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2023 Women & Children First Holiday Gift Guide

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1W e l c o m e t o t h e W o m e n & C h i l d r e n F i r s t 2 0 2 3 H o l i d a y G i f t G u i d e !During such a challenging year, when the world is grippedwith deep sorrow and suffering, it can feel surreal andfrivolous to work on a project like this--our holiday gift guide.With this in mind, we strived to put together a guide that fullyreflects our mission with book recommendations that notonly offer joy and escape, but also pathways to healing and liberation. We hope that this round-up of our favorite books of 2023--aswell as our special gift suggestions--has something for all theloves in your life. The items listed in this guide are available both in-store andon our website. Need other ideas? Give us a ring or stop by the shop. We hope you enjoy browsing!xoxo, Your W&CF Booksellers

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TABLE OF CONTENTSStaff Picks / p.4Bestsellers / p.11 Banned Books / p.12Fiction Favorites / p.13Feeling Unhinged? / p.15.2Queer Fiction / p.16Sci-fi & Fantasy / p.18Romance / p.19Queer Romance / p.20 Nonfiction / p.21Community Care / p.26Feminist Futures / p.23Celeb Memoirs / p.24Poetry / p.25Mystery & Horror / p.172024 Pre-orders / p.10

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Disability Justice / p.28Arts & Culture / p.29Tarot / p. 30Kids Graphic NovelsGraphic Novels / p.33Middle Grade / p.39TABLE OF CONTENTSChicago / p.31Cooking / p.323Children ofW&CF/ p.35Board Books / p.36Picture Books / p.37YA Fiction / p.40/ p.34W&CF MerchPalestinian Authors / p.27Community Partnerships / p.42/ p.41Holiday Kids Books / p.38

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Under the Influenceby Noelle CrooksHomebodiesby Tembe Denton-HurstIt’s giving "The Devil Wears Prada" butmake it social media instead of a hautemagazine empire. I am NOT a social mediagworlie-- in fact my opinions on suchthings are likely categorized aspretentious. It was interesting to have abehind-the-scenes look at what is clearlycapitalism-driven manipulation.“They say the first year of marriage isthe hardest,” Wren says upondiscovering that her husband has beendiagnosed with a mutation that willtransform him into a Great White Sharkbefore their first anniversary. Thisriveting debut novel is surprising inevery possible way--the realism of theworld, the nonlinear and experimentalstructure, the rich characterdevelopment, and the tenderness of thelove story at its heart.Ordinary Notesby Christina SharpeThis National Book Award finalist is adisarming, poetic, and reverberatingcollection of 248 individual "notes" thatblend memoir, theory, archival scraps, andvisual art to honor Blackness in America.4Shark Heartby Emily HabeckIT IS HARD BEING A BLACK WOMANUNDER CAPITALISM. The amount ofpsychological danger and violence that iswaiting on you-- enough to fill the blinged outmedallion that had Justin Timberlake go "Fo-Shiz, Fo-Shiz" (iykyk). I appreciate themillennial romanticization of the literary field. Ialso appreciate the author's attempt atpresenting narratives regarding complicity orcoerciveness of oppressed bodies. It's funny.It's relevant. It's pop-culturey. It goes-- once youstart the journey takes off!

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Big Swissby Jen BeaginBlackouts by Justin TorresMiss Major is a living legend, and it's ajoy to see her share stories fromthroughout her lifetime. From growingup in Chicago to the Stonewall Riots,organizing early HIIV/AIDS homecare, working on prison abolition inSan Francisco, and creating a retreatin Arkansas--Major is a mother,grandmother, sister, and friend to somany trans people today. Miss Major Speaksby Toshio Meronek & Miss MajorHouse of Sky and Breathby Sarah J. MaasThe second installment of thisseries, and Sarah does it again! Arollercoaster with an ending that leftme with my jaw on the floor andbegging for the next book! 5An astounding mixed media novel filledwith portals to the queer past. Reading itfeels like the process of researching queerhistory. It’s an excavation, an intimateexperience, steeped in longing forconnections to our ancestors. While muchqueer history has been erased orobscured, this book reminds us of thepleasure of infusing our histories with ourimaginations. Blackouts is a queer cry ofrecognition, a revision of thepathologization of the oppressed, and acelebration of the creativity of survival. A transcriptionist for a sex therapistbecomes obsessed with a client?! Yes,it’s as messy as it sounds. Gossipy,funny, and absurd. You will laugh! Youwill say “What?!?!” and you will love it :)

