Message Our Lady ofPerpetual Help School 2024-2025 Health OfficePolicies and Procedures
2 Appendices Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. OLPH School Forms Routine Health ScreeningsReferral and Follow-Up Care Purpose of the ManualRole of the School NurseOverview of School Health Services Illinois Immunization MandatesSpecial ConsiderationsDocumentation and Record Keeping First AidConcussion ProtocolLice PolicyStudent Illness AssessmentMedication AdministrationDocumentation and StorageEmergency Medications and Action Plans Emergency Procedures Undesignated Emergency Medication Policy Management of Chronic Conditions Allergy Management Continuous Professional Development Overview of Relevant Laws and RegulationsForm Requirements for SchoolStudent Health Records ManagementCompliance with Health Standards Guidelines for Sending Home Sick/Staying Home Health Screenings andAssessments…………………………………………...……p. 19 State and FederalGuidelines……………………………………………...………….p. 4 Student IllnessProtocols………………………………………………………...…..p. 23 oImmunizationRequirements…………………………………………………………p. 7 Introduction……………………………………………………………………...…p. 3 Health Services………………………………………………………………….…p. 10 oooooooooooooooooooooooo•
4 Introduction The school nurse plays a critical role in the educational environment, acting as a healthadvocate, educator, and provider of care. Key responsibilities include:- Health Assessment: Conducting health assessments to identify potential health issuesamong students.- Care Coordination: Collaborating with families, teachers, and healthcare providers tocreate individualized health plans and facilitate access to necessary health services.- Emergency Response: Responding to health emergencies and providing first aid or medication as needed. - Health Education: Delivering health education to students, staff, and families, promoting healthy lifestyle choices and disease prevention. - Policy Implementation: Ensuring adherence to health-related policies and regulations, including immunization compliance and management of chronic conditions.Importance of Health in Education Health and education are intrinsically linked. Research shows that students who arephysically and emotionally healthy are more likely to attend school regularly, engage inlearning, and achieve academic success. The school nurse plays a pivotal role inaddressing health barriers to learning by:- Promoting preventive health measures and wellness initiatives.- Identifying and managing health issues that could impede academic performance,such as chronic illnesses, mental health challenges, and environmental factors. - Creating a safe and supportive school environment that fosters the overall well-being of all students. In summary, this manual serves as a comprehensive guide for the school nurse and the entire school community, emphasizing the vital connection between health and learning. By implementing the policies and procedures outlined herein, the school nurse will contribute to the development of a healthy, safe, and productive educational environment for all students. This Manual is designed to serve as a foundational resource for the school nursing staff,outlining essential policies, procedures, and best practices for promoting the health andwell-being of students from pre-K through 8th grade. The manual aims to ensureconsistency and compliance with state and federal regulations, providing a clearframework for health services within the school environment. It is a living document thatwill be updated regularly to reflect new guidelines, best practices, and the evolving needs of the school community. Overview of the School Nursing Role Purpose of the Manual
5 State and Federal Guidelines Overview The school nurse plays a critical role in promoting student health and well-being whileadhering to the framework of Illinois laws and regulations governing school healthservices. This compliance ensures that health practices are consistent with legalstandards, ultimately supporting the health and safety of students. Key Regulations Second Grade Sixth Grade IDPH Guidelineso New Student to School • Illinois Immunization LawoForm Requirements for Attendance (due by October 15 every school year)- SeeAppendices - Kindergarten State of Illinois Child Health Examination Vision ExamDental Exam Dental Exam State of Illinois Child Health Examination Dental Exam State of Illinois Child Health Examination Vision Exam Dental Exam : This law requires that all students present proof of immunization againstspecified diseases before they can enter school.The law outlines acceptable immunization documentation and specifiesthe consequences for non-compliance, including exclusion from school. : The Illinois Department of Public Health provides additional guidelines and recommendations that schools must follow regarding health services, screenings, and immunizations. These guidelines help ensure that schools maintain high standards of health care and adhere to public health mandates. •oo---ooooooooo
6 IDPH RequiredSchool Forms : The Health Office will ensure that all health records are updated regularlyand accurately, including immunization records, health assessments, anddocumentation of any incidents or treatments provided. : : All student health records must be maintained in strict confidentiality,adhering to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act(HIPAA) and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).These laws protect the privacy of students' health information andestablish the rights of parents and guardians to access their child's healthrecords. : Access to student health records is limited to authorized personnel, including the school nurse, designated administrators, and other relevant health professionals. Student Records are physically kept in the Health Office, in a locked cabinet. Pre-SchoolKGrade 2 Grade 6Grade 7Grade 8 New Illinois Student HealthExam-Due by1st Day ofSchool XX DentalExamDue byOct 15 EyeExamDue byOct 15 AthleticPhysical(MiddleSchoolOnly) Access Controlo Record Maintenance • Regular Updateso Retention and DisposalX X Student Health Records Management • Confidentialityo XX X Only if Entering K, 2nd, or 6th X X X (if participating) X (if participating) X (if participating) X (if participating) ••oo
7 oooHealth Records Retention: Schools are required to keep student healthrecords for a minimum of 60 years after the student's graduation or lastdate of attendance.Specific Guidelines: Health records must include immunization records,physical exam records, medical conditions, treatments, and anyaccommodations provided to the student. These records should be securely stored to protect student privacy and confidentiality. Records Destruction: After the retention period (60 years), the records can be safely destroyed, but this must be done in a manner that maintains confidentiality (e.g., shredding or secure disposal).
