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2023 RMC Lemonade ES Discussion Questions

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PRESENTED BYElementary Discussion QuestionsIT BEGAN WITHLEMONADEBy Gideon Sterer | Illustrated by Lian

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Lesson Plan By:Lynne F. Stoverstoverlf@jmu.eduIt Began With LemonadeBy Gideon Sterer | Illustrated by Lian ChoPenguin Random House/2021STORY SYNOPSIS: From New York Times bestselling author GideonSterer is an imaginative, colorful tale of making(and selling!) lemonade from life’s lemons is nottoo sour and not too sweet.One scorching hot summer day, a spunky younggirl decides to sell lemonade . . . only to find thereare too many other young entrepreneurs on herstreet with the same idea. So she sets off with herlemonade stand and ends up at the river’s edge,where she discovers a most unexpected, quirky,and very thirsty clientele.

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Lesson Plan By:Lynne F. Stoverstoverlf@jmu.eduReading Makes Cents 2023-2024It Began with Lemonade Discussion QuestionsIt Began with Lemonade | By Gideon StererElementary Discussion QuestionsThe day was very hot, so the girl and her father made lemonade. Whatproductive resources did they use to make this refreshing drink? What werethe natural resources? [The word natural should give them a hint. The lemonsand water were the natural resources, the gifts from nature that are used toproduce goods and services.] Who were the human resources? [The girl andher father were the human resources. They chopped, measured, squeezed,stirred, and tasted.] What were the capital resources used? [The “cap-i-tool”resources where the spoons, knives, and bowls and pitcher used to make thelemonade. Also, the hammer and brushes used to make the lemonade stand.]A market is any place where buyers (consumers) and sellers (producers) meetto exchange goods and services for an agreed upon price. What are the threemarkets represented in the girl’s story? [The city street market, the riversidelemonade stand market, and the possible market of the future in the girl’sdreams.]Consumers buy and use goods and services. Who are the consumers buyingthe lemonade on the city street? [The children and adults in the neighborhoodwere the consumers.] Who were the consumers by the river? [Fishmen, watercreatures, land animals, and mythical beasts.] 1.2.3.Introduction: Show the students the cover of It Began with Lemonade. Share withthem that the young girl on the cover is going to be telling her story of scarcity,entrepreneurship, goods & services, and creative problem solving. Tell them that thedecision is up to them to determine whether they believe her tale or not. After reading the book to the students ask the following questions.

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Lesson Plan By:Lynne F. Stoverstoverlf@jmu.eduWhy wasn’t the girl able to sell her lemonade on the street near her apartment?[There was no room. Space to set up her lemonade stand was scarce becausethere was not enough land to place her stand where she wanted. Scarcity is thecondition where human wants exceed the capacity of available resources tosatisfy those wants.]What good did the girl sell? Goods are tangible things that can be bought andsold. [She sold lemonade.]What services did the girl provide? Services are activities performed by people tomeet other people’s (or creatures) wants. [She provided the service of selectingand mixing the ingredients to prepare the yummy, cold lemonade to sell. Shealso provided an opportunity for the various sea creatures to meet andcelebrate.]At the end of the girl’s eventful day, she is surrounded by all the treasures sheexchanged for her lemonade and dreaming of the future. What do you think shewill do with her day’s earnings? [Possible answers: She will spend it on thingsshe likes. She will save it for the future. She will invest it in a bigger and betterlemonade stand.] 4. 5.6. 7.Reading Makes Cents 2023-2024It Began with Lemonade Discussion QuestionsEnrichment Question: Tell the students that money is anything that works as a medium of exchange;something that is used to pay for goods or services. The river people and creaturesused various items to purchase their cups of lemonade. For example: gold bars, oldcoins, shells, watches, and pirate hooks. Ask the students to think of some reasonsthese things might not work as money in the world we live in. Be prepared for a livelydiscussion.