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2024- 09 Newsletter Issue 26 Sep

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Tena Koutou e nga matua, e nga hoa, o te kura MangōnuiLast week, we had a truly enjoyable day celebrating the hard work our tamariki have donethroughout Term 3. It was wonderful to see them sharing their learning at assembly, and thewhole school came together to perform the waiata and haka they’ve been practising withWhaea Piki over the last two terms. The sense of pride was felt by all!A special highlight was the ‘Market Day’ organised by our senior students to raise funds for theirend-of-year camp. The event was a huge success, thanks to the incredible support from ourcommunity. The variety of products and delicious kai on offer was fantastic! A heartfelt thankyou to everyone who contributed to making this event such a triumph.This term has been very busy, filled with plenty of learning both inside and outside theclassroom. Our teachers have been hard at work preparing for the new curriculum changes setto be fully implemented by 2025. It’s an exciting time, with Structured Literacy expanding tocover the entire school, not just the junior classes. While Structured Maths is still in the planningstages, we already have a strong vision in place and support lined up for implementation. Thesechanges won’t be drastic, but we’re taking the necessary time to fully understand them so wecan deliver the best possible learning experiences for our tamariki.We have many people to thank for their support this term. A big shoutout to our fundraisinggroup, Helen Stott, GAS Coopers Beach, Mangōnui Four Square, Coopers Beach Butcher, andthe Mangōnui Lions Readers. A huge thank you as well to our dedicated kaiako and kaimahi—what a dream team! It’s an absolute pleasure to work alongside such positive,passionate, and forward-thinking individuals. Special mention goes to Lole, our Kaitiaki Kura,whose dedication and enthusiasm as caretaker have been remarkable.Next term, we’re excited to welcome Megan Hobbs to our team of kai mahi—nau mai haere maiki te kura o Mangōnui! We’re also thrilled to announce that next year we will be opening a newclassroom, ‘Taonga Class,’ as our student numbers continue to grow. This will allow us to havesmaller class sizes, ensuring that every tamariki gets the focused attention they deserve. It’swonderful to see the ongoing support from our local community as our kura continues toflourish.Thank you to all our whānau and supporters—your involvement in so many ways makes all thedifference. Ngā mihi nui!Ngā mihi,Dave Sedcole

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Term 3● Teacher Only Day Friday 27th September 2024● Last day of Term Thursday 26th September 2024● Term 4 Begins Monday October 14th 2024● Mangonui School Halloween Disco and Hangi October 31st 2024● School Prizegiving Friday December 13th 2024● Last day of Term 4 Monday December 16th 2024● First day for Term 1 2025 Wednesday 29th January 2025Any questions please contact the office:406 0182 or 021 544 702Please remember to inform the office aboutany student absences.Mangonui School uses the digital platform '' to store allPolicies and Procedures pertaining to our school. To access this siteplease use:Community username: mangonui Community password: zoom12Please remember to phone the office and update your contact details.After the recent flooding and school closures: it has now become evidentthat we require up to date contact details.Phone: 09 4060182 email:

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Mangonui School hold a Board of Trustees meeting every month in the schoolstaffroom.If you are interested in attending and would like to be on the Board, please contactthe office.Our next Board Meeting will be Tuesday 5:30PM October 22nd 2024.Awards Term 3, 2024Weeks 9 & 10Kotuku:Our Caught Being Good Awards went to Freyja Petersen for working so hardin class and Halo Stacey for leading the celebration assembly successfully.Our Kaitiaki Awards went to Mason Walters for being a great Tuakana to Koruclass and Kaitlin Harrison for leading the celebration assembly successfully.Our Ka Rawe Awards went to The Missing Matariki Stars film group for theirhard work with filming and Imogen Renata and Ruby Chuck for theirthoughtfulness and effort they put into market day and Ryder Roxburgh forbeing a great interviewer.

