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2024/25 Issue 29

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2024-25 ISSUE 29 BCC WEEKLY NEWS21st October 2024FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESKUniformThank you to the vast majority of students for their continuous compliance with our schooluniform policy. A reminder that facial piercings are not allowed in school and studentsshould not wear these in any classes. We did listen to students and made changes to allowBlack or Navy PE tracksuits or leggings. Note: this is for PE only but the normal navy pantsor knee length or below Plaid Skirt for girls and grey pants for boys remain the same for nonPE classes.I have attached the School Uniform Policy 2024 2025 here 2024/2025 Uniform Details. Thank youThe school musical team of over 100 students and their teachers continue to inspire us withtheir dedication and professionalism. Last Wednesday they were busy rehearsing and goingthrough their various dance moves up until 5:45 pm. Students were helping one another,and cleaning the floors after practice. There was a great atmosphere throughout the schoolwith students interacting with each other in all year groups from first to sixth. Out on the playing fields we had GAA, Rugby, and athletics with students and coachesenjoying the training sessions.School EthosWe continue to promote our school ethos of Care, Respect, Equity, Community, andExcellence in Education throughout the various academic and extracurricular activities inthe school. This week we will be paying extra attention to the core value of RESPECT and we willcontinue to concentrate and promote each area in the coming weeks. We are very fortunateto have a student cohort here in Blessington Community College who consistentlydemonstrate this quality daily. The students have been magnificent in their participation in our various fundraisinginitiatives from our Pink Day to the Bake Sale and I thank the teachers for organising theseevents. We are no anxiously looking forward to the Halloween-themed non-uniform day nextWednesday 23/10/2024.

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2Tickets for our show “Legally Blonde” are now on sale on and are sellingfast!Your tickets are delivered to you digitally, allowing you to print them, or save them onyour phone. On Saturday, our dedicated cast and crew came in for a 3 hour rehearsal just beforewe hosted our “Pawditions”. We put out a call for a budding paw-former to play Bruiser Woods in our show. LEGALLY BLONDE5 gorgeous and well-behaved dogscame in to try out for the part. Solo,Tic-Tuc, Bobby, Hiro and Nellie, allcame on stage for their big scene. Theaudience voted for their favourite actor,and we are delighted to say that Nelliewent home with the crown and a bigbag of treats. Congratulations Nellieand Aisling

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4TRANSITION YEARRoad Safety: Monday 14th OctoberScoil Chonglais, Baltinglass hosted a road safety workshop on Monday 14th October.Organised by Sgt Brian Foley, our TY students experience first-hand what it is like to bebreathalysed and tested for drugs. They witnessed the Fire Brigade attend a serious roadtraffic collision and experience simulator games. Ms Ball, Mr Swan and Mr Burkeaccompanied the students and would like to thank Sgt Foley for all his hard work. Go Quest: Tuesday 15th OctoberTransition Years enjoyed a fun and challenging day at GoQuest in Carrickmines. 14teams took on 29 escape rooms and all managed to escape each room with a largenumber of points. Every team scored above the average total for secondary schoolteams, and even managed to beat the teachers team of Mr Coogan, Ms Molloy and MsReen into third place. The students participated extremely well and were a credit to theschool in how they conducted themselves (as usual!)GO QUEST

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8CIORCAL COMHRÁA big thank you to all the sixth-year students who attended last week’s Ciorcal Comhrásessions—we hope you found it helpful as you prepare for the Irish Oral Exam!We’re excited to announce that the Ciorcal Comhrá will now take place every Thursdayafter school for sixth year students. All abilities are welcome, so whether you’re juststarting to practice or looking to refine your skills, this is the perfect opportunity to practicespeaking as Gaeilge in a relaxed and friendly environment.We look forward to seeing you there!

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9CAREERS5th year Carlow Open Days Trip Thursday 24th October 2024Can I please remind parents to give permission (on the VSWare App), and pay the €10 buscharge (on Way2Pay), by Tuesday 22nd. We will leave after SCW and will be back by3:40pm6th Year Parents Information Evening Thank you to all parents and students who attended last Tuesday 15th. A special thanks toLaura Creevey from Maynooth University, and Aideen Lyster from Inchicore College whospoke about CAO and Further Education. For those who didnt attend please make sure tocheck out the Parents Booklet, LC Subject Breakdown Sheet and the night’s powerpoint,which are all on the BCC Website under Guidance.Careers / Personal Development Modules5th and 6th years will be changing over modules next week. The current classes willhave their second module in January (Term 3). These students should continue to keep aneye on their Careers Google Classrooms as information & opportunities will continue to beposted during Term 2. 6 White, 6 Orange, 5 Blue & 5 Green will start their Guidanceclasses next week.

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1 0MATHS WEEKFor the duration of Maths Week, Junior and Senior classes were faced with a puzzle tosolve during SCW.The first person to come up with the correct answer in each base class, won a MathsHomework Pass!That’s 135 homework passes up for grabs!! Congratulations to all the winners over theweek!To celebrate maths week, our TY students designed maths lessons and activites, so thatthey could try their hand at maths teaching!! They worked closely with their maths teachersand tried out their ideas and activities with first year maths groups.

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1 3COMMUNICATIONIMPORTANT NOTE FOR PARENTS!Make sure you have your VSware app installed on yourphone and push notifications are enabled. This is how you will receive all communication fromschool from now on.We are always seeking to be as responsive as we can to our community. As busy as schoolis, it can be hard to find time to stop and listen to each other. With that in mind, we have setup a digital “comment box” where you can offer feedback to us. We want to hear what parents have to say, and as best as we can, we will respond throughthe newsletter, where appropriate of course. We would ask that you are thoughtful about your comments and be respectful whencommunicating with us. Click the link here to access the form. You must attach your name and email address. This is not an anonymous forum. Thank you to those who have engage with ourcomment box facility. We are thrilled you are enjoying the newsletter and withthe ideas and news you have been sharing with us.