Office of Community EngagementOffice of Faculty Development & DiversityHealth Equity Action Leadership (HEAL) NetworkPromoting Community Well-Being Across GenerationsSPONSORED BYApril 17, 20243-7 PMStanford UniversityFrances C. Arrillaga Alumni Center326 Galvez StreetStanford, CA 94305
CONTENTS03PROGRAMPresented by Edoghogho "Edo" Titilayo Ighodaro & Maria Valentina "Valen" Suarez-Nieto 04SPEAKERSIn order of appearance06POSTER PRESENTATIONSHealth Equity Ambassadors Program | Cristina ManceraPresented by Dr. Victoria Ward & Devon Lee, MD Student07POSTER PRESENTERSIn order by Last Name of First Author16KEYNOTE SPEAKERPresented by Dr. Diana RamosModerated by Dr. Lee Sanders17PANEL DISCUSSIONPanelist:Julie Alvarez | Open Source WellnessDr. Axel Valle | Stanford MedicineMelbra Watts | Charlotte Maxwell ClinicModerated by Dr. Nancy Ewen Wang19AWARD CEREMONYCommunity Partner AwardOutstanding Community-engaged FacultyAwardRhonda McClinton-Brown Community-engagedLeader AwardLourie Campos Coallier Advocacy Award20ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSSpecial thanks & evaluation18EXPO HALLVisit and click links to learn more!
WELCOME3:00 PM | Registration, Expo Hall, & Poster Session4:00 PM | Welcome Address | Edoghogho "Edo" Ighodaro & María Valentina Suárez-Nieto, MD Students | Stanford Medicine4:10 PM | Opening Address | Dr. Yvonne “Bonnie” Maldonado | Stanford MedicinePOSTER PRESENTATIONS4:15 PM | Health Equity Ambassadors Program | Cristina Mancera | Stanford Medicine4:18 PM | Poster PresentersDr. Victoria Ward | Stanford MedicineDevon Lee, MD Student | Stanford MedicineKEYNOTE 4:35 PM | Keynote Intro | Dr. Lisa Goldman Rosas | Stanford Medicine4:40 PM | Keynote Address | Dr. Diana E. Ramos | California Surgeon General “Preventing Toxic Stress and how it affects Community Health, Mental Health, and ACEs(Adverse Childhood Experiences)”5:10 PM | Keynote Q&A | Moderated by Dr. Lee M. Sanders | Stanford Medicine5:25 PM | BreakPANEL SESSION 5:30 PM | Panel Introductions | Dr. Wei-ting Chen | Stanford Medicine5:35 PM | Panel Discussion“Promoting Well-being in Communities”Julie Alvarez | Co-Founder | Open Source WellnessDr. Axel Valle | Co-Founder | Stanford Medicine | Dept. of Psychiatry, La ClínicaLatinaMelbra Watts | Executive Director | Charlotte Maxwell Clinic5:55 PM | Panel Q&A | Moderated by Dr. Nancy Ewen Wang | Stanford MedicineAWARD CEREMONY 6:15 PM | COMMUNITY AWARDSOUTSTANDING COMMUNITY PARTNER AWARD Presented by Edoghogho "Edo" Ighodaro and María Valentina Suárez-NietoOUTSTANDING COMMUNITY-ENGAGED FACULTY AWARDPresented by Dr. Magali Fassiotto RHONDA MCCLINTON-BROWN COMMUNITY-ENGAGED LEADER AWARD Presented by Dr. Patricia Rodriguez Espinosa LOURIE CAMPOS COALLIER COMMUNITY HEALTH ADVOCATE AWARDPresented by Jennifer Torai, Director | Stanford Health Care GovernmentAffairs CLOSING6:25 PM | Closing Remarks | Dr. Magali Fassiotto | Stanford Medicine6:30 PM | Networking & Refreshments7:00 PM | EndP R O G R A M(3)
Dr. YvonneBonnie MaldonadoSTANFORDMEDICINES P E A K E R SEdoghoghoTitilayoIghodaroMEDICALSTUDENTMaria ValentinaSuarez-NietoMEDICALSTUDENTDr. VictoriaWardSTANFORDMEDICINEDevonLeeMEDICAL STUDENTSTANFORDMEDICINEDr. LisaGoldman-RosasSTANFORDMEDICINEDr. DianaRamosCALIFORNIASURGEONGENERALDr. LeeSandersSTANFORDMEDICINE(4)Cristina ManceraSTANFORDMEDICINEClimate change is intrinsicallylinked to public health, food andwater security, migration, peace,and security. It is a moral issue. Itis an issue of social justice, humanrights and fundamental ethics.We have a profound responsibilityto the fragile web of life on thisEarth, and to this generation andthose that will follow.— Ban Ki-moon
