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2024-2025 Benefits Overview Guide

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Welcome to the Benefits Overview GuideOur goal in the Benefits Department is to provide you with the informationyou need in one place for better health, well-being, and financial security.We are here to help you understand your benefits and answer yourquestions. The Benefits team within Human Capital Managementcollaborates with other departments and external vendors to improve theemployee experience. Our goal is to provide district employees withquality benefits so that they can take care of themselves and theirfamilies.3

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TABLEOF CONTENTSOverviewBenefits Portal GuideSavings PlansPersonal LegalDentalCritical IllnessDisabilityMedicalHospital IndemnityVisionBasic & Supplemental Life Insurance ANNUAL ENROLLMENT0506072918252612242028COVERAGESADDITIONAL BENEFITSRetirementHome, Auto, and PetSick Leave BankEmployee Assistance ProgramEmployee Discount Program3432303133Resources & Contacts35 4 Before You Enroll22Qualifying Life Event39Continued Enrollment Information 39Benefits Team40

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Annual Enrollment July 08 - August 16, 2024Welcome!Important to Remember Annual Enrollment is your opportunity to review your current benefits and enroll or make changesfor the plan year: September 1, 2024 to August 31, 2025. Most of your current benefit elections willautomatically roll over to the 2024–2025 plan year. The Health Savings Account and FlexibleSpending Account require an election each year, so be sure to elect your contribution amountsduring the enrollment period.This year is a passive enrollment year, meaning that you do not have to re-elect your Medical, Dental,Vision, and Voluntary Benefits, if you are happy with your current elections. However, you MUST re-elect for HSA, FSA, LPFSA, or DCFSA if you would like to continue enrollment.EnrollmentOVERVIEW9400 NCXDallas, TX 75231Review this Overview, and visit the TRS-Active Care Highlights to learn about the medical options andcost available to you and your dependents for the 2024–2025 plan year. Enroll by visiting the DallasISD Benefits Portal. Follow the instructions in the Benefits Portal Guide ( to getstarted.5

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BENEFITSPORTALGUIDEREADY TO ENROLL?Benefits Enrollment PortalQuick Guide to Enrollment Below: 6

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Health Plan SavingsOptionsAccount Types:Health SavingsFlexible SpendingLimited Purpose & Dependent CareBenefits to help with your medical needs.7

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Savings & Spendings Accounts*Use of these accounts requires receipts and an explanation of benefits The Health Savings Account (HSA), a new saving method if you’re in thehigh deductible plan. Like the FSA, it will allow you to set aside funds foreligible health care expenses like doctor visits, prescriptions, dental, andvision care.To participate in this exciting savings plan, you must enroll in the TRSActiveCare HD plan to qualify.Contribution Maximum Amount 2024Individual: $4,150.00Family: $8,300.00Individuals age 55 or older and not yet enrolled in Medicare can make anadditional “catch up” contribution of up to $1,000 per person annually.Any funds you don’t use by the end of the year can roll over to the followingenrollment year.Health Savings Account (HSA)Flexible Spending Account (FSA)*To view all eligible expenses, please visit IRS Publication 502. 8 The Flexible Spending Account (FSA) saves you money because you can pay for eligiblehealth care expenses with pretax dollars. You can use the Health Care FSA to pay for doctors'visits and prescriptions, dental care (fillings and braces), and vision care (glasses andcontacts).Contribution Maximum Amount 2024-2025Individual/Family: $3,200.00Your contribution is deducted from your pay before taxes are withheld. Even if you are not enrolled in a TRS medical plan, you are still eligible for the Health CareFSA. The IRS is allowing a maximum of $640.00 to be rolled over for the upcoming enrollmentyear.Be advised that any fund balance you have left over after the $640.00 rolloveramount will be forfeited.

