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2024-25 Panther PD Catalog

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Panther PDCatalog2024-25

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ExchangeCreditsAs a learning organization, Duncanville ISDcommits to continuous learning andprofessional growth of all staff and has includedfour days (24 credits) of paid professionallearning throughout the campus professionalstaff calendar. Employees benefit from choosingan education that pertains to their content, skilllevel, and interests and the flexibility of formatand time that works best for them.All campus-based professional and paraprofessionalemployees may earn Professional DevelopmentCredit Equivalency (PDCE) or ParaprofessionalExchange Day (PED) for participation in professionaldevelopment activities approved by their supervisor.Please note that all exchange credits must beearned between June 1, 2024 and May 2, 2025, toexchange May 27 and 28, 2025 as trade-out days.Click on the link below to view more informationabout district exchange days.The mission of the Duncanville ISD Professional Development Department is toprovide meaningful professional learning opportunities to ensure that all educatorscontinue to learn, adapt, and implement best practices for teaching and learning.E X C H A N G E D A Y S E X C H A N G E C R E D I T S4

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N O U NWhat are PDCE and PEDcredits?Who can earn exchangecredits?I've attended professionaldevelopment during contract hours.Does that count towards exchangedays?What will happen if I do notearn exchange credits?Professional DevelopmentCredit Equivalency andParaprofessional Exchange Daycredits are units that can beearned to exchange fordesignated days off.All campus-based staff membersare eligible to earn specificcredits. Campus professionalstaff can earn PDCE credits. Allcampus paraprofessional staffcan earn PED credits.If the credits aren't earned by thedue date, campus staff will need toattend professional developmenton the designated days orexchange personal business days(if the exchange day does not fallwithin range of a holiday) to fulfillthe requirement.Credits earned during contracthours do not count towardexchange days. However, thesecredits do count toward TEAcertification renewalrequirements. 5

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N O U NCan PDCE and PED creditsbe combined to ensure thatenough credits have beenearned?Why didn't I receiveexchange credit for anaynchronous session thathappened outside thedistrict?I'm not a certified teacher. Do Iearn PDCE or PED credits?I attended a conference thathappened during andoutside of contract hours.Can I count this towardsexchange credit?How do I check the numberof credits I have earned?No, PDCE and PED credits areearned by two different groupsof campus staff. Exchange credit(s) may not beissued for asynchronous sessionsthat happen on a contract day ifthere is no evidence to prove thatit happened outside of contracthours. Yes, the portion of theconference that happenedoutside of contract hours can becounted towards the 24 hourcredit requirement.If you serve in the capacity asa teacher (i.e. full-time sub orteacher apprentice) you areeligible to earn PDCE credits.This tutorial can be used toassist all personnel inchecking all professionaldevelopment credits.6

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N O U NHow do I upload evidence ofattending workshops thatwere delivered outside thedistrict?I've uploaded my evidence,but my request has not beenapproved. What do I do?I wasn't hired at the beginning of theschool year. Do I still need 12 creditsto have the exchange days off?How long do I have toupload evidence ofattending out of districtworkshops?This tutorial can be used toassist personnel in uploadingevidence of attendingprofessional developmentoutside of the district.If your request has not beenapproved, it may be necessary toclick on the "pencil" of therequest to edit the request. Clickthe "submit" button to ensure thatthe request is sent to theapproval queue.Please upload all evidence ofcompleted training within 30days of the session to avoidprolonged wait time of approvalcloser to the deadline. Allevidence must be uploaded bythe deadline.All campus personnel mustearn PDCE/PED 12 creditsto trade out time for twodesignated days. However,one designated day can beexchanged if at least 6PDCE/PED credits areearned.7

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Compliance TrainingSafe Schools Compliance TrainingJune 1st - September 30th All District Staff8Gifted and Talented 6 HoursJune 1st - September 30thResponsive Learningm/Responsive Learning/home All District StaffInitial T-TESS & AEL TrainingOngoingAll New Campus AdministratorsRegion 10 Evaluation Training ScheduleT-TESS RecertificationJune 1st - July 19thTeach For Texas Certification TestAll T-TESS AppraisersRegion 10or