P O S T E R P R E S E N T E R SPOSTER 34Designing culturally and linguistically appropriate vaccine education to bedelivered via social media to Indigenous communities in rural GuatemalaPresented by | Dr. Victoria Ward, Stanford MedicinePOSTER 14 Bringing Tangible Homelessness Interventions into Medical CurriculaThrough Service-LearningPresented by | Devon Lee, Medical Student, Stanford Medicine(6)HEALTH EQUITY AMBASSADORS PROGRAMClimate Change & Health EquityBuilding capacity in communities to engage incommunity-academic research partnerships todrive research responsive to communitypriorities as they relate to climate change andhealth equity.Presented by | Cristina Mancera, StanfordMedicine
P O S T E R P R E S E N T E R SPOSTER: 1 Author(s): Aaraf Ahmed, MPH; Aftab Ahmed, MPP; Anil Wasif, MPP; Henna Hundal, MPP;Farhim Zaman, Msc; Nicole Sandberg, MPH; Tahmid Khan, MPH Title: Community Advancing-Based Health Care in Barishal, Bangladesh Community Partner: BacharLorai Canada (Corporation Number 1490403-6) Category: A, CPOSTER: 2 Author(s): Eleanor Brown, BA; Julian P. Howland, MD; Lucas K. Carpenter, PatriciaCastañeda, Maria Gonzalez, Miriam T. Hernandez, MD; Zaria N. Cosby, MPH; Kristen M.Davis-Lopez, MPH; Ysabel Duron, BA; Gladys M. Rodriguez, MD; Sandra S. Zaky, MD;Arden M. Morris, MD; Aaron J. Dawes, MD, PhD. Title: Assessing the Potential Role of Community Health Workers in Improving RectalCancer Care Quality among Hispanic/Latinos in California: A Qualitative Study Community Partner: Visión y Compromiso Category: AProject Category: A- Improving Health Equity, Healthcare Access, Service, and Quality B-Promotion of Health Awareness and Healthcare Access Through Education C- Building Capacity Locally and GloballyPOSTER 3: Author(s): Crystal Chen, Sophie Pribus Title: Empowering Access: Creating a Social Resources Brochure for Cardinal FreeClinics Community Partner: N/ACardinal Free Clinics Category: A,BPOSTER 4: Author(s): Scarleth Contreras, BA; Deandra Lee, MS Title: A Community-Led and Informed Collaborative Within Public Health Governance Community Partner: El Concilio of San Mateo County Category: A, B, CPOSTER 5: Author(s): Aneysis D Gonzalez-Suarez, PhD; Caroline M Murtagh, BS Title: The Impact of Student-Led Vaccination Programs on Overcoming Barriers inUnderserved Communities During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Story of Stanford VaxCrew Community Partner: N/A Category: A1-5(7)
P O S T E R P R E S E N T E R SPOSTER : 6 Author(s): Gisselle Gonzalez-Perez, BS Candidate; Margarita Maria Ramirez Silva, BS,MPH, MD Candidate; Nataly Beck, MD; Megan Tan, MD Title: Engaging a Latina Mental Health Community Advisory Board in Research onPremenstrual Dysphoric Disorder: Lessons Learned and Methodological Approach Community Partner: Clinica de La Raza, Nuestra Casa, Next Door Solutions, andPuente Category: APOSTER 7: Author(s): Helen Hailu¹; Starla Gay²; Chiquita Tuttle, Ph.D.²; Wei-ting Chen, Ph.D.