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2024-2025 Mini's Handbook

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We’re thrilled to kick off our 22nd Season with you!A warm welcome to our returning dancers and a big hello to those new to Premiere or our competitiveprograms. We’re excited for what’s ahead and believe this will be our best season yet!Starting a new year or in a new program can be overwhelming, and our goal is to provide as muchinformation about this season through this handbook. We will outline responsibilities, commitments,policies and more so our dancers and dance families have clear knowledge of what to expect.Before diving in, we want to highlight our Premiere Pillars—our core values that promote positivity,hard work, and individuality. Our mission is to help students reach their full potential both as dancersand individuals, and we believe these pillars are key to creating a thriving, positive environment.PPRREEMMIIEERREEEmbrace What Makes You UniqueMake Every Moment CountEmpower Each OtherInspire and Be InspiredExceed ExpectationsRemain FearlessPromote CompassionRespect All1WELCOME!WELCOME!

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At Premiere Dance Academy, your children are the center of everything that we do and we arecommitted to keeping them happy, healthy and safe in dance. We strive to provide our students with anexcellent dance education while also celebrating their uniqueness as individuals and artists. DEDICATION TO SAFETYSince the dance industry does not have a governing body, we rely on Youth Protection Advocates inDance (YPAD) to educate our staff and set industry best practices. Our goal is to ensure your child is ina safe environment with instructors and staff who prioritize their physical, social, emotional, and mentalwell-being.YPAD has thoughtfully created these standards from resources coming from the American PsychologicalAssociation, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Geena Davis Institute for Gender and Media, Darkness toLight and more to present evidence-based research and to equip dance professionals to advocate foryouth dancers. Many of our instructors are now YPAD-certified or are working towards their certification. Being aYPAD-certified instructor means they are: Certified in First Aid/CPR Passed an extensive background check Mandated reporters and trained in the prevention of abuse Trained in emotional health, physical safety and psychology of injuryRole models in body positivity, language and behavior Have an understanding of nutrition and eating disorders Educated in healthy and safe social media practices ENHANCING DANCE EDUCATION Our teachers are always striving to stay up-to-date with current trends in the world of dance. We willalways encourage and provide our teachers with opportunities to further their education via seminars,classes, certifications, etc. so your child can receive the best dance education possible. ARTISTIC DEVELOPMENT Being a great dancer isn't just about perfect technique or mastering difficult tricks. Dance is an artform, and each style is as unique as our students. We prioritize student-focused learning, encouragingthem to develop their own movement vocabulary. This approach is essential for dancers of all ages,abilities, and skill levels.We strive to provide our students with opportunities to work with outside choreographers andinstructors. This broadens their horizons in movement quality and artistry, helping them becomemore well-rounded dancers in many genres of dance. 2OUR “WHY”OUR “WHY”

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POSITIVE ATTITUDE & WORK ETHICEvery Company Dancer is expected to attend each class with enthusiasm and a strong work ethic. Whether workingon personal goals or collaborating with a teammate on choreography, their focus should be on tasks that lead toindividual and team success.TEAMWORK & SPORTSMANSHIPCompetitive dance is a team sport, so every dancer is expected to be a team player. We ask that dancers showrespect and good sportsmanship, inspiring and being inspired by their teammates and peers. Remember, we are onebig family, and all teams are treated equally.COMMITMENTBeing a Company Dancer requires full commitment and dedication to the team and studio. By making a commitmentto a team, you cannot compete for another studio regardless of the type of dance. Also, you cannot perform foranother studio or dance school without prior approval. If you choose to withdraw from a team, a re-choreographyfee will apply, regardless of the time of the season.SKILL LEVELAs a Company Dancer, you are performing at an advanced level. Weekly progress is expected, and retainingmaterial from week to week is crucial for competitiveness. It's also essential that all dancers master the required skillsfor their age group.If a dancer cannot retain weekly material or master required skills, a meeting may be called with instructor(s) anddirectors to determine if a probation period is necessary. During probation, the dancer must attend all regular andextra rehearsals, as well as private lessons and/or extra classes. An evaluation will then determine the dancer'splacement for the following season.SOCIAL MEDIAAs a Company Dancer, you are a representative of the studio and your team, evenon social media. We have a zero tolerance policy for any social media content onTikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, etc. that includes foul language orinappropriate behavior.Our social media disciplinary plan is as follows:1st time - Warning2nd time - Meeting with parent/student/director(s)3rd time - Dismissal from lineDepending on severity of the infraction, we reserve the right for immediate dismissal. BULLYINGWe have a zero-tolerance policy regarding bullying. We define bullying as recurring,deliberate and an imbalance of power. If there is bullying occurring at the studio, wewill immediately address it. We cannot control a child's behavior outside of thestudio, and we encourage parents to monitor behavior outside of the studio.SEXUAL HARASSMENT, THEFT, VANDALISMAny action involving theft, sexual harassment, property damage, or unlawful actions orcriminal behavior are subject to immediate removal from your competition lineand the studio. All dancers are expected to behave in accordance with Federal,State and Local laws.3COMPANY DANCER REQUIREMENTSCOMPANY DANCER REQUIREMENTS