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The Wren, the Wrenby Anne EnrightA Council of Dollsby Mona Susan PowerMy Workby Olga RavnA book about pregnancy & motherhood &mental illness & where those things meet.Raw, weird, experimental, gorgeous, hilarious.A book I loved deeply & immediately. The Fifth Woundby Aurora Mama6Just open this book and read thefirst page. Its language willswallow you whole. Sensuous,kinetic, dripping with prin andpleasure and yearning. If you’regay and you like good writing,you should read it.Both harrowing and healing, this is a deeply feltnovel-in-stories about three generations ofDakhóta and Lakhóta girls irrevocably altered by“re-education” in U.S. government boardingschools. Each of the girls has a doll that seems tobe inhabited by a spirit that speaks to her andprotects her. So moving and powerful! In a TV interview, the charismatic Irish poetPhil McDaragh reveals that his wife hadgotten sick and “unfortunately, themarriage did not survive.” The rest of thebook is a brilliant portrait of the wife anddaughters he callously left behind. This ispart exploration of female rage and partexploration of what it is to love someone—including the flawed men of earliergenerations. Excellent and drylyhumorous!!

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This is expertly written and masterful,a 600-page tome where no page feelswasteful and each word feelspurposeful. Nathan Hill writescharacters with varied interests andbackgrounds that show the researchhe must have put in without makingyou feel like you're in a lecture. Hewrites about Chicago with suchspecificity and ties threads together sobeautifully that it made me ache. Wellnessby Nathan HillIn a year of amazing reads, Talkingat Night is an 11th-hour gem thatsnuck up on me and will haunt mefor a long time to come. Atmosphericand poignant, Will and Rosie's lovestory is about friendship, family,conversations, and connection. Thisis gorgeous and glorious and a bookthat will sit in my bones.Talking at Nightby Claire DaverleyThe Bandit Queensby Parini ShroffA story of reluctant sisterhood amidstturmoil. When Geeta's husband left herfive years ago, everyone assumed shekilled him. And now, they want her helpkilling their husbands. Full of darkhumor, WOW the last quarter of thisbook came together triumphantly.You Could Make ThisPlace Beautifulby Maggie SmithA vulnerable, insightful, andmoving memoir. A love letter toher children and a beacon tofiguring it out as you go. Thewriting is poetic and mesmerizing.7

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CM is a widow writing the biographyof her wife X, a mysterious butnotorious artist and figure in thecultural zeitgeist. X’s past is largelyunknown, and CM’s journey ofdiscovery is not without peril. Theway Lacey has written this society, amirror of ours but pushed to theextreme, is masterful, and thelanguage is propulsive and incrediblycrafted. Biography of Xby Catherine LaceySally is a writer for the biggest Saturdaynight sketch comedy show, but she'sfeeling stagnant. She doesn't understandwhy Leo, musician and celebrity guest forthat week's show, keeps finding reasons totalk to her. I went in expecting one thingand by the end I was giggling and kicking my feet with joy. Romantic Comedyby Curtis Sittenfeld The Chromatic Fantasyby H. A.A witty trans 4 trans adventure withstunning illustrations (like seriously youcould buy this for the illustrations alone)and lots of heart. Don’t miss out!8We Won’t Be Here Tomorrowby Margaret KilljoyOne of my absolute favorite reads thisyear, this short story collection is radicaland full of revolution. Killjoy’s stories arepunk, queer, full of anarchist spirit,funny, haunting, and beautiful. Killjoy hasa distinct voice that will leave youwanting more.