8 Immunization Requirements Overview of Illinois Immunization Laws • Illinois School Code ComplianceRequired Vaccinations for School Entry Students must provide proof of immunization for the following vaccines according totheir age and grade level: •: The Illinois School Code mandates that all students must be up to date on required vaccinations to attend school, ensuringthe health and safety of the school community. Our Lady of Perpetual Help doesnot accept any religious exemption waivers under any circumstance. Onlydocumented medical reactions or conditions will medical exemptions from alicensed healthcare provider be accepted. (example: without using verbiage such as “in my medical opinion”) 1. Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis (DTaP): o Required: 4 doses (5 doses if the 4th dose was administered before age 4). Tdap booster required for 6th grade and above. o 2. Polio (IPV): o Required: 4 doses (3 doses if the 3rd dose was administered after age 4). 3. Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR): o Required: 2 doses, the first dose administered on or after the first birthday. 4. Varicella (Chickenpox): o Required: 2 doses or a history of chickenpox disease documented by a healthcare provider. 5. Hepatitis B: o Required: 3 doses for all students entering kindergarten and 6th grade. 6. Meningococcal (MenACWY): o Required: 1 dose for students entering 6th grade and another dose for those entering 12th grade. The immunization schedule outlines the vaccines that children should receive at specific ages to protect against various preventable diseases. In Illinois, the schedule is aligned with recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). Compliance with this schedule is essential for school attendance.
9 Hepatitis A (HepA)§ Varicella (Chickenpox)§ Annual Influenza Vaccine§ Inactivated Poliovirus (IPV)§ Human Papillomavirus (HPV)§ Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)§ Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)§ Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (DTaP)§ Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV13)§ 7 to 18 Yearso Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis (Tdap)o Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine (MenACWY) Recommended Immunization Schedule for Children and Adolescents 1. Birth to 6 Yearso Hepatitis B (HepB)§ 2. : 3 doses: First dose at birth, second dose between 1-2 months, thirddose between 6-18 months. : 5 doses: First dose at 2 months, second dose at 4 months, thirddose at 6 months, fourth dose between 15-18 months, fifth dosebetween 4-6 years. : 4 doses: First dose at 2 months, second dose at 4 months, thirddose at 6-18 months, fourth dose between 4-6 years. : 3-4 doses: Depending on the vaccine used, first dose at 2 months,second dose at 4 months, third dose at 6 months, and a booster at12-15 months. : 4 doses: First dose at 2 months, second dose at 4 months, third dose at 6 months, fourth dose at 12-15 months. : 2 doses: First dose between 12-15 months, second dose between 4-6 years. : 2 doses: First dose between 12-15 months, second dose between 4-6 years. : 2 doses: First dose between 12-23 months, second dose at least 6 months later. : 1 dose: Required for students entering 6th grade and beyond. : 1 dose: Required for students entering 6th grade. A booster is required for students entering 12th grade. : Recommended for preteens (2 doses) starting between ages 11-12, with the second dose administered 6-12 months after the first. : Recommended for all children 6 months and older, with an emphasis on receiving the vaccine annually during flu season. ooooooooo§ §
10 Annual ReviewoMonitoring and Compliance • Record Keepingo Special Considerations • Catch-Up Vaccination• Religious ExemptionsDocumentation RequirementsReporting to State Authoritieso •••: For children who are behind on their vaccinations, catch-up schedules are available. These schedules are designed to help bring childrenup to date based on their age and vaccination history.Medical Exemptions: Students who cannot receive vaccinations due to medicalcontraindications may be exempt from certain immunization requirements,provided that appropriate documentation is submitted. : No religious exemptions will be accepted. : o Parents must provide an official immunization record on the State of Illinois Certificate of Child Health Examination form that includes: § § § Student’s name and date of birth. Dates of all vaccinations received. A signature or stamp from a healthcare provider or clinic. o The record must be submitted to the school nurse before the first day of school or within the first week of enrollment for new students. : The school nurse is responsible for maintaining accurate immunizationrecords for each student and ensuring they are updated regularly.Records should be kept securely and in compliance with privacyregulations. : Conduct an annual review of immunization records for all students to ensure compliance. Notify parents or guardians of any missing immunizations and provide guidance on how to obtain the necessary vaccinations. : Schools are required to report immunization data to the Illinois Department of Public Health, including the percentage of students up to date with immunizations. This data helps public health officials monitor community immunity levels and identify areas needing intervention. ooo