¹;Regina Guillory²; Juanita Waugh²; Taylor Hollis²; Lenora Williams-Omenka²; BarakahLove¹; and Lisa G. Rosas, Ph.D., M.P.H.¹ ¹Stanford School of Medicine and ²Black LadiesAdvocating for Cancer Care (BLACC) Title: Community-Based Participatory Research to Address the DisproportionateBurden of Breast Cancer in Black Women Community Partner: BLACC (Black Ladies Advocating for Cancer Care) Category: AProject Category: A- Improving Health Equity, Healthcare Access, Service, and Quality B-Promotion of Health Awareness and Healthcare Access Through Education C- Building Capacity Locally and GloballyPOSTER 8: Author(s): B. Jain1, 4, K. M. Shah2, 4, P. Patel3, 4, M. Martínez4, S. S. Kuchibhotla1, 4, A.Martin5, 4 INSTITUTIONS (ALL): 1. Department of Health Policy, Stanford UniversitySchool of Medicine, Stanford, CA, United States. 2. University of Cambridge,Cambridge, United Kingdom. 3. University of Connecticut School of Medicine,Farmington, CT, United States. 4. A Healthier Democracy, Boston, MA, United States. 5. Department of Emergency Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA,United States. Title: Increasing Access to Telehealth by Bridging the Digital Health Divide Community Partner: Link Health/A Healthier Democracy Category: APOSTER 9: Author(s): Jeffrey E Jones BS, Kekoa Taparra MD PhD Title: National Representation in Cardiovascular Epidemiology for Native Hawaiiansand Other Pacific Islanders Community Partner: See poster Category: A6-9(8)
P O S T E R P R E S E N T E R SPOSTER 10: Author(s): Kang, A.W., Gautreau, M., D’Souza, P., Elliott, I.A., Guenthart, B.A., Liou, D.Z.,Backhus, L., Berry, M.F., Shrager, J. & Lui, N.S. Title: Implementing Lung Cancer Screening Among Firefighters: Addressing theSurgical and Treatment Needs of a Population At-Risk for Disparities Community Partner: Fire Departments across the Bay Area Category: A, BPOSTER 11: Author(s): Daniel Kokoski, BS Title: Health Center Workforce Needs Assessment in Emergency Preparedness Community Partner: Community Health Partnership Category: A, B, CProject Category: A- Improving Health Equity, Healthcare Access, Service, and Quality B-Promotion of Health Awareness and Healthcare Access Through Education C- Building Capacity Locally and GloballyPOSTER 12: Author(s): Vikki Krysov, BS; Edward Kranz, BS; Simon Mentukh, BS; Taylor Boske, BS;Lucy Shi, MD Title: Hepatitis C Screening in a Free Clinic Aims to Prevent Progression of LiverDisease Community Partner: Nadezhda Clinic Category: APOSTER 13: Author(s): Famyrah Lafortune (1), Amanda Díaz2, Xinshu She (3), Ronald Claude (4),Timantha Goff (5), Zack Mohamed (6), Penelope Van Tuyl (7), Lily Ann Foulkes (7), Dr. Nancy E. Wang (3), Andrew Quirk (8) (1)Stanford University, Stanford, CA (2) Freedom for Immigrants, Oakland, CA (3)Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA (4) Black Alliance for JustImmigration, Brooklyn, NY (5) UndocuBlack Network (6 )Black LGBTQIA+ MigrantProject, Oakland, CA (7) Stanford University Center for Human Rights and InternationalJustice, Stanford, CA (8) Microsoft Ireland, Dublin, Ireland Title: Violence and Abuse Against Black Migrants in Immigration Detention Community Partner: Freedom for Immigrants Category: A10-13(9)