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DROP OFF/PICK UP AND PARKINGThe safest way to access the building for drop-off and pick-up is to use the roundabouts and dropoff/pick up your dancer in front of the studio. If you drive to the studio, park in the lot and use thecrosswalk with caution, as vehicles may not always yield. Do not park across the street and let yourchild run across, as this is dangerous and disrupts traffic.Please adhere to drop-off and pick-up times. Do not drop off early or leave late, as we cannot beresponsible for dancers outside of class times. If dropping off or picking up on Colorado Street, becourteous to businesses and do not block their driveways.LOBBY AREASOur lobby areas are available for dancers to use during breaks for snacks, dinner, homework, orhanging out with teammates. Please be considerate and clean up after yourself, encouraging othersto do the same.Parents and caretakers can use the lobby areas for drop-off and pick-up, and they are welcome tostay and watch classes via our lobby TVs.Please refrain from running, climbing, or standing on furniture, walls, or railings. We ask thateveryone in the lobby maintains a quiet and respectful volume.CUBBIES & LOST AND FOUND Please use the cubbies and coat racks on both levels ofthe facility. Respect others' property and avoidtouching items that aren't yours without permission. Werecommend labeling sneakers, sandals, bags, and otherbelongings to avoid mix-ups. Before leaving, double-checkthat you have all your items.If you lose something and need to access the Lost & Found,please see our Front Desk Staff for assistance.SECURITY To ensure your child's safety, we have security cameras throughout thelobby areas and outside the building. Your child's safety is our top priority. Wecontinually implement measures, including staff training and protocols,to keep our building as secure as possible.4STUDIO RULES &EXPECTATIONSSTUDIO RULES &EXPECTATIONS

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STUDIO ETIQUETTEDancers should respect the classroom space, equipment, and props. Avoid touching music, fans, props, or teachers' itemsunless instructed. Keep street shoes, food, and beverages (except water) outside the studio. Climbing or hanging from barresis not allowed.ATTENDANCEConsistent attendance is necessary for your success as well as the success of your team. An excused absence will requirenotification from a parent by phone or email to the studio prior to your scheduled class time.Do not call or text your instructor.We define an excused absence as illness, a death in the family, band/choir concerts, mandatory school events (NHS, etc.) or afunction that has received prior approval by the studio.Unexcused absences are any absence that is not covered above. Two or more unexcused absences may result in dismissalfrom the line. We consider arriving late or leaving early from class, sitting out with injuries without a doctor's note, missing forany sports/extracurricular activities and forgetting proper shoes/attire as unexcused absences.Premiere is very understanding about being involved in other activities as long as it does not affectchoreography and the line as a whole. We ask that you provide us with a calendar of potentialconflicts and/or get approval for missed rehearsals before you commit to another activity.If you miss a class or choreography session, it is the dancer's responsibility to contact the captainand/or other teammates to learn the new choreography they missed. If you are unable to meetwith captain or teammate, please notify your instructor. Do not come to class unprepared.SPRING BREAK: Spring Break is held on March 28th through April 6th. We will considerexcusing dancers that need to leave by Thursday, March 27th, but we will NOT allowabsences before or after this. Please take note before booking your flights for your Spring Breaktrips. This is a critical time for rehearsals and we cannot have dancers missing from their classes.If you are in a different district with a different Spring Break, we would appreciate you trying tofollow our break, however, if you have arrangements to be gone a different time,we ask that you notify us early in the season to request permission to be absent.DRESS CODE & CLASS ATTIREPlease wear proper dance attire: form-fitting clothes (shorts, tank tops, etc.)for tap, jazz, lyrical and PBT classes; a black leotard and pink or skin-coloredtights for ballet. Boys may wear a black, form-fitting tank top and shorts. No sweatshirts or baggy clothing, except for hip hop classes where looserattire is allowed.Hair must be slicked back and off of your face at all times. Buns are requiredfor all ballet classes.For your safety, all jewelry except for earring studs are not allowed to be wornduring class. We ask that dancers leave jewelry at home or stored away in theirdance bag to prevent anything from getting lost.SHOESIt is mandatory to have all required shoes during each class. Please refer to our2024-2025 Shoe Requirement Guide in this handbook for more information on what shoes are required foryour team. Our annual Shoe Fitting will be on Monday, August 26th from 5:00PM-7:30PM at the studio.CELL PHONE USECell phones are not permitted during class. Please leave all cell phones in your dance bags andplease do not check until you are dismissed from class.5CLASSROOM RULES& REQUIREMENTSCLASSROOM RULES& REQUIREMENTS

