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2023 RMC Robots ES Discussion Questions

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PRESENTED BYElementary Discussion Questionswww.ReadingMakesCents.comWANTS VS. NEEDSVS. ROBOTSBy Michael Rex

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Lesson Plan By:Lynne F. Stoverstoverlf@jmu.eduWants vs. Needs vs. RobotsBy Michael RexPenguin Random House/2023STORY SYNOPSIS: Do you know the difference between a wantand a need? It can be a hard thing tounderstand, especially when you wantsomething so much that you feel like youhave to have it. But some things aren’tessential—like jellybean tacos and groovyboots. Other things are essential—like fueland feet to put the boots on. The robots inthis book are here to show you the differenceas they make trades to get some things theyreally want (hooray!) but give away somethings they need (oops!).

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Lesson Plan By:Lynne F. Stoverstoverlf@jmu.eduReading Makes Cents 2023-2024Wants vs. Needs vs. RobotsDiscussion QuestionsElementary Discussion QuestionsWhat is a need? [A need is something you cannot survive without.]What four things does a robot need? [batteries, arms, legs, oil]What is a want? [A want is a good or service that you would like to have, but donot need for survival.]What are some things might a robot want, but not need? [examples include:fancy sunglasses, jelly-bean tacos, unicorn hats, golden ukuleles, cool shirts,fabulous boots, a remote-controlled platypus, a delicious cake]When the robot trades what it needs for the things it wants, it gets in bigtrouble. The author gives the robot a second chance. This time the robot tradesservices for the things it wants. A service is an activity performed by a person (orrobot) done for others, such as cutting hair or painting a wall. What are the services the robot trades for the things it wants? [singing a song,building a wall, loaning out a remote-controlled platypus.] Do you think the robot made good choices at the beginning of the story?[Most students say no.] Do you think the robot made good choices during theredo? [Most students will say yes, with the exception of trading its eye.] Show the students the cover of the book Wants vs. Needs vs. Robots.Ask them to think of the things they need as you read them the story.After reading the book to the students ask the following questions.Enrichment Question: What do you think you, as a human, need to survive? [Most people agree thathumans need air, food, water, clothing, sleep, and shelter to survive.]