed, a conference will be held with theparents and necessary school staff (which may include home school staff) to amendthe child’s education plan. This plan will include goals, strategies, and necessaryresources to address the areas of concern.3. A determination will be made as to the school’s ability to provide the necessaryresources. If it is determined that the child is in need of a different learningenvironment in order to be successful, the school staff in conjunction with the parentswill facilitate appropriate academic placement. Please note that the following areconsidered when seeking appropriate placement for the child:a. The student’s academic progressb. The student’s positive interactions with peersc. The student’s ability to perform within the expectations of the schoolcommunityd. The parent’s cooperation/willingness to act within the policies of the school,27
including the implementation of the support services plan.4. Follow-up conferences and re-evaluations will be held throughout the year to assessprogress and the effectiveness of the student plan.Teacher Requests and Classroom AssignmentsEach year teachers are asked to provide two class lists for the following year to be assigned ateacher by administration. Teachers are required to create class lists that balance theclassrooms as evenly as possible according to gender and academic considerations. Parentrequests will not be granted unless a case of extreme cause is presented. Any requests may bedenied in order to maintain the balance that has been carefully considered by the teachers asprofessionals.TechnologyTechnology devices and the internet can provide great educational benefits to students. Accessto this technology is considered a privilege, and involves both risks and responsibilities. Somematerial accessible via the internet may contain items that are illegal, offensive, or inappropriatefor children. Saints Francis & Clare of Assisi Catholic School (SSFC) devices, including accessto the internet, are to be used in a responsible, ethical, and legal manner in accordance with themission and rules of SSFC. All students and parents/guardians must read, accept, and sign offon the rules outlined in this Responsible Use Policy (RUP) before they may use the devices.Tobacco PolicyTobacco products are strictly prohibited in the school or on school grounds by parents andstudents. Authorities will be contacted if any person under the age of 18 is found in possessionof tobacco or tobacco products.Uniform CodeWe believe a uniform code is appropriate for our school environment. Student dress has a directinfluence on attitude and behavior. A dress code eliminates competition of student dress andallows emphasis to remain on the learning process.There are two distinct uniforms in our code: Formal day uniform and daily uniform. Wecollaborate with Tommy Hilfiger for school uniforms. Students are required to purchase onlycertain uniform items from the uniform company. Those items are indicated with an asterisk inthe descriptions below. This ensures a uniform look among our students. Tommy Hilfiger makesit convenient for Saints Francis & Clare of Assisi Catholic School students to shop online.Uniform pieces from Land’s End that were purchased during the previous years may be usedas part of the formal uniform and will gradually be phased out. Please note that skirts fromthat line must follow guidelines of appropriate length.Formal Day UniformAll items denoted by a single asterisk (*) must be purchased from Tommy Hilfiger (or previouslyfrom Lands’ End.)Girls in grades K – 4 are required to wear all of the following:● Either pleated skirt/skort* with crosstie or pleated side-buckle plaid jumper*● White oxford blouse* (short or long sleeve)28
● Crosstie (crossties can be purchased in the school office)● Fine gauge navy cardigan sweater* (not required)● White/navy knee length socks or tights● Black closed-toe dress shoesGirls in grades 5 – 8 are required to wear all of the following:● Plaid skirt/skort*● White oxford blouse* (short or long sleeve)● Plaid tie* purchased from Tommy Hilfiger or the school office● Fine gauge navy cardigan sweater* (not required)● White/Navy knee length socks or tights● Black closed-toe dress shoesBoys in grades K – 4 are required to wear all of the following:● Khaki pants from Tommy Hilfiger or Land’s End● Navy sweater vest* (not required)● White oxford shirt* (short or long sleeve)● Black or brown closed-toe dress shoes (non-white soles) and socks● Black or brown belt (for those in grades 3-4) ● No shorts are allowed for the formal uniformBoys in grades 5 – 8 are required to wear all of the following:● Khaki pants from Tommy Hilfiger or Land’s End● White oxford shirt* (short or long sleeve)● Black or brown closed-toe dress shoes (non-white soles) and socks● Black or brown belt● Navy tie* purchased from Tommy Hilfiger or the school office● No shorts are allowed for the formal uniform.Daily UniformShorts may be worn from August to Fall Break and after Spring Break to May.Girls K-4:● Khaki uniform pants, khaki shorts, khaki/plaid skirts* or khaki/plaid skorts* with a navy blue,grey or white polo shirt● Navy uniform pants, navy uniform shorts, navy/plaid skirts* or navy/plaid skorts* with a whiteor grey polo shirtGirls 5-8, Boys K-8:● Khaki uniform pants or khaki shorts with a navy blue, grey or white polo shirt● Navy uniform pants or navy uniform shorts with a white or grey polo shirtSpecial notes:● Navy polo may not be worn with navy pants.