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HEALTHSAVINGSVSFLEXIBLESPENDING*Use of these accounts requires and explanation of benefitsTo view all eligible expenses, please visit IRS Publication 502.Health Savings AccountThere are thousands of eligible expenses for tax-free purchases with your account funds,including prescriptions, doctor’s office copays, health insurance deductibles, andcoinsurance. Many over-the-counter (OTC) treatments are also available. This account canalso be used for Dual-Purpose Items. Items that can be used for a medical purpose or generalhealth and well-being are considered “dual purpose” and are eligible only with a prescription,doctor’s directive, or letter of medical necessity.Click here for Eligible Items.Flexible Spending AccountThen, when you have a health care expense, you can pay with your FSA debitcard from Optum Financial. When you use your card to pay for eligible healthcare transactions such as office visit copays or prescription drugs, Optum willautomatically verify that the purchase is a qualified health expense. You will not have tosubmit receipts, but you should permanently save your itemized receipts. You can also pay forexpenses upfront and submit a claim for reimbursement.You can be reimbursed any time during the plan year up to the total amount you have elected to contribute for the year. Remember, there is a $640 rollover; anythingexceeding that amount must be used by August 31 of the following plan year, and you haveuntil December 31 to submit your claims for reimbursement.9

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LIMITED PURPOSE & DEPENDENT CAREFLEXIBLE SPENDING ACCOUNTSLIMITED PURPOSE FLEXIBLE SPENDINGACCOUNTLP FSADEPENDENT CARE FLEXIBLE SPENDINGACCOUNTDC FSAThe Dependent Care FSA is another excellent way to lower your taxable income and pay less inincome tax. It can be used for certain dependent care expenses while you and your spouse (if youare married) work, look for work, or attend school full-time. Generally, you and your spouse can contribute up to $5,000 per plan year, depending on yourcircumstances. Please consult your tax advisor or IRS Publication 503 to determine whether touse the Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account or take theincome tax credit on your federal tax return.Eligible dependent care expenses include payments to nursery schools, daycare centers, before-and after-school care, and summer day camp (but not overnight camp) for children 12 or younger.Under the Dependent Care FSA, you can only be reimbursed up to the amount you havecontributed to your account when your claim is received. You can choose how much to set asidein your Health Care FSA up to $5,000.You can be reimbursed any time during the plan year up to the total amountyou have elected to contribute. Remember to use all the money in your account by November 15of the following plan year.What if I have an HSA and want to add an FSA?You can have both the HSA and FSA; you must be aware that the HSA can only be used for your medicalneeds, and your FSA can be used for vision and dental expenses only if you are utilizing both types ofaccounts. 10

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12 - M edic a l Blu e C r o ss Bl u e S h i el d 18 - D e n ta l  Uni t ed H ea l th C ar e De n ta l20 - V i s io n Uni t ed H ea l th C ar e Vi s io n 11 22 - B e f or e Y o u E n r ol l  E n r ol l m en t I n f or m ati o n

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Active Care PrimaryActiveCare HD (High Deductible)ActiveCare Primary +ActiveCare 2 (Not available unless previously enrolled)MedicalSummaryAll TRS-ActiveCare participants have three plan options. Each includes a wide range of wellness benefits.This year, TRS-ActiveCare plans have the same popular features that make them standout, including broadnetworks, low copays for primary care and TRS Virtual Health, and specialty drug coverage.Wellness Benefits at No Extra Cost! Active Care Plans (BCBS): 12 $0 preventive care 24/7 customer serviceOne-on-one health coachesWeight loss programsNutrition programs OviaTM pregnancy supportTRS Virtual Health Mental health benefitsAnd much more!

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Click here for pricingP R I M A R YPlan SummaryT R S - A C T I V E C A R E• Lowest premium of all three plans• Copays for doctor visits before you meetyour deductible• Statewide network• Primary Care Provider (PCP) referrals arerequired to see specialists• Not compatible with a Health SavingsAccount (HSA)• No out-of-network coverageIndividual/Family Deductible $2,500/$5,000Primary Care Copay - $30Specialist Copay - $70TRS Virtual Health (RediMD) - $0 permedical consultationTRS Virtual Health (Teladoc) - $12 permedical consultationUrgent Care - $50 CopayCoinsurance - Pay 30% after deductibleIndividual/Family Maximum Out ofPocket $8,150/$16,300Statewide NetworkPrescription Drug Deductible Integrated with MedicalGenerics (30-Day/90-Day Supply) $15/$45 Copay, $0 Copay for certaingenericsPreferred Brand - 30% after deductibleNon-preferred Brand - 50% afterdeductible13