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CODE OF CONDUCTActions by parents/caretakers, whether verbal or nonverbal, can have a lasting emotional effect on children. As aparent/caretaker of a Company Dancer, it is essential to model respect, sportsmanship, and appropriate behavior at alltimes, not only for your child, but also their team and the studio as a whole. We uphold a zero-tolerance policy forinappropriate behavior and may impose immediate dismissal from the program or studio if necessary.COMMUNICATIONAt Premiere, communication is a top priority for us, especially with so many constant opportunities and activity, so wetake great lengths to keep our dance families informed and up to date. The majority of our correspondence will be viaemail. Please make sure you keep your email address current with us.Our primary email is we get closer to competition season, we will also utilize the Band app, which will help us to give updates to parentsand dancers when we are at competitions.Parents as well as students are not allowed to contact teachers by text, private messages via Facebook or Instagram,etc. to receive information or ask questions regarding class schedules, progress, dates, etc. These types of questionsmust be sent to the studio via email so we are able to properly answer and direct the information. TEAM COMMUNICATIONPrivate groups on social media platforms as well as on chat applications (ex. GroupMe) that areteam-specific are prohibited unless monitored by the studio. COSTUMESCostume prices are included in your team tuition with the exception of tights (will be deducted automatically from yourACH in the winter/spring). Any "extra" dances including Production, Hip Hop, Small Groups and Solo/Duet/Trios will bebilled separately. You will also be billed separately for additional accessories or if cost of costume exceeds pricefactored into tuition (ex. custom costumes). Costumes must be kept in perfect condition. If any costumes experience damage you will be responsible for areplacement. If it is not replaceable, your dancer will not be able to perform. If your dancer drops out or is dismissedfrom the line, you will still be responsible for paying for their costumes. RECITALOur Season 22 Recital will take place at Prior Lake High School May 30th-June 1st.All families will be charged a Recital Fee, which will provide you access to all Recital media (digital video and photos).These charges will be deducted automatically from your monthly withdrawal in the winter/spring.NEW COMPANY PARENT Q&A SESSIONWe will be holding a Q&A session for all parents new to our competitive programs onWednesday September 25th at 6:30 PM. This will be an opportunity for parents/caretakers to get any questions aboutabout their dancer's classes, the competition season or any of our protocols answered. TEAM PARENTThe role of the Team Parent is to help their team throughout the year with questions on costuming, makeup, extra reminders and keeping everyone up-to-dateon important information. We have an application form that will be sent out at the beginning of the season for parents who are interested inbeing the Team Parent for their team.Please note: Teams are not allowed to choose their Team Parent - the studio will give final approval. 6PARENT/CARETAKERREQUIREMENTSPARENT/CARETAKERREQUIREMENTS

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TUITION & PAYMENT SCHEDULE All families are required to fill out our Auto-Withdrawal Form for tuition. This auto withdrawal must come from achecking or savings account and is for tuition only. Any incidentals (shoes, clothing, etc.) will need to be paidseparately by cash, check or credit card. Payments will be taken out the 1st of each month (unless it falls on a holidayor weekend). September tuition will be taken out on September 9th, since this is our first week of classes.Our tuition is based on a 30-31 week dance season and is averaged over a nine month period for accounting purposesand payment convenience. It is also based on the amount of training hours for each team.For Minis, tuition is as follows: Please note: We are not responsible for make-up classes or tuition refunds due to inclement weather or illnesses.COMPETITION DEPOSITSWe have re-structured our competition deposits this season in an attempt to spread them out more graduallythroughout the year and avoid the larger fees at the end of the season. For each group dance we areestimating that competition fees will be between $65-$75 per dancer per dance. For Nationals, we areestimating closer to $70-$80 per dancer per dance. This season we will be asking for a $60 deposit 4 times throughout the season forEACH dance your dancer participates in. See deposit dates below. October 16th: 1st Regional deposit dueDecember 11th: 2nd Regional deposit dueFebruary 12th: 3rd Regional deposit dueExample: Dancer 1 competes in 5 routines. 5x60=$300.$300 will be due on 9/18, 10/16, 12/11 and 2/12.Final balances will be due in April and May. FUNDRAISING OPPORTUNITIESWe provide various opportunities for Company Dancers to raise moneythroughout the season. All money earned through our studio-sponsoredfundraisers will be placed on your account to use for competition fees,shoes, etc. We will be having three fundraisers this season - Mums Fundraiser (Fall), Heggie's Pizza Fundraiser (Winter) and Plant Fundraiser (Spring).We will send out more details about these fundraisers as their startdates approach! OTHER FEES Costumes for Hip Hop, Production and Small Groups are billedseparately throughout the season as they are determined. All other costume feesare included in your tuition. Additional fees include items such as choreography,shoes, Recital fees and tickets, Rhinestones, etc. Tap, Jazz, Ballet & Technique (2.25 hours) = $182/monthLyrical (optional) = $40/month Company Hip Hop (optional) = $42/month 7April: Final Regional fees dueMay: Final National fees dueTUITION & PAYMENTINFORMATIONTUITION & PAYMENTINFORMATION