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Tuatara: Week 9Our Kaitiaki Award went to Ollie Calder for being Kaitiaki to yourself and choosing thebest environment for your own happiness and Sky Matito for being so enthusiastic andtelling us all about your fishing adventures.Our Caught being good award went to Kaya Shepherd-Kimi for working hard tocomplete classroom tasks and help those around you and Narrell Peterson forstepping out of your comfort zone and speaking at the celebration assembly.The Ka Rawe award went to Leah Robins for being organised in class and focussingon her mahi and for working so well and collaboratively in her writing group.Kowhai:Week 8:The “Kaitaiki Award” went to Jackson Walters working together and gettingon really wellwith his peers.The “Duffy Caught being good” award went to Harper Ashurst trying really hardwith her writing.The “Awesome” award went to Corbin Ashby working well with his group whilepreparing for his skit.Week 9: The “Kaitaiki Award” went to Aria Gaugau for working really well withher team while practising her skit.The “Duffy Caught being good” award went to Miami Witehira-Patolo forspeaking really clearly while performing her skit.The “Awesome” award went to Keupa Nikora for acting with expression whileperforming his skit.Koru:Week 9OurHe Whetū koeaward this week went to Ivy for always joining in class activitieswith enthusiasm.Caught being Goodaward for Hyland for paying attentionduring lessons and listening carefully to instructions andKaitiakiaward to Forrestfor being in class, ready to learn, ready to help and ready to have a good dayEVERYDAY!Week 10Kaitiakiaward for Week 10 went to Ruby for uplifting and championing Te ReoMāori, karawhiua!Caught being Goodaward went to Olivia for always beingfocused and maintaining a peaceful presence in the classroom and Kora gets theTino Paiaward for doing a an amazing piece of writing for Te Wiki o te reo Māori

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Nga Ringa:Our Duy Awards went to De’Wave Henare-Hetaraka for creating some amazingsymmetrical patterns in maths and to Yarni Roha Thomas for being a role modelin our classroom and for her confident use of te reo Māori.Our Kaitiaki Awards went to Ezra Rademacher for his enthusiasm and teamworkduring maths this week and Harvey Leef for being kaitiaki of Papaūānuku and forsharing his enthusiasm and knowledge about gardening with others.Our Ka Rawe Awards went to Roman Gaugau for working really well with his mathsbuddy and for Zion Brown for confidence & enjoyment of music.Pukeko:Our Kaitiaki Award went to Malaya Yerkovich for having a beautiful smile everydaywhen she comes to kura, showing kindness to others and being ready to learn. Also, toKalani Baker for showing leadership and confidence to share her beautiful singingvoice at the celebration assembly.Our Duffy Award went to Ada Willemse and Lachlan Wason for making a great startto school in Pukeko class.Our Ka Rawe Award went to Willow Compain for working hard to expand her ideas inwriting independently and to Kassius Ashby for being brave to get up and show hiswork at the celebration assembly.

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Kotuku NewsWow! What a fantastic end to the term! Kotuku classenjoyed the celebration assembly and seeing whateveryone has been doing this term. We had a great turnout to Market Day and we are really proud of how this day went. Thankyou to our whānau for all your support!

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Tuatara NewsWhat a great end to term 3! It was amazing to see our Tuatara class share their learning at thecelebration assembly last week. We really enjoyed sharing our sock puppet performance with you all!We are excited to get into our term 4 learning and share even more with you all.

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Kōwhai class news!Ngā kōrero mō te akomangaHere is a selection of our fun week 9. The first column is our mosaic art we did on the chromebooks. Thesecond column has some of our te reo Māori phrases that we learnt and shared while doing a skit at celebrationassembly. The third column is some of our photos we have taken after learning how to take good shots!

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Koru Class NewsTerm 3 done and dusted! The last couple of weeks have been a blast! Koru Class lovedtalking and writing about te reo during Te Wiki o te reo Māori / Māori Language week, we’vebeen practising counting on and counting back in Maths and of course, getting ready for thefabulous Celebration Assembly! Thank you so much to our whānau that supported us on theday, watched from home or mahi via Facebook and gave us tautoko this whole term long -we love you guys! Check out photos of us enjoying the assembly and the markets after!Kia pai o rā whakatā - enjoy the holidays. Mā te wā!

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Term 3 has been amazing in Ngā Ringa Āwhina class! We know that eating fruit andvegetables is important for our hauora/health. We learnt the song ‘Eat like a rainbow’ byJay Mankita and we shared it with our kura/school and whānau at Celebration Assembly.We created a beautiful fruit and vegetable rainbow too, inspired by the artwork of EricCarle who wrote and illustratedThe Very Hungry Caterpillar.We first painted paper indierent textures and colours, we then did careful drawing, cutting, collaging and paintpen to complete our individual pieces. I’m very proud of these amazing tamariki! Ka maute wehi tamariki mā!

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We have been super busy over the last few weeks planting many kākano andobserving their transformation! We have planted tomato and bean seeds as wellas some cosmos and zinnia. We’ve already potted up our tomato seedlings and are patientlywaiting for the beans to sprout. We are keeping a close eye on the bean seeds in the glass jarso we can see the changes. Our book this week was called, “Nanny Mihi’s Harvest.” Wediscussed each season and its changes to the garden. Let’s hope for our very own harvest!In Maths, we had fun using numicon shapes to see how many different ways we could makethe number 6.

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