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June Training Dates9CHAMPS8:30 AM - 3:30 PMElem. - Middle School teachers, admin., & aides3 & 4JUNRestorative PracticesTLC rm. 10212 PDCE, 12 CPECPI Blended Training8:30 AM - 12:00 PMCampus Administrators11JUNSpecial EducationTBD3.5 CPECPR Training9:00 AM - 1:00 PMAll Staff11 & 12JUNHealth ServicesTBD8 CPE, 8 PDCECHAMPS8:30 AM - 3:30 PMElem. - Middle School teachers, admin., & aides12 & 13JUNRestorative PracticesIdea Hub Training Labs A & B12 PDCE, 12 CPEStrategies to Create Vocabulary Virtuosos9:00 AM - 10:00 AM6-12 Teachers13 JUNRLARegion 10 Virtual Synchronous1 PDCE, 1 CPERequires registration in Edugence and Region 10/Savvas.

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June Training Dates (cont.)Solution Tree: Assess. Academy Session 38:30 AM - 3:30 PMCampus Leadership Team18 - 19JUNC & ITLC Rm. 10212 PDCE, 12 CPEProcessing Your Planning in S.S. Session 210:00 - 11:30 AMSocial Studies Teachers20JUNC & IVirtual Syncrhronous1.5 PDCE, 1.5 CPERequires registration in Edugence and Region 10/Savvas.Advanced Placement Summer Institute8:30 AM - 3:30 PMAdvanced PlacementTeachers18 - 21JUNAdvanced AcademicsUTA, SMU24 PDCE, 24 CPEESL TExES #154 Preparation Course8:30 AM - 3:30 PMAnyone needing ESLcertification18 JUNLanguage AcquisitionTLC 12 PDCE, 12 CPE1 0

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Requires registration in Edugence and Region 10/Savvas.R10- RLA RBIS8:30 AM - 3:30 PMRLA teachers24 JUNRLARegion 10 at Richardson6 PDCE, 6 CPEAdvanced Placement Summer Institute8:30 AM - 3:30 PMAdvanced PlacementTeachers25 - 28JUNAdvanced AcademicsUTA, SMU24 PDCE, 24 CPESavvas9:00 AM - 11:00 AM or 1:00 - 3:00 PMScience K-526JUNScienceVirtual Synchronous2 PDCE, 2 CPEJune Training Dates (cont.)1 1911 ECR Emergency!9:00 AM - 4:00 PMRLA 3-8 teachers24 JUNRLARegion 10 at Richardson6 PDCE, 6 CPEThe 411 on EOC ECRs9:00 AM - 4:00 PMRLA 3-12 Teachers20JUNRLARegion 10 Richardson6 PDCE, 6 CPE

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June Training Dates (cont.)Requires registration in Edugence and Region 10/Savvas.Savvas9:00 AM - 11:00 AM or 1:00 - 3:00 PMBiology26JUNScienceVirtual Synchronous2 PDCE, 2 CPESavvas9:00 AM - 11:00 AM or 1:00 - 3:00 PMChemistry26JUNScienceVirtual Synchronous2 PDCE, 2 CPESavvas9:00 AM - 11:00 AM or 1:00 - 3:00 PMPhysics26JUNScienceVirtual Synchronous2 PDCE, 2 CPESavvas9:00 AM - 11:00 AM or 1:00 - 3:00 PMScience 6-826JUNScienceVirtual Synchronous2 PDCE, 2 CPE1 2

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July Training Dates1 3New Science Standards 2.01:00 - 4:00 PM6-12 Science Teachers1 JULScienceRegion 10 Virtual, Synchronous3 PDCE, 3 CPEEureka Product Academies Day 1- Deep Dive8:30 AM - 3:30 PMK-5 Math Teachers8JULMathTLC 7 PDCE, 7 CPEAmplify Product Academies Day- Deep Dive8:30 AM - 3:30 PMK-5 RLA Teachers8JULRLATLC 7 PDCE, 7 CPEEureka Product Academies Day 2- Deep Dive8:30 AM - 3:30 PMK-5 Math Teachers9 JULMathTLC 7 PDCE, 7 CPENew Science Standards 2.09:00am- 1:00pmK-5 Science Teachers2 JULScienceRegion 10 Virtual, Synchronous3 PDCE, 3 CPE

