CELEBRATING OUR STORY 2022 2023 Narrative Budget saint francis united methodist church Discovering Christ Serving Others www saintfrancisumc org
Who We Are and How We Live Discovering Christ Serving Others Saint Francis United Methodist Church exists to be a fellowship of believers who seek to show to others the spiritual freedom and wholeness found in Jesus Christ It is in gratitude to God for the love given to us that we seek to lead lives which exhibit to others our love for them and our concern for their own spiritual mental emotional material and physical well being We are a community of believers joined together for meaningful and joyful worship and celebration of the sacraments of Baptism and the Lord s Supper as a way of expressing our gratitude for God s love and for the remembrance of what has been done for us through Christ We offer to those who come to us means by which their minds and spirits are nurtured in the Christian faith This nurturing occurs through teaching in the fellowship we share with one another and by the examples of our lives We take seriously the need for the Church to be involved in ministries of service to people who are in need working along side a variety of local and world wide agencies We choose to be a church that actively involves itself in the joyous task of telling others about the good news of hope that Christ has given to the world We are committed to the inclusion in our fellowship of all people regardless of race social status sexual orientation or other condition which might cause their exclusion who seek the grace of God and desire to uphold the church with their prayers presence gifts witness and service We live into our vision by Gathering in the presence of Christ Growing as disciples of Christ Giving as the body of Christ and Going to share the Good News of Christ
The operating budget for Saint Francis United Methodist Church is more than line items on a spreadsheet It s a story of love in action See how Saint Francis used budget dollars during the 2022 2023 fiscal year to share God s love and help others grow in faith by Proclaiming the Word Serving Others Growing in Faith Fanning the Flame of the Holy Spirit for our kids Walking Together and Being Good Stewards of all the wonderful blessings that God has bestowed upon our church
Proclaiming the Word Worship Music 272 760 23 We gather as a community for worship each week and for special services in Lent and Advent to praise God and celebrate the life of Christ as we share in Word and Holy Communion and seek to deepen our understanding of God s call on our lives l l l l l Celebrated 3 baptisms and 18 new members Restarted children reading the Prayer for Illumination during worship Continued to livestream worship and secure the required copywrite permissions to do so Resumed the practice of Holy Communion by intinction while still offering a COVID safe packaging option Returned Godly Play to in person during worship and reestablished our nursery with a paid staff
l l l l Experienced a 35 5 increase in worship attendance over last year with 187 gathering in person and 80 attending or viewing the service online The biggest rise has been seen in the recent last 3 months averaging 203 in person Continued an active role in worship by our congregation Typically on any given Sunday at least 25 individuals not including our music ministry serve alongside our pastor to lead and facilitate worship including Ushers Communion Servers Bulletin Slide Operators Online Hosts Lay Readers Chancel Team AV Support and our newly reignited Greeter Team A Worship Ministry Fair added 16 people serving on those teams Common Table groups have also rallied to staff our Welcome Desk after worship serving as another touch point for those new to our church Blessed pets for the Feast of St Francis Joined First UMC Cary and White Plains for an Easter Sunrise service on our labyrinth
l l l l l l Celebrated the return of our full adult choir in the fall with over 40 singers and our adult handbell group with 20 ringers Heard the story of Jesus birth and resurrection through Christmas and Lenten cantatas Continued to enhance worship throughout the year with the diverse musical gifts of our congregation with a variety of vocal and instrumental ensembles for ALL ages Purchased new supplemental hymnals Worship and Song Completed our 40th anniversary celebration welcoming back former pastors and those called to ministry from our church and enjoyed an anniversary concert and reception Enjoyed fellowship at an evening Coffeehouse Musical Extravaganza presented by members of our Music Ministry
Serving Others in Love Mission Outreach 184 726 15 Our congregation is motivated by God s love to be the hands and feet for countless mission and outreach opportunities locally and around the globe l l l l Supported students and families at Oak Grove Elementary with school supplies and facilitated the track out food assistance Organized collections to combat food insecurity and homelessness including fresh produce from the Disciples Community Garden to support Dorcas Ministry Family Promise and Oak City Cares Shared the Christmas Story at our annual Live Nativity with our community Worked with World Church Services for a second year to set up local apartments for refugees
l l l l l Gathered to assemble flood buckets and hygiene kits for Kentucky Flood Relief Provided financial support to missionary Wil Bailey and the Costa Rica Mission Project Uhuru Girls Academy in Kenya and UMCOR disaster relief to Ukraine and to other areas in need Gathered to pack over 17 000 meals for Rise Against Hunger and helped raise over 1000 for ZOE Empowers by assembling dry soup mixes Continued to be a reconciling church participating in outreach at local Pride festivals and taking first steps towards establishing LGBTQ support groups Served our local community through advocacy and engagement in partnership with ONE Wake winning commitments from Wake County and the Town of Cary for affordable housing initiatives
l l l l l Supported the mission and ministry of the United Methodist Church by meeting our apportionments Supplied a week of meals for Family Promise several times throughout the year Provided monthly mortgage and rent assistance to those in need through Dorcas Ministries Supported our community by writing postcards to support Mission Amplify and contributing to Habitat for Humanity builds and organizing our annual Christmas Angel Tree for Community Partnerships Inc Began gathering again for our 5th Sunday Potluck Serve Events