● The daily uniform requires closed-toe shoes and can be tennis shoes. No boots allowed.● Daily uniform pants can be purchased at any retailer but must look like the Tommy Hilfiger orLand’s End required pants● Formal uniform pants must be from Tommy Hilfiger or Land’s End.● All pants and shorts must be of uniform style including a zipper and button.● Cargo pants, shorts and leggings are not approved.● The formal uniform may be worn instead of the daily uniform.29
Accessories● Belt required for all students in grades 3 - 8● Black or brown belt for boys● Black, brown, or navy belt for girls● White/black above the ankle socks or white/navy tights (leggings are not to be worn)Sweaters/Sweatshirts:All daily approved uniform fleece/sweatshirts must be purchased through our online site. Thelink to the online store can be found on our website at:https://ssfcdailyuniform2020-21.itemorder.com/shop/sale/● Official ¼ zip SSFC logo sweatshirt● Official fleece or wick fleece SSFC logo wear jacket ¼ zip or full zip● Official crewneck sweatshirt● Fine gauge cardigan sweater* (the formal wear sweater from Tommy Hilfiger or previousLand’s End.)General Appearance Guidelines● Shorts and skirts must follow guidelines of modesty and not be more than 2 inches abovethe knee. The measurement is taken when the child kneels and the hem is measured fromthe floor. ● Clothing- Free of designer monograms, insignias, symbols.● Jewelry – One earring in each ear, no large hoops, dangling, or distracting jewelry isallowed. Boys may not wear earrings.● Makeup – Students are not allowed to wear make-up. Girls may wear clear nail polish.Colored nail polish or false nails are not permitted.● Tattoos – Visible tattoos are not permitted.● Boys’ Hair – Must be off the collar, above the eyebrow and above the ear. Hair must beneat, clean, groomed in style suitable for school.● Girls’ hair –Must be a natural hair color. Highlights or streaks must also be natural. Extraaccessories such as feathers or beading are not allowed.● Outerwear – Sunglasses, hats, jackets, coats, or other outerwear is not permitted in theclassroom other than the sweaters/sweatshirts outlined above.Faith In Action/Spirit DaysOne day each month will be dedicated to a Faith In Action Day as a way to display pride in ourschool and build our community. Students may also wear Catholic high school attire on Faith InAction Days. CYO team shirts may be worn on spirit days. Faith In Action and Spirit days willbe announced in the Wolf Report.Uniform NoticeBecause the uniform code is about self-discipline and structure in the school environment,children not wearing proper uniform attire will be given a uniform notice. The notice serves ascommunication between home and school regarding uniform code infractions. These includebut are not limited to: un-tucked shirts, improperly styled uniform pieces (shirts, pants, shorts,belts), no belt, incorrect socks, and incorrect Mass day uniform articles. Notices will be sentthrough PowerSchool. Repeated offenses will be handled in the school office.The principal or designated staff person reserves the right to determine appropriate andinappropriate school dress and appearance. In the event that inappropriate attire is worn or achild is not dressed according to the dress code and/or guidelines presented for “out of uniform”30
days, parents will be contacted via telephone and requested to bring appropriate clothing.VisitorsAll visitors will be asked to check in at the main door (#8) and sign in via our Raptor VisitorManagement System. Visitors will be required to wear a badge during the visits to the mainschool. The Raptor visitor management system will scan your ID against the national sexoffender database. Please plan to have your ID scanned in order to enter the school. Visitorswill be required to wear a badge during the visits to the main school.Weather Closing and DelaysThe decision to close or delay school will typically be made prior to 6:30 a.m. by the schoolprincipal. Criteria for closing and delays will be based on road and weather conditions as well asany facility failures (heat, water, etc.) We will communicate such decisions through anautomated email and