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2023 RMC Lemonade MS Discussion Questions

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PRESENTED BYMiddle School Discussion QuestionsIT BEGAN WITHLEMONADEBy Gideon Sterer | Illustrated by Lian

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Lesson Plan By:Lynne F. Stoverstoverlf@jmu.eduIt Began With LemonadeBy Gideon Sterer | Illustrated by Lian ChoPenguin Random House/2021STORY SYNOPSIS: From New York Times bestselling author GideonSterer is an imaginative, colorful tale of making(and selling!) lemonade from life’s lemons is nottoo sour and not too sweet.One scorching hot summer day, a spunky younggirl decides to sell lemonade . . . only to find thereare too many other young entrepreneurs on herstreet with the same idea. So she sets off with herlemonade stand and ends up at the river’s edge,where she discovers a most unexpected, quirky,and very thirsty clientele.

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Lesson Plan By:Lynne F. Stoverstoverlf@jmu.eduReading Makes Cents 2023-2024It Began with Lemonade Discussion QuestionsMiddle School Discussion QuestionsScarcity is the condition of not being able to have all the goods and services youwant. Why do you think there was no space on the city street to sell lemonade?[There was a scarcity of space. It was hot and many people had the idea to selllemonade.] Every choice involves an opportunity cost—the second-best thing we give up toget the thing that is our first choice. What did the girl give up by not finding aspace on the city street to set up her lemonade stand? [By not finding a spaceto set up, the girl and her runaway lemonade stand found an unusual locationto sell the much in demand product.] The many entrepreneurs who had set up lemonade stands were using variousmarketing strategies to make their product unique. Study the illustration onpages 3-4. What are some of the ideas they used? [Examples: underpricing thecompetition, curbside service, limeade, advertising their lemonade as the best,big lemonade dispensers]At the end of the story, the girl is dreaming of her possible future. Not only isshe planning on building a bigger and better lemonade stand, she also wouldlike her own orchard, recreational area, dock, and outdoor restaurant. If thisdream were to come true, what possible jobs would her business create?[Possible responses: builders, waiters, cooks, farmers, harvesters, tour guides,recreation directors, advertisers, and accountants.] Question: Enrichment Question: The lemonade stand in the story has a distinct personality. Itdisplays emotions and provides perspective as to the girl’s various situations. Theliterary term of this is personification; the attribution of a personal nature or humancharacteristics to something nonhuman. Do you think this adds to the story? If so,how?