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W E E K L Y C L A S S S C H E D U L EFRIDAY** denotes optional classmore info below8MINISMINISWEDNESDAYTAP4:30-5:15 PMCOURTNEYSTUDIO ETHURSDAYJAZZ4:15-5:00 PMJOSTUDIO CPETITE HIP HOP**6:00-6:45 PMMALIA STUDIO CBALLET5:15-6:00 PMCASEYSTUDIO APBT BEG/INT**6:00-7:00 PMCASEY STUDIO ALYRICAL W/ TEENIES**5:15-6:00 PMCALLIE STUDIO DELEVATE TRAINING PROGRAMElevate your training with our dynamic Elevate classes, designed to take your skills to new heights! OurFlexibility & Progressing Ballet Technique (PBT) classes focus on enhancing overall flexibility, technique,strength, and more, giving you the tools to refine your technique and reach your full potential. Offered ina flexible drop-in format, Elevate classes are perfect for dancers seeking to boost their performance andelevate their training experience. Join us and discover the next level of excellence in dance!Progressing Ballet Technique (PBT)PBT is an innovative program designed to train dancers in muscle memory to improve technique, flexibilityand longevity in dance, while gaining a greater awareness of their muscles and how to use them properlyto achieve their goals in ballet.PRIVATE LESSONSPrivate Lessons are a chance for students to work 1-on-1 with a Premiere Instructor to focus on areas thatneed improvement. Private Lessons are typically offered only in the spring and summer. We will send outmore details when Private Lessons are available.ADDITIONAL TRAININGOPPORTUNITIES ADDITIONAL TRAININGOPPORTUNITIES

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PRODUCTION KICK-OFF: November 9thSunday, November 24th: 10 AM-2 PMSunday, December 8th: 10 AM-2 PM Sunday, December 15th: 9AM-1 PMSunday, January 12th: 11 AM-3 PMSunday, January 19th: 9 AM-1 PMPRODUCTIONREHEARSALSPRODUCTIONREHEARSALSCHOREOGRAPHYSESSIONSCHOREOGRAPHYSESSIONSSaturday, February 1st: 9 AM-1 PMSunday, February 9th: 9 AM-1 PMSunday, February 16th: 12-4 PMSunday, March 2nd: 12-4 PMSaturday, April 19th: 9AM-1 PM (if needed)These sessions are for select Large Groups and Small Groups. Since there are multiple small groups, we have numbered them for convenience. Check yoursmall group emails to know which group is yours! Stay up-to-date with all choreography sessions HERE. During your choreography session you will be learning the majority or all of your dance. Attendance is mandatory! Please note there will be a fee of$50-$75/per dancer for large groups for any outside choreographers that you work with (small group fees are noted in your small group emails). 9TEEN ELITE 2 LARGE GROUP with Cloe ThelemannAugust 13th 9:00AM-1:00PM AND August 14th 9:00AM-1:00PMTEEN SMALL GROUP #3 with Cloe ThelemannAugust 13th 1:30-5:30PM AND August 14th 1:30-5:30PMSENIOR SMALL GROUP #4 with Anthony MorigeratoAugust 14th 3:30-8:30PMTEEN ELITE 1 LARGE GROUP with Cloe ThelemannAugust 15th 1:30PM-5:30PM AND August 19th 1:30PM-5:30PMJR SMALL GROUP #1 with Callie SolisAugust 19th 1:30-5:30PM AND August 20th 1:30-5:30PMJR SMALL GROUP #2 with Callie SolisAugust 19th 9:00AM-1:00PM AND August 20th 9:00AM-1:00PMTEEN ELITE 2 LARGE GROUP with Amanda and Kyle PreiserAugust 26th 3:00-9:00PM AND August 27th 5:00-8:00PMJR SMALL GROUP #3 with Amanda and Kyle PreiserAugust 27th 9:00AM-2:00PM AND August 28th 9:00AM-12:00PMTEEN TAP LINE with Kaelyn GrayAugust 28th 3:00-6:00PM AND August 29th 10:30AM-2:30PMTEEN SMALL GROUP #4 with Kaelyn GrayAugust 28th 6:00-9:00PM AND August 29th 3:00-7:00PMSENIOR ELITE LARGE GROUP JAZZ with Cloe ThelemannSeptember 5th 4:00-9:00PM AND September 7th 10:00AM-1:00PMTEEN SMALL GROUP #5 with Jo SchmidSeptember 13th 5:00-9:00PM AND September 14th 1:30-4:30PMTEEN SMALL GROUP #2 with Jo SchmidSeptember 14th 9:00AM-1:00PM AND September 15th 9:00AM-12:00PMSENIOR SMALL GROUP #3 with Callie SolisSeptember 16th 5:30-7:00PM AND September 23rd 5:30-7:00PMSENIOR SMALL GROUP #2 with Gigi ZirbesSeptember 20th 3:30-6:30PM AND September 22nd 10:00AM-1:00PMTEEN SMALL GROUP #1 with Gigi ZirbesSeptember 20th 6:30-9:30PM AND September 22nd 1:30-4:30PMPETITE SMALL GROUP #1 with Malia NelsonSeptember 21st 9:00AM-12:00PM AND September 28th 9:00AM-12:00PMSENIOR HIP HOP with Cloe Thelemann and Aaliyah ElfstromSeptember 25th 6:30-9:30PM And September 27th 5:30-8:30PMTEEN ELITE 1 AND 2 LYRICAL LINE with Brian RabendaSeptember 28th 9:00AM-12:00PM AND September 29th 12:30-4:30PMSENIOR ELITE LARGE GROUP LYRICAL with Brian RabendaSeptember 28th 12:30PM-4:30PM AND September 29th 9:00AM-12:00PMSENIOR SMALL GROUP #1 with Callie SolisOctober 7th 5:30-7:00PM AND October 14th 5:30-7:00PMSENIOR SMALL GROUP #7 with Destini RogersOctober 11th 4:00-9:00PM AND October 12th 10:00AM-3:00PMPRETEEN ELITE JAZZ with Jo AndersonOctober 11th 5:00-9:00PM AND October 12th 9:00AM-12:00PMPETITE SMALL GROUP #2 with Jo AndersonOctober 12th 12:30PM-4:30PMSENIOR SMALL GROUP #6 with MJOctober 26th 1:30-5:30PM AND October 27th 9:30AM-2:30PMSENIOR SMALL GROUP #5 with Kellie PetersonOctober 30th 6:30-9:30PM AND November 6th 6:30-8:30PMTEEN SMALL GROUP #4 with Kylie DouglasNovember 1st 4:30-8:30PM AND November 2nd 5:30-7:30PMTEEN HIP HOP LARGE GROUP with Kylie DouglasNovember 2nd 12:30-4:30PM AND November 3rd 9:30-11:30AM