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July Training DatesARD 1018:30 - 10:30 AMCampus Administrators9 JULSpecial EducationTLC rm. 1022 CPECHAMPS8:30 AM - 3:30 PMlem. - Middle School teachers, admin., & aides10 & 11JULRestorative PracticesTLC rm. 10212 PDCE, 12 CPEDuncanville U8:00 AM - 3:30 PMAll Staff16 & 17JULProfessional DevelopmentMidlothian Conference Center12 CPE, 12 PDCECHAMPS8:30 AM - 3:30 PMElem. - Middle School teachers, admin., & aides16 & 17JULRestorative PracticesTLC rm. 10212 PDCE, 12 CPECPR Training9:00am- 1:00pmAll Staff9 & 10JULHealth ServicesTBD8 CPE, 8 PDCE1 4

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July Training Dates (cont.)NMSI Content Workshop8:30 - 3:30 AMAP & Honors Teachers,Campus Administrators16 - 18 JULAdvanced AcademicsChisolm Trail HS, Fort Worth18 CPE, 18 PDCEReady, Set, Go!8:30 AM - 3:30 PMMiddle School & DHS26JULSpecial EducationMedia Center & TLC12 PDCE, 12 CPENew Teacher Orientation8:00 AM - 3:30 PMAll New Teachers29 - 31JULProfessional DevelopmentTLC18 CPE, 18 PDCERaaWee Training1:30 - 2:30 PMCampus Administrators,Counselors, Clerks25 JULStudent ServicesPlaza C1211 CPEReady, Set, Go! 8:30 AM - 3:30 PMElementary & Intermediate25 JULSpecial EducationMedia Center & TLC6 CPE, 6 PDCE1 5

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July Training Dates (cont.)1 6Diagnostician Kick Off8:30 - 12:00 PMDiagnosticians, LSSPs29 JULSpecial EducationTLC rm. 1323.5 CPE

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August Training DatesDistrict Professional Development Day8:30 - 12:00 PMCampus Staff5 AUGProfessional DevelopmentMultiple Locations3.5 CPECPR Training8:00 AM - 12:00 PMAll Staff6AUGHealth ServicesTBD4 CPERaaWee Training9:00 - 10:00 AMCampus Administrators,Counselors, and Clerks6AUGStudent ServicesPlaza C1211 CPECPI Blended Training Sessions1:00 - 4:00 PMDistrict Security Training7AUGSpecial EducationTBD4 CPECafeteria Manager Training7:30 AM - 4:00 PMCafeteria Managers 5AUGNutrition ServicesTBD7.5 CEU1 7

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August Training Dates(cont.)1 8ALL Nutrition Staff Professional Development7:30 AM - 4:00 PMCampus Staff7 AUGProfessional DevelopmentTBD7.5 CPECPI Blended Training Sessions8:30 AM - 3:30 PMElem. - Middle School teachers, admin., & aides7 AUGSpecial EducationTLC rm. 1024 CPECPI Blended Training Sessions8:00 AM - 3:30 PMAll Staff9AUGSpecial EducationMidlothian Conference Center4 CPERaaWee Training1:30 - 2:30 PMCampus Administrators,Counselors, and Clerks22AUGStudent ServicesPlaza C1211 CPECPR Training1:00 - 5:00 PMAll Staff7 AUGHealth ServicesTBD4 CPE

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August Training Dates(cont.)RaaWee Training4:30 - 5:30 PMCampus Administrators,Counselors, and Clerks22AUGStudent ServicesPlaza C1211 CPERaaWee Training4:30 - 5:30 PMCampus Administrators,Counselors, and Clerks27 AUGStudent ServicesPlaza C1211 CPESPED Referral Process9:00-11:00 AMAdministrators27AUGIntervention ServicesTBD2 CPESPED Referral Process1:00-3:00 PMCounselors27AUGIntervention ServicesTBD2 CPERaaWee Training1:30 - 2:30 PMCampus Administrators,Counselors, and Clerks27 AUGStudent ServicesPlaza C1211 CPE1 9