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Click here for pricingHIGH DEDUCTIBLE (HD)Plan SummaryT R S - A C T I V E C A R E• Compatible with a Health Savings Account (HSA)• Nationwide network with out-of-network• No requirement for PCPs or referrals• Must meet your deductible before planpays for non-preventive care• TRS’s Texas-sized purchasing powerenables access to broad networkswithout county boundaries.Individual/Family Deductible In-Network $3,000/$6,000 Out-of-Network - $5,500/$11,000 Primary Care/Specialist/Urgent Care/Coinsurance You pay 30% after deductible You pay 50% after deductibleTRS Virtual Health (RediMD) - $30 per medical consultationTRS Virtual Health (Teladoc) - $42 per medical consultationIndividual/Family Maximum Out of Pocket (In-Network/Out-of-Network) $7,050/ $14,100 $20,250/ $40,500Nationwide NetworkPrescription Drug Deductible: Integrated with MedicalGenerics (30-Day/90-Day Supply) You pay 20% after deductible, $0 Coinsurance for certain genericsPreferred Brand - 25% after deductibleNon-preferred Brand - 50% after deductible 14

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Click here for pricingP R I M A R Y +Plan SummaryT R S - A C T I V E C A R E• Lower deductible than the HD andPrimary Plans• Copays for many services and drugs• Statewide network• Primary Care Provider (PCP) referrals arerequired to see specialists• Not compatible with a Health SavingsAccount (HSA)• No out-of-network coverageIndividual/Family Deductible $1,200/$3,600Primary Care Copay - $15Specialist Copay - $70TRS Virtual Health (RediMD) - $0 permedical consultationTRS Virtual Health (Teladoc) - $12 permedical consultationUrgent Care - $50 CopayCoinsurance - Pay 20% after deductibleIndividual/Family Maximum Out ofPocket $6,900/$13,800Statewide NetworkPrescription Drug Deductible - $200Brand DeductibleGenerics (30-Day/90-Day Supply) $15/$45 CopayPreferred Brand - 25% after deductibleNon-preferred Brand - 50% afterdeductible15

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Click here for pricingPlan SummaryA C T I V E C A R E 2T R S - A C T I V E C A R E• Closed to new enrollees• Current enrollees can choose to stay inplan• Nationwide network with out-of-networkcoverage• Lower deductible• Copays for many services and drugs•No requirement for PCPs or referralsIndividual/Family Deductible In-Network $1,000/$3,000, Out-of-Network - $2,000/$6,000 Primary Care/Specialist/Urgent Care/Coinsurance $30 copay: You pay 40% after deductible, $70 copay: You pay 40% after deductibleTRS Virtual Health (RediMD) - $0 per medical consultationTRS Virtual Health (Teladoc) - $12 per medical consultationIndividual/Family Maximum Out of Pocket (In-Network/Out-of-Network) $7,900/$15,800 - $23,700/$47,400Nationwide NetworkPrescription Drug Deductible: $200 brand deductibleGenerics (30-Day/90-Day Supply) $20/$45 CopayPreferred Brand - You pay 25% after deductible ($40 min/$80 max) You pay 25% after deductible ($105 min/$210 max)Non-preferred Brand - You pay 50% after deductible ($100 min/$200 max) You pay 50% after deductible ($215 min/$430 max) 16

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T E L A D O C A N D R E D I M DT R S - A C T I V E C A R E 16 You can use Teladoc for general medicine, including a variety of acute, non-urgent conditions. Confidentialmental health services for adults 18 and older from a licensed therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist orcertified drug and alcohol abuse counselor are also available. You can even have prescription medicationsent right to your home, when medically necessary.You can download the Teladoc mobile app from the Apple Store or Google Play Store or call 1-855-Teladoc(835-2362) for help from a representative.TRS-ActiveCare Virtual Health Powered by TeladocRediMD provides quality primary care medical service with live, face-to-face diagnosis and treatment online or byphone. You can see or speak with a board-certified physician who can diagnose and recommend conservativetreatment 24/7.Conditions treated by RediMD include:Back and shoulder strainsAnkle injuriesPulled musclesContusions/BruisesAsthmaShortness of breathInfectionsAllergiesChemical exposureRegistration is a one-time process and can be done without having to schedule an appointment. To set up youraccount, visit RediMD and navigate to "Create an account". Enter the code “trsactivecare" and click “Submit” and followthe directions to complete your profile.You can also register through the RediMD customer service provider line by calling 1-866-989-CURE (2873), option 3.TRS-ActiveCare Virtual Health Powered by RediMD