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Delightful! A gorgeous bookpacked with simple joys, gentlewisdom, and adorable new bestfriends! A new children's classic inthe making.The Hidden World of Gnomesby Lauren SoloyUnputdownable, creeptastic,while also being a rare thrillerwith healing on its mind.Mister Magicby Kiersten WhiteWe love audiobooks, and we!!! When you sign up,choose W&CF as your indiebookstore. That way you willsupport the store with yourpurchases AND see our curatedplaylists!For $40 per year, members of Women& Children First receive 10% off in-store and online purchases(excluding gift cards) and 20% offduring our Annual Member Sale heldevery summer. Plus--new!--a $10 coupon to use in W&CF duringyour birthday month. 9

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PREORDER THESEPREORDER THESEPREORDER THESE2024 TITLES!2024 TITLES!2024 TITLES!02.27.24Wandering Starsby Tommy OrangeMartyr!by Kaveh Akbar01.23.24You Get What YouPay Forby Morgan Parker03.12.24The Moon That TurnsYou Backby Hala Alyan03.12.2402.20.24This American Ex-Wifeby Lyz LenzAbolition: Politics,Practices, Promisesby Angela Y. Davis01.09.2410

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W&CF top sellers of 2023! Love, Theoreticallyby Ali HazelwoodLet This Radicalize Youby Kelly Hayes and Mariame KabaQuietly Hostileby Samantha IrbyPageboyby Elliot PageDemon Copperheadby Barbara KingsolverFamily Loreby Elizabeth Acevedo11BEST SELLERSBEST SELLERS

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READREADREADBANNEDBANNEDBANNEDBOOKSBOOKSBOOKSJoin our BannedBook Group!Donate to PEN America!All Boys Aren’t Blueby George M. JohnsonGender Queerby Maia KobabeThe Bluest Eyeby Toni MorrisonThis One Summer by Mariko Tamaki1984 by George Orwell12

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FICTIONFICTIONFICTIONSignal Firesby Dani Shapiro10Ripeby Sarah Rose EtterChain-Gang All-Starsby Nana Kwame Adjei-BrenyahDearbornby Ghassan ZeineddineTom Lakeby Ann PatchettHello Beautifulby Ann Napolitano13

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FAVORITESFAVORITESFAVORITESIn Memoriamby Alice WInn10Yellowfaceby R. F. KuangLand of Milk and Honeyby C Pham ZhangCandelariaby Melissa Lozada-OlivaSaturday Night at theLakeside Supper Clubby J. Ryan Stradal14Let Us Descendby Jesmyn Ward

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UNHINGED?UNHINGED?UNHINGED?15FEELINGFEELINGFEELINGShitty Craft Clubby Sam ReeceOrgan Meatsby K-Ming ChangFeral Self-Careby Mandi EmGoblin Modeby Mckayla CoyleCreepby Myriam GurbaBrainwyrmsby Allison Rumfitt

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QUEERQUEERQUEER FICTIONFICTIONFICTIONRoses in the Mouth of a Lionby Bushra RehmanWe Could Be So Goodby Cat SebastianDyketteby Jenny Fran DavisAll-Night Pharmacy by Ruth MadievskyA Safe Girl to Loveby Casey PlettFamily Mealby Bryan Washington16Your Driver Is Waitingby Priya Guns

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& HORROR& HORROR& HORRORMYSTERYMYSTERYMYSTERY Vera Wong’s UnsolicitedAdvice for Murderersby Jesse Q. Sutanto17Out There ScreamingEdited by Jordan PeeleDon’t Fear the Reaperby Stephen Graham JonesThe Golden Spoonby Jessa MaxewellMy Murderby Katie WilliamsBad Creeby Jessica Johns

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SCI-FISCI-FISCI-FI& FANTASY& FANTASY& FANTASYLone Womenby Victor LaValleEmily Wilde’sEncyclopedia of FaeriesBy Heather FawcettThorn Hedge by T. Kingfisher“Kingfisher creates thecoziest characters facing themost dire and lonely ofcircumstances. This is aSleeping Beauty retelling, butwith a haunting, delicioustwist.” - KarleeThe Terraformers by Annalee NewitzHe Who Drowned the Worldby Shelley Parker-Chan18