11 Informational Resources: Illinois Immunization Requirements for Schools: IDPH Immunization Schedule: IDPH Vaccines for Children Program: IDPH Childhood Immunization Information: CDC Recommended Immunization Schedule for Children and Adolescents:
12 Health Services Sprains and Strainso RICE Methodo o RestIceo Compressiono o Monitor for PainElevationFirst Aid ProceduresTreatment of Common InjuriesCuts and Scrapes - o Clean the Woundoo Stop the BleedingApply a Dressingo Monitor for InfectionBruisesooo Rest the AreaIce ApplicationElevationBurnso o Cool the BurnCover the Burno Seek Medical Attention---: Rinse the wound gently with clean water to remove debris. : Apply direct pressure with a sterile gauze pad. If bleeding continues, do not remove the initial gauze; add more layers. : Once bleeding is controlled, cover the wound with a sterile adhesive bandage or gauze. : Advise the victim to watch for signs of infection (redness, swelling, pus). : Encourage the patient to avoid using the affected area. : Apply an ice pack wrapped in cloth for 15-20 minutes every hour to reduce swelling. : If possible, elevate the injured area above heart level. : Hold the burn under cool running water for at least 10 minutes to reduce heat. : Use a sterile, non-stick dressing to cover the burn. Do not apply ice, butter, or ointments. : For second-degree burns or larger areas, seek medical help. : : Avoid using the injured area. : Apply an ice pack for 15-20 minutes at a time. : Use an elastic bandage to wrap the area snugly but not too tight. : Elevate the injured area to reduce swelling. : Advise the victim to seek medical attention if pain worsens or does not improve.
13 -3. Physical Exam Concussion Protocol1. History of Injury 2. Check for Symptoms - When to Escalate CareEmergency Contact InformationHeadacheDizziness or balance problemsNausea or vomitingSensitivity to light or noiseBlurred visionDifficulty concentrating or feeling “foggy” Fatigue or sleep disturbances Neck pain or stiffness Emotional changes (irritability, sadness) Record when the injury occurred (Date/Time).Describe how the injury happened (e.g., hit to the head, fall, collision).Note if the student lost consciousness or experienced memory loss before orafter the injury. Assess if the student is alert and oriented (able to recall their name, date, andlocation).Check for balance issues or difficulty coordinating movements.Listen for slurred speech or confusion.Examine pupils for equality and reactivity to light. If the patient experiences severe symptoms such as uncontrolled bleeding, difficulty breathing, unresponsiveness, or severe pain, call for emergency services immediately. : Maintain a list of emergency contacts, including parents, guardians, and local emergency services. This is kept in the student’s online profile, as well as in the Health Office and School Office. ooo••• •••••• • • • • • • •
14 5. Follow-up 4. Immediate Actions Updated CDC Guidelines on School Lice Policies (2023) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)1. No Routine Schoolwide Screening: • routine school-wide screenings2. Exclusion from School: • does not recommend excluding children from school••• ••• • •••Remove the student from physical activity immediately.Recommend rest and avoid physical exertion.Refer the student to a healthcare provider if needed. Contact the parent/guardian to inform them of the situation.Refer the student to a healthcare provider for further evaluation and diagnosis.Monitor the student for any worsening symptoms (e.g., severe headache,vomiting, confusion).Do not allow the student to return to physical activity until they are cleared by ahealthcare provider. The CDC now for having nits (lice eggs) alone, as nits do not cause the spread of lice and are notan immediate concern for transmission. Children with live lice (active infestation)may be sent home to begin treatment, but there is no requirement for them tobe completely nit-free before returning to school. The CDC advises that childrenmay return to school after treatment has begun (usually within 24 hours of starting treatment), as long as there is no evidence of active lice. The has updated its guidelines to reflect the latest research on head lice, emphasizing a more balanced approach thatminimizes disruption, reduces stigma, and prevents unnecessary treatment. Here's aclearer summary of these guidelines in relation to school lice policies: The CDC no longer recommends for head lice. Screening is only necessary when there is a specific concern or if an active caseis suspected.This is based on evidence that head lice infestations do not spread easilythrough casual contact and that screenings do not significantly reducetransmission.