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ON STAGE RUN THROUGHOur On Stage Run Through is a closed rehearsal for dancers andteachers to rehearse all Company dances on stage at Prior LakeHigh School before we compete. This is a great way for dancers toget on stage and for teachers to make necessary adjustments forstaging. This is a mandatory rehearsal and will be held onSunday, February 2nd. More details as well as the rehearsalschedule will be sent out via email as we get closer to the date. COMPANY DRESS REHEARSALOur Company Dress Rehearsal is an open rehearsal for dancers todebut all of their dances for their family in full costume, hair and makeup!This rehearsal is a huge opportunity for us to get excited and boost ourdancers' confidence for their first competition. This is a mandatory rehearsaland will be held on Wednesday, March 5th at the studio. More details will be sent via email prior to this rehearsal. FINAL COMPANY RUN THROUGHOur Final Run Through is a mandatory, closed rehearsal for dancers to perform theirdances one last time for teachers and other Company Dancers before the firstcompetition of the season. Date and time for this rehearsal will be decided at a latertime as we are working on finalizing our 2025 competition schedule. This rehearsal istypically held during a weeknight. CONVENTION INFORMATIONConventions are a great way for our dancers to learn from some ofthe best instructors and choreographers in the dance industry! They are also a great way to pushyourself as a dancer and expand your knowledge, technique and movement quality. We encourage ALLof our Company Dancers to attend at least one convention each season as we have seen great growthfrom those who have attended in the past.CONVENTION OPPORTUNITIESConventions usually take place in the fall and winter, and are held in the surrounding Twin Cities area.They typically are two full days (over the weekend) with classes in various styles. There are a ton ofopportunities to be awarded scholarships at the end of the weekend!We will send out a list of conventions you can attend as well as a registration form in the upcomingmonth.CONVENTIONSCONVENTIONSMANDATORYREHEARSALSMANDATORYREHEARSALS10

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RED ZONEWhen our competitors are in "Red Zone" they are not allowed to miss any classes or they run therisk of not being able to compete. Please do not schedule any additional activities, vacations,etc. that would interfere with classes or additional rehearsals. Any absences besides illness willbe considered unexcused unless previously approved. Red Zone will begin on February 1st andwill run through the remainder of the competition season.During Red Zone, all dancers are required to wear black, form fitting dance wear with their hairslicked back into a bun. Baggy clothing as well as leggings/pants are not permitted (pants canbe worn for hip hop classes only). Dancers also are not allowed to wear smartwatches or anyother jewelry that gets in the way (dangly earrings, necklaces, etc.) All required shoes must beworn in class. COMPETITION HOLD DATES This season, we will be attending three full studio competitions that will occurbetween the months of March, April and May. We currently have outlined sixweekends for you to hold for competitions. We've been working with differentcompetitions trying to choose the best options for our studio. When choosingcompetitions we do not always know the size of the competition or whichstudios will be in attendance prior to submitting our deposit for registration.This year we are trying to hold off as long as possible to make sure allcompetitions we attend are what we consider a full event (Friday, Saturday,Sunday). Please hold the following dates for competitions:March 14th-16thApril 9th-13thApril 24th-27thMay 1st-4thMay 8th-11thMay 16th-18thPlease avoid scheduling important events during this time. As soon as wefinalize dates, we will let you know which weekends you can drop. SMALL GROUPSOur specialty small groups should also hold the following weekends: January 24th-26thFebruary 21st-23rdMarch 6th-9th (Masquerade Duluth - this is confirmed for all small groups)Please read Small Group email for more details and information. 11COMPETITIONSCOMPETITIONS