P O S T E R P R E S E N T E R SPOSTER 14: Author(s): Devon Lee(1), Soneida S. Rodriguez(1), Michael D. Mayer(1), LindseyHaddock(2), David Chang(2) 1. Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA,United States. 2. Stanford University Department of Medicine, Division of Primary Careand Population Health, Stanford, CA, United States. Title: Bringing Tangible Homelessness Interventions into Medical Curricula ThroughService-Learning Community Partner: The United Effort Organization, Inc. Category: B, CPOSTER 15: Author(s): Mingyue Li, BATitle: Unveiling an Effective Model for Tackling Rural Noncommunicable Diseases:Insights from a China's Comprehensive PHC Project Community Partner: Yang Yu Category: CProject Category: A- Improving Health Equity, Healthcare Access, Service, and Quality B-Promotion of Health Awareness and Healthcare Access Through Education C- Building Capacity Locally and GloballyPOSTER 16: Author(s): Jay Liu, MS; Michelle Chang, BA; Frank Liu, MS; Binisha Patel, BS; DavidChang, MD DrPH Title: Perceptions of Providers and Unhoused Patients on Access to Eyecare in SantaClara County: A Qualitative Study Community Partner: The United Effort Organization Category: Aartner: NadezhdaClinic Category: APOSTER 17: Author(s): Laisha Martinez-Reyes; Alethea Marti, PhD; Patricia Rodriguez Espinosa, PhDMPH; Lan Xiao, PhD; Ernesto Ceja; Alejandra Gonzalez; Michelle Ordonez Arango;Josselyn Perez; Jaime Morales Gallardo; Wei-ting Chen, PhD; Lisa Goldman Rosas, PhDMPH Title: The Influence of Mental Health and Cultural Factors on Health-Related BehaviorChange in a Diabetes Prevention Program for Food-Insecure, Obese Latina Women Community Partner: Fair Oaks Health Center & Second Harvest Food Bank Category: A, B14-17(10)
P O S T E R P R E S E N T E R SPOSTER 18: Author(s): Emily Moya, BA, Aneysis D. Gonzalez-Suarez, PhD, Mark Gutierrez, MA, FelipeD. Perez, MD Title: Empowering Diversity in Medicine: Evaluating the Impact of a National Pre-Medical Conference on Underrepresented Minority Students Community Partner: Stanford University Minority Medical Alliance Category: BPOSTER 19: Author(s): Anna Lee Mraz, PhD, Manuel Ortiz Escamez, Master in Film Title: Field of Minds: Cultivating Mental Health Among Migrant Farmworkers in aClimate of Change Community Partner: Peninsula 360 Press, Casa Círculo Cultural, and Social FocusCategory: BProject Category: A- Improving Health Equity, Healthcare Access, Service, and Quality B-Promotion of Health Awareness and Healthcare Access Through Education C- Building Capacity Locally and GloballyPOSTER 20: Author(s): Jessica Nguyen Title: Climate education and conversations with Alameda County's AAPI community Community Partner: Asian Health Services, Oakland Category: A, B, CPOSTER 21: Author(s): Dale O'Brien, MD, Lluvia Del Rio, MBA Title: Valley Fever in South Monterey County: Educating the Community andIncreasing Access for testing and treatment Community Partner: Cancer Patients Alliance (CPA) Category: A, B, C18-22POSTER 22: Author(s): Nicholas Panyanouvong; Jonathan Tang; Baldeep Singh, MD; TamaraMontacute, MD, MPH; Douglas Halket, MD; Mina Charon, MD; Lisa Quach, MD;Title: Improving LGBTQ+ Screening Practices in a Student-Run Free Clinic Community Partner: Cardinal Free Clinics Category: A(11)