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ROMANCEROMANCEROMANCESammy Espinoza’sLast Reviewby Tehlor Kay MejiaThe Art of Scandalby Regina BlackThe True LoveExperimentby Christina Lauren“The chemistry between radio host Kiki Banjo and the ‘wasteman of Whitehall’ MalakaiKorede is unmatched in this incredible fake dating university romance. The characters jumpoff the page, and the dialogue sizzles. Historically I have not been a fan of the fake datingtrope, but this book may change my mind.” Kaylie, on Honey & Spice19Honey & Spiceby Bolu BabalolaYours Trulyby Abby JimenezAna María and the Foxby Liane De La Rosa

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QUEER ROMANCEQUEER ROMANCEQUEER ROMANCECleat Cuteby Meryl WilsnerA Shot in the Darkby Victoria LeeStars in Your Eyesby Kacen Callender11Iris Kelly Doesn’t Dateby Ashley Herring Blake10 Things That NeverHappenedby Alexis HallAn Island PrincessStarts a Scandalby Adriana Herrera“Sam is on the verge of being fired by Jonathan when an accident gives him a stay ofexecution as he recovers from a maybe-not-so-real concussion. These opposites cometogether in ways that are silly & beautifully romantic, with the Alexis Hall signature cast ofludicrious characters surrounding them.” Jamie, on 10 Things That Never Happened20

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21NONFICTIONNONFICTIONNONFICTION On Momfluenced: “I kept stopping and rereading and shouting portions of this outloud. A fascinating and nuanced look at the world of momfluencer culture and'motherhood' as performance. EXCELLENT!” - KarleeMonstersby Claire DedererMomfluencedby Sara PetersenRadical Intimacyby Sophie K. RosaExtremely Onlineby Taylor LorenzSoilby Camille T. DungyDoppelgangerby Naomi KleinHijab Butch Bluesby Lamya H

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WE LOVEWE LOVEWE LOVEMiss Major Speaksby Claire Dederer22Meet Me Tonight inAtlantic Cityby Jane WongThe Night Paradeby Jami Nakamura LinNo Crying in Baseballby Erin CarlsonBlack Women Writers at Workedited by Claudia TateRaw Dogby Jamie Loftus “The essay collection that launched a thousand dinner conversations! Monsters: AFan’s Dilemma had me at turns shuddering in disgust and sighing in agreement. Forits nuance, its humor, its provocation, I may never stop thinking about this book.” -Sarah Monstersby Claire Dederer

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The Feminist KilljoyHandbookby Sara AhmedFat Talkby Virginia Sole-Smith50 Years of Ms., the Best ofthe Pathfinding Magazinethat Ignited a RevolutionHome Girlsedited by Barbara SmithFalling Back in Love withBeing Humanby Kai Cheng ThomThe Risk It Takes toBloomby Raquel WillisFEMINIST FUTURES23

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24CELEBCELEBCELEBMEMOIRSMEMOIRSMEMOIRSLeslie F*cking Jonesby Leslie JonesMy Name Is Barbraby Barbra StreisandThicker than Waterby Kerry WashingtonHoney, Baby, Mineby Laura Dern andDianne LaddWorthyby Jada Pinkett SmithThe Woman in Meby Britney SpearsFor a juicy read...