text message alert system. Parents will receive information on subscribingto the text notification system in the fall. It is the parent’s responsibility to subscribe to textnotifications every year.In the event of a 2-hour delay, the school doors open at 9:30 a.m. and classes begin at 9:50a.m. Students may not arrive at school before 9:30 a.m., as no supervision is available.For those families who live in less traveled or rural areas, please exercise your best judgment asto whether or not you can make it to school safely during times of inclement weather. Please letthe school know if this delay or absence is weather related.In the event of an E-Learning Day, parents will be notified via email and the text message alertsystem. All required assignments should be turned in as directed in a timely manner.Homework expectations will be provided by teachers.Wellness PolicySaints Francis & Clare of Assisi Catholic School Wellness Policy promotes good nutrition, healthand overall well-being for our students, in accordance with the WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004.A comprehensive copy of the Wellness Plan may be viewed on the Saints Francis & Clare ofAssisi website at https://www.ss-fc.org/parents/lunch#wellnesspolicyWithdrawal and TransferIf you plan to move or withdraw from Saints Francis & Clare of Assisi Catholic School, pleasenotify the school office as quickly as possible. You will be asked to complete and sign “TheStudent Withdrawal.” The new school will issue a formal request for records, and records willbe promptly forwarded upon receipt. Parents may request an exit interview.A request for records from a different school will be confirmed with the parents.31
ARCHDIOCESAN “MISSION” POLICYPolicy StatementThe language below is to be shared with families when enrolling to ensure that they understandthe benefits of Catholic education and formation and to encourage all to embrace the mission.The language is to be placed in the Parent/Student Handbook and a signature of eachparent/guardian is required, acknowledging that they have read and understand what it meansto be a part of a Catholic school.1. The primary purpose of a Catholic school education is to form students in the values ofJesus Christ and the teaching of the Catholic Church.2. Catholic schools are distinctive religious education institutions operated as ministries ofthe Catholic Church; they are not private schools but are administered and supported bythe sponsoring parish(es), the archdiocese, or a religious community.3. Attending a Catholic school is a privilege and a choice, not a right. As such, wewelcome you as a member of our school family who is committed to the mission of ourCatholic school. We are grateful that you, as the first teacher of your child, choose thisCatholic school!4. While academic excellence and involvement in extracurricular activity (i.e., sports, clubs,etc.) are important, fidelity to the Catholic identity of the school is a fundamental priority.We strive to integrate our faith into all aspects of our school culture and curriculum.5. The school and its administration have the responsibility to ensure that Catholic valuesand moral integrity permeate every facet of the school’s life and activity. Such is reflectedin our policies, practices, and protocols.6. In all questions involving faith, morals, faith teaching, and Church law, the finaldetermination of admission in our Catholic schools rests with the Archdiocesan bishop.As a parent/guardian desiring to enroll my child in a Catholic school, I pledge support for theCatholic identity and mission of this school and by enrolling my child, I commit myself to upholdall the principles and policies that govern a Catholic school. In turn, I understand that we arenow part of a Catholic school family that will do all they can to help in the formation andeducation of my child.Dated on this _____ day of May, 2020.____________________________________Most Reverend Charles C. Thompson, D.D., J.C.L.Archbishop of Indianapolis___________________________Annette “Mickey” LentzChancellor35
Notice of Non-Discriminatory Policy as to StudentsAll schools operated by schools and parishesunder the guidance of the Roman Catholic Archdioceseof Indianapolis admit students of any race, color, nationaland ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs,and activities generally accorded or made available tostudents at the school. The schools do not discriminate onthe basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin inadministration of its educational policies, admissionspolicies, scholarship and loan programs, and athleticand other school-administered programs.Saints Francis & Clare of Assisi Catholic School5901 Olive Branch RoadGreenwood, IN 46143MAIN SCHOOL 317.859.4673 ECM OFFICE 317.215.2827ss-fc.org/school@ssfcofassisischool