P O S T E R P R E S E N T E R SPOSTER 23: Author(s): Binisha Patel, BS; Callan Mallone; Annalise Kalmanoff; Janine Bruce, DrPH,MPH Lynne Huffman, MD Title: Evaluation of a San Francisco Bay Area Parent Center for Individuals withDisabilities: Parent Experiences, Perspectives and Future Outcomes Community Partner: Parents Helping Parents Category: A, CPOSTER 24: Author(s): Maya Paulo Title: Climate Resilient Communities Healthy Homes Assessment Community Partner: Climate Resilient Communities Category: A, B, CProject Category: A- Improving Health Equity, Healthcare Access, Service, and Quality B-Promotion of Health Awareness and Healthcare Access Through Education C- Building Capacity Locally and GloballyPOSTER 25: Author(s): Dani Plascencia Delgado BA, Michael Dwayne Peters BS, Yessica MartinezMulet MS, Mike González MPA, PAB, and Patricia Rodriguez Espinosa PhD, MPH Title: Partnering with Promotoras/Community Health Workers to address social needsamong the Latinx community Community Partner: FIRST 5 Santa Clara County Category: APOSTER 26: Author(s): Marcos Rojas, MD; Renan Gianotto-Oliveira, MD; Claudia Arancibia, MSc; ManYee Suen, MMedSc; Asheen Rama, MD; Thomas Caruso, MD, PhD Title: Building Capacity in Physician Training through International RemoteAugmented Reality Simulations: A Focus on Neonatal Resuscitation and ACLS in Chileand Brazil Community Partner: State University of Campinas, Brazil, and University of Chile,Chile Category: C23-26(12)
P O S T E R P R E S E N T E R SPOSTER 27: Author(s): Connor Sayle, BS; Javaria Ayyub MD; Ishita Verma BS; Devin Moua MS;Bryant Lin, MEng, MD Title: Sources of Health Knowledge and Healthcare Experiences of Individuals withLimited English Proficiency (LEP): A Qualitative Study on Chinese and VietnameseImmigrants Community Partner: Vietnamese American Service Center Category: A,BPOSTER 28: Author(s): Youngyoon Amy Seo, MS,BS,BA; Cynthia Castro-Sweet, PhD; Sara Sagui-Henson, PhD; Judith Prochaska, PhD Title: Digital health to de-stigmatize mental health: Analyzing the effectiveness ofvirtual care and digital programs delivered through an employer-sponsored mentalhealth benefits platform among South Korean working adults Community Partner: Modern Health, mental health & digital health, serves globallyCategory: AProject Category: A- Improving Health Equity, Healthcare Access, Service, and Quality B-Promotion of Health Awareness and Healthcare Access Through Education C- Building Capacity Locally and GloballyPOSTER 29: Author(s): Landon Swopes, UG4; Anita Taft, UG4; Anushka Sanyal, UG3; Songnan Wang,MS4/PhD Title: Improving Surgical Access with Community Partners: Operation Access and theCardinal Free Clinics Community Partner: Operation Access Category: APOSTER 30: Author(s): Landon Swopes, UG4; Tim Jing, UG2; Ryan Park, MS1/PhD Title: HIPAA-Compliant Patient Flow Automation Using a Google Scripts and ReactWeb App Community Partner: Arbor Free Clinic Category: B, C27-30(13)
P O S T E R P R E S E N T E R SPOSTER 31: Author(s): Alondra Valencia, MS; Melina Demokritou, BS; Sheyla Ma, MEd; Megan Tran,BS; Vijaytha Muralidharan, MD; Preetha Menon, PhD; Brian Beams, PhD; JeremyBailenson, PhD; Dawn Siegel, MD Title: Insights from a pilot study of an augmented reality skin cancer educationapplication among teenagers from diverse backgrounds and caregiver perspectives onskin cancer and sun protective behavior Community Partner: Boys & Girls Clubs of the Peninsula (BGCP) Category: A, BPOSTER 32: Author(s): Willemijn van Deursen, BS; Jacky Chu, BS; Sylvia