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NATIONALSWe are SO excited that Season 22 is a traveling Nationals year! We are thrilled to travel out of state tocompete against studios from around the country. Nationals Destination will be announced SOON! The following teams are required to go to Nationals: Petite Elites Junior Elites Preteen PerformersPreteen Elites Teen Elites Senior Performers Senior Elites COMPETITION INFORMATIONAll dancers must arrive at least 2 hours before their scheduled performance time with full hair andmakeup. In the event the competition is running early, we will notify you via Band. Competitionschedules are usually sent out a week prior to event start date. Please note: as a Company Dancer, competition attendance isabsolutely mandatory. Missing a competition for any reason that hasnot been approved by the studio (ex. serious illness or death in the family)may lead to dismissal from the team and result in the dancer to no longercompete for the remainder of the season. AWARD CEREMONY ETIQUETTEFor award ceremonies, it is so important that our dancers representthe studio in a positive and professional matter. We ask that alldancers wear Premiere Wear to all award ceremonies. If you do notown any Premiere Wear, we would like you to wear all black(leggings, sweatshirt, etc.) Please note: clothing or merchandise with the Premiere nameand/or logo cannot be made, reproduced, imitated, distributedor sold without the studio's permission. When you are on stage for awards, we expect allPremiere Dancers to be engaged (no cell phones)and to be excited for your fellow dancers as well as dancersfrom other studios. Team Captains will be in charge of receivingand/or delegating teammates to receive the awards.For younger teams, the Team Parent is responsible for assigningteam members to receive adjudication awards.For Special Awards and Overalls, typically all members ofthe team are able to go up to receive the award. There isabsolutely no pushing/shoving/inappropriate behavior whenreceiving awards as a team. Failure to act accordingly willresult in removal from award ceremonies for the remainderof the season.12COMPETITIONSCOMPETITIONS

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WHAT IS A DANCE COMPETITION? Dance competitions are adjudicated events where our dancers are scored by a panel of judges based oncriteria such as: Technique: core elements of the dance style based on universally-accepted standards, and howconsistently they are executed by dancer(s) in the routine. Choreography: quality of variations, formations, lines, transitions and sequences; music selection,appropriateness, quality of highlighting dancers aptitudes, creativity of concept. Performance: quality of execution of the choreography content, facial expressions, use of space,musicality reflected in movements, dynamics, overall connection with the content, choreography,story, etc. Age & Skill Level: how the performance compares in degree of difficulty, performance quality,technique and choreography to other dancers'. Each competition sets their own standard based onhow many hours a week they are dancing. Costuming: how the costuming enhances the performance quality and complements thechoreography and dancers. WHO RUNS A DANCE COMPETITION?Dance competitions are run by private, for-profit production companies that host events using their owncriteria for format. Dance does NOT have a sanctioned organization that governs adjudication/scoringnor a program outline.WHY DO WE COMPETE? For self-reflection, experience-based learning and personaldevelopment that emphasizes competitive dance is not so muchabout competing, but rather is an opportunity to: Receive valuable feedback from dance professionals to incorporate into the dancer's learning framework. Watch and learn from many dancers and how they compete. Spend time bonding with our team and studio family. Competition weekends are the time to make connections with others in our community whom we celebrate this common interest with. HOW DO WE SELECT DANCE COMPETITIONS? Through due-diligence assessment of the competition company ownership and alignment with our mission to provide happy, healthy and safe dance education and experiences that helps kids thrive in and out of the studio.Transparent guidelines, policies and procedures. Cost, location, schedule availability and contributions to the local economy and dance community. COMPETITIONCOMPETITIONQ&AQ&A13