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POETRYPOETRYPOETRYKingdom of Surfacesby Sally Wen MaoThe Water We Swim Inby Christian AldanaSacred Spellsby Asotto SaintFreedom House by KB Brookins25Negative Moneyby Lillian-YvonneBertramUnshutteredby Patricia Smith

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Healing Justice Lineagesby Cara Paige and Erica WoodlandPracticing New Worldsby Andrea J. RitchieDeep Careby Angela HumeSurviving the Futureedited by ScottBranson, RavenHudson, and Bry Reed Lean On Meby Lynne Segal26CommunityCareFamily Abolitionby M. E. O’Brien

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Her First Palestinianby Saeed TeebiYou Exist Too Muchby Zaina ArafatWe Could Have BeenFriends, My Father and Iby Raja ShehadehSalt Housesby Hala AlyanAgainst theLoveless Worldby SusanAbulhawaPalestinianAuthorsThey Called Me aLionessby Ahed Tamimi and Dena Takruri27

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DISABILITY JUSTICEDISABILITY JUSTICEDISABILITY JUSTICEWe’ve Got Thisedited by Eliza HullLegby Greg MarshallAgainstTechnoableismby Ashley Shew28The Country of theBlindby Andrew LelandDisability Prideby Ben MattlinLegby Greg Marshall“I nearly burst into tearswhen I saw the title of thisrevolutionary anthologycollecting the voices ofDisabled parents. We’veGot This is a sharedresource, a supportsystem, and a pathway toan ever-inclusive future." -Sarah

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ARTS & CULTUREWoman Life Freedomedited by Malu HalasaThe Story of Art Without Men by Katy HesselJohn Waters: Pope of Trashedited by John Waters, Jenny He,and Dara Jaffe29Behind the Seams: My Life in Rhinestonesby Dolly PartonArt Monsters: UnrulyBodies in Feminist Art by Lauren ElkinThe Golden Screen: TheMovies That Made Asian America by Jeff YangShotgun Seamstressby Osa AtoeThe Queer Film Guide by Kyle Turner

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Divine Deco Tarotby Gerta Oparaku EgyTAROTTAROTTAROT The Knight-Waite TarotDeckby Michele Knight-WaiteMidnight Magic: A TarotDeck of Mushrooms by Sara Richard30The Nap Ministry’s Rest Deckby Tricia Hersey

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Lifting as TheyClimbedby Essence McDowelland Mariame KabaMidwestern Foodby Paul FehribachMade in Chicagoby Monica Eng andDavid HammondConch Pearlby Julie E. JusticzChoosing Familyby Francesca RoysterI Done Clicked My Heels ThreeTimesby Taylor Byas31CHI AUTHORS

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C O O K I N GC O O K I N GC O O K I N GMore Is Moreby Molly BazThe Everlasting Meal Cookbookby Tamar AdlerStart Hereby Sohla El-WayllyKung Foodby Jon KungSnacking Bakesby Yossy ArefiFor the Cultureby Klancy MillerLatinísimoby Sandra A. Gutierrez32

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The Hills of Estrella Rojaby Ashley Robin FranklinMimosaby Archie BongiovanniRoamingby Jillian Tamaki and Mariko TamakiBoys Weekendby Mattie LubchanskyPhoebe’s Diaryby Phoebe WahlWhere I’m Coming Fromby Barbara Brandon-CroftNight and Danaby Anya Davidson33GRAPHICGRAPHICGRAPHICNOVELSNOVELSNOVELS

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Misfit Mansionby Kay DavaultThe Dog Knightby Jeremy WhitleyTwo Tribesby Emily Bowen CohenMatch Point!by Maddie GallegosThe Moth Keeperby K. O’NeilLightsby Brenna ThummlerThe First Cat in Spaceand the Soup of Doom by Mac Barnett & Shawn Harris34KIDSKIDSKIDS'GRAPHICGRAPHICGRAPHICNOVELSNOVELSNOVELS

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35THECHILDRENOF W&CFlila & adam’s picksLila Greer, Teacher of the Yearby Andrea BeattyCome Over to My Houseby Eliza Hull and Sally RippinHot Dogby Doug SalatiHoops by Matt TavaresMarshmallow & Jordanby Alina ChauFour Eyesby Rex Ogle and Dave Valeza

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BOOKSNo More Naps!by Chris GrabensteinBird Houseby Blanca GómezPeek-A-Boo Haikuby Danna SmithJ Is for Justice!by Veronica I. ArreolaI Need a Hugby Aaron BlabeyYou Are Newby Lucy Knisley