15 3. Emphasis on Treatment: 7. Prevention and Education: 6. Communication with Parents: 4. Avoiding Stigma and Disruption: 5. Classroom and School Cleaning: • • •••••••••The CDC has clarified that head lice do not live long off the human scalp(typically less than 1–2 days). Therefore, disinfection of classroom items orpersonal items is not necessary beyond routine cleaning.Lice do not live on items like combs, brushes, or hats for extended periods, sothese items do not need special cleaning or disposal. Parents should be informed if their child has been found with head lice. Schoolscan encourage parents to check other children at home for lice and to begintreatment if necessary.Confidentiality should be maintained when notifying parents about head licecases to avoid unnecessary stigma. The CDC emphasizes that head lice are primarily transmitted through head-to-head contact and not through personal items or clothing.If a child is found to have lice, appropriate treatment should begin at home.Over-the-counter (OTC) treatments, prescription medications, and homeremedies may be used, depending on the severity of the infestation and therecommendations from healthcare providers. Children do not need to be "nit-free" before returning to school after treatment. This contrasts with earlier policies that required children to be entirely free of nits to return to class. The CDC and IDPH both highlight the importance of avoiding stigma related tohead lice. Lice infestations are common and do not indicate poor hygiene orneglect.Policies should be designed to minimize school disruption while still managinglice effectively. For example, once live lice are treated, students can return toschool and continue normal activities. The CDC continues to stress the importance of educating students, parents, andstaff about how lice spread (primarily through direct head-to-head contact) andabout the importance of avoiding sharing personal items like combs, brushes,and hats.Schools should help reinforce the message that lice do not spread easily throughinanimate objects, and routine classroom disinfection is unnecessary.
16 8. Persistent or Recurrent Infestations: Illness Assessment1. Observe the Child • • • AppearanceBehaviorHydration2. Ask About Specific Symptoms • • • HeadacheSore ThroatCough• Nausea/Vomiting• • PainRash3. Perform a Brief Physical Exam • Head/Neck• Respiratory System• Abdomen• • SkinEars/Eyes4. Determine the Need for Immediate Action • • If the child has a fever over 100.4°FSigns of serious conditions•••: Location and severity. : Painful swallowing, visible redness, or swelling. : Dry or productive (with phlegm). : When did it start? Any diarrhea? : Abdominal, body aches, or other localized pain. : If present, describe the type and location. : Does the student appear sick (pale, sweaty, fatigued)? : Are they alert, lethargic, or irritable? : Are there signs of dehydration (dry lips, sunken eyes, etc.)? If a student has repeated infestations, schools should encourage parents toconsult a healthcare provider to ensure that appropriate treatment is beingused and that the treatment is effective.Schools should avoid imposing penalties or punitive measures for recurrentinfestations, as this can increase stigma and stress for families. : Look for signs of swelling or tenderness in the neck (e.g., swollen lymph nodes). : Listen for wheezing, congestion, or abnormal breath sounds. : Gently palpate for tenderness or bloating. : Check for rashes, redness, or signs of infection. : Look for discharge or redness (if relevant to symptoms). : Consider sending them home. : (e.g., severe pain, difficulty breathing, or a rash that looks like it could be contagious, such as with chickenpox or impetigo) mayneed further medical evaluation.Hydration status: If the child is dehydrated, offer fluids and monitor closely.