Fanning the Flame SPARK Children BLAZE Youth Family Ministries 212 053 18 We believe that the Christian education taught to our children and youth will become cornerstones for their lives and want every child to know they are loved by God l l l Continued to offer opportunities for Christian Education and fellowship through Sunday school classes and Sunday Night Youth Gatherings Began new programming to further engage our children and youth Superhero Sleuths K 2nd Bible Buddies 3rd 5th Elevate 6th 8th girls Friday Night Bible Study 9th 12th and Upperclass Coffee 11th 12th Provided Make and Take Advent kits and Lenten activity kits for parents and caregivers to facilitate learning at home
l l l l l l Gifted 10 bibles to 3rd 4th graders and confirmed 12 youth Took part in weekend faith building experiences at fall Pilgrimage and a spring retreat to Camp Don Lee and served our community by organizing a Souper Bowl Sunday fundraiser for Oak City Cares Youth Celebrated our High school graduates and supported them with educational scholarships Grew in appreciation for God s creation through our Green Thumb Garden Ministry Children Gave a week of summer vacation making homes warmer safer and drier by serving the Appalachian Service Project Youth Engaged 50 campers and over 30 youth and adult volunteers during Vacation Bible School
l l l l l Hosted our 1st ever Trunk or Treat with over 30 decorated trunks enjoyed by hundreds of guests from our church family and local community Gathered for our annual Feast of St Nick Chili Cook off Mission Event Took part in a 5th Sunday Potluck Serve event to assemble soup mix jars to ZOE Empowers Gathered for our annual Easter Egg Hunt which also supported ZOE Empowers Brought back our annual Pancake Supper on Shrove Tuesday in a meaningful way
Growing in Faith Adult Ministries 127 529 11 Growing in our understanding of faith and what it means to be disciples of Christ in our world is a constant process l l l l l Explored faith through studies on a variety of topics in our adult Sunday school classes Offered a variety of additional learning opportunities with seasonal and short term studies Engaged in a 6 month book study Being the Church in a Post pandemic World Clergy and church leaders Formed a new Sunday school class to enable Courageous Conversations Gathered weekly to study the Bible and pray together through Lectionary Bible Study
l l l l l l Joined in fellowship at quarterly gatherings and an annual off site retreat of the Men of Saint Francis Supported the Appalachia Service Project and the Saint Francis Educational Scholarships through the annual Christmas Tree sale organized by the Men of Saint Francis Gathered a work group to explore creating and launching an intentional path of Discipleship Covenant groups gathered weekly for accountability Emmaus 4th Day Reunion and Wesley Covenant groups Enjoyed time together at the annual Women of Saint Francis ornament exchange and at LIFT bookclub meetings Supported MATCH NC Correctional Facility of Women by facilitating a monthly book group supervising mom children visits writing notes of encouragement and donating personal items and gifts for their Birthday Closet Women of Saint Francis
l l l l Continued to offer fun and fellowship for older adults through monthly brunches and learning experiences Primetimers Continued community building for those in their 20 s 30 s and 40 s with casual gatherings Engaged in community building through Common Tables groups of 8 to 15 individuals of all ages and life stages meeting weekly for a meal spiritual conversation prayer and service with 2 new tables added this year Resumed fellowship interest groups for practicing yoga and exploring family genealogy
Walking Together Prayer Care Ministry 128 553 11 Acknowledging that we are called to love one another we are a church that is kind and compassionate encouraging and comforting hospitable to all with fellowship prayer and support l l l l l Answered requests for prayer with a devoted Prayer Team Sent cards to persons requesting prayer Shared God s word prayers and reflections through our Daily Prayer Ministry Made and prayed over prayer quilts for those in need Welcomed our local community to use our outdoor labyrinth
l l l l l l l l Provided disposable masks at the entrances of our building Mailed Christmas cards written by our congregation to homebound members of our church family Served as a touch point for care support to congregants suffering loss loneliness injury or illness and mailed out grief books Offered one to one confidential Christian listening through 10 trained Stephen Ministers Provided transportation to worship to residents of Jordon Oaks and Waltonwood Provided refreshments and service at receptions events and funerals Offered guided prayer events and an Easter Prayer Vigil Restarted our at home communion ministry
Being Good Stewards Church Facilities Infrastructure 280 539 23 Maintaining and upgrading our beautiful church and its campus is vital to making our spiritual journey both effective and enjoyable l l l l Rolled up our sleeves and engaged in two all hands workdays cleaning painting powerwashing and spreading mulch to name just a few of the jobs accomplished Improved and maintained church grounds with help of various volunteer groups throughout the year Maintained updated our HVAC system Stripped Waxed the floor of the Administrative Building
l l l l l l l l l l Upgraded plumbing in restrooms Trimmed trees in the cemetery area Replaced outdated laptops for the church staff Updated original lighting panel in the Sanctuary with newer technology Supported the Saint Francis Preschool and BSA Troop Pack 202 Opened our Sanctuary for use by various area music programs Refreshed our Administrative Lobby with new furniture and signage Maintained kitchen to facilitate a variety of gatherings Replaced ice maker Men of Saint Francis Purchased two additional defibrillators for our church campus
2022 2023 Fiscal Year Financial Summary Sources of Generosity 2022 2023 Fiscal Year Operating Expense Budget 1 062 521 Annual pledge campaign additional financial gifts payments to missions ministries misc donations Temporary Designated Funds 89 554 Gurney Permanent Designated Fund 54 085 Total 1 206 160 How Financial Resources Were Used 2022 2023 Fiscal Year Operating Expense Budget and Estimated Designated Funds Spending Total 1 206 160 Balance in Additional Designated Funds Various Temporary Designated Funds 226 636 Permanent Designated Funds Men of Saint Francis 47 853 UMF Education Scholarship Fund 222 527 UMF Parsonage Escrow Fund 254 441 UMF Gurney Fund 22 636 as of 2 28 2023
saint francis united methodist church Discovering Christ Serving Others 2965 Kildaire Farm Rd Cary NC 27518 www saintfrancisumc org