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Dental DHMO plan Choose a network primary care dentist (PCD)who directs your dental care.Pay the specified copay when you receive care.There is no deductible to meet.Referrals are required for specialty services.Services outside the network are covered onlyin emergencies.Exclusive Network Dental PlanSee any network general dentist you want.No waiting periods for services. Your coveragebegins immediately.No claims forms to complete.100% preventive coverage. Most preventivecare services are covered at no additionalcharge when seeing a network general dentist.Oral cancer screeningsExtra care during pregnancy.Dental exclusive provider network (EPO) plan Preventive Care_ Pay a copay without having tomeet a deductible when you use a networkprovider.Other services-Pay a copay after you meet adeductible for in-network services.Use an out -of-network provider, but you areresponsible for any cost not paid by the plan. No need to choose a primary care dentist orobtain a referral for specialty services.You have several choices for dental coverage. The carrierfor dental coverage is UnitedHealthcare (UHC). All planoptions cover dental wellness screenings when you see anetwork dentist, including two routine checkups in a 12-month period (one every six months), an oral cancerscreening (for adults), and extra cleanings and gumtreatments for expectant mothers — as recommended byyour dentist.D E N T A L U N I T E D H E A L T H C A R E Dental PPO planYou must meet the deductible before the plan beginsto pay its share of covered dental expenses.You can use an in-network or out-of-network provider. If you use an out-of-network provider, you areresponsible for any costs above the usual, customary,and reasonable (UCR) guidelines.Most providers will submit claims to the insurer and billyou for the difference. This plan includes the ConsumerMaxMultiplier program, which rewards you for keepingup with your dental care by adding dollars to next year'sannual maximum benefits. 18

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Click here for pricingBenefitDental DHMOExclusiveNetwork DentalPlanDental EPO (UHC) Dental PPO (UHC)AnnualDeductible$0$0$50/individual$150/family(waived forpreventive)$50/individual$150/family $50/ individual-orthodontiaAnnualMaximumBenefitUnlimitedUnlimited$1,250.00/individual$1,250.00/individualPreventive &DiagnosticCare $0-$45.00$0-$250.00$0-$60.00 (in-network)$0 after annual deductibleBasic Care $10.00-$230.00$0-$545.00$12.00-$330.00 afterdeductible for in-network care20% of covered expensesafter deductible (in-network) or UCR (out-of-network)Major Care $8.00-$270.00$15.00-$1,900.00$15.00-$335.00 afterdeductible50% of covered expensesafter deductible (in-network) or UCR (out-of-network) **OrthodontiaInitialdiagnosticprocedures,toothremoval andorthodonticappliances 24-month casecopay:Child-$1,800.00Adult- $2,000.0024-month casecopay:Child -$2,250.00Adult- $2,350.0050% of coveredexpenses, up to alifetime maximum of$1,500.00/ person (children under 19)**50% of covered expenses,after orthodontiadeductible, up to a lifetimemaximum of$2000.00/person**Dental Plan Summary 19

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Included with all vision plan optionsUse your vision benefits at Warby Parker and GlassesUSA. In addition to the many private andretail providers available in-network, your vision plan also includes Warby Parker (retail andonline) for prescription glasses or contact lenses (new!) and GlassesUSA (online) for prescriptioneyeglasses. Visit and for details.Maternity vision benefit: If you are pregnant, this benefit includes a second eye exam during theplan year and a new pair of glasses (frames and lenses) if your prescription changes 0.5 diopter ormore in a plan year (a diopter is the unit used to measure the optical power of the lens an eyerequires). Standard copays apply.Children’s Eye Care Program: Benefits for children up to age 13 include a second eye exam and anew pair of glasses (frames and lenses) if the vision prescription changes 0.5 diopter or greater ina plan year. Standard copays apply; polycarbonate lenses for dependent children also available atno additional cost.Laser vision: With all options, you have access to discounted laser eye surgery services throughQualSight LASIK, the largest LASIK manager in the U.S. Member savings represent up to 35percent off the national average price of traditional LASIK. For more information, discounts: You can receive up to a 20 percent discount on an additional pair ofeyeglasses or contact lenses at a participating provider when your vision benefits have beenexhausted. Please note that this discount is not considered insurance. Hearing aids: As aUnitedHealthcare vision plan member, you can save on custom programmed hearing aids whenyou buy them from UnitedHealthcare Hearing.VisionYou have three vision plan options: Basic, Moderate, andPremium plan. All three options offer in-network andout-of-network benefits through UnitedHealthcareVision. 20