17 7. Follow-Up Follow-Upo Review and AnalysisoReporting and Documentation • Incident Reportingo 6. Provide First Aid or Comfort •• • MedicationRest and FluidsReassurance 5. Make a Decision About School Attendance • Can the child remain at school?o•• • ••: Accident Report form to be filled out for severe accidents. §§ Head traumaSuspected broken bone Contact: §§ § § Paramedics, if necessaryParents School Administration Complete Accident Report form § Copy to Dr. Mills and copy to Health Office : After an incident, ensure that appropriate follow-up actions are taken, including notifying relevant staff, scheduling any necessary medical evaluations, and providing support to affected students. : Regularly review incident reports to identify patterns or areas for improvement in emergency response procedures. Conduct debriefing sessions with staff following major incidents to evaluate the response and discuss lessons learned. If the child was sent home, document the time they left school and follow up withthe parent if necessary.If symptoms persist or worsen, advise parents to seek further medical attention. If symptoms are mild and the child feels okay, they may stay withmonitoring. o If the child is febrile, vomiting, or appears very unwell, they should be sent home. Parent/Guardian Notification: If the child needs to go home, call the parent/guardian and provide instructions for care. : If appropriate (with prior parental consent), provide over-the-counter medication for fever or pain relief (e.g., Tylenol, ibuprofen). : Encourage the student to rest and stay hydrated. : Offer comfort to the child, reassuring them that their health is being looked after. oo
18 Storage and Securityo Medical Cannabis:§ Over-the-Counter Medications§ Medication Administration • Policies for Medication Administrationo Prescription Medications•: Store all medications in a locked cabinet or secure area, with prescriptionmedications separated from OTC medications.Ensure that medications are kept in their original containers, clearlylabeled with the student’s name. : : Require a written order from a licensed healthcare provider,including dosage, frequency, and duration.Parental consent forms must be completed and submitted beforemedication can be administered (Medication Authorization form) : Approved OTC medications that can be administered (acetaminophen, ibuprofen, antihistamines, antacids, cough drops). (Medication Authorization form) Obtain written physician and parental consent for any OTC medications to be given. § In accordance with state law, students who are registered medical cannabis patients may receive cannabis-infused products during school hours or activities, provided proper authorization and procedures are followed. 05 ILCS 5/22-23 refers to a section of the Illinois School Code that addresses the administration of medical cannabis to students in schools. § § Authorization: A student who is a qualifying patient under the Illinois Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Program can receive medical cannabis in school if the student’s parent or guardian provides written authorization and a copy of the student’s medical cannabis prescription. § Administration: The administration of medical cannabis to a student at school must be done by a designated caregiver—either a parent, guardian, or an appropriately trained staff member. Location: Medical cannabis products must be kept securely stored and cannot be administered in the same area as students taking non-medical medications. § § Confidentiality: The process must respect the student's privacy, and the school district must comply with confidentiality laws. ooo§ §
19 Emergency Numberso Emergency Procedures Emergency Contact Information • Emergency Contact ListoEmergency Response Steps: o Assess the SituationProtocol for Medical Emergencies • Types of Medical Emergencieso Cardiac ArrestAED Machines •••: Identify common medical emergencies that may occur in the schoolsetting, such as: §§§ § § Allergic reactions (anaphylaxis)Asthma attacksSeizures Cardiac events Injuries (fractures, head injuries, etc.) : § § Ensure the scene is safe before approaching. Quickly assess the student’s condition and determine the need for immediate action. o Provide Care: §§ Administer first aid as appropriate based on the situation and training. For severe cases (e.g., anaphylaxis or unconsciousness), call 911 immediately. o Notify Parents/Guardians: § Contact the student’s emergency contacts as soon as possible to inform them of the situation. o Documentation: § Document the incident in detail, including time, location, symptoms observed, care provided, and any communications made with parents or emergency services. - o o Tested monthly to ensure in proper working condition Located in Each Building : Maintain an updated list of emergency contacts for each student, includingparents, guardians, and secondary contacts.Ensure that all staff members have access to this list in case ofemergencies. : Include local emergency services (911), poison control, and nearbyhospitals.Provide contact information for school administration and key staffmembers who can assist in emergencies. oo