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August Training Dates(cont.)2 0SPED Referral Process9:00-11:00 AMAdministrators29AUGIntervention ServicesTBD2 CPESPED Referral Process1:00-3:00 PMCounselors29AUGIntervention ServicesTBD2 CPE

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September Training Dates How Are The Children?: Implementing &Documenting Behavior Interventions4:45 - 5:45 PMClassroom Teachers,Counselors3SEPRestorative PracticesVirtual1 CPE, 1 PDCERaaWee Training1:30-2:30 PMCampus Administrators,Counselors, and AttendanceClerks10SEPStudent ServicesPlaza C1211 CPE4:30-5:30 PMRaaWee TrainingCampus Administrators,Counselors, andAttendance Clerks10SEPStudent ServicesPlaza C1211 PDCE, 1 CPEHow Are The Children?: Implementing &Documenting Behavior Interventions3:45 - 4:45 PMClassroom Teachers,Counselors5SEPRestorative PracticesVirtual1 CPE, 1 PDCE2 1

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September Training Dates (cont.) 2 2Coaching CHAMPS 3:45 - 4:45 PMK-8 Administrators,Instructional Specialists, RPSpecialists12SEPRestorative PracticesVirtual1 CPEHow Are The Children?: Implementing &Documenting Behavior Interventions4:45 - 5:45 PMClassroom Teachers,Counselors17SEPRestorative PracticesVirtual1 CPEHow Are The Children?: Implementing &Documenting Behavior Interventions3:45 - 4:45 PMClassroom Teachers,Counselors19SEPRestorative PracticesVirtual1 CPERaaWee Training1:30-2:30 PMCampus Administrators,Counselors, and AttendanceClerks19SEPStudent ServicesPlaza C1211 CPECPI Blended Training Sessions8:30 AM -12:00 PMCampus Administrators, AllDistrict Staff12SEPSpecial EducationTBD3.5

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September Training Dates(cont.) RaaWee Training4:30 - 5:30 PMCampus Administrators,Counselors, and Clerks19SEPStudent ServicesPlaza C1211 CPECPI Blended Training Sessions8:30 AM - 12:00 PMCampus Administrators, AllDistrict Staff24SEPSpecial EducationPlaza C1211 CPESPED Referral Process9:00-11:00 AMAdministrators24SEPIntervention ServicesTBD2 CPESPED Referral Process1:00-3:00 PMCounselors26SEPIntervention ServicesTBD2 CPERISE Academy4:10 & 5:25 PMNew Teachers & Mentors23SEPProfessional DevelopmentTLC rm. 1021 CPE, 1 PDCE*2 3

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October Training Dates 2 4Administrator WIN Time3:45 - 5:30 PMAdministrators7OCTRestorative PracticesVirtual1.25 CPE, 1.25 PDCERaaWee Training4:30-5:30 PMCampus Administrators,Counselors, and AttendanceClerks7OCTStudent ServicesPlaza C1211 CPE, 1 PDCEBetter Than Carrots or Sticks Book Study4:30 - 5:30 PMAll Staff9OCTRestorative PracticesVirtual1 CPE, 1 PDCECPI Blended Training Sessions8:30 AM-12:00 PMCampus Administrators, AllDistrict Staff10OCTSpecial EducationTBD3.5 CPERaaWee Training1:30-2:30 PMCampus Administrators,Counselors, andAttendance Clerks7OCTStudent ServicesPlaza C1211 CPE

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October Training Dates(cont.) RaaWee Training1:30-2:30 PMCampus Administrators,Counselors, and AttendanceClerks24OCTStudent ServicesVirtual1 PDCERISE Academy4:10 & 5:25 PMNew Teachers & Mentors28OCTProfessional DevelopmentTLC rm. 1021 CPE, 1 PDCECPI Blended Training Sessions8:30 AM-12:00 PMCampus Administrators, AllDistrict Staff29OCTSpecial EducationTBD4 CPERaaWee Training4:30-5:30 PMCampus Administrators,Counselors, and AttendanceClerks24OCTStudent ServicesVirtual1 CPE, 1 PDCE2 5