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LEADERSHIPLEADERSHIPOPPORTUNITIESOPPORTUNITIESTEAM CAPTAINTeam Captains are an integral piece to each team's success, and it is a great opportunity for dancers to developleadership skills. We are currently looking for Captains for our Preteen Performer, Preteen Elite, Teen Elite, SeniorPerformer and Senior Elite teams. You can apply to be a 2024-2025 Team Captain HERE. Applications are due onMonday, August 26th. Requirements for Team Captain are: Organize at least one outside group activity/team bonding event for your team Lead the team by example by following all of Premiere's rules for competitive dancers (see "Company DancerRequirements" page) Exhibit strong leadership skills and the ability to lead with poise and respect for all teammates, instructors, fellowstudents and staff. Be at every class and rehearsal and be there on time. Lead the team in warm up and stretch. Help with hair, makeup and costumes at rehearsals, competitions and performances. Take initiative when instructors are working with other groups to work with the remaining teammates.Be available to teach choreography to dancers who miss class. Motivate your team at all times and lead team huddles and pep talks. Accept awards at competitions and properly distribute them (Team Moms may also assist with this). Must have fulfilled all requirements from the previous season; will not be considered if you have not.Will be required to fill out and submit a mid-season self evaluation the week of January 13th to check in on yourCaptain requirements.ASSISTANT TEACHERWe have two separate Assistant Teacher Programs - the Mentor Program and the Apprentice Program. You can applyto be a 2024-2025 Assistant HERE. Applications for either program are due on Monday, August 26th. The Mentor Program is for dancers ages 13 and up who are interested in volunteering their time in assisting a class thisseason. They will learn how to be an effective assistant by training alongside one of our staff members, and gainhands-on experience with their specified class. Please note: if accepted, this is a volunteer basis only. The Apprentice Program is for more serious assistants who are at least 16 years old and have had two yearsexperience. Their focus will be on being more of a leader in class (warming the class up, assisting with choreography,etc.) and taking their teaching skills to the next level. Please note: if accepted, they will receive a monthly discount ontheir tuition. Requirements for Assistants are: Lead the class by example by following all of Premiere's rules for competitive dancers (see "Company DancerRequirements" page). Exhibit strong leadership skills and the ability to lead with poise and respect for all students, instructors & staff. Be at every class and rehearsal and be there on time. Lead the class in warm up/stretch.Take attendance. Assist dancers with shoes, bathroom trips and anything else they may need. Help keep studio clean and picked up after each class. Remind dancers to respect the studio (no food, no pop/juice, no hanging on barres, hands off mirrors, etc.) Help with hair, makeup and costumes at rehearsals, competitions and performances. Take initiative when instructors are working with other groups to work with the remaining teammates.Help manage music as needed. Absolutely NO cell phone use is permitted (exception would be using phone to run music). Absolutely NO sitting on the floor doing homework. It is your responsibility to find a substitute if for any reason you are unable to assist your designated class. Will be required to fill out and submit a mid-season self evaluation the week of January 13th to check in on yourAssistant requirements.14

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LEADERSHIPLEADERSHIPOPPORTUNITIESOPPORTUNITIESDARBY'S DANCERS VOLUNTEER ASSISTANTDarby's Dancers provides an opportunity for children with special needs to participate in theperforming arts through dance education. Darby’s Dancers classes are taught by volunteer danceinstructors and take place in donated studio space. The charitable contributions of youthvolunteers, dance instructors, community dance studios and local businesses allow Darby’s Dancersto provide dance classes, supplies and costumes to dancers with special needs at no costto their parents. Each Darby's Dancer is paired up with an Assistant who works with them 1-on-1 to help them havethe best experience possible while in class or during performances. The Darby's Dancer may beable to perform the dance independently, or they may need more assistance depending on theirneeds. Before meeting your Darby Dancer for the first time, we will provide you with a"Dancer Profile" which breaks down your dancer's needs and how you can best help them.We are currently looking for Darby's Dancers Volunteer Assistants for the upcoming season. Allvolunteers must be at least 13 years of age and be able to commit to attending the45-minute class on Friday each week.Darby's Dancers Assistant Application:due on Monday, August 26th15

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IMPORTANTIMPORTANTDATESDATESAugust 26th: Automatic Payment Form August 26th: Assistant, Captain & Darby's Assistant applications due (see digital packet for application forms)August 26th: Contracts dueAugust 26th: Shoe Fitting, 5-7:30 PM at the studioSeptember 7th-8th: Company Pictures - please see digital packet for exact times.September 8th: Classes Begin! September 18th: 1st Nationals Deposit DueSeptember 25th: New parent open Q&A session, 6:30 PM. This is optional for parents new to competitionOctober 16th: 1st Regional Deposit due October 16th-20th: STUDIO CLOSED for MEA Break. Classes resume October 21st.October 19th: Small Group fees due October 31st: STUDIO CLOSEDNovember: Watch for Dads & Dolls Registration!November 9th: Production Kick-off Party! November 27th-December 1st: STUDIO CLOSED for Thanksgiving Break. Classes resume December 2nd.December 11th: 2nd Regional Deposit due December 23rd-January 1st: STUDIO CLOSED for Winter Break. Classes resume January 2ndJanuary 13th-18th: Studio A and B Watch Week (to observe ballet classes only).January 20th: Classes ARE held (Martin King Luther Jr. Day) January 20th-25th: Studio E Watch Week (to observe ballet classes only)January 24th-26th: HOLD - Small Groups for potential competition/convention weekend February 1st: Red Zone Starts - please see "Rehearsals & Competitions" page for more informationFebruary 2nd: Mandatory On Stage Run Through at PLHS (All Company Teams)February 12th: 3rd Regional Deposit due February 17th: Classes ARE held (Presidents' Day) February 21st-23rd: HOLD- Small Groups for potential competition weekendMarch 5th: Company Dress Rehearsal at the studio March 6th-9th: All Small Groups competition (optional for S/D/T dancers)March 14th-16th: HOLD - All Company for regional competition March 28th-April 6th: STUDIO CLOSED for Spring Break. Classes resume on April 7th.April: Remaining Regional Competition Fees dueApril 9th-13th: HOLD - All Company for regional competition April 24th-27th: HOLD - All Company for regional competition April 28th-May 2nd: Picture Week! (Details will be sent at a later date)May 1st-May 4th: HOLD - All Company for regional competitionMay: Remaining Nationals Fees dueMay 8th-11th: HOLD - All Company for regional competition May 16th-18th: HOLD - All Company for regional competitionMay 18th-23rd: Last Week of Classes!May 30th: Dress Rehearsal at Prior Lake High School (for Darby's Assistants, Dads & Dolls, Mini and Teenie Ballet and Graduating Seniors)May 31st & June 1st: Recital at Prior Lake High School Final Company Run Through date will be determined at a later date as we are working on finalizing our 2025 competition schedule. 16