20 Training for StaffoAllergy Management• Identification of AllergiesoEducation and AwarenessManagement of Chronic Conditions • Students with Chronic Conditions: o Undesignated Emergency Medications Policy The health office may maintain a supply of undesignated medications, includingepinephrine auto-injectors, asthma inhalers, and opioid antagonists (such as naloxone),to be used in emergency situations for students who may not have their own medicationon hand. These medications will be administered in accordance with district policies andstate regulations. The health office staff will ensure that these medications are stored securely, monitored for expiration dates, and administered by trained personnel when necessary. The use of undesignated medications will be in alignment with individual student health care plans, and parents/guardians will be notified as appropriate. In compliance with state requirements, the school will report to the Illinois State Board of Education within three days if any of these medications are administered. Additionally, the school will contact the student's physician or advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) who provided the standing order within 24 hours of medication use. Emergency Action Plans for Anaphylaxiso Develop and maintain individualized health care plans for students withchronic conditions (e.g., asthma, diabetes, epilepsy).Collaborate with parents, healthcare providers, and teachers to create andimplement these plans, which should include: § § § Specific medical needs and interventions required. Emergency procedures tailored to each condition. Clear communication protocols for when the student may need assistance. : Provide training for teachers and staff on recognizing symptoms and managing emergencies related to chronic conditions. Ensure that all staff are aware of the IHPs and know how to access them. : Maintain a list of students with known allergies, including food allergies and environmental allergies. Ensure that this information is easily accessible to staff in case of an allergic reaction. : Develop specific action plans for students at risk of anaphylaxis, including: §§ Recognizing symptoms of a severe allergic reaction (e.g., swelling, difficulty breathing). Administering epinephrine auto-injectors (e.g., EpiPen) and calling 911. : •••ooo
21 ooooConduct awareness sessions for students, staff, and parents about allergymanagement and prevention.Encourage a culture of inclusion and safety, particularly regarding foodallergies in the cafeteria and classroom settings. : Provide ongoing professional development opportunities for staff on topicsrelated to health, wellness, and communication strategies.Offer training sessions on recognizing health issues, responding toemergencies, and effectively communicating with students and families.Bi-annual CPR and First Aid Training Continuous Professional Development • Training for Staffo
22 Health Screenings and Assessments Hearing Screeningo o o FrequencyPurposeProcedureRoutine Health Screenings • Vision Screeningo o FrequencyPurposeFollow-up ProceduresoReferral and Follow-Up Care • Referral Processo Scheduling and ExecutionCollaboration with Parents and Guardianso••••: Establish criteria for referring students for further medical evaluation, suchas abnormal screening results or concerning health behaviors. : Communicate with parents regarding their child's health needs and follow-up care recommendations. Encourage parents to schedule necessary appointments and provide documentation of any findings. : Required for students in kindergarten, 2nd, and 8th grades, as well as any new students to the district. : To identify vision problems that could hinder academic performance. Early detection allows for timely intervention, such asreferrals for glasses or other treatments. o Procedure: Screenings conducted by Illinois Department of Public Health trained personnel, using standardized vision screening tools. Parents should be notified if their child does not pass the screening. : Mandatory for students in kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades, as well as new students. : To detect hearing impairments that could affect a child's ability to learn and communicate effectively. : Conducted using audiometric tests in a quiet environment by Illinois Department of Public Health. Students who do not pass the initial screening should be referred for further evaluation by a healthcare professional. : o o Communicate screening dates to parents and ensure consent is obtained. Schedule screenings at the beginning of the school year or as needed. : Provide parents with written notification of screening results, including recommendations for further evaluation if necessary. o Maintain records of screening results and follow-up actions taken. o