Merrell, DrPH, MS; LarsOsterberg, MD; Jesse Rokicki-Parashar, MD MSc; Mina Charon, MD; Tamara Montacute,MD, MPH; Baldeep Singh, MD Title: Charting a Course to Primary Care: A multifaceted-approach to better connectpatients from Arbor Free Clinic to longitudinal care Community Partner: Samaritan House Free Clinic Category: AProject Category: A- Improving Health Equity, Healthcare Access, Service, and Quality B-Promotion of Health Awareness and Healthcare Access Through Education C- Building Capacity Locally and GloballyPOSTER 33: Author(s): Victoria Ward, MD; Nadine Ann Skinner, PhD; George Omondi; HildahNgondoki; Jane Wamae; Nophiwe Job; Jamie Sewan Johnston, PhD; Sandra Mudhune Title: Qualitative Investigation of Digital Tools to Equip Community Health Workers toAddress Vaccine Hesitancy in Rural Western Kenya Community Partner: Lwala Community Alliance Category: APOSTER 34: Author(s): Victoria Ward, MD; Lucia Abascal-Miguel, PhD; Nadine Ann Skinner, PhD;Emily Lopez; Esbeydy Pardo; Jamie Sewan Johnston, PhD; Nadia Diamond-Smith, PhD;Anne Kraemer Diaz Title: Designing culturally and linguistically appropriate vaccine education to bedelivered via social media to Indigenous communities in rural Guatemala Community Partner: Wuqu' Kawoq Maya Health Alliance Category: A31-34(14)
P O S T E R P R E S E N T E R SPOSTER 35: Author(s): Gun Min Youn, BA*; Charbel bou-Khalil, BS*; Robert Haick; Ritu Malhotra,MD; Dawn H. Siegel, MD *These authors contributed equally Title: A Day in the Life of a Dermatologist: Effect of Experiential Learning AmongCommunity College Students Community Partner: Cañada College Career Services Category: BPOSTER 36: Author(s): Noor Zanial, MSc; Delaney Glass, MPH; Mahdi Taye; Siwaar Abouhala; FedaHammood; Sarah Zeidat, PharmD; Nadia Abuelezam, Sc.D. Title: If it's my time: A Qualitative Study of COVID-19 Vaccine Intention Among aSample of Arab Americans Community Partner: AAHNA (Arab American Health Network Alliance) Category: BProject Category: A- Improving Health Equity, Healthcare Access, Service, and Quality B-Promotion of Health Awareness and Healthcare Access Through Education C- Building Capacity Locally and GloballyPOSTER 37: Author(s): Michelle Zuniga-Hernandez, BS; Ricardo Jimenez, BA ; Avani Ganesan; ManYee Suen, MMedSc; Ruth Feng, BA; Kassandra Pinedo, MD; Brian Ko; Craig Yamaguchi;Meghana Renavikar; Ryan Brinda; Michael Khoury; Emily He; Faaizah Arshad, BA; EllenWang, MD; Thomas Caruso, MD, PhD Title: Treatment of Parental Anxiety with Virtual Reality: A Prospective, RandomizedStudy Community Partner: Invincikids Category: A35-37(15)
KEYNOTESPEAKER2 0 2 4TheDiana E. Ramos, MD, MPH, MBA, FACOG Dr. Diana E. Ramos is California’s second Surgeon General and first Latina SurgeonGeneral. As California’s Doctor, her mission is to advance the health and wellbeing ofall Californians. Raised in South Central California, Dr. Ramos received her medicaldegree from the University of Southern California and completed her residencytraining in obstetrics and gynecology at Los Angeles County-University of SouthernCalifornia Medical Center. She also holds a Master of Public Health degree fromUCLA and a Master of Business Administration degree from UC Irvine. Over the pastthree decades, Dr. Ramos has provided reproductive care to thousands ofCalifornians as an Obstetrician Gynecologist at