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Click here for pricingModerate PlanFrames- covered every 12 months.For UHC visions selected providers:Plan pays 100% after $10 materialscopay. Non- selected providers: $50allowance at a private practice, or a$150 allowance at retail chain.Lenses- covered every 12 months.Plan pays 100% after $10 materialscopay. Single-vision or standardlined multifocal lenses. Standardscratch-resistant coating coveredin full 20%-60% discount on allother lens options.Contact Lenses- covered every 12months. Plan pays 100% after $10materials copay. $175 allowance forall other elective contact.Eye exam- Plan pays 100% after $10copayVision Plan Summary Basic PlanFrames- covered every 24 months.For UHC visions selected providers:Plan pays 100% after $20 materialscopay. Non-selected providers: $50allowance at a private practice or a$150 allowance at a retail chain.Lenses- covered every 12 months.Plan pays 100% after $20 materialscopay. Single-vision or standard lined multifocal lenses. Standardscratch-resistant coating covered infull 20%-60% discount on all otherlens options.Contact Lenses- covered every 12months. Plan pays 100% after $20materials copay. $175 allowance forall other elective contact. Eye exam- Plan pays 100% after $10copay. Premium PlanFrames- covered every 12 months.For UHC visions selectedproviders: Plan pays 100% after$20 materials copay. $300 retailframe allowance at a private-practice or retail-chain provider.Lenses- covered every 12 months.Plan pays 100% after $10 materialscopay. Single-vision or standardlined multifocal lenses. Standardscratch-resistant coating coveredin full 20%-60% discount on allother lens options.Contact Lenses- covered every 12months. Plan pays 100% after $5materials copay. $175 allowancefor all other elective contactEye exam- Plan pays 100% after $5copayBenefits are paid per 12-month or 24-month period, depending on the eye care service and theplan you elect. The plans differ in their copays, the frequency of eye exams, and lens andframe replacement.The Premium plan benefit allows youto purchase contacts AND glasses, ortwo pairs of glasses, or two orders ofcontacts. There is also a higherallowance for frames and lowercopays for this plan21

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Before you Enroll... 22 All substitutes can enroll in the lowest medical, dental, & vision coveragesfor themselves and their family. There will be a biweekly deduction and willstill be effective even if the employee is not actively subbing during thepayroll cycle. Medical Plan - TRS ActiveCare PrimaryDental Plan - Dental DHMOVision Plan - Basic Vision Plan*Payments can be made to the Treasury Department.EscrowsMandatory Escrow Program 9-Month Bi-weekly Employees (Transportation/Food Service)Bi-Weekly employees that do not work over the summer (typically Transportation andFood Service) are required to pay for summer benefit premiums by having anadditional amount taken from each pay period as escrow payments. This ensures thebenefits are fully paid, and the employee does not have a significant arrearsdeduction from their August paychecks. This escrow deduction amount will cover thecosts of the elected benefits for June and July. The escrow deduction is calculated toensure employees receive benefits during the district’s summer break.VisasFor more detailed information and guidance on ITINs, please visit the official IRSwebsite: click here. If you believe you meet the criteria for an ITIN, we encourageyou to take the necessary steps to obtain one and ensure compliance with U.S. taxlaws. Understanding your tax obligations is essential, and having the right taxidentification number is crucial for effectively fulfilling your responsibilities. If youhave any questions or need more help, please don't hesitate to contact the VisasDepartment at

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A D D I T I O N A LB E N E F I T S23

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Hospital Indemnity Hospital indemnity coverage through MetLife helps pay forhospital expenses, such as deductibles and coinsuranceamounts, when admitted . This plan pays benefits inaddition to any other coverage you may have and will not bereduced by other benefits. The plan covers up to 15 days inthe hospital each year.Low Option:$300 on day of admission, and$75 each day after up to 15 daysper plan year.High Option:$500 on day of admission, and$150 each day after up to 15 daysper plan year.Click For Plan Pricing 24 Plan Year: January through December