23 Student Illness Protocols Student Illness PolicyTo promote the health and well-being of all students, the following guidelines areestablished regarding staying home when sick: 1. Symptoms Students should remain at home if they are experiencing any of the following symptoms: 2. Gastrointestinal Illnesses Communicable Diseases That Require Parent Notification1. Respiratory Illnesses Influenza (Flu)COVID-19Common ColdRespiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)Pertussis (Whooping Cough) Norovirus Rotavirus Salmonella Shigellosis E. coli (Escherichia coli) infection • • • • • • Fever (100°F or higher) Persistent cough Severe sore throat Vomiting Diarrhea Any other signs of a contagious illness (e.g., flu, COVID-19) 2. Duration Students may return to school once they have been symptom-free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications. This policy ensures that students are no longer contagious and can safely reintegrate into the classroom environment. 3. Notification Parents or guardians are required to notify the school of their child’s absence due to illness. This can be done through a phone call, email, or school communication app. Timely notification helps the school maintain accurate attendance records and monitor any potential health concerns. ••••• • • • • •
24 3. Skin Infections •••••• ImpetigoChickenpox (Varicella)ScabiesRingwormFifth Disease (Erythema Infectiosum)Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease 4. Vaccine-Preventable Diseases • • • • • Measles Mumps Rubella (German Measles) Hepatitis A Hepatitis B 5. Vector-Borne Diseases • • Lice (Pediculosis) Bed Bugs 6. Other Contagious Conditions • • • • • • Tuberculosis (TB) Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) Strep Throat Meningitis Mononucleosis (Mono) Chickenpox (Varicella) 7. Other Reportable Conditions • • • Polio Mumps (if not listed elsewhere) Hepatitis C (if applicable) Mandatory to Report Immediately (By Phone or Electronic Communication) These diseases require immediate reporting by phone, fax, or electronic communication to local health authorities, who will then report to IDPH. 1. Respiratory Illnesses • • Measles (Rubeola) Mumps • Pertussis (Whooping Cough) •• • • • • COVID-19 (as of the most recent guidelines, particularly for outbreaks or specific cases) Tuberculosis (TB) (active cases) Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) Smallpox Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV)
25 2. Gastrointestinal Illnesses •••••• • BotulismCholeraHepatitis A (in certain outbreaks or cases)Typhoid Fever (Salmonella Typhi)ShigellosisE. coli (Escherichia coli) (e.g., shiga toxin-producing E. coli) Listeriosis 3. Vaccine-Preventable Diseases • • • • Polio Diphtheria Tetanus Meningococcal Disease (Invasive) 4. Bloodborne Infections • Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) (only in certain cases, e.g., when there is an exposure risk in schools or public settings) 5. Vector-Borne Diseases • West Nile Virus (in certain outbreaks) 6. Emerging and Rare Diseases • • • • Ebola Virus Disease Marburg Virus Disease Plague Tularemia 4. Makeup Work Students who miss school due to illness are allowed to make up assignments, tests, and classwork. It is the responsibility of the student or parent to communicate with teachers regarding missed work. Guidelines for completing makeup assignments will be provided by each teacher, including specific timelines for submission. 5. Health Guidelines OLPH adheres to health recommendations from local health authorities, the Illinois Department of Public Health, and the CDC. This includes promoting hygiene practices such as regular handwashing and, when necessary, implementing additional measures to ensure the safety of our students and staff.
26 (COVID-19,RSV,INFLUENZA) ● Sore throat ● Cough ● Fever/chills ● Headache ● Muscle/body aches ● Fatigue/weakness ● GI Upset Feverfree for24 hourswithoutthe useof fever reducing medicatio n (Tylenol, Advil, Motrin, etc.) Freefromvomitingfor atleast 24hours without medication Temperature of100.4 °or higherwithin thepast 24 hours Withinthe past24 hours Withinthe past24hours Free from diarrheavomiting & Free fromfever, for atleast 24hours without medication diarrhea for24 hourswithout medication and my symptoms are improving Sorethroat,painwhenswallowing, red and swollen tonsils RASH Rash on Itchy Redness,itching,and/or“crusty”drainagefrom eye body orface head,activehead lice Brokenbone,concussion, orother ERvisit or hospital stay Onantibiotics, andamfeverfree without the use of fever reducing medicine for at least 24 hours Free from rash,itching, or fever;treatmenTreatedwithappropriate lice Evaluated Released by myhealthcareprovider,on byhealthcareproviderto return I have been evaluated by my doctor & have a note to return to school t at home & checked by the nurse antibiotics to school for 24 hours (if applicable), & have a note to return to school with medical clearance note stating diagnosis & restrictions I NE ED TO STAY HOME IF I HAVE… I AM READY TO GO BACK TO SCHOOLWHEN I AM… FEVER HEADLICE VOMITING RESPIRATORYVIRUS DIARRHEA STREPTHROAT EYE INFECTION HOSPITALSTAY AND/OR ER VISIT
27 Allergy Action Plan Asthma Action Plan Athletic Physical Form Dental Exam Form Inhaler Agreement Medication Authorization Form State of IL Child Health Examination Vision Exam Form Appendices