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SEPTEMBER181522292916233031017244111825512192661320277142128OCTOBER61320277142128181522292916233031017243141118255121926NOVEMBER310172441118255121926613202771421281815222929162330DECEMBER18152229291623303101724314111825512192661320277142128JANUARY51219266132027714212818152229291623303101724314111825FEBRUARY29162331017244111825512192661320277142128181522APRIL3061320273171421281815222929162330310172441118255121926MAY41118255121926613202771421281815222929162330310172431MARCH2916233101724411182551219266132027714212818152229JUNE181522292916233051219266132027714212831017244111825Studio Closed Studio Open Spirit Week Tuition PaymentWatch WeekRegional/NationalDepositRehearsals (Production, Line& Mandatory)Recital WeekendHold for Competitions18STUDIOSTUDIOCALENDARCALENDAR2 0 2 4 - 2 0 2 5

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SHOESHOEREQUIREMENTSREQUIREMENTSCLASS SHOE REQUIREMENT COSTRECREATIONAL PRE-K - 1STPlease see your required shoe list below. You can order shoes at any time throughout the season through our website at or under the "STUDENT INFO" tab.MOBALLETNDAYMONDAYMONDAYBALLET LEATHER V100C $21MOBALLETNDAYMONDAYMONDAYTAP / JAZZBLK TIE TAP 12F / LEATHER V100C$31 / $21MOBALLETNDAYMONDAYMONDAYHIP HOP(INCLUDING BOYS)Will determine at a later date. Please wearnon-marking tennis shoes. Please do not wearshoes that have been worn outside.TBD, once decided on shoe(anywhere from $45-$65)CLASS SHOE REQUIREMENT COSTRECREATIONAL 2ND-12THMOBALLETNDAYMONDAYMONDAYBALLET CANVAS 2037W $28MOBALLETNDAYMONDAYMONDAYTAP / JAZZ721 TAN TAP / TAN JAZZ 510LS$93 / $51MOBALLETNDAYMONDAYMONDAYHIP HOP(INCLUDING BOYS)Will determine at a later date. Please wearnon-marking tennis shoes. Please do not wearshoes that have been worn outside.CLASS SHOE REQUIREMENT COSTPOMMOBALLETNDAYMONDAYMONDAYALL CLASSES FREEFORMS FF01 CAR $56CLASS SHOE REQUIREMENT COSTCOMPANYMOBALLETNDAYMONDAYMONDAYJAZZ & LYRICAL $24MOBALLETNDAYMONDAYMONDAYTEENIES & MINISTAP / BALLETTAN TAP 721T / LEATHER V100C$93 / $21MOBALLETNDAYMONDAYMONDAYPETITES TAP / BALLET$93 / $28Will determine at a later date.Hanami Pirouette (Light Suntan) should beworn to class.TAN TAP 721T / CANVAS 2037WMOBALLETNDAYMONDAYMONDAYJUNIOR ELITES, PTP, PTE, TEENELITES, SR. PERF, & SENIOR ELITESTAP / BALLET $93 / $28BLACK CG19/CANVAS 2037W MOBALLETNDAYMONDAYMONDAYHIP HOPWill determine at a later date. Please wearnon-marking tennis shoes. Please do not wearshoes that have been worn outside.TBD, once decided on shoe(anywhere from $45-$65)TBD, once decided on shoe(anywhere from $40-$100)MOBALLETNDAYMONDAYMONDAYLYRICALFREEFORMS FF01 CAR$5618

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GOOD LUCKGOOD LUCKTHIS SEASON!THIS SEASON!#premierelove #beinspired #season22As you enter into this new and exciting dance season, we hope you remember toalways embrace every moment, express yourselves fully, welcome the challenges,celebrate the victories and let your love for dance guide you to new heights!Here's to a season filled with boundless energy, growth, and unforgettablememories made. Good luck Premiere Dancers!