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Critical illness coverage throughMetLife supplements any othercoverage you may have formedications, treatments,surgeries, and hospital staysrelated to a covered criticalillness diagnosis.Critical IllnessRecover First,Worry LessHandling the emotions that comeup when experiencing anunplanned and severe illness isdifficult enough. Worrying aboutyour financial stability on top ofthis can obviously beoverwhelming. With critical illnessinsurance, MetLife helps you andyour family have the financialstability necessary to focus onhealing during a difficult time.Critical Illness Insurance throughyour employer may offer benefitsfor:A lump sum benefit payment to use as you see fitDependent coverage for a spouse or partner andchildrenNo obligation to submit expense receiptsPortable coverage options should you leave yourcurrent employerClick here for pricing 25

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Disability PlansShort Term Disability (STD)All active, full-time and part-time employees who are an active contributing member of the TeacherRetirement System or who are employed for 20 or more hours per week may elect to enroll forvoluntary short-term disability.The benefit is 50% of your weekly earnings up to a maximum of $1,500 per week.You pay 100% of the premium for the voluntary STD.Covering non-occupational injuries and illnesses, STD benefits will begin after you have satisfiedthe elimination period or when PTO is exhausted and if approved Sick Bank is exhausted, whicheveris later.When you enroll for coverage, you may select plan option 1 with a 14-day elimination period or planoption 2 with a 30-day elimination period. Benefits will continue for up to 13 weeks, or until LTDbenefits begin.STD claim converted to LTD claimIf you are receiving STD benefits, no claim is required for LTD. BCBSTX willautomatically begin evaluating your claim for LTD and Life Waiver of Premiumbenefits.Long-Term Disability All active, full-time and part-time employees who are an active contributing member of theTeacher Retirement System or who are employed for 20 or more hours per week may elect to enrollfor voluntary long-term disability.The monthly benefit is 50% of your monthly earnings up to a maximum of $8,000 per month.You pay 100% of the premium for the voluntary LTD.LTD benefits will begin after you have been disabled for 90 days and may continue untilyou reach age 65 or beyond as indicated in the chart below. 26

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File Disability ClaimTo file a disability claim you may submit it online (, telephonically(877-442-4207, 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. CST, Monday - Friday), or via US Mail (downloadthe STD claim forms at forms. Once completed, youcan email them to BCBS at, or you can fax or mailthem to the number/address on the claim form). ** Any disabilities that occured prior to October 1, 2022, should be filed with theStandard. (800) 368- 1135Disability PlansPre- Existing Conditions:Benefits may not be payable for a condition that existed before enrollingfor coverage. A pre-existing condition means a condition that was causedby or results from a sickness or injury for which you received medicaltreatment or advice was rendered, prescribed, or recommended, whetheror not the sickness was diagnosed at all or was misdiagnosed within 12months before your effective date, and results in a disability that begins inthe first 12 months after your effective date. Time enrolled with the priorcarrier does count toward satisfying the pre-existing condition.Enrollment EligibilityEligible employees may enroll for voluntary benefits. If you are eligible and you do notapply during the initial enrollment period or within 31 days of your eligibility date, youmust wait until the next annual enrollment period or a qualified change in family statusevent to elect voluntary benefits.Monthly DeductionsThe monthly premium is based on your salary and your age. To calculate your premiumcost, refer to the separate rate grid document.For more information regarding short term and long term disability click here.27

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Click here for pricingBasic Life andSupplemental LifeInsurance The district provides $10,000 of basic life insurancethrough Blue Cross Blue Shield if Texas to all full- andpart-time employees. At no cost Life insurance benefitsare paid to your beneficiary if you die while employed. You may elect to purchase additional supplemental lifeinsurance coverage through BCBSTX. If you enroll inemployee supplemental coverage, you can also purchasesupplemental life for your spouse and/or child (up to 26years old). You are automatically the beneficiary for anyspouse or child life ainsurance coverage. Action: Assess whether your current coverage providesyou with a comfortable safety net. You will beautomatically re-enrolled in your current supplementallife insurance coveragesVisit the Benefits Portal for more information on the plan, the optionsavailable, and to enroll. 28