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November Training Dates 2 6Better Than Carrots or Sticks Book Study4:30 - 5:30 PMAll Staff13NOVRestorative PracticesVirtual1 CPE, 1 PDCECPI Blended Training Sessions8:30 AM-12:00 PMCampus Administrators, AllDistrict Staff19NOVSpecial EducationTBD3.5 CPEAdministrator WIN Time3:45 - 5:30 PMAdministrators14NOVRestorative PracticesVirtual1.25 CPE, 1.25 PDCECPI Blended Training Sessions8:30 AM-12:00 PMCampus Administrators, AllDistrict Staff19NOVSpecial EducationTBD3.5 CPE

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CPI Blended Training Sessions8:30 AM-12:00 PMCampus Administrators, AllDistrict Staff12 DECSpecial EducationTBD3.5 CPEDecember Training Dates Administrator WIN Time3:45- 5:30 PMCampus Administrators2DECRestorative PracticesVirtual 1.25 CPE, 1.25 PDCEBetter Than Carrots or Sticks Book Study4:30 - 5:30 PMAll Staff11DECRestorative PracticesVirtual11 CPE, 1 PDCE, 1 PED2 7

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January Training Dates (cont.)2 8Better Than Carrots or Sticks Book Study4:30 - 5:30 PMAll Staff8 JANRestorative PracticesVirtual1 CPE, 1 PDCESpring New Teacher Orientation4:45 - 6:30 PMAll New Teachers Hired afterJuly22JANProfessional DevelpmentTLC rm. 1282.25 CPE, 2.25 PDCECPI Blended Training Sessions8:30a-12:00pAll Staff14JANSpecial Education DepartmentTBD3. 5 CPERISE Academy4:10 PM, 5:25 PMNew Teachers, MentorTeachers27JANProfessional DevelopmentTLC rm. 1021 CPE, *1PDCE

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January Training Dates(cont.) CPI Blended Training Sessions8:30a-12:00pAll Staff30JANSpecial Education DepartmentTBD3.5 CPE14NOV2 9

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February Training Dates 3 0Administrator WIN Time3:45 - 5:30Campus Administrators3 FEBRestorative PracticesVirtual1 CPE, 1 PDCECPI Blended Training Sessions8:30a-12:00pAll New Teachers Hired afterJuly20FEBSpecial EducationAll Staff3.5 CPEBetter Than Carrots or Sticks Book Study4:30 - 5:30 PMAll Staff12FEBRestorative PracticesVirtual1 CPE, 1 PDCE, 1 PEDRISE Academy4:10 PM, 5:25 PMNew Teachers, MentorTeachers24 FEBProfessional DevelopmentTLC rm. 1021 CPE, *1PDCE

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March Training Dates Administrator WIN Time3:45 - 5:30Campus Administrators3 MARRestorative PracticesVirtual1 CPE, 1 PDCEBetter Than Carrots or Sticks Book Study4:30 - 5:30 PMAll Staff12MARRestorative PracticesTBD1 CPE, 1 PDCE, 1 PEDCPI Blended Training Sessions8:30a-12:00pAll Staff11MARSpecial EducationTBD3.5 CPERISE Academy4:10 PM, 5:25 PMNew Teachers, MentorTeachers24MARProfessional DevelopmentTLC rm. 1021 CPE, *1PDCE3 1

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March Training Dates(cont.) 3 2CPI Blended Training Sessions8:30a-12:00pAll Staff27 MARSpecial EducationTBD3.5 CPE

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April Training Dates Administrator WIN Time3:45 - 5:30Campus Administrators7APRRestorative PracticesVirtual1 CPE, 1 PDCEBetter Than Carrots or Sticks Book Study4:30 - 5:30 PMAll Staff9APRRestorative PracticesVirtual1 CPE, 1 PDCE, 1 PEDRISE Academy4:45 - 5:45 PMNew Teachers, MentorTeachers24APRProfessional DevelopmentTLC rm. 1021 CPE, *1 PDCE3 3

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May Training Dates 3 4Administrator WIN Time3:45 - 5:30Campus Administrators5 MAYRestorative PracticesVirtual2.5 CPE