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All We Need Is Loveand a Really SoftPillow!by Peter H. ReynoldsCan We Please Give thePolice Department tothe Grandmothers?by Junauda Petrus37PICTURE BOOKSPICTURE BOOKSPICTURE BOOKSThe Wishing Machineby Jonathan HillmanTokyo NightParadeby J. P. TakahashiI Am Stuckby Julia Mills 100 Mighty Dragons AllNamed Broccoliby David Larochelle

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Happy Llamakkah!by Laura GehlEight Nights of Lights, ACelebration ofHanukkahby Leslie Kimmelman38HOLIDAY KIDSHOLIDAY KIDSHOLIDAY KIDS'BOOKSBOOKSBOOKSEsperanza Caramelo,the Star of Nochebuenaby Karla Arenas ValentiDon’t Let thePigeon Drive theSleigh!by Mo WillemsHow DoesSanta Go Downthe Chimney?by Mac Barnett and Jon KlassenYou’re My Little Latkeby Natalie Marshall

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MIDDLEMIDDLEMIDDLEGRADEGRADEGRADE The Ogress andthe Orphansby Kelly BarnhillRavenfallby Kalyn JosephsonMascotby Charles Waters and Traci SorrellWhat Happened toRachel Riley?by Claire SwinarskiEllie Engle SavesHerselfby Leah Johnson39Remember Usby Jacqueline Woodson“Ravenfall is atmospheric, spookyfantasy perfect for young readerslooking for a little magic, comfort and,of course, adventure. I would like tolive at the magical Ravenfall Inn andexplore this bewitching town, even ifghosts are there possessing people! Astory of friendship, family, andembracing your power.” - Karlee

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YOUNGYOUNGYOUNGADULTADULTADULTFICTIONFICTIONFICTIONCheck & Mateby Ali HazelwoodYou’re Not Supposed toDie TonightBy Kalynn BayronWarrior Girl Unearthedby Angeline BoulleyIf I Have toBe Hauntedby MirandaSunI Must Betray Youby Ruta Sepetys40Ages 13 and up“A heist to rescue ancestorsfrom grave-robbers! AngelineBoulley does it again in thisheart-wrenching return toSugar Island. I loved going onthis ride with the maincharacter, Perry, who isconfident, snarky, and focusedas she learns how to navigatethe world of repatriation. Sosuspenseful! This is a stand-alone novel set in the sameworld as Firekeeper'sDaughter.” -KarleeIf Tomorrow Doesn’tComeby Jen St. Jude

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W&CF MERCHANDISEW&CF MERCHANDISEhats!shirts!totes!fashion!cute!moreshirts!fun!*cool booksellers not included with purchase41

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Brighten the holidays for women and transpeople behind bars. Buy a book or gift card forChicago Books to Women in Prison inhonor of a loved one. Visit their wishlist HERE,and request a holiday receipt in the commentsin honor of your purchase.Purchase a gift card for a ChicagoPublic School teacher or librarian.This gift card will be used to purchasenew books for classroom and schoollibraries. Looking to purchase books as gifts for your organization? We can help! See our frequently asked questions HERE! We have two types of Women &Children First gift cards! An on-line only gift card is best forthose who love to shop online or live outside of Chicago. An in-store only gift card is best forthose who like to come in andbrowse. Community Partnerships & Gift Cards 42Support ECOSHIP, a nonprofit that collects gently used shipping materialsfrom Chicagoland communities and distributes them to local businesses!

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There isn’t enough space here to properlyexpress our gratitude for your continuedsupport. Below are a list of organizations wesupport & wish to financially contribute to,should you be in a position to do so as well. In love & solidarity, Women & Children First Human RightsWatchJewishVoices forPeaceDoctorsWithoutBordersPalestinianJournalistsSyndicatePalestinianChildren’sRelief FundHumanAppeal USAJews forRacial &EconomicJusticeChicagoAbortionFundMidwestAccessCoaltion GreaterChicagoFoodDepository