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Click here for pricingMoney MattersDebt Collection Defense Identity Theft Defense. LifeStages IdentityRestoration ServicesNegotiations withCreditorsPersonal BankruptcyPromissory NotesTax Audit RepresentationTax Collection DefenseHome & Real EstateDeedsEviction DefenseForeclosureMortgagesSecurity DepositAssistanceTenant NegotiationsEstate PlanningCodicilsComplex WillsHealthcare ProxiesLiving WillsPowers of Attorney(Healthcare, Financial,Childcare, Immigration)Probate ProceedingsSimple WillsFamily & PersonalAdoptionAffidavitsDemand LettersDivorce (20 Hours)Garnishment DefenseImmigration AssistanceJuvenile Court Defense,Including Criminal MattersName ChangeParental ResponsibilityMattersPersonal PropertyProtectionReview of ANY PersonalLegal DocumentSchool HearingsCivil LawsuitsAdministrative HearingsCivil Litigation DefenseDisputes Over ConsumerGoods & ServicesIncompetency DefensePet LiabilitiesSmall Claims AssistanceElder-Care IssuesConsultation & DocumentReview for your parents:DeedsLeasesMedicaidMedicareNotesNursing Home AgreementsPowers of AttorneyPrescription PlansWillsTraffic & Criminal MattersDefense of Traffic TicketsDriving PrivilegesRestorationDriving Under the InfluenceDefenseFelony DefenseHabeas CorpusMisdemeanorDefenseRepossessionPERSONAL LEGALThe Personal Legal plan, offered through MetLife, offers fullcoverage for eligibility legal services when you see a plan attorney.You can use the plan as often as you would like, and there are nodollar limits when using an in-network attorney. 29

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SICK LEAVE BANKWhat is the Sick Leave Bank?The SLB is a pool of local dayscontributed by employees to be usedby members of the bank who are onapproved medical leave and haveexhausted their own accumulated PTO.If you have a serious medical conditionand are likely to exhaust youraccumulated PTO, you may request upto 20 SLB days per school year.• You must be enrolled in the programfor the current school year.• You must be on an approved medicalleave of absence.• You must exhaust all PTO time (local& state).What are theeligibilityrequirements? 30

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EMPLOYEEASSISTANCEPROGRAMThe Employee Assistance Program(EAP) by TELUS Health is a confidentialand secure service provided by DallasISD that offers help with personal andwork- related issues. The EAP can provide support, referralsand resources related to many issueslike; depression, conflict at work,anxiety, drug and alcohol abuse,adoption issue, grief and loss and manyother issues. The EAP encourages employees andthose close to them to seek help earlybefore a minor problem becomes moreserious. The EAP is designed toaddress short- term issues, identifyresources and referrals for emergencyand long- term issues. With EAP, there is no contribution thatyou will need to provide. Counselorsare available 24 hours a day, sevendays a week. Visit the Dallas ISDBenefits Portal or reach out ot TELUSHealth at (972) 925-4000 , option 3.31

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HOME, AUTO & PETI N S U R A N C EAs a Dallas ISD e m ployee, you a r e eligibleto participate i n optional, mon e y savingbenefits for hom e , auto and pet i n suranceadministered by C o restream. The s ebenefits are des i g ned to help p r o t ect thefinancial securi t y of you and y o u r family.These options ar e provided in a d d i tion toyour core benefi t s .C o r e s t r e a m C o n t a c tI n f o r m a t i o nYou ma y enro l l inInsura n ce co v erage foryour c a r, bo a t, mo t orcyc l ehome a n d mor e . Ren t ersinsura n ce is alsoavaila b le. Save o n vete r inaryexpens e s for welln e sscare, a ccide n ts, i l lness e sand mo r e wit h vets . (888) 935-9595Pet Health InsuranceAuto & Home Insurance 32

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We are excited to announce the launch of our new EmployeeDiscount Program with Working Advantage! Enjoy unbeatable discounts on dining, entertainment, travel,and more – it's our way of saying thank you for all you do. Visitthe Benefits website for details on how to access yourexclusive perks and start saving big with Dallas ISD! Click Here For MoreInformation!33

