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2023 RMC Robots Wants and Needs Puzzle Pieces Match

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PRESENTED BYwww.ReadingMakesCents.comLesson: Wants and Needs Puzzle Pieces MatchWANTS VS. NEEDSVS. ROBOTSBy Michael Rex

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Wants vs. Needs vs. RobotsBy Michael RexPenguin Random House/2023STORY SYNOPSIS: Do you know the difference between awant and a need? It can be a hard thing tounderstand, especially when you wantsomething so much that you feel like youhave to have it. But some things aren’tessential—like jellybean tacos and groovyboots. Other things are essential—like fueland feet to put the boots on. The robots inthis book are here to show you thedifference as they make trades to get somethings they really want (hooray!) but giveaway some things they need (oops!).Lesson Plan By:Lynne Stover stoverlf@jmu.eduLauren Shifflett

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Book- Wants vs. Needs vs. Robots by Michael Rex Visual – Wants and Needs Puzzle Pieces MatchPrepared puzzle pieces [If there are more thansixteen students in the class, multiple copies maybe necessary. Make sure that each puzzle pieceused has a matching component.]Optional: Crayons or colored pencils The student will be introduced to the concept ofopportunity cost: “The value of the next-bestalternative when a decision is made; the secondchoice that is given up.” The student will participate in an activity thatrequires them to make a choice and identify theiropportunity cost. Need – Something you must have to survive; suchas food, water and shelter.Want- A desire that can be satisfied by consumingor using a good or service.INTRODUCTION: It appears that robots, like humans, have specificneeds and countless wants. GRADE LEVEL: K-2TIME ALLOCATION: 25-30 minutesMATERIALS:OBJECTIVES: ECONOMIC CONCEPTS:Lesson Plan By:Lynne Stover stoverlf@jmu.eduLauren Shifflett

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Reading Makes Cents 2023-2024Wants vs. Needs vs. RobotsWants and Needs Puzzle Pieces MatchVIRGINIA STANDARD OF LEARNING- HISTORY AND SOCIAL SCIENCEThe student will apply history and social science skills to demonstrate anunderstanding of primary economic principles by (a.) describing ways people workto earn and save money to buy the things they need and want; and (b.) recognizingthat Americans are free to make choices about what to buy and that they mustmake choices because they cannot have everything they want.The student will apply history and social science skills to explain how individualsmake economic choices to meet their basic needs by (e.) describing why peoplemust make choices, prioritizing needs over wants. The student will apply history and social science skills to understand basiceconomic principles by (b.) distinguishing between needs and wantsK.81.8 2.13 the materials prior to class. Run off the Wants and Needs Puzzle Piecesand cut them on the dotted line. Introduce the lesson by reading Wants vs. Needs vs. Robots by Michaael Rex to thestudents. Tell them to pay special attention to the four things a robot needs tosurvive. A YouTube reading of the book can be found here: completion of the story, ask the students if they remember the four things arobot needs to survive. [Answer: Oil, batteries, arms, and legs.]Display the visual and review the contents with the students. Define a WANT as adesire that can be satisfied by consuming or using a good or service. Define aNEED as something you must have to survive; such as food, water and shelter. Tell the students they are now going to do an activity where they will be matchingpuzzle pieces similar to the one on the visual. Lesson Plan By:Lynne Stover stoverlf@jmu.eduLauren Shifflett

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Reading Makes Cents 2023-2024Wants vs. Needs vs. RobotsWants and Needs Puzzle Pieces Match6. a puzzle piece.When you hear “Find Your Match” find the person who has the other half of thepuzzle.Once your puzzle is complete, decide if puzzle shows a robot’s WANT or NEED. If your competed puzzle showed a NEED go to the front of the room.If your competed puzzle showed a WANT go to the BACK of the room.Read these directions on the visual to the students:Distribute one half of a puzzle piece to each student. Advise the students that theycan look at the sharp or rounded shapes on the puzzle pieces to help find an exactmatch with one that fits into theirs.Say “Find Your Match” and allow students to move around the classroom to findthe other half of their puzzle, determine if they have a WANT or NEED puzzle, andmove to either the front or back of the room. Instruct the students to share their puzzles with the class, stating if the depicteditem represents a robot’s NEED or WANT. Discuss the Class Question on the visual -Do robots have more NEEDS or moreWANTS? Ask the student if they think people have more NEEDS or more WANTS. EXTENSION ACTIVITIES:ART: Run the puzzle piece sheets off on copy paper or white cardstock. The day before thelesson, distribute a whole sheet, and crayons or markers to students interested in coloringthe robots and their wants and needs. Collect the finished products, cut them into puzzlepieces, and use these in the matching activity. CREATIVE WRITING: Challenge the students use their completed puzzle to write a storyabout the robot and the item it needed or wanted. They can give their robot a funny name,explain why they want or need the item, and write a positive outcome to their story. Lesson Plan By:Lynne Stover stoverlf@jmu.eduLauren Shifflett

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Needs are things you must have to survive; such as food, water and shelter.A robot needs batteries, oil, arms, and legs to survive. Needs are things you must have to survive; such as food, water and shelter.A robot needs batteries, oil, arms, and legs to survive.Lesson Plan By:Lynne Stover & Lauren Shifflett Reading Makes Cents 2023-2024Wants vs. Needs vs. RobotsWants and Needs Puzzle Pieces Match Visual- Wants vs. Needs vs. Robots Needs are things you must have to survive; such asfood, water and shelter.A robot needs batteries, oil, arms, and legs to survive. Wants are goods and services that you would like to have;such as toys, candy, and vacations.A robot wants things like a cool shirt and a pair of fabulous boots.Receive a puzzle piece.When you hear “FindYour Match” find theperson who has theother half of the puzzle.Once your puzzle iscomplete, decide ifpuzzle shows therobot’s WANT or NEED. If your competedpuzzle shows a NEEDgo to the FRONT of theroom.If your competedpuzzle shows a WANTgo to the BACK of theroom.DIRECTIONS:CLASS QUESTION- Dorobots have more NEEDSor more WANTS?

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OILLesson Plan By:Lynne Stover &Lauren Shifflett Reading Makes Cents 2023-2024Wants vs. Needs vs. RobotsWants and Needs Puzzle Pieces Match

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Lesson Plan By:Lynne Stover &Lauren Shifflett Reading Makes Cents 2023-2024Wants vs. Needs vs. RobotsWants and Needs Puzzle Pieces Match

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Lesson Plan By:Lynne Stover &Lauren Shifflett Reading Makes Cents 2023-2024Wants vs. Needs vs. RobotsWants and Needs Puzzle Pieces Match

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Lesson Plan By:Lynne Stover &Lauren Shifflett Reading Makes Cents 2023-2024Wants vs. Needs vs. RobotsWants and Needs Puzzle Pieces Match

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Lesson Plan By:Lynne Stover &Lauren Shifflett Reading Makes Cents 2023-2024Wants vs. Needs vs. RobotsWants and Needs Puzzle Pieces Match

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Lesson Plan By:Lynne Stover &Lauren Shifflett Reading Makes Cents 2023-2024Wants vs. Needs vs. RobotsWants and Needs Puzzle Pieces Match

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Lesson Plan By:Lynne Stover &Lauren Shifflett Reading Makes Cents 2023-2024Wants vs. Needs vs. RobotsWants and Needs Puzzle Pieces Match

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UULesson Plan By:Lynne Stover &Lauren Shifflett Reading Makes Cents 2023-2024Wants vs. Needs vs. RobotsWants and Needs Puzzle Pieces Match