Kaiser Los Angeles. In addition to hermedical practice, Dr. Ramos has worked in the public and academic sectors. Prior toher appointment as the California Surgeon General, she served as the AssistantDeputy Director of Chronic Disease Prevention for the California Department ofPublic Health and Director for Reproductive Health in the Los Angeles CountyDepartment of Public Health. Within the academic sector, she has served as anadjunct Associate Professor at the Keck University of Southern California School ofMedicine for many years. Dr. Ramos is past chair for the American College ofObstetricians and Gynecologist, California & Ecuador (IX) District, secretary for theexecutive board of the National Hispanic Medical Association, and co-chair for theWomen’s Preventive Service Initiative implementation committee. Dr. Ramos haswritten and contributed numerous articles to the obstetrics and gynecology andpublic health literature and has lectured in Spanish and English, locally, nationallyand internationally. The Orange County Medical Association recently named Dr.Ramos the 2023 Physician of the Year.(16)
A W A R D SOUTSTANDINGCOMMUNITY PARTNERAWARDOUTSTANDINGCOMMUNITY-ENGAGED FACULTYAWARDRHONDA MCCLINTON-BROWN COMMUNITY-ENGAGED LEADERAWARDLOURIE CAMPOS COALLIER COMMUNITY HEALTHADVOCATE AWARD(19)POSTER 29POSTER 2Dr. Aaron DawesAssistant Professor of Surgery(General Surgery)Stanford MedicineDr. Nancy Ewen WangProfessor of Emergency Medicine, Emerita(Pediatrics)Stanford MedicineDr. Alexandria BlackerProgram Director, Community PartnershipDepartment of MedicineStanford MedicineDr. Jennifer RobinsonAssoc. DirectorStanford Prevention Research CenterStanford MedicineMary Cheryl B. GlonerMPH, MBA | CEOProject Safety NetPOSTER 2POSTER 13
EVALUATION H A N K Y O U !Special thanks to everyone for attending today’s event! Your workin the community is unparalleled andvalued.Hope to see you next year!SPECIAL THANKSDean Lloyd Minor, MD | The Carl & Elizabeth NaumannProfessorship for the Dean of Stanford MedicineRuth O'Hara, PhD | Senior Associate Dean for Research &Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral SciencesYvonne "Bonnie" Maldonado, MD | Senior Associate Dean,Office of Faculty Development and DiversityMagali Fassiotto, PhD | Associate DeanOffice of Faculty Development & DiversityLisa Goldman Rosas, PhD, MPH | Faculty DirectorOffice of Community EngagementWei-ting Chen, PhD | Executive DirectorOffice of Community EngagementJill Evans, MPH | Program DirectorOffice of Faculty Development & Diversity EVENT SPONSORSEXHIBITORSPOSTER PRESENTERSKEYNOTE SPEAKER & MODERATORDr. Diana Ramos & Dr. Lee SandersPANELISTS & MODERATORJulie Alvarez, Dr. Axel Valle, Melbra Watts, & Dr. Nancy Ewen WangVENDORSAlumni Center | Bon Appetite CateringStanford Video & Events Contemporary Engraving Evergreen College Interpreters MEDICAL STUDENT COORDINATORSEdoghogho Ighodaro & Maria Valentina Suarez-NietoVOLUNTEERS SYMPOSIUM PLANNING COMMITTEEDiana Carbajal | Wei-ting Chen | Glenda Estioko | Jill Evans Magali Fassioto | Helen Hailu | Lisa Goldman Rosas | LaurenHailey | Barakah Love | Bonnie Maldonado | CristinaMancera | Yessica Martinez Mulet | Osagie OaiyaPatricia Rodriguez Espinosa | Jennifer Torai Kathleen Victor | Dave Zapata(20)EVENT PAGE #communityhealth #healthequity #populationhealth #publichealth #getengaged