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Retirement Retirement Savings AccountsThe district provides a 403 (b) & 457 (b) plan options403 (b): is a retirement saving plan generally offered by public schools and other tax- exempt organizations thatallows an employee to make Pretax or contributions to your retirement fund. 457 (b): is a retirement saving plan generally offered by public schools and other tax-exempt organizations that allowsemployees to make Pretax contributions to your retirement fund. The IRS limitations for 403(b) & 457 (b) for 2024 is $23,000. Employees over 50 will allow you to contribute up to anadditional $7,500. The district offers the 403(b) and 457(b) plans through TCG Services A list of providers is available to you through TCG. You can enroll through the Employee Portal during AnnualEnrollment or at any time through TCG by calling 1-800-943-9179 or visiting 34Are you are planning to retire? The district has a set budget to pay out the retirement service award. There will bea bucket with all retirees and the local days/hours each person has. The payout will be divided up and paid by adaily rate determined by the payout. The RSA will only pay for local days. If you do not have local days at the timeof your retirement you will not be eligible for the award. Retirement Service Award (RSA)Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS)TRS Retirement - The member contribution rate is establishedby the Texas Legislature. The rate is 8.25% beginning Sept. 1,2024.*All district employees contribute to TRS Retirement.TRS Care - If you are an active employee of a public school or another educational district, regional educationservice center, or an open-enrollment charter school, you also contribute 0.75% of your salary to TRS Care, theretirees’ group health benefits program.*All district employees contribute to TRS Care.

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GeneralResourcesPlan or ProgramProviderContact InformationDallas ISD Benefits DepartmentBenefits Department(972) 925-4300Weekdays 8am-5pm cstEmail: benefits@dallasisd.orgBenefits Contact Center(972) 925-4000Option 1: LeavesOption 2: Benefits Enrollment Option: 3 EAPWeekdays 7am -7pm cstTeacher Retirement Systems ofTexas (TRS)TRS(800) 223-8778Weekdays 8am-6pm 35

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Health PlanResourcesCoverageProviderWebsiteContact InformationMedicalBlue Cross Blue Shield ofTexas BCBSTX:TRSACTIVE CARE(866) 355-5999Prescription Drugs Express ScriptsExpress Scripts1(844) 367-6108DentalUnited Healthcare UHC: Dental(800) 996-7519Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.EST - 11:00 p.m. ESTSaturday 9:00 a.m. EST -6:30 p.m. ESTVisionUHC:Vision(800) 638-3120Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.EST - 11:00 p.m. ESTSaturday 9:00 a.m. EST -6:30 p.m. ESTHospital Indemnity &Critical IllnessMetlifeMetlife1-800-438-6388Monday-Friday08:00 AM to 08:00 PM ESTDisability The Standard (previous Coverage before10/1/22)The Standard(800) 368-1135Blue Cross Blue Shield BCBS(877) 442-4207 Monday -Friday 7 AM - 5 PM CST. 36

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Plan or ProgramProviderContact InformationLife and AD & DInsuranceBCBSTX(877) 442-4207DisabilityThe Standard InsuranceCo.(800) 368-1135BCBSTX(877) 442-4207Health Savings &Flexible SpendingAccountsOptum Financial(833) 229-4436Insurance &Insurance &FinancialFinancialResourcesResources37

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Plan or ProgramProviderContact InformationRetirement Plan Options(403b/457b)TCG Administrators(800) 943-9179Personal LegalMetlife(800) 821-6400Employee AssistanceProgram (EAP)TELUS Health(972) 925-4000Option 2COBRATRS - ActiveCare:BSwift(833) 682-8972AdditionalAdditionalResourcesResources 38

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39Qualifying Life EventEnrollment A Qualifying Life Event is a big life-changing situation such as marriage/divorce,having or adopting a baby/child, death of someone who shares your health plan, orloss of coverage.You will have 31 days from the Life Event to make changes. These changes can be done by going into the Benefits Portal, or by calling 972-925-4000; Option 2.If you miss the 31 day window, you willhave to file an appeal. This is not aguarantee that the changes will beapproved. New Employees:Returning Employees:New employees will need to go through 2 enrollments. This means you will first go through anew hire enrollment, and then complete the Annual Enrollment selections. If you are comingfrom another district please confirm with your previous district when your coverage ends.Most district coverages end August 31. New Employee Selections: Active from hire date to 08/31Annual Enrollment: Active starting 09/01 to 08/31 Returning employees will have the normal Annual Enrollment options. AnnualEnrollment is passive this year. This means you will not have to re-enroll if you arehappy with your benefits.HSA and FSA accounts are NOT passive. These must be selected each year!

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DestinyQMSCO & BereavementUndrea Benefits Review Committee & Local LeavesValerieDirectorJeremyCampaigns & Digital CreatorMeet Your BenefitsTeam40Val DirectorRavenLegal Leaves

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TimCarrier Billing JayManagerContact & Internal Communications

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